Val's Cafe
hi Toni
how are you this afternoon/ evening?
you're building an ark? My goodness that sounds like hard work lol, maybe you could fix poor toady’s roof at the same time?
the EF plans keep on changing, bill said LA is as fit as fox now, I think he invented his own expression there but never mind, lol, which is great, but the plan changed, so they didn’t come to Reading today, but they’re coming here tomorrow, not to the house however, but to the hall where the religious/ social event is happening. I’m still worried about mum really, because if LA has a fever that’s coming and going, she could still catch it, but mum and dad had some terrible “barneys” after her procedure and shes in a tremendous mood and wouldn’t listen to me, it’s quite stressful really, I’ve eaten more rubbish than usual in an effort to cope with it, I also walked a bit more today, not WR walk or anything extreme like that, but a bit more than usual as my foot and leg are improved, not fully improved but I managed, as of course walking is so good for stress and it helps me with sleep too, but don’t worry I was careful.
sorry you’re feeling bad with mxt hangover, I somehow managed a very deep sleep yesterday after mxt, so right now I’m not feeling so bad thanks, but as you said that can change any ookey time
LA likes chicken, BR is sick of it, confusing I know lol
hows Lucy?
I think I’ll stop there, but if neck pain
bye Toni tc xx
ps pic of toady perhaps? Lol xx
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👋 toady
how are things in toad hall?
paypal thought you were an alien? That’s all you need
machiavelli may have recovered
Bit of neck pain so bfn tc xx
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Hi all 👋 *post may contain grumpiness* didn't sleep at all well 2nd night running, up making tea at 2 (didn't run into keef), walked into town and didn't enjoy that much either 🙄 generally tired and grouchy.
Someone is bidding on 'my' nosegay bookmarked phone for tomorrow frog, so I may not be in luck. Yes I remember yours come from there too if poss 👍️. I still feel the same surprise I did when I first realized the money is in the calls/data/contracts or whatever for mobiles, seems all wrong to me, I expected the handset to be the most expensive bit as it's a thing, have never really got past that 😂. Will let you know if I have gone mad & bidded to double figures 😄. Talking of old cars did you see that absolute beauty a gentleman has spent 3 years restoring, found online that was his Dad's, amazing story and triple amazing it hadn't sold the day before. An enviable life all round really, sigh. Sleek will have been happier today I expect, yes I remember well the 'try all doors' optimistic cat thing, & the backing away when they see what's out there. Always so sorry for mine when she decided she had to make a dash (despite litter tray option) and would come in all spikey. She quite likes her brush? oh good. She might be glad of a quick groom it wasn't too rainy on her way here today but you know what the damp does to one's fur. Monty is planting lettuces? 😬 oh dear 😳. Got as far as thinking about sweet peas but just no time for such fanciful things at the moment. Soon maybe. Should be nice tomorrow, the only one for a fortnight 🙄, shall try and make the most of it. Glad Lucy is feeling better, have a good Sunday all :) xx
Hello joan, there is always some water in at the moment when it rains that much, just keeping an eye on things 🙄 hopefully not for too much longer. Shouldn't be as heavy as that again I hope. Have a good Sunday it looks dry and quite nice. I went into town, my supermarket was out of a few things and the prices are just shocking 😱. Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, the visit is on off on off I can't keep up 😬 nor can you I expect! Is it better or worse that it's not at HV I suppose at least your mum won't be catering? but I see that going out to the event has its own worries 🤔 good luck with it all. I tried the go for a walk and hope to sleep better tactic myself today, we'll see. Toad Hall is still damp haven't got the benefit of that nice roaring fire or a glass of whatever Toad is having 😄 I do have an open fireplace actually but using it might not be the best idea ever, even if Toni has enough leftover wood to make it worthwhile. Nothing else happening with me, nosegay is still deadly quiet and gets more irritating all they time, they keep putting up handy tips that you don't want and can't get rid of, like 'why not offer free post' and 'why not send all your watchers cheap offers' 🙄 ugh. Hope you have an ok night and wake up feeling fit as a 🦊 (some hope!!) or at least up to coping with tomorrow's doings, and your mum too. Hilarious doctor's humour there 🤨 but it's nice they said she was lovely 😊 and they were happy, that's the main thing. Bye for now hope neck settles a bit :) xx
Have a good rest of evening to keef too, nice of Sucré to tip you off as to when it gets dark 😄, once the clocks go back it will be practically all flipping day 😕. V impressed about his picking up the Peter & The Wolf piece so quickly. I remember the Andy Timmons vid you posted, didn't realize he was someone fairly new to you. Always nice to find people. Have you seen the pics from the Bowie exhibition in Kent? Still time to pick up a co-signed print for around £7k 😬. Cool looking gallery though & quite a nice website, apart from the spelling mistakes which always nosedive a business for me 🙄 proofread stuff, people. Have a good night, btw does the no pjs in bunker in daytime rule apply to you too? 🤔 xx
Love to all & hope that Barbara, Kitty, Carol, mig & everyone are not too much in the thick of any of this weather 😘 xx
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Hi Toady, love the fact your post may contain grumpiness 😁
yes the pj rule does apply to me, but I don’t really have that many pairs of pjs, the ones i do have are more like evening wear at home, as Mrs Keef supplied them (cow print, glow in the dark halloween…….) and I’m more of a T shirt and Calvin Clines kind of guy, hope that’s not too much info.
so I give myself a pj pass for the bunker so long as it’s after dinner. It is a funny sight seeing me cross the yard in the dark as a glowing skeleton.
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Well our team didn't do so well at the quiz last night, but never mind we had a good laugh anyway.
Morning Joan I hope you and Sue and the dogs are well. We had our lovely neighbours on our team last night which was really nice and a chip supper at half time😊Finally the rain stopped here I hope it's ok with you too ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
Oh dear so it looked as though LA was on the mend but actually bless him he wasn't😕I hope for your sister's sake that BR doesn't catch it next🤞
How are you though? How is your leg - is it still improving? and your Mum of course. She would have been disappointed not to see EF. Hopefully in a slightly more public venue like the meeting place she should be safer.
You are just so sensible to take steps to maintain your own calm while HV was going on. That's awful for you and a bit of comfort eating is quite understandable. The extra walks (yes so good for our MH) will have probably counteracted any harm done. I'm sure you were careful.
Hopefully LA will get some chicken today and BR won't have to have any and they'll both be happy. Your Mum will cheer up seeing them and your dad because he can show off his family to his friends.😊
You do your best to look after yourself in all the mayhem ((()))
Morning Keef
How are you today?
Of course it has to be best butter in your apple crumbles. I expect it's all gone now.
That is funny having to wait Sucré out! You are doing the right thing, but you know if I had any paw patrol PJs I'd be tempted to keep them on too!
He is going to be a musician he is! Gosh you must (I know you will) nurture it. Wow that's incredible at his age too.
This is his first year of actually seeing the changes in the seasons too isn't that cute.
I love that Bowie song! now I have had a lesson as to who the guitarist is and just popped it up on YouTube to listen to while I am typing. Thanks
BTW I love skelly puss!
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady it's stopped raining!!!
The town is well flooded with photos of submerged cars in the media. We are ok here flooded one end and muddy the other but we can get out. Are you ok?
Wallflowers I am thinking about wallflowers. I just love the smell what do you think?
Sleek said you gave her a quick brush and she purred is that true?! Her new brush is very well designed 'For smol catz' as she often refers to herself who have quite thick fur. She takes a bit after me there.
That's exactly it! She backs away from the door so disappointed when it's raining out there too! Yes the dash out for a quick call of nature in spite of there being a perfectly clean litter available. They are so funny and sweet.
Oh dear me who is the evil person who is trying to steal your prospective phone from under your nose?😮 I am horrified!!!! I can't get my head around the value of them either especially the fact that their value to the companies is in the contract. Still if people will pay that much that's their choice. I just won't.
By teh way considering you felt grumpy you didn't sound it at all! I feel a bit stressed as there was a fall out in the village yesterday between two people who I am friends with which has left me as 'Froggy in the middle'. I hope that it blows over quickly this time,
Ah well such is village life....
Take care
bit of a naughty breakfast especially single use cups, but it looks nice!
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Keep warm have a good day. Love to everyone.
Toady (()) Have a good day. How is your phone. Have a good week. I think there is rain next week.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) sorry you didn’t do well in the quiz. It’s nice to have a laugh. Have a good day today (()). Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s a lovely name. Sorry your mum (()) is not happy. Take care thinking about you.
Keef (()) have a good day. I hope your pain is a bit better today. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
how are you all today?
House Vesuvius is most definitely in session,
but I’m putting a downpayment on a poem as toady might say, lol.
”See” you all later bye tc xx
ps pic of toady, her clones, Sleek and nasty M’s hat! 😂 xx
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Morning all.
Hi Toni, yes we have already got a school in mind that has a wonderful music department. I can’t even talk about it without getting emotional.
Sucré has asked for an afternoon nap😳 although now is denying it. Hopefully he’ll nod off I could do with some sleep.
i too have my eye on something on ebay. Will share any developments……..
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I left off my Tramadol today due to bad tinnitus now I can’t stop crying. Stupid flipping medication. I don’t actually have that much pain and I’m scared to take anymore pills in case it does my hearing in. Things have calmed down and I know i won’t be able to sleep without taking some due to the withdrawals but my 2 go in a while and I’m dreading being on my own.
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Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
how are you all this evening?
hi Joan
thanks about my name and about mum, she is seeing the grandkids now, so maybe her mood will improve 👍
hope you and Sue have a nice evening and night tc xx
hi Keef
l’m sorry about the tramadol withdrawal side effects, that sounds tough.
Hi toady
sorry about your lack of sleep, that sounds awful, I myself didn’t have much sleep until about an hour ago, as dad was shouting about this social event thing all day long!! He was shouting on the phone trying to invite a Muslim gentleman to a Hindu event and committing all sorts of similar faux pas - silly person. Mum is in a bad mood still, not quite sure why. Yes at least she didn’t have to cook. Neck is ok thanks but it’s kind of “early days” situation but thanks for asking
hi Toni
let me just put my poem on here while I remember
Poem for VC called Chilly Air Does Not Congeal The Rage, But It Makes It Easier To Write Rhymes On This Page
With eight clips in my hair
I proceed on a windy day without a care
At home, the lava is flowing freely on the rugs
And Bill is spying on the whole household. He’s filled the place with bugs.
No solitude to just sit and think
My only free choice is about whether to write this poem with biro or old fashioned ink
Outside the freezing air is better than the internal fire
Only LA’s funny pranks lift me out of this emotional quagmire
ok that’s the poetic effort for today 🙏
thats a shame that you did not win the quiz, but it’s good that you enjoyed it anyway
Thanks about mum. Yes she will definitely be feeling a bit better at least after seeing LA and BR, dad likes these events anyway, because he’s a VIP in the hierarchy of the social event organisers, or at least that’s what he thinks yes lol, and yes, he will definitely enjoy showing off his grandchildren as well. I just hope that he doesn’t give them too many Indian sweets because making them vomit and upsetting their stomachs would really just be cruel but no one knows what happens next with dad. That’s one of the main problems.
thanks about my leg it’s not too bad thanks. It has definitely improved since when I saw the nurse but it’s still bothering me at times and getting a bit worse in the cold and the damp which also makes me think it is perhaps a mini arthritis - flareup or something like that, I don’t mind it too much. It’s just a bit frustrating not to be able to “walk my stress away” as it were as we sometimes like to do.
things are okay now thanks Toni, but I couldn’t sleep properly for a long time because dad was shouting about the event and after I went on my walk, I couldn’t get any proper rest until the evening so that was very frustrating for me. Also had a disagreement with a Facebook friend, which isn’t really a big deal, except that I’ve decided I don’t really need to deal with any more insecure people online because I have my own problems and if they can’t act normally then they need face-to-face help with their problems, I can’t go around giving advice to people I haven’t met all the time.
I was thinking of poor toady, not sleeping well for two days. I am so grouchy just not having had one nap on time lol
on the funny side of things bill went early to the event because he heard that there are 10 food stalls there different stalls there, all with different Indian regional cuisines so I think his plan maybe to have 10 meals and then go back and have a kangaroo Takeaway supper 😱. My goodness I think someone needs to go and bulk - buy some antacids. I’ll put toady on the case. Maybe she can get some cheap ones from nosegay if all else fails. Let’s hope they’re not just coloured pieces of chalk that Lolenzo and Larco have put together in a medicine bottle. Oh dear, what an ookey thought! 😱
Okay I’ll leave it there for now Toni because the Vesuvius constituents of house Vesuvius will be returning soon and my solitude for the day will soon come to an end. Have a good night everybody, keep warm and take care. xx
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Hi all 👋
Well I'm not sure where that day of full beaming sunniness was, that I was promised 🤔 but there was the odd good bit and better than rain. I don't live near any flood danger areas, frog (if that's what you mean by am I ok or just weather & leak-wise), you can't really truly appreciate what the people that are in the worst of it are going through just x miles away, you can imagine it & watch it, but it feels unreal when all's calm in your own neighbourhood. Awful times. Hope not causing you too many problems getting in & out of the village, I assume getting out of the muddy end will do for now and you can avoid the flooded end. Sorry you are Froggy in the middle, of something awkward, how horrid, of course you'd hate it 😔 I hope it blows over for you. Village life must be a bit of a tightrope walk, I don't think I'd do that well at it - when I come & live next door to you people will mutter about me being very unforthcoming & un-community-minded I expect 😬 sorry about that 😄. Hope thing are less stressful v soon. Sorry about the quiz, but hurrah for fun & chips, anyway. Yes wallflowers, do get, I love them 😊 in fact I left last year's to do a 2nd year as well as their original 2nd year, you know what I mean, even if the advice is to dig up & start over. I have thought about perennials but that usually seems to be a choice of Bowles' Mauve or lump it, though I may be ill-informed (and anyway nothing against Bowles' Mauve). Will look into it again. Oh I should have started with my big news, Mrs B is back!!! 😍 I was out by the shed and there she was, her dear old self 😊 v happy to see her. A jolly good antidote to grumpiness (yes I did manage to hide mine under a bushel yesterday haha). Didn't get my auction, 3rd person put on a max and I poked them up a bit but don't know what it would have taken to get over them, by then probably not a toad's idea of a bargain anymore, so never mind. Have a good new week, love to all (and the very sleek Sleek, thought I must keep up standards & send her home as well-groomed as she arrived, yes there was purring 😺) :) xx
'Night to Joan & Sue, quite chilly here tonight 😬 not keen. I suppose it will warm up when it starts raining again, yes next week as you say, & the one after by the looks. I didn't get my phone so will start looking again. I was just saying to Toni that Mrs B has returned 😀 will have to see if she's visiting or back for a spell now. Have a good Monday, love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, splendid poem, of the kitchen sink school I suppose you could say 🤔 given the HV situation 🤨 oh dear sorry it's been such a shouty day 😕. You would expect things of a social nature to create a more pleasant mood rather than have the opposite effect, or would you, maybe not tbh. The people-y factor has to be taken into account 😱 same goes for FB I suppose. Hope the early days neck turns out ok over the test of time so to speak. Hope you get some ok sleep yourself too, I did last night, well apart from dreaming about damp wallpaper and ceilings falling in, which is hardly surprising 😄. But don't worry thanks I'm not awake for hours when I have an off night or anything, might just have an unsettled bit or can't get off, or indigestion or wake up and go and make tea (though I don't have any rich tea bics so that's a bit of a disaster!), but no worse. And some of that's in my own hands anyway dealing with stress and bad sleep hygiene. I will try & let the lovely bats lift me to a nice sound moonlit sleep tonight, watched over by Sleek and the little mouses 🌚. Oh btw I made a nosegay sale tonight so I am at my desk so to speak if you need me to handle the antacid deal 👍️😄. See you soon tc :) xx
'Night to keef, sorry not the best day for you 😦 hope you did get a nap in the end, Pjs or otherwise (not tmi 😉) - think yourself lucky not to be in the market for ladies pj's, they think we all want stars, hearts, icky slogans or Disney. I love the image of you doing a spectral little flit to the bunker in the dark as a glowing skeleton 😂 don't know why but I keep reverting to the idea that the bunker is off the house, must fix it in my head. Good luck with your ebay item, I lost mine for being too stingy haha. Hope you can have an ok night, tea anytime ☕️ it will have to be digestive biscuits :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Morning everyone
Morning Joan yes having a laugh is what matters most isn't it and the company of nice people. We had our lovely neighbours on our team and their youngest son was visiting. I hope you are snug and warm? Is the heating behaving? Love to you both ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
Here is a coffee for you.
Here also is my opinion about your hearing/tinnitus and pain meds for what it's worth. If you need them due to severe pain take them. I have had tinnitus for a long time due to playing my music far too loud and going to many many concerts over the years. Of course being a musician your hearing is far more important than mine, but I have learnt to almost 'ignore' the whistling and buzzing. Only at times of silence can it be really audible.
I am also sorry your little family gets split up every week due to work commitments. That is really tough - you clearly adore them (and they you) hopefully one day a better solution will show itself. In the meantime it does at least mean you can be 'selfish' when you are struggling and put yourself first. Sometimes that can be a real blessing.
Take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi. How are you today? Just wondering whether there is any kind of strapping/support you can get for your leg. I only suggest it because walking your troubles off really helps you. It would be good if you can get out as much as you want to🤔
The poem is great! I love it when it's a VC poem and we know all the 'characters' LA's pranks certainly do lift the emotional quagmire☺️
Your Dad does have a booming voice though and is clearly a very important person at the cultural society. He will have been very proud of his Grandsons. I expect he showed them off and hope LA behaved perfectly which we all know he can.
BIL!! He is so cheeky! Imagine wanting to try all 10 food-stalls! It sounds lovely though I bet some were vegan😋 Honestly there is no hope for that man's waistline/health!
I hope you get your nap today and that HV has stopped producing 🌋
Take care
Morning Toady how are you? Mrs B is home again! That's fabulous feathery news! Get treating her she needs to stay nearer to home bless her🐦️
There are still cars floating about on Sainsbury's carpark here! Luckily we only have a bit of mud one end and a temporary ford at the other so all is well. Everyone can get out one way or another.
When are you moving in next door? I have had enough! They had another party the night of the quiz and yesterday morning I cleared up bottles and cans (from outside of mine and my other neighbour's houses) and put them on their drive. I suggest when you move in you engage only with people who don't argue! there are plenty like that luckily. Anyway you won't be alone much Sleek will be round all the time and the Cows at the bottom of the garden will entertain you too. I'll help you take the trampoline down😊
Thanks for helping me make the decision about wallflowers. Perennial ones what a good idea. Bowles Mauve are lovely but do they smell as good do you know?
Ah shucks😕 someone else 'stole' your phone, but as you said it was no longer a bargain so they can have it. Another one should turn up soon I hope. I got an alternator for the Fig from nosegay so feeling a bit guilty at my luck😳
Thanks for returning Sleek lovely and shiny. No lugs to be seen I am very pleased with her now. She does purr so sweetly when she's being brushed bless her.
Hope your day is good.
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers.Have a good day.
Toady (()) I read where Monty Don’s dog died he berried it in his garden in one of his coats with a ball and biscuits by his side. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) sorry about all the things you have wrong (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Keef (()) i hope you have a better day today. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Reshmi (()) Have a good day (()) love to your mum (())
Julie (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi all 👋
Still dry so far, wonders will never cease. Days more flooding risk though, the news says, hate reading doomladen reports saying this is the way the weather's going, all our fault, &c 😕. Thought I'd come in for an earlyish slightly gloomy coffee. Thanks for the blueberry waffles frog I was very glad of them seeing as I grilled & blackened my apple pie instead of the oven setting 😳😄 hardly ever do that. At least it meant I was extra careful & double checked before doing some baking with Sleek this morning - I'm 99% sure there was no cake mix in her fur once we tidied ourselves up. Oh, not more parties next door 🙄 and mess, I see that time is of the essence for me to engineer some sort of master plan 🤔 not sure what it is, but will try & get a move on 👍️. Have had another look up about wallflowers, there are definitely more perennials to choose from, nice compact varieties, inc the 7 different 'Winter' series, Winter Orchid, Winter Sorbet &c (pretty 😍) - 'one of the new generation of massively long-flowering perennial wallflowers, which, unlike 'Bowles Mauve' has scent into the bargain'. There we have it. Bowles can also grow quite large and fall over, among other issues, no perhaps not for me. Well done on your Fig alternator 😀 I am pondering a phone that looks quite good as it has a long battery life apparently, a big plus, except then replacement are priceyish as you'd imagine, so can't decide if that's too much of a downside 🤔. Have a good afternoon, I am going for a potter outside while it's ok. Mrs B was on the fence, we had a nod and a quick word :) xx
Hello joan, oh that's very sweet and sad about Monty's dog 💗🐾. His animals are lucky to have such a nice home and a lovely life. Have a good afternoon, it's bright but really chilly, I think I will get my knitted fingerless mittens out at this rate 😄. xx
Hi to bosh thank you for the nice hot drink 😊 see you later I daresay :) xx
Hope keef is doing ok today, love to everyone, hope Julie is alright too/as well as possible xx
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Hi toady
glad today you’re in better spirits today
I am as well at the moment, I’ve got some much-needed sleep 👍
as for the nosegay deal on antacids yes please that would be very helpful. I’m giving you the green light to buy anything and everything “antaciddy” on the planet ha ha
I noticed you said something like Mrs B is back to her usual self that was funny because my mum is also Mrs B of course but I can’t say the same I think she’s going to the social event every day and it’s tiring her out, it’s a bit of a nightmare to be honest, the last day of this event is tomorrow I think, Im not absolutely sure, but Wednesday should be normal i’m hoping and praying and I also of course hope I get to group on Wednesday as I usually do.
I know what you mean about Facebook, I use it less often than used to, but the person I was communicating with seemed to like using FB as opposed to WhatsApp or whatever. Anyway never mind I’ve sent him straight now saying that basically I’m not a universal counsellor or something like that, if he some trust and respect - related issues he needs to deal with that himself. I am not getting involved anymore. I feel much better communicating after to him after that actually.
I have a cunning plan to write more later on, but of course that all depends on the magma situation in this volcanic household lol
bye for now Toady take care xx
ps a little bit of blackbird art I found xx
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Hi Toni Joan and Keef
How are you all?
hi Toni
thanks about leg compression bandage idea, I have one at home somewhere, but at the moment it’s my foot that’s more of a problem
mum is moody but ok thanks 🙏
the event is today too
LA is coming to stay with us tomorrow I think he’s staying for 2 nights
I’ll go for now, will write again later
bye everyone tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you this evening?
im sorry it’s been one horrific day here,
mum and dad got in horrific moods
im so tired
I’ll try and send you a proper message tomorrow
good night Toni Joan Keef and everyone tc xx
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Hi all, just checking in.
Been over to see my family at Nanny’s this afternoon. Rode home in the rain, which I enjoy. New tyres are amazingly grippy in the wet.
Saw osteo for treatment too which was quite painful with very little tram in my system.
thanks to everyone wishing me well. I have stabilised now I think. Feel okay in the mind, if a little sore in body.
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'night all, 'night bosh, so sorry about the shouty day 😔 such a shame he can't be a big noise in the social heirarchy without the actual noise 🙄. Hope once this thing is over tomorrow things settle down and for your mum too🤞(I must remember not to say anything too random about my Mrs B that could be taken as disrespectful, like she was squawking loudly & looking bedraggled, in case of mistaken identity 🤭). And now an LA visit too, oh lawks a mercy, good luck with that. We will all need good nights sleeps (that doesn't sound right, but can't improve on the grammar), I'll try & get one if you will. I should be walking more but it dropped SO cold today after midmorning 😮 I was not prepared!! How is a toad supposed to go on crepuscular walks in this 🙄. I hope your foot eases enough to not interfere with your walks and things do go to plan so you can get out on Weds too. I will apply myself to the antacid purchasing 👍️ I may cream off a small reserve stock for myself, given that I've had a few unsettled nights, including last night for no reason I could think of.. how do you get on with something like raw spinach as a salad type thing if you ever have it.. I suppose that might have been the culprit but who knows, when one thing is ok one time & not another. Glad you feel better having asserted your position to your FB friend 👍️ sounds like that was the right thing. See you next time & keep warm enough cool enough or whichever is the state of the thermostat atm :) xx
Hope keef is OK 🤔 edit: oh just missed you. glad to hear your tyres are grippy and your mind & body, well, doing their best xx
Night all 😘 xx
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? The weather looks more settled now at least. Paul was working in London yesterday back today. Did you say your heating is working ok? I hope so it's definitely getting chillier isn't it? Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef I am very glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better in spirit if not in mind.
Let's hope the body follows suit a bit. Maybe it will after your osteopath visit yesterday🤔
That ride out on the bike will have blown the cobwebs away and really made you feel good. Just like me in my car. I have a smile on my face the moment I get in her. I take it the family were all well?
Take care and have a good day ((()))
Morning Reshmi how are you? So it's more your foot than your leg? Ok. You can get pressure bandages for feet, but maybe y then you'll have to loosen your shoe laces a bit I think. One thing for sure is walking does you good.
That Community event has gone on so long and is just putting too much pressure on your parents. I ahve no doubt your Dad has been part of it's organisation and as a result is extra anxious (therefore grumpy) about it. I am sure it's been a great success anyway.
Facebook can be so annoying. It sounds as though you have been very supportive of this person there and really that stepping back a bit is the best thing for you. So well done.
I hope LA will at least give you plenty of entertainment and that Big B is generally more pleasant when LA is visiting.
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady (who was in rather early yesterday!)
How are you this morning?
I suppose it is our fault partly, all this extra weird weather, but we can only do our bit now it's accepted. Avoiding plastics eating less (in our case no) meat etc. I suppose with the 70's came the real arrival of plastic. if we we here are all we were children so not responsible.
In the 80's people seemed largely ignorant of it all. A bit like it took decades for people to realise (believe) smoking kills. On that subject I really worry about those vapes turning out to be a future serious health hazard don't you?
Anyway we can't worry about it all. Yesterday I was walking in drizzle with Kari and decided just to enjoy being here. Looking at the fungi, the leaves, the chestnuts and the wildlife. Did i tell you I saw no less than 29 deer crossing the road in front of me the other morning? Yesterday about 8 squirrels (we lost count!) 2 herons and ducks and moorhens too. Lovely.
Sleek came back immaculate😺 I would not have known you'd even been baking if it hadn't been for her tin being full of goodies. Very nice indeed.
Oooh yes winter sorbet do look lovely! and frost hardy too to -16! They could definitely be a possibility....
Glad Mrs B saw you and you had a quick word. 🐦️
As for the phone I think the battery one might be a good idea if it lasts a long time? I mean they all 'go' in the end don't they?
Decisions decisions....🙄
Well I hope your day is good today 😊
not blueberry waffles but still has blueberries....
2 -
Migraine city again. ☹️☹️☹️
wppl if i feel better
0 -
ter Good morning everyone
etKitty (()) have a good day. Love to your carers. (())
Toady (()) Have a good day. I’m sorry you have noisy neighbours. We don’t seem to have had a summer I’m still wearing my winter coat. Love to all your little friends.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Yes thank you are heating is working well. That’s nice seeing all those Deer. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you have such a busy household. Love to your mum (())
Keef (()) I hope you feel better today (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx1
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