Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    ooh its busy again in here I hope I dont forget anyone...
    Toni yes I did well with the wrapping..I am please when I have made a start :D must say it takes my mind of things I love being busy
    Christine the helicopter crash was awful...those poor people and there family...glad your family is made me laugh..i start one job and then do least you got the cupboards done.. :lol:
    Catie...yes its more poignant at this time of the year ...i'm sorry you lost your GM...i will be thinking about you.....
    bubbles I remember the trolley... :lol: we had some fun with Tony...and Trishes lavender pats ... :D I have never like ironing....
    Elizabeth glad to see you have got some me enjoy
    Karen I am sorry your shoulder is more painful..they say keep them moving but not so easy with pain like that....wish I could help more
    Today I have been for a Christmas dinner with my was lovely...then we when mad and had Christmas pud...I am stuffed...
    See you all later xxxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you have all had a good day.

    Barbara, xmas dinner. I cant even make a big indent in a Sunday dinner so goodness knows what it will be like on xmas day.

    Physio went ok. I was surprised that the pain in my shoulder is no longer constant. I still intense pain when I move my arm the wrong way, but it is better than it was. He is now dealing with my neck, and he really knows where to find the most painful points. Next week is my last one.

    That air crash in Scotland was terrible. My heart goes out to all the families who are suffering a loss.

    Elizabeth, I am so glad you have your Humira back, it must be such a relief for you. Hope you haven't done to much today, I remember you mentioning a pile of ironing. I did some this morning, only for about 10 mins, I try and keep it short now, seem to work better for me. Are your lot getting excited for xmas. My youngest is already. We have to keep everything a secret from her, otherwise she goes round telling what we each have.

    I've waffled on for to long, so a hot choc and then to lay down.
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Karen It was a kids Christmas dinner.. :lol: .but I was still stuffed...think the mince pie did it...when I think at one time I could have eaten three course meal... :o I am glad that shoulder is feeling easier.....hopefully it will get there..but now the neck...I will have everything crossed..
    The baby has just gone home and her sister....they play together is 15 months and her sister 9..she is like a little mum... :)
    I hope that Christine's sister and Dil are ok....and all will be well
    And Coco we are missing you
    See you all tomorrow...sleep wellish..xxxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't mind ironing Bubbles but not when I'm tired. Didn't get home till 6pm, had tea and then was too tired so it's still there. I like the sound of the medicinal chocolates. I might have some of those, please. may I ask what lavender pats are? They sound good.

    Karen, it sounds as if the physio is stating to work for you. Hope your neck improves as well as your shoulder seems to be.

    Hope your knees are starting to calm down a bit Elizabeth. I have to write everything down too. I keep a diary next to me and right down not only appointments but anything I want to get done each day and tick them off as I go. Often I have to carry things over to the next page. :? Oh no, not weighing scales. I don't want to know what I weigh over Xmas. I'll deal with my Xmas weight gain after New Year.......maybe. :lol:

    Glad your computer is playing nice again Catie. I hope Mr O does pop back in.

    Yes Barbara, a bit done here and a bit done there. It all gets done eventually. :lol: Mmmmm, Christmas dinner. Lovely. And pud. Yum yum. Thanks for asking about my sister and dil. They are both waiting to see their GPs but both feeling a bit better.

    Well, the main town near us lit their Xmas lights last Sunday and have now been voted as the town with the worst Xmas tree in Britain. The whole town is undergoing a complete makeover and will probably look good once it is finished but, in the meantime, it looks like a building site. The council said there wasn't room to put up the usual huge real tree so they have put up a 10 foot high white upside down cone with built-in lights. I really like it but only as a second tree. Everyone is very upset about it. There are hardly any lights anywhere else in the town either when other years the town has been covered. :o
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hope all are doing as well as can be.
    Well son passed his driving test and took us out to lunch today ,he seems a very confident driver and I felt quite safe with him,for lunch I had braised lamb shank with mint gravy ,mashed potatoes and buttered cabbage yummy Could just eat that again.
    Have booked our coach tickets for going down to our sons for Xmas our other son and daughter will drive down after they finish work on Xmas eve,it is hubbies 70th birthday Xmas day and this is the first time I haven't cooked an Xmas dinner.
    Keep as well as possible everyone. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Karen I hope you got some sleep after the physio....and again fingers crossed for your neck...the things we have to put up made me laugh your youngest letting the cat out the bag has to what present you all middle GD 12 is the same cant hold her water :lol: its lovely how they still look forward to Christmas.. :D
    Christine you did get home late ...who cares about the need to relax after upside down white tree have I got that right... :o suppose its something different..hopefully next year it will all get back to normal.. :)
    Mig I read your son had passed...I am so pleased for him...and glad you feel safe ..not always the case when they have just passed...good on him..your hubby 70 on Christmas day.. :D my hubby is on Christmas will be lovely you all being together and you can relax and enjoy
    The sun is shining this morning..just looking at my list of jobs....I did say looking... :lol:
    see you all later xxxxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've just remembered its a calorie free zone in the cafe. So we don't need any weighing scales.

    Been to the hosp then OH wanted to get something from the shops and parked right outside M&S so I took the opportunity to spend some of those freebie vouchers. I bought things the kids and I like :D

    Also was able to write out that cheque for the taxman I intended to do yesterday while having a coffee in the hospital cafe. OH went off to do some shopping so it is somewhere to wait for him to pick me up.I'm amazed I'm managing to keep up with everything.

    I'm glad physio was more bearable Karen and that you have a little less pain. My youngest also likes to announce what presents I have bought for others! And she gets very excited. She now wants an acoustic guitar. You are not waffling-its lovely to hear from you.

    Catie I'm pleased your comp is behaving. He might ave just cleared up a lot of excess stuff on it. I managed to fix one of mine somehow-its fine now but the other two needed an expert.

    Well just time to potter around on another forum then I'm off for a nap.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope all have had a reasonable day.

    Barbara, it was the neck that first started, I had physio on it months ago. Shoulder is good as long as I don't move wrong. But the neck, well what can you do it's always moving isn't it. He tells me I should not do this and that, honestly, I'm a mum and wife I cant do what he suggests. And he cant understand why I cant get help. I know all of you will understand what I mean.

    Christine, you were late home, no wonder you were to tired to doing ironing. Just have a relaxing evening.

    Mig, how lovely you are not in charge of the xmas dinner, having it done for you for change. You will be able to relax and enjoy.

    Elizabeth, hope things went ok at the hospital for you. And glad you were able to get things sorted out more. I am terrible for remembering things, I think I must write down and even forget to do that. Is there any hope for me. My youngest has an acoustic guitar she had for xmas 2 years ago. It just sits there now.

    Right, to anyone I have forgotten, I am sorry, but I am sending loads to hugs to all of you. Have a god evening.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I am so late on everyone

    It's Lucy's 16th party Friday and everything is hectic :shock:

    Hairdresser has been today too :?

    Karen I am glad physio was a little easier and I too understand about necks all too well. miserable aren't they :(

    Elizabeth Yep calorie-free so eat everything you fancy in here ;)

    I am glad you spent your freebie vouchers and paid the taxman - that'll be a relief :)

    Barbara Sun shining here too today, bust someone said snow for Friday - Lucy's 16th party !!!

    Christmas birthdays all round then with your husband and Mig's too :)

    I managed to do some more wrapping today - I hope you are feeling under control too still?

    Mig Sounds like lovely lunch and that you have a fabulous Christmas planned this year with all the family and a special birthday too :)

    A Christine lavender pats are actually cow-pats made by the café cow :lol: They help you sleep and are very hygienic !!! I promise. Myabe don't eat them though!!!

    I hope today has been more restful for you

    What a shame about the town getting that award for the worst decorated :( Shame for you all too not to get the pleasure out of lights :(

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx

    Ps Hi to all missing friends :D
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yaay, congratulations to your son Mig. Your lunch sounds yummy. What a fantastic day you will have on Xmas day and a birthday too.

    Yes, Barbara, a white upside-down cone. Just found out that the contractors who are giving the town a facelift gave the 'tree' as a gift. It isn't a council one. I thought that was a nice gesture as the town does look like a building site at the moment but you wouldn't believe the comments. People are saying it should be given back to them or thrown on the tip. There are some very ungrateful people in this world. Well that's a job in itself sometimes - looking at the jobs list. :lol:

    Phew Elizabeth. I'm so glad I don't need to get weighed in here. :lol: Oh, sounds as if you got some lovely things in M&S. My boss's mum told me she had seen some gluten-free mince pies in there. She bought some for me today. She is thoughtful like that. A cheque for the taxman? :cry:

    Karen, some of these medics think we're all the same as them. They don't seem to realise we are all different and, as mums, we can't just drop everything and do just as they say.

    Toni, oh to be 16 again. It's amazing how much arranging there is to do. I laughed out loud at your description of the lavender pats. :lol::lol:

    Guess what. The ironing is still there. I was determined to get it done today but had some phone calls to make after work so that was that. I've got a long day at work tomorrow so maybe Friday. Just as well I've got more clothes. :lol: Got my first Xmas card today from my sil's parents. Isn't it expensive to send cards now. At least 50p on top of the price of the card for the postage. :shock: I bought a tool kit for my 2 year old GS but it isn't very good so I now have a different one reserved to pick up during the next few days. I'll see what it's like and keep the best one.

    A friend of mine had a great idea. She has a 3 year old son and she made a 6 inch high cloth elf with his own bed. When her son got up on 1st, Elfie was sat on top of his chest of drawers with his advent calendar. Apparently, Elfie has been sent to keep an eye on the little boy for Santa. Yesterday, the lad got up to find that Teddy had tied Elfie to the rail track. This morning, Elfie had packed his little suitcase and was sat on the airplane light hanging from the ceiling. He was off on holiday for a week but had asked his friend, another elf, to look after the little boy for him. At teatime, there was a photo of Elfie at the little boy's cousin's house where he will be having his holiday. I can't wait for the next instalment. :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Not a goodnight but serves me right for wrapping more presents...I just cant sit down and do them.. :roll: but you wont believe this...I have forgot to put ..labels on them... :shock:
    Karen this is it when your are a mum you never stop really..and like you say your neck is always on the move...I use my wheat bag like you its the only things that works..and yes you should have help... :roll: hope your youngest has not found the presents..
    Christine some people are never happy..its not the builders fault jobs have to be done ..and it will be nice when finished has they say
    What a lovely idea is the Elf..I will tell my son and Dil about that..I love it.. :D
    Toni...hope your daughter has a lovely16th Birthday...wonder what presents she will get.. :D
    Elizabeth we are getting a simply food M&*..nearby ..and there is loads of parking...mind you I am not keen on some of there foods..but I love there crusty baguettes...glad you got to spend some vouchers....
    It is gales force winds here... we have fields at the back so we are very exposed... .its awful noise.. :shock:
    See you all later xxxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara funnily enough we passed a simply food at a petrol station on the way to the hosp. I glanced longingly at it, mentioned the parking would be easy but OH said it didn't have a lot of stock. But to actually park right outside a main store was lucky!

    Anyway I love the savoy cabbage and onion chutney so I stocked up :lol: (OH says he can't find them but I think it is too much work to look carefully) and bought the valencia orange juice for my boy and cakes and bics. I've still got about £20 of vouchers left so I'll have to go back again. It can be overpriced but as the vouchers were free......

    Yep know what you mean about not being able to rest as instructed by your physio Karen. Its pretty much impossible. I am worried a guitar will just sit there too. She's doing very well with the violin but has asked to also go to a guitar after school club (we keep missing the deadline to join as usually ill at the start of terms with her stomach after the holiday blitzing). We are a musical and arty family so I'm hoping it is in her genes.

    I think I saw your tree online Applerose and all the building work around it. You can't beat a lovely real green tree though can you? We've decided to buy a smaller one this year and stand it on my old pine table (I'll make sure it is well covered to protect it).

    Its my Daughters 28th birthday today. I finally got her address to send her a cheque. She'll be needing the money I expect as her rent is extortionate. I don't think she has broadband yet.

    Good luck with Lucy's birthday party on Friday Toni. Are you allowed to stay for this one?

    Its lovely and windy here too and OH has hung out the washing. I've got some bedding washed today.

    I'm really not keen on wrapping. I might have to do a little at a time. I remember one year it just hurt too much so OH got up Christmas day and wrapped everything, including all the items I was due to send back!

    All the best
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Elizabeth...we have a normal M&* nearby but its to small to have clothes and this will be good...thunk I might have to try the savoy cabbage :)
    We have lost most of the pebble dashing off the back of the house...what ever is going wrong with the weather...OH has had a is all over the garden.... :shock: and the wind is still very strong but not has bad...I hope everyone is safe...xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Barbara, noooooo. I remember one time wrapping a few and not labelling as I went. Can you remember what was in each parcel? You could always do a sort of secret Santa and everyone can do a swap when they open their parcel. Hope your house is still secure. Will it cost much to get it re pebble dashed? Will your insurance cover it?

    Elizabeth, glad you got to spend your vouchers. And still some left. As you say, not so bad spending there when it's free. It is difficult to decide whether or not to get a particular musical instrument. You never know if they'll really enjoy it. Sounds as if that could have been the tree. In the middle of a building site. Happy birthday to your daughter. We wouldn't dare put washing out today. Winds of nearly 100 mph. it would end up at the other end of the country.

    Fortunately, I'm ok where I live but hundreds of people have been evacuated because of flooding and hundreds are without power in the few miles round about. There are trees down, some 80 foot high, a few chimneys down and cars floating out of one of the local college car parks. I was watching the local news and saw the huge waves come over the flood defences at the sea. 3 towns were closed altogether - no-one allowed in as police were trying to get people out. As far as I know, only one fatality. Hope you are all safe and well.

    On a lighter note (sort of), Elfie the elf has been admitted to hospital. Apparently, because of the stress of being tied to the toy railway line. His friend, Mr Jangles, put tape all over the entrance to the little boy's, Logan, bedroom last night. My friend said Mr Jangles is a nightmare. Tonight he has had a midnight feast and eaten a full tin of Qu*l*ty Str**t. :lol:
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I am allowed to stay :) Lucy hasn't had a birthday party for 3 years for this one as I don't normally 'do' 16ths ::)

    I am looking forward to it and she is saying 'no presents please' to everyone as really it's just a party :)

    There will be about 60 guests and her Dad should be here for the first time ever I think after we split!!(he always makes it for Charleys :x grrr!!!)

    Balloons are all aerated, hair is dyed (not mine) and now to rest before doing the food tomorrow :)

    Right Christine


    pass me your ironing ;)

    I do hope Elfie is ok :shock:

    No time for pressie wrapping for me today -Barbara in fact Christmas is back on hold until after the party ::)

    It's right windy here I too hope everyone has their fences up as well as trees etc :? Even one fatality is so sad

    Love to everyone and really sorry if I missed anyone

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Christine..keep the Elfie story's coming I love them...has she ever thought of writing a book ....bless eating all the sweets... :lol:
    We have rang the insurance so hopefully they will pay, but you know what they are like ...there are loopholes for wear and tear....and its an old house..fingers crossed...what a good idea secret Santa... :lol: dont think my son would fit in a baby grow.... :lol: lovely that your daughter just wants a party and not bothered about presents...are we all invited.. :D I suppose you will be over doing things...but rest after its all over...
    The sun is shinning here couldn't make it up..a dear friend of ours is flooded out in North Wales...there is sludge all through her house I wish I lived help
    Hope everyone is safe and not to much damage...see you later..xxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    I know that some of you have had the really bad winds yesterday. I do hope everyone is ok. I am thinking of you.

    Barbara, I presume it was the storms that did the back of the house. Hope those insurance people don't change their minds.

    Whats all this about Elfy. Sounds very intriguing, tell me more.

    We have been luck this time, no storms or high winds. In fact, looking out of the window, there is sunshine.

    Hope everyone has a good, reasonably pain free day (if that is possible)
    Karen xx
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I really, really, really need a xup of tea :xmas_cheesygrin: :xmas_cheesygrin:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'll make you one Tony ,cake, biscuits or mince pies ? So good to see you on the forum,we have all missed you.(((()))) to you and Janet. XX Mig :noel:
  • tjt6768
    tjt6768 Member Posts: 12,170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well it's about time, service here is teribble :wink: lol.. and, biscuits please mi dear..

    I have missed all of you here too but just needed some me time..
    I am back to spread the Yorkshire Blokey Hugs omce more :hoho:
    n035.gifRa-1996 -2013 RIP...
    Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OMG Tony you are back with us.... :xmas_cheesygrin: think we might need more T bags....was it tetley...and how are you doing...its good to see you ...
    Karen yes the storms brought the pebbledash off..its a mess..not sure what the insurance will say you know what they are like... :roll:
    Right Tony pull up a table..and we can have a natter ... :madnoel:
    Batter go we have visitors om the way...see you all tomorrow..xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tony's here and the Christmas smilies too :xmas_cheesygrin:

    Lovely to see you Tony - I hope all is well up there with the family?

    I have been AWOL the last two days due to my Lucy's birthday party.

    Still it's done now and a good time was had by all.

    The fridge


    is full of party food for us to finish. Hardly any veg left, but saus rolls, c*cktail sausages, cupcakes etc etc etc :areindeer:

    Barbara I hope you are alright after dancing on the tables last night :roll:

    mig spent a lot of time sitting down on the lycra chair covers :xmas_redface: luckily the kids didn't notice.

    Everyone else behaved so you can come again :madnoel:

    Right I better give this place a quick whizz now incase Val pops by


    that's that done

    and of course c045.gif

    love to everyone and I will read back soon

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    were did today go....anyhow I am here now...
    Toni I am so glad Lucy party went well...thanks for helping me down off the table but it was fun.. :madnoel: boy I dont remember much... :? but the food was lovely... :D
    Were has Tony gone...he came back then disappeared..I even made him a cuppa.. :D
    Anyone seen bubbles she has been missing for a couple of days..hope she is okish
    Today I have a quiet one...and I feel better for it..must have been the party...
    hope you all have a good evening...xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, my sil's son had his 16th party last night at the house. he invited 10 friends.The headmaster phoned his mum to tell her he had overheard some older boys saying they were going. He knew T didn't know the boys. My brother and sil were going to the local pub so they could get back if needed but decided to stay in. A gang of lads turned up with drinks and stood in the garden swearing and throwing bottles around because they weren't allowed in. My brother had to get the police to move them. Thank you for doing my ironing. it's all put away now. Phew. No more news on Elfie. Hope he's ok.

    Barbara, as far as I know Elfie is still in hospital. I'll have to ask my friend how he is. Hope the insurance pays up. Hope your friend gets cleaned up without much problem. Hundreds about 10 miles from me flooded out. I feel for them, especially at this time of year.
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Posting in 2 lots again as I'm talking to my daughter at the same time so being a bit slow.

    Karen, a friend of mine made a little elf called Elfie. She told her 3 year old son that Santa had sent him to keep an eye on L to make sure he was being good. Elfie brought him his advent calendar but the other night, Teddy tied poor Elfie to the toy rail tracks so he is in hospital recovering before flying off on holiday. In the meantime, another elf called Mr Jingles is watching L. Mr Jingles sounds a bit naughty though and has eaten all the Xmas sweets.

    Hi Tony. Good to see you back. I see Mig has given you a cuppa and some bickies. Hope you are doing well.

    Glad Lucy had a good party Toni. Thanks for the party food. There's always some left, isn't there? Was that Barbara dancing on the tables? :presents1:

    Well I was supposed to put my Xmas tree up tonight but it'll have to wait till another day. After dad's, I did some shopping and that done me in. Found a H*me B*rg*ins I didn't know about and nearly forgot to come back out again. :xmas_cheesygrin:

    Shall we sing some carols before bed? :carolers: