Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady of of the toad - and - rabbit warren

    How are you?

    Are you still having intentions issues?

    Obviously if you are you can’t send me a carrier pigeon lol

    But if so, i hope things get sorted out soon 🤗

    Ok I need a stretching break

    By the way I’m glad I’m influencing someone 😂😂
    bye for now toady tc xx

    Ps Moroccan theme again lol, just liked this image xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi again toady

    Thanks for appreciating “the crime - light”, sorry that’s only just registered, lol.

    Hope your night goes well tc xx

    👋 sandee , pasta and fish sound good, don’t worry, Toni isn’t a face - stuffer, I’m not sure I can always say the same for myself lol, have a good night tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Just an IOU from me, bit tired after yesterday & the walk etc, so here's a spot the hedgehog pic & little closeup as promised frog - hope to see it again. Another cabbage white too today. Other garden pics to follow, hope you've been able to do some nice outdoor stuff yourself today. I saw 6 lovely big black birds yesterday I wish I could tell whether they're crows or rooks, I never can from a distance. More likely to be crows maybe 🤔. Have a lovely weekend at the vegan festival look forward to hearing about it 😊 xx

    Love to Joan and see you tomorrow 😘 thank you the problem with this website seems to be on their side but I suppose it could be a mix of that with the browser I use 🤔. Haven't seen the hedgehog again yet I'm not sure how many gardens it can get through to from here. Any sign of the foxes lately? xx

    See you soon bosh, the internet is ok today except for just irritating me, I only wanted to get into a bank account quickly to make a deposit and the app said it needed updating, then it told me I couldn't do that because my phone needs updating, so I went on the website instead and they said to add funds, you'll need the app 🤪 could have gone to the branch in less time. Or I could always just not use outdated versions of things I guess 😂. Have a good night glad to hear BR is ok and hope HV settles down 🤞. More chat soon 😊👋 :) xx

    Have a good evening with your friend @sandeelilly , and on Sunday, baggy trousers at the ready 👍️😄 xx

    Take care all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning Everyone

    JJuSt a quick post to say hello really

    I hope you can see this.

    Day one of the vegan festival😊

    Morning Joan. Hope you're OK. Did you watch coronation Street last night. I thought that was it for Paul😮

    I wont moan too much about my shoulder to be fair it should get better given time physio and that jab. Other people have it far worse don't they?

    Take care Joan I hope your day is good ((())) xxx

    Good to know you're OK Sandee off to enjoy Les Miserables c'est fantastique! Your friend will love it I'm sure. Then Madness? Wahay. Saw them a couple of years back at 80's festival in Shrewsbury.

    there is plenty of junk food burgers etc here and you absolutely would not know that no animal has been harned in the making of them. Paul is not vegan and he loves it here.

    You take care 🙂 ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you and your Mum are both well today.

    I have had an epiphany!!!!! I know 2 things! have solved a mystery. The reason for the missing hair clips. LA is going to be a HD! Hope he's not practicing on BR for now like Charley did on Lucy. Cutting off her fringe with kids scissors.....

    Love your Moroccan theme for yesterday very exotic indeed.

    Vegan festival is great Paul is just busy eating as much food as possible. His favourite being the vegan hog roast with vegan crackling. I just hope he'll fit in the motorhome later🙄🤭

    GI Joe! Save us some bananas please. Greedy man. Honestly with BIL Paul and now him what's left for is? Can't even get any chocolate from the HF shop can we......mutter mutter.....

    Hope your day is peaceful and harmonious 🤞

    Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Toad

    Another busy rushed day for you?

    All good here lots of food vegan stalls music talks yoga etc.....

    I did however also see a few 🦋 🦋 in the garden when doing a watering. Thats good. Glad you saw one too.

    I can see Hedgie!!!! Yes I can! Might have babies maybe? Someone I know found one with babies so if they have a season it could be now. Sleek is bringing you some of her food for it just in case.

    Take care Toady. I'm off for some breakfast soon. Porridge with chia seeds😍

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    morning Toni

    Wppl xx

    Ps bill is baking lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) yes I can see the hedgehog I wonder how long he’s been there. My neighbour a few doors away has butterflies on his window sill every day. No I have not seen any foxes yet there is some under my neighbour’s she’d because I hear pepper giving a bark. Sue has a Beetle car I bought from Wool.. a good few years a go for her it has a radio and a cd player. any ideas and a consatina. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) what is the weather like up there. It must be hard with your arm not being able to do what you want to with it (()) enjoy the day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) take care

    Sandee (()) enjoy the concert’s I like Maddness

    Colin (()) have a good day love to your wife (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    I saw the pic of the festival- looks great

    Paul may not fit through the door? Oh dear time to send in the workmen, Bill will serve them the lime cordial.

    So that’s what’s happening, LA will be a hairdresser, cutting fringes wherever he goes 😱

    Mum is ok 👍

    I had a mxt day today, one - off so I can gradually get back to the normal routine

    So I’m conserving energy

    EF are going on holiday on Monday night and the kids are already highly excited lol

    Had some tea at home that was fish - free! My goodness 😂

    Ok bye for now Toni - have a great time at the festival, tc xx

    Ps Lorenzo as an adulk? I hope not lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    👋 toady Joan sandee and everyone else

    Hope you’re all ok?

    Just a bit tired with mxt

    More later possibly

    Bye for now tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋

    Lovely day where you are frog, lovely sky 😊 hope all's well. I'll have a bao bun please despite not knowing what it is 😂. I was listening to one of my guided meditations last night which is set in a camper van, always rather amuses me because you start by driving through snow in poor visibility, then pull in and set a wood burning stove going, heat some soup, and leave a candle burning, those of a nervous disposition may not find that all that relaxing 😄 but I like it and it's nice to have the camper van experience sort of! Don't suppose you wave naked flames about quite so cavalierly. Nice here today will try and get out later. Few more pics below, the agapanthus are being difficult but will try again. The purple podded peas are coming along, will probably have them as mangetout. Meant to be 3ft (Desiree Dwarf Blauwschokkers) I suppose they aren't too much more but I think I took that as an upper estimate; the non-dwarf are double that. Isn't it sad that hollyhock and buddleia are no sooner out than the early flowers are already going over 😔. I meant to say that I saw the hedgehog much more closely than when it was in the shrubbery, because I went out and it was coming straight along the paving out in the open! We both froze and it went back the other way, squeezing between the leg of the bench and a plant pot with a lovely bristly noise 😀. Oh I also have two shocking insect bites 😣 but not like any flea bite I've ever had, so I don't blame Hedgie for those. No other news, have a lovely evening & Sunday, hope all family well :) xx

    Hello Joan, glad your neighbour has butterflies it's not all a gloomy picture then 😊. No hedgehog again yet I will go out when it's more towards dusk. Ooh a 'Beetle' radio & CD player, well people do love VWs don't they there should be a home for that. I know nothing at all about concertinas 😮 how old is it? Someone would want that surely. I have a violin a guitar and a zither in the loft!! no idea where they should go they were the sorts of things my parents picked up at sales etc., probably all need attention by now. It feels like Sunday to me all day so hopefully by tomorrow I'll feel like that's a 'free' bonus Sunday without post etc 👍️. Love to the dogs 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, hope the mxt-moving works well & you can edge it back to where it was. I meant to tell you that there was another twist to the cream crackers saga, I'd already bought mine & was queuing in al fresco for something else, the cashier was chatting to the customer in front (obviously knew each other from shopping regularly), as the woman was going the cashier said 'don't forget crackers & cheese'! 😮 it didn't really seem to be related to shopping, like a reminder, I think it was code myself 🤔😄. The cashiers also were wearing badges saying how long they'd worked there, cheek I thought, not hard to work out your age in some cases! I'd want to refuse, I mean we aren't all deceptively youthful 😉. I love the kitchen roll cake (it is kitchen roll isn't it.. 😬). Sorry you didn't get your dark choc in the end. Oh another little thing, the funny nosy owls sort of reminded me, I was listening to a slightly strange Dr Chew audio story that was like an Agatha Christie style murder mystery with some real-life Beatrix Potter type characters (I'm fairly sure I heard it not dreamt it!!), sadly no owl in that but there was a bat called Miss Nightheart, and I thought that was such a fabulous name I may have to change mine to it; it does exist apparently. Have a good evening as poss 👋 :) xx

    Love to everyone not here today 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 27. Jul 2024, 16:16

    Sweet pea 'Matucana' and a Verbena B. for 'Carol K' 😊 not life size of course but they've done well this year and I have a lot of nice little plants for the future from this year's sowing 👍️

    Buddleia and hollyhock 🌸 and purple pea pods.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 27. Jul 2024, 20:36

    hi toady

    Crackers and cheese don’t spread disease

    If the cheese isn’t soft

    vampire bat toady Nightheart consumes it in the loft

    I think that’s all mxt will let me say at the moment.

    👋Good night toady Toni Joan sandee and everyone else tc xx

    Ps cast pewter cheese crackers apparently lol xx

    Pps let’s say it was kitchen roll, haha

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    I just stood on top of the motorhome for that one!!!

    Good morning Joan great news! My shoulder is really really improving! I didn't want to say yesterday in case I jinxed it but it's true!!! Isn't that great? It look about 10 days for the steroid to work, but it has☺️ How are you doing though? What's next for you health-wise? Have you got any appointments booked? Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandee - who is busy going to various show - sending you a quick hello and hoping you are doing well 😊 ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you and your Mum are well today.

    All is well here I have woken to a beautiful day again.

    I can imagine how over-exited EF are ATM that is to say all 3 of your sister's boys. Hopefully she has everything in hand😉Are the off to Portugal again? The boys loved it there didn't they? BR's favourite place I think bless him.

    No-one needs worry about future careers for the next week do they they can just eat good food and hopefully relax. Maybe BIL is a good Dad who will take the boys in the pool so your sister can read her book a bit. Paul used to do that for me.

    I loved the little ditty you wrote for Toady!

    As for BIL's cake it's fabulous I think so funny🤭 Not much use in the bathroom though is it? Only thing l am worried about for BIL and the holiday is if it's all-inclusive? If so there may be more of him when he comes home🤔

    No fish at the vegan festival so you should come here. It's been fabulous so far home later on. Not sure what to try thinking I must get some bao buns for Toady to try though. I do love them anyway.

    Well have a gentle day my friend I hope no MTX hangover for you today.

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    What beautiful photos you took I am so jealous. My plants had no more than a cursory watering yesterday. Sleek had plenty of attention even though we were nipping back to feed her (and Lucy's cats as she is at a wedding of a friend) Kari had been too.

    If you don't get loads of butterflies with all those lovely blues and purple colours I would be very surprised.

    What a fantastic guided meditation you must feel like you're really inside the camper. I could see you driving one yes I could see that. Absolutely no lit flames in our motorhome no! 😮 but candle are relaxing. I do have some battery operated lights though I haven't put any up this year due to having a tight pitch. Not enough room for the awning.

    Glad you saw Hedgie again did you leave him Sleek's food out? She will be over later to check…. She will be moaning about the automatic feeder no doubt asking for 'D- cent fresh brekfost'. I'm sure you will oblige. She has a motion camera so if Kari should surprise her with a visit she'll nip back and pretend she was outside.

    Have a good day Toad😊 A breakfast bao bun, but I'll get a real one to show you later. I can get porridge now or an omelette or a full vegan english but no bao buns till later sorry.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) your plants are lovely. I remember a lady on to used to play the zither. Would the fleas jump from the hedgehog and have a walk around. Good luck with the results of your blood test. Have a good day

    Toni (()) that’s good news about your arm (()) now you feel more relaxed. I have to go on Wednesday morning for a blood test blood pressure and be weighed and measured(()) that will be fun. I’m still waiting for an appointment about my hip. Have a good journey back home. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum I hope she is well (())

    Sandee (()) have a good day

    Colin (()) love to you and your wife (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    How are you today?

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    Thanks about the mini poem 🙏

    I managed a walk today but it was already boiling 🥵

    Nice pic but remember to be extra careful on the roof please

    The vegan festival sounds great

    Yes Portugal indeed - where lobster - flavoured tea is very much a La mode lol

    A bit tired after the walk

    So bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps some advice for the pharmacist who sometimes sells my Class A folic acid on the street and is being chased by police lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi again Toni

    Glad you woke to a beautiful day

    You’re right, bill is the youngest boy lol

    Apparently BR had a tantrum at the toy shop and broke his daddy’s designer sunglasses, I must admit I laughed, bill and his designer hair gel and accessories lol, whereas most of the time he’s slobbing around in the same orange shorts from around the time of the Ark.

    Yes Portugal again, BR will be ecstatic bless him.

    Lobster infused coffee I meant, for bill at least 🦞

    That’s nice about Paul, maybe bill will do something helpful and kind like that, I’m not sure, I hope so, I remember the time though when he said he loves Chinese takeaway more than his wife, in front of his wife, oh dear 😂

    The FB choc cake lady is going on holiday too, probably Greece and has proudly photographed her daughter eating doughnuts for breakfast, poor girl her mum’s feeding her this kind of stuff all the time and she putting on weight, oh well no one can stop her really, maybe when the girl is older she’ll change.
    No not really a multi - purpose cake that’s true, haha.

    Yes good point, if it’s all - inclusive Bill’s eating may become totally unfettered lol, but it’s not exactly fettered right now to be honest, haha.

    Yes doors may need to be widened nationally, if not internationally, lime cordial supplies are running low

    The workmen are in control and are being paid in so much cash that toad has retreated into her vegan - pastry hole

    And I may be selling broken designer sunglasses on nosegay

    Don’t tell anyone 🤐

    Enjoy the rest of the day Toni tc xx

    Ps Why I have to buy stationery on nosegay now lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 28. Jul 2024, 16:29

    hi Joan

    How are you doing in this hot weather?

    Mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    She has a diabetic foot checkup tomorrow at the GPs’, should be fairly routine 👍

    Have a nice afternoon / evening tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady

    Are you hiding in the vegan pastry hole today?

    Only joking of course

    Yes badges that hint our confidential ages - very ookey 😱

    What’s the heat like today?

    Here it’s less stuffy, inside at least.

    I know - everything needs updating- very annoying

    My why? - pad says I need a mushroom emoji update, it’s not a joke, even though it sounds like it lol, but it won’t let the update happen or delete the reminder

    Has GI Joe got inside my tablet? Is this The Physio’s Revenge? Now these a novel - title, lol

    Have a nice evening toady tc xx

    Ps A bad pun, but at least it’s not it’s not one of mine, haha xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good evening everyone

    Toni (()) I saw on f .. Carol ‘s cat has died. Sorry to say

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi sandee

    How are you?

    Have a nice evening tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good night everyone tc xx

    Sorry about the uncouth tea party guest lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 👋

    Lovely evening, cool & pleasant out of doors earlier, which is when I should have been doing my gardening instead of when it was still a bit warm 😬. Hope your day was nice frog although I slightly dread to think what we will read tomorrow that you have been doing, after standing on the motorhome 😮 😱 not fire-eating or juggling tent pegs with your newly improved shoulder I do hope! (v. pleased to hear about this 😊). Sleek has indeed been round here and second breakfasts have been supplied 👍️ also homemade banana muffins with chia seeds linseeds oats and cinnamon, which is some very ripe bananas off my conscience. No sign of Hedgie, haven't been out the back much though, mostly out the front - the good sighting I had was all the same as the photo day, not since, sorry, I didn't make that clear. Yes I wonder what age it is, it was sort of medium sized 🤔. Cabbage whites today 1 or 2 but no 'colours' 😕 yes they should be all over the buddleia. Thanks about the flowers, at least I have had some better sweet peas this year, you wouldn't be jealous of the bits I crop out though, they are very carefully 'posed' pics 😄. More of this weather and I would get more on top of things a bit.. maybe.. 🤞. Hope Lucy had a lovely day, have a good drive back etc, love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, so sorry to hear about Carol's cat 😥. Toni will be very sad. I hope your day was ok I have just done bits & pieces really. Yes I'm sure the hedgehog fleas would get about 😬 apparently hedgehog fleas are specific to hedgehogs, I didn't know that - they may jump off and bite a dog or cat &c but they won't live on them. Thank you about the blood tests they mainly just check my inflammatory markers these days and if they are not right I would probably know about it myself. I will remember your Weds appointment 🤞. Have a good night do you keep windows open much? xx

    Hi bosh, that is a very good bad pun 👍️😂. I haven't been hiding in the vegan pastry hole 😄 though I was baking buns earlier, too hot for cookery really but my bananas would have become like walking dead bananas if I'd left them much longer, and I couldn't waste 3 😱 glad I haven't got a warehouse full like your pic to get through! It has been warm yes a bit too warm not enough cloud, did a bit too much in the garden but the weather can't go on indefinitely and I keep hearing time's winged chariot & all that 😬. Hopefully can just have a walk tomorrow & do a bit less. That's hilarious about the mushroom emoji update, I really have heard it all now 😂😂 yes the updating has gone beyond the pale and it should never have become the case that things need replacing all the time & people buy or have to buy new phones every 5 minutes, so wasteful. Nosegay is very irritating these days too, adopting young person speak and talking about things like shopping for 'new 'fits', I mean honestly 🙄. Ah the 'kitchen roll', well just call me innocent minded, I didn't even notice the gnomes were inebriated til you said 😂. Glad the littleys are looking forward to their holiday 😊 not too many tantrums I hope, oh dear daddy's sunglasses, mustn't laugh well maybe slightly 🤭. Right I am off to bed, I will not be hanging upside down in the loft with our without cheese, it gets so hot up there this weather it doesn't bear thinking about 🔥. Have a good night 👋 :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan. Thank you the injection made a huge huge difference I am so pleased long may it last I think I can do my physio exercises again now. So you have your MOT booked for Wednesday. Still no date for the hip yet though? That's annoying 😠 Enjoy the sunshine🌞 ((())) xxx Thanks for telling me about Cookie I have been on and given my condolences to Carol.

    Morning Sandee hoping all is well with you all sending love and ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you and your Mum are both well. The foot check up ought to be fine for your Mum.

    All is good here home and thanks to the lime cordial I got Paul back too. The amount of bloke he drank honestly! He got sunburnt too, but sunglasses are ok so he looks a bit like a panda in reverse. Basically he sat in the sun (eating) while I went to hear the educational talks in the big tents.

    Oh dear BR not the designer sunglasses😎 oh dear dear me. I am sure Daddy has forgiven him - and Reshmi I am also sure he will leave the orange shorts behind. He has no doubt stocked up his wardrobe with holiday clothes for their Portuguese holiday. The partaking of lobster tea and coffee requires new clothing. I mean everyone knows that🤣

    The FB lady feeds her daughter doughnuts for breakfast?! no wonder the child is gaining weight😲 now that's who GI Joe needs to chat to not the likes of you and me🙄

    EF will be off today I do hope they have a lovely time I think you'll miss them though.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I hope you are ok and Hedgie is too even if you haven't seen him. I imagine you've put water down so he is probably keeping cool somewhere private. Sleek reckons she's seen him and had a chat. She has her 3rd jab this morning don't tell her.

    Only two cabbage whites still? At least I have seen some different coloured butterflies 🦋 not many admittedly but at least 2/3.

    These are my bao buns I had one yesterday (Paul had the other and 2 out of 3 of the spring rolls)

    I have brought home with me in the fridge some Chinese food and two different curries the latter two are frozen for now.

    I felt quite sad to be home yesterday. I managed several of the educational talks which was fabulous ( very very hot though) when someone says something and everyone cheers and claps oh it makes me well-up to be part of it🤗To feel 'normal' and accepted for a change.

    Oh dear you gardened like a mad dog/english-person did you?! I would have done too probably it's irresistible when the weather is so good.

    Well done you making the banana muffins - cinnamon and chia seeds were also in my porridge delightful. Sleek had one or two crumbs still on her whiskers so i thought she'd had some😋. Waste not want not.

    I have some new T shirts and a vegan belt made from cork. It's lovely and reversable too.

    I also crop out a bit when I take pics😉 I shall take some for you today myself. The 'Gay feather' looks rather lovely from here.

    Have a good day!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,122

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I cannot reach the windows to open them but the back door is always open. I’ve just got careline in case I fall over. It will make me feel safer. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) yes that’s good about your arm. I just happened to see about Carols cat. I went on f .. to with my friend happy birthday. That’s when I saw it by the time I came to write I had forgotten the cats name. So sorry to read it. How was sleek when you got back. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) how are you. Love to your mum (()) have a good day

    Colin (()) love to you and your wife (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    morning Toni

    Wppl xx