Val's Cafe
Hi Everyone.
Barbara, I saw snippets of the damage the wind had done in your area :shock: - crikey, that must have been scary. It wasn't as bad here. Hope everyone else is ok and didn't suffer any damage. If there's one thing I hate it's the wind as it can be so destructive. Looks like there are more gales on the way too :shock:
Kath, more lovely pics and thank you for sharing them. I love the colour of your hydrangea - absolutely gorgeous. If I could fill our garden with flowers, they would all be that colour. Well, perhaps a few white ones as well
Joan, that was a long time to be in plaster. I hope everything healed ok for you? My fear is that the plaster will come off and they tell me that my foot hasn't healed. I guess I should just hope for the best
Toady, I think technology is one of those areas in which you are interested in or simple aren't. At the moment I tend to rely on my daughter to help me, but deep down know It's time to take responsibilty
Hope Elizabeth, Bubbles and Rosieglow are ok as we haven't seen them for a while.
Karen, hope your neck and shoulder are a little less painful today.
Love to Marrianne, Christine, and anyone else not mentioned xx0 -
kathleenT wrote:I'm showing off now aren't I
Teacher's petI love hydrangeas as well, always have liked them, we once had some where I lived as a child & I keep meaning to must some but never have yet. They're such nice pictures thanks.
(Actually for some reason I can't see the 2 flower pics on here now; I saw them on my phone came in here to post, now I'm getting the 'this person has moved or deleted this image' thing.. yet Catie can see them apparently.. I can see your wedding snap ok, can only think it's a glitchy thing as there's nowt wrong with your links. Odd.).
Glad everyone is doing ok, wasn't such a bad night as some & such a switch in the weather this morning as you say barbara.. have actually set foot outside :shock: .. glad you have stoked the fire up, it is still plenty cold enough.. Cuddles came in from outside with fur all ruffled every way by the wind so I am sorting that out with a nice stroke down.
See you all soon.. enjoy your nice hot dinners0 -
Oh Kath what lovely pictures. Nicotinana ia one of my favorite show off has much has you want
Catie some had it much worse than we just glad we are all safe
Toady I can see the have taught well....
I had better go and look for a pic to put on...
We have 2 gds hear abd the baby and her sister have just gone school we a lie in.......teacher training xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Mig, hope your daughter arrived ok. I was under the duvet last night too.
Hope you are safe where you are Coco.
Toady, I was quite surprised but the water had gone by the time I got up this morning. Well from the paths but I'm sure the garden is very soggy. Hope things aren't too bad where you are and you don't need the emergency supplies.
Barbara, it was so noisy last night with the wind that I thought I'd get up this morning to find half the houses round here had blown away. Glad your son got home ok although it was rather late. You enjoy your lie-in tomorrow.
Joan, hope the boiler gets fixed tomorrow. It's not the right time of year to be without it. How lovely of your neighbour to bring you your tea.
Oops, Kath, I think your flower pictures have gone but a lovely one of you and your family.
Catie, I noticed on the weather forecast that there were 2 more lots of bad weather coming over. Hope they stay out at sea.
Not a great deal of damage round here. Lots of twigs lying about and a couple of small branches. A fence round the corner was lying on the path smashed up and a tree blocked the road going from the town I live in going past the village where my son lives. Nothing compared to some areas.
I think my brain is getting more scrambled by the day. The jacket I wear is one of those that has a sleeveless jacket that zips on the inside but I don't use that. Yesterday and today, I found the pull bit on the zip had come off and it was difficult pulling the zip down. Anyway, this afternoon I noticed it was the bit that the sleeveless jacket fastens to that was missing. The actual jacket puller was ok. Doh!
And also today, I needed to go upstairs. I walked quickly to the stairs and went to RUN up them. Just as my foot touched the first step, everything suddenly went in slow motion. Now did the whole world suddenly slow down? More likely, what on earth made me think I could run up the stairs after not being able to for 5 years.Christine0 -
Daughter arrived home safely thank goodness,under the duvet last night with hot water bottle.
Kath flowers are lovely and your family look very nice too.
Am now in bed with hot water bottle again and iPad am going to play tomb raider.
Sleep well everyone . Mig0 -
Poorly but wishes to you all keep safe ,cafe lovely warm place ,I am loving all your pix to ,Happy Valentines to you all ,Cuddles has had loads of cards ALAS
I have none ,back to bed ((((())))Marrianne
0 -
Hello everyone,
Sorry I`ve not been around much. Very sore wrist making typing really painful. I opened my big double side gates during the gales to put the wheelie bin out. Stupid I know! As I tried to close it the wind dragged it out of my hand and blew it right through,, taking me with it, and my wrist took the full brunt. Ouch! I`ve now bought an Ipad, which will make things a lot easier, but haven`t a clue how to set it up!!
I hope everyone is safe, and warm, and reasonably pain free....Much love to you all......Rosie.x.0 -
Don't know what has happened to Kaths pictures of flowers they suddenly disappeared about 5 mins ago.
Sorry some folk are not too good right now hope you all feel better soon.
Just got back from shopping and it's started to rain,wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have snow it's very cold out.
Steak and kidney pie for tea with potatoes and peas. Mig0 -
Rosie ,I have just bought the apple mini I/pad ,I found the setting up really easy just followed the instructions on screen ,but then the difficult things were putting in e/mails messages etc so got it back to factory setting and waiting for my son on Sunday to help me ,So sorry about your wrist its sounds really painful . you will find the i/pad much easier for that and I am not giving up with mine ((((()))))Marrianne0
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone
My daughter received 6 cards this morning, and thought I had sent them. This wasn't the case and now she's wondering who has
. Hubby presented me with heart shaped toast before he departed for work - novel anyway
Yes Mig, Kath's lovely flower pics have disappeared for me as well. Wonder what happened as her family pics are still there :?
Rosie, sorry to hear about your wrist and hope it feels better soon.
Marrianne, hope you feel better soon as well.
Christine, I know what you mean about going to do what you used to do years back and then stopping when realising that no way is that going to happenThat's why I love dreams so much - being able to do what I could do years back - it's like turning back the clock
Love to all xx0 -
Morning all
I thik what might be happening to the pics...theremightbe a timmer on then...I know the forum can only cope with so many pics...saying that if migs are still on then I am wrong :?
Marrianne sorry you are still poorly..I always wish I had a mgic wand...hope todayis abetter one
Christine ..dont worry you are not on your own...I put my hubby coat on thr otherday and thought..ummm must have lost weight
..and the stair...ido most day go torun up them... :?
Rosie.its good to you.....its sods law that you hurtthe bits that are already rest it..hopw thoes babies are thriving...
Mig i think we have snow on the way...well acording to thr forecast
Its is freezing here....two gds in bed..dont think they wat to move...did I say there half term is extended teacher training...
Glad you are all safe and sound..will see you later xxxxxxx hello Catie just spotted you lovely for your daughter..6 cards...I didnt get least yourhubby is romantic...
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone, raining (well sleety rain) again.. gordon bennett.. we will all grow fins at this rate.
Sorry you're not feeling so good marriannehope it will pass quickly, behave & be a good girl like you would tell us to.. ow Rosie, that must have been really jarring, daren't hardly open any doors/gates this weather - didn't put the bin out it would have probably gone 'a over t' anyway (only recycling). Hope you haven't set your wrist back too much.
Can't explain Kath's vanishing pics, no reason that I can fathom, so I'm foxed.. :?
Glad your watery path is receding applerose, fine here, nowhere near water it is only the wind taking out the power I'm wary of. Not too rough today. Hope you have dressed yourself successfully todayand barbara too.. lovely your gds have got an extra day off, hated school so a day like that was always fab. Horrible cold day, they may as well be in, better than being sent out to play hockey or something ugh (maybe not this weather but wouldn't put it past them).
Another good subtitle error, talking about the poor folk who got stuck on a train.. it came up on screen as something along the lines of the 'railway staff being helpful in the buff' :shock: (instead of the buffet..) don't know if that would make a bad situation better or worse, I guess it would depend on the calibre of the employees!
Keep warm all I have got the kettle on a rolling boil so tea is on tap today0 -
Sorry, my fault!!! I moved the photos to another folder on photobucket, not realising they would have a different link :roll: another lesson learned :oops:
I've been to my GP today. For several months I've been having problems with itchy skin. I thought we'd had it sussed when she changed my anti histamine. Well, the itching has subsided a lot, but my legs are in an awful state. She's checked my bloods, kidneys, thyroid, liver function, calcium levels, etc blah blah blah. Everything is ok. But my legs are still driving me nuts. I've to double the dose of the anti histamine and keep using the steroid cream, then go back in another two weeks. She's not sure what it is, but my symptoms are just the same of a condition she couldn't remember the name of but it only affects the feet and not the legs :? Oh well!!
I hope you've had a lovely Valentines Day and are being treated to a special evening by someone you love.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
kathleenT wrote:Sorry, my fault!!! I moved the photos to another folder on photobucket, not realising they would have a different link
Ah, mystery solved.. should have thought of that but the fact some people seemed to still see them after others couldn't, threw me off that line of thought. Shame you can't edit your posts it would help a lot but I see that it would make work.
Sorry about your annoying itchy problem, it is not brilliant that the GP can't remember the name of the mystery foot condition :? but if it isn't likely to be the culprit in your case there's only so much help it would be.. hope it improves with the extra dose/s..0 -
Hello everyone
I hope you are all having a good day. the heating took 3 30 hours's to fix it was the boiler and the c board.
take care
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Evening all
Joan glad that boiler is fixed..pity you dont live nearer hubby would have dont itfor you..
Kath thanks for letting us know what went wrong with the did have me wondering... :?
Kath I remember your thread on itching..I thought it had got must be driving you mad...hope they sort it very soon
Toady one more storm then they say we have done for a while... :roll: fingers crossed..I love the typing the buff..I have done a few in my day... :oops:
My neighbour had flowers delivered today and she was not in so they brought them to me...I was proper upset when she said sorry they are not yours :oops:
it I don't see you later have a good evening everyone...xxxxxxToni say there is coffees on the house when she gets back..such good new today..xxLove
Barbara0 -
Sorry you're not feeling too well Marrianne. I didn't get any cards either. Unless they are all delayed because of the weather.
Ouch Rosie, that sounds really painful. Hope it eases soon.
Just as well you got your shopping done when you did Mig. We had a sprinkle of snow last night but all gone this morning.
Lucky daughter, Catie. Aw, how sweet of your hubby. Yes, dreams of what you used to do are good.
Barbara, isn't it funny how we still go to do things we can no longer do? Sounds as if your GD are making the most of their time off. I've had that happen to me, flowers delivered when they're not mine.
Oh Toady, I remember having to go out in the freezing weather to play hockey. We had bright red and sore legs. Rail staff in the buff?
Not to worry about the photos Kath. We are all learning. Your legs are still itching? Hope the antihistamine and cream work.
So glad your heating is fixed at last? Bet you're toasty warm now.
Great news about Lucy. A way to go yet but she's on her way to being well again.
Well I got an extra £1 in my wages yet again because my boss didn't have £4 change and he said I could keep it. At this rate, I'll soon be a millionaire.Christine0 -
Just popping in last thing to check all's well.. quite rough now, worse than during the day, thought I'd come here in & check all the doors & windows are secure :shock: will fill hot water bottles for anyone that wants them while I'm here.. make some cocoa as well.. maybe fill a flask just in case.. perhaps I should check water hasn't got into the biscuit tins (nom, ahem
Applerose, someone else that remembers hockey with a shudder, eh.applerose wrote:Well I got an extra £1 in my wages yet again because my boss didn't have £4 change and he said I could keep it. At this rate, I'll soon be a millionaire.
dachshund I wouldn't be all that happy needing work on a boiler only that old, the main thing is you've got heat back though..
Sleep tight everyone0 -
A wild and windy night here and it's still blowing .
Having take away for tea probably curry though very mild ,daughter is bringing it home after work,hubbies having ham ,chips and salad,he only has chip shop curry.
I didn't like hockey either,they used to put me in goal and when I saw the ball coming towards me I would step out of the way but in my defence we didn't have any protective gear. Mig0 -
Christine..when you become a millionaire. ?..let us know and we can celibrate...wont hold mi breath :roll:
Toady you did a good job of checking the biscuit tin...they must have all been soggy..
I hated hockey..remember getting a blak eye from someone's stick
Mig you enjoy you curry ...and your daughters company
Marriane hope today is a better one..and not seen bubbles around...just so she know we are thinking of her.....
Its pouring down here...still 2 gds but the are up and having breakfast..
See you all later xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
A lot calmer today, weatherwise. Still don`t feel much like going out right now. I love my home and I`m quite happy to stay in whilst the weather is so unpredictable. I`d better check the car in case the battery has run down though. Not too bothered, as I have the Homestart thingy. Roll on Spring.....and Summer and I can get out in the garden. I missed the lovely weather last year didn`t I, busy doing the rounds of all the local hozzies!
Wrist still really sore, but I`m using a support and that is helping a bit.
I`ll have a mug of tea and some thick white toast with best butter and Tiptree marmalade.....have we got any?
Hockey Ha Ha.....that brought back some memories. I wasn`t too bad at all and played for the house. However, there was this really big, solid girl, nicknamed Chopper, who played for another house. She scared the living daylights out of me, and whenever we played against her house, if I saw her charging at me, wielding her stick, I used to just drop mine and leg it......Warra wimp!
Much love to all......Rosie.x.0 -
Kath Forgot to say...Have you tried Eurax cream for the itching? You can buy it OTC, and I`ve found it really good.x.0
Hello everyone
I hope you are having a good day. take care if you have to go out in the wind.
I hope you all have a good weekend. the heating did not work last night
we thought the new part's might have to have time to settle in.
take care
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Well that was a night and a half.. it just got worse & worse til round 3 or 4 (was supposed to be blowing over by then :roll: ) so loud & howling.. didn't know whether to laugh, cry, get up, make tea or what.. didn't have the energy to do any of it needless to say. You can't really muffle your ears or block it out with the radio as every noise outside, you feel you have to be aware what it might be. Lordy. Still, there is supposed to be an end of sorts on the way! So much better today again.
Rosie I don't feel like going out much in this, always worse feeling off colour in the nice weather when you at least feel you could be enjoying it.. as you had last year..roll on Spring, amen to that. Til then, tea & toast & knowing things could be worse will have to do.. dachshund you must be sick of your temperamental boiler now.
Good hockey storiescould never understand why they couldn't let you play something you might actually like, if they wanted to get you keen on sport & not put you off.
Biccies are topped up.. see you all anon.0 -
Get me, two photos together. I've already put them in the folder I want them to be in photobucket, so these shouldn't disappear :roll:
My youngest son and his wife gave them for my birthday. Which is tomorrow, my eldest son and family and middle daughter are visiting tomorrow, I wonder what they will bring me.
Toady, OH was kept awake most of the night with the terrible winds as he sleeps close to the window. I sleep further away so didn't hear them as much.
Rosie, I have heard of Eurax cream. At the moment I'm using E45 and Aveeno lotion alternately. The steroid cream is called Betnovate.
Barbara, I thought my itchy days were over too. It's not as bad, and mainly when I'm snuggly buggly in bed that it starts, but last night wasn't too bad. Maybe doubling my anti histamines helped.
Joan, I hope the boiler kicks in soon. It must be dreadful without proper heating and hot water.
Let's hope we start to see the back of all this bad weather soon, sending hugs.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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