Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Yes my dad can be very selfish sometimes indeed

    I’m ok thanks

    Mum has a bit of a stomachache unfortunately but otherwise she’s ok 🙏

    Have a good night tc xx

    Also good night to SK and C

    👋 toady

    Yes it’s a bit calmer here today thanks

    Glad about your stomach

    Have a good night everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 11. Apr 2024, 06:32

    Morning Joan I hope you are doing ok today. Ah it was the funeral director who came. Yes I remember the coroner did only ring us. So you have been busy making decisions tough ones too. Well yesterday I heard from Elizabeth who used to come in the cafe and Cris Skezier. No sadly the dog was never found. Horrible dog thieves🤬 They both send their love to you and were very sad to hear your news. Both remembered Sue though isn't that lovely. Well you take care of yourself sending love and ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K I love the thought of you playing again! It's not as though you haven't kept up your practise is it? You would be an asset to any band.

    Well done going to the panto a memory for little Sucré to store away and tell his own children maybe one day. I hope the neck eased off though.

    Glad you heard from the private clinic and hope it won't be too expensive I hate to think of one of the guitars going😥 Just don't let them go mad with tests. Just enough so they know what's wrong and can send a treatment plan to the NHS.

    Morning Reshmi

    I hope you are feeling much better today and your Mum is well. Yes I meant vaseline outside the nose to stop spores getting in but the saline is for inside the nose to help heal and soothe it. If the vaseline was too warm (it might be) you'd best not. The last thing you want is to overheat.

    Wonder what is wrong with your Dad, but he's so stubborn you might never find out.

    Oh RR! His diet choices are fabulous🤣 I think BIL would like RR to be his dietician😀

    I little bit of gluco-zade will do you no harm you never overdo it only when you physically need it. You didn't have any Easter cakes you have quite a lot of self control a lot would have had something.

    Your new umbrella sounds a good one it really does it's been windy as well as rainy lately and it's coping with both so that is good. Well done walking to the group.

    Take care and really i think I prefer Toady as a toad don't you? Has she been using your eyelash primer on her antennae?😮

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Took Lucy for a maccies yesterday the carpark is still like this and it's been months maybe not even weeks

    as you can see Penelope was in one of the very few (maybe 30 dry-ish) spaces and it's a huge car park.

    Ah yes lupins and slugs/snails not a great combo is it, but so gratifying that they grow so easily. Baby bean is still only bending his way up juvenile bean is tall and could easily be Jack's beanstalk when he grows up!

    Sleek was raving about her jammy doughnut thank you she's packed you both a vegan kitkat to try with you tea break this morning. Glad she was of assistance packing nosegay item and that it was in time for the offer😊 She wants to pack Charley's dress if it sells herself. I think that won't be easy it's full length with many layers.

    Make sure you watch GW it wasn't the best but I did enjoy it he has a lovely cat and matching dog too! You deserve an hour sitting down for yousrelf.

    No rain you had no rain? What about yesterday? Again I got soaked I must just be timing it wrong🙄

    Hope your day is longer and better looks ok so far fingers crosse🤞

    Charlestown I hope everything is ok with you sending some ((())) and if i get any myself some sunshine too🙂

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,208

    Good morning everyone

    Sue died of sepsis and high blood pressure. The hospital could not do anything to help until they got her b pressure down her body gave up before they could get it down.

    Toady (()) Sue was named after our grandmother. We had an aunt Mildred. and an uncle Napoleon we new him as uncle Nap. Have a good day

    Toni (()) have you heard T are charging 10 pence for coat hangers when you buy clothes.
    my friend and I are picking tunes for the funeral sue likes Meatloaf bat out of hell.

    Thank you I remember Elizabeth and Cris I didn’t think the dog would be found. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day sorry about your mum’s tummy ache (()) i hope it goes soon.

    Skinny Keef yes you would enjoy being in a band again (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I hope all is well there. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 11. Apr 2024, 15:49

    Joan I am glad you know what caused Sue's death. That didn't surprise me sepsis (we'd call it infection wouldn't we?) is a killer bless her I am so glad she was in hospital where they were doing their best.

    Meatloaf? GREAT choice I think the funeral music should definitely reflect a person's personality and that will certainly do that ☺️

    I shall buy anything from that particular shop without a coat-hanger! Honestly!

    I suspect that the poor dog became a puppy maker for soe of the unscrupulous people at a puppy farm. I hope though that she was sold to some nice normal person who loves her even to this day.🤞 Let's hope so.

    Take care ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Are you “enjoying” the high pollen count?

    I certainly am 🤢

    mums bs is ok today 👍

    I think her stomach is a bit better but not fully ok yet unfortunately

    Dad went to al fresco or somewhere similar because he’s addicted to supermarket shopping lol

    But then got really tired on his return

    He did have a big sleep at that point though, so that must have helped him thanks

    You’re right about bill lol

    Thanks for the information about Vaseline

    It was mxt day for me today of course

    So I am very cream crackered really but other than that ok thanks 🙏

    it was too hot to sleep after injecting mxt but never mind

    I walked after the group but thanks 👍

    I do sometimes have good self control with treats, it depends how tired I am and also certain types of hard chocolate definitely hurts my somewhat weak teeth, of course mood is a factor too, like with everyone I guess, but my mum has really amazing self control with food.

    My mum said we may be going to see EF on Sunday, if everyone is well enough.
    That car park looks terrible, oh dear, also don’t tell LA you went to McDs without him, he may kick your sore elbows, I told this is completely uncivilised and unacceptable behaviour, he just said, “ You’re not as clever as mummy” 🤷‍♀️

    How are your sore elbows feeling today?

    Did you fall down? Or is it just some pains that you have from time to time?

    The pharmacist at the GP’s surgery sent me a text about some of my tablets saying that 300 mg tablets were unavailable, so I have to have two 150 mg pills instead and was I aware that 150 x 2 = 300? What?! “Was I aware”? I may not match my sister’s intelligence- level, but that’s a bit much really, haha, first they wanted me sign a paper form saying “ yes I just about have a grasp of very basic maths, but thanks for your concern” or something like that, but then they trusted me to understand the workings and implications of this very important tablet - change. How decent of them lol.

    Have a good afternoon/ evening Toni tc xx

    Ps this is not the giant Lego ice cream that the littleys pretended to lick, but it’s a similar one, it’s a good job bill was swimming through the car park to buy his McDs at the time lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    Hi Reshmi, in a similar vein Anda asked me to explain to Sucré why there was a dent in his tomato ketchup after he dipped his chicken nugget in it. So I went into full scientific mode referencing Archemides displacement theory and surface tension as well as coeficient of viscosity and friction. Best bit was when I had finished i asked if he understood and he said yes and recited most of it back to me.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    been a migraine city afternoon. Finally cleaned bike this morning, then went on it to meet my two at the docs for Sucré’s last preskool jabs. First one was fine he just frowned at me. He was on my lap. Second one really upset him. We managed to calm him down and he still said googbye and waved to the nurse even though she’d jabbed him twice. Then we went off to Sudbury for MacD’s to cheer him up and we bought a load of HotWheels cars in Tesco.
    i started to feel rough on the way home. Didn’t even put bike away when I got home. Just left it in yard and went straight to bed. Slept till 6:30 so dinner was really late today.
    got specialist appointment in 2 weeks time. I think the migraines will be part of this inflammatory diagnosis.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi Joan

    How are you doing today?

    Thanks about mum’s stomachache

    It’s getting less slowly i think 👍

    I hope you have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi SK

    Sorry to hear about the migraine

    It is disconcerting when the kids pick things that quickly isn’t it? Lol

    According to LA I’m more intelligent than daddy but less clever than mummy, well that’s something I guess haha

    Have as a good night as possible, take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi C

    How are you? What’s the weather like today? Has the storm fully cleared?

    I found the mascara was irritating one eye a bit so I’m not using it currently

    Have a good night tc xx

    Hi toady

    How are you?

    Hopefully you haven’t given yourself an over - zealous manicure with the secateurs?
    Don’t worry if JA had done sandpapering she would’ve been Tolstoy, or something like that 😂

    High pollen down here in he tropical south 🤢

    What’s the pollen count like in your locality?

    I’m definitely “super - fibre -don’t tell -the -oracles - sunflower seed- crackered “ as it were lol

    So have a fibrous night, sorry, a good night and take care xx

    Ps one of ETLB’s old pals xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,554
    edited 11. Apr 2024, 21:56

    Hi all 👋 just a hello, bit of a silly day, (too many irons in the fire etc) so better try & get a decent night's kip - last night was a tea at 2am keef-style night so not the best.

    The hour's sit down with GW didn't happen frog & nor did much else, a bit of potting-on though and a little while in the garden but not as much as I should have, it was nice out. Yes rain yesterday but a decent forecast now 🤞. Bits & bobs of gardening chat tomorrow, good luck with all your Friday things 😘 😘 xx

    A sad day Joan hearing about Sue, hope you are ok 😔 (()). Meatloaf would be marvellous if Sue wanted, it's a classic isn't it I love it too. How fabulous to have an uncle called Napoleon I haven't got anything that unusual. Did you see the pink sea coming in at Somerset because of the red mudstone cliff sand being churned up by the weather. xx

    Hi bosh, sorry quick post, I will trade you a drs appointment story tomorrow for your maths lesson pharmacy one 🙄😮 . Not sure about the pollen count round here hayfever is something my fairy toadmothers decided to let me off, very good of them, but unfair for those of you having to think about these things. Proper post tomorrow sleep well and hope family have a better day too 🤞 xx

    Well done Sucré reciting his physics lesson back, he can recite to me too it was a closed book subject to me at school, well pretty much maths & science 😕 gah. Well done too for being a brave kid for his jabs, being upset and cheering up totally counts as brave in my book. Sorry not the best day for you painwise, good luck with your next move re seeing someone. Have a good night as poss xx reminded me of this, do love Calvin & Hobbes & this is such a good'un for us lot 😊

    No @Charlestown 🤔 do hope she is ok xx

    Night everyone 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    Hi Dachshund, not a lot of consolation but at least you have the reasons now why Sue died.
    I was very close to losing Loanda and Sucré that morning she said she was feeling poorly I took her blood pressure and it was 200/110. There were two other adults in the house that day and neither of them even thought it might be serious and to take her BP.

    Any how it took the hospital staff ages to stabilise her. So I know it can be difficult to get BP down.
    I hope you are coping okay with all the funeral arrangements. It is okay to delegate some stuff. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Take care.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    hey Toady, I loved physics at skool. Really made sense to me. Chemistry on the other hand was like black magic. Nothing made sense at all. Like water, how on earth do you get water by combining oxygen and hydrogen. Still don’t get it now.

    Good morning everyone. Slept through last night 😁 Migraine almost totally gone 😁😁

    Weird stuff going on with my hearing. Everything seems like it’s in high definition. Maybe it’s just that I am expecting a change for the worse so I am listening more intently.
    I picked up a few spares from the BMW dealer yesterday, so I have no excuse no for putting off the bike service, and my little helper is here raring to go lol. Just an oil and filter change, new air filter and new alternator belt. Being a beemer it’s built like a car with separate alternator, dry clutch and separate transmission. I saw the new F900 off road model at the dealer yesterday and have already made my mind up to get one on credit to have some fun before my health gets worse if the specialist confirms polywhatsit disease. See if I can find a pic. Was gonna snap one myself but I had left my phone on the bike. Goes in a holder above the speedo so i can use it as a sav. It has taken me all over Europe but unfortunately tomtom withdrew support about a year ago and all my maps are increasingly out of date. The last trip to Warwick it got very confused and kept telling us to do a U turn whilst rejoining the mway after the services. Very dangerous in the hands of a stoopid person lol.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149

    Morning Joan I hope you are doing ok and coping well with the dogs. Are they alright? Poor things won't understand will they? Nothing exciting to report here today apart from Penelope goes in for her service and MOT today ready for the rally. A bit early in case she needs anything done. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K how are you doing this lovely morning (actually it is!)? I am glad it's now less than 2 weeks before you see someone. What kind of specialist did you go for? Do you feel ready? Have you done your list of symptoms and questions? the headaches will absolutely be connected with your neck so yes I'm certain it will be relevant.

    Was that when Loanda. was pregnant with Sucré Keef? I had pre-eclampsia with Carley she was born 2.5 month early the girls' Dad were told he was going home minus 2. BUT i went to the GP with swollen ankles she didn't take my BP either just gave me some lab sticks to check my protein (++++) I don't blame the other adults in the room not everyone knows, but surely a Dr would and don't forget you ahve some medical training

    Good lad Sucré at the Drs he deserved his maccies and trucks. Brilliant cartoon Toady posted so perfect!

    Penelope is in the garage today service and MOT getting ready for the rally. Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? Not great the pollen count is it. Kari who has had no trouble at all with her asthma for months is struggling now too bless her. BTW she is now running 3xs weekly!

    erm sorry LA Reshmi is actually cleverer than Mummy and BIL. I know this because she is the elder child who is usually the brightest. I must be the last of 6…..😉 Seriously better not tell him he is the eldest isn't he himself?

    It will be lovely to see them all on Sunday if your Dad is feeling better. I hope he is and that you Mum is well too today?

    Beautiful head-standing Elephant🐘 They are such lovely animals aren't they? Dose LA ever talk about ETLB?

    You do have a lot of self control with naughty food in fact I have been quite impressed. Of course we are all entitled to a treat every now and then, but yours are really only when you need that little bit of comfort. Sometimes a yoghurt (alpro for me) or some fruit just is not enough!

    I haven't injured myself no I suppose the elbow thing is the arthritis so ignoring it (except in bed you can never ignore stuff in bed can you?) until it eases off. Thanks for asking.

    Well I hope it stays dry and you ahve a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Gosh that's rubbish no time at all for yourself? Ah well what can you do? Maybe today will be better?

    I got outside more tidying up, but unfortunately I may have to rehome all my seedlings and seeds……the compost is sending out lost of compost gnats (you know the type?) into the house so I will have to block the broken window for now and rehome into the greenhouse I think.

    I have several large boxes here too large for that dress which has had many views still no offers🙄

    My microwave is scaring me. It has gone rusty underneath the turntable I heard that they can set on fire so Paul says we need to have a new one. I use it daily (many times) for my wheatbags.😔

    Penelope is at the garage today for her check up. Sleek is on her way to see you via Mabel's so beware!

    GW later I do hope you can watch it and last weeks ((()))

    Hope all is well with you Charlestown I think you must have had a busy few days. Take care ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,554

    Hi all 👋 getting in earlier before today goes the same way as yesterday 😬

    Making better use of my time so far frog and have un-mucked up a DIY project from yesterday so that's an improvement 😀. Will definitely try and catch up on GW in a mo 👍️. Ugh so sorry about the gnats, I fear them every year 😱have had some v annoying spells with them at various times. Have only used seed compost for indoors this year & once potted on have moved things outdoors if poss, where as you say hopefully it can be less bother. Shame to have to temporarily board up the greenhouse, poor thing, it will feel a bit shabby. My other toms are up now 😀 and have potted on the hollyhocks, will report back when I've checked other seed trays, quite a few things are annoyingly still no-shows 😔. Have cleaned the porr birdies' scummy birdbath & clipped some long grass so that was quite virtuous. Gosh that's such a lot of water still lying in the car park, such continual rain though hardly surprising it never gets a chance to dissipate, but still, months 😣. Should be a dryish spell now I do hope they stick to that. Sorry no takers for the dress so far, you & Sleek can start tackling the packaging in advance 🐾 (< btw as Mabel was here today we had little trifles as a treat, all paws and whiskers duly seen to afterwards 🤭) - I don't envy you I hate packing clothes let alone fiddly ones 😬. Hope the right box comes along. I went to buy some small ones off catazon yesterday because they were a prime special price, but actually then spotted a 'used like new' batch for even less - that usually means that they are just a return or something, they were fine 😊 a nice saving. Hope Pen is getting on ok, have a good weekend :) xx

    Joan I hope everything is as well as possible today hope to see you in soon🤞😘 xx

    Hi bosh, hope your day is going ok 👋. My drs story is that I was sent an appointment back in Nov, which wasn't convenient, and I rang to say rather than rearrange it can I postpone it & ring to remake it myself? which they said yes & made a note of. On the day, someone rang (left a message) to say where was I 🙄 then rang again to say they'd just seen the note, sorry. Yesterday I received a new appt in post so they've ignored the note again.. 😣 omg what a farce. I was looking at make-up online and saw a square shaped lipliner that had a wide paler colour and a darker edge, I thought that was for you to use one side at a time, but no I think you were meant to be able to draw an outline and main colour at the same time, I can see that working! 🤨 let alone on a triangular face as my praying mantis alter ego 😄. Back later catch up then :) xx

    Nice bike SK glad you have thought it all through and weighed up all the pros and cons before deciding to buy 😉 seriously why not just go for it, I agree 😊👍️. Yes I was no use at chemistry either as far as understanding it went but I took an O level in it anyway 🤪 at least I could remember O is oxygen and O2 is ozone easier than I could remember formulas for laws of motion & whatnot. Such a terrifying time for you with Loanda and Sucré, especially in a flipping pandemic 😔🙄 can't imagine dealing with that. Hope everyone ok today xx

    Love to everyone not in yet today too 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    hi toady

    How are you?

    Nice comic strip and docs appointment story thanks

    Mum and I are more or less ok thanks

    I bought the wrong screen protector replacement for my tablet and had folded up the old faulty one that got a bit smashed because a family member dropped it on the floor🤷‍♀️

    So I’ve had to go back to using the old defective one and now the iPad is not remotely smooth a bit like bill’s inexpertly prepared morning porridge but never mind lol

    Although of course the idea of him consuming a healthy breakfast like that is a bit like vegan sausage rolls flying in the sky haha

    Ok I won’t send too long a message as repeating may too much time but have a nice evening toady and tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    yes it was prewhatsit Toni. Sucré was 2 months early and born the day before his 23 years older, older brother. !!!!

    Hi Toady, I have always lived for today and spent far too much money on bikes but now more than ever I want to do stuff and cram it all in whilst i am still able.

    We have decided that once Sucré is big enough to ride behind me on my bike we will replace Loanda’s bike and have some days out on two bikes like we used to. She is a very competent motorcyclist and we have an intercom so I follow her and watch for both of us, but she has also ridden alone and is safe and quick in equal measure.

    I just hope I well enough to see it through. One of my beat friends has all the gear set aside from his son for Sucré, helmet jacket etc. Keep on keeping on for as long as possible.

    We were just talking about getting everything written down for the consultant appointment today so that I don’t leave anything important out.

    Got the bike done today Toni so it has fresh fully synthetic oil and new filters. I had already done the gearbox and final drive with the same brand oil which is the best you can buy imho. Used to use it in my Harleys and I had some left so I emailed the company and asked about using it in the BMW gearbox etc. apparently it exceeds all of the manufacturers specifications for oil. I have used it ever since. Did 60000miles on the old one without ever needing to adjust the valve clearances so it is my go to oil now.
    Anyway it kept me busy after seeing Nannie Babbs this morning and kept my mind from worrying about my health stuff. I am quite worried but trying not to stress as i know it will make it worse. Sucré was fascinated by my torque wrenches. I explained how they worked. I am sure he understood. Maybe in a few years he will be doing the servicing for me. I torque everything, even the oil filter. No stripped threads or bolts coming loose.

    Okay i am rambling now. Sucré is listening to Anda read and i am off to the bunker. So goodnight everyone. Maybe i will be making tea at 2am.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,201

    Hi Toni

    How Are you how are you today?

    I am okay thank you and mum is okay more or less

    her blood sugar is good but her stomach ache are still there. It is however definitely lessening with time

    Sorry to hear that K is also suffering with the pollen.
    That’s really great that she’s running three times a week good for her

    Yes probably best not to tell LA about the eldest or elder child being the cleverest

    poor little BR will never hear the end of it.
    BR thoroughly enjoyed Legoland, by the way when he was asked what he liked about it, He said something like “spending time with LA and having a lollipop”

    there were no lollipops there that day, though,

    I wouldn’t be surprised if QJL snaffled them all when she went for her blood test.
    He did have ice cream though, so maybe that’s what his little innocent toddler brain was trying to get at - bless

    How do you

    Dad seems okay to me thanks for asking

    he’s been walking and not complaining of dizziness

    Mums stomachache is taking a while to go but it doesn’t seem too bad compared to 2 days ago, so that’s something at least

    she’s not in too bad mood either so I think that she seems to be feeling a bit better in herself

    Yes, if the Sunday excursion takes place that will be very nice.

    I’m actually not feeling too bad today because I managed to walk a bit earlier on but earlier than normal and rested in the cold room which where the temperature was very comfortable today and managed to have a good rest in there 👍

    At least it wasn’t quite as hot as yesterday, especially in the cold room as I call it. The cold room was actually nice and comfortable so that was a good thing.

    I like elephants too, although it must be terrifying when the adulk elephants stampede, but the baby elephants, at least are really very innocent and cute innocent and cute I agree.

    What makes elephant stampede in modern times? I wonder grass - nugget shortages are definitely one idea. I think the other option might be when toady has bought all the boots from Pri - shark and the elephants are getting a bit tired of roaming around with their feet, because after all trying to get an appointment with a chiropodist in the rainforest is not an easy task as you can imagine.

    It’s a good job really that the half term elephant littley elephants don’t have a McD’s in the vicinity. Can you imagine trying to get a chappy meal with bamboo and bananas on the side before the stitching hour ? Oh no I don’t think even ELTB could organise that.

    No as far as I know LA doesn’t mention her, but he is going through that “pretending to hate girls stage” it seems to me, anyway he’s a happy Chappy, even if he does secretly miss her a bit I’m sure he imagines that when he’s 7 years old he’ll get his pilot’s license and fly direct to Bangalore to see her lol.

    Ok have a good night Toni bye and tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    well, the kettle is on. I have found two cartons of choco milk in fridge as well if anyone wants some. I micro it and make hot choc. Mmmmmm yum. Lol

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    one of the salesteam at the bike shop has gone off to be a professional trombone player. Thought I’d just throw that in as a random fact.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,153

    desperately trying to think of something else to post in a futile effort to get the first post on a new page…………..

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149

    Didn't happen Keef!!!

    Was Joan in yesterday I can't find her post🤔 Joan I hope all is well and it's just case of you being very busy with all the organisation you must be having to do atm. Sending some love and ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef.

    Lovely to see you being so positive and upbeat yesterday I hope today will be the same. Sometimes it's the best thing to do. Yes do the list but no point dwelling until you know.

    Well done servicing the bike (that oil sounds great especially if it's better than required) and getting Sucré learning at such a young age. Imagine how useful he will be in a few years time😉 I can picture him on the back of the bike with Loanda on hers riding out somewhere.

    Bad news about my Penelope, but not fatal in any way. She needs a new back box and brake pads and it was a Friday so she will stay at the garage until maybe Tuesday once the back box has arrived and been fitted. We do have a week to play with before the rally which had been the plan anyway.

    Morning Reshmi how are you this dry (I think) day? Your Mum too I expect her stomach is gradually improving and good news your Dad isn't dizzy now too you don't need that at all. I can't imagine he is a good patient😥 Well done having your walk I am off when I ahve finished posting.

    I just told Keef, Penelope Fig needs a new back box and brake pads (but that's fine) ready for her rally in a couple of weeks.

    Yesterday the girls had a private scan and they took me with them so I saw the baby! Wow! He or she is a cheeky little thing moving about but I could clearly see the spine, one hand and a face even ears! Incredible.

    No baby elephants they are the sweetest things. They don't know they are huge do they with their adulks being eeeee-normous! I bet LA does think about ELTB I bet he does on the quiet. It's tough having to be a macho male who hates girls isn't it?

    Imagine if anyone told him that he is likely to be more intelligent than BR? You'd never hear the last of it and BR's self esteem might take a hit. Best we keep that piece of information to ourselves. He just loves his big brother it's so sweet to hear.

    I should think it's very difficult to see podiatrists in the jungle too although down by the watering hole (I am reliably informed) it is possible to have a good pedicure. In some areas with those fish who eat dry skin? (gross eh🤢)

    I hope your day is good take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    You did a lot yesterday! I did too. I went for a walk with Kari, took the fig to the garage and had a coffee and catch up with a friend. Then the girls picked me up and took them with them to a private scan so i could see the baby! Wow it was incredible. Don't worry i took a good supply of tissues.

    So I can watch Monty over the weekend now.

    I have kicked the seed trays out, blocked up the window and am going to regrow seedlings (apart from beans) out there. A cosmos came up the other day but by the morning had disappeared and a shiny silver trail was on the surface! Need I say more? Those gnats will soon disappear from the house. I know they do no harm, but i don't want them in ma hoos!

    Mabel was full of her trifle (in more ways than one) and Sleek is trying to teach her to get on Kari's online shopping order😣 Kari doesn't realise that her card details are stored there either apparently.

    Finally I have a watcher….we shall see eh? Packaging is sorted ready. Sleek is telling me what to do.

    On the subject of your clean bird bath any sign of Mr and Mrs B? What about this then?

    Better get on

    Take care Toad 🐸

    Sending love to Charlestown hope all is well and you are just very busy take care ((())) xxx

    This breakfast is especially for Joan, but there's enough for us all ((()))