Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Busy busy!!

    Rosieglow :) I think you must PM us all individually if you want to share the babies' names then it won't be public. Safety first. I am so glad they are making you so very happy :)

    Now the foot. After my back surgery mine was like that for a very long time. I started physio myself ;) Every night in the bath I pressed my foot straight heel against the end of the bath. No idea whether it helped I still have areas of numbness, but my foot continued to improve for OVER two years. Nerves can surprise you :)

    One caramel macchiato coming up ;)

    Elizabeth Very reassuring to hear that you have done loads of shopping and also have no food :madnoel:

    I am very very pleased to hear you have had your depot as an early and timely Christmas present :xmas_cheesygrin: How much that will help!! I rather like Baileys and advocaat too :xmas_redface:

    The chicken broth sounds lovely I hope they all enjoyed it.

    well I must say baby's decorating skills sound rather good. She could probably improve on min :areindeer:

    12 year-olds DO still look forward to Christmas don't they? as do 18 year-olds....especially when they are in 'love' ::)

    We have two Argoses here the one in town is always just 3-5 people the one outside the town is about 50 :shock:

    Christine how is your back today? Has it eased for you? I hope so because are you back at work tomorrow???

    Elfie's cakes/biscuits....well they do look a BIT odd, but bless him he's trying isn't he?

    (I think we need CSI in to inspect the empty bottles for fingerprints :madnoel: )

    I am very pleased the family got all that lot either up the loft or at least gone for you. Careful with your wrapping. Do it at the table else you'll aggravate your back again ::)

    Right off for a cuppa c035.gif and a treat or two that Coco dropped off



    Toni xxx :santa: HOHOHO
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That is lovely Applerose. I always feel much better when everything is cleared away and put back where it belongs.

    I couldn't sleep last night but I seem to remember the last steroid jab did the same.

    So I got up early to put on the washing and wrap a few presents and give OH a last minute pressie list as he is going to go to the shops. He still hasn't bought me anything :roll: but I think he is scared he'll get the wrong thing so would rather get nothing.

    Yep Lucy played that band hero game yesterday so asked for that not to mention a sudden need for a recorder and a ukele!

    Only 3 windows left to open on the advent calendar. Who's turn is it?

    Toni is C. back yet?

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Miss Frog. I hope you are all ready for Christmas. Yep we def have many spaces in the fridge considering what we spent both times. I did buy Teachers presents and some bath stuff last visit but it didn't seem to be over the top. I also got 2 packs of socks for £2 each and nice ones at that. I bought a pack for myself but L. has pinched a pair already.

    Christine my steroid helps with the back pain more than anything. That was why I was able to stand up for half an hour. Usually I'm in pain after a few mins!

    E xxxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My Turn Elizabeth????

    Posted together then!!

    I had one or two things in the trolley too, but not excessive.....quite a compliment if Lucy had pinched your socks ;)

    Yes C is back bless her and don't I know it!!! The shower is full of hair, the towels are all over the floor, food stocks are running low, but WHO CARES :xmas_cheesygrin:

    I hope yours are all ok? I also hope OH can get the band hero game (mine love that one!) maybe tell him what you'd like???

    Sorry about the lack of sleep - tonight should be better, but good you got stuff done anyway :areindeer:

    A ukele eh? My T has one of those - she never played it though ::)


    Toni xxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My turn....

    ooh maybe we can do a deal with the ukele?

    Yep I've told him fluffy socks like my old ones which are now worn out and some history books (fact not fiction) and some wrist warmers! He's good at buying gold but my charm bracelet is full. A ring (hint! hint!) would be nice :wink:

    MY house is exactly the same when the girls stay plus empty cups and glasses half full of water are left all over the place.

    I'm enjoying the peace and quiet as every one else is still in bed and OH has gone.
    E x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Very busy in here...who opened the advent calendar...ummm..think I might have to quicker off the mark.... :madnoel: must feel much better with everything back in place...and the boxes ladies have a contentment when things are would laugh if you saw my house..hope the back is feeling better...don't think I asked were you are for Christmas dinner sorry if you have already said...I will try PB again see what happens
    Toni the baby just plods on arranging the tree...very strange because she put them all back more or less were they were in the first place...home is an home with hair in the shower... :rudolph: lovely to have your girls there..
    Elizabeth I have thought about the folding walking stick come chair..but at the min Iam still using crutches it really helps my back..and mu other hip ...It will be the steroids stopping you sleeping..I used to have an uneasy feeling...hope you sleep tonight...
    Rosie good idea of Toni' PM us the names I would love to know what they are
    We have one GD in bed....think she is going home tonight then coming back Christmas
    Not much to do now just get the last min Veg...then my eldest son will cook the Christmas dinner... :presents1:
    Will see you later xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, my back seemed to improve a bit yesterday but bad again today. I am supposed to be at work tomorrow but not sure I'll make it. But I'm not going to worry about it. If I can't do it, I can't and they'll have to manage without me. Yes, I am going to stand at the table to wrap the presents. Don't need to do many for Xmas Day as some are for my GC who won't be here till 27th so I'll do those later. The mess is worth putting up with when our kids are home, isn't it? I'll have it all inbetween Xmas and New Year. :xmas_cheesygrin:

    Elizabeth, you have been very busy already this morning. I would drop a few hints to OH or leave a catalogue lying around with what you want circled maybe. Hope you sleep better tonight.

    Barbara, I'm going to my son's house for Xmas dinner. My dil's parents and her 96 year old grandad will be there too. After dinner, the girls usually go up to my GD's bedroom where we chat and my GD does a fashion show with her new clothes while the boys usually find some sport on the tv to watch. Are you going to your son's or is he cooking at your house? I used to love cooking the Xmas dinner but it is rather nice to have it all done for me.

    While I've had this painful back, it's made me think about how some of you must be in this much pain all the time. And you all keep cheerful and always think of the rest of us. I think you are all amazing people and I hope you all have the best Christmas. :presents1:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Christine you stay off work ...its time you had a rest..and your pain is no less than ours... I always say that each persons pain effects them differently...sorry you get the jist.... :madnoel:
    My son comes here to cook the dinner..he is on his own at the it will be him my youngest son and and hubby and 4 children...I always cooked the dinner up till around 4 years ago now....
    Not see Karen around hope she is okish
    Will see you tomorrow... :noel: xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone

    Hi Elizabeth (wonder whether we're both posting at the same time again!!)

    Fluffy socks yes...books always good.....wrist warmers...yes now a RING :) would be lovely :)

    He ought to take your Lucy shopping with him :presents1:

    Morning Barbara
    Have left you today's advent calendar choccy (sigh.....)

    I have a folding chair come stick too - useful if I have to go to an 'event' where seating isn't always available. Baby is rather clever isn't she? Putting the baubles in the right place like that....a future interior designer maybe??? Sharon's daughter as had her baby BTW!!!

    Morning Christine

    I do hope your back is slightly easier today (I don't expect miracles) yes they are awful aren't they? BUT yours is a new pain and I well remember my husband doing his in a few years back....bless him he thought he had broken it! Luckily I was able to reassure him and it eased.

    I wonder whether you have gone into work today. I hope not if it's at all painful as it won't help.

    Your Christmas day sounds as though it will be lovely :) A fashion show eh? With Christmas outfits :) MUCH better than sport on telly :areindeer:

    I wish YOU a very merry Christmas too

    In fact to ALL of our Café dwellers


    Missing or here :)

    This one's for Elfiet07004.gif

    Reckon it might be a cousin or something :rudolph:


    Toni xxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well morning all. I hope Applerose as been able to feel well enough for work. The present wrapping can be the WORST thin about Christmas.I'm trying to do a couple at a time.

    Charlie came for a visit and it was so lovely. I struggle to get out of Mum mode but do my best. My Dan was a nightmare though, swearing ad fussing because he did't like her being here and I suppose because my attention was away from him.

    OH came home with a couple of bags. I have to tell him to hide them and keep it secret because he used to show or tell me what he'd bought before hand. He said there were hundreds of history books to choose from but I'm happy with any! He gets overwhelmed but then that is understandable. No luck with the band hero though so that will have to wait.

    Last pressie arrived this morning!

    Barbara how nice to have a house full.

    My Cousin is visiting from Australia but I doubt we will make the Boxing day party :cry: as it is difficult with Dan.

    I hope Karen is okay too. She's about on fb briefly so will send her a message.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Sorry I haven't been in recently again but we all went down with this flu virus. Then a bad stomach. Haven't even finishing the xmas shopping for the food.

    I hope everyone is ok and haven't got these winds and rain. It's murder out there at the mo. Shall not be going anywhere today.

    I haven't read back yet, but did notice Coco and Rosie. Good to see you both back.

    Shall sit by the fire, I love watching the flames dancing. Very calming.
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Karen so sorry you have the flue its a begger at this time of the youngest GD is coughing away..I feel like getting one of those mask.. :o I hope you are recovering...keep warm by that fire I will make us a cuppa
    Toni thanks for letting me know about Sharons GC..I will go and congratulate her...right the stools I am going to get one...we used to go to antique fairs and car boots but I stay away if they are in fields because of my chariot getting stuck...yip the baby is good at old Father Christmas has no glasses now..but I love her.. :xmas_cheesygrin:
    Elizabeth...I am glad 'Im not cooking ..I look back and wonder how I got through it... :presents1: hope your son has settled down least hubby has bought you something mine will go tomorrow with not a clue... :lol:
    Today its is very windy and raining hubby went to Ald** this morning and gusee what they have sold out of mince pies... :xmas_cry: oh well less calories...
    See you all later xxxxxxxx :noel:
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, I like the dancing Santa and his reindeer. I'll let Elfie know you have found his cousin. He was out on a date last night with the fairy from the top of the Xmas tree.

    Elizabeth, it must have been difficult trying to enjoy Charlie's visit. Hope Dan has settled down again. Will you get to see your cousin? Glad your presents have all arrived.

    Karen, I hope you have all recovered from the flu now. Hope you manage to get your food in. My daughter went for theirs today and they had run out of turkeys and sprouts.

    Barbara, hope your GD is not feeling ill with her cough. Poor Father Christmas losing his glasses. :hoho:

    Toni, hope you husband's bad back didn't last too long. I think mine is actually one of the muscles which joins from the bottom of the spine to the top of the leg as I'm getting pain in my hip and down my leg. I just don't know whether to keep walking round in circles or sit down. :lol:

    Might have been a silly thing to do but I decided to catch the bus down to the High St then one to the next town to the T*sco there. What is it with me and buses? Waited half an hour for the second bus. When I came out of T*sco, the bus was at the bus stop but pulled away before I got there. It turns round just down the road so I grabbed my bags and tried to cross the road hoping to stop it on the way back but my bag got stuck under the seat of the trolley. There was a gang of teenagers in the bus shelter, all smoking, so I walked to the next stop. Would you believe it, another bus came past. Thank goodness I got to the next stop before it had turned round. Got to my stop near the High St and caught up with the bus in front. The passengers from that one got off and on to the one I was on just as I got off. Then the one in front turned up towards where I live. Wish I'd known. I'd have asked for a lift up the hill. Waited another 15 minutes for the next one. That was a bit long-winded. Sorry, hope it makes sense. :madnoel:

    My boss's wife phoned and said they won't expect me back at work till after New Year. :presents1: Apparently, I've got enoough holidays left to cover it. :shock: I don't get paid for being off sick but I do for holidays so guess I'll use them up. I'll get new ones at the beginning of February.

    Can I start eating the Christmas food yet? No. Oops, too late. :candycane:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Christine poor you with those buses...its rotten when you are in pain and tired combined with the bad weather...I haven't used the bused since |I had my new hip I am so scared of being thrown about when getting off...I will have to brave them soon..thank goodness you are off work now
    Today is hubby's 66 Birthday..I ended up buying him a book he wanted on line has usual but its been such a big help to me shopping like that..
    Just got to go and visit my niece then can relax...
    Hope you are all safe in the bad weather...will see you later... :rudolph: :noel: xxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara I'm a big fan of the internet shopping for Christmas. The only prob I have is the cost of postage. Happy birthday to Hubby!

    Lucy is very excited and has insisted all presents were wrapped and placed under the tree so that particular chore is now done, apart from my eldest Son's phone which needs a code put in. So I have avoided the usual last minute panic.

    Applerose that was a lot of effort to catch a bus. In the good old days I used to walk from stop -to -stop because I hate waiting around, If I arrived when one was due in the very near future I'd stay otherwise I'd carry on walking. sometimes I'd walk miles

    Nice to see you Karen but sorry you have had flu AND a bad stomach. Kent took a battering with those winds I see. It was bad here but all the trees are still up-thats all I care about as we have some very tall ones right next to the house. They would flatten the house.

    I forgot to mention I went to Dan's school concert. He cried as he waited for his 'part' but then went on stage and played a solo piece on the keyboard and he played beautifully. I was all choked up. He had his ear phones on too so don't know how he managed. We have a keyboard at home so we finally bought new batteries yesterday so he has been playing and recording.

    Charlie is coming back again in a few days, unless the weather is dire.

    Last day to get the food shopping. We won't starve if we don't make it but haven't any sweets or chocs, you know the important stuff. We still have our points to spend too.

    Right will try and pop in later but tiredness is haning around.

    Merry Christmas to all. If you pop in Catie please pass on my best wishes to Mr.O. Hope the new house is all sorted.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all and a Merry xmas to you all,

    We are all done now. Me and Tony went out at 5 this morning, to a 24 hr T**co's and it was lovely and quick and easy. All food now put away. Phew.

    Christine, love the picture of elfie. And, what a bus journey. On the plus side, you are now off work till the new year, lovely.

    Barbara, give you're hubby birthday wishes from me please. Hope he's had a good day.

    Elizabeth, the winds last night were awful, around 3am they were around the 80mph range. So many fences and such down. We were going to do our shop at mid-night but decided better not. I was frightened our bedroom window was going to be blown out. You must be so so proud of your son. He did really well bless him.

    We have all the pressies round the tree now.

    I am going to sit and have a quiet moment if anyone wants to join me. And then bed, well on saying that I am already in bed.

    Have a marvellous xmas everyone. Sending loads of hugs out to all.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope everyone has a BRILLIANT Christmas day

    (and that Elfie enjoyed his date - bet he's thrilled to see his long lost cousin eh :wink: )

    You have all made this year a really GOOD one for me :rudolph:

    I hope everyone is as well as possible and sees everyone they want to, those in new homes (MRO) are settled and no-one gets flu/gastric flu (Karen ;) )

    Love and HUGE ((()))

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Elizabeth you must have been so proud of your son playing like he did...I am glad he got over his nerve it will boost his confidence..I have done well with postage choose either free or pickup at the closet store.. son did that went to Tes** at 4 this morning and hardly anyone in..mind you I am not surprised..glad you have you relax and enjoy
    Toni ...its so lovely to support one another and you have been so kind has everyone else has..
    Thanks all for hubby's birthday wishes...he as taken it easy today ..apart from delivering presents..
    Ido wish you all a lovely Christmas and a much less painful and peaceful 2014...
    See you tomorrow evening..or maybe morning depends... :presents1: :rudolph: :noel: xxxxeh I do love the smilies...
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy birthday to Barbara's hubby. Hope he's had a good day. Not surprised you're worried about going on the bus. They do sometimes jolt about a bit. Hope you had a good visit to your niece's.

    Elizabeth, it's lovely having the presents under the tree. I didn't quite manage that this year but the ones I'm taking with me tomorrow are all wrapped and in bags in the middle of the floor and the others are on the bed in the spare room. I remember walking from stop to stop ........ a long time ago. Well done to Dan for his solo. Bet you were really proud of him.

    Karen, I hope the winds are dying down now. It must be quite scary. Shopping at 5 in the morning? Don't think I could manage that but it would be a lot quieter that when I went yesterday afternoon, everyone with overflowing trolleys dashing round as if the shop was closing in a few minutes for months. :lol:

    Toni, Elfie was over the moon to see his cousin once again. L, the little boy, said goodbye to him this evening. Elfie had his suitcase packed and was waiting for a lift off Santa. I'm really going to miss him and his escapades.

    Hope everyone, who has been in and those who haven't, has a lovely day tomorrow.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Merry Christmas Everyone :noel:

    I hope Santa is good to you all :presents1:

    MIL is already awake so sadly I must get on :roll:

    Love to you all and hope Elfie had a safe journey....will we ever see him again?????


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    MERRY all my lovely friends
    Hope you enjoy today...and guess what the sun is shinning here..unlike yesterday
    Christine i have passed on you birthday wishes..he is made up all these people he doesn't know sending birthday wishes..and thanks for Elfie I have loved reading about his antics
    Toni you have a good day...pass my good wishes on to Cris please...
    The girls are coming later....the baby is quite poorly ...with this chest infection..hopefully she will soon feel better
    See you all later..xxxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Every Blessing for all to have as good a Christmas Day as is possible. Thank you all for your kind words on our recent family bereavement, they are most appreciated.
    Not quite the season for us to be jolly, but we are trying our best and supporting those who need us as much as we can.
    Everyone take lots of care, not too many mince pies or chocolates, says me, about to attack some maltesers, well, it is Christmas xxxxx Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy Christmas everyone. Hope you all had a good day.

    Toni, I'm sure Elfie will be back next year.

    Barbara, I'm sure there will be more antics next year. Hope the baby was feeling better today.

    My GD has chicken pox. She's not feeling too bad but is a little grumpy but her and her brother had a good time. My son and his wife did a beautiful dinner and we were all stuffed. Kids got a lot of presents despite saying they only want money. They got that too. Ruby had 2 Xmas dinners and some Xmas pudding and still wanted more. She loves her food.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone :)

    Bubbles you are doing what you can. This year it may just be a case of 'getting through'. XXX

    Christine I am so glad we may see Elfie again we will all miss him ;) Hope GD feels ok? Ruby can EAT ;)

    Barbara - Poor Baby another poorly one! :( I hope she feels better soon love to you all and of course I will pass on your wishes to Cris :)


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all
    Hope you had a good day
    bubbles like Toni says you are doing your best all round..and yes I have eaten to much...
    Toni thanks for passing on the good little GD is quite poorly..if the inhaler and ABs don't work they will admit her to hospital...this will be the third time since she was born
    Christine glad you have had a good house is wrecked but am I bothered...the baby plodded about but was so weary..bless sorry your GD has chicken pox you couldn't make it up at Christmas..hope she feels better soon...
    Im stuffed..I only eat tiny meals when I do eat but not today..anyone want some trifle or pudding or cheescake..I will put it in the fridge...
    Will see you all tomorrow..xxxxxx :rudolph: :noel: