Val's Cafe
Afternoon all or is it evening...never quite sure.. :?
Joan sorry the part didnt they dont need time to settle in you ring them back
Rosie I know what you mean about being comfortable in your house....its the safest place at the min...hope that hand feels better very soon
Toady when the wind is strong at night it seems ss much worseglad its calmed down
We have just had hailstone and rain do you think that is it forfew weeks
Both GDs are going home ...then they will be back in the week...thehouse will be quiet I love having them all round
Thanks for topping the biscuits up Toady...I will make a cuppa...
Kathjust sotted you...what lovely flowers...I di hopeyou can get something to stop the itching...Rosie has mentioned some cream....Love
Barbara0 -
Toady, hope the biscuits helped you feel a bit better today.
We had a wild and windy day like that here a couple of nights ago. Got almost no sleep.
I had curry tonight too Mig. Hope you and your daughter enjoyed yours.
I'll let you know when I reach a million Barbara. I worked it out and I reckon it'll be in about 500 years.
Rosie, I'm like you, I love going out but love my house when the weather is so bad. I remember you did miss last summer. Fingers crossed we have a good one for you this year.
Joan, I wouldn't think the heating parts would need to settle in. Wonder if you should call them back.
What beautiful flowers Kath. Happy birthday for tomorrow. Hope you get something lovely. I got a beautiful canvas picture of 2 of my GC for my birthday last week. I've got 4 now. Not sure where to put them all. Maybe the antihistamines have kicked in now.
Isn't public transport lovely? I get 2 buses to dad's and 2 back. On the first one, a man sat in front of me scratching and picking his head. When he got off, a woman sat there. She must have been a heavy smoker because I could smell the stale cigarette smoke. On the way back, I wasn't sure if I was sitting on a seat which had been wee-ed on or if it was the elderly gentleman who sat across from me. That on top of people bumping in to me in town and dad complaining about almost everything I said. Most of it was jokingly but some wasn't. It's not his fault as he can't think properly but it is wearing. That's why I love my house.Christine0 -
Hello everyone
I hope everyone's having a good week end. I was so cold last night sue said look in the airing cupboard at the box it was on once a day in stead of constant we turn the thermostat down when we go out or when we are too warm I have pain with the cold.
keep warm everyone.
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
That sounds better
used to have the airing cupboard controls arrangement myself, was always fiddling with the settings, now have a combi - less to fiddle with in one way & more in another. As long as you are warm now, there has been some sun but even with that it's far too cold & it 'sets in' doesn't it once you get cold far harder to thaw out again.
Just popped in with some cupcakes in honour of Kath's birthdaythey looked summery, I thought it might make everyone think of sunny days. Lovely flowers Kath, I think that's some hypericum isn't it, I do like the smell of it, and the purple of the tulips is lovely with the pink.
Well done posting your pic barbaraI'd be dishonest if I said I go gooey at babies but I can see that's a cute baby for those that do
I didn't realise you have littl'uns as well as the gd's of school age - bet she gets lots of fuss. It was so much calmer last night thanks
just bizarre how still this morning, looking at the clouds out of the window they were not even moving, it was like a photograph. Heard the owls hooting in the distance again last night - probably coming out for a mouse or two while it was quiet - the way we all nip to the shops while we can between these storms!
Applerose you made those bus trips live for me :? awful.. I could practically smell those combined 'fragrances' from here, ugh. Bet you were extra glad to get home where the Englishman/woman's home is his castle.
Have a good day all, hope those not posting are doing ok..0 -
Hi everyone I was so intent on getting phototbu***working I forgot to answers Christine post.. :oops: oh you do have some bus journeys..must say you never know who you are sitting next to... :roll: bet you was glad to get home to your sanctuary..
Poor Joan you are having trouble but glad you spotted the thermostat was wrong...good for you
Toady I dont mind one bit you not going gooey eyed...not everyone likes babied must say I go mushy at everyone I see..hubby says its a good job I cant have any more
..yes she is my youngest sons his only child...and he is nearly 39...
The cake look lovely just what I need with my cuppa not seen Kath around maybe she is having such a good time...I do hope so..
Its been a glorious day here you say its unbelievable how things can change... :?
see you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara, what a beautiful baby. So cute in her pink hat. Don't worry about answering my posts. I'm sure there are plenty I haven't answered for one reason or another. I know. What is it with me and bus journeys.
Glad you've got your controls sorted out now Joan. No point in being cold.
Yummy looking cup cakes Toady. I'm sure the owls knew there would be a few more mice around now the weather is a little more settled. You are right. I was very glad to get home after my bus trip.
I had a good chat to my daughter and the kids this afternoon on skype. My gs was proud to tell me he has started using the toilet now but his little sister was only interested in taking his blanket off him. They had all been sitting watching tv under their blankets. Then went to my son's for a couple of hours. My dil seemed much happier. Don't know if it's her epilepsy meds or just that things are a bit better for them all round. Mind you, she said she feels spaced out a lot of the time since she started them. GD showed me she has tidied her whole room, including wardrobe and drawers, GS's football team played really well but they just can't score any goals at the moment and baby GD only wanted someone to hold her hands all the time while she walked round.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.Christine0 -
Hello everyone ,You have been busy lovely pix bakeing out and about mixed poorly I think ,I have to say sorry ,I didnt say happy Birthday to Kath but a very happy belated one ,Migs chocs and Toadys cakes are so tempting ,what is it with us girls ? curry well twice here this weekend :P yes Sunday dinner to .Joan I am glad you sorted the heating out and are lovely and toasty again ,yesterday was warmer I think ,still nothing to shout about though ,spent a lot of yesterday with son helping me with the ipad ,Rosie its really quite good once you get used to it ,tried to get on A/C but think I have to dicker around with reset password :roll: a bit worried about that so leaveing well alone Kath I hope your itching is getting soothed now Barbara ,your little g/d is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL you must be so proud a little angel I hope your feeling rested and not to poorly start of a new week ,OH Christine yes buses really are not a good experience ,I stick my hand jell on but still feel really germy afterwards ,
I get really fed up sometimes I try not to mind if someone really dirty sits next to me ......but I swear I seem to attract them like flies
hugs to all will have another read back as some really interesting things to catch up ((((((())))Marrianne
0 -
Morning all
Thanks for your lovely comments on my youngest I say she is now 17 month old so much I cant pick her up...
but we get so much pleasure out of her
Its dark and raining here... :roll:
Marianne glad you are getting there with your Ipad..curry twice...that is my hubby all over he would have one every night.. :roll:
Christine..its lovely being able to Skype your GC....bless she must be so proud going to the toilet...and mummy must be happy ...less nappy's...
I think she will feel spaced out on the meds..if I remember right my SIL did..they found out she hadn't got epilepsy years after taking she had to come off them very slowly
No GC here today..but I expect a call anytime...
I am having a lazy day today after I have done my exercises
Will see you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Barbara Christine Marrianne Toady
I hope you are all having a good day with not too much pain.
take care
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Thank you all for my birthday wishes. Mig, thank you for the chocs and toady those cupcakes look yummy. I've also brought a bottle of sparkling white wine. I thought we could pretend it was Champagne. My eldest son Richard, his wife Nicola and my granddaughter Willow, and middle daughter Helen popped in with more flowers (Tulips) and lots more chocolate. Willow gave me a fridge magnet with her photo in it. She has learning difficulties, but is so sweet. I love her to bits.
Barbara, such a gorgeous photo of you GD. She's at that exciting stage where they are interested in everything.
Ok, chocs all round, and at least 2 glasses of pretend Champagne each.
Kath xx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
Joan ihope you are doing ok and the boiler is working
Kath I am so glad you had a lovely birthday..bless how lovly to receive fridge magnet off your GD..these things mean so much
It is still raining here,,, :roll: no GC very quiet
Hope everone that is missing are doing okish xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Marrianne, curry twice in one weekend? And why not if you enjoy it. Hope you're all sorted with your Ipad now.
Barbara, I didn't know that about epilepsy meds. I'll let her know. Hope you enjoyed your lazy day.
Hope you've had a good day Joan.
How lovely to get all those flowers Kath and your fridge magnet off your GD. It's those little things that mean so much.
I've been trying to get a quote for a new boiler. I left messages with a few engineers but only 1 got back to me to arrange a time to come. He didn't turn up but phoned later that night to apologise and arrange to come today about 6. Didn't turn up till 8 then said he didn't have my number with him to let me know. He's coming tomorrow, I hope. Found another engineer this evening. He's supposed to come on Sunday. Didn't think it would be this difficult. :roll:Christine0 -
Hello all, marrianne nice to see you in, glad you are getting on ok with your new gadget thus far; dachshund thank you for your greeting & good wishes - Kath pleased to hear you had a nice birthday & thanks for the bubbly (hic).
Have had to cave in & ring rheumy so my next appt has been brought forward (not immediately though) will see what they say if I can hang out that long lol, hoping threatening the flare with seeing dr will frighten it into settling down, but less said about that the better.
Applerose what boiler are you looking at, combi or conventional.. had a new one last year, was lucky to have a word of mouth recommendation for an engineer but I've certainly had my share of your sort of no-show tradesman, hope you get a decent firm you can usually get a pretty good idea from talking to them if they are on the level. It's a busy time of year for them too, but I've got very little tolerance now for people not phoning etc, not having your number = not an excuse!
Raining but quiet, that'll have to do for now - out for bloods tomorrow so doughnuts are back on the menu.G'night all. x
0 -
Toady,Joan,ChristineBarbara,I just missed you all the Cafe is quiet but Kath the champage is very welcome ,really pleased you had a lovely time with the family ,sister and my nephew ,called earlier so I am looking in so late just in case I find another sleepless friend ,Toady ipad looks like being used as a kindle as its the ap I find the easiest ,I wonder how Rosie is getting on with hers Barbara ,hope your getting some well earned rest ,but babies are such a joy its as though the aches go on the back burner till later on ,I have dentist in the morning so wont be in until later but stocked up the fridge with bacon eggs and sausages for those that love a full English
oh how I do ,Joans boiler ok mine is 25 years old and ok at the moment so fingers crossed you dont get let down again Christine ,I am wondering about something called the green deal help with a new more energy eficent system I dont know how it works but I will post later if I get some good news about saveings yes a good plumber is worth his wieght thats for sure
0 -
anyway hope your all haveng a good reasonable pain free ,I am tucked up but cannot resist a look at Amazon books some books are free but they are a bit rubbish ... its easy to carried away with the ones for a couple of pounds goodnight everyone (((())))Marrianne0
Morning all
Toady so sorry you are having a rotten you go worrying about having a moan we don't mind one bit..hopefully the rheumy will be able to help..
Marianne I have the kindle on my tablet...I have had some great you say there are loads of free ones...hope all goes well at the dentist..
Christine ..I have PMed you ..hubby will give you some advice if you need he says these boilers don't last half has long as the old ones did...
The sun is shining hereso hopefully I might get out...umm the firdge is nice and full thanks to Marianne so full breakfast it is...
.I had better have a clean around before Toni come in, she has very high standards...and I will fill up the coffee machine xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
Barbara your granddaughter is a little cutie. Are those mitts, or part of her hat?
Toady Sorry to hear that things are not good. I get the feeling that you hate giving in, but rest up and keep warm. Chocolate - lots of it - will help.
Kath So pleased that your birthday went well. Family is everything isn`t it?
Joan I hope you are all warm and cosy now.
Christine Only you could make a bus journey so funny. Has the engineer been in touch about your boiler?
Marrianne I think I`m going to love the Ipad, but have only been able to go so far setting it up. Now I`m completely befuddled, so will leave it for one of my sons to sort out....unfortunately that could take some time with them being so far away. They have suggested posting it, so I may well do that.
Much love to all, and especially anyone I may have missed.......Rosie.x.0 -
hello Rosie ,oh I am such a wimp with he i/pad turned it into a kindle we have this so I really hate change SONS
CAN DO EVERYTHING begger we cannot hi Barbara Toady Joan Christine kath and our very good friend Toni every one else big mugs of tea all round every one really just miss you all and fret a bit to hopeing all is well errr Mig WOTS 4 DINNER ((())hugs to all Marrianne
0 -
Afternoon all
Rosie yeah the mittens are part of the outfit they look like ears...I will put a more up to date pic...
Marianne you will get used to the Ipad...I love technology and my hubby doesn't, neither does my youngest son...but my eldest son is like me...
Our rd is still closed and you want to see the children riding there bike and skateboards up and down take me back to when I was littlenot many cars around...
Wil lmake a cuppa and sit by the window for a min..Love
Barbara0 -
Sausage mash and baked beans.
Once you you get the hang of your iPad Marianne you will wonder how you managed without it.
Toady hope you feel better soon.Wonder what the next lesson will be ?
I do love babies she's a little smasher.
Hope everyone else are warm and dry .
Oh is just making a cuppa,he said I can't make tea !!! I can BUT why have a dog and bark yourself ,I'm not sneaky . Mig0 -
Hello people
I dropped the doughnuts off earlier & left them in here, well for those who had digested their cooked breakfasts
also some rather nice stem ginger loaf cake I've got a taste for lately.
Bloods done so we'll see what's what, thanks all for good wishes, I'm not having too bad a day and all the better for seeing some shops. It was actually quite nice out. Rosie you are entirely right that I don't like to give in, 30-odd years of dodgy health on & off, & I have never done (mind you who does), daresay I would be better off if I had but I will always be straining at the leash. Chocolate, now funny you should say that, wise advice, I think a bit of stockpiling may be called for.
Hope you will get along with your ipad in the end, & marrianne too, if you decide to persist - it is annoying that the younger generation find tech 2nd nature but then they've had an unfair advantage having it all around from the get go. Hope you found something good to read, I find reading makes my head 'go over' these days so keep it for now & again, & listen to audiobooks quite a bit instead.
Mig - I am not sure what else me & my rather elderly pc can teach anybodyI am not 100% up-to-the-minute with tech myself, & have my strong & weak areas - plus mixed feelings about new upgrades etc - some I like, some I think is not necessarily better. But anything anyone wants a hand with I am open to suggestions & may add bits & bobs to the current thread if I think of things.
Hello to anyone not posted today, toady x0 -
Toady, hope the threat works with your flare. I finally had 2 different engineers round tonight. I've got a back boiler just now but they both said they are more expensive than the combis. One was signed up with Check-a-Trade and one with Rated People and seemed to know what they were doing. Enjoy your doughnuts tomorrow. Just noticed you've left some ginger cake. I'll have a slice with a cuppa. Thank you.
Thanks Marrianne I did hear about the green scheme. I think how it works is, the new boiler saves you money but you keep paying the same amount. The extra then goes towards paying for the boiler. A lot of people are getting free boilers but only people who don't work and those who work full time and get working tax credits. I do work but not enough hours to get the credits so I don't qualify. I have a Nook e-reader. I can download library books for free. Not a vast amount to choose from but I'm making my way through them. I'm sure there are other places to download free books from.
Thanks Barbara. Have PMd you back. I had arranged for one engineer to come round at 5.15pm. The other one was coming about 6pm. I felt I shouldn't have them both round at the same time. Don't know why really because I am sure they all realise I would get a few quotes. Anyway, the 6pm turned up at 5pm and I was just seeing him out when the 5.15pm phoned and said he had knocked on the door but I hadn't answered. Anyway, he was parked across the road and came straight back.
Rosie, yes, I've finally had 2 engineers round. Hopefully get the quotes in the next couple of days. I took my Nook e-reader in to the library where someone showed me how to use it and set it up. Maybe ask in your library.
Oh Mig, I love sausage and mash and baked beans. Ha ha, yes why not get someone else to make your cuppa. When all the family are at my dad's, they all take their tea or coffee differently so I get told I've done at least one of them wrong.
Found some sausages in T*sc* today - chilli and chocolate. Haven't tried them yet. Maybe tomorrow.Christine0 -
Evening all
Sat in bed on mi phone....
Toady so glad you managed some fresh air, makes you feel more human, and fingers crossed for your bloods...I count myself lucky I only started with arthur in my keep fighting back
Mig you always give me an apitite...good for you...let hubby make you a uh
Christine..any questions about boilers hubby is glad to answer....I hope youget it sorted soon..chilli and chocolate sauage...wonderwhatthey will taste like..
We have our oldest gd here tonight..16..she is doing jobs for pocket write your list...
See you all tomorrow. Sleep well night xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Toady I have an old pc that doesn't like upgrades too,it throws right tantrums,I love my iPad but can't seem to figure out how to put photos on the forum from it so I use the pc to do it.
We are having pizza for tea,I buy a plain cheese and tomato one and then add toppings that we like,chips and salad with it.
Mild day here but overcast. Mig0
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