Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Toni toady and Joan

    Hope you’re all ok this evening?

    I’m still feeling slightly ookey

    So I’m doing things by stages

    This is the poem I wrote earlier on today - it sounds a bit like Blue P*ter doesn’t it? Lol

    On the subject of poor mum’s enjoyment of a high thermostat setting etc

    Another message later hopefully

    Thanks bye for now tc xx

    It’s called “Extreme Heating and Muddy Days or Hat -Splashing Deity LA Stays”
    Heating is on, I’m rather warm, more deep fried sarnie, not toastie
    I’d better adjust some layers otherwise I’ll soon resemble a chicken that’s not boiled but “roasty”
    Little Toni has lost her hat, but cleverly she’s found a suitable spare
    But the problem is that LA has come to visit splashing mud all over her motor- home, chapeau and lovely hair.

    Ps one of Sleek’s pals in charge of nappy - quality control- apparently lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi toady

    There was also a party food famine but as my sister had invited the whole galaxy that was no surprise

    We lived in a very small house back then so I’m wondering now if all the gate crashers fitted inside, there was a kind of green very nearby, so maybe the kiddies squatted there lol

    Pass the parcel was indeed played, but no hair clips or mud - splashing wellies were the prizes oh dear

    👋 Joan how are you? Thanks about mum, yes I’m keeping warm 🙏

    Have a good night tc xx

    👋 Toni

    yes thermals- weather is definitely here

    You can say vile- unteers sometimes I won’t tell anyone, just toady the gossip- only joking “obvs” - don’t worry I regress into such hideous youth slang lol

    Goodnight Toni and everyone tc xx

    Ps Bill’s “pet” trying to secure him a good parking space 😱xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791
    edited 13. Sep 2024, 05:28

    That's a shame Joan poor Barbara has enough to worry about with her eyes never mind her hearing too😕 Tony's cat Ra who died? Yes he missed him so much said he wouldn't have another, but he has! An old boy called Teddy with a floppy ear. He loves him just the way he did Ra☺️ You can't imagine how many people need the foodbank it's just so sad and wrong in the 21st century isn't it? Well you have a good day are you going into town? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you? I hope feeling better after yesterday's MTX? My turn today bleh! I'm sure that one slightly raised result for your Mum can be remedied with a medication tweak as you say. The 18th is soon They are well organised aren't they getting the bloods done well in advance.

    I did hear about the gift bag famine of the 80's yes🤣 My great niece called round yesterday in her uniform she looked so grown up and smart adorable aren't they kids even if they do do silly things😊She'll be 6 in December so is a similar age to LA I think. Year 1.

    Glad you have plenty of cardies what would we do without them? I bought Paul one so far he hasn't worn it🙄

    I think I might give that road amiss in the photo!!!!😮

    I like BIL's small cat saving him a good spot for his car. Sleek says the other cat is scared she'll catch covid from the QJL next door.

    Yes 'Here's one I prepared earlier'!!! Love it very blue peter! Great poem where do you get them from! Thanks LA the mud is great fun for small boys not so for old ladies in motorhomes with trench foot and splattered chapeaus!!!

    I do hope our friend Toady is ok. Sleek has grabbed her wet weather gear and is on route (she wouldn't wait for a catsi) on her motorised scooter. Hopefully she'll let us know that our friend is just struggling to get on line.

    Toady take care have some breakfast and a cuppa ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

    Ps bill is cooking his sushi lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363

    Morning all 👋 I'm fine @frogmorton, I was in yesterday, see previous page 👍 now awaiting mattress delivery 😬 see you all later :) xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day yes I know people buy things on line wear them then send them back saying they don’t like them.

    Toni (()) I phoned Barbara she was at the sight clinic to see about having a white stick. So I’m ringing her tomorrow. Have a good day love to everyone.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    Hi Toni

    How are you?
    mum and I are ok 👍

    Dad has a cold because he wore the summer coat 🤷‍♀️

    LA has been naughty in school “time out” in PE, but he lied to his mummy and said he’s forgotten the reason 🤥

    BR was checking his male pal’s heart with the toy stethoscope aww ❤️

    Ablutions time

    👋 toady and Joan

    Hope you’re both ok?

    Mums ok 👍

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ps mushroom pasties xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Toni

    That’s nice about your great niece, how sweet

    Poor Barbara, having hearing problems too.

    Yes the cardies are very useful

    I take layers on and off all the time

    It drives my mum mad lol

    Yes mum’s kidney doctors are very good

    And they’ll help her soon thanks 👍

    I had a takeaway today, from the local cafe, veggie burger etc, was very yummy

    I’m very tired but that’s just because the house is overheated

    mums in a bit of mood but that’s just because of the grumpy dad situation etc

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

    Ps a mug for us ladies with “less usual names” xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363

    Hi folks 😊 just a quick one will be back tomorrow with a quite amusing mattress delivery story 🤨😄🤪😮

    Thank you for the breakfast very nice too frog 😊 and for asking after me 😘. Sleek duly arrived like a little whirlwind on her scooter, safe & sound, weather quite nice here for her return journey so it should have been a nice ride 😺. I have finally taken the catazon prime out today for something I wanted quickly but as to anything else they really have got less & less I want and more & more overpriced, so Sleek is welcome to it. Hope you have had a good day and Paul too, he of the diet and no cardigan, in which I will join him well the cardigan resistance anyway 😱 too soon too soon!. Hope everyone else well too, more tomorrow 👋 :) xx

    Hello Joan, sorry to hear about Barbara thank you for news of her we do miss her 😔. Hope everything alright with you & you got on well if you did go into town. Yes, awful that people will wear something and return it, I can never really believe someone would, just imagine doing that 🙄. I remember reading one firm at least I think put a limit on how many returns you could make just normal unwanted returns - you can see how it's a nuisance for them but as someone rightly said, you have to order more than one size really because you never know what will fit and every brand's sizing seems to be different. Nice weather here today hoping for another like this tomorrow may get some washing out. Have a good Saturday :) xx

    Hi to bosh and catch up with you tomorrow for a good gossip 😉 . The time has come the Walrus said to talk of many things, of cheese and chips and ceiling cats and cabbages (always!) and fairy rings 🍄. Well almost right. Sorry your Dad has the sniffles I hope it's only a touch, the summer coat strikes again 🙄 hope you are ok too and yours hasn't come to much especially with a hot house to put up with. Nice poem, talking of being 'roasty' 👍️🔥 and a good image of the excess kiddies overflowing onto the village green, yes that sounds quite probable 😄. Not much doing here but I have had 3 out of 3 successful nosegay purchases in a row which is good going for me 😊 no hats though but I do need a new handbag 🤔. Have a good night and weekend :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791
    edited 14. Sep 2024, 06:47

    Morning Everyone!

    Joan yes Last time I spoke to Barbara she was waiting ti get a white stick i bet she does really well with it. She is a strong woman.

    How are you though? And the Dogs are they both ok? Not much doing here today just going to a Saturday Market and maybe get a posh coffee ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hooe you and Mum are OK. All well here no more small visitors. They really are the funniest aren't they.

    Oh dear me LA! Trying to cover up your misdemeanours at school was he?!! Dies he not realise Mummies are super clever and find everything out🤣

    My Dad used to say a little bird told me. I remember us kids regularly saying 'I hate that bird!!!'

    Sorry your Dad is poorly thereby annoying you both more than even usual🙄

    Hopefully he'll get better soon bless him

    How adorable is BR? Looking after his friends. Maybe a Dr too amongst all his career options 🤭

    When will you see the EF next? Time for some entertainment I 🤔

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Where was that post when I was searching for it? Hmmmph🙄

    Sleek got back and reassured me anyway. She is a whizz on the scooter she would probably like to ride along next to you on yours. Let the neighbours talk!!!

    Well done doing the amazon trial i hope you make the most of it. It's a waste of money (sort of) normally unless you watch prime TV.

    You are a Hardy Toad not needing a cardy yet! I am impressed. I have my vest on too already😮

    A dry weekend ahead so hopefully we'll get outside in the garden😊

    TaKe care ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) yes a neighbour years ago said she order things from a catalogue wear it and then send it back saying it didn’t fit. Have a good day. I went into town it made a change I hadn’t been there since before pepper’s op. I went to esco for some Ovaltine they look at you strange they had never heard of it.

    Toni (()) I read last night in our local news some teenagers had shot a swan in the neck. Have a good day I don’t wear cardigans I wear jumpers. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. I hope your Dad soon feels happier. On Christmas Day my stepmother said to her family when they came don’t speak to Joan I’m not. I didn’t mind I went out with my dog.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    I trust you didn’t really have three pains au chocolat for breakfast? Lol

    Mums ok 👍

    Dad is grumpy but a bit better today thanks

    Yes mums have super powers and most dads too lol

    I did manage an early cost a packet visit today and treated myself to some nice toast with my tea 🍵

    Unusually it was even cold inside that cafe in the morning

    So I didn’t bother writing things down but made a few mental notes

    I like going to that place, because as Joan said, it’s just a bit of change, even though the inhabitants of Reading can be a bit boring lol

    It’s not like some parts of London for example, where you can “people- watch”

    So I made up a few things, not a poem, more a tall tale called “Peppa Pig and LA Sabotage Cost A Packet in the Morning”

    LA was awake early one morning and so bored so he drove his delivery van to cost a packet and scrambled the Wi-Fi signal, because he wasn’t going to let the cook scramble eggs anymore- just think of his daddy’s cholesterol!

    Bacon rolls were also removed from the premises, because no one should be eating Peppa’s brethren!

    All the tea was flavoured with a hint of mxt, just to spare the poor pharmacist some work as he was going on holiday soon to drink lime cordial in peace and consume some plant - based gammon, which was almost as tasty as plant - based salmon, also known as tofu with a hint of eye of newt and all the hot sauce a brother in law could dream of - these events are absolutely true, as related in bills Brace - book page called, “A Compost - Loaded Fertile Imagination” 🤥

    Yes LA is telling porky pies at times I believe

    Sweet about BR indeed

    Ok bye for now Toni almost ablutions time tc xx

    👋 Joan

    How are you?

    I’m ok thanks so is mum 👍

    Dad is always grumpy but his cough is bit better now 🙏

    That wasn’t nice of your step - mother, that’s good that you went out with your dog

    Have a good Saturday Joan tc xx

    👋 toady

    How are you today?

    Glad things were more or less ok with you yesterday

    New handbag, fair enough, but what are the contents? You should carry at least one emergency cabbage with you always you know, so no chic tiny haute couture bag - affairs for you I’m afraid

    It’s practically time to bathe in Ganges or something like that lol, only joking of course

    So bye for now toady tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363
    edited 14. Sep 2024, 17:47

    Afternoon all 😊 lovely day.

    Garden for me frog I hope for you too. Done a reasonable bit of tidying & whatnot. Nice to see they are promising us some more good weather yet 🤞 cardigans, ah well it's not hardiness, it's just bloodymindedness, I refuse to give in 😄. There has been & will be the odd extra layer I admit that much, but no it's far too soon, if you start cardying now where does that leave you 'going forward' 😬. I may have browsed a couple on nosegay though 😉. I bought some handy garage storage boxes too so I have been out there 'filing' my hammerite & white spirit and whatnot 👍️. Couple of catazon deliveries today, all very straightforward, unlike the mattress - get this for a delivery story. I was asked several times to confirm that the delivery window was convenient & told the drivers would call if any problem, going to be late etc. What actually happened was they were nearly an hour early, didn't knock, apparently took my small 'deliveries may be left in porch' sign to apply to anything 😮 and left it standing up pressed against the glass of the inner door! 🙄. a) why not ring & say they would be early, and b) common sense 🤷‍♀️. This was my supposed 2 man delivery to room of my choice. Can't make it up. If postie had come in the next 10 mins he would have had to knock on the mattress 😄. The delivery side of things have terrible reviews and going by some of them, I may actually not have wanted the 2 men in my house.. 🤨. Hope it will be alright after all that! No other news hope everything ok with you, love to all and have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hello Joan, ooh a neighbour of yours used to do that with the mail order things did they, well it's a funny old world - maybe people think it's acceptable somehow but I expect some know exactly what they're doing, not very moral is it 🙄. I was telling Toni they brought my mattress yesterday and walled me in by leaving it against my door, good job I didn't want to get out in a hurry! Awful service, could have caused someone all sorts of problems - I should have made them come back really but to be honest I didn't like the sound of the people 😬. I can't understand about the Ovaltine, they definitely sell it online, I suppose if assistants don't drink it maybe they sort of ignore its existence! £4 as well, gosh 😮 and it should still be in a cardboard tub, not a plastic jar 😠. Glad it was nice otherwise going to town and a change 😊 have a good Sunday take care :) xx

    Love to bosh too will pop in later 😊👋 xx edit: sorry seen your post now, it didn't 'appear' 🤷‍♀️ yes large handbags for me 👍️ always, don't think I've owned many tiddlers, definitely none now, not chic enough obvs 😄 contents are usually years' worth of receipts and bus tickets, oh dear no exciting lipsticks with gold-plated cases and exotic eaux de parfum 😳 but plenty of room for cabbages, you can't have everything. See you again if I pop in for tea later :)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791
    edited 15. Sep 2024, 05:16

    Morning Joan. What on earth? You really did hVe a wicked Stepmother 🤬 what a thing to say. I would never have done that toTia!

    As long as you are warm wn6jumpers are fine. I have a few too. Do the dogs have coats for winter/rain?

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi ❤️

    How are you all? Is your Dad's cold going away yet? Have you and your Mum escaped it so far?

    Toast with your cuppa in Costa packet sounds perfect. Just right not too much dont worry the pain au chocolat were one each for you Toady and Joan. I still try to people warch wherever I am it's fun isn't it?hah!

    Love the little story you wrote it's so clever I reckon a certain small boy would love to hear it.

    Not so sure about MTX in everything 🤢but i do approve of the pharmacists getting a lime cordial holiday 👍 They deserve it don't they?

    I'm glad I don't have BIL on Brace book although maybe his page does sound interesting.....

    Definitely all pig based food should be replaced with plant based alternatives no-one should eat Pepper 🐖 🐷 the boys would be devastated.

    We had an OK day yesterday hope you did too? Today is supposed to be ok so plan to make the most of it.

    Take care my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Yes yesterday was lovely by our UK standards! I also got outside including drying some washing so that was 👍good glad you did too. I see Skeek helped.

    She said she had to come sound to tge other door to come in there was a mattress of all things in the way! That 2 person delivery turned out to be one woman and a cat! Well I hope its good at least and not smelly like our new one was?

    Well yes....cardies now does worry me but I have some long sleeved vests and long johns if it comes to it. I rather think it might this year too🤔

    Glad at least that the captain deliveries went OK. Quite good fun when they come isn't it?

    I am slightly covetous of your new garage storage boxes though☺️ wet weather fun tidying that lot.

    Dry again today hopefully so back outside we go! Take care🙂

    Vegan option available of course and the bacon is of course plant based.....

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

    Ps knitted cake - just don’t tell Riley xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    I phoned Barbara she said she liked chunky Kit Kat I said dark chocolate ones. Barbara said no I don’t like chocolate. I felt sorry for her. She is still waiting for her white stick.

    Toady (()) that’s wrong they could have rung your doorbell. Years ago we ordered a television they brought it and put it in side the front door we asked for it to be brought in doors. They said we are not allowed to come in we asked a neighbour he did it. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) have a good day. Pepper and Lexi have long coats they go out and in to the garden I say why can’t you learn to close the door you have your coats on so you are warm. How is your arm now. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Dads cold is a lot better thanks

    Mums bs was low this morning unfortunately

    But she’s ok now

    I’m ok thanks

    Lorenzo’s party today!

    What LA and the rest of the junior mafia get up to, i can only imagine

    I wrote a little poem this morning

    The first line is not 100% mine, it’s more or less from a song, but the rest is my own work as it were lol
    It’s called “An arthritic morning ode for Toni, Joan and the toad”
    It’s not the waking, it’s the rising
    It’s the stiffness and joint pain that’s still surprising
    It’s the sluggishness and brain fog
    It’s mxt and feeling like your sinking in a peat bog
    It’s the R Brek in the morning to warm us from the inside out
    It’s the chewing the cud with my VC pals that cheers me up, without a doubt

    👋toady and Joan hope you’re both ok?

    Will post properly later after ablutions

    Ps choc R Brek - only allowed for Vulcans and mini gangsters lol

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    Poor Barbara, that’s a shame that she doesn’t like chocolate much anymore, sorry to hear about Barbara’s health, she’s such a nice lady.

    Mum is ok at the moment thanks but her bs was too low this morning unfortunately

    She’s ok now though thanks 🙏

    I hope you have a nice evening and night bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi again Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Yes the pharmacists need a break sometimes lol

    Dad isn’t too bad and mum and I haven’t caught his cold yet 👍

    I wonder what happened at Lorenzo’s party?

    Did Riley lick the lasagne?

    Did ELTB pop in for a flying visit to say, “I don’t like tiramisu and I don’t want to talk about tiramisu anymore!!”
    Was Louisa’s head ant - free?

    These are mysteries that sis has promised to explain when she’s less busy

    Yesterday was ok thanks

    Today was better, I had a little bit more energy 🙏

    How about you?

    Have a nice evening and night Toni tc xx

    Ps this is an Indian Bengali dessert vegan version just called “vegan Mishti Doi” xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi toady

    How are you?

    Fairy rings, that got me thinking, thanks for that👍

    Glad you got some things done

    Party stories tomorrow most likely 🙏

    I’m not going to freeze in the cold room 🥶

    So have a good night and glad your bags are cabbage - friendly 🥬

    Take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi everyone

    I almost forgot

    LA drew this Pokémon called “Skeelix” by following a Rubiks Cube video

    Toni don’t blame me if it’s scary, blame LA 😂 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363

    Hi all, far too late & silly for a proper post, back tomorrow, has been a funny day - unsettling things happening next door etc 😬 not the Sunday I had in mind. Rain on & off too but tomorrow better hopefully, have a good night all see you soon 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791

    Morning Joan. So annoying Barbara is still waiting for that white stick isn't it? She prefers milk chocolate maybe rather than dark chocolate? Your dogs have thick coats awwww. Nope they never shut the door behind themselves do they😁 my old yorkie did use the cat flap though at my old old old old house he had a brick for a step outside and learnt by copying the cats😊

    Somebody said it had been 28 degrees in North wales this week! Not in the Midlands that's for sure rain all afternoon yesterday. My arm is definitely kicking off again. I think I'll have to go back to physio and ask for a scan or something now😕Take are Joan.

    Morning Reshmi how are you all today? You and your Mum did so well not catching that cold! Hope your Mum's bs is ok today. I am fine though oddly enough some hay fever symptoms briefly a day or so back, but that's settled now thanks for asking.

    Thank you so much for the cake it looks lovely maybe a tad chewy, but lovely. I will say not a word to Lorenzo I promise.

    Great poem☺️ It really sums it up doesn't it? a little sad but also heartening that the café does help us so much too and we wouldn't even know each other if we didn't have Arthritis would we?

    Oh dear me a gathering of the mafioso was it? I do hope all went well no shared foods licked by anyone🤢 they are funny children they do make me smile. I wonder whether the party venue have to get in extra security🤔 Would be lovely if ELTB turned up!!!

    The Mishti doi sounds lovely a quick google tells me Frogs would really enjoy it and it looks fairly easy to make too. Thank you very much. I think it's better than chocolate ready break more for young mafioso I agree.

    Have a good Monday lets hope its a good week for us all take care((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I see you also had that rain yesterday too😕 plenty in the village, but was ok in the morning so that was something at least got out for a walk with Kari and her DIL.

    Sleek is not happy about 'goings on' next door either, but she says if it's too bad the bedroom is nearly ready to escape to if needs be. Well more or less she informs me that you both need to get the bed made up so she can lie on it to 'check it's comfy' enough.

    I have nothing much to say really been very boring here lots and lots of mole activity in the garden. Time they moved on for a bit they usually have done by now. Just annoyed by the weather.

    I hope today is a good one for our Toad ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

    Ps another fairy ring xx