Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) yes we have the sun here. The weather man said it was spring. Have a good weekend.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) how is your eye and Knee getting on. Yes Kari is good doing that (()) how is Paul getting on with his pain (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and Your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) I hope everything is going alright there.

    Skinng Keef a scooter good. I have one a bit bigger than that mine goes 8 miles an hour it has a clock. The good thing is you can take them in shops. I used to leave mine outside the shop and walk in. Good luck love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Shivam Welcome to the cafe I’ve never played chess. Have a good day

    love to Julie (()) and Charlestown (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    mum and I are ok now thanks 🙏

    I went on a nice walk

    and had a takeaway banana milkshake from local takeaway as a one - off - also tuna sandwich- tuna is one of my obsessive cravings, as you know, that I haven’t indulged for a while

    the milkshake was really nice and relatively healthy - ish, not melted ice cream like at McDs 👍

    LA switched off the tv as soon as he got home, he said to granny “BR shouldn’t watch too much tv - it’s bad for both his eyes and mind” or something like that haha,

    no one dared mention that when he was here in his Reading hotel he watched television almost non - stop - no one could make him cease watching it - oh that ookey littley lol 😱

    yes nice Dino - esque horns on adulk warthogs lol

    Yes I’m feeling not feeling mxt -y today thanks 👍

    yesterday I rested most of the day - you know when you get those low energy days and if you get the opportunity you rest a lot and then you’re hoping that means normal or high energy level the next day - but you’re also aware that with our “good mutual friend arthritis” that that may not be the case at all? Well, it was like that for me yesterday but thankfully I did have normal kind of energy today, I mean I’m feeling a little bit drowsy now after milkshake and sauna - thermostat - setting- but that’s understandable really.

    your daughters’ monkey toys sound nice

    Nice pig toy LA had one like that at one point - maybe when he reached his thirtieth birthday lol

    Bye for now Toni take care xx

    ps Hopefully not Lorenzo’s mentor lol, if this is factual though, please remind me to pre - order age - reversal tea from toady lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Afternoon all 👋 hope your Saturdays are going ok.

    I love squeaky pig frog 🤭 looks like he has to be a good sport. Aw yes 'play with me mother, play with me!' 😄 very sweet. Sleek and I have not been playing, got stuck with chores here 😬 2 nosegay sales (in my odds & ends shop that hasn't got the offer, naturally, I sense this will be the way of things..) and got in the garden for a while too but much colder. I thought I was being quite good & stoic the other days, but no it wasn't me, it just was nicer. Some of the evicted plants will be moved so nothing too bad. I will probably get similar planting bags to yours I just wondered how the firm got away with saying they would degrade, this was a proper manufacturer, not just an odd reseller 🤷‍♀️. Oh I also got a first coat on the white wall so am definitely now knocking off for the rest of the day. Sorry I couldn't pick up your paint colour properly I think part of it though was because I was expecting grey so I was looking for grey.. definitely towards the blue but yes it doesn't do it quite justice probably. How are you finding it yourself? and Paul (if he gets a say). What a good thing that Kari has started, I had not heard of it! Sounds like not too tough a thing to stick to, hope it goes well 😀. Have a good Sunday, love to all :) xx

    Hello joan it was nowhere near as warm here today because it was overcast, no sun. If the weatherman says it's Spring then hooray, I'm sure he must be right 😊 well we have by far done the worst of it now, at any rate. Hope you are having a good day, I have things to pack in the new boxes, lucky they arrived yesterday! Have a good Sunday both, love to the dear dogs :) xx

    Hi bosh you described that perfectly about the tiredness, and resting, not necessarily working predictably. Glad you did get the benefit on this occasion 😊. Hilarious about LA the moral watchdog of TV for littleys 😂 so so funny. Not sure I can obey the call to get the new kettle absolutely right this minute, I mean sorry LA, have you seen my normal speed of making purchasing decisions 😄🐌 I have things in my 'catazon' saved for later while I think about them list that have been there long before he was born 😂. Perhaps I need to be told to focus, as well, actually that's near enough the truth. That was very funny too, and about BR and the warthog. Nice of BR to take someone under his wing 😊. Hope you have a good evening :) xx

    Hi to SK 👋 my forecast temps here are 10 overnight and 7 tomorrow so I think I'm fairly safe from frost ta very much 😉 wet though, of course, til forever, waterlogged doesn't really beat frost by much 🙄. Nice looking buggy, you can test one out I expect? might make all the difference 👍️. Hope your head lets you go and test stuff in the bunker very soon. xx

    Hi @Charlestown I have put a first coat of paint on my wall, your turn now 😉. Hoping to get away with 2 if possible 😬 much rather not do three. At least I didn't do too badly making mess, I do get roller speckles here & there but usually get it in my hair & all sorts, I'm not a born decorator 😄 and having RA hands means holding brushes and rollers in whatever way works best. Hope you are having an ok day not too cold :) xx

    Love to everyone I am calling it a day for now, tea later if I get my 'second wind' ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    how are you tonight?

    thats funny about the moral watchdog lol

    sorry strained my neck a bit not the end of the world but need to rest a bit

    good night toady and SK and C take care xx

    ps funny sign xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, frost is next weekend 😉

    used bike for a quick trip to MacD’s to meet up with my 2. Now can’t sleep due to pain. Loanda is snoring lol. At least my head finally cleared.

    I wonder if they’d let the crocodile be friendly with the food Reshmi, or even the authorised persons. 😁 Are we allowed to sit down and eat, what about if the crocodile is there, do we have to stand up??

    These and other important questions will be answered when SK returns.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I twiddled the wrong control earlier and nearly blew up the speakers and the new sub in bunker earlier. Thankfully they all have an overload protection and it went very loud followed by very quiet very quickly. Hopefully no damage done.

    I watched some old Earth Wind and Fire videos with Sucré this morning whilst Loanda had a tutorial online searching for some funky basslines. Wow they wore some groovy stuff back in the 1970s.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 18. Feb 2024, 06:01

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? I am ignoring my knee although it's the same I can ignore it and avoid kneeling or bending it too far! Paul feels much better now he knows what the pain is. Do you watch Emmerdale? Last week they had my little car on it well a green one a friend told me so I watched it on catch up. Take care and have a lovely Sunday😊 ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K how are you today? It's raining here and I think set to keep it up all day long 🙄

    I'm glad you joined Sucré and Loanda at Maccies (in Sudbury?) in principle, but it was awfully soon after the last big bout of pain....maybe too soon? Take it easy if you can today ((()))

    What are you doing nearly blowing up your new subwoofer's speakers? Keef!!!!!🙄

    The 70's was kinda cool and chilled for music wasn't it? I have a Car rally to Dawlish in April which I am very much looking forward to (4 nights I think) we are having a 60s/70s night got to dress up😣heaven help me! Ideas? No platforms please😂

    Take care today

    Morning Reshmi how are you? Glad to hear feeling back to 'normal'. I know what you mean normal is ok. Not everyone else's idea of ok but for us it's ok. Glad to hear your Mum is fine too.

    How right is LA I love his grown up phrase (from Mummy no doubt) even if he fails to apply the same principles to his own conduct with regards to TV when he is on holiday🤭

    I like the last sentence on the sign and agree but would BIL? Make friends with people not food. Yes I really like that.

    Your milkshake sounded nice (oh and I think tuna is quite good for you - protein and omegas so guilt free enjoyment) I used to love them with cow's milk never tried a single soya one. Maybe I will give it a go now🤔 Those maccie D ones looks gross to me although Lucy likes the vanilla one.

    I think Vlad has a point about it not being too late, but to be honest I can't be bothered to retrain now can you? Gosh I hope He is not Lorenzo's mentor😥 Please order extra age-reversal tea from Toady I need some quite urgently.

    Take care and have a good Sunday it's raining so maybe no walk for us all ... ((()) ) xxx

    Morning Toady How are you? I presume 'not too bad' no worse than usual.

    Guess who got in the garden?! YES ME!!!!!!! and just in time as today it POURS😕 Never mind I am so pleased with my progress. Bad news passion flower still looks a goner😕 but there are now 3 snowdrops several daffs loads of crocuses etc.. Oh yes and P's honesty is flowering at hers mine, though still alive and well, shows no sign at all😕 Naughty seller alleging biodegradability in a plastic product....

    I knew the colour was difficult to see unfortunately of the paint, but i think that is 'the one'. Maybe it will be easier to see when the whole room is done🤔Paul's favourite colour is blue so his choice really. Well done with your progress. Pace yourself Toad pace yourself.

    You have mail from me to make you laugh. It's a safe youtube video - only bother with probably the first 8 mins maximum it's over an hour.

    Sleek said you were doing paw-sells yesterday. Explaining that the 'sell' part is because you have sold something. She wore her CSI outfit didn't she to keep any floof from the seller- tape? Today it's mackintosh and sou'wester again I'm afraid and a catsi over. Mind she reckons the CSI outfit is useful when you are painting too.

    Flasks are full and ready.

    Hope your (wet) Sunday is a good one.

    A quick 👋 to Julie and Charlestown if they happen by and anyone else who fancies a cuppa.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) how are your aches and pains. Have a good day we have sun at the moment.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Sorry about knee (()) sorry you have rain we have the sun. We are going to the vets tomorrow for a check up ( sounds funny ) we have to be there at 9-30. Have a good day. Paul understands is pain now (()) I like Banana milkshake love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day don’t blow your things up you would miss them. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    love to Julie (()) and Charlestown (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    yes I try not to. I broke the golden rule of turn the knobs slowly, just in case you’re turning the wrong one 🙄 lesson well and truly learnt. I do feel I have to hurry though because I am leaning forward to reach the mixer and it hurts and also I want to get as much done whilst I have maximum pain relief from my pills. What a way to live.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Making cakes. Was gonna be cheese scones but Hooligan said he wanted cakes.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 😊

    When I read your post about rain I thought poor you frog, it's lovely here, and it was, except when I went out to do some weeding & it chucked it down out of a clear blue sky, none forecast nor nuffink 🙄 much muttering of 'you must be joking' and 'hell's teeth', as I grabbed 6 different tools & my weed bucket. Cleared up now 😒 due some tomorrow but maybe only first thing?🤞So sorry about the passionflower that's so disappointing 😕 maybe just too early for the honesty I'm surprised P's is out yet. Btw yes of course I'm pacing 👼 (to the best of my ability, given that I'm cut from the same cloth as SK 😉); finished my paw-cells early 🤭, & no painting today. Maybe tomorrow depends on the daylight &c. Glad you think your paint will be a good 'un 😊 have you got things that tone nicely with it, soft furnishings, fine objets d'art, etc 😄. Thank you for the video; you sent it mere moments after I'd left the cafe yesterday - shall watch it now. Can't think why I wouldn't be interested in all of it 🤔 I have finally committed to not reading the news (4 days so far but I will stick to it), so the more nice things to watch & read online the merrier! 👍️. I've just been researching what my broadband options are after the PSTN change & am so confused, I'm ok with the basic theory FTTP FTTC etc but SoGEA lines & how to have a digital landline, and all that, it's really annoying me because it's making me feel dense for not understanding 🙄. And all the providers keep buying each other out which doesn't help you don't know who you're dealing with. Ugh. Hope you are having a good afternoon, love to all :) xx

    Hello joan 😊 hope you both well today, yes it was quite nice here too, on & off. Have a good appt at the vets tomorrow don't bite or scratch, will you 😄. My cat once bit me at the vets instead of them it was rather spectacular 😮 but better than having to apologize to him. They are better prepared though aren't they, with nice big gloves. I'm not too bad for aches &c at the moment thank you, like Toni's knee I manage things by not doing anything too ambitious like kneeling. Love to Sue have a good evening :) xx

    Wave to bosh and will see you later I daresay hope your Sunday is ok thus far, and your neck is better 👋 :) xx

    Oh gosh can't beat butterfly buns SK 🦋 love buttercream! They're great looking lovely colour 😀 worth being overruled on the scones. I like the 'keep child in box when not in use' 😂 pic, what a handy arrangement haha. Hope all's well in bunker today, nice & sunny, if any has come your way. Oh right frost still to come, ah well I missed that I look ahead now & when I see it's rain for a fortnight I don't even bother with the temps 😒 I will bear in mind anything that might get nipped by it 👍️. They do keep going on about a double snow event mostly up north I think, no idea what that even means 😄. Have a good evening love to all :) xx

    Hi to anyone that calls in 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317
    edited 18. Feb 2024, 19:26

    Hi Toni toady Joan SK and C

    how are you all?

    hi Toni how are you doing today?

    sorry I meant to send a message earlier but mum isn’t very well

    it’s not her bs this time

    she has a bad throat yesterday she almost lost her voice

    but I don’t think it’s serious luckily

    she had a borderline temperature yesterday but no temperature today

    there was one of those cultural society events yesterday I forgot about it until the last minute, anyway my mum went there and it was very crowded but she doesn’t think it’s Covid.

    im ok thanks got totm

    that’s a shame that it started raining as soon as you got into the garden

    LA and BR are ok 👍

    BR is a very energetic young littley just like his brother

    i saw a recent pic of BR in the nursery I think it was the end day and BR was surrounded by lady babies - like someone else we know of course 😂

    I think it was time for them to do some painting but the lady babies were completely exhausted yet BR the little D****ell Bunny was very much vibrant and animated and painting a cheese sandwich in a red packet, or something like that lol, with the enthusiasm and expertise of a young Matisse - ok i exaggerate a little bit.

    I’m feeling ok thanks Toni

    relieved in a way to know the low energy was related to totm this time 👍

    Good point about bill he was not just achieving platonic friendships with food, its very much romances lol, just don’t tell his wife. Haha

    Thanks about the tuna sandwich- it had mayonnaise in which I know can be dangerous but to be honest it’s sometimes hard to order a sandwich of that kind without mayo but it’s a good cafe and I don’t do it all the time 👍

    Yes I too can’t be bothered to re - train either lol, I still haven’t fully completed the mima - training lol, LA was interrogating me about pythons post - bedtime story lol, I tried to hint to professor LA that I’d rather write a thesis on Dinos please, as my snake - related knowledge is somewhat lacking, but LA does not suffer fools or mimas gladly, so thankfully the subject matter turned to the triceratops again 👍

    I did walk actually slowly like one of LA’s favourite snails lol but I just about missed the rain 🌧️

    was there a lot of rain where you are this morning?

    ok have a good evening take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    👋SK how are you today? Nice cakes you and Sucre made there.

    Good point - the finer points of dealing with crocodiles without sitting on them and so on and so forth - I will consult zoology prof LA 😂

    👋Joan how are you both doing today?

    mum has a bad throat but otherwise ok 🙏

    👋 Charlestown how are you today?

    greetings toady 🐸

    neck is ok currently thanks toady

    how are you?

    H**** Teeth - that’s a good expression lol - I like it - that’s a private dental establishment I take it? Not NHS? It’s 9.04 pm at the time of this “scholarly effort” of mine - so very much bad joke time I’m afraid lol.

    have a good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning Joan you'll be up and ready soon to go to the vets. Hope the dogs are deemed to both be super healthy😊I'm sure they are bless them. Paul is definitely feeling more for me now bless him. Tia's favourite is banana milkshake mine used to be lime. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K thank you so much for the photos. It was lovely to see little Hooli He looks very cheeky and cute helping make butterfly cakes. I bet there aren't many of those left now are there 😋 They rose rather well and looked soooo yum!

    I do know what you mean but wonder whether there is anything you could attach to the knobs to make them easier to turn without that leaning position? There must be and I am thinking more of you than your tech - you are not so easily replaced/repaired.

    Now I know you aren't a professional musician but would you know what to say to this person?


    Morning Reshmi How are you? I hope TOTM is under control and yes it is good to know why you are so wiped out and probably extra hungry too.

    Oh dear your mum is slightly under-par I hope she feels more herself today and it's not anything to do with the Community (Cultural Society) event. Good luck trying to get her to rest.

    It was pouring down here yesterday morning and it was ok with you? Honestly it was like a river running down the lane. I had to cut my walk short unfortunately.

    Snakes Mima has to retain and learn about snakes now? Nooooo😣 that's just too much for a Mima to cope with surely? I know i wouldn't want to. Our education is over surely by now?😥

    Oh I see BR is following in his big bro's footsteps is he? Loving the ladies already! A proper lady-baby magnet with a large duracell battery I think! as well as an artistic virtuoso...

    That Japanese garden cake is just beautiful you must have been up all night!

    I loved the pick of that poor man in the water bless him I hope he got out ok. There's me moaning about a bit of water up the lane😳

    Have a good day and take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    How are you? I hope doing ok dodging any ambitious activities like kneeling or getting down on the floor no doubt.....

    Sleek is very good at picking up dropped items. Tommy is better having an opposable thumb though. Flasks are en route....

    I'll try to get a pic of P's honesty and keep peering closely at mine but nothing doing apart from leaves so far..... So sorry about that heavy shower. We went over to see Charley, Lucy and nearly Tia because of that shower you mentioned. Then the sun came out so we dashed back and it rained again! So no garden yesterday for me either. We shall mourn my little passion flower the last one I had in the old house you couldn't have killed if you tried!!!

    Oh dear me broadband lines I ahve no idea whatsoever what to say. It's all a bit much isn't it? I think I woudl be phoning my bro at this point. This reinforces my belief that I do not want to learn anything new - except nice things of course. Things I chose to learn. Only those.

    Have I heck chosen any fancy stuff to co-ordinate with my wall colouring yet!!!!😂 That's Sleek's area of expertise not mine.

    Oh guess what? We had a grasshopper in the house last night!!!!

    I do not watch the news anymore either. People tell me what i need to know and that is that!

    Have a good day!

    👋 to Julie and Charlestown if they happen by😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 😊

    Sun is shining, sort of, cold wind though.

    Sorry it played just as nasty tricks on you as on me yesterday with the rain frog 😣 did manage to get out there this morning, and tackle the arch mend (one good thing about sectional stuff you can replace a leg or a segment at a time), but it was not a fun job so it was just a case of getting it out of the way. Bit more weeding that's about it. Glad you have more Spring bulbs coming up lovely when things start happening 😊. Hope you have had a good morning, are you doing the run/walk with Kari every day now? PM reply to the video thank you 👍️. Should be a quiet day, parcels have gone off, one to California (lucky parcel), one to Ireland. No trapped cat fur 🤭 and no 'seller-tape' required today so far (I love that 😄) but you never know, so Sleek keeps her CSI outfit handy. She is browsing interior design books & magazines 😂 I didn't mean had you any extravagant shopping in mind, just thinking of what the paint was going to work well with that you already have - but yes I think she might have other ideas! 😬. Sadly broadband isn't her area of expertise either, I actually quite like keeping up with new things but when the internet is full of endless confused people & questions about something then you can't help think it's either set up to be unnecessarily complicated or not being explained properly. Have a good day, have you had any 60s/70s outfit inspirations yet? 😄 Love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, hope you & Sue are well and Lexi & Pepper too, and your morning went well 👋 xx

    Hi to bosh, I never made it back in yesterday evening, hope things are ok with your mum today, and you of course, hope she feels better no temp🤞. Yes H**** Teeth almost certainly a private dentist (excuse my original non asterisked version), you may have to travel almost as far as to get to an NHS one though and the surgery may be a little warm for comfort 😱 😄. If it stays dry I ought to have a walk or I will caught out by it going colder again soon apparently, hope you had a nice one yourself if you were able to go :) xx

    Wave to keef and anyone else in today, kettle on ☕️😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    im not too bad thanks

    a quiet day but ok thanks 👍

    I didn’t go out today as a bit tired

    but I’m not feeling too bad now generally and totm - wise

    mums voice is getting stronger thanks 🙏

    Yes a mima’s education never ends it seems lol

    I would have settled with learning little life lessons from time to time like we all do lol

    but it seems that LA needs me to formally re - educate myself, but if I explain that this may have the “side effect” of mima stress - eating a significant amount of his stockpiled chicken nuggets and French fries, I’m hoping this will change his mind👍👍

    There may have been some rain, indeed there was now that I remember it properly, but somehow I managed to avoid it,

    sorry you had a lot of rain, the rain pic was in search for funny pics, so hopefully the despondent guy in the inundated part of Maidenhead, sorry not MH that’s LA’s indoctrination lol, got out of the flooding 🤞

    Thanks, yes I worked hard on that cake, all of 5 seconds haha

    are your eyes playing up a bit more now that spring / hay fever season is approaching?

    it seems to be the case for me, the daily eye drop ritual has started up again oh well

    i actually wore trainers yesterday after a long time, no snow boots or even ankle boots - very unusual- I’ll write it down lol

    have a good evening Toni tc xx

    ps one of bill’s favourite “recipes” again lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum isn’t doing too badly thanks

    her throat is slowly improving

    have a nice evening tc xx

    ps hay fever eye drop - dispensing flowers for Toni and I lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    glad you tackled the arch mend

    mum is gradually improving thanks

    my walk yesterday was ok thanks

    im not feeling too bad today thank you just a bit tired 👍

    so that particular private dentist may be located on a not - so - dormant volcano?

    oh dear then I guess I’ll load my thermos up with bills “ice cube soup” and brave the depths of the underworld

    LA said that BR is going on holiday soon, I’m not sure which hotel is irresponsible enough to take a booking from a three year old but there you go lol, and that he will miss LA and mummy but not daddy, when asked why LA gave an adulk world weary sigh and said something like “ daddy can be difficult, he has tantrums” oh dear that straight - talking littley, someone please hide the cheese…

    have a good evening toady tc xx

    ps ube pound cake xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi SK and Charlestown

    how are you both doing today?

    ps another funny “translation fail” sign lol x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning! Looks like maybe Joan's post didn't 'send' yesterday. Hope (I really hope) that the dogs got on ok at the vets and it didn't cost too much. Sending some hugs for you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi Glad to hear you are coping well with TOTM and that your Mum's voice is coming back too.

    You did well missing the rain, must have been that you went out at the right moment😊 I'm sure the man was rescued by the photographer maybe in your pic of MH's flooding. We were wet here but not quite in that league!

    I know BIL does favour 'simple' cooking for his family. Are you seriously telling me he would himself eat soup made entirely of water even if it is frozen and it was in the middle of a heatwave?😮 This has to be far more up his street

    cheeseburger soup!!! Cooked by someone else!

    We do 'sort of' continue learning as we get older (I mean look at Toady sussing out all that techie stuff I really refuse to understand!). Poor LA is such a bright boy with a shiny new brain he won't understand his poor Mima has had enough of learning. Bless him.

    I am lucky to read a few pages of my book or try out a new recipe.

    Hay-fever season is fast approaching I am not so keen. Maybe my new eyedrops will also help with that. Or I will resort to ski goggles? Are you ok so far? Can you get me some seeds for those flowers please😊

    I wore my trainers one day last week too! Wasn't it nice and weren't they 'light'? I am looking forward to wearing them most of the time soon. Kari has bought some posh new ones.

    Take care of yourself today ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K bless you so much for supporting that person who plays the piano yesterday. I can see just how much you helped him such a kind thing to do. I hope you didn't suffer too much for doing that. You are used to being a helper though in your former life so maybe you felt better for reassuring him/her?

    Anyway how are you today? Not blowing up and of your sound systems I hope?

    Hoping that little Hooli and of course Loanda are both well.

    Leaving you a coffee

    your normal mug is in the dishwasher... take care ((()))

    Morning Toady It's dry here ATM so if it keeps it up maybe I will get outside? Well done attending to the arch I am impressed.

    Sleek has left her onesie at yours and Mabel's is there too. She loves wrapping parcels (with or without seller-tape - great appropriate word yes!😉 )but probably opening new ones even more. How many boxes has she kept at yours to get in and out of?

    I now know why I keep finding open magazines with pictures of blankies in shades of blue and grey and cushions left on my chair. Be careful she can get a bit single minded you might find a 'mood board' being erected in the house somewhere.....

    Oh this is P's honesty flowering right now

    Neither myself, Sleek or even Paul know anything about broadband I am sorry😕I ring plusnet up and they help me if I am in trouble and a friendly Yorkshire manner usually too. Mug of tea next to them as they talk me through any issues....

    Well you have a good day today fingers crossed it's dry.

    PS. I have some 60's sunglasses and a headband so far located. will keep going!

    👋 to Julie and Charlestown if they happen by and anyone else who pops in for a cuppa.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. Thank you for thinking about the dogs. Pepper eyes are cloudy the vet said he will go blind sue said to him you are not having a white stick. he will start walking into things then he goes back. It will happen to Lexi has well because of her age.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is your knee (()) sorry about the rain. Pepper’s eyes are cloudy and he will start walking into things he will go blind. Lexi will because of her age. I had a Dr appointment yesterday afternoon because of constipation. Sorry to put that. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your mum (()) has not been well I hope she feels better today.

    Skinny Keef (()) lovely cakes love to Sucr’e he’s grown (()) and Loanda (())

    love to Julia (()) and Charlestown (())

    take care
    joan xx