Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, ooo it's getting even hotter. Today was horrid. AC still on and I am almost sat on it :lol::lol:

    I don't think I a answered everything earlier, so will look back.

    Sorry you have Raynaud's too Toni, it is most unpleasant. When the colour drains from your fingers, it is really quite eerie. ((()))

    I don't blame you for being up early, when it is cooler, the world is quieter and little potterings can be done without getting in a total lather.

    I will start on the PIP, writing it out on the PC, as that is easier for me than pen to paper. Do a couple of stages each time, then re read and make sure everything is mentioned, no matter how small. If it stops me from performing normal daily tasks, then it is being mentioned.

    Poor Whilemena, wilting. Water and lots of it. We have two hibiscus at the front, despite watering, they have totally wilted and turned yellow. I drenched them the other night, so we will see.

    We have another 5 Hibiscus, we love them, had loads in France. They don't flower the same here though :? With so many plants in pots, they dry out in no time at all, even with gravel or slate on the surface.
    The Bud,,,,,,how do you spell it :roll: Butterfly bushes, are coming into flower now and more butterflies are appearing, which is lovely to see.

    Two new GC's, get you, :lol::lol: One with no T room, oh my goodness, how could they. Oh, ready to create a garden in one fell swoop, they have some fabulous specimen trees at our GC and the prices are rather HIGH. :shock: :shock: Instant impact though, if you had deep pockets.
    I remember last year they had a huge topiary bush, shaped into a horse, with jockey riding. It must have taken years of work to get it to that stage. It was £4000 :?

    I know Kath, it has been that temperature here, in the shade. You dream away with the 99 ice cream cones. I would devour one every hour, quite easily.

    You description of the heat, is spot on :lol::lol: Although, the hottest place I have ever been, was in Death Valley, Arizona, mid July, at Midday, driving through and stopping off to look at various old mining areas. that was 46 in the shade. So in the sun, you could cook on the roads or rocks, which people do.
    I was told off for not wearing a shirt, by one of the park rangers. He said your skin will start to peel within half an hour.

    It was an experience, the heat was intense but there was no humidity at all, so it felt totally different. If that makes sense. Sorry, I am waffling on and on...........................

    The heat addles the brain I feel Kath, we are all getting in a "state"

    Glad you enjoyed the football Barbara, apparently 32 million people viewed the match :shock: :shock:
    As you will have read, we were round at our neighbours, her son was 21.
    She had a gazebo in the garden with a big tv under it, so people could sit and watch it.
    We preferred to stand, I am no good with folding garden chairs, I would still be there, trying to get up.

    Their garden is south facing and it was baking hot. We migrated to stand under a big parasol. Then the BBQ's were lit, which was not far from us, only a few feet. Well, the heat, the flames, I was just about ready to keel over. So we went inside for a little while, had a couple more cold drinks (coke and lemonade), then after 2 hours we said we were off, Her hubby said "you look pale, are you ok".

    I was when we came in, having left the AC on. I had to go straight in the shower.

    She was glad that we had made the effort to go round, she knows what a struggle it can be. Can still hear voices and laughing, so I think they are all still enjoying themselves. Hangovers this morning, I can bet.

    I think my knees need to rest, you are quite right. I might ask my GP for another injection, just to ease the pain for a while.

    I hope you are feeling a bit better. Best to take the meds, they really will help. I am all for prevention if at all possible. t4591

    I am still waiting for an email to tell us we have won the lottery. (I might be waiting some centuries :roll: ). The building in Scarborough is in a wonderful spot, as you say, overlooking the sea and the gardens.

    Tosca was fine, she was more than happy to be in AC comfort. I think Sleek popped over while we were next door, so they had a chill out time, literally. t4591

    I saw the flood in T Wells, it was like a river, came from nowhere and was gone very soon. I read United Utilities are going to put a hosepipe ban in place. Do you have them for your water ?
    We are still on the borehole on the park, so far, touch wood, it is still doing fine.
    The park can change over to town water if needs be.

    So glad you found a paddling pool for Niamh. She will love it, we can all come and sit in it. Would we fit? :shock: :lol::lol:

    You want me to come over and get in the paddling pool in my mankini. Well, wouldn't that be a sight to make your eyes water. Especially getting back out of it :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Now, the Unicorn misting fan, we ALL need one, it is wonderful. Lucy will be ordering one asap. Are you going to have it going when you go to bed? Or will be drenched :shock: :lol:

    Well, time is a marching and I think I am due another potter.

    Silver knows how hot we all are, so he has turned the enchanted forest into a winter wonderland, so we can go in and cool off.


    Love, hugs and sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 t115006

    Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Breakfast Crumpets, with Glazed Maple Syrup and Fruits.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Crumpets Aidan and I can see we have best president butter :) YUM!!

    I have soaked poor Wilhelmina she get sun for so much of the day :( Also watered other outdoor plants who normally cope ok such as honeysuckle and even peony and agree 100% with you watering your hibiscus fingers crossed for us!

    I can imagine that topiary was worth that money it would have taken so long to grow!! :shock:

    I have my eye on a wisteria or jasmine arch which is established in two huge pots on a clip which they can then unclip for transportation.....£400 :shock: :shock: :shock:

    My buddleia was also thirsty mind it's new!

    A couple of years ago in France temp over 40 was a killer m0150

    We were at a do for a local junior football club helping run the tombola. There is a photo of us ladies (inc the Rev) with 99s in our hands :)

    They had 2 outdoor TVs and an indoor massive projector screen. Football spoiled it a bit while it was on. the ice cream van gave up at 4 and went home. We made £220 on the tombola for Church though :)

    Other folks with dicky tickers have felt like you in this heat stay cooler today if you can and yes get a knee jab it will do no harm will it?

    Tosca and Sleek are totally taking things easy ATM :animal_busy: I do not blame them. They are exited about Mrs Darcey coming down next weekend and have been taking 2 broomstick flights a day early and midnight ones :? the nymphs do make a fuss of 'Mother' :) Other than that the two pusskins reckon rest is what is necessary.

    New natural plug in? Interesting.

    I am lying in the winter wonderland and will do so on and off all day!!

    Barbara thank you for that pic!!! I have also ordered one for Lucy don't tell her anyone!!! you will both be so cool!! I bet when they arrive the weather will have broken :lol:

    We made £220 on the tombola and sold out :) We won a Cliff Richard book :lol: never mind there's another tombola in Sept at the next villages féte!!!!

    All good we had a shady thing over us:D

    Fingers crossed for Wilhelmina and I very much suspect Niamh will love the paddling pool. Excuse for you to sit there and do nowt watching her in it! n030.gif

    Thank you Kath for the lovely ice cream cake!! I have had two and the booth has cleaned up after me.

    30 in the shade!! ought to be a law against it!!

    Hi Joan are you ok today coping with the heat? I have the tiny yorkie coming to see me later on......can't wait :)

    Daisycat isn't so pleased at the idea though :wink: m0150

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen have you got your results I hope they are good.
    Aidan thank you arthritis is different for everyone I think.
    Barbara I'm warm now it' when there's a cold wind.
    Toni have fun with the little dog nice and cuddle.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How lovely, thank you for the snow scene Silver. Just what I need. I caught a glimpse of a paddling pool, must go hunt for it.
    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150


    Joan, I already knew the results. No treatment on my knee. Foot is bone damage. :D

    My dad went round to a neighbours garden. She is in a home now, and a relative has sold the house. He asked dad (who has the keys) to go round with him so he could look what was in the shed, as he has to clear it all out ready for the new peeples. As the garden is so overgrown now, dad went home with Bobby's buttons all over his trousers. :lol:

    Toni, I'm following you to the winter wonderland, IN MY BIKINI. I told you I'd do anything ANYTHING to stay cool. :oops:

    Aidan, we shouldn't worry. I heard it's set to get a tad cooler after today - she said hopefully. I like your description of the affect the heat has on us Aidan. We're all in a lather. t115006 t115006 t115006

    Barbara, what a shame your fan only mists you with warm water. I'd stick ice cubes in it.

    I'm well and truly melted now. Just pour me into a mug and call me Kath Melt. Don't drink me though, I won't taste nice. Bleugh!!!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmmm!!! Nice cake Kath Melt!!

    tap tap tap tap taptaptaptaptaptap and SPLATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! that was nice too ta :D

    Are Bobby's buttons the little green sticky balls? Daisycat had one in her tail the other day :?

    Nice bikini ;) Lovely in the snowy garden isn't it?

    Joan I had a little cuddle with the yorkie bless her. I think you are right about Arthritis being slightly different for all of us but at least we 'get' each other here :)

    Off to feed Charley's cat in a bit...... :animal_busy:


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, another blooming hot day. I am not venturing out, at all, the kitchen is far enough :lol:

    I hope your wisteria perks up and the other plants, peonies and honeysuckle. B has just been out with an emergency drink for one of our wisteria, one minute you look and they are ok, next they are keeling over.
    Big watering session tonight, when it may be a little cooler.

    A wisteria arch would be beautiful, if a tad costly :shock: I guess you have to pay for all the years it has taken to get the plant to that point.

    2003 was our first summer in France, it was a blistering heatwave that claimed thousands of lives. It was well over 40 for weeks. We had no AC, just fans, the house was a building site, we were holed up in two rooms really. When the heatwave broke, the storms we had were just unbelievable :shock: :shock:

    Ah, you were having 99 ice creams yesterday, very nice too. I bet the pic is lovely, with the Rev Delphine too.

    You did very well on the Tombola, they always draw people in. Despite the football luring others away. I would have kept the ice cream man going strong :lol::lol:

    I am keeping as cool as I can today, yesterday was too much for me. Our neighbour came round this morning, with her bestie friend. Neighbour was a little "delicate" shall we say, after a very late night / morning.
    I know I am a night owl and don't like bed time when it is dark, but I could not stay up all night having drinkies. :mrgreen:

    I said, "don't come round here for sympathies, it's all self inflicted" :lol::lol: :roll:

    She had a bit of an angina do, late into the night, I think with the heat of the afternoon, doing one of the BBQ, the fussing and making sure everyone is ok, then racing about getting even hotter..............I said, it is really dangerous, but, will you listen to your private nurse, will you eck as like :roll: :lol:

    Mother is resting today, she had some tuna with us at lunch and is now doing more resting. I don't blame her.

    Their early morning flying she enjoys, as it is cool for her. I think she likes all the fuss from the Nymphs.

    They have been talking and shrieking about Mrs D coming down next week, SO exciting and we are excited for you all.

    Here is a link to the plug in we use all the time. Better than feliway and cheaper by a long way - we get ours from the vets, it is cheaper than pets at home.

    It is wonderful in the snowy forest, SO cool.

    Hope you enjoy the visit from the tiny Yorkie. Sleek said there was some strange animal coming to her house :roll: :lol: she wasn't impressed. Then you are off to feed Charley's puskin :)

    Hi Joan Hi Sue, hope you are both ok and keeping a nice breeze through. It is super hot again today.
    Arthritis does affect every one of us in so many different ways. Yes, there are a lot of similarities, but how each person reacts and copes on a daily basis is as individual as we are. We all understand what the other is facing or going through though.

    Glad you are enjoying the snowy forest Kath, just what we need in this weather. I would hunt down a paddling pool and gatecrash kiddies playtime, just hop in :lol::lol: I see you are already in your bikini, so no need to change. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Our doggy, from many years ago, used to come home with sticky buds in her fur, took ages to get them out. Bobby's buttons, I like the name

    I am every hopeful that it will get a little cooler this week. It is doing me, nor you, Barbara, Carol, nor a lot of us, any favours at the moment.

    You are melting into a Kath Melt and I am turning into a pool, with just a pair of slippers, where I was sat :lol::lol: Barbara will be sat with the Unicorn fan blowing at her, with much mist for cooling.

    Thank you for the cake, I am going in, I see Toni has been in, as there is cake on the ceiling of the booth :roll: who forgot to press the "wash and dry" button :lol::lol:

    I hope you are ok Barbara, Carol, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Kerrin and all.

    I must away and potter a little. I guess I have rested my knees a bit more today. Once I have seen my new Cardio this week, I will see my GP and book a depo medrone injection in my knee.

    Will pop back later, love and sparkles XX Aidan t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..blame again blame the weather.. :shock:
    Aiden its horrible I dont know what to do with my self..if I could get down I would be in Niamhs OH moved the umbrella and I sat with my feet in.. it was bath warm , but still nice..Aiden no wonder you went pale at your neighbours..especially them lighting a BQ :shock: oh my goodness..glad you could get home to the they all have hangovers..not good in this weather or anytime really..glad to hear Tosca is doing ok with the AC..bless bet she says silly things for going out... :lol: I haven't checked out lottery yet..we dont do it online..I will let you know... :) just spotted the crumpets with fruit something I have never tried..and I do like crumpets ...thankyou..I need to lie in the snow..think there would be steam coming off
    Toni you did well raising the it you that had a visit off a yorkie miss sleek wasn't best pleased..I hope you get the fan for Lucy it only sprays water when you press the trigger... :D
    Joan glad to hear you are warm..we dont want you shivering..have you been tested for anemia..just a thought..Aiden will know more about it.
    Kath a proper face splat cake ..but I was to late again :roll: how nice of your dad to clear out the shed.. the fan is misting cold when you pull the trigger..just the fan blowing warm air its that hot.. :D
    I have been watching the divers rescuing the children from the cave..and have said many prayers for them..I see they have 4 out ..I just hope all will go well for the rest...I really do
    Right better go my fan calls.. :lol:
    Love to all t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Oh my its too hot and m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 to do anything 30+degrees today. Had Lovely journey to church this morning I go by minicab but come by bus. Well this morning the cab driver had all his windows open it was pure bliss. I felt really cool when I got to church but it didn't last long soon got hot again. we are forecast the same for tomorrow.

    decided wasn't going to cook today so it was Gammon which I cooked yesterday and salad for dinner and my SW version of trifle. and sandwiches fresh blackberries and yoghurt for tea.

    we have had the fan in our living room on and all the windows open since returning from church so feeling reasonably cool until I go to bed of course. mind you have had a short nap this afternoon.

    I must go now as I cannot concentrate and I will be talking mumbo jumbo before long the heat has given me a rotten headache today had it since I got home after church at lunch time. hopefully i will go away when i take the evening pills and go to bed I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, slightly cooler, still about 26 + indoors, so the AC is on low until we hit 22.

    Hi Barbara, yes, it is the weathers fault, absolutely. Sunday has been pretty bad, I am with you on not knowing what to do. I was trying to get away from myself on several occasions :roll: :lol:
    I will bring some of those big bags of ice cubes and we will sit with our feet in Niamh's paddling pool. I will help change the water after our cooling down session.

    I did go pale, I must admit, at the BBQ, being under the big parasol was better than being in the sun, until she lit the two BBQ's with some funny lighting gel. Once that took hold we were frazzled :shock: :lol::lol:
    Oh yes, hangovers a plenty. So glad we don't drink at all. I am batty enough on T, coffee and my pills, I need what wits I have left. :lol::lol: :roll:

    Did you win the lottery? :? :? maybe not this time eh. Friday is a biggy. 13 millionaires in the UK, plus the big jackpot is up for grabs. Friday the 13th. Lucky for some I guess.

    Crumpets are lush, with butter running through top to bottom. At least they were healthy, with some fruit on top :? :lol::lol:

    Oh you have to press the trigger to get some mist. Oh, we need a mains misting one. This one seems nice, we could all sit out then and keep cool in the mists


    There is a spare face plant cake in the fridge Barbara, Kath always leaves plenty.

    The cave rescue, what an ordeal, for the children and for the very brave cave divers. It is a mammoth operation, getting the water as low as they can before the monsoon season hits big time. I know in one spot, there is only a gap of 15 inches, to get through. They are over 2 miles into the mountain. I pray they all are rescued. Sadly one diver has already died.

    Hi Carol, you will have had even hotter weather than us and ours has been bad enough, pushing 30 this afternoon.

    A nice cool journey to Church, with the breeze blowing through. Shame it doesn't last What we need is a big outdoor pool.

    Don't blame you for not cooking. I am having nothing to do with ovens, well, I am usually banned from them anyway :roll: :roll:

    Gammon, salad and SW trifle, all sounds very nice. Good that you have cooled again in the evening. As you say, once you get to bed, then the heat starts to build up again.

    Hope the headache goes, plenty of fluids, for all of us. Headaches are often a sign of needing a few more drinks (not alcohol though).

    How was Charley's puskin Toni, glad to see you and ready for some more food :)

    I think Sleek popped over at Siesta time, I could hear Tosca chirruping, she even stopped on the bed with me, instead of jumping across to her bed on the dressing table. Bless. There was more talk of SYTTDress and Tiara's and they both want a unicorn fan of course. t115006 t115006

    I don't think they ventured out, it was still too hot. An early morning glide around and a visit to the ravine.

    GC for us today, then shopping, must pop into the vets and pay Tosca's £2.50 :lol::lol: I will get some more biscuits to make it worth using my card.

    The lovelies are all ok in the Sanctuary, the overnight rains are welcomed, the meerkats are in their element, basking in the sun, from dawn till dusk :shock: All those with pools are happy swimming and paddling, the manatee's are doing very well, as are the babies. I didn't check on the spid--s, but I am sure they will be just fine :? :?

    B is very busy adding lots more items to his shop, when I looked there were 65 items :shock: been a busy boy. He won an online competition with one of his bracelets, way to go Bill 8) 8) :D:D

    Right, I need to have another little potter. I hope everyone else is as ok as can be and taking care. Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, Toady SW, Elizabeth and all.

    Love and Sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    We have a super healthy bowl of fruits and cereals which means we can have more cake later, yippee

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes super healthy breakie thanks Aidan :)

    My aircon is not cooling - well it is but only for a while :shock: need emptying? Looked inside the water bung and there is an odd looking rubber thing with a tiny hole????

    I've got us our own paddling pool Aidan for the café and with the ice maker we are sorted. Having said that if you go in the cake booth on a cool rinse cycle...... :wink:

    Well done Bill winning an award :D and all that new jewellery in this weather!!

    Any online yet?

    The meerkats are out in the sun getting their blood warm :) They love this weather :)

    Extra fruit rations are definitely needed. I checked with Johnny who said the sp****s are all fine :shock:

    Sleek and Tosca were out again early doors.....they prefer early mornings in this heat and yes Sleek was at yours at siesta time shrieking and laughing. Pair of hyenas there are :roll:

    It's a lovely feeling after a 'do' when you are not hung over isn't it? :lol:

    Charley's pusskin is fine I will be over twice a day this week she's not back till Sunday. Its much cooler at hers being an old terraced house.

    I would buy something extra else at the vets you might feel a bit daft paying £2.50 on your card :oops:

    That first summer must have been unbearable (although you clearly bore it!) 2003 was a scorcher here. Not a long summer but temps over 100 in old money. I had just started seeing Paul and he was in Hawaii and we were warmer here!

    Nothing like French storms is there? :D:D:D

    Wilhelmina is a bit better but not great :( Glad yours are doing ok we just have to keep watching them I guess and doling out emergency water as and when.

    Thinking about the Arch need to know it will look fabulous really...... :?

    I will see if they do that plug in. Charley's cat would benefit from it.

    Enjoy the GC!!

    Carol is yours a new Church building then? Ours is lovely and cool inside I think I might move in with the swallows!

    Good the cabbie kept you cool en route in any case.

    Your healthy meal sounded ideal for this weather. All I want is cold stuff too, but Lucy still wants a hot meal :roll:

    I have also been having heat headaches although I have been drinking over 2 litres a day :(

    Barbara the pool sounds blissful water has to evaporate so it cools you down anyway :)

    I have ordered the fan she will happily spray. Our problem is we don't seem to sweat she and I so we just get hotter m0150

    Miss Sleek was out and didn't see the yorkie luckily :lol: I had some cuddles though.

    I have been too stressed to watch the divers and too scared I hope by now all are out and well. Those poor kids and their parents. Ok checked the news 4 are out 9 still trapped :? Better keep our prayers then.

    Love to everyone Woo-oo! to Joan.

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan Carol.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
    Toni how old is the Yorkie dog my neighbour has a Yorkie x pomp.
    Barbara I'm only cold when I'm still or out side when it's breezy enjoy the pool.
    Aidan enjoy the garden centre good B getting an a ward.
    Carol. It's getting colder for a few days.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We have a thin cloud layer, with a lovely breeze, and I feel a little cooler today. Not sure if it was the ice-cream I've just had, or my bikini day in the snow scene. :lol:
    We have a super healthy bowl of fruits and cereals which means we can have more cake later, yippee
    your wish is my command Aidan. It's a cream cake which looks as though there is fruit on top. Definitely a face splat. I'm wearing a pink cotton nightie as a dress, as I'm not going outside today. Back to shorts and T-shirt tomorrow. m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    Yes, Bobby's Buttons named because of their resemblance to the buttons down the front of Victorian policemen. They always stck to animals fur Toni. We used to throw them at each other as children, to see who could collect most. Gran and Granddad used to have a little caravan in a field behind a pub in Tattershall. The field was full of the plants of Bobbys Buttons. I spent the 6 weeks summer hols there. I spent one year in an old Apple Tree. Anyone would think I used to be a tomboy. :lol:

    Well done B for your award. We have some talented peeples in this group. :D

    Oh Barbara, those poor boys. And I hear that lady in Salisbury has died. What a world. :?

    Carol, how kind of the taxi driver to have all his windows wide for you. Mumbo Jumbo, Carol that's my normal speech pattern. :roll:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am not AWOL, I am around, but I am just doing some of my PIP forms, hence my absence. Will be around later, I am sure. Love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006

    I am off into the booth, for some of that lovely cream cake, then stop in while it is on a cool wash and rinse. Thanks for the ice cold paddling pool Toni.

    Less sunshine today, more humidity - deep joy ! NOT.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all...I think that last night was the warmest ever or is it me..its been a good day for tennis Roger and now glad I can watch it on the TV with the fans going.. :D
    Aiden thankyou for the lovely fruit breakfast..I know the chemical you mean they they use to light BQs ,not good for your chest and then all that heat..apparently they were saying that BQs food sales are down due to the heat... :o so B has many more pieces of jewellery on his site I will go and have a look.. :D GC for you today we went this morning and it was very quiet..I think people are staying put because of the heat
    What a time you must have had in France doing all that renovating in that heat...would love to see some pics of it..we keep watching these programs were they go off to France and start a business..the prices compared to here.. :o .
    Yes my fan spray water when you press the trigger I love it..mind you we bought it for Niamh but she wasn't bothered when she saw the pool :lol: ice cubes in it would be lovely :D
    Carol it is lovely when you get the breeze through the car you say its when you stop.. :shock: there nights really are bad..I hope your headache has eased for you...
    Toni the fan will be just the job for Lucy..and there is room for ice cubes inside the bottle..not that you need them with the fan going..I bet Charley's cat is wondering were they are.. :)
    Joan and Sue I hope you are both ok ..I bet the doggies are not keen on the heat...
    Kath ate the bobbie buttons the stickle backs that we use to call them :) we had cloud this morning but the sun is back and the cloud has gone..I take my hat off to the divers they are so very brave..did I see cake ... :D
    Love to everyone .. t4591 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara Charley's cat is a sweetie and likes me, but I have snap-chatted her Mummies a photo today so they know she's ok :D

    Ice in the bottle!! That's a definite!! Lucy will love it - it's a surprise :D

    I think a paddling pool is more fun for small children don't you?

    Aidan that's fine you get on and get your work done! You'll be glad you broke the back of it and sleep better for doing so.

    The cats are off to get Darcey's house ready tomorrow early :? Not sure what the plan is.....time will tell. I wish I could, but will have the keys before my sister!! On Friday. She will be fetched by Paul (and possibly me) on Saturday. I am going to fill the place with flowers for her and her son has her bed to put up as well as some storage.

    Kath that cake!! tap...tap.....tap.....tap..tap..tap..taptaptaptaptap…..SPLATT!!!!

    Lovely ta!

    Bobby's bobbles. Hmmm Daisycat gets them a fair bit especially this time of the year. They used to stick to our blazers at school if I remember rightly.....

    Right off to the booth!!

    Joan the yorkie is 5 now she's the one who's already had back surgery twice bless her.

    Right off to ma bed!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. I think it is a bit cooler this evening, but, me being me, I have been in a complete lather for about 12 hours now :roll: :roll: even though the Ac turned off at 23 degrees.
    I blame the pip forms - talk about raising anxiety levels. Just putting things to paper fills me with dread. :? :?
    But, onward and upward, it is started at least.

    The breakfast was very healthy Toni, which means we can face plant in the cream cakes that Kath kindly left :)

    My last AC used to fill up with water into a tank, as it dehumidified and cooled etc. Had to empty it every day at least.

    This one has a bung and a little pipe, but never has any water in it. They usually have a red light that comes on to tell you if it needs a wee wee. :shock: I think, but don't quote me, that the little bung with hole, can be connected to an external pipe, so there is no need to check for water, as it drains all the time. :?

    B was v pleased with his competition win, yes, lots online now, some bangles too, as in no clasps to fiddle with :)

    Meerkats are so happy in this weather, just warm enough for them :shock: :shock: m0150 m0150

    Sleek and Mother can natter for England. There seems to be a lot to catch up on. Mother let is slip that she knows Silver and his family. Missy hiding light under bushel me thinks. :roll:

    They do like early doors gliding. I found a broom, in the hall cupboard. It is not pepe's. It is quite ladylike and sparkly? No idea where that appeared from :shock: :shock: At least it doesn't growl at me :lol::lol:

    I am sure Charley's puskin will be most grateful to you, for your visitations and attentions :)
    Yes, older terraced houses, do tend to be cooler, unlike Park Homes which are so well insulated, all the heat is kept in :shock: :shock: Mind you, our gas bill for June was £4.80 a week, for all our hot water, showers, etc. Not bad really. Electric is usually about £10, that is with the AC on almost all day every day.

    I did get some more of Mothers biscuits at the Vets, and refills for the plug in. Which is now odourising in the hall. You can smell the natural extracts. :? :shock: Mother is still shouting the odds :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    2003 was one heck of a summer en france. I remember mum n dad saying how hot it was here too, well, almost warm enough for mother to take her cardigan off :lol::lol: warmer than Hawaii, not surprised.

    Oh yes, those thunderstorms in France were scary at times. When we lived in the middle of a field, mile or two from civilisation, with storm raging, lightning strikes to the nearby trees, oh my. :shock: :shock: Hang on to your hats time and hope for the best.

    Our Wisteria have picked up more today, with it being more cloudy. I think everything has really been slow roasted over the past weeks and will take time to recuperate. Gallons of water and feed too.

    A photo of that arch, would be wonderful, if you are passing, or just happen to re visit :D:D

    I wish all the children and their coach well, that they all come out of the cave system safely, there is a huge team of very brave and dedicated divers and rescue personnel. Sadly one diver lost his life while trying to help others :cry:
    I don't know how I would be, in such a situation, the way out is fraught with danger, often underwater, with one very narrow space. Oh my, God speed to all.

    Hi Joan, I hope you Sue and the doggies have had a good day. Despite me being in a lather, it has been a little less intense heat wise.

    I wish it would rain and rain, we need it so badly.
    The GC was very nice, quiet inside, everyone was sat out.

    Hi Kath, glad you feel a little cooler, the ice creams always help of course.
    It has been getting almost unbearable. We are just not used to such prolonged high temperatures.

    A bikini in the snowy forest, will certainly help cool you :shock: :lol::lol:

    I don't blame you for wearing a cotton nightie as a dress, I would do just the same and call it a kaftan :D:D

    Thank you SO much for the cream cake, it was wonderful to plant my face in. Some fruit too, so that's all good.

    I do like the bobby's buttons. We used to throw them at each other too, if I am thinking of the same sticky buds. They would cling to just about anything. Natures Velcro.

    Spending summer in the gardens or up a tree, is fine. I was always up the Bramley Apple trees.

    Hi Barbara, I agree, Sunday night was horrid, so hot. We won't forget this summer for a long time and it's not over yet.............

    Tennis has been very good today, we are still catching up with all the recording. Roger breezed through, as did Rafa.

    that BBQ gel is horrid, good for not flaring up in your face, but it gives off one heck of a smell.

    Yes, B has put a lot more pieces on the site and is still very proud of winning the competition 8)

    I will pick out some photo's of our French ventures and put them on. It was all an "experience" :shock:

    Glad the fan is coming in useful, I would be misting all the time. Niamh is happy with the paddling pool too.

    You did see cake, I hope you found one, there were plenty left.

    Aw, snapchat of the puskin to Mummies, I would do just the same. Of course she likes you :)

    So, Sleek and Mother are off to Mrs Darcey's new house, they will be casting spells of helpfulness and immaculisation. So, you get the keys on Friday, oh, happy dance, well, shuffling my feet :lol::lol::D:D then off to fetch your Sis on Saturday.

    How wonderful to put lots of t69044 t69044 in to welcome her, a new bed and some storage too, possibly a new broom too :)

    I am glad, (did I say that), to have started my pip form. I am only on page 6 I think, but, it is a start. I have to ring my surgery on Wed at 8, to get to see my own GP, then I see my new Consultant Thursday morning :?
    Looking back at letters from my Drs, it was back in 2010 when they last wrote about my DLA. My how time flies.

    Well, I had best have another potter. Is anyone else having no end of flies, we seem to be inundated, they are driving me nuts. I have my electric racket to hand.

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig DD, Toady SW and all

    I will do a little rain shuffle in the kitchen. Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Vegetarian Santa Fe Breakfast Croissants, delicious. There are some without avacado for you Barbara :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen it's cooler for a few day's have a good day.
    Aidan good luck with the forms. Things seem eased when you have a break from them.
    Barbara have a good day we need a drop of rain now.
    Toni the day will soon be here.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..yes morning .. :lol: much cooler last night.. :D
    Toni how lovely that you are filling your sisters house with kind..and will have to film her entering then its captured for ever.. :D and I am not surprised that Charley's cats like you..they sense who has a kind heart :D Lucy will love the fan its is so well made even Niamh didnt break it.. :lol:
    Joan we do need rain..when it comes we will all be stood out in it.. :lol:
    Aiden thankyou for the Croissants :D you asked about united utilities yes we are with them..if we get an hose pipe ban then I will just leave the plants.. :( I cant expect OH to use a watering can...the pip form is such hard work all the options it gives you..but we just have to put down our worse days..its so stressful..but you will get there..our middle GD sounds to be like your mum she has a 13 tog quilt on her bed... :lol: and if you open both doors back and front she complains of the cold.. :shock: I have just read they have brought out a 10th person out of the cave..these divers deserve a medal for this..
    Right better move I am meeting my niece today..only for an hour..we pick her up then OH drops us at wherever we decide..somewhere with AC hopefully :)
    Love to everyone...not seen Kerrin around hope she is well ..not long off the holidays for her.. t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I sent away for Arthritis Care's booklet about Osteoarthritis. It arrived today, well I got 2 actually. But for some reason I never get the Inspire magazine. I used to. :(

    Yes Barbara, they are Bobby's Buttons. Nature's Velcro, as Aidan said. I'm really glad all the boys are out of the caves, and safe.

    My phone keeps ringing, either nuisance calls or nobody answers. I've blocked and deleted 5 numbers over the last three days. :roll:

    Blood test tomorrow, and we haven't been out againtoday. So, let's enjoy these Carrot cake with cream cheese butter. Come on - tap tap tap taptaptap -splat. Did I remember to switch it on self clean? :? :oops:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, what started as a cooler day, soon gathered itself as the clouds parted. Not quite as bad as yesterday when I was a total melting pot.

    I am carrying on with the pip form, a bit at a time. Making sure I have thought of everything, before it is written down. I am about half way through I think now, which is not bad.

    You do need a break from them Joan, if you try and do it one go, it would not be right, things would be missed out, not to mention I could not sit for that long, or write for more than a few minutes.

    We do need rain, everywhere is parched.

    Glad you were cooler last night Barbara. So your unicorn fan is Niamh proof, that's good :) I am sure Lucy will love hers just as much.

    I guessed you would be with United utilities. Our bore hole still seems to be able to cope with supplying the park at the moment. Some are over 80 meters deep, long way down.

    We have no mention of hosepipe bans as yet, nothing from the park, nor the utilities. So B can water the garden in the evenings, once every two days, with emergency supplies for the wisteria in between times.

    The pip forms are driving me squiffy. I can only concentrate for a short time on the form. They are always trying to trip you up. If you can write, then it is assumed that you can handle and use cutlery and utensils, well, no, they are not the same thing in my mind. :roll:

    I will get there, by the end of this week, it should be nearly done.

    Mum always had a quilt and blankets :shock: summer or winter. Winter, you could hardly see where she was in the bed :lol::lol: It would be a cardigan on day today, as there is a little breeze. The rest of us are stripping off. So your GD is cold morsel too.

    I think everyone should be out of the cave system now, all the boys and the coach are out and there were a few rescue personnel / divers, to come out. Then they should put bars up at the cave, to stop anyone else ever going in.
    You are right, the rescue teams need medals, for their bravery. To go into some very narrow spaces, underwater, in the pitch black, fills me with complete dread.

    Hope you had a nice time with your Niece, a short visit, but nice to put the world to rights :)

    I hope Kerrin is ok too. Busy with lots of school activities, tennis, cricket, all manner of things.

    I am sure I used to get the inspire magazine as well Kath, he says, looking puzzled with himself :? :? :roll: So you now have two for the osteoarthritis care.

    Nuisance calls, we get a lot less than we used to, even though we are not listed in any directory. Occasionally we get ones from talktalk, who we have not been with for years. I think after my last rant, they have taken us off their cold call list. :shock: :shock: :x :x

    Bloods tomorrow, is the D Nurse coming out or are you going to the surgery?
    I hope to get in with my GP tomorrow, I have to ring at 0800 (we will see if I manage to wake up with three alarms, to call them). It is getting harder to see your own GP now, with the ever growing population and new housing popping up all over.

    tip tap, tip tap, tip tap tipppetytappety splat. A very nice carrot cake with super gooey icing. No, the booth was in a right state :roll: :lol::lol: but don't worry, I have put it on a big wash cycle as I was leaving.
    Toni will be in there as quick as you like, once she sees the cake.

    Hope you are ok Toni, busy away, sorting out, ready for Sis coming at the week end..............exciting.........................happy claps. t4591

    Sleek took Tosca to Mrs Darcey's and they cast some immaculisation spells. Sleek likes her other property and Tosca is impressed with how many houses Sleek owns and all the land that she has "acquired" :lol::lol: :roll: Naturally Mother Tosca owns most of the Ribble Valley :shock:

    Right, I must away and potter, I am setting very quickly. Back is ready for a loud and badly tuned shriek.

    Love and sparkles to all. Will pop back later. Take care, one and all. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone

    Sorry to be so late in, but I’ve had a manic day. 1st of all I had to take Paul to the train station at 7am! :shock: Then Fed Charley’s cat after seeing Lucy off to work. Then I had outpatients myself. Thought I’d kept it quiet when whoosh!! Down came the cloak with Sleek and Tosca in it!!! They kindly brought me some of Aidan’s lovely breakie  I saw the new broomstick it’s lovely worthy of David Emmanuel!

    After that I delivered the cheques to the Church lottery winners then saw Pom re Best kept Village. Judges came this morning Luckily I had dead-headed the Church wall flowers eh? Then back to feed the cat again - who hid really well so l was frantic! :lol: Then home to feed Lucy and me then fetch Paul from the station again. PHEW!!!

    Glad today is over.

    Tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP ………….SPLATT!! thanks Kath!! Lovely  :D

    Well done Aidan continuing to plough through the PIP forms slowly and steady is best. I took a week to do Lucy’s then ran it by someone before writing up in my best ;)

    The cats have been to Sleek’s Aunty’s and the place is fair sparkling now! Funny how both our cats are wealthy landowners eh? And of course Mrs Darcey ‘owns’ ALL of Scotland too!! :lol:

    Those rescuers deserve a reward such as they will get in heaven I am certain so brave so very brave Barbara I am with Aidan the whole thought of it makes me panic. :shock: :shock:

    Lucy doesn’t know about the fan it’s due on Thursday. If it’s Niamh proof it’s definitely Lucy proof. :)

    Lovely to see your niece too I hope she is well. Imagine me I can have coffee with my sister from Saturday on.

    I keep getting those calls and then I hang up and dial 1572 to ditch them forever Kath. Fingers crossed the bloods are done nice and early for you. The cake was great ta  :D

    I might just film my sister…… like Barbara suggested...

    Joan Saturday is really close now and then I can see my sister every day if I want to  :D

    Yes I hope Kerrin is ok. Maybe the girls should go and see Tomicat and Jericat???

    AND Carol too :?

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    The weather here has been a lot cooler today mid 20s with a nice cool breeze quite pleasant was only hot when I was cooking Dinner.
    Went to slimming word this morning and lost 1 and a half lbs. also had a big surprised when I was awarded Diamond member of the year at the meeting after. see photo posted so happy Bunny today.

    Busy week from today onwards tomorrow is knitting group, I hope to visit my Aunt on Thursday, and Friday the usual dinner with Mr T and then meet my friend for coffee. yesterday I went out to the high street and after a snack lunch with Mr t decided I would go and have a little browse around the shops but on the way I met another friend who I worked with you may remember I spoke about her a while ago her granddaughter took her own life we stopped and spoke and she ask where I was going and we ended up in the nearest coffee shop for about an hour and a half chatting and catching up with one another so I enjoyed that. Saturday is not to bad but then on Sunday we have and extra open church session directly after the service as the road that the church is on has their annual summer fair. so will be there until about 4.30 so will be a long day.

    a lot has happened on here lately so I have caught up with it all but cannot remember everything so I will not try to reply to anyone will try again tomorrow

    must now have a potter and a nice cup of tea so

    Love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my goodness, you have been everywhere Toni, then back again, to do it all in reverse :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Up with the larks, to the station, out patients appointment, we should all have been there to help and support. :roll: :roll: Keeping it quiet, I don't know. I hope it went ok....................

    I am glad Tosca and Sleek arrived under the cloak of many rooms. The new broomstick is very sparkly t115006 in fact Tosca is shouting, sorry shrieking about it as I write. :lol::lol: :shock:

    Charley's puskin, doing the "you cannot find me" trick. They are very good at that, many a time we have nearly ripped the house apart, did we leave a window open, what if this, what if that..............then you turn round and they are sat in the hall looking at you :shock: :shock: I think they all have their own secret small cloaks of invisibility. Just a thought t115006 t115006

    I bet you are glad the day is over, (you have pink frosting in your hair, just wanted to point it out).

    So, when will the judging be all done and dusted? So glad you had primped the flowers on the Church wall. It is high time Sleeks village won. t69044

    It is amazing how they amass all their wealth of property and huge swathes of land. Of course Mrs Darcey owns Scotland and will continue to do so, it will be in her box of deeds :D

    Slowly getting points down, for the pip form. What is written is not very good, as my hands don't work or write, like I used to. B will fill some in for me, as I can only write for a short time.

    The bravery of those cave divers and rescue crew, is simply incredible and their rewards will be given for eternity. I read about the small gap in one area of the caves, underwater, called the choke point, that was 15 inches wide :shock: :shock: oh my. I will have to stop thinking of it. So glad they are out. I think a couple of the boys have chest problems, which is not surprising.

    Soon be Saturday, then Sis will be there, oh so many trips out for coffee, whenever you want to t4591 ..............can we all come :)

    Hi Carol, I saw your WONDERFUL SURPRISE on FB earlier, way to go you, so pleased, all credit to you, very much deserved. t69044

    Plus it has been a bit cooler, so no hot episodes, apart from the cooking.

    You too have a busy time, with knitting, going to see your Aunt, I remember you enjoyed your last visit so much.

    I do remember you talking about your friend who lost her GD, sadly taking her own life :cry: t115006 Nice to meet by chance and then have a good catch up over coffee.

    I hope the Church is full of people, morning and afternoon if the street it having its annual fair. You will have a long day, so ((())) in advance to ward of any ouchies.

    As long as you are ok, don't worry about catching up with everyone. I always get in a muddle if I have missed a day :roll:

    Hope the cuppa was enjoyed and the pottering, which we have perfected, over the years.

    We had a short visit to Dads for a coffee, apart from that it has been an at home day. B has been immaculising and declutterising his bed room. It is very very tidy. :) I am most pleased. I did a little immaculising, as it has been a degree or two cooler. I will have to give my room a big fuss, not that it is a mess, but I have so many lotions and potions on my cabinets, all essential of course :? :? :roll:

    I cannot move Pepe's pillows, they are staying on the bed, next to me. Clean and primped and stopping put. No one can touch them.

    I had best set another two alarms, I have to ring the surgery at 0800, to get in to see my GP today.

    Going into town anyway, so hopefully I can get an appt which coincides with visiting the T room. Not asking for much am I :lol::lol: :roll: I won't tell them that on the phone :shock: :shock:

    Right, my dears. Time for me to move. Back is singing.

    Hi to everyone, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, Mig, Toady, SW and all.

    Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles abound t4591 t115006 t115006



    Very sparkly donuts for breakfast today

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all those doughnuts are very glamorous Aidan I have to agree if in doubt add more glitter is the order of the day!!

    I hope your alarm goes off and the Drs apt coincides with a T room visit beautifully...Sleek and Tosca have cast a spell.

    Of course you can't move Pepe's blankie!! No way far too soon :cry: Did you notice Sleek has been sniffing it and rubbing her face on his casket? It may have moved slightly :?

    Well done though to B for immaculising and you too for your supervision (no doubt!).

    I thought exactly the same with Charley's puss as you know they live on a main Rd and she is an indoor pusskin :shock: 'Cat-Cloak-of-invisibility' eh? That is an idea :roll:

    Our pusskins do own a lot of land I have to agree.....are dogs the same Sleek and Tosca shrieked with laughter at my imbecility for asking that question :lol:

    I am just so thankful the kids got out alive and well (hopefully not too many long term issues). I don't think about what they had to do :shock: . Just that they are all out and how thankful we all are especially their parents.

    Congratulations Carol!! That is lovely :) I am very proud of you - well all are in here t69044

    I can imagine you and your old friend needing at least an hour and a half to catch up! I hope she is coping ok ((()))

    Now this open Church should do better. Put a sign out saying nice and cool in here (if it is!)!!! m0150

    A quick Morning! to Joan m0150 another hot one ahead here today :roll: all windows are open here it's lovely and cool just now - how are the dogs coping?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx

    Pink frosting in my hair?!! Oh no tap tap tap tap tap......tap tap tap!! It's all over my pillowcase too :roll: typical!
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara yes we need rain it's colder today.
    Kathleen you have. a good day good luck with your bloods.
    Aidan good luck with your forms how's your Dad.
    Carol congratulations you deserve it.
    Toni you and your sister will have so much to talk about I think I would cry.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx