Val's Cafe
hi Toni toady Joan etc
How are you all?
Satisfactory hair cut but I’m so tired
Nurse said I seem to be anaemic and I need some extra bloods when I have routine rhuemo blood test
Mum is finally looking a bit better 👍👍
Her bs was also ok
I’m almost asleep sorry
LA said he’s too old for abc stickers and too masculine for flower - stickers or something like that lol - what a gender - challenged attitude lol
Very nice HD experience even got a cup of tea and a biccie- rather BR - sized lol, but still a biccie lol
👋 hi Toni
Yes patch alerted her
How is the lovely baby doing?
Ok good night everyone happy New Year’s Eve tc xx
I Need to sleep 💤
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Morning Joan oh that is funny actually seeing a policeman running! I've only ever seen that on Telly😃 Yep could be a dog took his butties or maybe just a boring old shoplifter🙄 Hope you're doing ok with that hip? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
How are you this fine 2025 (well not fine but it is 2025).
Have you awoken with your hair as perfect as when you went to bed? I loved the pic BTW who would have known the Mona Lisa had foils in her hair?! Treated well then at the HDs good I am very pleased and no lectures?
Hope your Mum's BS ok very glad to hear she is finally looking better☺️ and there weren't too many fireworks going off for you last night. The only sound we had was the wind bashing the sides of the house.
Best have the extra bloods Reshmi as the nurse said safety first. I think the inflammatory arthritises can cause us to be a tad on that side. Are you extra tired?
Oh dear me LA no flowers? He is being influenced by the mini mafioso. Sadly they do go through a phase of 'not liking' girls about now for a few years until they start chasing them again🙄
Thanks for asking the baby is doing very well indeed bless her she is 11lb now.
Take care and here's to a good year in the café ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
It's 2025! I remember thinking how old (very old) I'd be in the year 2000 now look at me😣 What's going on?
Sleek said she held paws with you to cheer you up and the hot choccy bombs were definitely needed. She was glad to receive your text to reassure her all turned out well. People don't always think do they? Probably they wanted time to write a decent reply and too much/other people interfered with their time?
Wow the wind was noisy last night! Then the rain started before i was away to bed Sleek nipped out and came back rather damp. Thanks for putting her in the catsi her scooter in the boot all good. I didn't manage to stay up last night, but Paul did so Sleek he and Elfie saw in the new year together.
I know Elfie can be very naughty, but he didn't spill anything on the sofa at all think he needed some gaviscon though for heartburn. I mean he isn't very big but he ate a fair few!
He is currently in the bath bless him. Singing. Have you ever heard an elf sing? 😣
I'm sure we'd all rather have chocolate of course. The vegan stuff is ludicrously priced isn't it? But from £1 to £4.50😯 outrageous.
Not sure about my walk today we shall see. Might exercise indoors today.
Of course I was Zzzzzzing long before midnight. Yes i think you will be right 2025 must be a better year no broken bones anyone for a start!
Take care ((())) xxx
Happy new year to Stuart, Mum and the cats😊
and also to Skinny Keef Loanda and Sucré of course. ((())) xxx
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good morning Toni and everyone
Happy new year 🥳
Wppl xx
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Good morning everyone Happy New Year
Toady. (()) I hope you have a good year with not too many problems. That you need help with. Have a good day.
Toni (()) I hope this year you don’t have too many problems to sort out and need help with.l hope Charley and Annie and Ayra have a good year and Lucy and her friend and Tia and her Husband all have a good year (() Reshmi (()) Do you feel better now you have had your hair cut. Love to your mum (()) I hope she has a good year.Stuart (()) happy new year to you and your mum (())
Skinny Keef happy new year to you and Loanda and Slucre and your mum (())
take care
joan xx2 -
hi lovely Toni
How are you this afternoon?
Mums ok 👍
Also her virus is improving but she’s still feeling a bit grumpy, understandably
Yes BB has put the fruit at the bottom of the fridge or something like that. He’s so annoying.
haircut was a good experience, Thanks, no conditioner - exam etc haha
I am feeling tired yes perhaps a bit extra tired I wasn’t sure what was causing it - stress or whatever but yes you’re right iron level needs to be tested and is not such a big deal can be easily sorted out, thanks
Was so tired yesterday I didn’t even get to perform ablutions, so I think I had better seize the opportunity before the cat occupies the bathroom. No offence sleek
👋New year’s greetings to toady Joan SK and S knee too 🥳
okay bye for now Toni take care xx
Ps vegan black tahini and miso hummus from Bin - terest lol xx
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Hi all 😊 Happy New Year (passes round the xmas chocs, and hang the expense 😄)
It's really dropped cold this evening 😮 obviously practising for its minus 4s & 5s later in the week 😬. Hope you've had a good day frog, I have had a much better one thank you (give or take a festive biologic injection🤨), having calmed down from getting my whiskers in a tizz. (Yes quite right that person is busier than me, also probably wouldn't dream I'd worry if I don't hear on the dot; tbh I wouldn't want them to have my overactive imagination one of us is enough 😬). Sleek was very kind in the paw-holding department 😽 we have watched half of Wallace & Gromit now, and will watch pt 2 next visit 👍️ if you have definitely seen it I will comment when I've done (I knew I didn't like that gnome..!) Elfie is so funny in the bath 🤭 thank you for posting all his silly pics to amuse me over xmas, very kind of you 😘. I didn't get out today except to pick up stuff the wind had blown around; if you didn't get a walk either well done on any exercises and also good you are doing ones for getting up & down etc. Don't really understand why I can kneel but not squat, you'd think it would be much the same 🤔 but there we are. I will look into kneelers in the NY 👍️. Well have a very good 2025, yes I don't know what happens to the time I try to turn a blind eye largely 😱 not easy, for one thing people will insist on having grandchildren 😂. Love to all :) xx
Hello Joan thank you for the new year wishes, and to you too 😘. It has been a nice day apart from rain early on, no sun though but there should be some tomorrow 🌞. Have you seen many other of your neighbours over xmas - how is the lady that moved to the nursing home? Getting on alright I hope. Take care keep warm it will be a cold few nights I think 😬 xx
Hi bosh, Happy New Year 👋 hope you managed your ablutions without any cats or elves in the queue 😄. Glad the hair went well 😊 and that your mum is feeling improved. I was telling Toni my injection fell on New Year this week, not the top choice for celebratory activity eh but at least it wasn't the 25th. Have you made any New Year notes in notebooks, not necessarily resolutions but any memos etc - I have cleaned my laptop keyboard not sure if that counts as turning over a new leaf but it's a start, I think quite a lot of the biccie cupboard contents had found their way there 😳. Sorry about the fruit being in awkward places, is there any fruit you don't care if it's chilled you could always keep a couple of bananas in a biccie-style cool dark cupboard maybe? Hope your evening is ok and anything you might be doing tomorrow 😊 xx oh sorry about the anaemia btw 😔 hope it's just borderline 🤞.
Love to everyone, teas and coffees for Stuart and SK as applicable and plenty of mince pies still 👋☕️ xx
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Hi young at heart toady
it is indeed rather nastily cold is it not?
Happy New Year to you as wellYes I Managed to do the ablutions before all sorts of characters joined the queue, Thanks 😂
Thanks about mum and the hair
oh dear, yes well at least it wasn’t Christmas day indeed which is Bill’s birthday. I’m not sure if I mentioned that? that’s rather ironic isn’t it? I will say no more on this subject haha
I’ve made Notes in one of my Christmas notebooks, but no New Year’s notebooks as yet, I’ve scribbled some things in my diary, some of which I can read and some of which I cannot oh dear 😂😂
but don’t worry any vampire Nurse appointments and so on are fully legible, I hope- I’d better doublecheck actuallygood to know that the keyboard received some ablutions or something along those lines haha
Did the keyboard receive a salon - worthy conditioner treatment? that is the question I believe
Bananas are sometimes present in the house in a fruit bowl, as opposed to hidden in a kind of back -unfriendly part of the fridge,
but they are the only fruits that are present and not all the time, at the moment bananas are in residence, but if my dad raises their rent - well who knows what happens really?
thanks about the anaemia I don’t think it’s that bad at least it doesn’t feels like it 🙏My evening has not been too bad thank you
let’s hope It’s not quite as cold as forecast tomorrow
👋 good night toady, Tony Joan, SK and Stuartknee - Keep warm and take care xx
ps a hat for me - salted ibuprofen- ask Toni to explain the joke haha xx
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Happy NY to everyone.
The cold & damp effecting me esp getting xmas outdoor lights down at least I can warm the knees up with a hot patches.
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Morning Joan. Tis very cold today here brrrrrr! A good frost outside hopefully we won't get snow though I don't like driving in it at all. Hope you're warm enough and your heating is behaving? Tank you fro your kind New year wishes for everyone here💖Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I hope you are slightly less tired today? Are you going to take any iron tablets before 'they' suggest them? I am doing feroglobin atm as often as my stomach allows me to.
Glad to hear your Mum is definitely on the mend. I'm quite cross with BB putting the fruit out of reach. That's so silly I mean it almost seems deliberate. I bet he'd put cream cakes in front of your noses!
I managed a walk with Kari in the afternoon the wind dropped and it was not raining so off we went a 1 hour circular trek about half way it started to pour down! We got soaked when we got back to hers we had a hot decaf cappuccino with coconut milk. Dried off although I did have to borrow some dry leggings. That shows how much weight my sister has lost I think?
I am glad the hairdresser was a good experience you know it shouldn't be torture. We actually pay good money for our haircuts.
Have a good day and keep warm if it's as cold with you as it is here. Icy but not raining so well? Both rubbish.🤷♂️
((())) xxx
Morning a very Happy New Year to you Stuart. I am so glad the patches help your poor knees. I hope you get/got the lights outside down easily enough? (())
Morning Toady
Brrrr Brrrr Brrrrrrrrr!!! It's cold❄ thick ice here.
Glad you like seeing some of Elfie's antics There was a photo I nearly posted yesterday, but Paul said no. I might just post it but this is Elfie just now having a cuppa
I send them to Lucy and Charley and Tia too. Silly aren't I? Poor Arya getting a silly Granny😳 Charley should have known better🤭
Sleek is outside ATM sussing out the weather she hadn't expected the ice so soon….probably she will book a catsi again so you can watch more Wallace and Gromit. She said she will keep you safe from the Gnome and if necessary bring Elfie along too for support.
Kari and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and got soaked, soaked to the skin almost. So no need for indoor exercises. I am rubbish at squats, but might try the half wall squat later if it's too slippery out. I think we may just see some sunshine later though don't you? It's usually the case after a good frost just please no snow.
I am also a huge worrier and have passed the trait on to Charley, at least and Lucy a bit, Tia I think less so. No I wouldn't wish it on anyone. At least your friend is ok that's the important thing.
Oh yes those people having Grandchildren? Why do they do it? Tim flies even faster when those small people are growing up. I mean look at BR? He didn't even exist when Reshmi started posting in the café! LA is practically at secondary school too😣
Have a good day l hope we get outside later ((())) xxx
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good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Would anyone like any biscuits I have 3 box’s.
Toady (()) have a good day I hope it’s not too cold for you. The day’s go so quick dont
take care
joan xx1 -
I don’t know what happened there that posted I wondered where it had gone.
Toni (()) have a good day I read some places are going to have snow. I hope you don’t have a lot. Love to everyone.Reshmi that’s good your mum is feeling better (()) and you feel good because you have had your hair cut. Have a good day
Stuart (()) how is your mother I hope she feels better (())
Skinny Keef have a good day and Loanda (()) and Sucre (()) does he like his new school.
take care
joan xx0 -
hi Toni
Good afternoon
How are you?
I’m post mxt - ookey 🤢🤢🤢
Yes a bit of a triple ook
Mxt plus sauna plus (very understandably) grumpy mum
Dad does do things like that yes - it’s one of his bullying tactics
Ok I’m barely awake to be honest but need to do ablutions etc
Iron tablets always upset my stomach- so I’ll just wait and see what doc suggests
👋 toady Joan and s knee
Hope you’re all ok today?
More later unless I fall asleep
Bye all tc xx
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Hi all 👋
It wasn't ice here like yours this morning frog but it was definite frost, frozen bird bath etc 😬 bright though mercifully, same tomorrow fingers crossed. So sorry you got soaked yesterday, to that extent, such a horrible feeling 😖 definitely a day to be in the dry with a hot drink. Oh Elfie you do take risks 😱 the pickled onions were one thing, but that really is a rather full mug, I can't look 😂. Arya is lucky if you ask me, the world would be a much better place if more people were photographing their elves ironing 😊. But yes maybe best not post anything that Paul would place a media blackout on 😬. Me and Sleek got on nicely today with a few selected snacks, and finished our film:
Yes Norbot was definitely faintly terrifying but worst of all was what he did to Gromit's beautiful garden!! I was horrified 😱 and interfering with peoples' sheds, omg the very idea. He was funny too though I loved the recharging 1% stuff etc 😂.
Quiet day otherwise, I am going through my tabs and whittling them down you will be pleased to hear 😄. Keep warm it won't be much fun overnight ❄️love to all xx
Love to Joan and the dear dogs, yes all biscuits welcome thankyou 😊 I have chocolate coated gingers at the moment. I have been turning out a kitchen cupboard or two today, I hope yours have been working out well for you and having been tidied in advance I expect you don't have any tins of carrots BBE 2021 lurking at the back 😮😬. Yes days so quick things are soon back to normal things too, bins tomorrow etc, not a long break from getting up in the morning. Have a good night keep warm 😘 xx
Hi bosh, thanks for last night's funny post 😊 Bill's birthday on the 25th no I don't think I knew, interesting 🤨. Sorry it's mxt day for you, hope you've found your appointment notes to be all present & correct and not in Drs handwriting. I had a very unpleasant dream last week where my local MP was my GP and I was having a consultation where he was chewing gum the whole time and taking things less than seriously 😱. My laptop and keyboard refused any optional extras actually 🤔 they had already had the basic Keyboard 'Short Cut' and I had used the Snipping Tool, they were a bit worried I was going to offer them coffee I think 😱😄. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just press CTRL+C for a haircut!! One day maybe. Yes do hope the bananas are not evicted, that would be a scandal. Excellent sign, oh how true 🙄. Have as good a night as poss, certainly a cold one, hats may well be needed in bed 😱 take care :) xx
Night to Stuart well done getting your lights in, much better effort than me who never put any up 😳 I should really, there have been some nice ones here it and it's hardly fair just to leave it to others and enjoy theirs. Cold night ahead hope you get on ok with the help of the patches, at least it's been bright. Best wishes to your mum xx
Love to all and many many hot drink refills ☕️ xx
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Thanks Toady for the comments,
more sleeplessness nights with the joints aching deciding what painlillers work the best & for longer got another appointment with the Doc for a medication review. If it snows I will not be going out do not want to risk anymore injuries.
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Definitely a chilly start to 2025!Brrrrr
Morning Joan now it's a shame the biccies can't come here they always need a biccie after the Church service every other Sunday. How many boxes though😂 The last two days have been too cold for snow, but today it will start to cloud over (so they say) and we have to watch out for snow tomorrow🙄 help!!!! Going to try to visit Kari today just in case. Keep nice and cosy Joan in your bungalow((())) xxx
Morning Stuart. How are you doing? I'm glad you have an appt with the doc. Would be nice to get something slow release. You are doing very well with your patches though the Dr will see you are doing your best. Did you get the lights down? Hope your Mum is much better now Absolutely do not go outside and fall, while it's slippery that would be a disaster.(())
Morning Reshmi
I hope you are feeling less queasy today? My turn now🙄 ah well Toady had a festive jab the other day so we're all at it! How is your Mum doing? Will you try to see the boys before they go back to school next week? I was wondering.
Belated happy birthday to BIL I made him a small cake (unlicked)
Loved the hat….I was thinking!!!! Might get one for a friend of mine she has that kind of sense of humour😂
I had a suspicion that your Dad was being mean putting the fruit out of for reach. I expect you wouldn't dare say it but fruit should be kept at room temperature BB!!!! Toni says!!! Fruit juice though is better than nothing.
There is no real solution to the iron issue is there? All iron supplements do the same to me so you have my sympathy. I think it comes with the arthritis a bit, to be honest, anaemia.
Hope you caught up on some sleep my friend and feel a good bit less tired today ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
The poor birdies it's so cold. I also defrosted the bird bath and took out some more fatty sticks I hope they have eaten something bless them. Any sign of Mr and Mrs B?
After it thawed a bit yesterday (I actually struggled to open the front door!) I went for a walk up the lane this is what the farmer has done clearing out the ditches. Now they do need doing but l rather think he ought to have worked upstream first not downstream🙄
I got through though😉 Nothing stops us amphibians does it?!
I am so very very impressed with your spoiler warning!!! How did you do that?!!!! Techy Toady😯 As you know the 'goodies' always win in the end when it comes to Wallace and Gromit. Gromit will soon put his garden straight. Sleek was so full of it when she got home. You know she thinks they are real - which of course they are.
Elfie always seems to eat on the sofa I think it's lower down for him. Anyway he's like his Daddy (Paul) often to be found in front of the TV. He did spill a little of his coffee, but l helped him clean it up. As you know he is quite a clean Elf.
Arya will be ok I think having a slightly mad Granny. Charley will reassure her that I am not going to harm her😂 Well the poor child has no choice anyway you can't choose your family. I'll show her her first ever photo with Elfie one day.
Well done ditching a few tabs Toady! I opened a few extra to make up for it🤣
Yesterday I made an absolutely gorgeous vegan coronation chickpea. It was yum, so yum that I ate far too much at lunchtime and couldn't manage anything at all for my tea! So I just had a nana instead.
Well, in theory, we have sun again later on then it should start to cloud over preparing for the snow tomorrow. I will get a walk in if I can early because after that it will be far too dangerous for a day or so.
Take care Toady keep snug inside if you can. Catsi obviously for Sleek who is bringing some of Karis' choccies she made. Dates stuffed with peanut butter and dipped in dark choccy😋 ((())) xxx
NB I noticed you turned out some cupboards? I did the tin cupboard yesterday!
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good day take care if you go out. They say we will have snow by the weekend.
Toni (()) that looks a lovely lane I would think that would get very slippery. There is 3 boxes of biscuits different makes. We have the sun it looks warm but it’s not. Have a good day.
Reshmi (()) how are you. Love to your mum(())
Stuart good luck with your appointment when is it. Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) how are you and Loanda and Sucre (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx1 -
good morning Toni
Wppl xx
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Afternoon all 😊 sunshine, how welcome.
Ooh messy lane, frog 😬 yes amphibians are about best placed for those conditions, but still, ugh. I managed a reasonable bit in the garden thanks to the sunshine 👍️ even found the earth was surprisingly unfrozen in places so stuck in a few bulbs I overlooked from last year, sprouting madly away indoors, so may as well go out as not. Birdbath defrosted ❄️funny you should ask yes I do have news of a Mr and Mrs B, literally as of now, quite interesting news - pic and details to follow next time 😊🐦️. Ah now the spoiler thing, well I'd seen someone use it (I thought it was you actually) & poked around til I found it, it's the paragraph symbol as usual where you go to 'bold' things etc, but then click the quote mark instead, 'toggle special formats' menu, it's under that. (Not so techy toady; I put CTRL+C meaning 'cut' yesterday to Reshmi, instead of CTRL+X, after all these years 😳). Oh well you've balanced up the tabs in the world then, like one of those Laws of physics or whatever, there must be a universally fixed amount 😂. Not liking the resulting bloated folders but we knew that would happen 🙄. Glad the coronation chickpea turned out so well 😀 and Elfie ate all his, if that was what was in his bowl. Yes I can tell he is a tidy Elf by his clean hands & face, more than I can say for mine 😂 not having implemented an all-new New Year 6-stage skincare routine quite yet, though I will, of course 🤥. Instead I have been working on nosegay listings while I can, there have been more unpopular changes such as they are going to dictate what postage service you offer 😠 and are bringing in a Minted-style buyer fee. These things are not going down well in the community. Hope Kari's Etsy is going as well as poss - the dark choc peanut butter dates were just the thing btw, love all those ingredients 😊 love to everyone hope weather not too awful for Sun xx
Hello Joan, I have only been into the garden, it was frosty this morning fetching the bin but not on the gravel bit of path or the pavement 👍️ they were very early, I took a cup of tea back to bed ☕️. I will keep a close eye on the weather but don't have any reason to go anywhere tomorrow. Hope things going well with you how are the exercises and range of things you can do coming along? :) xx
Hi to Stuart, yes I'm not going anywhere if there's snow, thankfully I shouldn't have to. Very cold but the sun helped a lot today, you feel less gloomy. Hope the medication review when you have it is helpful 😊👍️ xx
I will catch you later when I'm in bosh 👋 :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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hi Toni and Joan and toady
How are you all this evening?
Mums ok 👍
I’m ok thanks
Cleaners didn’t come
BR will be a four year old man on 6th January 🥳
I wrote this poem
Bye for now all tc xx
poem by me inspired by me seeing a bright lampshade on in the neighbour’s room in the morning, it’s called “Light in the Dark”
A single Chinese lantern lights up my room like a beacon of warmth and hospitality
It’s early morning my mind and arthritic joints hurt - you may not understand my mentality
It’s cold so I don my thermal garb
I don’t reply to texts from pests, I don’t wound myself on that barb
I’m quiet as a mouse
Right at the top of the house
I look down onto the garden at bored pigeons and cats roaming around
I switch on a flashlight- all the while careful not to make a sound
As I don’t want to wake the family who drain as much as they sustain
And I pray for a temperate day, free from ice, snow and freezing rain1 -
Lovely bosh 😊 lovely picture of your quiet early morning and your thoughts.
I've just decided against a milk order for tomorrow (which I've been calling Sunday for some reason 🤷♀️ sorry to confuse anyone) so I shouldn't have to get up too early. Hope the cleaners not coming wasn't too inconvenient. You couldn't persuade BR not to turn 4, I suppose? Just to cheer up those of us complaining how quickly time goes by? 😱 Ah well, worth a try 😄 will wish him a nice day nearer the time. Have a good night 😴 xx
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hi young at heart toady
It’s very much “Rage Against The Thermostat (sorry Machine)” - ok silly musical joke there, but it’s better than nothing I guess lol, so I’m drowsy again 💤
Glad you liked the poem
The card my parents and I sent BR has already been received and opened by the littleys, LA tried to read it out loud, he got most of it right, credit where credit’s due of course, but he ended with “lots of love from the Biggest Mima” - the biggest Mima?? Oh dear - has BB been feeding me with intravenous liquidised mince pies at night?
With the help of the milkman? 3 am custard and pastry IV? No fresh milk left for your tea?
Ok I won’t “wax poetical” at 9.50 pm lol
Have a goood night toady take care xx
Ps special soap for the phantom neighbours’ ablutions 😂 xx
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Hi again Toni
Glad you liked the hat
I was more tired than nauseous yesterday thankfully
How are you today on your mxt - day?
Thanks for the lovely cake, but BR’s birthday is Monday 6 January, so it’s an early cake - even better 👍👍
Thermostat issues again I’m afraid but at least mum’s virus is improving 👍
when the littleys came they had great fun playing with some torn pieces of a Victoria sponge cake box, so three pieces of cardboard basically lol
The cake “accessories” were more appealing than L*go or even watching monstrous cobra - mutants!
My goodness they may be the youngest and most passionate al fresco fans ever haha👋 have a good night Toni Joan and S knee tc xx
Ps House Vesuvius xx
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Morning Joan hope you're doing ok? Is the hip getting on well? Oooh several different kinds of biccies lovely. Best thing you can do is check the boxes and eat them in date order maybe?
The flood down the lane was bad it should normally be quite dry. Luckily cars had been through and broken up the ice.
Yes snow today hopefully for us after dinner 🤞
Take care Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I don't need any smug soap ta I haven't done much to be smug about! Been rather lazy really. Oh I did go for a walk with my sister though yesterday. I am ok post the delightful wonder-drug thanks just a bit wiped today.
How are you today and your Mum is she ok? Hopefully continuing to improve.
6th January BR can not be 4😣
Mine used to love playing with the most trivial things too I mean we could make a 'den' out of a blanket over the gap between 2 chairs and they'd play in there for hours. Put a blanket on the floor they'd 'picnic'! Show that the boys have really good imaginations Reshmi😊
O-oh! House Vesuvius looked quite scary!
That poem was beautiful. You somehow got the rhythm spot on for a quiet, quiet morning early and chilly. Thank you so much for sharing. Drain as much as sustain. That is and incredible powerful line. (())
I love the little cat on his own snow-cat😊
Take care of yourself today I hope you don't get snow ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
I found it ta! How exciting! a new skill at my age - might stave of dementia for another week!
Nothing to see here
Should this be normal writing now? I hope so.
Well done popping those bulbs in. I was given some for Christmas and have been waiting for some warmer weather….
Expecting snow later on this evening if we are lucky please not earlier. I have my phone charger bank charged, torch at the ready and 4 candles nearby avec matches. Just got matches out of Elfie's reach. Are you ready?
The dates were just lovely the nicest choccies I had over the festive season actually. You'd have loved them. One was enough too at a time unlike some other choccies.
6 step beauty regime? What, pray tell, is that? Soap and water good enough for me. Slap on some cerave/E45 that's me done😉For the week! Ok that's a fib. Elfie is however a very clean boy. He was actually eating alpro blueberry yoghurt his daily treat.
Yesterday he was trying to help take the tree decs down, but it's not 12th night yet….
I am eager to hear news of Mr and Mrs B! hopefully you will have time to share today🤗
Sleek is getting ready sorting out her Christmas onesie and one for you too I believe. She is prepared for the snow too
Nothing will stop her from visiting!
Oh dear Nosegay! That sounds really annoying😠 Kari has at the moment had enough of the😕 whole thing! Best not to ask
Take care Toady ((())) xxx
Hope all is well with you Stuart. When is your Drs appt? I hope it's fairly soon (())
A quick wave to Skinny Keef.👋
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good day. If you have any snow go care full. My friend went to the shops yesterday there was Easter Eggs on the shelves. Is it still quiet next door.
Toni (()) how are you go care full when you go out. Yes my hip is alright no pain from it now. I do the exercises. It’s 7 weeks on Monday. How is your Shoulder now (()) have a good day
Reshmi (()) have a good day. Happy birthday for little B for Monday (()) love to your mum (())
Stuart (()) have a good day how is your mum (())
Skinny Keef have a good day love to Loanda and Sucre how old is he.
take care
joan xx0
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- 792 Chat to our Helpline Team
- 434 Coffee Lounge
- 28 Food and Diet
- 230 Work and financial support
- 6 Want to Get Involved?
- 184 Hints and Tips
- 405 Young people's community
- 12 Parents of Child with Arthritis
- 39 My Triumphs
- 130 Let's Move
- 34 Sports and Hobbies
- 245 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- 21 How to use your online community
- 39 Community Feedback and ideas