Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie my friend lives in a bungalow so couldn't take her things upstairs she cant get in the loft..but like I said she is insured thank goodness...they have never flooded in all the 40 years she has lived there..we used to get lots of.. :carolers: but then it turned into gangs that wanted money and so people stopped opening there doors..such a shame I looked forward to the children singing
    Mig you can trust me with the key ..honest... :rudolph: I will check on the cellar every night... :madnoel:
    Elizabeth..yes Ito fell sorry for the teenagers..I dont rember any pressure when I was 16

    I have had a lovely morning come afternoon ..went to the garden center to look at the Christmas displays..and had a coffee..then into town and had some lunch....and bought some last min cards that I had I am will have a cuppa and put my feet upxxxxxx :noel:
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Mig, have I missed the banana custard? It's so yummy. Well done getting all the shopping in. I think you need to keep an eye on some people or it will all disappear. :candycane:

    Barbara, how do you know the cellar was empty? have you been trying everything out? :madnoel: I did get the tree up eventually. I'd brought it down from the loft a few weeks ago. When I took it out of the box, the base wasn't there. Had to go back up to look for it. I found an empty red berry lights box with no lights in. I really wanted them on the tree but I did have a set of white lights so they are on there now. Haven't had midget gems in a long time. Hope your GD's exams go well.

    Catie, that sounds bad. It's been the same about 8 miles from me. That was good of you to help out. I'll be 66 when I can draw my pension. yes, it will eventually be 69 but I bet by then, they will put it up further.

    Elizabeth, that is such hard work for you but I know your son can't help it. Glad you managed to get some shopping done. Hope your older son's exams go well.

    Bubbles, stamps are very expensive. Is it 54p for a second class one? That's a lot of money on top of the price of a card. I know what you mean about pringles. I can eat a whole packet. :oops:

    Toni, your Lucy had exams too? Hope they are going well. Sounds as if you have been helping Barbara to empty the cellar. :madnoel:
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My son has been on the phone to his wife's GP and told him she has had a permanent headache since the seizures. They were told that is normal as the brain repairs itself but she is going for a cat scan on Thursday just to make sure there's nothing too serious going on. My sister has been given appointments at the hospital to get her results but at 8am. She has 2 children to get off to school so she can't get to the hospital so early.

    I went in to work early so I could go in to town to get a bit more shopping done. As soon as I finished work, I started to feel really ill so just came home. Feel much better now though. Must have been something I ate.

    I did manage to get 1 coat of blue paint on 2 walls in the small bedroom on Sunday though so getting there with it. Right must get off to bed before I fall asleep here. :noel:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Check the wine cellar last might...its all there ...but I did drop a bottle so had to throw that :madnoel:
    Christine I do hope your DILs scan comes back clear..I it must be so worrying for all of you...and your poor sister ...8 oclock :roll: I hope they change it for her..hard enough in a morning with children..I do wish them both well...
    We haven't got the tree up yet..but I do have a little optic fiber one in the window and I have our 38 year old father Christmas lamp at his side..and a book in his hand...he moves has though he is telling the story..most people find him creepy..but I love him... :hoho: we have the kitten today so fun and games
    Hope Karen is doing ok I haven't seen her around...
    See you all later xxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    did your daughter think she had done well in her retake? Is your other D coming home form uni soon and how is she getting on?

    I have had to stop shopping as my credit card hasn't cleared yet although the cheque has now come out of my bank this morning.

    my Son remembered he had 3 exams. :D he has 2 more today and after school he has to finish an english essay for his gcse. Because of his communication difficulties i just don't know how well he will do. I tell him to read more as that would help s lot but he prefers to play on his desktop :roll:
    Applerose i hope Dil will be okay. it is a big worry. i also hope you are felling better now. I had no idea 2nd class stamps were 54p. I only send to close relatives and had a load of 1st class in my purse.

    we had a parcel delivered -wrong address but the guy said there was a parcel for us but then he couldn't find it. he did come back later when he did find it. and today I have a parcel with our address but different name on it! i had to stagger down stairs for that.

    I'm getting the feeling that my children have everything they need/want ( and a bit more) I just don't know what to buy them. My son loves old mobile phones but I hate paying for them. I might just have to buy them maltesers!

    Right time for a slice of toast and a cuppa.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    Barbara, you sound very christmassy. We haven't really made a start to be honest - just a few xmas cards at the moment. Glad you enjoyed your time out yesterday - the garden centers at this time of the year are wonderful aren't they? Also very tempting :)
    Hope kitty behaves :)

    Christine, my fingers are crossed for both your d-i-l and your sister. I think the scan is very sensible.
    Hope you are feeling a little better. I know you work so hard, but don't forget to take care of yourself :)

    Elizabeth, it's so sad about the :carolers: . To be honest, I used to enjoy the surprise of :carolers: at the door - but they were all genuinely nice and collecting for worthy causes.
    Good luck to your son in his exams :)

    Mig, I've had another key cut for the cellar and will make sure that the supplies remain the same :wink:

    The sun is with us today and so I'm off for a little walk. Yesterday I was nearly run over by a mobility scooter :shock: . It came whizzing around the corner (on the pavement) and alongside ran 2 little dogs. The look of shock on the driver's face - utter horror - but she did apologise :)

    Take care everyone :)

    Catie x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone :)

    I hope you are all well today :)

    thanks Elizabeth Lucy DOES think she's done ok except in the maths ::) (She takes after me) she won't revise either like your son. I have been thinking of him too and hope he gets on ok.

    I DO remember your other son going after Santa in the nude!!! Bless him he did see him in the end though :) I have seen a fair bit of Charley anyway, but they all 'finish' this weekend coming I think :)

    Catie I hope today's walk was less eventful than yesterday's near miss :shock: It is lovely here now the fog has lifted :) COLD though. Right you keep an eye on the cellar's stocks. Barbara reckons she 'broke' a bottle this morning, but here eyes looked very wonky

    Barbara the elderly Santa sounds a perfect family tradition to have out :) I like fibre optic anyway myself. Hope wee kitten behaves herself today though I doubt it ;)

    Christine your son's wife must be worried so a CT scan should put her mind at rest. Fingers crossed it's nothing to worry about.

    Hope you are ok now and stay ok wonder what caused that then?

    Well-done for the painting too :)

    Mig I have my balloon blower upperer at the ready for the party h015.gif
    Not too sure about the key, but definitely don't give me one!!

    Love to everyone who has been in and those who haven't hope all is well
    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Catie these scooters are dangerous we have an elderly gentleman that fly's round our little shopping center he even went over someones foot...Im glad you enjoyed the rest of the walk..
    Toni I promise I wont break anymore wine... it did give me headache mopping it up :madnoel: ..the kitten has calmed down a bit...touch wood :presents1:
    Elizabeth all these I sad my eldest GD is doing they will be glad of the Christmas holidays..hope you get the presents sorted soon
    Just made some cherry and apple crumble will put it in the fridge...xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cherry and Apple crumble.....? I know what that will go with Barbara! Cornish clotted - am texting Cris ATM so I will get us some :xmas_cheesygrin:

    I should think the 'broken bottle' did give you a headache :lol:

    Good to hear the kitten is calming down now

    and yes these poor kids will deserve their Christmas hols this year won't they?

    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear Barbara. One bottle of wine broken. Whoops! Hope you enjoyed it. :candycane: :lol: You're Father Christmas sounds wonderful. 38 years old. Bet it is better than the new versions of it. Cherry and apple pie? Mmmm, delicious.

    Elizabeth, I don't think your son is any different to any other teenager as far as rather playing on their computers or game stations. Hope he does do well in his exams. There seem to be a few parcels and letters going astray at the moment. My boss's mum got a Xmas card with her address on it but someone else's name. Last year, I got 2 of my neighbours Christmas cards. It is a problem trying to work out what to buy. My GD's dad has just given her his old mobile phone for no reason really. My son and my DIL were going to buy her one for Christmas but now have no idea what to get her.

    Good idea about the other key Catie. :lol: Some people with mobility scooters don't consider other people. At least she apologised.

    Toni, I noticed Barbara's eyes too. We had a bit of mist here but not fog. Was a bit nippy too. Cornish clotted cream? Yummy.

    Thanks everyone. I felt fine today.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Christine

    I am so glad you seem to be over your 'bug' :xmas_cheesygrin:


    Please do have some of Barbara's cherry pie with some of Cornwall's finest ;)

    Lovely :)

    Hope everyone is well this morning - I will get back on later after some BEDMAKING :(


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Still got the kitten...I do wonder what is behind all this.....the trouble is the little thing weaves between my legs when I'm walking....but she is funny ... :rudolph: oops amI talking myself into something here....
    Christine ...hope you dont have to work to hard your employers buy you something for Christmas...hope so
    Toni yes Crises clotted cream...I am really enjoying her blog...not seeing her suffering but she has such a way with words...right the wine....I still have the key...but better not go in again I am very clumsy..
    Today I am staying in and will get some jobs done....still no tree up..hopefully this weekend the girls will help... :presents1:
    See you all later xxxxxx :xmas_cheesygrin:
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tree this weekend here too Barbara - Lucy will have had long enough with her birthday cards up


    I am starting to wonder whether a certain kitten may be testing out a potential new home ;)

    I enjoy Cris' blog too she does have a 'way' a funny way with words doesn't she? :xmas_cheesygrin:


    Toni xxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    I hope everyone is okish at the mo.. I have skimmed through posts so only know bits and pieces.

    Barbara, the shoulder is feeling better than it was thanks, and I have one more session next week on my neck. I haven't bothered to put my necklace back on so shall after the last session.

    We have our tree...I would say semi up. And the decs not up yet but we'll get there. All pressies done now. Phew.

    I did not that Elizabeth is having a bad time with her boy. Yes, he can't help it but what a strain on you. I thoughts and heart go out to you Elizabeth. And I hope things improve.

    Nice to see the xmas smilies up.

    Did I read right that Tony has come back. I hope this means he is recovering.

    Have a good evening everyone. :xmas_cheesygrin:
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Toni ..they came for the kitten...bit by bit tho she moves in....well I am glad we are not on our own with the tree...
    Karen...I have kept my fingers crossed for you..hopefully after the last you have partly got your tree up..I have not a clue if the lights will work...
    Pain clinic tomorrow....hope she has a magic wand.... :rudolph:
    see you all in the morning...hope Elizabeth has had an easier day..xxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    MMM cherry pie is there any custard ?
    I'm losing track of how many keys we have now!
    Xmas shopping all done just got wrapping to do,hate it looks like a dogs dinner when I've done it. Mig
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, I don't make my bed. I read somewhere that it is a good idea to leave it unmade as you sweat during the night and it lets the bed air out. Well that's my excuse. :candycane:

    Barbara, I wonder if you'll soon have a new pet. :rudolph: Work wasn't too bad today. My boss's wife used to ask me what I wanted for Xmas but for the last few years, I've had bath stuff or candles plus a box of chocolates and maybe a bottle of wine. I have sometimes hinted at what I like but don't think they have enough time now to worry about that. Still it is lovely to get something. I have always bought their kids a little something but have told her I can't afford to buy anyone this year but my grandkids. Yes, Barbara, might be best if you don't go in to the cellar. Don't want you dropping any more bottles. :presents1: Hope all goes well at the pain clinic.

    Karen, glad your shoulder is feeling better. You have all your presents done? I still have my son and daughter and their partners to buy for. No idea what to get either. I'll probably wrap the GC's this weekend.

    Mig, have you given everyone a key now? Keep an eye on Barbara. :lol: :santa: You've done all your Xmas shopping too? Wish I had. Must try and finish it this weekend.

    My DIL has been for her head scan. They couldn't tell her anything there but, when she got home, there was a letter for the epilepsy clinic for January. They haven't told her she has epilepsy. maybe it's just in case. Fortunately she is feeling well again.

    Got on a bus yesterday and I'm sure the driver was only about 10. Thankfully, he was a good driver. There are still lots of Autumn leaves around at the moment and I'm still having fun walking through them. :santa:

    Elfie is still on holiday. Mr Jingles and Teddy spent the other night playing with a remote control car racing set. Yesterday, L woke up to find Mr Jingles had made a nativity set for him and had brought him a present - a foam train set which took mummy all afternoon to put together. :hoho:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Mig think there might be a few keys does keep going missing... :madnoel: not sure who it is but keep your eyes and hears open... :rudolph:
    Christine at least they buy you something ..not much though they could give you a bonus... :presents1:
    I do love the Elfie story kind of him to make the nativity... :xmas_cheesygrin: thankyou for your good wishes ..I am telling them no more injections..they are not working not even the hand ones
    I do wish your Dil well and hope its good news...epilepsy can be controlled very well ..but hopefully she hasn't got be careful on the leaves...I dread slipping on them
    My appointment is 30.30..i think...not looking forward I just dont know were it will has gone very dark here...
    See you all later...xxxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Hope you are all having a goodish day. Barbara, I have missed something, you are going to the pain clinic. What is happening, are you ok(well I know you're not but you know what I mean).

    Christine, I do hope your dil gets some good news. As you said although she has that letter it hasn't been diagnosed as yet. I shall keep my fingers crossed for her.

    I am the same as you. I never make my bed. The only time it is all tidy is when I put all clean sheets etc.

    Elizabeth, I do hope you get some rest, you certainly deserve it.

    To everyone else who comes in letting you know I am thinking of you.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ah Mr Jingles is a proper sweetie Christine!! How kind of him to do that :xmas_cheesygrin: a foam trainset? Sounds fun ;)

    Nice your boss gets you something at Christmas although it would be really nice if it was something useful for you.

    Bus driver probably was nearer 12 :madnoel:

    I am glad your DIL is having an apt at the epilepsy clinic - better be safe than sorry. Glad the scan is done and dusted.

    I haven't got a key, but Barbara said I can borrow hers :xmas_cool: Course we have custard with your cherry pie :) Get it dwon you girl ;)

    Rained here in the end Barbara ::) I hope your apt went well?? Now it WAS at 3.30 wasn't it, not 30.30??? Been in the cellar again??

    You are right epilepsy is controllable these days my baby Lucy (16) has it and she is absolutely fine :) She has always had absences since babyhood (13 months) after she got chicken pox, but had her first tonic clonic at age 14.

    Hi Karen :)

    I think there is something in NOT making beds - we DO sweat don't we? Thank heaven for duvets they hide a LOT ;)

    I hope you have had a good day today and rested after all your wrapping

    I think of you too


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oops did I really type 30.30...yeah Toni the wine has gone to my head..mind you most of it went on the floor...honest
    Karen yeah pain clinic for this back...tell you what you have made me feel better many years ago I couldn't stand the beds not being made...but now they get done when clean sheets go thanks Karen and Christine
    The lady at the pain clinic is so lovely...she had me in for 3/4 of an hour...she thinks its my sacroiliac joint ..between the hips and spine...she is putting me forward for a new thing...ultra sound they put a rod in the joint. :xmas_cry: ...and she will write to my GP about an anesthetic patch for the area but they are expensive and he might now pay for them...and she mentioned lots of other things and said I just wish I had a magic wand...bless so do I... :rudolph: right were did I put the key...will see you all in the cellar...half a cider would do..I wish
    See you all tomorrow xxxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear, even more wine missing. Mig, I think you need to gather in all the keys or we won't have any left for our party. Everyone who haas one is lending them to the ones who don't have one. I bet Barbara doesn't know anything about it. :madnoel: And I wouldn't take any of the wine. :xmas_redface:

    Funny you should mention bonuses Barbara. I was thinking about that today. I have been there for 14 years and was wondering if I'll get a bonus after 20 years. :presents1: Hope the ultrasound works for you Barbara. Did she say how long it would be? Watch you don't slip over in the cellar. :madnoel:

    Toni, I sometimes get handwash and hand gel as a present. Guess that comes in handy. :candycane: You could be right about the bus driver. As you get older, they do look younger. :xmas_cool: I have heard that epilepsy can be well controlled. Just need to wait for the diagnosis.

    My bed looks good when I change the bedding Karen. It's the only time. :xmas_cool:

    Thank you all for your wishes for my dil.

    Managed to pop in to town this afternoon for a few more bits of shopping. Just the little bits and pieces. I think I'm done apart from fresh food. :xmas_cool:

    Elfie, Teddy and Snowman were up all last night playing on the WII.

    My boss's wife had me laughing today. I always put the 16 and 17 year olds clothes on the bed in the guest room because, when I used to put them away, I'd put some of them in the wrong room and the boys would end up barging in to the other's bedroom which caused arguments. Anyway, last night, the 17 year old was looking for some sports gear. He looked in his room, his brother's room, his dad's drawers, even his mum's drawers and the wash basket. He was getting quite upset. After a while, his mum asked if he'd found them. Yes, he said. The other day dad told me to put my clothes away so the sports gear was in my drawer in my bedroom. :candycane: :lol:

    Hope you all have as good a weekend as you can.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning All :xmas_cheesygrin:

    Christine you did make me laugh - your bosses son sounds as dippy as most teenagers!!!

    Hand-gel eh? Lovely :|

    I think I'd go for a voucher for you so you can choose what you want ::)

    So the WII was out last night was it? I hope they didn't eat your nibbles too while there was no 'adult' to keep an eye?? :rudolph:

    Whatch 'em they might try to open a few pressies :presents1:

    Did you say more booze is missing?? Mmmm....was any of it cider by an chance??

    Hi Barbara

    Well I am glad the apt went so well sounds like she certainly has some ideas doesn't it? The patch sounds good and the rod thing too....tell me more when you find out more please.

    Right a quick once-over for the café


    washing up first

    then a quick hoover


    and my favourite job - the lavatories



    Toni xxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ok you lot with illegal keys I've had the locks changed .

    Had hair and nails done for Xmas ,my hairdressers had a special rate for last week if you did the package saved £5 .

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    I slept wellish last night after a good chat with the pain team..
    Christine...Elfie and friends are so funny...I have been telling my GC about him...then they end up saying Grandma its not real.. :hoho:
    I will be careful in the cellar...but I think Mig has changed the locks.. :candycane:
    you did make me laugh...the son had actually put the clothes away and couldn't find them...bless...honestly these young ones... :madnoel:
    Toni I will let you all know how I get on...I have to up the gabapentin ..and then go to my GP in 2 weeks to see if he will let me have the patches...wont hold mi breath
    Mig noooo I couldn't get in the cellar... :xmas_cry: whats going on...must say I bet you feel brilliant after your hair and nail session.... :xmas_cool:
    The sun is shinning...and I will be pottering about town with GD in bed...will see you all later.... :noel: xxxxx