Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you for your kind words it’s nice having friends on here.

    Toady (()) I had an aunty Mildred who was called sue and an aunty Dorathy spelt wrong she was called bubbles. Have a good day I’m sorry you haven’t had good nights. Have a good weekend

    Toni (()) good luck to Penelope at the garage. Thank you I read your post about DD I feel sad for and her family I wish them all the best I’ve missed her. The coat hangers were at esco. Have a good weekend Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you are doing well. I remember when I went in a shop and asked for half a dozen plums the girl said how many is that. I hope your mum (()) is doing alright. Have a good weekend

    Skinny Keef (()) lovely motorbike. You are doing well. Have a good weekend. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I hope everything alright there. Have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone I just saw yesterday post still in the box

    Toady (()) sorry about your appointment. One person does not know what the other one is doing. Good luck. Sue’s funeral will be tears of laughter. My friend and I have remembered lots of stories of things that’s happened. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that was lovely being able to see the scan. I hope Penelope passed her M O T. Thank you for the breakfast. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) you are doing well.

    Skinny Keef (()) sue always said you only live once enjoy it. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) love to you

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 13. Apr 2024, 11:09

    Morning all 😊 looks like a lovely day (imagine being able to say that and mean it!)

    Morning frog, hope all's well with you and you can have a quiet day moving seedlings & whatnot. Oh, robin on a fork handle, the classic!! Lovely pic thank you! 😊. Not much blackbird activity; if they are nesting I don't know where, they make the odd visit, but not regularly and haven't had a close look at either 🤔. I will get out as much as poss today - GW caught up so far, will start ep 4 today. Those 2 tall head gardeners were really born to the job weren't they lucky things. V pleased to hear everything went well yesterday with the girls, definitely a smudgeproof mascara day 🐼😉 and good luck with the dress (a watcher, hmm well you know what they're like, do hope you get a proper interested one). Glad Pen is fixable but sorry they found anything at all. Have you chosen a microwave & relegated the old one (rusty indeed, nothing should rust). Quick pic of Copper Image tulip, in with my lovely salvia. I have cream salvia waiting to go somewhere, and a sarcococca, Adam reminded me.. and a clematis.. bit of a backlog here 😬. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Morning Joan, glad to see 2 posts from you. I slept better thank you, fine today not much sun but should be able to get out and maybe some washing. 'esco have a bin for you to drop your unwanted hangers I don't know if they take anyone's or its just for what you buy there 🤔. I should replace mine I have a houseful of old mismatching ones, some wood some plastic some metal. Good family names, I don't have any interesting nicknames in mine I don't think. Sue had the right attitude to life, you too. xx

    Hi to bosh, great pic 😂. Sorry about your wrong screen protector will you have to send it back. Do you find tablets heavy I did when I tried one once or are they lighter these days, that was when they first came out. Hope you are all braced for the poss visit to EF at least your mum won't be too stressed and cooking etc. That was sweet of BR to say he enjoyed being with LA at legoland, he is obviously a very forgiving littley as well as a long-suffering one. Have a good Saturday :) xx

    Beaten to first post by Reshmi SK, very poor effort, you could have posted a pic of your hot choc or written us a Limerick 😁. Interesting about the trombonist, is there more brass in that than being a bike salesman (groan). You're all set up for when Sucré joins the biking clan 👍️ and will know his way around a torque wrench, all good stuff. Yes keep on keeping on. Have a good day :) xx

    Time for twelveses 👍️ love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    How are you today?
    I am rather warm but ok thanks

    Mums bs is ok but her stomach seems to be not completely settled yet

    BR has a birthday soirée tomorrow

    LA is teaching him to read even though he doesn’t really know how to read properly himself lol

    How are your elbows?

    Have a nice afternoon tc xx


    How are you Today?

    that’s funny about the girl in the shop

    Mum has a bit of a stomachache but it’s getting better Thanks

    Have a nice Saturday take care xx

    Greetings toady
    How are you today? I don’t think they’ll take the screen protector back because I damaged the packaging but it’s ok, that doesn’t matter so much. Thanks

    That lip liner sounds a bit odd to me as well

    Lovely weather for you I understand that

    but I feel like the pollen has infiltrate infiltrated my brain

    👋 SK and C

    How are you both today?

    I’m sneakily going to try and perform ablutions while the grumpy dad is elsewhere

    okay bye for now everybody take care xx

    Ps when translation goes rather worrying wrong 😂 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    well it’s been a funny day. We got the aircon plumbed back in for the bunker and had a tidy up. Sucré loves a tidy. I did some lunch and then Sucré lashed out in frustration at Anda who had just come in from re blacking the tar paint around the bottom of the cottage and caught her straight in the eye. I was feeling so rough i couldn’t even tell him off properly. So now everyone is having an enforced chill out time.
    i have a new pot if raw honey from the butchers. I used to have it for my hay fever but I haven’t suffered at all last few years, probably coz of the honey, but I read it is good as an anti inflammatory so i will be downing a jar of that a week. I absolutely love it. 😁

    Well done Reshmi getting the first post on new page.

    Only minor work on the fig Toni, and to be expected, still annoying to have to pay out for though. Hopefully she’ll be all fixed up for the rally.

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hi Charlestown, I buy local honey from the butcher. It’s raw straight from the hive. I sometimes get lucky and get honeydew which is my favourite. It is extremely dark and has a real malty taste to it.
    yes i am paying for my consultation. I can’t wait for the NHS to get their rear in gear. They have said they can provide me with a treatment plan I can take back to my surgery. Might put a few noses out of joint but my health is more important than some doctors ego.

    I feel so tired today.

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    👍️ Excellent thanks 😀 I will look into maybe getting some again if I do find mine is definitely not coming back. Was considering raspberries as well, mine could do with replacing I think 🤔.

    Sorry about the nasty antib's, marvellous things but they do have a sting in the tail don't they if you're not lucky 😣. So long as they're doing the trick. No more painting (well I did briefly tidy up round the window frame in the downstairs WC but the window will be coming out at some point so not worth fussing). I have fitted the new loo seat though and am pleased with that, this is thrilling news I know 😂. Next job is sticky-back-plasticking my utility room cupboard doors, not sure whether that ever looks great even though sticky vinyl is quite good these days, but it's that or paint them and can't be bothered. Hope you can get the bike soon 🤞 have a good night :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi C

    sorry to hear that you’ve got an infection. I hope you manage to get a good rest and the antibiotics help properly.
    I take your point upon mascara, I got a clin**e one a long time ago but it was so expensive and I wasn’t really extremely impressed with it.

    To be honest I have naturally black lashes of course being of Indian origin so I’m not overly bothered,

    but I understand what you’re saying some mascaras are better than others thanks for that

    Dad is a bit of a law unto himself unfortunately so it’s hard to know what’s going on in his head.
    Yes the trainers are really comfy Thanks.

    Have a good night take care xx

    Good night also to SK and toady xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Joan l was so glad to see both posts appear yesterday I was quite worried about you. I hope you slept a bit last night. Yes it's bad for DD, but she is herself and still determined to keep on going. Definitely one of the best things about losing someone is all the people telling you funny stories about them.. Remembering all the fun and funny times it's just wonderful. Of course there is a huge hole things are probably too quiet too. Are the dogs coping Joan? Sorry to ask so much ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today and your Mum too is her stomach ok for a little BR birthday soirrée? I do hope so because he will probably be looking forward to it this year.

    I can definitely imagine LA teaching him to read🤭 Doesn't matter too much if it's not perfect as long as it gets BR interested that's the main thing with reading don't you think?

    There is only one thing i hope - that BIL has not been put in charge of catering😁

    Thanks for asking my elbow is about the same, but as is usual I am not able to ignore it to a large extent. The left one i can definitely ignore as it's much less sore.

    How are your eyes/nose with the pollen? The count is pretty high ATM annoyingly. I wondered about wearing a mask outside gardening. I mean I still have plenty left. I think most of us do don't we?

    Loved the proposal pic it made me smile! I'm sure they lived happily ever after really. The little girl in the boat I would love that pic on the wall here.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    Oh dear me so all three of you were in 'time out' yesterday! actually i could imagine it (poor Sucré seems very clumsy bless him and is often bopping someone.

    Yes nothing too major for my Figgy luckily So that's good news should be done early this week. Fancy helping me clean her? I was thinking of next weekend?

    Definitely understand you going for a private consultation just hope not too many tests needed to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan for your normal surgery to follow. Whether they like it or not!

    Any plans for today?

    Morning Charlestown. I'm so glad we heard from you I think we might have been on the edge of worrying. I was very much hoping that some family/friends were making you too busy.

    Anyway get well soon. I'm sure you will. plenty of fluids and rest I expect.

    You are not alone not planting your spuds Monty Don has only just planted his. I am well behind in everything still just tidying and clearing mostly.

    The Figaro rally this year is in Devon so UK based. Last year it was Luxembourg the year before France. Next year is the Isle of Man!

    Morning Toady I hope all is well with you.

    Those copper image tulips! Wow! Not your usual colour palette I love it. When you watch episode 4 you'll see Monty needs some like those. Some good stuff this week you'll love it oh my! The author's garden it's heaven total heaven in Cornwall. I desperately want to go if we are allowed.

    Unfortunately I couldn't get any closer to my robin being inside the house. Kari and I were squealing! Yes a classic pic . Todays offering from my weeding session yesterday:

    I had a happy helper the whole time I was outside bless her. When I came in she shot off to grab Mabel and take her to yours.

    Mr and Mrs B must be nesting perhaps? All quiet from them at least you do see your robin. What about the meeces?

    Will the dress sell? We'll see do I make an offer? 16 views one watcher still🙄

    The scan was great (not 4D too early for that yet) very emotional. plenty of tissues used - sorry trees or was it sorry bamboos! They may do a 16 week one which will tell them the gender. Plenty of money to be made in that business I think.🤨

    Well you have a great day looks good out there.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    morning everyone.

    Charlestown, I was at A&E between Christmas & NY and they were excellent. I was all done and leaving with prescription within about 2 hours and the longest wait was actually getting the anti-robotics. I was astounded and was geared up for being there all day. Luck of the draw I guess.

    Hey Toni, yes absolutely I will help clean the Fig, my fee will be a nice big pot of tea please 😁 but you really need Sucré’s big brother. He is a bodywork and paint specialist and is normally working on high end sports cars, but he actually loves detailing cars when he isn’t fixing them. I tried to get him down the motorcycle route with race tuning etc but an early spill just after he had passed his test one year when I was away in Spain put him off bikes and now he is really into cars. Last time I saw him when Sucré was about a year old he was driving a Focus ST, he was about 21 then, I hate to think what his insurance bill was. My bike policy is only just into 3 figures these days, I think his was well in to 4 😳

    Do you use AutoGlym stuff? A friend of mine has just about every product they make and his car is always spotless inside and out. I take my shoes off when I get in 😂

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) my nickname was tippy top because my gran used to have me on her lap lifting me up and down. Then my nickname changed to topsy by my aunty’s. Till I was in my twenties. I then said I would like to be Joan now. I hope you have a good day. Good luck tomorrow with any parcels you have.

    Toni (()) I don’t mind what questions you ask. Pepper looks for sue around the bungalow when we come back from a walk. Yes it’s lonely in the evenings I don’t mind being on my own. Sue never liked being on her own. My friend sends me a text every day. When is the rally. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. Lovely Indian people have lovely hair. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day things are sent to try us love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I hope your infection soon clears up. Have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m ok too thanks just about to launch “Operation Sneaky Shower before dad pollutes the bathroom” lol

    Seeing EF in afternoon we are leaving 4 ish pm as it were

    Bye for now tc xx


    How are you today?

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    Thanks about the hair

    Have a nice afternoon tc xx

    Ps pink Indian Kashmiri chai / tea xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    got in laws over and they all been to indoor play with Sucré. Now cooking home made beef and onion pie with peas and carrots with roast and mash spuds and some broccoli stem things.
    then i am on my own till Wednesday. But i probably ride over there as i miss Sucré when he there, even though he been on his worst behaviour last 2 days.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597

    Hi all 👋 feels like a Saturday to me 🤔 can't get my mind off that idea.

    Decent day for gardening, cold in the wind but ok. Have done a bit of vital pot sorting frog and some border tidying, sowed some beetroot, might get back out if it's a decent evening but looks a bit dicey. Sleek said she had done enough weeding lately so she was excused, fair enough 😄 so we all just played Catty Families again instead and had tea & shortbread fingers 👍️. Poppy seedlings coming up; they could have been started outdoors but I wanted to get them going and then think about position. I do like orange (the tulips) and must remind myself I want to look into something purple that will be out at the right time to flower in combination. The tulip pot is going over very quickly now, rather short-lived for my taste & although they were lovely til then I have reservations about having them again, may go for something shorter/more cottagey, these were more sophisticated type not quite in keeping maybe. You have to make backtracks and change direction in gardening so that's ok. Will be watching GW in a min, right I will prepare to go green with envy re Cornwall 😬. Have you ever been to 'Charleston' btw? meant to ask. Also have you seen the black bun or buns lately? 🐰. V few birdies out today, just the dear sparrows. No mice so far. Fingers crossed for the dress (do you mean might you make an offer directly to the watcher? I have done one or twice to no avail I'm afraid, and I remain convinced that even if I'd had say 4 watchers on something the eventual buyer was just someone who came in fresh & bought it - it would be nice to know!). I didn't know what a 4D scan was, you live & learn! have a good evening :) xx

    I like your nickname Joan 😊 but yes you get to a stage when you want to shed something like that don't you (I thought I remembered that John-Boy Walton the character wanted to be called just John as time went on but now I can't find anything to back me up!). There was a Florence in my family that was always Flossie, also I remember that in my mum's family especially they had a lot of nicknames for local probably not all flattering 😬. No parcels for me today as yet, have just been outdoors instead while I can, heavy rain & strong winds tomorrow 😕. Love to you & the dear dogs 😘 xx

    Hi to bosh, hope your Sunday is going ok whatever your itinerary is 😬. Rain on the way this evening and heavy tomorrow so should damp down the pollen for you hopefully. Will call in cafe later for tea & see if there is any news 👍️ :) xx

    Hope everything went well over at yours today SK and peace has broken out again after yesterday, hope you can get a ride in between here & Weds. 🤞xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    oh sorry no pic this week. It wasn’t a special occasion like Easter. Will get one next time. Sucré loves it when they come to dinner.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,308

    hi SK C toady Joan and Toni

    Hope you all had a good day

    I’m ok thanks

    So is mum

    But we’re absolutely shattered

    BR calls his mummy the weakest link and seriously asked his daddy if he wants to be a millionaire after watching tv game shows lol

    It was nice to see EF but LA was very naughty and ate a massive amount of choc cakes without sharing with his brother!

    My back is aching from the car though

    👋 C thanks for your thoughts on mascara

    I’ll write properly tomorrow am almost in a zombie - like state lol💤

    Good night all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning Joan awww the poor dogs they just won't understand where Sue is at least us people do understand loss. They probably keep hoping she comes home. I am so glad you can cope on your own so maybe it was a blessing it wasn't you who went poor Sue would have hated it. Good that friends are texting so you aren't totally on your own. You also have us lot anytime ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef how are you doing? You are so good cooking for everyone like that from scratch too. No pics ok no problem - next time will do.

    Oh dear me Sucré had been a challenge for two whole days? He'll be back to normal soon hopefully. Of course you miss him and if you can get over in the week I'm sure you will.

    At the moment I am using Meguiars I got the whole kit from the NEC it' brings it up lovely. You know whenever i go to a car show or auction I chat to the guys who do the car polishing. They are the ones who know and I totally admire what they do. The cars just look amazing! What I love best is if a car gets caught in the rain and has the absolute tiniest droplets of rain on it? You know what l mean?

    Right I'm thinking Sunday to clean and polish the Fig? I'll give you a shout.

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope your back is ok and you had a good nights sleep. Your Mum too you both sounded exhausted yesterday.

    I see a certain Tornado was 'showing off' eating all the chocolate cake and not sharing….tut tut.

    The weakest link? Your sister I don't think so do you? BR must have picked up the phrase from the TV and likes the sound of it without knowing what it means😉 Bless him.

    I hope you are feeling restored today and are able to implement 'operation sneaky shower (OSS?)' this morning without too much trouble.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Charlestown oh my gosh just be careful!

    I always knew you shouldn't squeeze a spot, but gosh no I would not have expected that result!

    Get better soon.

    Guess what? Yes it's raining☔ again🙄

    Have a good day.

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you.

    I did get outside (after l cleaned the fish out) and chatted to Kari, but sadly, as it's now chucking it down, didn't last long with this darn elbow😠 Did get my hostas all tidied up, re-potted and back in the shadiest corner. The bed I was weeding had roots far to vicious for me just now.

    You do indeed have to make backtracks/change direction in your garden I agree. Every garden is different and it's part of the fun. This didn't work/last long enough/look right so do something else.

    Sleek enjoyed playing catty families she is coming over in a bit again later on I think when Kari comes here. She was thinking of cluedo again with more shortbread fingers and will bring Mabel. Watch her though she is starting to get confident outside Kari almost lost her yesterday.

    Gosh is this a storm??? What a racket out there! Just checked we have a yellow warning for winds and rain. That carpark is going to be permanently immersed isn't it?🙄

    I have never been to Charlestown have you? Perhaps we can organise a café trip? You will adore, adore, adore the garden in Cornwall it's an old farm or was.

    Well Not much more to say just waiting for a call from the Drs. Could be a while….😉