Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Mig I llke to add my own toppings to pizzas, some times we buy the bases..the girls love making them up...
    Its very mild here this gd in bed
    Think hubbys if off fora couple of hours so we mightget out for lunch
    Hope everyone slept wellish..will see you later xxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you all enjoyed the champagne, I can't drink too much, makes me keep running to the loo :roll:

    Today is more pleasant than recent weather we are having. I actually went to Tesco without my hat, scarf and gloves. Very brave of me.

    Mmmm Toady, ginger cake - stem or otherwise. yummy.

    I don't think I've put this one on here, but I'm sure you can all relate to it.


    Elbows bent, can't straighten them,
    hands are throbbing, feel the pain.
    Knees are stiff and ankles ache,
    hips won't move, trapped nerves again!
    RA is gnawing through my joints
    the meds they gave me just don't touch.
    It feels like someone's driving nails
    and every movement hurts so much.
    If only I could rant and rave
    but energy - I have none left.
    My Sjogren's makes my mouth so dry
    and dry eyes ache, they need to rest.

    Gentle hugs
    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath sorry you are suffering, I have oa but can relate to it..glad you got out in the good weather, hubby has been tydying the garden..I am the gardener and I do miss
    It...we are trying to made it easier to do...hopefully
    My GD cleaned the car inside and out...she wants concert tickets so is saving up
    Quiet I here, I hope thoes that are missing are just having a break...cant belive how mild it has been..
    Will see you later xxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I have not been around for a while. We have had two bereavements recently, OH brother in law's funeral was on the 2nd of Jan and his wife's funeral was today. It is almost like being stuck in treacle, as if it is not real and should not have happened, so close together. Poor Niece and Nephew have lost both parents within 6 weeks. I know they are grounded and adults, Niece is 30 and Nephew 28. What can you say, only be there for them.

    I wish I could make time pass, not to forget, but to ease the pain.

    I am totally drained, physically and emotionally, so a few days of gathering ourselves, talking over things as you do. I had not forgotten our lovely cafe and I will take a HUGE cup of T and as much cake as I can carry.

    Hugs to everyone, as always, take care, I will pop in as often as I can. xxx Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 19. Feb 2014, 18:28
    Hello applerose, barbara, kath.. yes indeed quiet.. *waves at other regulars*

    Not a bad day today, don't seem to be suffering too much for being out yesterday, better not speak too soon.. I often get a 'hair of the dog' good day after being more 'up & out' than usual, then drop 3 days after, probably some 'classic syndrome-y' reason for that I daresay. :roll: Yes barbara the fresh air & change was lovely. Did you get out for lunch in the end.

    I also add toppings to bought ones, but it tends to just be more cheese & tomato, nothing exotic. :lol:

    Talking of chocolate (well I was), I looked at 2 different brands among some of my favourites & they had both put up their prices since I last bought any (fairly pricey brands anyway), and had been repackaged with less nice designs - makes you feel you're paying for a re-design that you didn't even want. In reality just coincidental I expect but annoying, I'm a sucker for packaging &c, bad I know.. call me superficial..

    Kath your verse is heartfelt, certainly paints a picture.. and captures the frustration of not even having the energy to have a good physical tantrum.. know how that is.

    Hope your boiler quotes are reasonable when they come in.. nifty timing there in discreetly slipping your engineers past one another, touch of the Alan Ayckbourn there :lol: of course if they had stuck to their appointment times.. :roll: but if timing can go against you it will I find, my grocery delivery was due today and they turned up 2 minutes before their slot whilst a (slightly nosy) neighbour was at the stop waiting for a bus that was 2 minutes late. Uncharitable of me I expect but don't always want to stand on my doorstep with the world clocking my every move. The sausages sound a bit :shock: mind you there doesn't seem to be much they won't turn out in a chilli & chocolate variety these days, it's an 'in' thing I guess.

    I see the forum will be down for a couple of days in March, so we can put the chairs up on the tables and have a good spring clean for frog. :)

    Best to all, toady xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh bubbles, I have just seen you there, so sorry for your bereavements. Hard to have 2 so close together, what a lot to adjust to - it must indeed feel unreal. You sit there and I will get you that hot sweet tea, and as many top-ups as you want.. Plenty of cake so sit and have a quiet gather of your thoughts. My condolences, toady xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    toady wrote:
    Oh bubbles, I have just seen you there, so sorry for your bereavements. Hard to have 2 so close together, what a lot to adjust to - it must indeed feel unreal. You sit there and I will get you that hot sweet tea, and as many top-ups as you want.. Plenty of cake so sit and have a quiet gather of your thoughts. My condolences, toady xx

    That is very kind of you, truly. We are both a bit shell shocked, just pottering, sitting, watching nothing on tv sort of thing, the shopping channel in fact. Cake is good, I will give cuddles a hug, tried it with one of ours but he was grizzly, moody cat. XX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's cloudy and quite windy here today,looks like we could have a shower or two.
    Hope you are not itching so much Kath it can be very upsetting and Toady are you more comfortable today ?How are you Barbara ?
    Sending special hugs to those who have suffered losses .
    Going shopping with son who just passed his driving test on Saturday ,then we are going to the pub for lunch so that will save me cooking .
    We are hoping to do a bit of gardening later on as we have some plants that should have come out in the autumn,we have to be careful not to dig too deep as they are where the cable runs for the tv ,phone and broadband.
    Going to miss the forum when it's off for a couple of days ,technology is changing all the time,what's up to date one minute is out of date the next.
    Have a good a day as possible all. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all the sun is shinning again..much appreciated :D
    Toady glad you enjoyed your time out and yes thanks I had a lovely lunch..we have a nosy neighbours dont get me wrong she is helpful but doesn't miss a thing...jungle telegraph come to mind... :)
    bubbles it nice to see you only so sorry you are going through all this rubbish..I was wondering when the second funeral can life throw so much at are very kind and I am sure it will be a big help to them..but don't forget yourself in all this...xx
    Mig..good luck with the gardening it gets harder doesn't it..Im not doing to bad thanks for asking...keep plodding on has they have a lovely lunch with your son...I remember you saying how safe you feel when he is driving..
    I have so many plants that need to come out the garden..hubby dosen't know the difference between them and weeds..bless him I have to supervise and sadly we are filling in our pond..I dug it out 25 years ago and put the rockery round it..but its to much trouble I will get all the little creatures out and take them to a nearby lodge :(
    Will put the kettle on and hope you all have a goodish day...xxxxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all, no sun here barbara, having mig's showers instead - in fact quite heavy. :( Hope it doesn't put the mockers on your gardening plans mig. Sorry about your pond barbara - my immediate neighbours had a pond & mini waterfall thing & frogs used to come across from theirs which was nice, but they got rid of theirs too. It's all upkeep isn't it. Glad you had a nice lunch barbara & enjoy yours mig. I'm having an ok day myself thanks, the flare isn't doing anything nasty so far, just hovering, but feel a bit better 'in myself' as they say. Touch wood.

    Sorry your cat wasn't amenable to being hugged bubbles. Maybe it feels something is amiss and is unsettled too. Pottering and watching odd tv does seem to be what one finds oneself doing at these times, bit aimless & in a daze - time goes into a very funny state as well doesn't it. As if it is no particular day & no particular time instead of the usual everyday sort. Wishing you & family well.

    Kettle on, toady xx hope absentees are well.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toady Mig Bubbles and anyone else I missed.
    Barbara have you got a raised bed in you garden. we have one because of sue being in a wheelchair she can reach it.
    Bubbles sorry about bereavement's please take care we are thinking about you
    Toady you sit down I will get everyone a drink. our heating is lovely now
    take care everyone
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you all for your kind words, they do mean a lot, I can assure you.

    Living in a slight time warp is exactly how things are at the moment. We had a coffee in town, then said cheerio to family who had to head off back south, that was another tearful moment. You think, oh, it matters not if you are bawling in the street.

    Lots of cups of T and a huge number of maltesers will go down very well. Plus a little nap early evening, I think we need one.

    Pus cat is ok, in fact all three are really good, they do sense what you are feeling, very much so.

    I have left some southern fried chicken breast fillets from Mark's, they are super addictive. (other fine food establishments are available) :)

    Everyone take lots of care, rain is lashing at the windows once more and the winds are picking up. There, chicken and a weather forecast too. lol xxxx Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Well, after a lovely sunny start we are now back to rain....and it feels colder than yesterday too. I am so looking foward to Spring and Summer in the garden. I really missed it last year. It was my beloved husband`s pride and joy, and I tried to manage it myself for the first couple of years. It`s a very big garden though, and it became too much for me. Luckily I found a delightful husband and wife team who were just starting a garden maintainance business, and they come every two weeks, and keep it as lovely as he did. There are so many wonderful memories there, in all the trees and flowers we planted together. It`s very special and very peaceful.

    Bubbles, I am so sorry for the heartache you are suffering right now. Time does heal, as I`m sure you know, but the grieving has to come first.x.

    Barbara and Mig Kudos to you both for organising your gardens too.

    Joan Lovely to hear that you and Sue are toasty warm again.

    Toady I`m hoping you can keep the flare at bay. I can just imagine you muttering "You won`t get the better of me, you XXXXXX!!!"

    Much love to all, especially anyone I`ve forgotten......Rosie.x.

    edited by Mod YEH swearing
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    What did I say the sun is it poured down...
    Still got out for a little while..but no lunch today
    Toady glad you are feeling a little you say touch wood..
    Joan I do have a raised bed well more of a trough..hubby put it together..and is brilliant..hope you and Sue are doing okish.. are going through a rotten time...but we are always here..and thanks for the chicken..must say I have had it before and it is good.. :)
    Rosie...I am sorry ..I dont always like to ask but I knew you didnt mention anyone..but what lovely memories a garden can hold..summer must be lovely sitting there with your thoughts...we have thought of getting a gardener trouble is we dont have a way round the house because of the garage...and how are you going since your op you don't say much...
    No GC here today..unless they come with the baby and her sister later.
    I have hotcorss buns here ..will put them in the tin...see you later xxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I still haven't tried the choc n chilli sausages Barbara. I'll let you know what they're like as soon as I do.

    Mig, I have to make my own pizzas as I am wheat intolerant. I like peppers and peperoni. Congratulations to your son. Hope you enjoyed your lunch.

    Kath, it has been lovely here too. Yesterday, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the birds were almost deafening. When I got to work, I set up the ironing board and opened the window so I could listen to them.

    Bubbles. I am so sorry for your loss. Your poor nephew and niece. it must have been a terrible shock so close together. Hope you take it easy for a while till you fell a little better.

    Toady I'm the same. I have had a few good days, felt quite energetic today and got a few extra things done. I called in at the supermarket for 2 things, took them to the self-service checkout then wham, I felt as if I couldn't take another step. Had to go in to robotic gear to get home and have just sat watching tv.

    Barbara, what a shame yoou are filling in your pond. My garden is getting a bit much so I think I'll be doing the same before much longer.
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rosie, I managed to get out in to the garden yesterday for a short while and did a bit of tidying up.

    I had this morning off work and quite enjoyed it. Got some jobs done around the house before working this afternoon. Think I overdid it as I felt as if I hit a brick wall at teatime. Never mind. Spent this evening resting. I think the weather is definitely improving, still some rain to come, but temperatures are going up. Yippee!
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a hello; pc is misbehaving itself & am going for a breather before I do it a mischief (or myself one :wink: ), hoping to pop back in later after a cup of tea or else it'll be tomorrow.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, Rosie, Christine, Barbara and all, thank you again for your support. We are taking things easy, certainly today has been a potter about day, not doing a great deal or achieving huge goals.
    Off to see Mum tomorrow, she is ok for the most part, just a bit worried that she is getting things muddled up at times. We will do her shopping, not that she eats more than a sparrow. Then we will have fish and chips, one thing that she will eat are chips with butter thicker than the bread, bless, why not at 82.

    off to rest some more, OH is taking computers apart in the kitchen, so I am staying out of the way :shock: Take care, XXX Bubbles
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    ..and I'm back. Calm & pc performance temporarily resumed. :D (My own fault, there are things I need to do to my pc but haven't got around to). Bubbles, hope your OH is enjoying his computer tinkering more than I am today. :roll: Hope you get on ok with your visit to Mum tomorrow; not surprised you were unravelling a little when seeing family off, only to be expected.. but in general you seem to be coping admirably, keep up the maltesers won't you.

    Everyone is thinking of Spring and their gardens, which is nice, I am too after a fashion, found myself straying towards the seed packets in the shops on Tues & online. It's lovely to hear the birds setting up again after all this; the last 2 mornings Mr Blackbird has been singing up in grand style, so nice. Always happier to hear him rather than robin, the wintry little harbinger.

    Sorry you had a 'drop' today applerose, payback for daring to do a little extra is so annoying.. Rosie, lol at your post, thank you for that & I can imagine what the original uncensored version was :lol: there is a bit of that goes on round here, but I suppose even I know you can't get away with making no concessions, so I do have to give in occasionally after my own fashion.

    Barbara thank you for the hot cross bun, and dachshund for the kind offer of being on 'tea duty', you make a very good cup. :)

    Have a good night everyone. xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Had bloods test this mornring..then went to do some shopping and came back with2 GC.... :o
    The bloods test are repeats something wasn't quite right last time..I have OA but have others symptoms so it has got them wondering if it is OA..mi mind boggles... :roll:
    Christine good for you having a morning off..but I bet you didnt want to go in later...I used to do shift work and hated the late ones..yes my pond is going after all those years..I will make sure all the newts and thingys will have a good home..
    Hello bubbles like you say your mum might has well eat whats she wants at that age...hope you have a good day with her...
    Toady glad you have that comp up and running..I love the blackbirds..our neighbours has 2 hedgehogs in there garage..they haven't
    hibernated suppose they to think its spring.. :)
    Hope all that are suffering will soon feel a little better...not see Karen or Elizabeth around....hope they are just having a break
    Right one more hot cross bun then I will be happy.... :D
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, some sun earlier, but it's looking a bit iffy now. But it is starting to get dark anyway. Garden is full of Daffodils and new growth everywhere. Just that biting wind spoiling the day.

    Bubbles, I'd like to add my condolences to everyone elses.

    mig, the itching is very intermittent. It's really got me puzzled. Wednesday night I had a wakeful hour around midnight with every bit itchy. Last night - nothing!! And so it goes.

    I rang my dad last night, to see how he's doing on the steroids. He's 83 and has been active all his life, but recently has been having problems with his knees. He scared me to death, as the winds have blown some house roof tiles down onto the roof of the extension. He said "I can't really get up to them yet"!!! Dad, you're 83 with gammy knees, leave it to someone else!!! My sister has told him off for suggesting he do it himself too. If our brother lived closer, he could go up (whether he would or not is another matter). MEN!!!

    Take care everyone. Kath xxx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all
    Kath I lost my parents many moons ago..but my dad lost his sight..and he would go walk abouts...I would worry myself sick...they seem to go like mischievous kids....suppose you can understand them not wanting to admit they are getting on...
    We have just had an indian takaway..just wish I could eat a bit more than I can ...but it was good..
    I will bid you goodnight and hope you all sleep wellish..xxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bubbles, fish and chips with thickly- buttered bread sounds lovely. it's good that your mum enjoys it. Hope OH has got the computer sorted and doesn't have any bits left over.

    Toady, I have a blackbird which knows when I get in from work and stands in front of the back door waiting for his tea. Sometimes he brings his wife. I'm sure it hasn't always been the same one as he's been coming for years and, for the last 2 years and this one, he's grown a couple of white feathers in his tail.

    So you went shopping today Barbara and bought 2 more GC? :lol: I wonder if many animals did hibernate this winter. Hope the hedgehogs survive right through till spring. Hope you enjoyed your takeaway. I always finish my takeaways even though I'm stuffed. Shouldn't really eat more than I need.

    Kath, I'm sure the weather forecast said we would have a nice sunny day here today but it has been raining on and off all day and been freezing. I think it's good your dad is still feeling young enough to get up on the roof but certainly hope he won't try it. My dad often says he's going to do things he's less able to do but he never gets round to doing them, thank goodness.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend with as little pain as possible.
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    'Lo folks, nice to get in out of the cold, it was certainly a nippy one today. I was nearly going to pop out for an hour, but it wasn't looking too nice & as my bus was running late by coming up for 15 mins I took it as a sign and came back in. Standing out there too long would be pushing my luck. So I haven't bought any goodies with me, I will have to scuffle in the cake tins and leave an IOU. :D Even with the cold there is still definitely Spring about.

    I rang up about my bloods and they are actually ok :) - the inflammatory ones - so now I have no idea what's going on with me. Rheumy will think I've been exaggerating or panicking I expect! but if I'd sat on a creeping-since-xmas flare & said nothing, that would be wrong, so you can't win. Thing is, as I've never really had my ra under control before, I have nothing to compare with, in terms of whether a flare while on the enbrel will settle or not. Maybe I'm going to be one of those people who flare & still get lovely bloods, who knows. Anyway I seem to be levelling off, I'll sit tight & see how I go between here & my re-arranged appt.

    Barbara I hope yours are ok this repeat round, do you ring up for your results? Or do your surgery call you? They don't usually do they. Hope they can make their mind up what the tests are indicating!

    Applerose hope you had a better day today too. I would absolutely love a blackbird like that! I can't do much in the way of encouraging birds, because of cats, but I wish I could.

    If hedgehogs are awake or not hibernating deeply, I will have to listen out for scuffles from our cafe hedgehog.

    Kath, I certainly had a Dad like yours.. sounds like we 4 all have had similar times with stubborn fathers, as you say Barbara, can't blame them for wanting to do what they have always done. I would, especially if I had always been 'handy' & never delegated my household jobs.

    A good night to all & hope to see a few more here soon.. marrianne, catie &c.. and the usuals. toady x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Café dwellers :D

    I've popped in for a caramel macchiato :)

    I am so sorry to have been AWOL for so long, but hope to pop by a bit more often now provided my Lucy keeps well of course.

    Please can someone let me know anything important I might have missed....weddings, babies etc

    love to you all

    Toni xxx