Val's Cafe
Hi Toni
glad you’re doing ok today
I did a bit of walking, less than usual, but at least half a normal walk so you’re right, even a bit of walking makes a huge difference 👍
im glad the eye drops are helping you
my eyes were feeling ookey after the cartoon film about ducks at the cinema but I think in the stressed out situation I didn’t put my glasses on, oh well, I have applied eye drops from “Loots”, I like that by the way - great Staffordshire rhyming slang there😂 - so that’s bound to properly “kick in” soon.
I managed to convince LA that when I put psoriasis cream on my face I became a “ Snowman- mima” and that if the cream touches him, he becomes an “adulk” - I was able to control his naughtiness with this information for about 5 minutes- then the scepticism set in.
LA also said that when a Mima gets really old, like 80, then she needs to put that cream on her face haha, so according to the nicely showered masses (only joking) one day I’m 18, the next I’m 80! I really need to change dermatologists I think
Dad got into a really nasty argument with a waiter at the Italian restaurant for no good reason, so we had to leave, then we went to McDs to please LA but there was a massive queue, my stomach wasn’t 100% and mum of course is diabetic and needed to eat something quickly, but she was too nice to leave and maybe she’d had a little snack im not sure so I just bought a sandwich and got the bus home, at the time mum said she was getting angry but later on in private she said she didn’t blame me. This is the problem with dad his temper is so volatile and when he’s angry it’s like he always has to bully someone.
ok I’ll stop for now
bye Toni and take care xx
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Hi all 👋
Have overbooked myself rather so it will be a quick hello, have to pack a parcel finish a grocery shop & various other odds & ends 😬.
Hello frog 😊 Sleek & Mabel had barely got in the door before I roped them into helping me pack a large box, involving lots & lots of those polystyrene packing peanut things, you can just imagine! 😹 there's as much chance of there being no cat hairs in that parcel as there is of me getting into your Mardi Gras costume (suits you!) ..maybe the yellow & gold one though? 🤔 at least I'd get a little skirt 😄. No chance of any painting today, the wardrobe paint isn't here yet anyway and also that's a drawing board stage project if ever there was one. I meant to ask about your plastering job, did it go ok? Sorry there is a long way to go yet for the church loo but you never know maybe a boost in funds will turn up. What type of jigsaws did you get, I hope nothing like the 'needle in a haystack' one I had once.. (even came with a magnifying glass), it was awful made me feel quite bad 🙄. Catkins out, ooh lovely, I could have got in the garden today but only managed a min here & there, hope there's another dry bit soon🤞. Right, off to the virtual shop, do small cats like scones? jam & cream if required 😉; the doughnuts are mostly rather highly coloured types thought I'd give them a miss. Hope you had a nice bike ride 😊 love to all xx
Hello joan, yes sun here too it was really quite nice 😊 bit damp on & off the next few days though maybe but nothing too awful. No painting today I need to nerve myself up slowly to the wardrobe 😄 if it all goes horribly wrong it doesn't really matter but it might cheer it up a bit. Have a good day tomorrow :)
Quick hi to bosh sorry things were a little bit fraught in places for the outing but in the circs I admire you ducking the queue (ducks again, that was unintentional!). Hope your mum is ok now and the rest of the visit goes ok. More chat tomorrow when I've ticked a few things off the list, I think I will need face cream sooner than 80 at this rate 😱 hope you have an ok night :) xx
Love to SK and do hope things are better all round today🤞xx
See you all soon I may need extra tea at undesignated tea times 😬☕️ xx
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Thanks toady
enjoy digesting your cream, oh no sorry that would be my problem lol, glad you’re having a busy day, sorry if I get details wrong, I’m not saying your messages are convoluted, it’s most probably my mind lol.
the day started off with sugary tea from the bakery - oh dear - not done that for over a year - oh well tasty and helped me going I suppose
toady that was a two hour long avian extravaganza with no glasses on, my eyes were red by the end of that,
hope you have a good night bye tc xx
👋SK and C how are you both today?
SK how is your son doing now?
👋 Toni sorry I forgot to mention that’s quite a MG outfit lol and I love the hairstyle, you’ve become your own hairdresser! Why not? Lol, maybe I should go to the next HD appointment sporting an eccentric blonde wig like that, I’ll say I used the wrong conditioner and bleached my head - how about a discounted repair job? I’m thinking £ 0.50? Or perhaps not - lifelong ban may be the outcome 😂
good night Toni and everyone tc xx
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Hi Reshmi, he is a lot better today thank you, but still snotty. Seems to be a never ending stream of colds one after another atm.
Toady, seeing as it’s Mardi Gras that costume is more my style I think. Wouldn’t be the first time, but that’s a totally different story lol.
off to bed now so night everyone.
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Any convolutedness is definitely in the writer not the beholder bosh 😂 I literally wrote at New Year 'I must write crisp & coherent posts' (or something like that), it's a lost cause 😬😂. My grammar &c goes out of the window in here, probably because it's off the top of my head a bit like a diary I suppose, people can skim through the more disjointed bits that's only fair, dear reader. That was a lot of ducks! 2 hours, gosh, how much duck related material is there 😮 I would have been really flagging for energy, specs or no specs. Never fear any cream is strictly for cats, me & the oracle are not exactly BFFs at the moment, I will be sticking to the plain stuff. Hope your stomach coping too. Have a good night I hope :) xx
SK well I expect you have the height to carry off the outfit, lucky thing 😄. Have a decent night I hope and that Sucré feels much better soon poor thing 😔 xx
'night everyone love to all 😘 xx
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Tea? ☕ was all going well there for a moment til I realized (after the cutoff) that I hadn't booked the actual pickup for my parcel. Sigh.
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Morning Joan they were strange times weren't they when Lucy was ill? Do you remember me doing pancakes for everyone when Lucy was in hospital? There was a little kitchen there and I got the Auntie Bessie's microwavable ones. I am doing my physio exercises like a good girl already saw him once back in two weeks to see how they are going.. How are you both doing? Have you got your blood results yet? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you doing and your Mum? I hope she is also looking after herself as well as her Grandson? Your poor eyes though they would not have liked not having your specs on. I hope the eye drops sorted it out? I liked the Cinema 'film' mug that was so unusual!
Adorable pics of lady-baby 🎉 tea party LA was in maccies?🙄Like Father like son eh?
LA is getting wise to Mima's funny stories. Right so 80 is old. That's good to know I have a while to go yet then! He is funny! I will happily lather my face in the stuff if it keeps me young though I doubt it will😁
You have to be joking! Naughty BB picking a row with the waiter at the Italian I hope it didn't upset LA? You and your Mum are (unfortunately) used to it. Maccies it was then, but of course there would be a queue - it's half term. I'm glad you ate something which didn't upset your stomach. Unfortunately your Dad will probably never realise that he started the whole thing nor accept responsibility for it. I hope at least that LA had a good time?
Today is another day eh?
Glad you liked the Mardi Gras outfit?
Got you this one for next year - you can use the wig anytime for the HD be interesting to see what he says😂 and for LA? Oh dear some grumpy faces there!
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K how are you though?
Hope you haven't caught the cold? Poor little Sucré I felt the same when mine were little - cold after cold after cold🙄
O.....k....🤔I think the beans need spilling about you wearing an outfit like the Mardi Gras one😯
Morning Toady
How are you today yesterday was lovely Kari and me went for a long walk here (too muddy to risk the bikes) and saw the whole Deer herd. Beautiful, but our photos were rubbish you just can't get close enough.
The 'girls' (Sleek and Mabel) loved the packing peanuts! Especially as they are made of starch and biodegradable, but oh yes the hair! Sleek has ordered some of these
in XXXXS ( hope they fit😐️) for next time.
I am sorry no wardrobe paint has arrived yet. Infuriating that, but it sounds as though there is plenty you can be getting on with if it rains today which Kari said it will😠
Thanks for asking - we were well and truly plastered and it has dried out well so all good well done for remembering. I bought wasgij puzzes? Have you heard of them? They are fabulous. They aren't what is on the box but they are it they are great fun. Expensive, but great fun.
Today though I must brave a hairwash heaven help me😓
Small cats adore scones gosh yes they absolutely adore them probably even more than doughnuts yum!
Take care and hope today is a good one
Hi to Julie and Charlestown if they happen 👋 by...
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Morning everyone.
bad head again. Should be a music day today but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
Toni it was Halloween a few years back. You know what a huge fan of Halloween Loanda is. It’s skulls and spiders all year long here. She had this awesome witch costume for the regular Halloween party that happens at our friends’ house that live in the caretakers house at the cemetery (perfect location for Halloween). She wanted a witches cat and all the costumes were female orientated. So I did the whole costume thing with LBD, wig and heels, cat make up and little cat gloves and ears I even had a tail. No one recognised me until I spoke. It was quite an evening. Lol.
crikey my head is pounding after typing this.
will pop in later if I feel better.
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) sorry you haven’t got the paint yet. We have rain on and off for the rest of the week. I will be glad when it’s a bit warmer. Have a good day. How is your drip.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) How is your eye. (()) Yes I remember the pancakes. Jacky the lady who say’s about her daughter going on her flights. her Dad has a lump on his neck that’s Cancer. The cafe we go to has moved to far away for us to go to. I haven’t had my results yet they say if you don’t hear it’s alright. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry about your Dad it must be very embarrassing for you and your mum. I hope she’s alright (())
Skinny Keef (()) sorry you have pain. How is Sucr’e (()) love to Loanda (()) do you have pancakes.
love to Julie (()) and Charlestown (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all - just a pitstop I am waiting for the grocery van.
Yes raining again frog.. and for 10 out of the next 13 days.. some hope booking this blood test appt for a day when I won't be rained on, on the 3 mile round walk 😒. Hairwash for me too next spare minute, also no fun in the damp (ow, Mabel! ok yes that was a grumble 😳😂). Glad you had a fine walk and saw the lovely deer 😊. And that the plaster has gone well, did you say you were still thinking about colours? The wardrobe paint isn't overdue, had only just ordered it (and I really should stop lining up another job before I've finished the 6 I'm in the middle of). Do you have any nice eco paint tips? The furniture stuff is a good brand but cruelty free emulsion is not so easy is it. I do know those jigsaws I don't think I've had one - I have a few others somewhere not many, if they're too hard I find my head doesn't like them, something about the constant looking & scanning 👀😕. No packing today so the kitties can swap their protective gear for their onesies 👍️ tea & scones it is then, once the shopping gets here. Nothing missing apart from spinach apparently, talking of which, hope the iron is going ok. Have a good afternoon :) xx
Hello joan, not sure how the leak is but as it obviously has no plans to stop raining I will have to go & check soon. Once it does turn warmer do you think we'll have weeks & weeks of dry? Can but hope🤞everything is so muddy & messy outside etc. The paint isn't late I wasn't expecting it any sooner. Sorry to hear your cafe has moved away, what a shame 😔 there was one in the supermarket that just closed here, they redid the whole thing completely a couple of years ago, that was a waste of money just to take all that stuff out again now 🙄. Is there another you can go to as a 2nd choice. Love to Sue :) xx
Hi bosh hope your day is going as well as poss, what a lovely cup of coffee very warm & cheering and the setting too 😍. See you later I expect 👋 :) xx
Best to SK, oh that's fun having been a cat in such good incognito no-one even knew at first look 😄. And that sounds like a fabulous house what a great location 😀. My grandad's family were involved with the building of a little church in their neighbourhood & it came up for sale a while back, would have loved to buy it, my relatives would have been in the churchyard on the back doorstep. Not practical unfortunately 😔 only thing that consoled me slightly was I saw later online how much extensive work had needed doing that they might not have bargained for & would have been a bit of a nightmare. One day maybe when my premium bonds come up they are taking their time 🙄. Hope the head is simmering down have a good afternoon xx
Love to everyone kettle on ☕️ 😘 xx
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hi Toni toady SK Charlestown and Joan
how are you all this evening?
I walked more than normal today although not fast by any means since I was being careful of the rain and puddles, but i did it. It actually proved to be a good idea as I had a good nap in the daytime which I really needed 👍👍
mum was in a bit of a mood. I must admit I have a feeling her blood pressure was slightly low this morning but she didn’t want to talk about it. Anyway she’s okay now that’s the main thing🙏
unfortunately LA made me have a late night discussion with him well relatively late night anyway about whether the Cobras can smell with their tongues because they don’t have noses and this kind of thing. Oh dear, no answer that I could come up with was right in his little eyes, I didn’t mention that of course ELTB comes from the land of cobras as well as elephants as it that may be deemed as highly offensive to undermine his 5 year old authority lol.
he made chocolate fairy cakes with granny today
Tomorrow morning I will probably to go to group because LA will be taken back to MH about three or four in the afternoon, that’s the plan I believe
i love the MG pics Toni 😂
Toni this rain is miserable isn’t it? never mind can’t last forever, have a good evening xx
👋toady how are you? Im glad you enjoyed the virtual coffee, rain for 10 out of 13 days that doesn’t sound good
LA told me that his little brother does not mind the domesticated cheetahs, The ones that most people have as pets, but he’s afraid of the wild ones.
👋Joan how are you both today? Thanks about dad yes he does sometimes do this sort of hostile behaviour when we go outside and it’s very embarrassing and upsetting but everyone’s more or less okay at the moment in the house today, Thanks for asking.
👋 SK sorry that you’ve got a bad headache today that sounds nasty, take care x
I think I have to end this very tiny insufficient compound post because still have not performed ablutions as it were hoping to sneak in while there’s a lull before the storm. Good evening everybody bye for now take care xx
ps elephants for LA’s pal and some little babies doing what they do best - only joking 😂 xx
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'night bosh, have a good outing to group tomorrow and a good LA-visit finale 👋 hope it won't rain on you (it's mostly drips of on/off rain here to be fair not gallons, it just makes it awkward to plan anything 😕 only had a 10min walk yesterday and it still managed to get me, bit mean I thought). Glad you had a good walk and nap. Aw that beautiful elephant baby, what a dear, 2 of those for me please rather than 2 of those in the other pic 😉 though not in the house maybe, well definitely not in the same room as the domesticated cheetahs anyway 🐯. Have a good night I hope, and do hope your mum does overnight and morning. xx
Love to all, have a good night; I am rather sad about Steve Wright this evening. All my yesterdays. 📻️😔.
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Me too Toady. I must admit to allowing one or two tears escape. Yesterdays indeed.
kettle is on. Too much pain to sleep. 🙄
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Can't sleep either just mind too busy, v sorry yours is pain related, yes to tea thanks xx
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Toni asked how I was the other day. I think I am struggling. I think I have been trying to hide behind cramming in as much music as possible on the days I am alone, and then being busy with Sucré the rest of the week, but some days I can’t even get up because of the pain. Especially when it’s migraine city.
my lot have got a couple of trips coming up and I am supposed to be going, but I am dreading them because I don’t think I am going to cope with the amount of pain that the trip will cause me.
just being at home doing stuff here is a struggle sometimes.
after the incident at the surgery with my prescription being denied I have tried to cut the amount i am taking down, and I felt okay to start with, better even, but now I am in so much pain I can’t sleep.
like I say, bit of a struggle at the moment.
i’ve given up on sleeping tonight now. Might get a couple of hours after 6 when I can take some more drugs.
another cuppa Toady if u still about??
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Now Skinny K straight to the Drs for you you need an appt to discuss how limited your life is getting and just how much pain you are in. Enough is enough trying to manage this on your own. Cutting down isn't the answer. I hope you'll brave it and make sure you get the nicest Dr there too.
I don't think you have to go on the trips if you can't manage it. Loanda would not want that at all to cause you more suffering.
I've made you a cuppa it'll keep hot if you are, as I hope, finally asleep.
PS loved the dressing up story I bet those heels hurt your feet! Great attitude getting into the spirit of it and fooling everyone 🙀
Morning Joan hope you and Sue are ok today?
They've moved your café 😕 that's a real shame. Is there anything else near enough for a cuppa for you both I mean what's a trip to town without a cuppa? Oh dear me poor poor Jacky. I am so sorry for her and her Dad. I have a friend whose husband died at 44 of head and neck cancer it's a nasty one mostly men get it, but perhaps they've caught it early🤞Do you know what age he is? Take care of yourselves ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you today and your Mum of course?
Well done going for your extra long walk yesterday it sounds as though it paid off too. I managed mine too with my hood up on my coat - gosh it was wet wasn't it?
So LA is also an expert of cobras and their olfactory senses then? Whatever will he bed when he grows up? You were very wise indeed not to mention ETLB gosh no your life is worth far more than that!!!
Sounds as though he had a good day making cakes with his Granny. Did you have to eat one? If so I hope your stomach coped with it.
I am glad you can get to group and will be back easily in time to see LA back off to MH. The house will seem very quiet without him won't it? Still he needs to get back to start opening his cards he'll need the rest of his school holidays to get them all open won't he?
The elephant baby pic was adorable and you know if LA and BR had been could imagine them planning to wake their parents up at 3am😍
Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Toad how are you?
I hope feeling a little better although still shocked about Steve Wright. Imagine that. Why what was wrong? He was only 69 and was on the radio every weekend. No more 'Our tune'.😔
Sorry about Mabel's claws I am going to Kari's after Friday's walk to help her clip them they are a bit sharp aren't they? I think you have both of them again today as Mabel has not had all her jabs she can only go to 'pet free homes'🤥for now. Sleek of course is dodging this weather. They have their matching unicorn onesies with them today.
How will you get to the Drs?🙄 10 out of 13 day wet😠 Mind I bet we get a really dry summer and need rain for our gardens...
Trying to get decent paint which is cruelty free is one of my stumbling blocks I think I'm after a sort of grey/navy or a white even there isn't too much wall and I am very very lucky that all skirtings and doors are natural wood so no gloss!!!! Well maybe it's nice to line up jobs? Something to look forward to? maybe??
Sleek will bring a bag of frozen spinach over with her M&S frozen from my last work-hard-o order. I ahve several packets it goes in almost anything I can get it in along with flax and chia seeds. The spatone is just fine for future reference except it's in stupid plastic pouches.
Hang on a minute must go Sleek is getting her car out.....
tea in the pot!
A quick 👋 to Julie and Charlestown if they pop in today and of course anyone else who fancies a cuppa!
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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I have done a triage form Toni. No I wasn’t asleep. I was blunt and to the point on the form and requested a face2face but they’ll probably still just give me a ‘phone consult.
I used to rate my surgery as 5out of 5 and wondered why they were rated so low by everyone else. I hope I don’t regret all those 5 star reviews.
Hope you have a good day, and everyone else.
Reshmi that photo almost tripped me out. Very strange indeed, but very well composed. Love the big mug of tea. I do like tea but never thought of bathing in it, which would be possible in a mug that size. Take a while to read that book though, maybe that’s why he needs so much tea.
okay, I thinking about the next tale I can tell you all……..
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Good Morning Everyone
Toady (()) The weather man say’s it’s warmer but I think it’s still chilly it’s the wind. Have a good day. Yes there is another cafe we could go to thank you. Good luck with all your work on the internet.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope your knee is feeling a bit better (()) I phoned the doctors yesterday for my results the lady said abnormal as expected no further action. Yes we have another cafe thank you. I think Jacky is in her forties her ex husband has cancer has well. a lady a few doors a way had a lump on her neck as well. I hope cutting Mabel’s claws goes ok. She’s a good calm puss. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) i hope you have a dry day for your walk love to your mum (()) Skinny Keef (()) sorry about your pain Arthritis wears you out (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
love to Julie (()) Charlestown (())
take care
joan xx3 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
how’s your eye?
went to group
im ok thanks
mum too at the moment
Celeste is stuffing her face
more later xx
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Doc called me. They have put my number of pills up on my prescription and said reorder every 28 days or sooner if I run out. Doc was extremely nice on fone, not at all what I was expecting. I thought I was going to get a lecture about long term opioid use etc etc.
Then at the end of the call she asked if she had covered everything and whether or not I would still like to come in and see someone face to face. So very happy I can control my pain again without worrying I going to run out of pills. I might actually get some sleep tonight.
Glad I took your advice Toni 😁🙏
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Afternoon all 👋
My kettle has gone phut 😮😱😬😱😫 oh calamity!!! And I had just cleaned its filter for it and was going to descale nicely, ungrateful thing. Luckily I have a small spare but it's very unsettling 😔. Stupid thing is, I kept my previous one which is the exact same make & model (it says) and have proved it's the base that's the culprit, they should be interchangeable you'd think but they are a slightly different shape and it doesn't sit quite right 🤷♀️. Anyway all spare teas gratefully received or a thermos if anyone should happen to have a nice one, ahem, @frogmorton 😉.
Hope you are having a good afternoon it is dry out, even 5 mins of sun 🌞. If there's a drought to follow I will have to lump it after all this! Thank you for the frozen spinach, you reminded me I used to buy frozen, totally forgotten ever doing that, good idea! Sleek & Mabel had a nice morning, and I did, hugging little onesie-clad cats 😻 a little tap from Mabel's paw/claws is fine when I'm grumbling, I did tell her to do that to remind me not to. They are rather needle-like aren't they, I hope she gets on ok with the clipping - she is ofc totally safe here, no local cat ever permitted inside. Good luck with the paint; white/grey/navy is not the narrowest of shortlists is it, are you doing test bits? Your skirtings sound fab, do they need anything at all? Oiling / refinishing? 🤔. Right, off to help myself from the cat teacosy pot - I watched the pottery programme last night, they were doing teapots & one they showed as an example was a little cat also holding a little teapot so she was pouring the tea out of that as the spout, very cute. Yes I am sad about Steve W, all of the classic R1 DJs used to be on at a couple of places I worked, inextricably part of those memories & that era now 😔. I am having a nostalgic little mope. Have a good evening yourself xx
Hello joan, thank you as always for the good wishes 😊 I am packing a parcel up for later and have just bought a selection of new boxes because somehow however many you have (I keep ones things that people have posted things to me in), you never have the right size. And you have to be so careful not to go over one of Royal Mail silly size limits. Glad you do have a cafe at least but it's a shame, you get used to places and the people. I don't know what my Dad would say about the price of a cup of tea out these days 😬. Glad to have any tea at all today as I probably have to buy a new kettle 😒. Love to you both :) xx
Love to bosh, hope group was ok, RR was not proferring a Celeste-sized bar of choc to you I hope 😬 I am following all the ins & outs of the littleys friendships very closely btw 😂. Hope all went well with LA setting off back to EF. Probably see you later I will be again I expect 👋 :) xx
Jolly good getting a nice dr to speak to on the phone SK 😊 so pleased for you, these things make such a difference. Glad you feel better about the prescription situation & good to know they're happy to see you. No need to retract all your reviews then 👍️. Thanks for the early hours tea I was feeling a bit morose and Steve W added another element to that, always seemed a nice guy too, sad day. RIP dude✌️#getthegeeseoff 🦆. Will probably be on the scrounge for tea again as my kettle has packed up 😱. Look forward to SK storytime whenever :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Hi Toni toady SK C and Joan
how is your eye Toni?
how are you all this evening/ night?
my goodness that was a roller coaster ride with young LA
hes safely back home now bossing BR and his parents 👍
haven’t been able to rest properly today at all
leg is aching
but I’ll be fine after proper rest
good night everyone tc xx
ps I forgot to put this pic on earlier lol xx
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Funny how quickly moroseness creeps up on you and pounces before you realise. I was thinking about all the years that have gone by with Wrighty’s passing, those wonderful afternoon shows with all the crazy characters and the little ‘shutup’ voice jingle he used to play. Then as I couldn’t sleep I flicked on Quello which is a live music subscription service and I watched a Quincy Jones gig celebrating his million years in the music business and he had a small orchestra minus strings and it was exactly the sort of band I first played in with my dad when I was in my early teens. I would be one side of the band playing trumpet and he would be the other in the woodwind section playing clarinet or sax or bass guitar depending on what the band leader had asked him, he was such a talented guy and his music reading ability was outstanding. So the moroseness got a grip of me too, and all the time I was worrying about my medication as well.
I managed a good day in the bunker on and off from about 7:30 this morning. I have caught up on bass to where I was last time I stopped playing it as my main instrument. Taken me about two weeks I think. I was catching up on sleep when my two came home and I was a bit grumpy that I couldn’t go back out there and carry on but it seemed a bit anti social. Sucré was going on about why I didn’t visit this week, apparently nifnan explained I don’t ha e a roof on my motorcycle and it really was biblical rain here yesterday. He was a bit put out that he had to go 3 whole days without seeing me. He settled in to watch Despicable Me3 for the 30th time after dinner and I just couldn’t sit through it again so I had a lay down and nodded off. Still catching up from last night. That annoyed him too and he was banging and crashing around once he knew I was asleep until I threatened to take the tv off the wall if he didn’t shut up!
okay, i am off to bed after this long rambling post. It wasn’t really directed at anyone in particular just open to anyone who wants to read it lol.
catchup with all you lovely lovely people tomorrow xx
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