Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Hileena you are right..they were ready for the chemo but it arrived to late..but Lucy was enjoying her tea curry... :)
    Suppose it will be on for today fingers crossed....start to get rid of the nastys...
    Christine...the poor window cleaner must be trying to catch up after Christmas...I hope that back is easing up for you..I didnt get the patches they still haven't received the letter... :roll:
    Rosie...thats is very kind of you ...Toni loves candles..yes we will keep it lit till Lucy is well really have done well...I should imagine the foot things will really help your balance and give you more confidence,,
    Today the sun is shinning hubby is off for half a day so we will go out not a clue will be involved... :D
    See you all later xxxxxxx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Got a text from Toni this morning......nothing of any note when she text.
    Its damp outside but looks like the rain is holding off so like you Barbara....we are off out this afternoon and like will be involved :lol:
    I go to my house group- tonight and Peter goes to a club with a friend to play snooker on a Wed.
    That's it for the minute.....nothing of any great interest yet today. {Except I'm getting more nervous by the day as my THR gets closer} You wouldn't think it was my 2nd one :?

  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    Barbara and Hileena - hope you enjoy a lovely time out and about :)

    Rosie, that's wonderful news from your consultant - really pleased for you. Hopefully the splint will help - fingers crossed.
    Lighting a candle for Lucy was a lovely thought - thank you.

    Christine, fortunately I wasn't outside at the time of the hailstones - crikey, that would have been painful. My hubby's been known to wash the windows whilst it's raining :shock: :D

    My fingers are crossed for Lucy today - not a nice proceedure, but so important. All my love to them both xx

    See you all later,

    Catie x
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well, a late new year to everyone, so many things have been going on, both here and on the forum.
    After my B in Laws funeral, we got home to find out that a good friend had passed away on Christmas Day, I knew he had been ill, from letters he had sent, but it was a slap and a kick. Then to hear the sad news about Val, what a wonderful person she was and so supportive and kind to me when my Dad died.
    You never know what is around the corner, thank goodness. The more I think about things, the more I think every day should be your most important, just saying to those close to you that you love them, simple, but it means a great deal. Not to spend any time arguing or bickering, (thank goodness we never have), such a waste of time and energy.

    The rest of the time is to be kind, help where you can, support who you can and take time for yourself as well. Now I need a cup of T and an emergency bag of maltesers.
    XXX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Had a lovely half day out..and ended up in our favorite cafe...did tell you food would be involved.. :D it is so mild here...hope its not the calm before the storm..
    Bubbles Its good to have you back with us...but sorry to here about your friend...its awful at any time but Christmas...that is the day my beloved brother died 3 years ago...not a truer word have you spoken I made up with him after many years of not really getting on...and we had a good ten years together....
    Catie...I to have my fingers crossed for Lucy...hopefully today those nasty's will be on there way out
    Hileena I have texted Toni but not heard anything yet...I hope it is all go the sooner the better...
    Hope you have a good half day out.... :D
    I have one GD on the way here ...they have closed our rd whilethey make the bridge safe...and the dangerous we have to go a couple of miles round trip to get back.... :o
    See you all later..xxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Barbara, I do come out with my sayings, hopefully they make sense. I think your mind goes into like a protection mode, not to make a situation unreal, but to prevent you from spinning in ever decreasing circles. My S in Law, who lost her husband, is battling cancer at the moment, which is just what she doesn't need at this time of loss. I don't know

    Have fun with your g daughter, xxx bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hileena, there are some strange people around, aren't there. Maybe she does get wages for cleaning the car. :lol: How long is it to your THR? I'm sure there will be a few of us in your pocket to keep you company.

    Rosie, that's a lovely idea with the candle and flowers for Lucy. Well done you for working so hard to get well again. Pity arthur is still making himself felt.

    Barbara, why does it take so long for those letters to arrive when you think emails arrive immediately. It's not exactly my back which hurts. I think it's the tendons of a muscle in my hip but it gives me pain in both my back and leg. It is getting better but I still can't walk too far so I'm using the bus a bit more. Managing to get some things done at work.

    Catie, I'm beginning to think it isn't so strange after all to clean windows in the rain. :lol: Glad you weren't out in the hailstones.

    Bubbles, sorry to hear about your losses. You are right. It is best not to know what is coming up. We'd all worry way too much. And it is a waste to spend it being negative.

    It does seem to be a time of bad things happening. First losing Val, then Toni's Lucy and yesterday a friend told me her partner of nearly 15 years was arrested for abusing her daughter for the last 7 years. The poor girl is 16 now but she is receiving counselling and said she feels safe now. I have never liked him but didn't expect that.

    I was supposed to get paid on Friday but was still off sick. Managed to talk to my boss about it today and he said, 'Oh yes. That's the next thing on my list to do.' Really. :roll: Anyway, he went in to the office and came back a while later to discuss what holidays I'd used. Off he went again and came back quite a while later saying I was 2 days short of holidays to cover the time I was off but he said he'd he'd still pay me for those 2 days. :D

    Possible good news. My son has been working for 5 days a week for the last few months (after 7 months of unemployment). He was only being paid for 2 days and was told he would be paid full time once he was bringing in enough money for the company. He was told today that the directors will be voting tomorrow on whether to make him full time. One of the directors congratulated him so he is very hopeful.

    Hoping Toni's Lucy is being strong and fighting back. Also thinking of Val's family.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Had to be up at 7 today one GD to take to school...well hubby had taken her but I make sure I am up for mum always did it for us even when we were working...
    Christine the news about your friends daughter is awful...what is going on, every time I buy a magazine its the same children came out about my friend bei8ng abused by her father in the 60s...she only spoke about it when he glad you are getting your holiday it is welcome after Christmas.....I was glad to hear that Lucy has started chemo...and I hope its not to bad a ride for her....I do feel for Toni having to watch her baby going through this...but we are all here for her.
    On a lighter neighbours little boy keeps dialing 999..normally they ring to check with them if there's an emergency...but yesterday we had a fire engine and an ambulance turn up..they are now locking the phone..he even climbs on a stool to get to it... :o
    Today not sure what is happening
    Has anyone heard off Karen...hope she is okish....
    Will see you later xxxxxxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    Christine, my fingers are crossed for your son - it does sound really hopeful.
    So sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. There is absolutely no excuse to harm children (in any way) and it makes me angry that some people do not care one jot.

    Barbara, your neighbour's son is a rascal to say the least :o. Crikey, an ambulance and a fire engine.... Yes, the parents should lock the phone :)
    When my daughter was about 3 she used to love chatting on the phone. One day she was having a lovely chat - tha's nice I thought :wink:. Then I realised that she wasn't using her toy phone :shock: . 'What colour slippers are you wearing?...That's nice....'' etc. On the other end was an elderly lady asking where her mummy was lol. Turns out the lady was in the same town - thank goodness it wasn't Oz or somewhere. I think Emily must have copied the number which was on the front - one digit being incorrect.
    Glad it wasn't 999 :wink:

    Good to see that Lucy has started her chemo. Let's hope it doesn't make her feel too poorly. I know the treatment does effect people so differently.

    Love to all cafe friends. You are right Barbara, no Karen for a while - hope she's ok.

    Catie xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    First of all must apologize to Christine I forgot to say how pleased I was for your son he is obviously good at the job so fingers crossed for him... neighbours son is up to all sorts but when he rang he said fire...they rang back and didnt get an answers so they sent both...he ran away once and they found him 2 streets away.. :o so your daughter was up to the same tricks...I bet the lady enjoyed talking to her :lol:
    Yes Lucy is being brave and Toni knows you are all asking about them..and it really is helping... :)
    Will see you all tomorrow....sleep well...xxxxxx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All
    Sorry I haven't got on earlier. It's been a chaotic day. We did go out for a cup of coffee but apart from that it has been rush rush rush :lol:
    Christine....hoping your son got the does sound hopeful.
    Barbara...haven't had a text today from Toni but I saw DD' post and she seems to be OK ....She's a fighter ....{like her mam}

    My THR is two weeks today and although it's my second one I'm getting the collywobbles......I'll be asking for pocket duty soon :lol: Barbara will tell you......I'm worse this time than the last time. It doesn't help that the first date was cancelled. I was they've been stuffing me full of iron since. :cry:
    I've got to go for a blood test next Thurs but that's a bit late to do anything isn't it.???? Thurs is their half day, then Fri then closed for the weekend :shock: That takes us into the next week and the THR is on the Fri :? That's just something else to worry about....will it be cancelled again? Sorry for the moan

    Tomorrow I'm meeting a girl I've never seen before.....I have been talking to her on a Pain it's going to be interesting.....then home, quick lunch and out to meet another friend I haven't seen for a year......just for a cup of coffee.
    I should get on tomorrow evening
    Sleep Well
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, no need to apologise. I don't always take everything in that's posted. I was always up with my children and, like you, would do the same with my GC if needs be. Yes, hopefully the chemo won't be too harsh on Lucy. She is very brave going through this. Toni too. I hate my kids having any sort of problem. Oh my goodness. How old is your neighbour's boy? Hope he can't unlock the phone.

    Catie, another little one able to use the phone. Just as well it was local.

    Hileena, only 2 weeks. Don't worry. We'll all be there with you. It's terrible having to get your head round an operation to then have it cancelled. Fingers crossed it doesn't this time. You moan away. We're here to listen. Hope you have a good day tomorrow. Sounds busy.

    They still haven't decided if they will give my son the job although they have told him the salary and that he'll have a company car. That'll mean they'll have 3 cars and my dil can't drive for a while, maybe longer. She's got an appointment at the epilepsy clinic on Monday. Hopefully, they can tell her more about what's been wrong with her.

    Hope Karen is ok. Has Elizabeth been in?
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've been asleep a lot, catching up no they are back at school so haven't popped in for a few days but everybody is in my thoughts. I was late getting my tree down due to the tiredness. The OH very kindly removed the decs and cut and burnt the branches in our open fire-place AND swept up in the end (but still late).

    Good luck Hileena. I am delaying my 2nd THR. The first one was fine too but all ops are scary so understand how you feel.

    My eldest child was always calling DR's and also 999 when she was around 1 year old. I had to put the phone up high in the end.

    Good luck to you Son Christine,It sounds like he is on his way to full time PAID employment.

    Barbara I didn't realise it was only 3 years ago that you lost your Brother! You kept it off the forum didn't you. I thought it was a long time ago. I always keep in touch with my family now and we have never been closer.

    sorry to hear about your recent loss Bubbles.It is a sad time all round.I agree with your wise words.

    Rosie I am glad to read you are doing well and praised by the consultant. Well done. Sorry about your wrist though. It can come on suddenly. Hopefully it ill go away. Normally my hands are fine but sometimes I get a terrible pain and cannot hold or grip for a few days.

    Its much colder today. I'm on soup only at the moment as I put on 5lbs over the Christmas. Tut tut. Have lost 2. I'm not going to fuss about diets but less weight is less strain on the already painful joints.

    I need to go play words with Karen. I'll pass on your best wishes,

    Take care all (too many too mention by name-sorry)
    Elizabeth xxxxxxxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Hileena yeah Toni and Lucy are very brave...I feel forr them have to watch your child go through this....
    Dont worry we will all be with you ...think I will be more nervous the second time..not a clue what is going to happen the first time that helps in a should be like popeye with all that iron.. :o
    Christine It would be lovely ifhe gets the job...a new beginning...I was wondering how your DIL was going on...I hope all the test comeback ok...but suppose she will still have the worry..
    Elizabeth...I have bought loads of soup in just in case I cant make any..or cant be bothered...its warming and good for the weight...Haven't weighed myself yet.. :roll: I dont want to know...good for you getting the tree cleared garden is a tip ...hubby dosn't do gardening..he will cut the grass and a bit of digging..Elizabeth my brother died the year I came on here it might be 4 years...and was on Christmas day...I am sure you posted everyone was so kind saying they hardly knew me...
    Today is very a lie in this morning so feel better...I am making porridge if anyone wants any...see you all later xxxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    One back at school and the other one is up stairs(as usual) I still have to ring hospital and ask for a different doctor. I cant catch up with myself at the mo. Getting confusing to be honest, so much to do and think about.

    Haven't really read back so forgive me if I don't mention you.

    I am going to sit and have a cuppa and a wonder.

    Hope you all have a goodish day.
    Karen xx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara we did chat from when you first came on here. I'll have a quick look back at the old posts.

    It was the Christmas tree Barbara. It came down on the 7th. Hubby suggested WE go to bed but I said I had the tree to put away and the washing up so he did it all for me :D The garden. unfortunately, is a tip and needs tidying.

    I didn't send good wishes to Toni and Lucy but I posted on the other 2 threads which she is more likely to read. I doubt she'll have time to pop in the cafe.

    Okay few things to do before I go to back to sleep. I'll get my lie-in tomorrow morning.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Karen, lovely to see you. sorry not been on words for a few days but been catching up with sleep and everything else. Feel free to message if you need someone to talk to.

    Don't worry about reading back. There are quite a few visitors popping in to Val's cafe in memory of her, there is a lot to read.

    Speak soon
    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Karen its always good to see you on...and stop worrying about reading back you have enough on...x
    Elizabeth sorry I read things then get them all jumbled up... :? ..anyhow you got me thinking about the garden so that is a good thing..I came on in 2009 so it was that Christmas...I didnt think it was that long... :o
    The sun is shinning but very frosty...keep thinking about spring... :D
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me popping into the cafe. Gagging for a cuppa. My name is Kath, I'm 62 (until next month) married, with 5 grown up children and 7 grandchildren between the ages of 12 and 26. I have several health issues and would like to get to know others in a similar situation.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very warm welcome to the cafe, Kath - always lovely to meet new people.
    I just have one daughter and I'm hoping wedding bells will be ringing before long :) It must be lovely to have a large family, but I guess having 5 children must have been hard work for you at times. At least with grandchildren you can 'hand them back' :) I'm sure you will make lots of friends here - everyone is so kind and friendly. Just pop-in when you feel like a chat.

    Karen, nice to see you back. Hope all this rain hasn't affected you too badly.

    Christine, I hope both your son and d-i-l receive some good news soon. Must all be such a worry for them. I will keep my fingers crossed for them both.

    Hileena, I hope your op isn't cancelled. That has happened to me before and it's not nice is it. All psyched up for things to happen and then when it doesn't, having to go through everything again - frustrating :x

    Elizabeth, I'm like Barbara, I know I've gained a bit over xmas, but haven't dared find out 'how much' :)

    Barbara, I keep thinking about 'spring' too :) The light seems to be changing - certainly lighter in the evenings.

    Love to all and apologies to anyone not mentioned xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good to see you Elizabeth. Hope you managed to catch up a bit with your sleep. I'm not superstitious about taking the decs down so it wouldn't worry me if they were late down. You've lost 2 lbs since Xmas? Well done. Enjoy your lie in tomorrow.

    Barbara, my DIL has her appointment on Monday so we will know more then. It's driving her mad because she isn't allowed to drive and can't be left alone. It could be for a few months or even a year.

    Karen, I get like that - confused and a bit muddled if there's a lot to think about. Hope you manage to get a different doctor. I agree with the others. It'll take you ages to read back. There is so much.

    Hi Kathleen. Pleased to meet you. Help yourself to a cuppa. The kettle is always on.

    Catie, I'm thinking of spring too. Hopefully starting in about 8 weeks. Not much longer walking home from work in the dark. My boss has a lot of bulbs starting to show so it must be on it's way.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Hi Kathleen and a warm welcome to the forum and the cafe..I am 64 this year :shock: ...I have 2 sons and 4 is step but we love her like the others...afraid its a bit quiet on the forum at the min we lost a very dear friend...she started the cafe Val..and Toni frogmorton who usually post in the cafe her daughter is poorly so she is staying at the hospital with her..right all the food is calorie free... :D and its somewhere we can meet most days and say what we have been up to..
    Catie...I have just finished a selection box off with 2 of my GD... :oops: but I did enjoy it and have to get rid of all this chocolate... :)
    I hope that everyone's doing okish and will see you tomorrow xxxxx
    Christine just spotted you there fingers crossed for you DIL..and I am sure I cam smell
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Welcome Kathleen. I hope you enjoy the AC forum for many years to come. I also have 5 children but between 2 relationships so 3 are still youngish. One boy is autistic so will always be like a little child.

    Barbara I think we have more Winter to come, maybe even snow.I bought my daughter some snow boots in a sale just incase.

    Christine I also hope the DIL has good news.It must be such a worry.It's been a wait for her to get this far.

    Morning Catie, keep wrapped up. Its chilly today.

    Right I'll have that morning cuppa. I've bought in a Victoria sponge, help yourself.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Elizabeth I am sure we have snow to come.. :roll: it has been so mild ...its my head that is how I get through winter ...thinking springs is just around the corner :lol:
    We have 2 GD just getting out of will be meeting her friends in town...and the other one..will be doing jobs for pocket money...she doeslike to save
    The sun is shinning... :D so will see what today brings..
    Hope all the cafe dwellers are doing okish..
    Sending love and hugs to Toni and Lucy..hope today goes well...
    See you all later xxxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcome. How sad, I would have loved to meet and chat with Val. She must have been an incredible person.

    My brood are as a result of two marriages too. The eldest two girls are the same age for 6 weeks of the year!!

    Someone mentioned chemotherapy. I had that between February and May last year, for breast cancer. I hope whoever is going through it doesn't have a hard time. Mine wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

    Well, at least today is sunny and not as windy as usual but so cold. Brrr! I expect we'll be back to the usual after today. Hope nobody lives in an area that has seen flooding recently. Some of the scenes are awful and I feel so sorry for those people. I agree with you about the spring though Barbara, we've had wrens, robins tits and blackbirds singing fit to burst. Just hope we don't get any of that snow they had in the US

    Best wishes to all
    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein