Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    My friend is coming tomorrow to pick up Sue’s clothes. I said she wouldn’t need a lot it’s warm warm where she’s going that’s not sue that’s her bone’s. It’s nice she’s not in pain anymore.

    Toady (()) we have rain today and tomorrow dryer by the weekend. Did you get your appointment.

    Toni (()) thank you yes I’m grateful for all the help I’ve had from you and everyone on here. Sue has screws in her leg she broke I was asked if I wanted them. No I didn’t I have mine. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your appointment. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) it must feel so cold in this country after living in a warm country. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) the days can feel so long when you are on your own. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) sorry about your infection I hope it doesn’t take too long to clear up. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    How are you today?

    Mums bs is ok thanks

    I’m ok thanks but had to have a big morning nap to catch up on sleep and replenish energy after going to MH

    Sorry if I repeat things, still a bit tired

    Bill was entranced by the box of Indian sweets my dad bought and didn’t pay much attention to anything or anyone else

    I don’t think my sis is eating or drinking enough

    She’s gone back to the gym, but only having water afterwards and getting headaches

    Mum and I think it’s her blood sugar and she needs to take proper care, even if it’s just having some fruit and squash for example

    Maybe someone she met told her she’s overweight which isn’t true, but she can be over sensitive sometimes like a child

    Ok I’ll stop there

    More later

    Bye Toni tc xx

    👋 Joan

    How are you today?

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    Yes i understand what you mean about mum’s background but strangely enough dad doesn’t feel as cold as she does

    Have a nice afternoon Joan tc xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    'lo folks 👋 not very nice out there but not as bad as they said, pretty rough but not too much rain, a few heavy spells and hopefully that's it for now.

    Sorry you were dragged in my bad weather and by your elbows frog 😣 I remember it well, you can't do much without them can you.. when it's your wrists likewise, fingers likewise, basically you can't manage without any one joint can you. Maybe put your ankles up &c but everything else is vital 🙄 hope they improve a bit. Is the drs phone call related (if not will mind my own business). Certainly stormy out there and not possible to do much, we set up Cluedo in a locked room appropriately enough 🧐 ok not locked just door safely shut, partly to keep Mabel in, partly to stop me from trying to get at my jobs (why does one spawn another I only started with one odd project and now they've led me to at least 3 more 😣). Well done getting your hostas sorted, the GW hosta enthusiast pair would be proud of you 😄. I still only have a blue mouse ears but they did mention that as a must-have didn't they, so I would get a tick of approval as well. Might be some decent days this week.. 🤷‍♀️ your guess etc. Have a good evening, love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, I think I need sensible lessons from you, my family were mostly all sentimental and thin-skinned and hopeless basically, it has not done me any favours 🙄. You're cut from another sort of cloth altogether. Yes it's better for Sue to be out of pain. I didn't remake the appointment yet, (it's just routine) it was supposed to be pending til I sorted out a good time - I don't want to go at all really but I don't want to explain myself to my consultant next time either as to why I haven't 😳. I have to go further for it than the local hospital I think, I'll check. Sunny tomorrow but still v windy so that's not ideal. Hope not too bad for you tomorrow xx

    Hi bosh, you must be worn out 😴 you all feel like the weakest link after yesterday I expect. Hope the nap helped. Hope weather not too bad as well, I was going to ask if you're prepared for summer hat wearing season, well not yet I don't think, one forecast was talking about Arctic blasts of icy air from the West or something, another about a 2-week wall of heat, no idea what they're on about really 🤷‍♀️. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hope things going ok with SK & bunker today 👋 xx

    Hope you got your compost today @Charlestown and will be able to get on with something this week a bit at a time 🤞 one pot of beetroot for me and only half of my spuds are in, there's still time to catch me up 😄. It was ok out there yesterday annoyed to have to leave jobs half-started 🙄. Not doing much today but I remember how much I don't like dealing with sticky back plastic, ugh, that job was no fun at all. Except now I think I need to do the worktop as well 😕. Take care :) xx

    Kettle on ☕️ xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    I hope everyone is having a good afternoon

    Toady my friend and I are going to the registry office on Thursday. Tomorrow my friend is taking sue her clothes I said what about her teeth Brenda said she can have them unless you have something else for them I said yes Lexi needs them.

    Charlestown I used to go to the hydrotherapy pool the water’s warm.

    Love to everyone

    take care
    joan xx
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi again Toni

    How are you this evening?

    It was a sleepy day really I did manage an OSS in the middle thanks

    Also ordered and ate a takeaway in the middle from the local cafe, veggie takeaway so my halo is half - shining lol 😇

    Got some energy from that it didn’t last long though

    But I wasn’t sleepy in a somewhat depressed way as often happens, it felt good and necessary to sleep

    Oh well this can happen in this kind of nasty weather can’t it?

    Was there a storm where you are?

    Are you ok?

    Hopefully tomorrow will be more “normal”

    what I was saying before about my sister is that she’s a strong woman no doubt, but she’s has a big over sensitivity about her weight, so I’m hoping she gets over what some stranger said to her, if that’s the root cause and starts looking after herself properly, she’s very stubborn you see, she gets that from dad, so my mum and I can only advise but she may well ignore us, also, to be honest, she’s getting back into exercise and gym - going after a long time, so she needs to take it easy, even I know that, anyway if a skinny elephant is having a mud bath, there’s no point saying “ here’s the hypoallergenic shower gel” or something like that lol, meaning only she can change her actions and all that

    my mum took a really funny photo of bill and the box of sweets, in their dining room they have this odd kind of lighting, there’s some floor - level lights or something like that and in the pic he’s opening the sweet - box and his face is not just bewitched by the high glycemic index “goodies” but lit up like he’s the patron saint of all that is high sugar, it was so funny

    Ok I’ll leave it there Toni

    Have a good night tc xx

    Ps scary translation fail lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi toady

    How are you tonight?

    Weather here is windy and there was heavy rain in the morning, but I don’t think the wind was quite gale force

    How is your weather at the moment?

    As for summer hats I’ve still got the old baby pink one that RR approved of lol

    So it’s squashed and shabby but does the job I’ve only it once or twice recently though

    Do you know something funny? I’m listening to a song with the lyrics “ oh this rain it will continue” haha, how appropriate unfortunately- Suzanne Vega Tom’s Diner - old - ish song, somewhat “atmospheric” I guess in style

    Yes we got back late from the MH extravaganza so got to bed late and then just became fully cream crackered really
    LA asked me the difference between right angles and corners as referenced in such literary classics as the storybook “There’s a huge giant in the kitchen”

    I almost said out loud “ please don’t ask me about maths, that’s mummy’s domain, literature of all genres I feel relatively comfortable with” 😂

    Have a good night toady, take care xx


    Sorry BR went to a party and returned, it wasn’t his own party

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

    👋good night SK and C as well tc xx

    Ps Bills keyboard xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 16. Apr 2024, 05:55

    Morning Joan. I'm glad you've chosen something Sue liked to wear that's good she will go well-dressed to see your Mum and Dad. Sorry if you don't believe that. I love what you said about Lexi having Sue's teeth!😁 I tell you it's such a strange time full of laughter and tears isn't it? I saw the Dr at 10 and am being referred so fingers crossed. Thanks Joan and please take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are well today and your Mum too is her stomach fully recovered now?

    Doesn't sound good about your sister. Does she know 'proper' diabetes like your Mum's can have a hereditary link? I think some fruit juice might be just enough to replenish her sugar supplies after exercise. Still her life must be stressful with 2 small boys one large boy and her job. If someone said something to make her feel overweight I am very angry it's so nasty and unnecessary! our self esteems can be delicate things. Loved the elephant in a mud bath analogy.

    Why would I be surprised BIL only had eyes for the Indian sweeties?🙄 I can totally imagine that box of sweets lit up on his face glowing with mystical power. The man must have been entranced and in heaven. Bless him. Your Mum was lucky to get that pic.

    Yes yesterday was stormy across the middle of the country i think very very windy and heavy hail storms too. Sounds like it was a good gentle restful day for you. A veggie takeaway yes we can definitely give you a halo😇 for that on a day like yesterday why not? Glad you had an R+R day rest and recuperation after the MH trip. I made soup large supplies of Paul's favourites and froze it.

    Not much else apart from some housework.

    Have a good day take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown how are you today?

    Sounds as though you have plans to go on a health kick? Watch the bike with sciatica though. A nice gentle start it can really set it off if you overdo it. I'm sure you know what you're doing though. Yoga (beginners) sounds lovely let me know what day/time I'll come along.

    Funny you were tired yesterday too so was Reshmi and I didn't have much energy either. I spent the whole day yawning. The weather l blame it on the weather.

    Take care.

    Morning Toady how are you?

    It's still super blowy out there though slightly better maybe than yesterday almost imperceptible and improvement!

    It's so difficult to manage anything much without your hands arms wrists isn't it? I was thinking of maybe getting some tubigrip to support them. Actually the Drs appt might just be important hopefully not. I had a bit of a funny turn on Friday it might have been but hopefully not a TIA so been referred to the clinic for assessment. I should have gone to A&E there and then but it was the baby scan at 7…… Sleek is livid with me, but l am absolutely fine so quite confidant that it was just some sort of blip, but better safe than sorry eh?

    Mabel was safe at yours was she? That's good I am pleased she behaved - well l hope she did? Kari sent me a cute video of her (Mabel not Kari) playing in the (empty) bath with marbles very cute. Sleek says you won again at Cluedo and needed a rest from all the jobs. Although she says today she is coming on her own (catsi though in case there's more hail) so she can lend a paw.

    I think I have 5/6 hostas all in pots well away from any slugs/snails. I haven't had any trouble, but if I did l liked the mesh idea for lining the pot. I rather think being obsessed with any one plant is a bit odd don't you. Blue mouse ears is lovely you ahve a good one there. Any sightings of Mousie/descendants???

    Have a good day

    Hoping all is well with you Skinny K I hope you are not in hiding avoiding helping me wash the Fig this weekend? See you soon l hope

    Breakfast anyone?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you everyone for thinking about me we take the death certificate on Thursday.

    Toady (()) when we were young our mum said you have to do the best you can in life.

    I hope you have a good day.

    Toni (()) That’s good you are being referred I hope you don’t have long to wait for an appointment. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you have a good day don’t worry love to your mum (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good day you do well.

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope everything alright there.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni an Joan

    How are you both doing today?

    All ok here in mima- land including mums bs 👍

    More later am launching OSS (shower)

    Bye for now tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 16. Apr 2024, 16:15

    Afternoon all 👋 sunny out there but blowy and cold oh and bit rainy and.. the usual in other words.

    Was that hail I had then yesterday frog? 🤔 I did wonder, it sounded a bit sleety, I thought it was just tinkly rain but might well have been. Sleek arrived promptly today it was fairly calm at that point too, she has been a big help, though I had to draw the line at sticky back plastic I hope she wasn't too offended. I have sent her home with a message for you, one of my best withering looks for frogs who didn't go to A&E when they should have, I hope she did it full justice 😒 dear oh dear 🙄. Take care and don't worry about posting breakfasts for idle cafe persons (actually what is going on with that breakfast? 🤨) if you should be resting in a darkened room or what have you. Best for the referral 🤞xx I have not been out much today too windy, so indoor jobs. Yes a good idea that mesh in pots one, and v gratifying I expect to have a tip taken up by one of the GW team. That couple did seem happy as sandboys didn't they, you wonder if they were fated to be a couple! (Most hostas look a bit of a muchness to me, they would be horrified 😬). Glad Kari has been keeping you supplied with cute Mabel vids, is she (Kari not Mabel) fully recovered from the RSI? (it was RSI I think?). Have a good quiet evening 😘 xx

    Hello joan, your mother was quite right, I suppose I do my best 🤔 but also there's a bit too much coasting along not taking life by the scruff of the neck. Thinking of you for Thursday. I'm glad it's not the middle of winter, however you look at things winter is so gloomy and it would be cold maybe icy for going to Register offices etc not the nicest places at the best of times. Quiet here today, one small parcel for later not too much trouble. Last day yesterday that I could sell without giving ebay a cut so I'm expecting people to buy things now, life's like that 🤨. Love to you & the dear dogs 🐾 xx

    Hi bosh, Tom's Diner, I know it well 😊 well not the premises, fictional or otherwise, but the song definitely 👍️. The rain did continue in the night but there might be a break soon? Maybe? Well a squashed (fetchingly pink) sun hat is better than none 🤭 as long as it serves its purpose. Hope your sis is ok I take your point though that you can lead your sister to the fruit juice but you can't make her drink 🤷‍♀️ (and if it was a catty remark, well blah to that person 😕). No don't ask me about corners and right angles either 😱 it bothers me to this day that degrees are divided into minutes 😣😄. That keyboard is clever, the dreaded sticky keys 😄. Hope your day is going ok I'm a bit tired too I think we need a quiet cafe corner today to have a nap behind our newspapers, sounds like nearly all of us would be in there 😴. Have a good evening 👋 :) xx

    Hope everything ok with SK & co 😘 xx

    Hi to @Charlestown too hope things going well with you today :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Now it is hailing 🙄 sun at the same time, will expect a rainbow shortly 🌈.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 16. Apr 2024, 19:50
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Yes I know everybody has their own sensitivities

    But anything at all regarding my sisters appearance is a soft spot for her regardless of whether it’s true or not

    Also common sense regarding health matters - I agree it’s important - more than vanity etc - but we can’t live others’ lives for them unfortunately you’re right there

    Yes feeling much better today 🙏

    But stomach is not completely normal, but it may be totm - related

    Yes any type of sweet or savoury or spicy - ok any type of food whatsoever it’s weakness for bill, apart from things like fruit of course lol, it’s a good job GI Joe hasn’t met him

    I went to the town centre today for a bit of a change

    It was nice I went to the scone place again

    Which was a bit naughty but not too bad as I avoided cheese completely and only had a kiddie’s size chocolate lol

    Maybe that’s why LA wants to be a grandfather? The older the man the larger the chocolate bar? Wait that doesn’t sound right haha
    On the way back however the bus had no working lights or indicator but don’t worry the bus driver didn’t drive the bus in that state - although she was thinking about it 😱- so I had to get another bus and sit upstairs and the bus was rocking when I was on the stairs and I had a big bag, it was a bit of a nightmare but I survived the experience

    BR said he’s becoming a scientist but he thought an ant was a snail 🐌

    He also had to re - educate clever clogs - mummy who asked him if he talked to the “snail”, he retorted, “ mummy snails don’t talk” , it’s news to me lol, I thought snails laughed in the garden in the summer and nattered on in supermarkets and buses, but I forgot that they have taken a very sensible vow of silence, especially when senior scientist LA is around- as they definitely need to create balance since he’s undoubtedly chatterbox of the year.

    I think I’ll leave it there Toni

    Have a good night tc xx

    ps blue velvet cake xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi toady

    Sorry you had such bad weather

    It wasn’t too bad here, on the cold side at times but just a few spots of rain

    Yes right angles were a bit of a shock to the system but I think I got away lightly he started to grill BB about the periodic table 😱

    But luckily I think both “scientists” got distracted by chocolate cake at that point lol

    Yes nap - enabled cafe - corners that sounds great

    I hope there’s not too much hail?

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    👋 C

    I also know someone one who’s allergic to Clin*** makeup - interesting

    Good night C SK and anyone else around tc xx

    Ps John Constable Study of flowers in a hyacinth glass xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hi everyone, I am still about. Hope you all okay.
    I am struggling to get my head around my diagnosis atm. Hopefully this time next week i will have more info and the consultant will have answered my many questions. Also feel quite annoyed my gp left me feeling i needed to go private.
    i can’t get into my music atm so even though it was FREEZING cold out I went for a ride over to see Sucré and had a wonderful time riding there and back and being with Sucré and my family. I have also ordered some new bike clothing, as if to convince myself i going to be around long enough to need it lol.
    i am not avoiding washing the Fig Toni 😁

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hi Charlestown, no I didn’t ask the GP anything. They are really tight, I had to grovel to get a neck x-ray, the last time I asked for a referral for my enthesitis diagnosis they came back and said no because having a diagnosis from a specialist wouldn’t change the treatment plan i was already on and a GP diagnosis was sufficient, except it obviously wasn’t coz now I have more symptoms and the diagnosis has changed to polychondrosis which has the potential to cause deafness, blindness, lung failure or heart failure and until recent advances in treatment was fatal in around 30% of cases. Everything i have read about it states early diagnosis and treatment is key to good prognosis. All my GP wanted to do was keep me on Naproxen until it got worse, so I am currently back on it. It was coming of it that exposed the inflammation in my cartilage in my ears and nose which lead to being diagnosed. I am still hoping when I see the specialist he will say that it’s not polywhatsit but I know deep down it is.
    i can only afford the initial consultation and a couple of tests if needed then i will hopefully go back to the GP and say I need xyz medication.
    my Swedish brother spent a vast sum of money to get his very rare metabolic condition diagnosed and he nearly died before he found a specialist that found the problem and was able to treat it.
    i am out in the bunker as I can’t sleep and thought I’d give the new bass another try as I haven’t been getting on with it and I wasted yesterday morning in bed with a migraine.
    hope u okay 😁

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 17. Apr 2024, 06:06

    Morning Joan you are doing incredibly well. Very organised indeed I take it your god friend is going with you on Thursday? The hospital rang me yesterday and squeezed me in so my brother took me. Stoke is too far for Kari to drive. All is well though I do have some extra tablets now🙄 Take care of yourself I am very much thinking of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you and your Mum too? I hope your stomach isn't too bad today.

    All is well here thanks stomach oddly seems fine it might be the extra vegan choc I have been eating!!😣BIL would be proud of me! Mind I have eaten plenty of fruit too so GI Joe won't be cross either😊 that emogi is me pulling a semi smug face.

    Snails do talk! BR is quite wrong - ask Toady they talk all the time even with their mouths full of our plants😠. Having said that they really don't look an awful lot like ants do they? Still he is a very very young scientist so there is plenty of time for him to get his head around the diverse array of minibeasts to be found in this country.

    Well done going into town and only having a child's portion of choc in the scone shop. Wow that is some self-control! GI Joe would be (almost completely) proud of you.

    The poor bus, driver and all you passengers! I would not have enjoyed that experience at all Reshmi you did well to just take it in your stride and get on with it. Were there any snails on board? Oh no l forgot they are so slow they are possibly still on the poorly bus.

    Well you take care - is it group today?

    Morning Skinny Keef I hope all is well with you today. You will be able to wear your new bike gear 100% I am certain.

    Are you going to take a ride over to see Sucré and Anda this week?

    I know it's almost impossible to do but I wish I could help you not to think about next week. You've done your symptom list for him/her ready I take it? Will Loanda be able to come with you? That would be very helpful to you and the consultant and her too.

    In the meantime play plenty of music and lose yourself in that it is the best therapy for you ((()))

    Right I'll give you a shout at the weekend to help clean the car. Do you rate mcguire's? That's what I'm using with my new car jet washer. Put your waterproofs ready.

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown

    How are you? Great news that the sciatica is a muscle that you can and will build up! I am very pleased. You will soon lose that weight I'm sure look at how thin people who do spin classes are. The moon face (or chipmunk face as Lucy used to say) will soon go all on it's own.

    Did you say we are due a frost? Oh no! I don't think I have anything out just yet which could be in danger just need to get the glass permanently fixed in my greenhouse.

    Everything else can stay inside.

    The rally is the whole week next week! Monday to Friday. Paul will do the driving I will film and take pics and wave at people and be generally very silly. Will post as many as i can here.

    Have a good day!

    Morning Toady

    The wind has dropped☺️ There is a small brown baby bun in the garden. Sleek is safely by the radiator and really can't be bothered to catch them anymore these days. She has seen the light I think. Haven't seen any black ones yet this year.

    Kari is coming over for a walk later on this morning which will be lovely. She likes seeing the ickle lambies we have in the field atm. Sleek gave me the scariest withering look😶 I shrank to 1/4 of my usual size. I will not risk anything again, but I am taking my tablets and all is well. I am not allowed to drive for 28 days so Paul will drive at the rally next week I can co-pilot.

    Oh no not the sticky back plastic! Sleeky-paws! She loves that stuff I do apologise. She wanted to cover the missing pane of glass in the greenhouse with it too🙄

    Kari's wrist is much better thanks she has a splint which she wears at night very much like ours.

    I have to agree about hostas they are fine the leaves can be lovely but honestly I do think they are all very similar. Bless that couple they really are a match made in heaven aren't they?

    Take care and get outside while you can I'll be there! I loved yesterday's breakfast🤣

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

    Group today