Val's Cafe
Blimey Its busy in here....
Bubbles its so lovely to have you back in the you missed it..I find its so lovely to hear what people are up to good and bad...hope today is a good one for you
Elizabeth ...gosh I thought you had got themed delivered...its just not fair making you wait like this..I hope it arrives today...x
Christine..i am glad you are okish ..I hope you got a well earned work really need it
Toni thanks for the clotted cream nice of Cris to give T a reference...yes we had a lovely half day but cam home for something to eat OHs phone kept going off...thats the trouble with being self employed...
is there any saffron to go with the cream..
Karen its good that your girls except they cant have the expensive stuff...I am sure they will benefit from this kids have to much today and its had taken away the meaning of Christmas...ooh I am sounding like my late mum
Gosh we have had a busy morning my son and the baby came ..OHs brother came..and what a mess the house was...typical :shock:
see you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Thanks Barbara, Toni, Christine, Elizabeth. Having a chillaxing week end, I say, with hope. Just pottering as I like to do, if I keep moving, I don't set like concrete.
Glad the malteser cake went down well.will be on the menu later, x factor and celebrity jungle will just about wind me up like a clock. Singing out of tune and arguments over who has the biggest ego, don't you just love it.
At least we record everything so we do not have to endure endless adverts.
Val, if you pop in, a huge hug and hi, here are some flowers for you
Catch you later, take lots of care, xx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
bubbles chillax weekend..I have forgotten what that is...mind you wouldn't have it any other way...grandchildren I slept last night and wanted running home then she can meet her friends...the middle one came and went last night and the baby came this morning..with daddy not on her own..
malteser cake did I miss this..or is there any left..I do love the jungle...but it does make me jumpy with all those rats and bugs
Just got some bargains...just reductions at the I will be cooking a slow stews if any ones wants some with crusty bread
Val doesn't pop in but we thought it good to keep her cafe going for her...I am sure she read the forum...not sure if you know but we have a thread for her
Have a good evening everyone if I don't see you later...xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Bubbles – hello, pleased to meet you. I wouldn’t worry about reading back. There’s a lot going on and it’s too much to read. I’m sure you’ll catch up as you go along. Thank you for bringing in the Maltesers cake. I think I’ll have a piece with a cuppa. That’s if there’s any left. It sounds delicious so I bet it’s all gone now.
Thank you, Toni. I have been going in to town after work to get some Xmas shopping done and not sleeping this week. Hope to relax this weekend. Only the Xmas lights being switched on tomorrow teatime. A lot of the town’s people gather round the tree and sing carols. Some of the shops stay open. It’s such a lovely atmosphere. Sounds as if T is having a great time. Good for her. Have you and Elizabeth eaten all the Maltesers cake? I can see the fridge is looking Christmassy with the mince pies and Cris’ clotted cream. Yummy.
Barbara – Thank you Barbara. Not sleeping much at the moment and seem to have lots to do at the moment. Guess we all do at this time of year. Sounds as if you’ve had a busy weekend with your GDs. You are right. Kids these days get everything they want so don’t appreciate things the way we did.
Elizabeth, that is very bad that you don’t have your humira. When do you think it will turn up? I’m sure your daughter has picked the right route for herself. You can only do what you feel is right for now.
Karen, I think it is a good thing that the kids don’t expect expensive things. At least they appreciate what they do get. I’ve only had physio once for torn ligaments in my arms just below my shoulders. She made me push till it just started to hurt but it sounds as if it’s hurting you way more than it should. You should ask next time how far you should be going with it.
Catie, hope you manage to get your computer sorted out. It’s a nightmare when things go wrong with them. That’s great that your daughter has plenty of music-related work. She must enjoy it, does she? So you’re going to your sister’s for Xmas. That should be lovely and relaxing for you. Quite different from doing all the cooking yourself. Mr O must be in his new house now. Hope he gets his unpacking done before Xmas. How lovely it’ll be.
The town where I spent all my teenage years, and where my dad still lives, had a celebration today. A woman has spent the last 6 months gathering photos and memories from everyone and has put them in a time capsule. This was buried in the town centre at the front of a statue I remember being put in place many years ago. There were parades and singing and poem reading. There must have been about 200 people there. I had put in a memory of going to the local night club and about how my friends and I sometimes got a lift home with the 2 djs in their sports car, hood down, music blasting. Don't think the neighbours were too pleased at 2 in the morning. Oops!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend as best as you can.Christine0 -
Hi Christine, I am sure we met before I had my gap year, (not sure what else to call it). But it is, none the less, good to see you. You too Barbara, I have left my wishes to Val on her pages, thanks for pointing them out, I am as blind as a bat and would have missed it.
Another malteser cake is in the fridge, one piece is enough, well, maybe two, it can get a bit sickly, but that's ok, when it comes to chocolate.
We whizzed through the x factor and jungle, David did very well, one glimpse of those huntsman spiders and I would be on the first plane home.
Time to make a pot of T and then potter a little. Fire is on low, do we still have lavender pats? They were very good for those painful moment.
Everyone take lots of care, XX BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Been lovely and busy here today
Quick wash up and hoover
I looked the other way Bubbles :shock: not good with sp*ders me :shock:
He did do well and I rather like him
Those women are silly picking on Amy because the public often 'back 'the underdog don't they?
Ah well
Hi Christine good to see you and hope you slept better last night. I hope also you enjoy the Christmas lightsyou will have had some lovely events lately including the time capsule burial
Ah get's you in the spirit doesn't it?
Enjoy all the Christmassy food in the fridge - I have added more clotted cream and yes for Barbara some Saffron
How lovely to see all those Grandkids and baby with her Daddy too. Is she still after puss? Don't worry about the state of the house - they would have wrecked it anyway!!
Glad you had a good half day out with OH - my husband has the same issue with the phone, but it is what you expect when you are self-employed I suppose :roll:
Can you do one of Cris' white stews Barbara while you are doing stew? It's sort of without the meat?
Hope Everyone else is well. Elizabeth I hope her delivery either came yesterday or comes Monday morning FIRST thing!!!! Grr!!!
Karen and Coco Roses and Rosieglow if you pop in HELLOand Catie too - I hope you are alright...maybe you have been to see MrO at his new house?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Christine hope you got some sleep last sounds so lovely were you traditional singing carols and lighting up the village...I hope your dad is doing ok and living in his comfy world has I call it...we had a neighbour that was similar to your dad and she would reminisce..about the old days and smile
We put a time capsule in the ground at school I always wonder who will come across them...sounds like you had good teenage years...
Toni...its lovely and clean in here..I will make some white stew..she used to make me laugh with that,,I do miss her but have see her blogs are back and they are GD is still veggie its a few months now...
bubble s..I went to bed and missed the jungle but recorded will be able to fast forward the spiders...who was it that got bit on the mouth with one... :shock: and the lobsters are whatever going for Rebbecca..I take my hat to them...thanks for the lavender pats think that was Trishes idea...
I hope Elizabeth has her meds ...and getting some relief from them
It is very dull here at the mo..will have a cuppa and sit by the window for a ponder..xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara, Christine, Karen Toni Elizabeth -
IT is wall to wall sunshine here,just the day for leaping into a pile of leaves, mind you, I would be there until the fire brigade hauled me upright. :shock: I love it when winter starts, I cannot cope with the heat, this last summer just about wiped me out. It is much easier to get warm, than cool down. I think my internal thermostat has gone to pot
Second week of December looks to be getting very frosty, further weather reports will follow, lol. Family arrived, will be back xx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good Afternoon Everyone
Bubbles....welcome back to the cafe and nice to meet you. We have also had a beautiful day - so nice to see the sun. I'm also like you - prefer the cold to the heat
Toni, no I haven't been to visit MrO, but hear all went well for the Move - well at least his end. Mr Meldrew's experience was completely different and he managed to drive his car into the back of the garage wall (integral garage) which has impacted on the kitchen. Apparently a structural engineer had to be called out to assess the damage and it's going to be a while before it's safe for them to move in :shock: Good job he was well insured.
Barbara, your home sounds just like my maternal grandmothers - an open door for all. You will have created so many happy memories for all who visit
Christine, I agree with the others - you do sound as if you live in a lovely place. Are you far from York? - love it there
Yes, it will be lovely to have a break with my sister. We didn't get on as children, but as the years have passed, have grown very close
My daughter does love her job and we are so relieved that it worked out as it's a precarious business. However, no job is safe these days - as we all know.
Lots of goodies in the I will tuck in
Love to all not mentioned
Catie x0 -
Hi Catie, nice to meet you too
How come, when family arrive and don't even stay that long, that the day vanishes and it's going dark ! I am certain the clocks move faster in this house.
We are really the opposite Barbara, we can cope with family, if we know in advance, otherwise ad hoc visits put me into a spin, long story, so I won't go there now. Most people know that we need to be informed so to speak, also that it is nap time from 6 to 8, (am I too set in my ways)? Maybe best not answer that, lol. Home is very much our sanctuary, well, the cats home and they let us share it with themTime for my next shed load of pills, so I will leave some thornton's cake bars in the fridge and be back later, take care xx Bubbles
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Catie I had two brothers ..sadly only one now and has kids we fought like cats and dogs..but like you has we got older we became very eldest brother died on Christmas day the year I came on you enjoy being with her...sorry didn't mean to get maudling has my old mum used to say...
bubbles I know what you mean your sanctuary..its nice when they have gone but I soon miss them....has for cats we have next doors coming in and my GDs kitten....hope the shed load of meds do there job
We have our middle GD here so hubby will have to take her to school in the morning...well hubby to bed early mind you nothing new there..thanks for the cake bubbles I have left a slice...xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Bubbles, you know, I think you are right. I recognised your name but wasn't sure if we'd spoken. I'm not very interested in the Jungle, especially when they are eating bugs and stuff. Yuk! Oh, I love walking through the piles of autumn leaves. I do wonder what people think when I do it as they usually try to avoid them. Bet they're jealous really.
I feel my house is my sanctuary too. I love visiting and having visitors but, oh it is so lovely to be on my own in my own house.
I did sleep better last night thanks Toni. I don't mind spiders. I keep the ones living with me so they eat the flies in the summer. Looking forward to having a look in the fridge to see what you've put in there.
Barbara, thank you. I fell asleep straight away last night and, apart from a quick trip to the loo, I slept right through. Dad is doing ok although he was complaining on Saturday again that he is fed up of sitting in the house but, when we suggest we go for a walk or in to town for a wander, he says no, it is too cold. When he does come out, he can't wait to get back home. So we can't win. I think the time capsules are a great idea. Just wish we could be there when they are brought back up.
Catie, I quite like where I live. It is about 40 miles north of York, which is one of my favourite towns. It's good that you and your sister are close now. You are right about no job being safe these days so might as well do a job you enjoy. Oh dear, poor Mr Meldrew. That does sound expensive.
Well, what a weekend. I told you all about the time capsule, which was in the afternoon, but forgot to tell you about the Boundary 500 motor bikers who travel round gathering presents for the kids in hospital then drive through some of the towns. There were about 200 bikes, all driven by santas, elves, snowmen beeping and waving. The police escort had their sirens going. They always put on a good show. That was at lunch time.
That was the good part of the weekend. But it wasn't all good. On Saturday, I was talking to my sister. She had had a cough for weeks and had finally seen her GP who referred her to the hospital. They said it could be asthma but it could also be lung cancer. She has been given an inhaler which, she said, has helped a lot and the cough has almost gone so it is most likely asthma.
And tonight, my son phoned to say that his wife had been having fits during the night. She had an appointment to see her GP but this morning, when my son and grandson were at football, my granddaughter found her collapsed on the floor and rushed in to the neighbour who called an ambulance. They couldn't find anything wrong at the hospital so she is back home at the moment. She has to see her GP now and be referred to the hospital. Don't understand why they couldn't refer her today. My GD as allowed to choose any takeaway she wanted because the ambulance man said she deserved it. And she did.
It made me empty my wardrobe and sort lots of things out. Threw out lots of old make-up and creams and potions I haven't used in a while. Also found some more heels. Hmmm, charity shop, I guess.
Hope all is well with you all.Christine0 -
Morning all
Christine what a time you have had..I will have everything crossed for your sister and seems to be all worry with family...I hope they give your Dil a proper checkup..and yes you are right they shouldn't delay..and how good was your GD..bless her finding mum like the motorbike father Christmases looked good..
Not seen Karen around hope all is wellish..and I wounder how rosies GC are getting she is busy with them..
Elizabeth did you get those meds delivered
OH has just taken middle GD to school so another round trip of an hour..she is so good at getting no hassle there
Today I will be wrapping if you want to help...
See you all later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Yes Barbara I did get my meds delivered-would you believe it at 2 in the morning (early Saturday).
He rang first to tell us he couldn't find our house but he was only up the road so within minutes my tall, angry OH opened the door, grabbed the box off him asked him what had happened, but the bloke disappeared quick! The box was like fort Knox too so OH was not amused.
Lovely to see you Bubbles, Matron as Tony used to call you. One supermarket is selling a maltesers mixed dessert but I prefer the real thing! I have watched a bit about the jungle, I'd cope with anything apart from the spiders. The first challenge they ever did they managed to avoid spiders on the spinny wheel. Phew!
Catie what a palava about Mr O's old house! Its almost like a real sitcom.
Toni you've done a good job tidying the place up. Have we got an advent calender in the cafe? We'll have to take turns
The weather was nice at the weekend and somebody was even mowing their lawn ( which sent my boy bonkers ).
Hopefully Karen didn't have too much of an ordeal at physio.
All the best
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Enters and places an Advent Calendar on the wall. No fighting over the chocs
Elizabeth, when I visited MrO a while back I actually met Mr Meldrew. The strange thing was that he actually looked like himI had to smile because on his head was a plaster or should I say two - in the shape of a cross
. No, I am not joking
Goodness, what an odd time to deliver your medication. My OH wouldn't have been impressed either. Glad you have your meds though.
Barbara, to lose your brother was very sad, but on Christmas Day particularly so. A (((hug))) for you.
Christine, I thought you weren't too far from York - lucky thing
As Barbara says, your family have really been through it of late - let's hope 2014 will be better for you all. Hope your DIL doesn't have any more fits - must have been frightening for everyone.
Bubbles, I meant to say....just love your name
Love to Toni, Karen, Coco, Mig, the two Roses and all not mentioned
Catie x0 -
Thankyou Catie...sorry if I made you feel just came did make me laugh with MrOs neighbour...wish you could have taken a pic of his head..
thanks for the advent calender...
Elizabeth good on your OH ..what ever possessed them to delver at that time the world has gone crackers..I hope they have kicked in by now and you get some rest this you say I hope Karen isn't into much pain...
I got quite a few presents I'm happy...right time for a cuppa before hubby comes home...see you all later xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara, Christine Toni Elizabeth Catie hope all are as good as can be.
I like my name too, I try to be bubbly, (it doesn't always work), but, on the whole, I do my best.
Yes, t'is Matron and indeed Toni did call me such. Those nursing days are more to the fore recently, with family and friends wanting help and advice. I do try and remind them that I was put out to graze a long time ago. :? I always help if I can. Between myself and OH we saved our neighbours life after she had a heart attack at home, I was there spraying my GTN spray like a mad person. They said, at the cardiology unit that it was a miracle that someone was there to give first assistance. Boy did that shake me up, brought it all home to me, having had two myself. Anyway, she is mended now which is great.
I must away and shower, before my nap. Heating is on so nice and warm towels.....then, some maltesers with a cup of T. I popped some taste the difference mince pies in the tin. Catch you later, xxxx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I think of Bubbles as being very Bubbly and of COURSE yes you ARE the café matron. Trawling along with the meds trolley
Thanks for the mince pies - brought some more Cornish clotted with me
HI Barbara - I have wrapped some pressies - not many and spent most of today preparing the spare room for the arrival of hubby's Mum for Christmas - if she'll stay :? Hope you wrapped enough to feel in control
Hi Catie
ADVENT CalendarYippee!! We better take turns I think......can I have tomorrow? It's got a wee robin on it??
MrO's Mr Meldrew did sound funny!! He realld DID have two plasters on his head and looked like him tooclassic!!
I wonder whether his move being so eventful is actually a kind of poetic justice????
Glad at least MrO's has gone well - please do pass on our best from ehre won't you?
Elizabeth I am so pleased you got your meds, but not so pleased about the timing of the delivery!!! Something must have gone wrong :shock: Have you taken a dose now? I hope so.
Have you seen Catie's brought an Advent calendar!!! I am voting for tomorrow's choccy - it's a robin, but today's is still there
Christine - my fingers are firmly crossed that your sister has 'only' got asthma my sister got it as an adult too.
Your Grandaughter is a heroine too looking after her Mum and getting help. I hope they sort her out soon. My youngest has epilepsy so if she ends up having that she will be fine I am sure.
After such a lovely weekend to :?
Right better post this it's getting too long
love to all our missing friends
Toni xxx0 -
my medicine trolley, goodness, I will have to hunt it down and dust it well.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Thank you Barbara. We just have to wait for them both to see their GP and find out where they go from there. Did I mention that the helicopter in Glasgow crashed just down the road from my aunt and 2 cousins. Thankfully, they weren't there and didn't know anyone who was. How good your GD is. A lot of kids don't want to get up when it means going to school. Hope you managed to get your presents wrapped.
Glad you got your meds Elizabeth. How weird that it was delivered at that time. I'm not surprised your OH was so annoyed.
Thank you Catie. Fingers crossed my dil doesn't have any more fits. Oh an advent calendar. Someone has already had the chocolate. Guess I am rather late in. Mr Meldrew with a plaster cross on his head? :?
Bubbles, you do seem to be a bubbly sort of person. How lucky for your neighbour that you were there and knew what to do. I'm sure she must be very grateful to you.
Toni, thank you. My GD certainly is a heroine. I asked her if it had scared her and she said no. She just knew she had to get help. Apparently, it is very common for people to have fits for one reason or another. Hope you got your spare room sorted. I've been emptying out cupboards and rearranging things in my spare rooms to make them more comfortable for my daughter, her husband and the 2 GC. Only problem is I keep getting tired and leaving things lying about. I'll get there before they do.
I got the ironing out ready to do this afternoon but decided to wash up first. That led to me emptying some of the kitchen cupboards, cleaning them and throwing out some out-of-date things and rearranging what was left. The ironing is still lying there. Oh well, it's not going anywhere. It'll still be there tomorrow.Christine0 -
A late evening to all, indeed Christine, the ironing will still be there. I avoid it at any cost these days, I used to love ironing for hours, how daft was I?
I found the medicine trolley, for all to help themselves. Well stocked with extra blankets, lavender pats, wheaties, medicinal chocolates
along with all manner of potions.
I will have a read of the news and then sit in my comfy chair a while, before my bed time pottering.Everyone take lots of care, xx Bubbles
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all
It's been hectic here...just to make a change. I think I will take one of the wheat bags Bubbles. I have physio this afternoon
I hope everyone is reasonably well at the mo. It is getting very cold. Hibernation is around the corner I think.
I will try and pop back later after going to the torture chamber.
Have a good afternoon everyone.Karen xx0 -
Hope you enjoy the choc behind the advent calender Toni. All this talk of chocolate :roll: ever since Bubbles returned, I don't know!.
yes i took my Humira in the morning Applerose. Hopefully it will get those swollen knees back to their old self. that crash was awful and so glad your family weren't at the pub.
I'm having a lazy day just ticking off a couple of boxes .i have to write everything down now as I am so forgetful. I also have ironing pile and a cheque for the taxman-I'm remembering it :oops: all now.
Hope the physio is not painful Karen. I think you should tell him to stop if it hurts. How about asking on the LWA board?
Bubbles my Dad had a heart attack and the lady next door got him back. That was his 1st one but 2nd one the GP was able to run over to our house as we lived near and help him back. I hope your neighbour has many more years ahead.
i've attacked the mince pies and clotted cream. We'll need some weighing scales next?
Off to orthotics tomorrow but can I open the Thursday calender, the wrapped up pressieas it is my D's birthday?
elizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Good Afternoon Everyone
Well, I'm not sure what my daughter's bf has done to this computer, but it seems to have jumped back to life (for the moment at least)
Karen, hope you get on ok with your appointment and 'torture chamber' is an apt description. What we have to go through eh?
Toni, all good wishes passed on. I told MrO straight- you should pop back in to thank everyone - I think he might (unless he has a ban
) To be honest, I don't think we've heard the last about Mr Meldrew
Barbara, your post just struck a chord with me and I felt for you. I lost my lovely grandmother a few days before xmas and it does seem more poignant somehow.
Bubbles, I think that trolley will be put to good use in here
Better make tracks. Love to all cafe dwellers not mentioned
Catie x0
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