Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed
    Barbara how is your ((((((husband)))))) I'm having a spare pair of boots made my big boot I can throw a way I'm not.
    Kathleen I'm so sorry((((((((Kathleen))))))))
    Aidan he came to fix the rad got it working now it comes on and goes off when it wants we have a number to ring when the boiler goes and they will send someone out. (((((((Aidan))))))))
    Carol yes the hating is working when it wants too. I hope you have a good day.
    have a good weekend everyone.
    take care love to Toni
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The clean-team were essential Aidan 3 face-splat cakes (well one was technically a pie!!! my favourite :wink: )

    How are your hairballs today? I hope they are retreating a bit. Actually that takes longer, but are you feeling less ill and better able to breathe? Extra ((())) f you made it to the GC I think that's a good sign.

    I definitely have something going on too...a cough I think. Means I will not be able to visit my friend for a while or I can take one of my masks with me maybe???? I still have some from when Lucy was on chemo.

    The plastics/tissue viability folks have been in and concluded that surgery isn't an option, but will be doing something to do with microbiology and if the ABs can be had orally...there is hope for the 'H' word :D

    Now Daisycat's little house....Hermione put her a magic wardrobe in it so plenty of space she won't need an extension!!

    She is happier today - Hermione has said they can fly tomorrow all being well so finally the trip to Tarn Moor she will transport them all including Mrs D so snow won't stop them! Much chirruping last night on skype. I believe all the acts will be going now not just the love-birds because they are all a little stir-crazy!

    She sad Pepe has been mournfully polishing his broomstick?

    Also that Daddy needs to eat some grass to sort out his hairball - it must be a huge one :roll:

    Carol that is a big job transferring all your data onto a memory stick. If you hardly use your laptop that is fair enough I suppose and the Church will no doubt use it much more.

    I hope the new tops are perfect :) I am so pleased you have your arty mojo back :D Looking forward to seeing the photo. I was making some bunting for Lucy's basement room so will pick that up again :)

    Kath I am so sorry to hear of your Uncle in Australia :( some ((())) for you. Do you memories of him from before he emigrated?

    I have just got up and set my TV to record Sunday's big cat thanks for the reminder.

    Barbara It's lovely having you at choir. the alcohol wafts were a bit better, but peppermints might be an idea :wink:

    Now how is Mr B? Any better at all? He is a typical man (present company excepted Aidan of course!) avoiding the Drs but worrying you :roll: You are well though?

    Joan - I see they came to sort Sue's rad - are you saying it's 'doing it's own thing'? Going on and off when you haven't set it to? I hope I have read that wrong and it's ok :?

    Love t everyone!

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you for the hugs. I remember Uncle Gordon before they emigrated. I was 16. We spent many holidays together, one memorable one spent in Dawlish Warren when my cousin Avril and I were 12. She saved my life. I wrote a poem about it but can't remember whether I posted it on here, so just in case:


    Avril is my hero
    she saved my life one day.
    When we were 12, in Dawlish Warren
    on a rubber dinghy, we set off out to sea,
    just before we had our tea.
    Now Avril was a champion,
    with cups and swimming awards.
    But even though I couldn’t float
    my safety was assured.
    She fell off our floating vessel
    and promptly dsappeared,
    Then, scrambling from the deep
    she grabbed me by the feet.
    She kicked her legs
    and pushed the float
    while I lay on the top.
    Towards the shore she strongly steered,
    My cousin wasn’t even scared,
    but took me back up on the sand
    and we were safely back on land.
    Avril is my hero,
    she saved my life that day.
    Thank you Avril, cousin dear,
    For without you, I might not be here.

    We were supposed to go to Long Eaton today, but too cold and too drizzly. (((()))) to all who have sniffles, sore throats and/or coughs.
    t2507 t2507 tcold tcold t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    Hope you enjoy caramel tart with peach slices.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..very dark and wet ..
    Carol I hope the top is just right for you ..its so hard to tell online..I am forever returning things.. :o I am glad to hear you are motivated again with the card making, they really are lovely..and another one finished for your much nicer hand made..glad all metal things are working..and you have nearly transferred all the stuff off your laptop..its very kind of you to donate it..least said hope Mr T is grateful..I am sure he is..
    Kath I am sorry to hear about your uncle..bless but what a lovely poem you wrote for your cousin...Averil...its a good job she was with you at the time..but for the grace of really is
    Toni I hope you are not coming down with the cough its my plan failed..will type at the end what I did :shock: hopefully your neighbour will be home very soon ..but at least she seems to be being looked after..what a shame they cant operate..hopefully whatever they do will work for her..I think I can now sing without the cider will try later and let you know..
    Aiden how are you feeling today, hairdresser took the children to Lapland just before Christmas ..the pics are amazing ..but she was glad they stayed in the hotel instead of lodges..or they would have had to put on all the gear just to go and have was minus 27...but they all loved it... :D I love the clean team , could I borrow them for a few days.. :lol: I see you got to the GC and had a scone..good for you..hope the crumbs didn't make you cough :shock: will post about my failed plane in a min ..will just grab some chocolate brownie before it all gets eaten
    Joan glad they are making you extra you keep the other just in case..hopefully a new boiler is on the horizon.. :shock:
    Right my plan was to get the doctors to ring OH to go in for a checkup..I rang them and said how bad his cough is..and they did ring to get him in this morning..but he said sorry can I come in another time I am not well :shock: :roll: :roll: I give up..
    Our lovely neighbours has bought us a voucher ..tea for two at a lovely cake shop come cafe in the next town...we have to ring them to book, has they are busy so will have to wait for OHs cough to go..
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx t4591 t69044
    Bye from a furious Barbara ... :x
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to one and all.

    Forgive me if I don't write much this afternoon. I am SO full if "it". Bunged up to the eyeballs, still barking, but less so than yesterday.
    Everything tastes like cardboard :roll: :roll:

    I hope to have a siesta and actually rest, instead of throwing the bedding round the room like yesterday.

    Will write later, I am sure I might be a little more "human". At the moment I am



    Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All.

    Been quite a hectic day was at open morning at our church today and after lunch out with Mr T came home.
    and this afternoon and up to about an hour ago i have spent the time doing the following.
    Taking my bits of my old laptop, one load of washing, two lots of drying, cooked evening meal, cooked joint for tomorrows dinner so it can just be carved and reheated when needed, phew now having a proper sit down. Gave Mr T said laptop about hour and a half ago and he has fiddle with it to take it back to factory settings and now it is not letting him into it, so now he cannot give it to them with out having it looked at by someone who knows how to manage to get into it. :roll: And of course if I can be done he will have to spend more money of our money on it get it working. to say I am really annoyed is an understatement arrgh...................

    I have just lost half of this post and really cannot be bothered to do it again so I will read all and catch up with you all tomorrow

    night night for now
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A late hello to one and all.

    Freezing fog tonight, very wintry looking. tcold

    Sorry I ran out of oomph this afternoon. It was a good job Kath kindly brought in the lovely flan, for t time.

    Siesta time was a waste of time. Lay down, cough, sit up, lay down, cough...........anyway, I think the antibiotics are starting to help with the chest and I am not as squeaky with my breathing. Pepe was telling Miss Sleek that I sounded like a mouse :shock: and that there was still a hairball lurking.

    Hi Joan, that's good, to have a spare pair of boots made and wise not to throw any others out.
    So the heating has a mind of its own now and comes on when it pleases. It really is beyond a joke for you both. We are still mid winter and you need some reliable heating, not one that does what it feels like :shock: :roll: :roll:
    Thank you for the hugs, very welcome indeed. t4591

    Hi Toni, I was feeling pretty rotten earlier. A little more human tonight thank you. Thank you for the extra hugs too. They are always welcome t4591

    I hope you are not coming down with a similar cough etc. It is horrid.
    Best not visit, or, as you say, you could wear a mask. I was reading in the Mail online, about people wearing their own masks, to prevent the spread of the flu bug that is taking us by storm. I know they sensationalise a BIT, but it seems to be the Australian flu that is spreading.

    So surgery is not an option for your friend. I guessed the tissue viability team would be on the case. I wonder if they still use soft foam dressings, that fill the pressure sore and slowly heal from inside. We used to use them quite a lot at one time, with good success.

    Let's hope the H word is not too long in coming, bless her.

    A magic wardrobe is just the thing for Miss Sleek, she keeps it well hidden at the back of her house and of course, it will accommodate just about everything.
    Pepe has been preparing the broom, ready for the gathering today at Tarn Moor. Nice that Hermione will transport them all there and back and her tent will be in situ, to give a warm shelter for their tuna mayonnaise luncheon.

    Pepe has just had a gliding session, scruff pot, thought Sleek might like a piccy, not to mention the Girls. Ignore my big foot in the corner. :shock:

    So I have to eat some grass according to Pepe, well he might be right :shock: :mrgreen: I will try another 24 hours on the AB's first though, Pepelongtosckings.

    You are welcome to the hugs Kath, with fond memories of your Uncle and the drama of the holiday on Dawlish.
    A lovely poem, for your Cousin and her life saving skills.

    I don't blame you for not going to Long Eaton, cold and damp is not good for the ouchies. Best off indoors, nice and warm.

    Thank you for the hugs, there seem to be a few of us with the lurgy at the moment.
    Bless you for leaving the peach and caramel tart, I had no time to bake anything for afternoon t :wink:

    Hi Barbara, so you can now sing without the liquid refreshment from the shed :lol::lol: Thats wonderful, I hope the practice went well

    As you will have read, I am doing ok ish, thank you. So glad I went to the Drs. Oh dear, I have read about your plan and how it failed because Mr B was not well enough to go. Oh boy, what do you say? That was the whole point of the plan :roll: :roll: :roll:

    I would be insisting on the need to go to the tea room, with the voucher your neighbour kindly gave you, but, you cannot go because SOMEONE won't go to the Drs.....................nor can other people visit you and you need to see your family. Stamp your feet Barbara.

    Oh I am envious of your hairdresser and children going to Lapland, minus 27, now that's chilly and I would have to stay in the hotel too. I bet it was wonderful. hcold

    Yes, the clean team are free now, the face splat session has been cleared up now, so they will pop round to yours asap. :D

    Hi Carol, oh dear, things are going to pot with the computer already, after a busy day doing your household things. Mr T is now locked out of the laptop. OOooops.

    Would be worth googling, for a walk through of how to get into the particular make, after a factory reset. I am pretty sure there will be some article, forum etc, that will have an answer.

    Then you lost half of your post, oh goodness, you need a lot of sparkles, I will leave them by the bedside, ready for morning. t115006 t115006 Let's hope today is a better one. Less than a week on countdown now :)

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Charrisse, Toady, DD, Elizabeth and all.

    I will away and potter a little. Time for T and more tennis.

    Everyone take lots of care, stay safe and warm. XXX Aidan

    Sunday brunch :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Up as usual thanks to Miss! Chirrup chirrup!!

    Aidan thank you so much for the breakfast I am having mine now and promise to leave enough for the others :wink:

    The printer is whirring a copy of the sweet photo of Pepe for Sleek to put u inside her wardrobe door. She thinks that was a fabulous glide! Next time she said can you get the bit where he stretches backwards :? sorry she is cheeky!

    He has told her you seem to have swallowed a mouse....she was worried for a while but I've explained it'd 'to do with the hairball' and not a mouse. :shock: Sounds as though you are getting there now maybe, but might need a second lot of ABs maybe? We shall see. Extra ((())) to top you up. Has B not caught it? My cough isn't great, but I think under control I will update you if needs be.

    Neighbours skin is very fragile Aidan I think surgery would be silly too. Given they still need to sort out that pouch in her throat yet. they think the infection can be treated via the ABs.

    Masks are a good idea don't you think? A bit dramatic looking, but if it prevents the spread of infections/viruses?? The nurses said it is a mutated version of the flu now :shock:

    Good job everything is in order for Tarn Moor and being dealt with by Hermione because Sleek would have cried I think if they weren't allowed to meet up :cry: She has her basket and Tiara (with grips) ready. She has also got some cat milk to share with everyone.

    Hi Carol Mr T has naffed up the computer? :roll: You must be fuming!! You'll never get a shed for your pusskin at this rate! What is he like? Do you not know anyone at all with good skills who can help? If you were nearer my nephew would have had a look for you.

    Losing posts in infuriating, but easily done. At least the joint is cooked ready for reheating as and when so you deserved to put your feet up for while :)

    Barbara my neighbour is well looked-after. She is such a nice lady so smiley and pleasant. The others in the ward are either profoundly deaf, confused or both so she is the only one giving something back to the staff!

    Mr B is so funny!! To ill to go to the Drs :lol: Funny but honestly :roll: He might get well on his own - will he at least speak to the chemist about what he can take? They might send him to the Dr anyway.

    Remember to book your cream tea ASAP after Mr B is better it's easy to forget these things :) Isn't it a blessing to have good neighbours? t69044

    Kath what a fabulous poem you are clever - mind you I've said that before about your poems :D I am so glad you remember your Uncle Gordon fondly :)

    Did Avril also emigrate? Are you in touch much if so?

    I love Dawlish Warren as do my 'kids'. Sure their kids will too in future t4591

    The caramel tart was lovely thanks t4591

    A quick woo-oo! to Joan :) I forgot to say the plumber fixed Lucy's radiator and our boiler problem is to do with the 'diverter'. I hope Sue is warm enough in her room, but not too warm.

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni yes that's right it goes off when it want's to. has soon has the boiler stop's we have a number to ring and they will come because the boss phoned up and asked what we thought about the heating good or not bad or rubbish you can guess what sue said.
    Kathleen thank you Avril for saving our friend.
    Barbara I had to laugh at your husband I hope he feels better to go soon.
    Carol I bet. you feel so mad I'm sorry. (((((((())))))))
    ((((((((Aidan)))))))) I hope you will feel better soon.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hcold hcold hcold ! WE HAVE SNOW! (mutter, shiver. moan) But the rain is washing it away. scold scold scold scold

    Joan, bless you for what you said about Avril. Is Sue's radiator fixed?

    Toni, yes Avril, Paul, Julie and Steve all emigrated. Lee was born over there, but died in a motorbike racing accident when he was about 21. Paul was also involved in a (different) race accident, but thankfully he survived. I think Steve was also in an accident. :shock: I stay in touch with Avril on FB, so does my sister.

    Aidan, Chris and I have been coughing just lately. He gets one at this time every year. I think mine is down to Bronchiectasis - I just hope I'm not growing Pseudomonas. :o I've not had any for a couple of years. :?

    Sending (((()))) t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 and t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 along with some t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all to be honest it felt like evening all day..very dark..we did have snow this morning but it soon melted..
    Aiden poor you ..not good when it stops you sleeping you will feel drained.. :(I really hope you feel better very soon..lots of fluids Matron...and not to much cleaning..... I will stamp my feet..on OHs foot..gosh hes stubborn.. I did say about the tea for two..well you could go with your niece..its for his 70th Birthday so that wouldn't look neighbours know the lady very well, so would find out..sorry I am rambling.. :lol: I hope the cough doesn't get any worse and you feel better soon..thanks for the breakfast I have just had it for Tea.. :D
    Joan glad that Sue says they are rubbish it will make them take notice..good on her...
    Kath thanks for the are now second in command for food :lol: how awful for your cousin to loose her brother like that..and the other one having an accident glad you are in touch with her
    Toni your neighbour sounds so lovely and like you say it helps the nurse through there awful day..I know our skin gets thin with age is that the reason they cant close the wound..bless her I will say a little prayer ...hope you are not coming down with this cough...we want you on that cruise..all relaxed..
    Carol I hate losing Mr T is in the your bad books..same has Mr B is in mine :roll: hopefully someone will be able to get into the comp..
    Now I had better to all... t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, snow, then sleet, then ice rain, now rain.........a bit of everything so far.

    So Miss Sleek woke you early as did our three. "is it time to get up now Daddy" no, it isn't. I did nod off again, after a rather tortuous night. Pepe will have already told Sleek that Daddy is still not shifting that hairball and he has definitely swallowed a mouse.

    I am sure his Lordship will oblige with his longest cat in the area pose, for her Ladyship.

    I might be heading for a second lot of AB's, will have to wait until later in the week. Steroids are helping, but only one day left of them, so payback time once they have worn off.

    I am shattered to be honest, but keep going, as you do. The Ab's won't do anything for the cold on top of the infection. Think B has the cold coming, but no coughing yet. :?
    Keep an eye on yours, I thought mine would be over and done with and the day after I was wheezing and rattling, on demand :roll: ((())) to you too.

    No, masks are a great idea, in fact I might wear one, until all colds and bugs have abated. Everything has been miltoned here, if it stays still, it gets sprayed. Shower all bleached. We are pretty tidy having had a cathartic session with old paperwork, like the tax
    d'habiatition and tax fonciere charges, for the houses we had in France. :? :shock: Bags of rubbish we had. All duly removed. We wanted some new folders for Dad to keep things in

    All the lovely puskins enjoyed their visit to tarn moor, Miss Sleek went far afield, to the top of Embsay Crag, to gather the required "herbs" for the potion she is making. :shock:

    Glad they had the tent to shelter in, lots of rooms, lounges, comfy beds too.

    Everyone wore their finest waterproof clothing, lots of wax coats and designer wellies.

    Glad to hear that the plumber fixed the jobs he had to do, or does he have to come back with a new diverter (whatever they are, Mr B will know).

    Hi Joan, oh that boiler of yous, is beyond a joke. Doing what it wants when it wants.
    Go Sue, you tell them like it is girl. I hope she told them it was more than rubbish. Carers trust would be very interested to hear about this I am sure.
    Thank you for the extra hugs, I am getting there :roll:

    We had snow first thing Kath, then it turned to sleet, then rain and some more rain. :roll:
    A lot of family emigrated to Australia then Kath, terrible about the accidents.
    Good to hear that you keep in touch with Avril on FB, this is where the internet makes the whole world a better place, when family can talk in real time and seem a whole lot closer. Have you been to Australia?

    It is a year to the week, that I had my last lot of steroids and AB's for a chest infection :roll: timing eh. Hope Chris feels better soon, or is as the Drs as soon as needs be. Now, we don't want any pseudomonas growing, it is one of those things that lives all around us, but does not usually cause any problems. Found in soil, water etc. Often when someone is immuno compromised the problems can arise. Let's make it many more years without it as well.

    Leaving you lots of hugs (((()))) and sparkles t115006

    Right, I must get my baking head on and serve something with our T.

    Pear and caramellised white chocolate galette with lemon creamimg18984.1426x713.jpg

    See, Barbara has beaten me to it..................quick, let me post XXX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Phew, just in time, right, I will say bye for now and catch up later.

    I hope Carol is speaking to Mr T :? :? after the computer oooops.

    Mr B is very stubborn Barbara, you are quite right, we need to hatch another plan. A home visit, the Dr is coming at 12 :) or, you can go to the surgery - press one, for option one, two for option two. :lol::lol:
    It has been dark as soot all day here, lights on since getting up this morning.

    I am getting there, just about to take another AB. The steroids are always quicker to work, but I cannot stay on 8 a day :shock:

    Right, onwards, tea to make. Biscuits to eat, trying not to cough.

    Love to all XXXX Take care XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning to one and all, no snow, no rain, :shock:

    Hope everyone is as ok as possible.

    Just thought I would pop in and sort out some breakfast etc.

    A quiet evening here ( when I am not having hairballs ). Siesta time, no coughing at first, which was lovely, but I was BING wide awake, which is just typical. :roll: :roll: So I lay there, then, of course, you start to cough. :x :x

    Caught up with ski jumping, now the tennis is on. Have loads of programmes to catch up with, but they will keep.

    Puskins are all dozing. Pepe said Miss Sleek gathered her special herbs, from the moors. He has no idea what she is up to. He just knows they are "special". :? :? They did enjoy their time out together, including Cuddles, who seems to be coming out of her shell a bit now.

    I won't delay, time to potter a bit, before T.

    Love to everyone, take lots of care. Some rather tempting pastries for breakfast. XX Aidan t115006 t115006

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day to day.
    Barbara how is your husband today if he feels to bad would he go to the Doctor then.
    ((((((((Aidan)))))))) I hope things are working today. the boiler stopped working in the night so we will see what happens next.
    take care love to Toni
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all ..yes I'm early..well ish :lol:
    Aiden you are a star why didnt I think of saying the GP is coming on an home visit..hes in bed at the min but I do think that might work :o I see everything is all clean and sterilized..I did see one lady wiping the supermarket thing I forget to do...I hope you managed to catch up on some sleep last night...but I think maybe not with that cough...(()) and I hope B is not coming down with it....
    ooh the pear and white chocolate tart look good..will save that for later and help myself to a couple of. pastries...thankyou..
    Joan you laugh away at OH serves him my plan is thanks to Aiden is to say the GP is coming on an home visit..unless he wants to go there..I think he will go like a shot..
    Kath I remember you putting a pic on of the lumps..sorry cant spell it and forgot to copy..I hope they dont you have physio for the Bronchiectasis, they really help my brother to clear his chest..
    Right off to get my plan into to everyone xxxxxx t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All our snow has gone now. Warmer today, and sunny all morning bt it's clouding over now. :o

    Barbara, the lumps were my Vasculitis rash. Bronchiectasis is a lung condition. Yes Aidan, but it is usually those with CF and/or Bronch who get Pseudo in there lungs. :?

    Thought you might like a magical cake with a tiara and septre for Miss Slimkin. It would suit her, and impress Pepe.

    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I confused you there Kath..I meant to say do you have Physio for the Bronchiectasis
    And I remember the pics you put on of the rash come lumps..very nasty they were
    Just want to say that Aidens plan worked..OH has an appointment for 5 30.. :) his colour changed when I said the GP was coming to visit..
    right better make sure he goes..
    Love to all xxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all.

    Hope everyone is as ok as possible.

    Still barking and trying to rid those hairballs, Pepe is quite fed up with it now :shock: me to puskin.

    So your boiler went off in the night Joan? I assume it has not started again, which is just not on. Sue needs to get her teeth into the Boss.
    Go Sue, Go Joan. We are all right behind you, you can always say this ongoing saga is now widely known of on the internet. Shame them a little I bet.

    Thank you for the hugs, I am still taking the ab's and have finished the steroids today :(

    Hi Barbara, ah, you like my cunning plan :) I thought it might just work, so fingers crossed it does.
    I bet he will be off like a shot, like you say, if he thinks the Dr is coming to see him at home :shock:

    Glad all is spick and span and the lady at the supermarket was right to give the trolley handle a wipe, heaven knows what lurks on them :mrgreen: :shock: :shock:

    I did sleep some last night, in between coughing and spluttering. The steroids have finished now, shame, they make things seem that bit easier. AB's are still on going.

    I did go out with B and Dad this morning, went for a coffee and a cake and a splutter. :roll: :roll: I had had enough by the time we got back.
    B has the cold part, but fortunately not the bad chest. He went to the health store and got some Echinacea drops. He is still busy with his seed bead work.

    Keep us posted if your plan works, for Mr B to be seen.

    Enjoy the goodies.

    Hi Kath, that magic cake with tiara and wand, wow, Miss Sleek will love it to bits and pop it into her spare tiara box in the wardrobe. Pepe has seen it and thinks it is amazing.

    It is those who have CF or Bronchiectasis who are more prone to pseudomonas. I remember nursing a patient who had it in the palms of his hands, :shock: I saw his hands at first off and said, that looks like pseudomonas and I was not wrong. We managed to treat it though.

    Hope your ouches are not too troublesome. Leaving some extra hugs and some sparkles. t115006 t4591

    Now, is Toni visiting her neighbour or nursing a cough? I will have to ask Pepe to check in when they chatter later on. Either way, I hope your neighbour is doing as well as possible and if your cough is any worse, we will have to get Dr Clooney out to see you, if you don't mind too much :lol::lol:

    Sleek has been over early doors, she brought the jar of herbs and took them to the ravine, as Silver had requested them. I am itching to know what is going on. Pepe only had a quick word as she was whizzing past, it seems to be a little task between Silver and Sleek.

    Ok, I know you are a bit chesty, so if you want to use a fork and eat with pinkies out, then feel free, otherwise, it's all yours. Chocolate Cream Pie.


    I hope there is peace restored at Carol's, with regard to the laptop.......... :? :? not long now until your Birthday trip to see the family.

    Hi to Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD and all.

    I had better move, put the kettle on, let's see if I can nap in a while. We will see............

    Take care, love to all. XXX Aidan

    Oh, I just spotted you there Barbara, you did it, hoorah, the plan worked. Way to go team Barbara and team Matron :lol::lol::D:D Let us know what the Dr says. xx
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One f those peach pastries for me I think Aidan tahnk you very much :)

    I have definitely got a cough. Lucy and Paul have colds I haven't got one. Will message neighbours husband see if he would rather I kept away :(

    Although I can hear some signs of improvement in you I still think you might need more ABs those with heart/respiratory problems have needed extra here in our village :?

    Miss Sleek has been reassuring Pepe that there is o ouse and the Dr had given you medicine for your hairball :wink: and I have a photo for him from her :)

    Tarn Moor was a definite hit!! She loved it and came home with just a few small sprigs of herbs which I believe are rather rare......

    I still have the cough, but am being careful. Had ECG this morning and all was well so the breathlessness isn't my heart good :)

    I got those Milton wipes and am attacking everything too and washing may hands like a mad woman!

    Well done sorting paperwork so Dad can get his all organised.
    Plumber will be back to do the diverter.

    Barbara - oddly enough my neighbour's pressure sore is covered over, but the infection is inside the skin in the bone :shock: They daren't take the risk of more surgery with her skin being so fragile :(

    Please do say a prayer for her she so wants to come home and now I don't even think I will be allowed to visit :(

    I will get rid of this cough before the cruise I promise :)

    Kath I am glad to hear you are still in touch with the life-saving Avril :)

    What were the boys all thinking of racing bikes and having dreadful accidents?! :shock: Your poor Aunt and uncle.

    I also have a cough you take care I don't want you ill properly with those pseudomonas :( ((()))

    Oh!! How Miss Slimkins adores her special cake!! I have NOT face-splatted it because it's so amazing!!

    Thank you xxx

    Joan they took a chance asking you to let them know what you thought of the heating!!!! I cannot believe they had the nerve!! It's no good really having rads which do their own thing :roll: Go Sue telling it as it is!

    Will try to pop back later


    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    We had very lazy afternoon and evening yesterday did not do much at all after cooking and eating our usual Sunday roast. And I did manage to see my favourite TV programme Call the midwife that has just started a new series first one was last night. this week will be busy 3 full days to go before we go off for the weekend and Thursday we will be out in the evening too for our fortnightly meal with the church group. My new tops have been tried on and both fit nicely, so now just looking forward to the weekend and seeing all the family.

    Aidan Yes laptop is now put aside until we come home from Kent then Mr T will be taking it to shop to see if they can sort it out but we are talking and peace is restored although I am still a bit annoyed with what happend. love the picture of Pepe. Glad the ABs seem to be kicking in hope you will soon feel better.

    Toni Mr T did naff it up yes trouble is he will always fiddle around with something after you have done what needs to be done, i was fuming believe me after all that work but at least I had all my stuff off before he did it. love the picture of Sleek very laid back.

    Joan believe me I was really mad over the laptop.

    Barbara think we had better put Mr T and Mr B on the Naughty step :lol: i hate loosing posts too especially if it was a nice long one.

    nearly time to get up and go and sort out something for our evening meal.
    Love and sparkles to you all t4591 t115006 and some of these to cheer us all up t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone.

    Been busy. The cold I’ve had since Christmas is still lurking and has hit back with a chest infection. Totally lost my voice earlier today.

    Rheumy appointment tomorrow, have soooooooo many questions.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to one and all, a clear and mild night, in comparison to recent days.

    Hi Toni, you are more then welcome to the rather fancy peach pastries (you didn't miss the chocolate cream pie did you) :shock: I saved it for you

    So you are the one with the cough and like B, Paul and Lucy have the colds.........oh dear, let's get those sparkles from Silver, showering down t115006
    What did your neighbours hubby say, about visiting? There are so many bugs at the moment, it's that time of year again.

    I have two more full days of AB's left, steroids have finished. This afternoon I have only had a few hairball incidents :shock: and I managed to sleep a while at siesta time, which is a huge improvement.
    I cannot hear any more meeces, much to Pepe's relief, so touching the sideboard and all other wooden objects, I am hoping things are on the mend.

    I will soon know if there is still something lurking and will not hesitate to see Dr. Unlike Mr B, who has finally gone to the surgery, after the second plan was put into action :roll: :roll: Men eh :lol:

    Pepe is in love with Miss Sleeks most recent picture and has pinned it to my headboard. Gliding and posing at the same time is a great talent.

    There are rare herbs on the moors above Bolton Abbey. There has been more activity in the Ravine, since the herbs were placed there by Miss Diddicat. Such a lot of rustling and strange noises :? :?

    Glad your ECG was ok and I see you are going mad with the milton wipes, oh we do like clean. I always have a bottle of the milton hand gel in my bag (with a spare gel, any other brand, just in case).

    We will soon have Dads paperwork organised, at least then he can see it all in one place, rather than go up in the air because he cannot find something.

    I will add another prayer for your neighbour, who so wants to come home and who can blame her. t4591 I will light some candles too.


    Hi Carol - that's good to have a quiet afternoon and evening, Sunday is the day of rest after all.

    I noticed there is a new series of call the midwife. I have not followed the series, but have heard good reviews of it. MIL loved it.

    Busy days ahead, then meal out with Church and then off to wear your new tops, with the family get together. Bet you cannot wait.

    I am glad peace is restored, even thought the laptop "issue" was rather disgruntling to say the least.

    Pepe is just like Sleek, they both take good pictures, selfie time :lol::lol:

    I am hopeful for the AB's to have worked, first time round. We shall see, chest is definitely better than it was 24 hours ago.

    Hi Kerrin, I am sure you have been busy, you are always on the go with all the children in your care. No, you have a chest infection too, goodness, we are all in a state, we need putting in a bag and shaking. :shock: I hope you are on the mend with antibiotics.

    Rheumy today, hope it goes well, make a list of questions, I trust you get some positive answers. ((()))

    Barbara, how did the Drs appointment go for Mr B? I am certain you will have made sure he was on time.

    Well, that time went by in a flash, it is 1am already. I had better have a little potter, then watch some more tennis from sunny Melbourne.

    Hi to everyone else, to Christine, Elizabeth, DD, Mig, Toady, Charrisse and all.

    Take lots of care, we don't want any more t2507 or the ward will be full.

    Some soul food for breakfast I think. XXX Aidan

    Cream waffles with peaches and toasted pecan sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear Kerrin, a teacher with no voice - not good. :? One of the children at my daughter's school dropped some mash potato on the dining hall floor and Em slipped and twisted her knee. So she has the ouchies now. The times I did that when I worked at school. Fwll flat on my back once and our nurse wouldn't let me get up for 15 minutes. :lol:

    Glad that Sleek and Pepe liked her tiara. I've found an alternative for spring. t4591 t115006 t115006

    We went to Sawley Co-op this morning. A little bit of drizzle, but we still sat on our benches.

    m0150 t69044 t69044 t69044 m0150 m0150 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Carol Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I hope your husband gets on alright at the Doctors.
    Kathleen i'm sorry you have so many problems.
    ((((((Toni)))))) I hope all of you are soon feeling back to normal.
    Carol i'm sorry about the laptop it wont be long now before you see your family.
    ((((((Aidan)))))) I hope you will soon feel back to normal.
    ((((((Kerrin)))))) good luck tomorrow I hope your cold goes soon.
    He came last night to look at the boiler and has ordered 3 part's he has put urgent it will take 3 days we are in the kitchen with the convector heater.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx