Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I hope you have a good weekend.
    Kathleen are the bird's in your garden or on the television.
    Toni I hope your neighbour comes home soon.
    ((((((((Aidan and B))))))) I hope you both feel better quick.
    Kerrin. I hope it's not too painful for you the train journey.
    yes we had a good day shopping in Sainsbury's and a round town.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..
    Did I really say WhatsApp..I am so used to using that ..but meant snapchat.. :lol:
    Yes Aiden I attended choir on it..but Toni had to come and look for me.. :lol:
    So sorry you are are feeling more poorly ..what a shame after you seemed to be picking up..and poor B..some gentle healing hugs for both of you..and sprinkles of course..(()) dad has a new recliner..good for him ..its nice to be comfy, I bet you find him asleep now when you pop round.. :)I used to love walking round showrooms and dreaming.. :lol: glad you got to the hopefully you can get that apportionment ..will it be next week ..ours opens Saturday morning but no chance there...thankyou for the hugs for our neighbour..its an horrible thing apparently he didnt know his change has yet but they said there are wires everywhere.. :shock:
    Toni I did mean Snapchat and not WhatsApp.. :lol: I live in WhatsAppo world..good to hear Lucy's medical went well go Lucy... :D
    Joan glad you both had a good day yesterday..hope the weather was good for you..
    Now I will help myself to the Vegetarian breakfast bake..thanks to Aiden.. :D
    Love to all ... t4591 xxxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh that is lovely Aidan! I have had a large portion it's still warm :) thank you.

    Yes my neighbour was covered in sparkles (I think I was the only one who could see them though non-one said a word) and is on her blowup and blowdown bed and 2 hourly turns (allegedly). One of her sons is visiting this weekend (none of them is anywhere near local, but they come lots) so she is happy and she'd had her hair washed and blow-dried.

    Physios coming 2x daily for prophylactic chest drainage. the other ladies in the bay are more alert too so she is happier about that while she waits to go home. Thank you for continuing to pray for her :)

    The Rev has had a sad time unfortunately :( Her beloved doggie died :( He was very old, deaf and sweet. The kind I would have but can't - a border terrier. If I had one it would get stuck down a rabbit hole or chase pheasants or something!!

    Now I am a little worried about you. Are you giving it the weekend before you have a chat to the doc? I know you will be sensible I don't need to chase you up :) ((()))

    The local authority are a tad risk-aware so that's why Lucy had to be seen. Fair enough on both sides.

    Sleek adores her unicorn Tiara and looks lovely in it. She might just have talked Pepe into having one too - it's slightly less flamboyant having a horn and dark blue silky mane which shimmers.

    My goodness the racket they were all making on skype!! Sleek screeches doesn't she when she laughs!! :lol: Pepe was gliding on the back of a chair and 'falling off' to make her laugh. Geri and Tomi were there too. Tomi feigning indifference though :wink:

    Zizzis is more pasta thank pizza although they do do them too of course, but it's all freshly prepared and yum.

    I hope Dad's new chair is delivered soon. He deserves a treat now I think :)

    Barbara it was you who spilt the contents of a bedpan all over the floor was it? :? Ooops!! Still if Nurse Clooney spotted you it might have been worth it.

    Sorry to hear about your neighbour having sepsis. How frightening that is :( I really hope he recovers soon ((()))

    I didn't know about it either until our brush with cancer. I know it can be a killer :(

    Kerrin I very much hope the lack of MTX helps the chest infection along with your ABs. Glad Mr K has thrown it off himself. If your fingers get too much worse you might need the powers that be to try a different DMARD.

    Jeri is a dignified cat isn't he? Playing is for kittens not mature pusskins like himself :lol:

    A quick woo-ooo! To Joan I hope you both enjoyed yetserday's trip out and the weather kept ok we have rain rain and rain :( Thanks I really want my neighbour home safe and sound :)

    Love to everyone else.

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not gone out again because of rain, in spite of us both needing a haircut. :?

    Oh Toni, sepsis is so scary. I've had it twice. Once with cancer, second time was 2 years ago, with Pseudomonas and Pneumonia - TOGETHER! Greedy so and so aren't I. t2507

    Oh Joan hehehe. Have you been spying on me? I've just been watching Monty Don (recording) there were lots of birds on there. None in our garden though. Still tomorrow might be better.

    Aidan, t69044 t115006 t115006 t69044 Hope you start to improve soon.

    Everybody enjoy your fish supper. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone, dry, but dull (not me, the weather ) :shock: :lol::lol:

    Glad to hear you had a nice time shopping Joan and Sue. Nice to get out and about, hopefully in reasonable weather.

    Is the heating working for you - we all hope so, very much. If not, we are coming on the bus, Toni will drive :)

    Thank you for the hugs, I am sure we will be ok, just tired today, we both think it is Sunday, so at least we are both puddled. :lol::lol: :?

    Ah, it was snapchat then Barbara, I confuse the both of them and have never used either. I know so many people do. I have enough keeping up with FB :roll: isn't it the one where people put loads of pictures, or is it just a chatting platform, with video obviously.
    I will have to have a look at it.

    Thank you for the hugs and sprinkles, they always help. t4591 It is just a nasty bug. 3pm and I have more than peaked. Nice to sit on my gel cushion for a little while.

    Yes, Dad will be so happy with his new chair / recliner. It is the same as this one, but all electric operation. He will be asleep within minutes and yes, we will have to wake him up, without a doubt.

    They will bring it this coming week. Then he will be having all new windows and door, the others are way past their sell by date, so will be much better.

    Our Surgery does not open on Saturdays, only when it is flu jab time of year, but not for GP appointments. I will see how I am come Monday.

    Thinking of your neighbours Son and wishing him every possible strength and wellness. He will have every wire you can think of, which looks rather startling when you first see it all :shock: Visitors nearly fainted sometimes, when they saw all the drips, syringe drivers, monitors etc etc.

    Glad you liked the breakfast casserole, you cook them overnight apparently, on a low heat.

    How is Mr B on his AB's, is he improving, I hope so.

    Hi Toni I thought you might enjoy the casserole, yes, still warm, with some nice crusty bread from Barbara's machine.

    Only those of us who know that Unicorns are for real, will ever see the sparkles, they are there, but people who are not receptive, will never spot them.

    Good to hear that your neighbour is on an air bed and two hourly turns (that never quite work out to be 2 hours). Speaking from experience.
    She will be so happy that one of her Son's will be visiting. They sound a very close family, even though the children live far away.

    Physio's are busy with her chest and it always helps when you can have a little chat with other patients in the bay, rather than worry what they are going to do next :? :?

    I was going to ask about Rev Delphine's doggie, I knew he was old, bless, he will be chasing about and keeping an eye on her, without a doubt.

    Now, no worrying, you know neither of us do that :lol::lol: :shock: much.
    We will be ok and I will be off to the Drs if I am not improving more, by Monday.
    I don't mind if you are chasing me up. I will be sensible and go with my instincts.

    So the new Tiara arrived very quickly, Sleek must have a catazon prime account.
    Pepe didn't mind one of the blue ones, so he will order one later, he knows how much Sleek wants him to be in full regalia, for their majesties the unicorns.
    He thinks Miss Sleek is funny when she laughs, bless eh. Pepe has been performing, gliding, climbing, licking things (door frames, plastic things, crazy cat) :roll: :roll:

    He is eating all his dinners. Apparently, Miss Sleek saw the new boxes come into the vets, all pre wrapped in their cling packaging. Therefore, as the wrapping had not been touched, when I bought some, the Vets had not had time to turn the food into noxious things that were totally inedible. He is woofing them down at a rate of knots :shock: :shock:

    Tomi cat pretends he does not like to play, but Pepe and Sleek have seen him chasing imaginary things, when no one is looking.......just that his street cred might take a dent, if he plays like a puskin.

    Dads chair will be here within a week, it is the one in the showroom. £30 to deliver and we are less than two miles away :shock: :shock: given the price of the chair, I thought that was a bit steep..........but, rules is rules............ :roll: :roll:

    We did have a big "clean up" after Barbara had gone over on her towering heels. Lots of mopping and bleach.

    Sepsis is just horrid, it seems to be happening more often than I remember. I wonder if it is something to do with antibiotic resistance etc. It certainly can cause total organ failure. Mum had pneumonia and sepsis, but was too frail to fight it, even with treatments. :cry::cry:

    I think the Unicorn's are throwing a sparkle party tomorrow, for all the puskins, Pepe and Sleek were keeping it rather quiet. I imagine Sleek will have her blusher on and nails done too.

    Hi Kath, if you pop round, B will cut your hair :)
    If it's raining, then best not to go out and be soaked through.

    You were well managed when you had sepsis, let alone to have it twice, Pseudomonas and Pneumonia and Sepsis. I bet there were a few drips going through.

    Thank you hun, I am sure we will be ok. I noticed that your DWP decision was a good outcome. Rightly so too. Still waiting for my forms to drop on the mat............. :? :?

    Oh, fish chips and peas, can I have mushy peas, pretty please. Thank you.

    Let me go find something for pudding, we need soul food in winter.

    Everyone take lots of care, hi to all who are in, around and about.

    Catch up later. XXX Aidan

    Jam Roly Poly (with veggie suet) and lashings of custard

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, nice and dry and quite a bright moon tonight. Windy though cfly

    I am trying to make sure there is some jam roly poly left for everyone, I have only had three helpings so far :shock:

    I hope everyone is as ok as possible. Coughs, colds, lurgy's etc, are being driven out as quick as we can. I will shower us all with some sparkles


    Miss Sleek wanted to add to this, bless her.


    She is still having Unicorn adoration moments. t115006 t115006

    I see Carol has been having a lovely time with her family, some great pictures on FB Carol :) Thank you for sharing them.

    Hi Barbara, hope you are ok and your cough / cold, has not developed any further. Mr B is improving I trust, thanks to us sorting out the Drs appointment :D:D
    I see Jane McDonald has another cruising series coming up, starts on the 5th February, cannot wait.

    How is your heating doing Joan? Do we have heat in every room and does the boiler do as it is told. I hope you have a pleasant Sunday, you Sue and the doggies too.

    Miss Sleek had a chat with Pepe, they were talking Unicorns of course. Said Unicorns have been to see that all our lovelies in the Sanctuary are all super well and happy.

    I noticed that we have Wombats :shock: Johnny must have been out to rescue them. They are in a special enclosure, that is impervious to their digging of tunnels. They are strong animals, don't mind a back scratch but are not really for giving cuddles to, not with those teeth :shock:

    There was a lot of activity, with the keepers, vets and food deliveries.

    We have had a quiet evening, we caught up with the ladies tennis final, so glad that Caroline Wazniacki won her very first Grand Slam title and is back at No 1 in the world.
    Just the mens final to watch this morning, will Roger collect another Grand Slam? Or will Cheung steal the show. It will be great to watch.

    Dad came round on Sat morning, for coffee and for me to sort out his new Blue Badge online.
    Mine arrived in the post, so that is sorted for a few more years. It is a lot easier being able to do things online.

    I am still coughing, B is still sneezing and being sn--ty :?

    Another day at home and we might even feel a bit better.

    Right. I had better move myself. Some pots to throw about and Pepe will be wanting more food as soon as I move a muscle.

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, Kerrin and all.

    Take lots of care. I will see what is for breakfast and post it below.

    Love to all t115006 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Breakfast, Pumpkin, Pecan and Croissant bake. Calorie free, hoorah.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Toni Kathleen and anyone else I missed
    ((((((((Aidan and B)))))))) I hope you manage to get a Doctors appointment tomorrow. yes the boiler is working well we can even turn it down and it still works sue's rad will be fixed on the 12 Feb.
    Barbara I hope you are having a good weekend.
    Toni ((((((your neighbour)))))) I read you can get a cup of tea ice cream.
    Kathleen you have been through such a lot you are a strong lady.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That is my kind of breakkie especially if it's calorie free Aidan!

    I only had three bowls of jam roly-poly too left plenty for anoyone else!

    Lucy was admitted with neutropenic sepsis when she was diagnosed with leukaemia and my friends husband died of it so I know how vile it is. Kath and Lucy were very lucky! The advert for guide dogs proves it too both the people on there had it I think....well at least the bloke did.

    Just praying Barbara's neighbour is on the mend very soon ((()))

    Dad's chair looks great! of course he can have a nap in it ;) £30 delivery is a bit steep if we lived nearer Paul would pick it up in the van never mind it's worth it.

    New windows and doors too! why not? I expect they needed doing for a while, but he wouldn't want the upheaval for mum when she was poorly :(

    I hope you and B really do just have colds now, but I know you will be sensible :) Apologies for checking in though :oops: :wink:

    NOW I understand why I was the only one who saw the sparkles all over my neighbour's hospital bed!! She is being well looked after, but not as well as she is at home as regards the pressure area I'm afraid :( The DN will have something to say :shock:

    Miss Sleek ordered Pepe's tiara with her catazon prime account so it's here she will be over later with it for him :) He is very tolerant isn't he? Mind you they both want to pay homage to the unicorns they are so in awe of them.

    I know he loves to make Miss Sleek laugh because her laugh is so funny he joins in!!

    Wombats? So that is the racket I heard when I went to the sanctuary! Jonny!! He really ought to warn us :lol: I might go and see them later on and scratch their backs :)

    Supervet is due tomorrow hence all the activity getting ready. I think everyone is ok, just nails to trim and teeth to check over.

    Kath have you been to Aidan's for your haircut?

    You and Lucy were so lucky with your brushes with sepsis my friend's husband died of neutropenic sepsis as did a few of Lucy's peers. I am very glad you and Lucy are here and well now!

    I did my bird watch yesterday afternoon and it was far worse than last year!! 7 pigeons and only ONE female robin and a pair of magpies who just wouldn't land on the ground Grrr!!. Where are my regular wagtails???

    Fish was an ideal supper last night thanks and a small piece of Aidan's jam roly poly :)

    I hope Barbara is ok. :?

    As well as Kerrin, Mig and Christine.

    Hi Joan thank you for your hugs for my neighbour. I am very pleased to hear the boiler is working, but not that Sue's rad won't be fixed until 12th feb. I hope she is warm enough?

    Love to all

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well I'm in the middle of the Bird watch. No sign of anything yet! Yes Aidan, Meropenham drip every 4 hours. :roll: Even when unconscious. My nurse found me hanging out of bed several times, but I never knew. I also remember being put on Oxygen for 5/6 days. :o My sister came to see me, and she was shocked - especially after listening to Emma's (my nurse) horror stories.
    I might pop round tomorrow for my hair cut, with Chris in tow. :D I'm glad you enjoyed your fish supper with mushy peas. :D

    Joan, I'm nowhere near as strong as you are. I'm a big baby really. t4591 t115006 t4591

    Wombats, they moan and groan as much as I do. :lol:

    Love to Barbara, Elizabeth, mig, Kerrin and Caro.

    m0150 t69044 t4591 t115006 m0150 t69044 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    was just going to post and visitors have turned up so will post to everyone xxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone, a grey day, some drizzle, but quite mild.

    It was blowy and wet in the night, woke me a few times, then the cats were messing about and woke me umpteen times as well :roll: :roll: now, they are all :animal_busy: :roll:

    Hi Joan, I am hoping I don't need to go back to the Drs. I have been barking, or hairballs as Pepe says. But less so than yesterday, so some improvement. B is still full of cold, but not chesty. Thank you for the hugs. Bless you.
    I am glad to hear the boiler is doing what it should, even allowing you to turn it down. Now you have to wait for another two weeks for Sue's radiator to be fixed, not good. Do you have the convector heater in her bedroom?

    A cup of tea ice cream :? you can indeed, Haagen Dazs do a green tea ice cream and royal milk tea........... :shock: I am sure they taste yummy, but I would be stuck with the chocolate one until I popped. :lol:

    It is my kind of breakfast too Toni, (not that we ever eat breakfast at home)
    I made sure all the calories had been taken out, without loosing the taste :)

    You did well with the Roly Poly, three helpings is about right, during winter time. We need reserves of pudding and cake, to see us through to spring :? :? :lol::lol:

    Yes, Kath and Lucy were very lucky. It is certainly a potential killer and something as innocent as a little scratch or nick, can lead to sepsis in some cases.

    Prayers added to yours, for Barbara's neighbour. Let's hope they caught it in time.

    Oh Dad will be asleep in his new chair, I know we will have to wake him up on a regular basis. He is bad enough in any normal chair, or in the back of the car, he sits down and is gone.......... :lol: Me, I need a chemical kosh, just to get me to doze.

    The windows need doing, they are double glazed, but they don't have any locks / bolts, when you turn the handle on them, so they are not secure. The door is pretty tired, so might as well be done at the same time.

    They didn't want any upheaval while Mum was alive, so things kind of get ignored with regard home improvement.

    No need for apologies for checking in, we both do the same thing :) I am sure they are colds now and my coughing of hairballs is not as bad by any means.

    I am glad to hear that your lovely neighbour is being well looked after, but as you rightly say, people improve more in their home environment in the main (unless there is no family to help at all). I am sure the D Nurses will have something to say. I am afraid nurses always think they do the best job possible. It is part of being a nurse, we do more in the ward, we do more in the community.......... :roll: They all do the best that they can and want to do more, but there are constant constraints.

    Pepe likes his Unicorn Tiara


    Nice and bright and the animal print is much to his approval. 8)

    He is very tollerant, he knows what Miss Sleek is like, with her beauty regime, nails, hair, make up, jewellery etc. :roll: They will be catching up again later, when we are having a siesta. Kind of Hermione to transport the Tiara for him.

    Yep, Wombats, a whole family of them, they are pretty huge, weigh about 70 kilos. Johnny just gets called out and then we suddenly have new arrivals.
    Nails and teeth, not sure if Wombats need their teeth trimming, they are pretty HUGE. :shock: :shock:

    Birdwatch, robins, sparrows, dunnocks, blue tits, coal tits, wren, blackbirds, no bull finches or wagtails today. Tree creepers are about, but we don't have a tree in our garden.

    No Birdies at yet then Kath, that's not good, I am sure some will appear.
    Meropenem is a very strong antibiotic, used in Sepsis, Peritonitis etc.
    You did very well to remain strong and come through the super infection, even if you were hanging out of the bed on a few occasions.

    You are more than welcome to pop round for haircuts tomorrow. Give us chance to get back from the GC...........

    Those wombats do make some strange noises :shock:

    Hi Barbara, there you were and now you have gone, visitors arriving. At least i can get the cake ready before T.

    Hi to Kerrin, Mig, Christine, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.

    I will go and potter a little, it is pill time, again. Never ends.

    Everyone take lots of care, catch you later on XXX Aidan

    Sticky Toffee Puddings with Custard and Salted Caramel Sauce.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    No birdies all day, let alone during 1 hour. So I think I'll cheer myself up with one or two sticky toffee puddings. I'll be ready at 5am for the haircut. Shall I bring my best garden shears? :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kathleenT wrote:
    No birdies all day, let alone during 1 hour. So I think I'll cheer myself up with one or two sticky toffee puddings. I'll be ready at 5am for the haircut. Shall I bring my best garden shears? :lol:

    No, no need to bring anything with you, B has all the latest technology in hair care :lol::lol::lol: xx

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..Im here.. :shock: it was my friend and husband that visited they were passing.. :) is it just me but visitors really tire me out these days..but lovely to see them.. :)
    Aiden the pic is brilliant..B really is up to date with the equipment.. :lol: now let see if I can remember what you all say..glad you dont feel any worse..but back to your doctors tomorrow.. if you do or we are all coming round..its good that B is not to has his chair coming next week..gosh the delivery is awful.. :shock: :shock: but at least its what he wants..OH is a lot better thankyou for asking and my cough has nearly gone.. it wasn't has bad as OHs..thank goodness..I have made up a doggie bag of all the food you have brought in..and will have it in a min.. :D
    Toni I am glad to hear your neighbour has an air bed..she must be suffering ..bless her hopefully the DNs will take over very soon..I am so sorry the Rev D has lost her doggie..its heartbreaking when they go... :( Lucy was so lucky not to get an horrible thing on top of everything sorry she lost some friends from it.. :cry:
    Joan has her boiler fixed thank goodness now Sues rad on the 12th...about time its going to be spring...
    Kath that is awful you had sepsis twice.. :o gosh you must have suffered..but like Joan says it shows you are strong..did you managed to get your hair cut :)
    Thankyou all for asking about out neighbour..he is still very poor;y but expected to pull through his kidneys and liver have suffered badly so he will be in hospital for a while..such an horrible disease :shock:
    Right I am going to tuck into this doggie bad .. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 xxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well back home from a great weekend, We had a mad, crazy, and fantastic meal last night and got some nice presents, so I feel I have been one very spoilt person at the moment. Mr T brought me a really beautiful Pearl Necklace ( I will take a picture of it and post on here tomorrow) if you are on Facebook there are some great photos all over it posted by family members if not if you are not I will post a few on here for you when i have downloaded them all onto my computer. here is one to be getting on with .
    me and Mr T two.jpg?dl=0

    I am now officially shattered to say the least it has been a very busy three days, just hoping Arthur don't decide to give me
    real bad payback tomorrow. i am just off for a potter will post again tomorrow i just want to :animal_busy: right now

    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A late evening / early morning to all. Goodness me it is blowing a hoolie outside cfly cfly

    Hi Barbara You enjoyed your visitors, but, they do tire you out, I can totally sympathise with that statement. I feel exhausted before people arrive, let alone after they have gone :roll: :roll: :lol: So no, it is not just your good self.

    I thought you might like B's latest hair dryers, they really are very a la mode. :lol::lol: Kath is coming round for her hair do, so she will be under one of the contraptions. :shock: Don't worry, they are quite safe :? :?

    I don't think I will go to the Dr's today, intermittent barking, but not as bad, (apart from nearly choking on my sandwich) :roll: :roll:

    No, I don't feel worse, just getting a bit stalled that the lurgy is still kind of hanging around. B is very sniffy and sneezy, but not coughing.
    Dad will be very happy with his new all singing recliner chair. He will be asleep 90% of the time :shock: :? if we don't keep him on his toes.

    Glad the OH is feeling better and your cough is all but gone. See Mr B, our plan was for your good health :)

    You will need a doggie bag, there are loads to eat, cakes etc. Enjoy.

    Good to hear that there is some improvement with your neighbour, some of the damage will respond well to treatment and they will be monitoring everything under the sun, to make sure of the levels of kidney / liver functions etc. He will be in for a while, prayers continue. t4591

    Hi Carol Glad you are back, safe and sound, if a tad jaded after your week end with the family. I have seen the pictures, they are really good. The cake looked lovely and you have a wonderful pearl necklace from Mr T, fabulous :) t4591 Is that the necklace you are wearing at the meal? If so, it is wonderful.

    Will make sure you are showered with anti payback sparkles t115006 t115006 from our Unicorn family. See, you go away for a day or two and we have three unicorns and a gang of wombats :lol::lol:
    Sleep well.

    Well, I have been pottering and fussing and reading various articles online, time has marched on and it is nearly 1am. I can hear the wind roaring through the trees. :shock:
    No fly zone until all gales are over. I think they will calm down later today.

    Hi to everyone, in, around and about, hoping all are as ok as can be and sending lots of sparkles.

    Off to the GC this morning, for our coffee, t cakes / scone / more coffee....:)

    XXXX Aidan

    coconut breakfast buns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That's nice a coconut breakfast bun Aidan thank you (

    I love the fabulous equipment B has for hair-dos! I might even come over myself :lol::lol:

    I think you are right about your coughing being a cold, Pepe says your hairballs will be ok, but he is keeping an eye :? . This Drs kit has been back out did you notice? I think probably coming on the back of the chest infection it has got you worse than it would normally, but I will keep checking in :wink:

    Lucy had meropenum with each neutropenic infection. At the QE they save that AB for cancer patients only (and similarly immunosuppressed). It's good to know there is at least one AB in reserve isn't it?

    That is one lovely Tiara for Pepe bless him he likes to look smart too for Sleek. She has had her nails done to match hers and a lovely rose coloured blusher on her cheeks too. NB as regards the food from the vets: According to Sleek it is only those unsealed packs which could have been tampered with.

    I wish I could sleep like Dad does too Aidan how blissful to be able to drop off like that! It has always been my aim to fall asleep in front of the Queen's speech at one of the kids houses in future :lol:

    New safety doors and windows will make a
    real difference to him and you two will feel happier too.

    Of course 3 portions of warm desserts are vital this time of year :lol: ad it took 6 of the sticky toffee puddings with caramel sauce and added some clotted cream for good measure t4591

    Carol how lovely it sounds as if you had a lovely birthday!!

    Here's a belated


    Your necklace is lovely good job Mr T!!! You both look good in that photo - a copy in a frame methinks!

    You will be shattered, but so worth it - you are definitely on 70 once :D

    Barbara visitors are always lovely, but can be very tiring. I prefer to visit then I can leave before it becomes too much for me/us.

    I am very pleased to hear that Mr B is on the mend and you have your cough under control :)

    Thanks for the update on next door but one. That does sound promising, but liver injury and the same to kidneys may take a while to recover from. When chemo did that to Lucy's it was about 3 weeks before her bilirubin started to recover. She was a lovely shade of yellow though!!

    My neighbour just wants to go home bless her :( There she can have 'better' flavoured soups and the Speech and language therapists (they deal with all things 'swallowing') will give them something to add to them to make them even more nutritious.

    Kath did you see I had the same issue with our garden no birds :( and we have a really big garden too :? I wonder if that is a worry or just too early in the season :(

    Lucy also had meropenum in hospital a fair few times at the QE they save it for cancer patients which you and she needed. I am very glad it worked :) Each time they had her on oxygen I was terrified. Those were the very worst times, but look at you both now :) PHEW!!!!

    Joan - I know you'll be in soon :) I hope all is well with you? We have a dry day here quite mild too I hope Sue is warm enough in her room.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed.
    Toni I hope you all have a good day ((((((your neighbour)))))).
    Kathleen I have not seen any birds in our garden we have a big garden.
    Barbara I'm glad you and your husband are feeling a bit better.
    ((((((((Aidan and B)))))))) I hope you get an appointment with your Doctor today.
    Carol I'm pleased you had a good time thank you for the photo I have not got Facebook.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pity I couldn't make it Aidan. I quite fancied sitting beneath one of B's
    contraptions. It was slinging it down, and it looks as if it's on it's way back! scold scold scold scold :shock:

    Carol, Lovely piccie of you and Mr T. :D

    Toni, I don't know where all the birds went yesterday. You're very kind, but I wouldn't compare myself with Lucy. She has REAL courage. I was a quivering wreck. :o

    Sending everyone sparkles, t115006 t115006 t115006 hearts t4591 t4591 t4591 and flowers t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all late again...
    Carol what a lovely pic of you and hubby must say your top is lovely..I did think you would all have a good time :D glad you all did and a Happy Belated Birthday to catch up on some sleep..
    Aiden I am sure the dryers are safe B wouldn't have it any other way.. :shock: gosh I think they are even before my time.. :lol: I see Feddera won ..I am so pleased for him ..I did catch up on it but already knew the outcome.. :roll: now I am glad to hear you think the GP is not needed..but like you say keep an eye on things..listen to me telling you what to do... :oops: maybe the next time you vist the GC you could sneak some of there scones out for the cafe ..they do sound good.. :D .yes your plan was really good to get OH to the could you come up with another for next time.. :) am I allowed breakfast buns for tea..I do love coconut.. :D
    Toni another prayer will be said for your neighbour ..she really does need to get home..the nurse just don't have the time..poor Lucy really did go through it ...I do feel for you having to see her like the same I just cant fall asleep in the chair..I keep jumping just has I am nodding off.. :lol:
    Kath all those things you had to deal rain here today thank goodness..high tea you have reminded me I still have our voucher for one.. :D
    Joan thankyou yes we are much better..I wasn't too bad at all thank goodness..hope you and Sue are ok..
    We had quite a lot of birds on the feeders..but I forgot all about the bird watch.. :oops:
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Chilly, but pleasant today. Nice and clear now, after a dull start.

    Those hairdryers are just wonderful aren't they Toni, fully health and safety approved :shock: :shock: :? :? Feel free to pop over for a wash and blow dry, I am not sure if the heat can be regulated, but we can try them out. Kath was not convinced and had to cancel her appointment :? :?

    Barking intermittently, no major hairballs, so Pepe has stopped hunting for them now.
    He did have his Drs bag to hand and was taking temperatures and doing oxygen sats last night.
    I don't mind you checking in at all.

    I didn't choke on my scone this morning either, which is always a plus.

    It is indeed good that some powerful antibiotics are kept in reserve, for immuno compromised patients. We do need a few more in reserve though, just to be there, because the bugs become resistant so quickly.

    I will make sure I get the sealed packs from the Vets, so they cannot tamper with them and make them noxious.

    Pepe is most impressed with Sleeks make up and nails, to match her tiara. They had a cheeky fly round this morning while we were out, I thought the broom was warm and still fizzing in the cupboard. :shock: He wore his Tiara, pinned on with a thousand hair grips :lol::lol:

    Sleep, oh, it's a long story, I have been an incurable insomniac for as long as I can remember. I cannot count the nights I have watched the hours go past. Anyway, the Drs and Consultant decided that taking required medicine is more important than worrying about becoming reliant on it.
    Fortunately, the one tablet works as well now, as it did many years ago.

    I have always envied people who can drop off in an instant.

    I am sure you will drop to sleep in front of the Royal speech at some point in time :)

    Glad you had sufficient in the way of cakes and puddings :) That's the proper way, with clotted cream, to add more calcium.

    I do hope your neighbour hears some news about going home soon. The DNurses will take over and do a stirling job, as will the therapists.

    We must have had all the birdies, they seem to love our hawthorn hedge, gathering in it and chattering away, then the coal tits all descend, flit about and fly away. Mrs Wren is often busy in the gutters, checking for little bugs.

    Hi Joan, thank you for the hugs, I did not make an appointment for the Drs, I will see how I go for a day or two, if needs be, I will be off as fast as I can go.

    Are you sure about wanting to sit under the contraption Kath :shock: Don't worry about cancelling, Toni is going to give it a try.

    Did the birds know it was bird watch day and went into hiding in the hedges and nooks and crannies? Bet they all come out now.

    That high Tea looks wonderful, I need not bake a cake today, there is plenty to go at for us all. I will grab a plate and a spoon :)

    Barbara will be along soon, so I will say hi. Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, Christine, Charrisse and all.

    Time for me to potter a while. The Nymphs in the ravine have sent some sparkles, bless them.

    XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I was right, as I posted, so did Barbara :) Great minds think alike eh.

    Glad you are both ok, we need to demolish that high tea and yes, I will smuggle some scones our of the GC, to bring in the cafe.

    I did post a picture of one a while back, did I? I cannot remember, so here it is. :? :? :roll:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my goodness Aiden that is some scone..maybe we could all share it..but then again... :lol: sorry I got carried away again.. :oops:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to one and all, frosty night here, with a very bright moon.

    I think it is Carol's Birthday today, so, all together now, happy Birthday to you.............happy Birthday to you..............happy Birthday dear Carol, happy Birthday to you. t4591 t4591 t69044


    Hope you have a lovely day :)

    You are quite right Barbara, the hair "dryers" are out of the ark. I think they are run by a gas furnace :shock: :shock:

    Roger is just amazing, winning his 20th Grand Slam title, he was super emotional, not a dry eye in the arena. I did notice that he missed out on saying "see you next year". I wonder if he is going to retire soon? Just a thought. Not that I would blame him, he is one of the greatest players of all time and it would be nice for him to spend a lot more time with his lovely family.

    The scones are very large and very nice, I will certainly sneak some out and pop them in the cafe. Not too sure about the sharing of scones, that might be a bridge too far :lol::lol:

    Another plan, for Mr B's next medical visit -- will have to think. He will be wise to our ways now, so we need to tread carefully, but, where there is a will, there is a way. 8) 8)

    You can have breakfast buns whenever you like, there are no time restrictions on buns, cakes etc. Any time, is the right time. :D

    Make sure you use your high tea voucher, Mr B needs to take you asap.

    Kath was very kind to lay the table for afternoon T, those T pots were enormous, proper T pots.

    Hi to everyone else, Toni, how is your cough? Have you been to see your neighbour, I know her Son was visiting over the week end. Love and sparkles are winging their way to the ward t4591 t115006

    Sleek was on cat chat with Pepe, nattering under the bed covers while I was trying to nap :roll: :roll: Not sure when they are off to Hogwarts, there seems to be an air of excitement. Gliding has been prolific and appetite has been very good too. :shock:

    Kath, I hope you manage to get out and about today, with some better weather. Maybe a trip to the Co Op and a little sit on the bench :)

    Kerrin, I trust you are recovering from your cough / cold and your fingers are not too ouchy. t115006

    Hi to Christine Joan and Mig, Toady, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all who pop in for a cake and a cuppa.

    Have had a lazy evening, B is busy with his seed bead designs, I keep having a little potter.

    Off round to Dads this morning, sort some paperwork for him and put it into files. B is going to try and encourage him to sort the wardrobe and Mums clothes. Difficult as it is.

    No other great plans. See what else the day brings.

    Right, I will move myself and fuss in the kitchen.

    Everyone take lots of care. XXX Aidan

    We have Cherry and Chocolate Breakfast Pastry

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).