Val's Cafe



  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I did not know Val or her family ,but I know how loved she was ,She will be very sadly missed and I will say a prayer for her and join you all here today to pay love and respect if that is alright ,Marrianne (((()))
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Am sitting quietly in the cafe remembering Val and thinking of her family. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thankyou Marrianne
    That is lovely of you.... :) I shall sit by the window and think of the laughs we had together....she did love the parties we had in the cafe...god bless her ....just spotted you mig I will sit with you...heres the tissues...
  • Susiesoo
    Susiesoo Member Posts: 358
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I wonder if I may join you at the window ladies? I've not been to the café before, but today seems appropriate to pop my head in.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Susie you are very welcome...Val loved to see the place busy..she wanted it has a place we could come most days and chat about things... :)
    And don't forget all the food is calorie free.. :) hope to see you back soon....x
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope there's room over there for me. I'm thinking of Val's family too. I know I never knew her, but doesn't make any difference. It's obvious she was a much loved member of this forum and her family must be having a tough day. I hope you don't mind me putting this poem by Christina Rossetti on here in remembrance of Val.

    Remember me when I am gone away,
    Gone far away into the silent land;
    When you can no more hold me by the hand,
    Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
    Remember me when no more day by day
    You tell me of our future that you planned:
    Only remember me; you understand
    It will be late to counsel then or pray.
    Yet if you should forget me for a while
    And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
    For if the darkness and corruption leave
    A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
    Better by far you should forget and smile
    Than that you should remember and be sad.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That so lovely Kath and not one I have heard before..its been a strange sort of day....I am just sat here thinking about Vals hubby and sons...
    Right I have put my first butran patch on ...dont think it will work because the phentanly ones didnt..sorry about the I will keep going back till he gets fed up and gives in... :roll:
    On the lighter hubby has just lock himself out the house in his dressing gown putting the bins out... :lol: were was I in the shower honest... :?
    Sending more hugs to our Toni and Lucy..and anyone else that needs them..(((()))xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, I couldn't wear mine to bed. I'd be way too hot. I wear it as a dressing gown. I actually got changed in to it as soon as I got home from work. :shock: :lol: Hope the Butram has helped a little but, if it doesn't, keep pestering. Poor hubby. Hope you weren't in the shower too long. :lol:

    That is a lovely poem Kath. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Hi Mig and Susie and Marrianne. It's such a sad day so I'll sit by the fire and watch the flames dance while I think of Val and her family. Hope they coped today.
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Not been around again. I'm going round in circles and getting nowhere. Had no sleep at the mo.

    Finished physio . He had to stop, he was doing my neck, top of the spine and I thought I was going to pass out, so he had to stop. I will say he was a lovely young man from Greece and so upset that he had hurt me in the sessions.

    Barbara, I have a onsie and I love it. I wear it around the house and sometimes when I am really feeling cold I do wear it to bed. Sorry your dr would not give you the patches. I shall keep my fingers crossed that these do at least help you.

    Catie, good to see you and hope your pain is decreasing.

    Will have to go now, have to get the youngest up for school. She has a long journey bless her.

    You all take care of yourselves and hopefully I will be able to get back on in the café. xx
    Karen xx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodmorning to everyone ,Yesterday was very sad ,but Val will always be here in shineing spirit,Vals Cafe its a fitting tribute ,I wonder what she thought about that I wish I had known her because on all accounts she was a brave kind and funny lady with a big heart ,I am sitting by the warm fire takeing comfort for the second time ,I its a lovely place to be .cup of tea would be good as pains and dicky tummy wont run to coffee and wishing you a all a warm and reletively pain free day Marrianne :)((()))
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Karen its always lovely to see you in the cafe ,,but so sorry that neck is painful...there is such a fine line with Physios..its so easy for them to hurt you..I couldn't do there job..and thanks I will keep on at him..only saying that my GP is very hard do not tell him what you want... :roll:
    Chrisitne...I might try my eldest GDs on..she is around the same size has me...shes 16..never though of that..they are a brilliant idea... :)
    Marianne...I was texting Val up toa few days before she died...she did say they had only given her weeks and was trying to get her head around it...and never said this is awful but it was not doing to bad...her sons and hubby must be so proud of her...she poped in the cafe a few months ago and was pleased it was still going..hope that tummy eases up for you..
    The sun is shinning so I am pleased...but have to get my bloods done,,so will see you all later..xxxxxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    Kath, that's such a beautiful poem and thank you for posting it.

    So lovely to see friends popping in to remember Val. My thoughts were with her family yesterday and today also.

    Christine, noooo, I don't have a onsie. They do look fun, but the toilet might be a problem lol
    Has your d-i-l had any more news about her epilepsy? Hope she is ok at the moment.

    Karen, as Barbara said, there seems to be a fine line between physio helping or making the situation worse. It's good that you were able to stop when you started to feel poorly, but disappointing that he wasn't able to help you. Have you tried acupuncture? I found that did help me a little.

    Barbara....good luck with your blood test :)

    Love to all xx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Back from town ,Bus today not good with my dicky tummy the capuchinno was a big mistake ,thanks for shareing your talks with Val Barbara she was incredibly brave ,Hope your blood tests go well and hugs to you and every one else(((((((((())))))))) :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie thankyou and Marianne you are welcome I am sure Val wouldnt have minded one bit
    I went to have my blood taken,.,,you get a ticket like the meat counter at the supermarket... :roll: I was num 78 and they were on num I came out ...will try again tomorrow or Monday...
    Christine like Catie says how did your dil get on with the must be so worrying for everyone
    Wish I could shaer a pic with you my youngest GD 16 months old goes to cookery class with mum...she has taken a pic of her chopping peppers with a special knif in an high want to see the concentration on her face..but then they put eggs in and she stirs it...and they take it away to cook the omelet..and there is another pic of her screaming... :lol: my dil said she was distraught because they took it off her..mind you she got to eat the omelet after... :)
    Its been a lovely sunny day here hope you have all had some sun...see you later xxxxxx
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry not been around much. I`m afraid the anxiety came back again, and rather overwhelmed me. I really don`t understand it. I`m doing so well physically - apart from the drop foot - but emotionally I`m still all over the place. My GP says this is very common when someone has been in hospital for a long time. Institutionalised almost. Anyway I`m fighting back!

    Kath, I had the lovely Christina Rosetti poem read at my husband`s funeral. I also had it written on the bookmarks made in his memory, with a lovely smiling photo of him. I am an avid reader, so he is with me all the time.

    I can`t believe how lucky we have been with the weather so far this winter. Long may it continue.

    My younger granddaughter - by eleven days! - is coming to stay the weekend after next.....with her mummy and daddy, of course! She is now two and a half months, and is just gorgeous. The "older" one is beautiful too, and the absolute image of my son. I look at pics of him at that age, and the likeness is incredible. It`s lovely that they will grow up so close in age, and hopefully in every other way too.

    I have looked in from time to time, and felt the real sadness. I hope that Val is at peace, and that her family allow themselves the time to grieve. Time does heal, but life is never the same.

    If you pop in Toni, we still have Lucy`s candle burning, and I send you all my love and prayers.

    Much love to you all......Rosie.x.
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone it's a very lazy tea today tinned steak and kidney pie (very unhealthy,but we like them )cheesy mash ,garden peas and gravy.First time I've used the new oven ! Mig
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rosie, what a lovely idea. So reassuring to be able to see him whenever you open the book you are reading.

    Re onesies. I tend to hang on too long before going to the loo, so it would be very impractical for me to wear one. :oops: Although the idea is nice, especially in this cold weather.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you all have had a goodish day. I wanted to say that when I posted yesterday because I have not been around I felt terrible that it was Val's day. She will have no more pain to deal with now. Her poor hubby and children. My thoughts are with them now.

    I love my onsie, and I am one of these that leaves things to long. And having to have blood pressure tabs, they make you want to go even more. I'm sure I will be caught out sooner or later. Do you know, people even have started wearing their onsies out and about. :shock:

    It is lovely to see so many people coming in now. It is a lovely tribute to Val.

    Have a good evening everyone.
    Karen xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a hello from me, I was here very late yesterday & didn't post but had a nice cup of hot sweet tea by myself in a warm corner of the cafe & a moment in respect of Val and all those here who knew her well; only me here at that hour I expect, quiet and appropriately peaceful & restful it was.

    Seems to have been a bit of a trying few days for the cafe customers, with constable's neck, marianne's tummy and barbara's long blood test queue :( (feel lucky not having a ticket system like that! I have to make an appointment which isn't always easy to get a suitable time but at least no waiting.)

    Sorry if I've missed someone but hope everyone will have a better few days. Mind that new cooker mig, no drops of gravy must sully it's loveliness! Also looking out for something with an eye-level grill, was surprised how few there were when I started looking, they are not the in thing or something I suppose.
  • Susiesoo
    Susiesoo Member Posts: 358
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone and thank you very much for the warm welcome, Barbara. Calorie-free food - why didn't you say before? :D Just what I need on my new diet. I started it 2 weeks ago and have lost 4 pounds. Only a few more stones to go!
    I may not be on again for a while as I am lucky enough to be going on a surprise holiday on Sunday, but I will be thinking of you all and will pop in when I am back.

    See you soon, Susie.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    blimey its busy in here
    Rosie its good to see you back with us onlu I am so sorry you have bee suffering anxiety..not very nice you say so long in hospital hasn't helped..but now you are safe and sound with us lot ..bless I am so glad you little GD is visiting I was wounder how they were getting on...and what a lovely idea is the bookmark...x
    Toady good to see you in the cafe...sweet tea should have helped yourself to some lemon drizzle cake its lovely
    Karen dont you go worrying so much has happened lately..Im just glad to have you back in the cafe..I hope that neck is behaving...
    Susie you have a lovely holiday will do you good wish I had known I would have chaperoned you.. :D now enjoy
    Kath me to with the onsie..but I might get one for the house..could do with some poppers though.. :lol:
    Mig I know the pie you mean they are tasty...and it will give you a rest
    Phew hope I haven't missed anyone ..mi brains gone now so I will say goodnight and hope you all sleep wellish...xxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Karen, there's no point in carrying on with physio if it hurts so much. Hope you get some sleep tonight. I've seen people out in the street and someone in the supermarket wearing a onsie. :shock:

    Marrianne, hope the heat from the fire helped with the pain and dicky tummy.

    Yes Barbara, do try on your GD's onesie. You'll get an idea of whether you like it or not. Sounds as if you'd have been at the vampire department all day waiting. Hope it's quieter next time you go. Thanks for asking. My dil is feeling fine but the epilepsy clinic has asked her to go back to her GP, I guess to wait for the test results. What a great idea, taking the baby to cookery classes. Bless her. She must have wondered why they took the egg off her.

    Catie, I only wear my onesie in the evening, not for bed. Thanks for asking about my dil. She went to the epilepsy clinic yesterday. They told her they didn't have any test results back and referred her back to her GP. I guess she'll have to wait a bit longer.

    Nice to see you back Rosie. Sorry about the anxiety but it is understandable. You sound positive about getting back to your normal self so you will do. It is amazing how our GC look identical to our children, isn't it? That'll be wonderful having the youngest to stay.

    I used to love those tinned steak pies Mig. Cheesy mash. Yummy.

    Kath, that could be a problem with a onsie. I'm sure my sister said she'd asked for a 2 piece onsie. Not quite sure how that works. :lol:

    Hi Toady. Hope you enjoyed your cuppa in the peace and quiet.

    Well done Susie. 2 lbs in 2 weeks. Have a great holiday.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I have not been around for a little while, busy with family etc and time just flies by. I do hope everyone is as ok is possible.

    I have not had chance to read back, but I did see that onsies where mentioned. The thought of being wrapped head to toe in fleece, just brings me out in a lather. That and the fact that I would look like three bears fighting in a sack, which is not a good look. :shock:

    Had a check up with my GP this week, carry on as we are doing, there are musings that I might need another angiogramme soon, depending on my angina attacks, which have been more frequent. Perhaps the recent stresses have not helped, we will see.

    I have had a little fuss round. 24 new spoons, large tub of rocky road ice cream, bags of maltesers, devil's food cake and some kwells, just in case we overdo the sweetness.

    Leaving hugs and well wishes, as always, to one and all, take lots of care xxxx Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Christine I hope they get to the bottom of what is wrong with your dil..and how is work going have you used your holidays for now...
    bubbles its good to see you..but sorry these family probs are still going on..I sometimes wonder what I would do if I had 4 children instead of two...but now I have GDs to worry about...
    I hope if you do have to have an angiogramme that the results are ok ...
    just got one GD to do I look in her room or not bother.. :? then I am having a me day..not going for bloods till Monday..
    Will see you all later xxxxx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodmorning to everyone Good to see old friends and new ,Barbara do not go in :lol: its much to early more tea needed and hot butterd toast first hugs to you and everyone ,Oh can Onesies be worn in the cafe ?(((((())))