Val's Cafe
Afternoon to everyone. Hair, nails, stolen keys, drinks going missing, Santa isn't real, Sounds like a few eventful days.
Sorry not been around, pain has been up through the roof and me pretty much out of my head on meds, Tramadol alters your mind for sure !! :shock:
Then my IBS decided to kick off, just for good measure. That has now eased so I am taking a moment to chillax.
Popped into town, along with the rest of the world, had a coffee, watched people coming and going, racing about, could stay there all day just watching. Then blew into Sainsbury's, boy is it windy.thought it was going to be total madness, but it was ok.
Not doing a lot for the rest of the week end now, need to recharge a bit after the past few days. XX Hugs to one and all, take care Bubbles :areindeer:XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Toni, you're right. I think most teenagers are the same.
I said it was Elfie who had the Wii out. It was Mr Jingles. Elfie is still on holiday. He lives at my friend's house, not here so he won't get my nibbles or pressies. :candycane: Not sure what booze is missing. Barbara might know. :xmas_cool:
Mig, you've changed the locks? So who has keys now? I'll look after one if you like. :candycane: Hair and nails done. I forgot to book an appointment. I can usually just walk in but they'll be really busy next week.
Glad you had a decent night's sleep Barbara. Hope you have a few more. Your GC don't think Elfie is real? :shock: Of course he is. I've seen pictures. :xmas_cheesygrin: Yes, the place the his clothes were supposed to be, he didn't think of looking.
Oh Bubbles, sorry you've been in such pain. Hope the meds are helping and easing it. I find some places are packed full of people while other places are nearly empty. Very windy here too. I got home from shopping just as the wind and rain started. Phew.
Went to dad's today. A letter had arrived which he read to me. My sister explained that the memory nurse had been to the house just to check things were ok with him. Apparently, she asked my sister questions about my dad, in from of him, as if he wasn't there. Things he had been told about but had forgotten. The letter was a copy of the report the nurse had written for the clinic. It noted that he had Alzheimers. Dad has been told but has forgotten so he asked me why they were saying he had it. It also said he wasn't aggressive and wasn't having psychotic episodes. He was a bit upset about this and asked me why they were saying things like that about him. It also mentioned an incident that happened a while back when he had shouted and pushed my sister's 21 year old son. (A symptom of Alzheimers) but that was the one and only time in his life he has ever done anything like that. He couldn't understand why they had said he had done such a thing. The letter was supposed to go to my sister who is his carer. I was shocked that they had sent it to my dad. Needless to say, my sister is going to have words with them on Monday.
Thought I had finished Xmas shopping but still managed to find some things to buy. :santa: Hope you are all enjoying the weekend as best as you can.Christine0 -
Oh Christine :xmas_cry:
Your poor poor DadHe must be so upset to be so labelled:( I really feel for him hearing all that was written. It would devastate me and in fact could make someone feel angry enough to be aggressive. I hope they are treating him for his Alzheimer's at least anyway.
Of course Elfie and Jingles and Teddy are 'real' :shock: I am shocked everyone doesn't realise this. BTW does Teddy ever go to the Teddy Bear's Picnic? My eldest's bear used to a LOT when she was younger......
I don't know why I though Elfie had been at the nibbles when he's on holiday :xmas_redface: although you know they do have transport
HI Bubbles :areindeer: Never a need to apologise in here - we are just happy to see you.
It was windy wasn't it - fair blew you over!!!
Take care and re-charge your batteries
Hi Barbara
Right up the gabapentins then? Can you remember the name of the patch at all? I do hope your GP prescribes it....maybe he will :rudolph:
Hope you had an ok time in town today and coped alright. Did you say you can't get in the cellar? How odd
Hi Mig So YOU did the key change - probably wise if stuff is going AWOL. I am expecting a fresh delivery on Tuesday lots of spirits so can you let them in? I am sure Barbara will offer to hold the key for you :madnoel:
I say you look rather posh....hope you enjoyed your pampering
Right time for a caramel macchiato before getting on....
Toni xxx
PS love to all our 'missing friends' catie, Roses1 and rosieglow, MrO coco etc0 -
Morning all
Bubbles sorry you are suffering like Toni says no apologies necessary...I hope today is a better one....wish I had a magic wand...maybe I will get one for Christmas..
Toni the patches are anesthetic they go on the pain site not a clue what they are called...she asked how I went on with the brufen patches..sorry spelling...but they didn't work or was it me not giving them long enough..yes I did have a good time just pottered around... :xmas_cheesygrin:
Christine what are they thinking about your poor dad..sending him a letter like that..I do feel for him ..the government are called having this meeting on Alzheimers..its about time ....
Of course Elfie is real I told them this... :santa: :presents1:
I dont have a key to the cellar any more... :xmas_cry: ..I did try a crowbar but I hurt my hands.... :madnoel: were there's a will.... :rudolph:
See you all later..xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Toni, Christine, Barbara, and others I will no doubt forget. Thank you for your kind words. IBS has all but gone away now, thank goodness, no idea what sets it off, probably all the worry with family being in hospital, same hospital, opposite ends of the building.
Heating is on meltdown, as is OH,but I am quite comfy.
It's strange how I cannot bear jumpers and coats and heavy clothes, they smother me and get me all in a state, so I am always in something super light weight, have to have my arms uncovered. When we visit Mum I have to peel off layers as the heating really is thermo nuclear and the fire is on full as well, we both nearly faint. I usually make T with mother while OH turns the fire down and quickly opens the windows while she is not looking
Right, in laws are coming round any time soon, so better move, I didn't get up until 10am which is late for me. xxxx later take care, BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
Bubbles, first off, sorry to hear you have been in so much pain. And regarding your mum, I had the same problem with my mum and dad when they were alive. I did the housework for them. It was luck working in a sauna, the sweat would be pouring of me.
Barbara, sorry that you are having so much pain with your back,, as you said I wish I could make everyones pain just disappear. Are the new patches you mentioned working????
Christine, I am so sorry to hear what happened to your dad. I hope your sister has a really good go at them. He should never have received that. My hubby was so cross when I told him.
Mig, I think you are away for xmas. Or I have been dreaming again. When do you actually go.
Elizabeth, hope things are a little less stressful for you. I do think of you often, I know how it can be. My youngest, as much as I love her to bits and wouldn't know what to do without her, sometimes she can really push me to the edge.
To everyone else I have forgotten I am sorry.
:hoho:Karen xx0 -
Karen, as any medic would advise there is help available for youngsters with autism etc. These problems do not just disappear and help 'should' be sought. I have read through all recent posts and Catie's suggestion of a 'buddy' is a good one. This system can be extremely advantageous to all concerned ....but.....will not be easy at first
Just popped in to thank everyone for their kind wishes with respect to our move - they were much appreciated
Best wishes and a 'Happy Christmas' to all cafe friends0 -
Evening all
Mr O its good of you to pop in..and thankyou for the good wish's..hope you are enjoying your new house..A merry Christmas to you and your family... :noel:
Karen I haven't got the patches yet they are suppose to be expensive so have to wait and see if they will pay for them...hope your neck and shoulder is holding up..and did you get any farther with your appeal
We have just had carol singers would you relive after all we said...3 little girls and mummy and a proper lantern... :rudolph: it was lovely and they are giving the money to a family that had a fire a couple of weeks ago...I have just eaten some liqueurs....the nearest I will get to a brandy they were very nice...has anyone heard off Rosie how the new GC are doing..
hope you all have a good evening..xxxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Thank you Toni. My dad is on medication which helps to stop the aggressive side of Alzheimers but, as you say, reading something like that would anger anyone. Yes, Teddy has been to the Teddy Bears picnic for the last couple of years. I think they're a great idea. So the spirits are arriving on Tuesday. Maybe Barbara will have managed to get the door open with the crowbar by then. :madnoel:
Barbara, maybe if we all ask Santa for a magic wand, one of us might get one. Yes, the government seem to be going to do a lot for dementia suffers. Hopefully, they will find a way to keep it at bay. At the moment, they have found that exercise does a lot to help. How are you getting on with the crowbar? :candycane: How wonderful to have carol singers round and that they are giving the money raised to such a good cause.
Bubbles, glad your IBS has settled. I get it occasionally as I am wheat intolerant. Sometimes I can cope with a tiny amount but other days, it upsets me. We have a laugh at work as my boss and his wife wear coats and scarves and have a heater in the office while I wear a t-shirt and have to have a window open so I can get some cold air occasionally. It's always like an oven at my dad's too.
Karen, my sister will have words with them tomorrow. She's not one to hold back. Wish my dad would let us do his housework but he thinks he is doing a good job and gets huffy if we suggest it so we do a bit at a time when he's not looking. :xmas_cheesygrin:
Hi Mr O. Hope you have settled in to your new home. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
I have had a lovely day. Walked up to our big park and met my son and his family. We went in to the kitchen where they were making Xmas food. Only a few bits to taste but they were lovely. Even the baby had a bread stick. We had a walk round the Victorian street and the kids played in the park for a while. Then we went in to town and had a Chinese buffet. Didn't need another thing to eat after that. :noel: This evening I managed to write out the Xmas cards which need to be posted. Just in time as the last day to post is Wednesday.Christine0 -
Morning all
One GD gone off to school..
Christine what a lovely day you sound idyllic nearby...I do love the Chinese buffets we have a couple not far away but one is much better than the other..I have 2 cards I forgot to post..I lost my list this year so had to do them by chance... :madnoel:
I gave up on the cellar door to much like hard work... :xmas_evil:
Having my hair done at ten..I go to my neighbour across the rd and the hairdresser come to us...
I hope everyone has a goodish day..will see you later....xxxx :hoho:Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all
Barbara, I do hope you don't have to pay for the patches. You really would think they would be on the nhs wouldn't you. And you do so need them. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. My shoulder and neck, well I have a last session tomorrow with physio. He couldn't do it last week and already my shoulder is creeping in again. And it is now both. Cant stretch or things like that. Tried to clean inside the oven the other day and boy my shoulders....I was near to tears. I bet you feel good now you've had your hair done.
I hope everyone is having a goodish day. Sending out some hugs to all of you.
Mr. O. glad you are settled in. And have a lovely xmas yourself and to your family.
I am going to sit down by the window with a cuppa, earl grey of course. And have a good think about everything. It's hubbies birthday today...he's fast asleep on the couch. But we will have a take out tonight. More for the girls really.
:carolers:Karen xx0 -
Evening all
Karen its only me and you at the min..the patches should be prescribed on the NHS has long as my GP will do it...but they dont like doing because of the price..I dont think they are very expensive they are called Lidocaine..and they go over wherever the pain is
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Karen hubby...I hope you all enjoy your takeaway...I hope the last physio helps....and you are not in to much pain after....wonder if you could get the patches no harm in asking..
I hope everyone's is keeping wellish and I will see you tomorrow....xxxxxx :presents1:Love
Barbara0 -
How LOVELY :xmas_cheesygrin:
MrO has been in to see us allGood to see you MrO and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours too I hope you have a fantastic one in your new home:noel:
I know some one on here on the lidocaine patches Barbara - she lives in Scotland though :? I DO hope you get them.
Tomorrow can you be here to receive the spirits?? I will be out in the morning and Lucy is in the school Christmas service tomorrow evening so am worried I might not be here for it.???
Happy Birthday to Tony KarenI hope you enjoy your takeaway
Hi Christine - it's good your Dad is on medication and I know I would heve been very upset to see the letter. Glad Teddy goes to the TB's picnic - tel him to watch out for Charley's 'Little Ted'. Easy to spot he's littleIt sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday!!! I love those Chinese buffets myself - loads of food YUM!!!
Bubbles I am glad the IBS has settled - yes probably worry and stress set it off :roll: Hope all went well with the In-laws
Love to everyone missing friends included
Toni xxx0 -
Barbara, at the beginning of this year, I wrote my Xmas card list in the back of my new diary and put a reminder at the beginning of December about it to remind me. It worked. I've just got my neighbours to write out and deliver now.
Karen, hope your physio session works for you tomorrow. You don't want the pain creeping back in. Happy birthday to your hubby. Hope you enjoy your takeaway.
Karen, hope you enjoy the service tomorrow. I used to love going to watch plays and services my kids were in. I'll tell Teddy to watch out for Little Ted in the summer.
Had my hair cut this afternoon and posted the last of the Xmas cards that I had to send. Put up a couple more decorations this evening. I'm supposed to be writing out a food shopping list for things I need over Xmas and for when my daughter comes as I'm calling in at one of the bigger supermarkets tomorrow but can't be bothered now. I probably won't get the food till next Monday anyway or might even order it online.
Mr Jingles was at creche today. He has somehow managed to get himself stuck inside an Ipod. Just seen a picture of him on the screen. Oops! :candycane:Christine0 -
A late evening, early morning to everyone. People will be asleep so I will try not to clatter my crutches round the cafe, knowing me I will send half the room flying.
I hope everyone is as ok possible. That the drinks arrived safely, the take away was good, the Birthday was enjoyed..............
The last couple of cards written, every time you think "that is it", another name pops into your head. Any I forget now, will receive a New Year card, I quite like them, it was the norm when we lived in France, cards were only sent for the new year and everyone had their festive meal on Christmas Eve, opening presents at the same time. :presents1:
It is pouring with rain here, the rivers are already up to the top of the banks.
Off out for lunch today, which will be nice, the staff know us so well, the minute they hear me clattering in, the coffee is being made ready, spoilt? not half, we get extra large portion of chips to share and they are the best in Lancashire. Christmas present to drop off for the staff, who work so hard.
Well, this will not get the **** cats their supper, it is time for me to potter in the kitchen a little while. Everyone take care, keep warm, love xxx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all
Toni thanks for that I will see if I can find out who they are that has the patches....
Christine..poor Mr jingles hope you got him do your food shopping on lime then you can put your feet up...
What a good idea to put the list in my diary...why does my brain not think like yours... :madnoel:
bubbles was early morning...I hope you managed some sleep..the meal sounded good nothing nicer than home made chips..and I like the idea of new year cards...
The sun is shinning here today...think its all change of my lovely neighbours are moving today...she is so upset to be going ...bless her hubby walked out on them so she had to hubby has been helping her move..
I hope Tony |Karen's hubby had a good birthday..
Will see you later..xxxxxxx :hoho: :hoho:Love
Barbara0 -
Your GP should be able to prescribe the patches. My feeling is that you are
probably a lady who doesn't like to complain about the 'level' of pain you are experiencing - but you must. The patches are fairly costly, but so are referrals to physio etc. This is a treatment which you could possibly benefit by, so make sure your doc gives the nod
. A private prescription is also another possibility, but should be your last resort
. I know Catie won't mind me mentioning that she has been prescribed them in the past - they did help her
Many thanks for all good wishes0 -
Evening all
Mr.O. good to see you. And, you are so right about Barbara, she never really complains. I only hope that her g.p does agree to prescribe the patches.
Barbara, you're to nice for your own good. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. Still got my fingers crossed that you do get them.
We will be doing most of our xmas food shop next week too. I don't know about everyone else, but it's this time of year that I start panicking...have we got enough...are the shops going to have it. Silly, but that is me.
Thank you for Tonies good wishes. He's the same as me, doesn't like them any more. The take out, we tried a new one and lets just say, never again. But you have to try these out don't you.
Hope everyone is feeling reasonable ok tonight. Sending hugs to all. :carolers:Karen xx0 -
Heee Karen I'm embarrassed .. :xmas_redface: but its so kind of you ..thankyou...and dont worry i will beg for them if I have to...I used to panic but now I'm older...I have stopped all that ...strange but I never thought it would happen ..the shops only close for one day...then we are all skint... :xmas_cry:
Mr are right I tell everyone on here to shout then they are heard when they see there GPs..but then I go in and cant get the words out..but my lovely pain lady knows I have a good pain threshold...but knows when I need help bless her..and thankyou for the info very kind..
Tonight I have 2 has hoovered for me and the other has polished...I have a list of jobs and they get pocket money ... :presents1:
by the way...we haven't heard off Coco for a while...hope things have improved for her..see you all tomorrow...have the dentist in the morning...just remembered... :xmas_evil: :noel: xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh Bubbles you were up late. Could you not sleep? Hope the rivers didn't burst their banks. There has been enough flooding. Hope you enjoyed your lunch. Makes you feel a bit special, doesn't it, when the staff do that little bit extra.
Barbara, I'm sure you have plenty of good ideas. I only get the occasional one. Your poor neighbour. I hope she manages to have a decent Christmas. It's so good of your GDS to do your hoovering and polishing for you. Hope the dentist goes well.
I agree with you Mr O. Barbara should push to get the patches. Hope you are getting your house sorted out after moving.
Karen, I'm the same when it comes to Xmas food shopping. I'm going to my son's on Xmas Day and my daughter isn't coming till 27th but I've got a great long list. You're right, you do need to try different things. I think if you have one bad one, you don't want to try it again.
After work, I went to one of the bigger supermarkets to get a bit of my Xmas food shopping. I was armed with a list. Nearly an hour later, I came out £44 less well off and had only bought a couple of things on the list.Then the bus didn't turn up so I was standing in the freezing cold and dark for three quarters of an hour.
I entered a competition which was running for a week with a different question each week. There were only silly prizes but I won a bauble for the tree and a tote bag. I was going to get a new one so that'll come in handy. :xmas_cool:
Elfie is back home from his holiday and Mr Jingles is still stuck inside the laptop. :candycane:Christine0 -
Evening Barbara, Christine, Rose, Elizabeth and all who I will have missed.
Don't worry, I am terrible at going to bed at night, probably because we have an early evening nap, but OH has a real job getting me to settle, long long story, which I won't go on about now, just one of many issues, that stems back a long time from previous heart attacks.
I hope you get the patches sorted, I would be shouting very loudly, I will shout for you, I don't mind :shock:
Poor neighbour, the way some things pan out is very upsetting for some, so kind of hubby to be helping, bless.
Lunch was wonderful, we managed to get the last table, it was packed to the rafters, lots of small groups having Christmas lunches, the staff were flying round. They didn't have a moment to open their present, but I am sure once the lunch time rush calmed, they will have gone head first into the goodies.
I will read the paper and sit in the corner. Fire is aglow and cuddles is happy. Coffee cake and lemon drizzle cakes on the side.
Take care, xxxx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
Dentist all done and dusted £18 lighter for a checkup....but I was lucky to get a place there on the NHS so not losing it now
Christine poor you waiting for the bus...Its horrible when its dark...and raining on top..and now you have to go back...Elfie still stuck in the laptop..I love it... :presents1:
bubbles you are welcome to shout for me...the lunch sounded it a place you go to regular...I bet the staff were exhausted....
Today is miserable...its dark and wet I will sit and have a coffee...and a ponder by the window.....
see you all later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Miserable here too Barbara
I won't let it get me down though - I have more Chrimbo pressies to wrap. :xmas_cheesygrin:
Glad it was 'No fillings today' for you
Hi Bubbles your lunch yesterday sounded lovelyDid you say some lemon drizzle cake available?? I
would love a slice with my cuppa
Well done Christine for winning the prize :xmas_mrgreen: I bet that lifted your spirits. I just got back from the supermarket £140-something lighter :shock: how did that happen?? I did get one or two pressies as well, but don't seem to have much food..... :madnoel:
Did Barbara mention that Elfie is stuck in the laptop??? Mmmmm.....would Teddy or Mr Jingles go in and fetch him out?? I can send little Ted over if it helps he has undertaken work of this type before. In exchange for a dollop of honey :candycane:
Oh Karen! What a shame Tony's takeaway wasn't brilliant :xmas_cry: It's the only good thing about birthday these days for me too - an excuse for a treat and when that treat isn't nice.....:(
Hello MrO :areindeer: Nice to see you and I agree with you about Barbara - let's hope the GP will prescribe them shall we? MY GP even moans about prescribing emergency medication for when my youngest has a seizure ::)
How is your lovely new home?
Love to everyone else hope you are all well
Toni xxx0 -
Afternoon all
First off, Barbara, I am sorry...I didn't mean to embarrass you. Glad you didn't have to have anything done at the dentist. It's so expensive. even on nhs.
It is very dark here as well. Just done the weekly shop. But the girls were here when we got home, so they unpacked for us. Thank goodness.
Now, I am really intrigued, what is this all about. Mr Jingle, Teddy and Elfie, who are they. Please put me out of my misery.
Hope you all have a good afternoon. :hoho:Karen xx0 -
Hi Karen
Those lot are mischievous 'people' who are well known to Christine (Applerose), they do seem to get up to japes and keep her on her toes :madnoel:
I used to time my online shopping to come when the two bigguns were home early from school - they have their uses don't they?
Hope you are well?
Toni xxx0
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