Val's Cafe
barbara12 wrote:..anyone want some trifle or pudding or cheescake..I will put it in the fridge...
Yes please Barbara if I mayI am aiming to put weight on this year so as my New Year's Res I may as well start early. I know there will be people going on diets after xmas but I am quite a lot under what I should be & that's not much fun either. So I'd like half a stone by, say, June. Now I've posted, it'll spur me to stick to it (though Lord knows it will not go where I want it, ie face neck arms etc, I don't suppose :roll: )
Had a nice quiet day here apart from being pestered by the neighbours' poor cat, as they seem to have gone out all day & left him, the thoughtless so & so's. :x
I have not been to the cafe before & I'm not sure of the seasonal opening hours but when I am next passing I wondered if I can have a 'Bar Six?' You can't get them any more but maybe someone spirit some up for me!
Hope everyone has had a good day & get well soon to member's poorly little ones. x0 -
Welcome to the Café Toady
All new are welcome here and you know what?
Have a look in the fridge you will see some 'Bar six'
I hope you succeed in putting some weight ON not an easy challenge that one!
Poor puss I am glad he/she had some company for Christmas day and hope they are home soon.
Barbara I really hope GD feels MUCH MUCH better soon. Can't have hospital admissions this time of year. :madnoel:
I also hope Christine's one is not to bad with chicken pox - it's often underestimatd Chicken pox ::)
Just going to do some washing up
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Toady you are very welcome to the cafe ,,has for the opening hours well we dont close it is open for people to come and chat and have a warm by our log fire ..sorry bad news all the food is calorie free..but I am sure just for you we can add a few.... :madnoel:
Toni thanks...I am going to ring this morning to see how she is..her chest is cracking like mad..but babies bounce bask so fingers crossed..hope you had a good day yesterday...were does all the packing come from...what a we have 2GDs in bed and we are dropping them off at the cinema...will see you all later.... :noel: xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Christmas day was lovely. We had a meal with 12 guests ad even 2 of my children sat and ate at the table
So glad you found a nice quiet shop Karen. What a differece that must have made. OH did all of mine but failed to buy any chocolate even though it featured prominently on the shopping list. However thankfully we received quite a bit as gifts.
I hope everybody had a lovely day and I'm off now to the online sales. Kids are still asleep.
No ring Toni. My friend did though Everybody is beating me!
Elizabeth xxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Barbara, how is your GD today? Better I hope. I really needed some trifle yesterday but didn't have any so, if there's any left, I'll have a little please.
Hi Toady. Guess we all either want to lose weight or put it on. Would you like some of mine?Poor cat. My neighbours have a dog. It's never been allowed in the house so they probably didn't bother with it yesterday.
Toni, my GD seemed ok yesterday. She only has a few spots and is a little grumpy but she also has teeth coming through.
12 guests Elizabeth? Wow. Sounds as if it was a good day. Hope you find what you want in the sales.
My daughter's ferry, tomorrow morning, has been cancelled because of bad weather. They have rebooked for Saturday night so they'll get here sometime on Sunday. They have to spend some time in Scotland and head back a week on Saturday so we won't get to spend quite so much time with them. I'd rather that than they risk travelling on the ferry though.
Hope everyone who hasn't been in is enjoying the Christmas break as best as they can.Christine0 -
Thanks all for the welcome.
Log fire sound lovely round now, my house isn't exactly tropical (1960s & needs work/new windows etc sometime).
No sign of puss's parents, house is very shut up looking - he's still here, seems quite clingy & unsettled - have given him a bit of food even though I don't like to feed someone else's cat. Hope they turn up soon or I will have to ask around, imagination is beginning to run away slightly! Hopefully they are just irresponsible owners like your neighbours applerose (why have a dog at all?!! grr :x ) I don't know them well at all so its hard to say.
I see I missed the forum party (speaking as an antisocial teetotal miseryguts you have all got a lot to be thankful for there!!!) so I will sit here with my lovely hot coffee thank you & my Bar Six *nostalgia* (does anyone else remember them?)
Happy Boxing Day everyone. :xmas_cheesygrin:0 -
Hello everyone.
It sounds like you all had a great Christmas, with plenty of good grub! I really indulged my love of salted caramel. Haagen Daz salted caramel ice cream, smothered in Mercers salted caramel sauce. Salted caramel chocs, and a salted caramel roulade. I will start behaving again now as, having lost four and a half stones, I`m not keen to put it back on. Ah well, it was good whilst it lasted!
Toady Welcome to the cafe. You are very kind to be so concerned about the poor cat. Pity the owners aren`t! Do you want some caramel cream?
Barbara, so sorry to hear that the little un is not well. I hope she gets better soon. I can`t bear to think of her in hospital, and I bet it upsets you all too.x.
Christine The weather put paid to a lot of people`s travel plans. One of my sons had planned to surprise me with a quick visit, then back in time for Christmas with the new little one, but he couldn`t get further than Euston. Most trains were cancelled. A friend, travelling to Cyprus was stuck at Gatwick for twenty four hours. There`s no place like home at this time of year, for me.
Elizabeth I`m impressed with your hosting skills, especially with everything else that you have going on. Time for a few days doing nowt now for you!
Toni I`ve brought me marigolds, so I`ll give you a hand with the washing up. I`ll bet you are practically on your knees with looking after everyone the way you do. You really put your all into it, and I`m sure everyone appreciates it.
Well, there`s nothing on telly that excites me, so I`m going to start my new Karen Rose book.......looks longingly at salted caramel chocs......No, No, No.....Oh well just one!.........Much love to you all.......Rosie.x.0 -
Well Hello Rosie!!
Good to see you and hear you've had a lovely Christmas filled with - salted caramel :xmas_cheesygrin:
Thanks for helping with the washing upl can get the loos done and wash the tablecloths
who's undies were those??? :madnoel:
Toady I think you are doing the right thing ATM for puss, but in a day or so maybe phone the local vets (all of them?) incase he/she is missing. I missed the party too for some reason I thought it was the 27th :xmas_redface:
Ah Christine! The weather IS nasty out there safety first as far as a Ferry crossing is concerned. Good to hear GD is not too bad with chickenpox
Elizabeth No ring?Oh I am sorry - even more sorry your friend got one. Maybe that'll prompt him...when is your birthday?
Sounds like you had a really good Christmas :areindeer: We did too kids all happy so I am happyHad MIL and some people with Learning disabilities her so fabulous day too. Still peaceful though somehow
Hi Barbara How is baby? I do hope she is on the mend now? and the GDs enjoyed the cinema yesterday. We nipped to the sales at Telford and were most disappointed - M&S shut!!! No new undies for me :xmas_evil:
Love to all café friends hope those not posting ATM are doing so because they are happily busy
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Christine..thanks for asking about the baby...she is the same really ...just hoping they dont admit her.. I hope your daughter has a safe journey on Saturday..this weather is so up and was horrendous last night..and still very windy Toady...glad you enjoyed the fire..there is plenty of trifle left ..dont worry I missed the party we had visitors....
Toni...sorry M&*were I said we came away from the shops yesterday was manic..thanks for asking about the baby...will update you at the bottom
Rosie its lovely to see you around..and well done on the weight loss..I promised myself not mush sweet stuff this Christmas..but the cupboards are full; my thinking is if I get through it quickly then I can go back on my diet... :madnoel:
The baby is still poorly but no worse she is at home..we went to see them yesterday..or the day before I am lost...she just plods around..and is so good...mum has to ring the GP today to update them...or she can take her in apparently it is one lung worse that the other and is fingers crossed.... :rudolph:
The sun is shinning now but so windy..I have to go and pick up a light I bought in the sales on line...had it delivered to our nearest store so free should have been..£25..down to 10..it6s for the bathroom...
hope everyone is safe with all this bad weather not seen Karen around I no they had had it bad down South...and Coco in Wales
Will see you all later :noel: xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all,
Hope you all had a good xmas. I think this year with the storm on xmas eve, so many people had to cancel their xmas. Were lucky that we live on high ground. But a lot of my friends were stranded or trying to keep up with water getting into their houses. I do feel we have been oh so lucky.
Barbara, sorry to hear about the youngest gd. Poor little thing. I do hope the inhaler and abs do the trick for her. I have my fingers crossed for her.
Elizabeth, 12 guests, wow, you are brave. It was just us 4 and we had a lovely quiet xmas.
You know when you are getting the pressies over the weeks building up, well I found one today in my drawer for my youngest. I kept thinking there was something missing.
Well, next will be the new year. Lets hope that next year is going to be a good one for all of us.
We had the high winds and rain back last night so I haven't slept at all. I know it's meant to be the north that gets the worst this time. So I am hoping that you are all ok.
Have a good afternoon everyone.Karen xx0 -
Hi all
re kitty, just to clarify, he is known to me already as he spends a bit of time round here (& other neighbours I believe) while his owners are out at work. It's not that his family don't look after him (have spoken to them in the past but not much) but he's out all day (no catflap to the best of my knowledge) & they always leave him out all night. As far as I know he can't get in the house now. Their bin has been put out & taken in so I can only assume they have definitely gone away all over xmas - for all I know that includes someone leaving food out for him, in a way it doesn't seem like it or he wouldn't be pestering for food, he never does usually - but I don't want to malign them too much without facts! But at best, it means him being out all day & all night this weather over christmas & it's not what I'd want for my cat.
Salted caramel chocs, yes please (used to buy thornton's, i think they stopped making them) :xmas_cheesygrin: & a bit more trifle, why not.
Horrible day again today, feeling very grateful, as you say constable - especially to have power.0 -
I remember Bar 6 Toady. They were a bit like a K*tk*t weren't they? Hope Kitty is ok. Thank goodness he has you to feed him.
Rosie, I had one of thos Haag*n D*zs salted caramel ice creams. Mmmm, how yummy? Well done on your weight loss. You've done amazingly well. Sorry your son didn't make it. Maybe for New Year? And your friend stuck in an airport. How awful.
Toni, wonder where those undies came from. :shock: I'm another one who missed the party. Maybe we should have another one for New Year.
Barbara, I bought way too much sweet stuff and I think like you. Eat it all quickly to get it out of the way.Did you manage to get out to pick your light up? Hope baby is a bit better today.
Karen, your friends must have had a terrible time. I hope they manage to do Xmas later. I feel very lucky too. My daughter's toddlers opened their presents then she realised they weren't all there. Santa had left some in the loft.Christine0 -
Evening all
Karen thanks for asking about the baby she is no worse but no better...just a waiting game..I was worried about you I heard your town mentioned on the glad you are on high ground...hope your friends get some help..its awful
Christine..yes we got the light...i do love this online shopping...this is me that said it wouldn't take off... :madnoel: I have done that ..leaving present in the wardrobe and forgetting so I make a list now....
toady its very king of you to look after kitty...some people do this leave them while they go on holiday and think they will fend for themselves...I remember bar 6... :xmas_cheesygrin:
Tonight is still very windy be careful everyone..and thanks for asking about the baby...hopefully tomorrow she will feel better... :noel: xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
:oops: :oops: :oops: Sorry for being awol for so long , trouble with forgetting my pass word , then my comp was not excepting the email for changing but ay-ho i am now back , sust please done expect me to go too far back in the past , hello to everybody again old and new xxxI know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx0
Hi Everyone
Good to hear Baby is being monitored Barbara - good GP - and she takes it all so stoically! I hope she is on the mend though soon :?
The wind has dropped here so Karen I hope your neighbours and friends are all ok. I am relived to hear YOU are! I often 'find' a missing pressie late too ::)
HELLO MAY(AKA Bertyboy for anyone newer) Welcome welcome
I hope you had a good Christmas??
fetched more of Cris' cream for the fridge and put it inside :areindeer:
Christine - yes maybe a New Year party :rudolph: with more food and drink :madnoel: Barbara will come and me too with the cooking sherry and martell
Toady I am just glad pusskin has someone around who cares. It is very likely plans were made for him/her and he/she prefers you!! Either way I hope when they are home al will be well and in the meantime he/she is being looked after ;)My cat is the opposite - in and out all day and in at night. She has a flap but I lock it at night incase the foxes get her
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
May berty..its lovely to see you around...dont you worry about reading back..just make yourself comfy and I will make you a cuppa
Toni did you mention martells...yes I will come and help... :madnoel: lots of food here...I have just opened another cupboard and have forgotten to give the kids there choc reindears...what did I say about making a list... :madnoel: and crises cream there is nothing nicer..
The sun is shinning here but its fine know it the one that wets you
today the girls are with mummy...there rooms have been left has they were...wish I could show you a pic....they think they have an excuse because they come and go...but they do them eventually... :presents1:
I am sick of falling over Justin Beiber.... :xmas_cheesygrin:
Will see you all later..... :noel: xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
Have we any bacon? I just fancy a bacon buttie, with a big mug of tea. Such refined tastes!
Hello May, nice to meet you. Thanks for introducing us Toni, otherwise I`d have been calling her "sir".
Barbara Put that brandy down, and have a cuppa! I had to laugh at falling over Justin Bieber. Now if you`d said Colin Firth. Phwoar. Him I wouldn`t mind falling over! I hope the little un is improving.
Karen Glad you survived the awful weather. I`m in the North, but it actually hasn`t been too bad.
I haven`t seen Catie for a little while, or Mr O. I hope they are both well.
I was going to drive into our little town, but I don`t need anything, and am so cosy here reading, that I don`t think I`ll bother. I may just walk round to see a friend who had a THR just before Christmas, see how she`s getting on.......Much love to all......Rosie.x.0 -
Hi May (Bertboy). Pleased to meet you. I'm sure you'll catch up with what is happening soon enough. Hope you have had a lovely Christmas.
Toni, cooking sherry sounds good. I have plenty of food here so I'll drop it off. Think I'll have a mince pie and try some of Cris' cream with it.
Barbara, I just popped down to the High St to get some bread and milk. Weather was ok then but just started to rain here. The sort that wets you.
Rosie, I laughed at Barbara falling over Justin Bieber too. Colin Firth is kind of alright isn't he? A film has just started on tv with him in it I've not seen before - The Accidental Husband.
Well I haven't heard from my daughter so guess they are on their way. This ferry wasn't cancelled. They are hoping to get to mine by 5.30pm.Christine0 -
Evening all
Baby is much better today ...she has just left... the ABs are doing there job till next time..phew..and thanks all for asking about her... :rudolph:
rosie I have put the brandy down...he them were the days cant even have one now...but can pretend..brandy and babysham... :madnoel: glad you had a little walk hope your fried is recovering well...early days for her but she will get there quicker than she thinks
Christine yes Justin is now in the if it had been George Clooney... :xmas_redface: I can dream :xmas_redface: ... :presents1: one GD is coming she can sought things out then....
I feel so sorry for the people with no electric....its bad enough when it goes off for an hour or so....
Right will have a cuppa and ready for more sweet stuff....see you all tomorrow... :noel: xxxxx.Love
Barbara0 -
frogmorton wrote:Toady I am just glad pusskin has someone around who cares. It is very likely plans were made for him/her and he/she prefers you!!
To be honest I think that's pretty much the size of it. He's made a good job of making a spare home here since I lost my own cat, I'm aware it's a bit unfair on them as he's bound to prefer it (because I'm at home in the day) & I'm sure he would move in for tuppence. I could discourage him but if there's a cat scraping at my door to get in when it's wet & cold, I'm afraid I'm going to put his interests over stepping on their toes though it's a bit awkward. :oops: He is getting on a bit after all.
Anyway I've seen a car there today, not theirs, probably their deputed cat-feeder; maybe he missed them some of the times they've turned up - doesn't seem hungry today so perhaps he's cottoned on to the 'arrangement' & is getting the timing right. I'm not trying to paint him as a poor neglected pussycat, it just surprised me a bit that they disappeared over xmas - thanks everyone who sent him some sympathy (for all I know he doesn't deserve any of it and is just a "six-dinner Sid!")
Glad everyone's post-xmas is not too bad, always a bit weird isn't it, winding down after all the hoohah - even though I'm not too overwound, no babies, kids or Justin Biebers round here thank the Lord.
Nice pot of tea for me I think. :areindeer:0 -
Morning Toady
Glad puss is ok and looks like he was fed today by the designated feeders!! I reckon he would move in if he could, but hopefully they have just had to go away and will be back soon. I hope it doesn't cause any upset with neighbours. Were you hear when my ex SIL took in an abandoned kitten who was PREGNANT earlier in the year?? Well she did (even had a collar mark :xmas_evil: ), and went on to have 3 kittens of her own. My ex SIL is proper allergic too breathing difficulties with them so I stepped in to help and now they are all homedMum cat/kitten is adorable
Ahah Rosie :madnoel: Yes Bertyboy is indeed Bertygirl AKA MayI was wondering about MrO and Catie, but hoping they are just happily busy over Christmas :? I hope your friend is doing alright
Barbara All my girls' rooms are dreadful just now too ::) So is ours full of pressies, but theirs are far worse!! Such good news that Baby is on the mend now I am relieved:areindeer:
Of course you can have some martell and some babysham remember you can in here :xmas_redface:
Christine Did your daughter arrive safely? I do hope so and that the ferry wasn't cancelled :madnoel: Bloomin weather! No fine rain here though - how odd I want some :madnoel: well we had sunshine and ice so I suppose that's fair enough.
More sale shopping gone on here with the kids....they all did well
Hope everyone is well here
Love and ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
toady have been very kind looking after the cat...we have 4 living next door...hee it rhymes... :presents1: anyhow one has moved in here he is very old..but a beautiful coat on him..they dont mind us looking after him...
Toni yes the baby is doing much better....still cracking but much improved...our room is the same present under the window... :hoho: I ended up getting hubby a daylight reading lamp...its still in the box..we will get round to it ...
we are having a quiet day today....says me... :madnoel: :noel:
Hope Catie and Mr O are doing ok...and Coco were has she gone shes asleep by the fire///see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Crumbs I've missed a lot. I thought it would be quiet in here over Christmas!
I have to confess that the 12 guests were not at my house! I went to OH parent's house and they did all the cooking. I made tea for the lovely older relatives as I know how difficult mobility problems can be. They are lovely to chat to and we had a laugh.
Toni the ring just isn't going to happen. I had my 50th last March and said (to myself) if I'm not married by 50 then I'd leave but I like my home too much.
How lovely you are looking after the cat Toady. Poor thing. Funnily enough my Eldest stayed at home because of the cats. She wouldn't/could't leave them. I expect your neighbours knew someone would do the honours but it would be nice to be asked and give food up front.
The storms were awful and so many suffered flooding and power cuts. Lucky you live on higher ground Karen.
I looked in the forum party but there was a big lull and it seemed suddenly over-unless it was the mods removing a large chunk of posts! Tony was all dressed up and ready for action by the look of things!
Dare I ask what footie team hubby went to see Toni-because if it is Villa the commentator said 'watching Villa is not good for your health!
I'm sorry to read you little GD is still bad Barbara. Seems she has an ongoing problem doesn't it as she has suffered since her birth.
I love Haage Dasz but not tried the salted caramel because I have other favourites. I've managed to put on 3lb in weight but I can shift that easy. I'll have soup for a couple of days.
Well everybody seems to have tidied up here, Nowt for me to do. Has Catie popped in? I had a quick read but there was sooooooo much.
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Elizabeth I didn't know you was waiting for a sons partner is the same...she thought maybe this year has they have a baby...hope you get a nice one when its you think he will get down on one knee..he might just surprise you...
Thanks for asking the baby is much better than she was....still not stopped her from rearranging my tree... :presents1:
just had a lovely little walk....not far but the weather has been lovely...ready for the next storm they say.... :santa:Love
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone
Goodness, it's been busy in here, and lovely to see more new faces
Tony's attire at the forum party made me laugh
Sorry I've been awol for so long. We went to my sister's home in Kent for xmas and because of the bad weather she lost her internet. Luckily her electricity supply was ok - not like so many poor souls. We had a great time, but it's lovely to be back home. Glad that everyone else had a wonderful xmas too
Barbara, so sorry to hear about your little granddaughter and hope she recovers very soon. I think it's such a worry when little ones are so poorly.
Elizabeth, perhaps he has a plan and a wonderful surprise awaits you
So pleased one of your older daughters was able to visit. I expect D will be pleased when the xmas excitement dies down a bit and things return to normal.
Toni, sounds like you have been very busy. I thought it so kind of you to think of your friends with learning difficulties at xmas
Rosie, lovely to see you back with us. Hope your two baby granddaughter's are doing well?
Karen, I thought of you when I was in Kent as some areas were really flooded badly. So pleased to hear that you weren't affected.
On the way back home we paid Mr and Mrs O a visit. They have settled in really well and had a wonderful xmas too. Hopefully MrO will pop in over the New Year.
Love to Christine, Coco and anyone not mentioned.
Catie x0
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