Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am late as well Toni, is it Toni, you look different :shock: loving the hair cut :D:D

    Hi Joan, oh, the forms, well they are all done, everything is in the envelope, ready to be posted today. Hoorah and Praise Be.

    I always wanted an older Brother, I used to ask Mum why I didn't have one and she said, one was enough thank you :? :lol::lol:

    I never fell out with myself though, I liked my own company.

    I hope you and Sue are both as good as can be. Have you had any rain yet. I think they have been promising rain and then nothing appears. The land is so so dry.

    Hope all went ok at the Dentist :D:D

    You are welcome Kath, the muffins were just too good not to put out for Breakfast.

    We used to play on the tip, when we lived in Gotham, we would walk up to the tip and have a great time, rooting through all sorts of metal and stuff. It was not bin rubbish, it was more commercial. Goodness knows, health and safety would have fainted these days. But, we all survived. I can just imagine your Dad coming back with three times as much as he went with. :lol::lol:

    New carpet, lovely, they smell wonderful. I hope everything was straight forward for Emily.
    Ours are fairly new still and people who come in, take their shoes off and go ooooooh, this is nice.

    Glad you enjoyed the farm programme and lovely piggies. I like piggies, would like some little pot bellied ones.
    Magnums on your benches too, delicious, soul food, that's what they are :)

    Some anti ouch hugs ((())) and some extra strong sparkles t115006 t115006 for you both to feel easier asap.

    The booth is immaculised very well. Thank you, I will be on my way tap tap tippety tappety SPLAT. Wonderful, a delicious afternoon treat. I have put the booth on a super wash, as I made a real mess :roll: :roll:

    Aww, the Scottish folds are lovely, I always love their ears. Talking of puskins. When we went via Skipton last week, to my Consultant, we stopped at Tesco, we know some of the staff well and he said, sorry to hear about Cookie and Pepe. Nattered on, about pus cats. I said we would not want to go through all of this again and would not have any more, we still have Mother.

    He said, "well, at your time of life, new puskins might outlive you" :shock: :shock: I must need a new anti wrinkle cream :lol::lol::lol: the cheek, huh. We knew what he meant though, I think :? :?

    Hi Barbara, I am so glad you are feeling somewhat better, after a good nights sleep and lots of naps. Mum was right, sleep is time for repairing and letting your body do what it has to do. (says me). :roll:
    The forms are all done, ready to post, recorded signed for, this morning, at the P Office in town (just up from the T room). I said that due to various "issues" if I had to have a face to face, then it would have to be local, level, no stairs, with immediate parking, better still, I would prefer it to be at home. Well, they ask what help you might need and that would be a big help.

    6th floor, with no nearby parking, that's terrible. I would have said no too.

    Now, it is me confusing you, we never made it to the tip, but we did go to the GC on Monday.
    Tuesday was home day, finishing forms, some dedustification, taking some time to enjoy the cooler breezes as well. I read that United Utilities are imposing a hosepipe ban, first week of August.

    Today we will be at the T room, Dad has to give blood at the Surgery, so any excuse for me to go in for coffee etc :)

    Yes, our AC has a hose through the window, which has a grill in and mesh on, to stop flies and spid--s :shock: They are quite noisy, some more so than others. The only whisper quiet ones are the ones they have in shops etc, where the unit is on the wall and the fans etc are outside the building. They cost lots of ££ :roll:

    Finally the Council have emptied the bins, it must be a horrid smell, after all the hot weather, there will be unwanted rodents, what are they playing at. A letter to the MP maybe, you know what I am like.

    You are welcome to as many hugs as possible ((())) just glad that you are feeling better and the AB's are working. t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, I am loving Kari's house and Mrs D is looking totally adorable. Bless, enjoying her new home and looking very proud, sat in the lovely window seat. All the smilies :) wonderful. It all looks immaculate, of course, you would not be happy with anything else :)

    I hope you get some rain, everywhere is so so parched. It has been good to have a cooler day, after the rain on Monday. Hotter for most of the week now :roll: :roll: Bot will be feeling bereft of not doing his job. How is Whilemena, any flowers at all?

    Oh the Nymphs are very happy that their supplies of Pendle mists have been topped up again. More mist, more magic squares, for us all to benefit from t115006 t115006

    I am sure Mrs Darcey does not wander far and always comes in when it gets late. I get the feeling that Kari would not let her wander off or stay out in the dark. Safely indoors, with Mum.

    New washer and fridge, very nice, we like new :)

    It has been the most stressful time, doing the forms. Not just a bit worked up, I mean dripping wet and shaky. Anyway, they are DONE and I will seal the envelope and put them on the side, to go for posting. All copied.
    B would be there for any face to face, without a doubt. There is not much I can do, that doesn't make me hurt. :roll: :roll: It is now in the lap of the powers that be. I will forget it until the next stage. ( I will try, honest).

    What inhalers will you have? Will you use a spacer? This covers just about everything I think :)

    I have seen Christine posting on FB, so I am hoping all is as well as possible t4591

    The same for Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady DD, and all.

    Hi Carol I am glad you have had a quieter couple of days, you needed it after the busy week end. Visiting your Aunt and meeting up with your Cousin's family too.
    The heat has knocked most of the country sideways, it is so draining, when it carries on relentlessly. With you being so much further south it will be worse for you. It has been bad enough up ere in t' north :lol:
    The forecasters say it is to get hot again after what rain there has been. :roll: :roll:
    I love the pictures of the fair, it is so busy, everyone seems to be having a great time and I can see you, keeping an eye out and selling your cards :)

    Back from a little potter. Hope you didn't set solid Carol. :shock: It is all too easy as we all know...........

    I should really do some more pottering, with my trusty magic cloth :)

    I have to fuss with the pictures, I dusted them and they are all at jaunty angles now. :roll: :lol:

    Everyone take lots of care, leaving hugs and love and sparkles to all. t4591 ((())) t115006 t115006 Catch up again later XXX Aidan

    Breakfast Cookies, with Whole Wheat, Peanut Butter, Nuts, Seeds, Raisins and Chocolate Chips

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone :)

    Off to the final wedding venue today then....decisions to be made :shock: watch this space :)

    Thank you Aidan I feel much better now I can see under my fringe :lol: The inhaler info is perfect I will read it eating a breakfast cookie....mmmmm...yum! I belive it will be a long acting inhaler to start with as I have 'symptoms' all the time :shock:

    I see the forms are all done and once they are posted you can forget them. Done!

    Still no rain here really....need a good storm. Well one of the farmers said several days worth of rain :shock: I have to agree :? Wilhelmina is ok I am watering regularly and now the rhodadendrum too looked really ill. Bot must be on hols :lol:

    Mrs Darcey outside (she keeps an eye on her mum at all times)you can see her fur better. Good for my sister as she has asthma.

    You could easily have another pusskin if you wanted to even if he/she lived 20 years!! Cheeky!! :lol:

    This was the front of the house...

    Blood tests for Dad today is it? Will you squeeze in a small coffee maybe a cake? :wink:

    Carol I love the photos! Your town looks lovely and lively :) I see you there in one by the cards :D

    It rather sounds to me as though you need a rest falling asleep like that :?

    Thanks for the reassurance that the inhalers will make a difference :) Fingers crossed eh?

    I found the trifle recipe myself online do you recommend any particular yoghurt stuff??

    I am so happy to have my sis so close by (5 miles I think). m0150

    Hi Joan I forgot to ask you - did everything go ok at the dentists for you both?


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni Carol.
    Kathleen have you got any animals
    Barbara that's good you are feeling a bit better.
    Aidan all the best with the forms I hope you don't have to wait too long.
    Toni yes it makes you feel better when you've had your hair cut.
    Carol have you found the cat you wanted good luck
    yes it was alright at the dentist thank you. The opticians on Fri.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, no I don't have any animals.

    Toni, I always wanted an older brother or a twin sister. All impossible I know.

    I haven't heard from Emily yet. She will give me her new phone number after tomorrow.

    Aidan, thank you for Breakfast Cookies, with Whole Wheat, Peanut Butter, Nuts, Seeds, Raisins and Chocolate Chips. I had 6. :oops:

    So, I think I have room for strawberry crostata with rhubarb jam. Add ice cream or double cream. MMMMM

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon, yes, I am here, in the afternoon, 3pm, unheard of. I am determined to take some "time out" after the stress of pip forms.

    I have lost count how many of the breakfast goodies I have had :shock: :roll: they are rather nice Toni. Perfect to eat while you are updating on the COPD. I thought it was a very useful and straight forward walk through guide.

    At least you can see, now that your eyes have appeared from under your fringe, it does help :shock: :lol::lol:

    I take the long acting inhaler now, the tiatropium capsule one, that you puncture, then inhale.

    The forms are duly posted, recorded, signed for, done, gone. We will take each stage as it happens now.

    I guessed that Bot would be taking a vacation for the time being. All the verges, fields, hills, are so dry and brown. We need a lot of rain to replenish the reservoirs and restore our green and pleasant lands. We had a few drops of rain late morning, not enough to wet anything.

    Glad Whilemena is ok, poor Rhododendron, hope it recovers with lots of drinks.

    Bless, that is a wonderful picture of Mrs Darcey, Tosca said, "see, I told you she has had a perm" :lol::lol: Yes, the fur is ideal for people who have asthma, as Kari does. I am sure Mrs D does keep an eye on your Sis, at all times.

    Love the front of house picture too. I bet your Sis was thrilled to be there.

    We were super early for Dads blood test, but he went in anyway, I went to the T room and B went to the post office, eventually we were all assembled and drinking our coffee's and eating my scone, with butter, jam and cream, well, we need our calcium :shock: :lol::lol:

    I started to leak coffee, after the second cup, so we made a move before I wilted :roll: :roll: Quik nip round Sainsb and then home.

    B has been fully immaculising the adapted shower room, it looks like a new room (not that it was dirty), but it has been gleamed, top to toe. Happy Daddy :D:D I can have a fuss in my en suite, it is easy for me to potter in there.

    Seek, Mother and Mrs D where all down in the ravine, very early doors, there was a "meeting" apparently? :shock: :? :? No idea what it was about, Mother is keeping it very quiet :?

    Hi Joan, glad everything was ok at the Dentist, now it is the Opticians turn to take a peek, hope all is ok there too. I am SO glad the forms have gone off. It is all a waiting game and in the hands of the powers that be in the DWP. :?

    Hi to Barbara, hope you are continuing to feel better, more hugs and sparkles to keep the improvements moving forward. t4591 t115006

    Kath I hope you and C are less ouchy, all the magic squares that Silver has hidden, will help make things less hurty t115006 t115006 along with some extra ((())) Just caught you there, ooooh, that crostata looks delightful, I think I will have some cornish ice cream with mine, thank you kindly. You only had 6 of the breakfast bakes, way to go Kath :)

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, Kerrin, DD, SW Elizabeth and all.

    I will have an earlier potter today, getting rather warm, might have to put the AC on for a while. Very humid and overcast.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone, take care, will check back later t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all..late again..
    the GP rang today to see if the ABs were doing there job...I had to come clean and say no not really..I am sleeping on and off but the pain and gunge sorry if you are eating..anyhow its back to ENT...we need to get to the bottom of this :shock: I just done want any op doing on them :roll: good news my temp is down.. :D
    Aiden that is naughty saying any cat would out live you..sorry I could just imagine your face... :o so your en suite is imaculised..and you got to the T rooms..handy that its near the clinic.. :) I had 2 brothers just one now and always wanted a sister..good that you dont mins your own company..same here..
    I see what you mean with the ACs..tell you when we do get one get ready for snow.. :lol:form is posted..and relax for a little while.. you ask for the face to face at home, the people that run the phone lines are very nice...thankyou again for the hugs and sparkles.. :)
    Toni how love your sister house looks..the touches you have done are so nice..I love the smilie balloons.. and the welcome hone banner...Mr Darcy looks so relaxed in the sunshine bless :) I do hope the inhalers help..I have never used them but out GD does..
    Carol thankyou I will let you know if I can find the recipe...the pics are nice and looks so busy...yes the weather is meant to get hot again before the weekend :shock:
    Joan glad all was well at the dentist..and hope your eye appointments are ok ...
    Kath I have never heard of strawberry crostata with rhubarb jam but looks so good think I will make custard to go with it :D
    It has gone so hot here this afternoon..think I slept better because it was not looking forward to tonight..Aiden I am coming round to yours will sleep in the en suite... :lol:
    Love to everyone xxxxx t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Much cooler here last night so slept well, and this morning it was over cast but has got hotter and more humid as the day has gone on. Have still had the fan on and the windows open . we are in the mid to high 20s at the moment but due to have thunderstorm on Friday but they have said this before and it doesn't happen so we will see, cannot remember the last time we had rain.
    We had a good Knitting group today

    Aidan You are so right everyone I speak to says the heat is getting to them as you can imagine my granddaughter is really suffering being only 4 weeks and 3 days to her due date. and coping with a toddler and the school run it is taking it out or her more than it would normally. Glad you liked the photos yes i was sitting further down the stairs than I usually am because it was the fair and the weather was so nice. i will put another photo on shows me closer. at Northcote fair.jpg?dl=0
    I would normally be sitting at the top of the stairs behind me.
    didnt set solid thank goodness. Hope your pip works ok for you. i'm lucky because i was granted constant DLA sometime ago and was 65 when they introduced PIP so they cannot change mine it is still DLA and i dont have any reviews anymore. I have spoken to Silver and he has told me he will sprinkle lots and lots more sparkles on the powers that be. hope you enjoyed the T room hope dads bloods went ok.

    Toni I use the Fage Greek yoghurt and add sweetener and different essences into the yoghurt to give it a nice flavour for example this weekend we had blueberries in blackcurrant jelly ambrosia low fat custard on top and then almond flavour essence and sweetener in the yoghurt topping it was yummy.
    Yes that was me sitting there by the cards being given cups of coffe, lunch and snacks by Mr T during the afternoon :lol::lol:. nice to have your sister so close mine lives in Ramsgate but hear from her often.

    Joan No we haven't found a cat yet because we need to do things in our garden before we will get one and at the moment we have so man things to do in the house that will cost money that it has been put on hold at the moment we hare in the middle of re decorating our kitchen at the moment which will not be finished before the end of August. Then we will assess the money situation and see what needs doing first. i think the next thing may well be getting our shower sorted out as that is not working properly at the moment.

    Barbara hope you find the recipe for the trifle. yes the fair was quite busy we had a waffle stall right outside the church this year and of course the road is closed to traffic for the day so the stalls can be right in the kerb keeping the pavement and the centre of the road to walk up and down the road.

    Time to potter so nite nite all
    love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear, Barbara, when you were feeling a bit better on Tuesday. I am very glad the GP rang and asked if things were improving. (((()))) t4591

    Don't worry, gunge and the like have never worried me, even at meal times. Believe me the things we used to discuss at break times on the wards, would make your toes curl :shock: :lol::lol:

    So back to ENT, is that on an urgent referral from the GP, or has she made an appointment. Some serious non surgical intervention to improve your sinuses, I am sure they will come up with a plan. Let us know when you are going to see them and we will have the cloak ready in a jiffy, Toni always has it on standby. t115006

    Glad that your temperature has come down, that is a good sign that your body is fighting the infection, maybe another round of bloods to make sure of white cell count etc. Hark at me, Dr Bubbles :roll: :roll: :shock:

    Our faces were a picture I am sure, when the guy we know who now works at Tesco's said "at you time of life" :shock: :shock:

    Bathrooms are sparkling, so Daddy is a happy bunny. We are looking after next door while they are away in Spain. They are due back early hours of Friday morning. She rang and I explained about the plague of flies that we found, which are now all blitzed, kitchen and all surfaces bleached, everything totally de flied, B did a big Vac round, it was like raisins had been thrown all over. :shock: :shock: Imagine my horror, the bleaching was frantic.

    I digress.

    Yes, the T rooms are just over the road from the surgery, so any excuse to go there is fine :)
    I remember you speaking of your Brother who passed, hence how you know Blackburn hospital and its endless corridors.

    You must hurry and get an AC unit, then we can all wait for the cooler weather to appear :lol::lol: :?

    PIP form will be there today, sent recorded signed for, taking NO chances of it going walkies. I will try me best to put it to the back of my mind for a while. I have asked for a home visit, as a preference.

    No need for thanks, we all think the same things and are


    It was ok earlier, now, late on, it is super humid and warm. Melting a little at the moment. I think we all slept better for it being that bit cooler the other night.

    Take care, lots of care. t69044

    Hi Carol Glad it was cooler for you as well, so a better nights sleep.

    It is getting warmer, I am having "moments" :roll: :roll: I think we have some rain forecast for Friday, I will believe it when it appears, a bit like your thunderstorms.

    I can only try to imagine how your GD is feeling, being so close to having her baby, with toddler and the school run too :shock: :shock: It will be taking a lot out of her without a doubt.

    That is a lovely photo Carol, pretty in pink :)

    Yes, if you were born before a certain date, then you do not need to apply for pip and your DLA will remain as it is. That is nice to hear that Silver will be scattering magic dust over the pippy peeples. t115006 :D

    T room was very nice and Dads bloods were ok, they found a vein first time, he is usually very good at hiding them

    The trifle sounds yummy, we will all be round for T, mmmmmm

    You had a waffle stall, just outside the Church, oh, that would have been too much of a good thing. Where's Aidan, oh yes, eating waffles, again :roll: :roll: :lol:

    I hope your viewing of the last venue went well Toni. Sleek said you had all been to somewhere on her vast estate, she could not remember the name, owning so many properties she forgets :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    Was it fabulous? Cannot wait to see it? Then it is decision time. Oooh, exciting. Will the first one win the vote?

    I think Mrs Darcey is coming over with Sleek this morning, just so they can go up to Pendle with Mother Tosca. Mrs D will enjoy seeing the land that Mother owns, the hills and valleys will remind her of the Scottish Borders.

    The Nymphs are extra busy, after the "meeting" in the ravine, whatever they are doing, is going on in their underground homes. All very mysterious :? :?

    A big hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, Toady DD, SW and all.

    We are having an at home day, (apart from getting some supplies in town, for our neighbours arrival home), but we won't class that as going out, it will be nipping out :lol::lol: Dad should appear for a coffee too.

    Time I was pottering again, so I will leave love and sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Some rather decadent Danish Pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The only thing I am not keen on is mucus....not gunge never minded the stuff Barbara. Will the Dr prescribe anything else to help you? More Abs/different ones? If your temp is going down you are 'winning' sort of just not much/fast enough.

    No inhalers yet :roll: not been requested of my pharmacy yet :roll: despite me taking my letter to the Dr and them copying it on Tuesday :roll:

    As Aidan said the cloak is always ready. Sometimes it goes on it's own with cats in it like my lung functions which I was keeping quiet :roll: t69044

    Gosh how gross Aidan! Your neighbour is lucky to have you two to get rid of those flies :shock: :shock: :shock: shudder!

    Yes Sleek took Mrs D over this morning to see M Tosca. They went over to Pendle. Mrs D was very impressed I believe. They all discussed what to do with Tom thumb (remember him? My nephew/sister's son's kitten?) who escaped the other day and wasn't found for many hours hiding under a bush. :roll:

    No idea what the nymphs were discussing just that it must be something BIG! :?

    Paul had a look at the stairs at Weston Hall and then we ate at Swinfen Hall last night. He knows which he prefers. Today Tia will try to make sure Mikey sees Swinfen and she will be over this morning for a good chat pros and cons....

    Glad Dad's bloods were easy and that you can mostly be at home today :)

    It's just too dry atm we desperately need rain and lots of it. All gardens are brown/yellow no green to be seen apart from some weeds oddly??

    Lovely clean en-suite and bathrooms at yours Tosca has told Sleek all about it :D

    Danish pastries-a-plenty going in my gob!! Ta!

    Carol it has been humid! Good that you slept better and like you no real rain only one shower last week but not anywhere near enough :(

    I like the close-up pic of you selling the cards and can now picture you further upstairs normally :)

    Glad knitting was good. Did your friend make it?

    Your shower must be priority after the kitchen to be honest sadly pusskin might have to wait a little longer. Who's to say you might hear of one needing a home anyway. Cats can do fine indoors you know.

    Kath I do hope Emily is happy in her new home I am certain she will be and you will have her number just as soon as she has it!

    I took my pudding avec much squirty cream into the booth which has since been imacculised perfectly you'd never know I'd been in it :wink: Ta very muchly :)

    Awww....shame we can't have extra siblings to order! Bet our parents would be glad though :lol:

    Joan eyes tomorrow? Busy week for you both, but good the dentist was ok.

    Always feel better after a hair cut you are so right!


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan Toni.
    Kathleen have a good day.
    Barbara I'm sorry you have the horrible stuff still coming out I hope the Doctor gives you something stronger((((()))))
    Carol nice photo I hope you sold a lot of cards.
    Aidan you are being a good neighbour again you can never ask for help if you don't give it. How is your Dad((((()))).
    Toni have a good day working out the wedding plans exciting with your sister.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, go you, making custard for the Costarta. No, I'd never heard of it either but it looked so tasty. I hope you are feeling better today. t4591

    Toni, I haven't heard from Emily yet. I expect she's still standing in the middle of the room yelling orders to Alex and the boys as to what is going where. Chasing up the phone company and searching for Miss Pond (her cat) who will be lost somewhere among the boxes of who knows what. :animal_busy:

    My mum originally wanted 6 kids, but only had 3. Long, boring and not nice story. t115006

    Guess what popped through my letterbox this morning. 2 copies of Inspire. Thank you to whom it concerns. Also had my name added to the mailing list, which I thought I was already on. So hopefully I should get future editions. m0150

    Banana and Blueberry pancakes today. Add syrup, crem, ice cream or even custard. t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, hot, sunny, AC on, no messing :)

    Indeed the cloak will go on its own Toni and pick up the puskins, if there are appointments that are not mentioned. The cloak knows all medical times and dates well ahead of time.

    Yes, we did a super job of deflying the neighbours. Have done the bits of shopping they wanted, been to the tip (we know how to have fun).
    Just their lights to leave on later, so they have a warm welcome home.

    I do remember Tom Thumb, bless him. I am glad he was found. Did the elders come up with a plan I wonder, while admiring the views from Pendle.
    Definitely something big, there is a lot of chatter from the ravine, the Nymphs are super busy indoors.
    Sadly no mist today, maybe tomorrow when it is forecast to rain...........or so they say :roll: :roll: and be a lot cooler for 24 hours. Hoorah.

    Is Paul preferring the one that we all like, for the Wedding? Just hope that Tia and Mikey are just as smitten. Lots to talk about for sure. Lots of talk about Swinfen :) t4591

    I was looking at satellite images of the UK, one from May, when it was all looking nice and green and one from recent, the whole country is a shade of brown :shock: :shock: It is going to take a lot of rain to restore things, I wish it would rain steadily for several days. Not a deluge, as that just runs away and floods roads.

    Funny how the weeds are doing very well indeed thank you. What do they have that other plants don't? Interesting.

    Tosca loves this clean and sparkling. Talking of which, glitter, in the kitchen this morning? I could see it twinkling on the mat? Silver passing by maybe t115006 t115006

    Kari settling in well, some extra sparkles for her t115006 t115006

    I see you were enjoying the Pastries :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan, we try to be good neighbours, then what goes around, comes around. They want to take us out for brunch at the GC and will be bringing some ciggies back, they won't take any money for them, despite me trying.

    Dad was going to come round for a coffee this morning, but he often forgets, we will ring him in a while, make sure he is ok. He will be watching sport on the tv, or asleep, he can sleek on a clothes line.

    No word from Emily as yet Kath. Still making sure that the carpets are put down perfectly as well as organising all the things that you have to do when you move. Miss Pond, what a lovely name for a puskin, I hope she is found

    My mum was adamant that I was going to be the only one, she was so tiny, 6 stone wet through and I was over 10lb at birth :shock: :shock:

    Glad your magazines came in the post :)

    I will pinch some of those pancakes, just the blueberries for me, thank you kindly. I will have extra thick double cream today, with lots of Maple syrup.

    I am off to the booth with them
    SPLAT - that was good. Now I need a shower, so I might stay in here while it does the wash and rinse cycle :shock: :lol::lol:

    How are you feeling today Barbara, has the Dr given you a new prescription? Sending lots of well wishes and hugs and magic squares t4591 t115006 t69044 Silver will be over to sprinkle some get well sparkles too.

    Take lots of care, XXX ((()))

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Carol, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, SW and all

    Time for me to have a little potter, sort out my pills, it is nearly that time.

    Just checked on the PO site, my PIP forms arrived safely, according to the tracking number. One less thing to worry about............. :? :?

    Won't be too long until it is................


    Love and Sparkles to all, catch up again later. XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick post to say it is SWINFEN!! Nearer for the Warwickshire family and much better disabled access.

    A little sad about Weston Hall, but I hope they will learn and install a stairlift instead of that horrible stair climby thing they have.

    Maybe Charley or Lucy can get married there in future then :)

    The cats are all going over to Swinfen at siesta time:shock:

    We need their paws of approval!

    I hope Kath has heard from Emily by now and Mrs Pond is ok too :?

    Choir practise now I need to sing extra loud to cover for poorly Barbara.


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all ..thankyou again for all your kind words I feel like a real wimp :oops: :shock:
    Aiden no its not an a urgent appointment..if there is such a thing :o still waiting for results off the will be choose and book thank goodness because I dont like one hospital..not at all..and no new meds she said just keeping taking the ones I have..and a couple of paracetamol a temp is perfect now so I am on my way... :) the ENT department wont believe there eyes when I turn up again :lol: he will hold me down and get me to sign for the op this time.. :roll:
    How kind of you to do shopping for your nighbours for when they arrive home..and deflying there been an awful year for fly's especially blue bottles :shock: I hate the you nearly had an a home day..typical..and thankyou do much for the get well were 10 pound at birth..your poor mum being so small .. :shock:
    Toni so they have chosen you say the other missed out not have a life such a shame but now the planning exciting and like you say there is Charley and Lucy yet :DAiden and I can now choose our hats..might just come and listen at choir...and learn :D
    Joan you are right if you dont give you cant ask for help..give and take has they say...I think you and Sue have good neighbours and I bet they like having you there.. :D
    Carol that a nice the fage yogurt I already use it was voted the best for live cultures..I just put strawberry's in..sounds nicer how you do it.. :) talking of waffle our youngest GD 5 nearly 6 has got us onto them.. :D not long them for your next GGC...poor mum, but she will manage I am you wish you lived nearer..
    Kath I am sure Emily will have you round when all is in I will go and see if there are any banana and blueberry pancakes left and danish pastries from Aiden thankyou both
    better get ready for choir..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So, Swinfen Hall it is and very lovely too.

    As you say Toni, if it is better for family access and better for disabled access, then that is a big plus. What is the horrid stair climbing thing :shock: that they have at Weston Hall? Not a Stannah I take it :? They will take note I am sure, people are not always able to leap up steps and there needs to be adequate provision for us pottering and hobbling people :D:D

    That is where Tosca had gone then, I woke up, from dozing and she was not in her bed, assumed she was munching on biscuits, but no, they were all over at Swinfen Hall, giving it a thorough inspection, under their cloaks of invisibility..................
    There was shrieking after I woke up again, so I am taking it that they like it, "most suitable and delightful" said Mother. All were in agreement and their paws of approval were abundant.

    Mother and Mrs Darcey have been looking at Tiara's now, Sleek has sent them brochures. She might ask Daddy to make her a mini sparkly bracelet, one for each front paw. t115006

    Hope all was well at choir practice, I did hear extra loud singing, I think Barbara was there, listening in. t4591

    Now, speaking of Barbara, there you are :) No you are NOT a wimp at all, never, ever. We all topple from our perches every now and again and we like to be there for each other and send oodles of love and well wishes.

    An urgent appointment, well, I think in general, those days are long gone. The quickest way to get fast tracked into something is to present at A and E.
    Choose and book, yes, I like those appointments, you can give the places you don't like, a wide berth. Keep taking the AB's for now and the paracetamol.
    Glad you temperature has come down. Oh, we don't want them holding you down at ENT, for operations, is there no other option?

    All is ready for our neighbours arrival, she sent a text to say that they had been sat on the runway for nearly two hours :shock: :shock: I have found their flight and they are on their way now. Doubt they will get in before 3am. The lights are all on for them, nothing worse than coming home to a dark home. We aim to please.

    Flies, oh we loathe them. B is a dab hand with the swatting, when one gets in. We cannot settle if there is one whizzing about. Blue bottles are horrid, great noisy things, they are maniacs and very germified

    Glad you liked the get well picture :) We had a 95% home day, just the tip and Tesco's, we were soon out and back.

    Looking forward to the rain coming today, so so dry all around.

    Hats, yes, we need hats, I am going to look for one immediately.

    I have gone for a cat themed fascinator in red velvet :D:D


    Not quite sure how I can fix it to very short hair, glue I guess. :shock:

    Hi to Carol, hope you are ok and it has not been too hot a day. Temperatures are set to get higher in the south east, not sure about London, but I would imagine it will be hotter than here in sunny Lancashire :?

    Hi to Kerrin, is it summer holidays now? I hope so and you can recharge the batteries, hope any ouchies are kept under control as much as possible.

    Hi to Christine and Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.

    Off into town this morning, Px to pick up, so a visit to the T room will be in order.

    A little shopping, that is about all. Just enjoy the rain, hoorah.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone, take lots of care t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Some waffles, I gather Barbara is rather partial to them :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    This is the stair climber chair at Weston:,online_chips:evacuation+chair&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ1LWcgq3cAhVPa1AKHSgaBDAQ4lYIKSgB&biw=1081&bih=490&dpr=1.25

    Scroll down to the pic of it in use. Most undignified and scary.

    They could at least install a normal stair lift. I shall advise. I know it's a listed stone building, but a stairlift would fit in and be no problem.

    Today I shall ring them to let them know then ring Swinfen. Do you need to see pics of there again?

    Indeed Tosca is quite right 'most suitable and delightful' it is! Tiaras needed and if he can do it B must make some tiny paw bracelets and maybe tail ones too?

    I hope your neighbours are finally home safe and sound to a lovely lit home :) Very thoughtful.

    Just taking a few waffles.....

    Barbara. I escaped from hospital no less than 3 times so it's on my records. They usually get me in just prior to any ops now (no night before malarkey!) and give me sedation to chill me too then you can't escape and actually don't really care anyway!!

    You can avoid anywhere nasty via choose and book so all good there. They will be glad to see you back and ready for you op now so don't worry.


    Morning to Sue/Joan I hope you two have a good shop today. You have had a hectic week!

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello its me again.
    Joan is walking the dogs.
    We both have a eye test today
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Love Sue.
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all, Sue, hope all goes well at you and Joan's eye tests.

    Emily has moved. She has sent her phone number via email so I've changed all my phones to the new one. Miss Pond is looking a bit bemused, but happily licking the butter from her paws while catching the sun in through the window. I will ring her tonight, as by then all the last minute touches should be finished. m0150 :animal_busy:

    Toni, I don't like the chair climber at all. Most undignified. So Swinfen Hall is much preferable. Have you sorted out your Mother of the Bride outfit? Can't wait to see our own Glamour Puss all dolled up. :D

    Talking of Glamour Puss, I love your Puss cat fascinator Aidan. Waffles, don't mind if I do. Hmf slurp lovely.

    Barbara, I'm glad to hear you are on the mend. Don't sign anything until you, Mother and Sleek have read the small print. t4591

    I thought the Berry Patch breakfast would make a nice snack for any time of day, with or without ice cream. But maybe I'll add some extra fruit.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Photo of Miss Pond's (Emily) cat, Miss Pond. Yes, they share the same name. The original Miss Pond was a character in Dr Who. Emily adopted it as her BLOG name, then also called the cat that. Confused? You will be. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my, the chair "climber" Toni, :shock: :shock: I would no more get on that, than show my bum on the Town Hall steps.

    There is one at our surgery, near the upstairs waiting room, obviously in case of fire, cannot use lift, so would have to go on that. No, I will slide down on my backside first thank you all the same.

    I think they need to come into this century. In a fire, then ok, but as a dignified accessible stair lift, that is not it.

    I have Swinfen on saved list already :) t4591 I keep having a read through and looking at all the rooms, all the bedrooms / suites etc.

    B will make minute bracelets and tail adornments for all puskins assembled at the Wedding :) t115006 t115006

    Neighbours came home just after we had gone to bed, I had followed their flight on flight radar, (amazing, you just don't realise just how many planes there are up there at any one time).

    They were all still tucked up in bed when we toddled out this morning. I think there are signs of life now :lol: after long sleeps.

    Nice waffles they are too. mmmmm

    I sound a bit like you do, as a patient, all my obs are ok, but my veins vanish, as soon as they see a cannula :lol: and it is a case of "you keep me VERY calm, or I am gone" AND I was a Charge Nurse for a long time, just saying......... :? . :D:D

    Usually the extra daizemuls and lorazepam puts me in a better frame of mind.

    Hi Sue, it soon comes round, these Suesday mornings. So you are both off to the Optician, hope all goes well, the cloak will be there and the puskins will be observing that everything is as it should be.

    hope you get all your shopping and things that you need. Hi to Joan too :)

    Hi Kath, so you have a new number for Emily, that's good, they are getting sorted, steadily, or will it be a bit frantic, as it normally is when moving house?
    Glad that Miss Pond is happy with her buttered paws and sunbathing, it will all seem very strange, but puskins are super adaptable.

    Thank you Kath, I think the fascinator is purfect for the Wedding. I will need a suit to match of course.

    Sound advice to Barbara, no signing of things until Sleek and Mother had red the small print.

    I will save some of the berry patch platter, for later on, thank you kindly.

    How are the ouchies, I hope not too bad. t4591 Was there time for a sit on your benches today? or has Tesco been? Love the picture of Miss Pond, sitting in the sun, bless t115006 t115006

    We went into town with Dad, picked up B's prescription, then had to go into the T room, rude not to.
    We ended up having our fav, griddled mushrooms, fried egg and super buttery crisp toast.............mmmmmmmmmmmmmm All three of us had the same, then I was greedy and had some almond slice :) All very nice, Dad said you have to have breakfast, it's good for you.

    Shopping and home before 1pm, shirts all immaculised, washing done, Mother resting after a busy time gathering mist from Pendle, in the rain. She had a very big waterproof coat on, she is not one for being wet. Letting Sleek do the driving as it is very misty on the hill.
    I think the Nymphs are working on a carriage, made out of magic sparkling squares, for the wedding. Mother let slip that the mysterious creation, had wheels.............. :shock: t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi to Barbara, how are you feeling today, sending more hugs and well wishes your way t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi to everyone else too. We are enjoying the rain at the moment, not pouring, but steady, very grateful for it too. It is going to get super hot again in some parts over the week end, with big storms :shock: :shock:

    I had a text from the pippy peeples, thank you for your form
    blah blah, we may need you to attend a face to face in order to make our decision, we will be in touch if we do :? :?

    Time to potter, back is a wee bit shrieky today. Will be in again later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Aidan XX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..temp good but my head..least said... :shock:
    Toni I did wounder what you meant by a stair climber :shock: that is outrageous..can you imagine being dragged in one of those. me and my hat :shock: :lol: I hope you do put them right but I have a feeling they wont listen..I have never got far enough to go into hospital with these sinuses..just the consultant..who said recurring infection and it needed to be cleared.. :shock: now if it was like this when I see them they could do it there and then.. :roll:
    Sue good luck to you and Joan for your eye appointment..hope all is well for you both
    Kath don't worry I wont sign anything.. :lol: not till I am desperate..I am pleased to hear Emily is settling into her new home..and so is Miss Ponds..I love that name..ponds cold cream it reminds me of.. :)
    Aiden..yes my temp is down thankyou..head baging with the pressure , so just keep using my neti pot.
    Your neighbours will be so glad to get home and to a nice sparkling one and food in the kind..
    You are going to put me to shame with that it cat themed this wedding.. :lol:
    We have heavy rain at the min cant believe it..wonder if there will still be an hosepipe ban.. :roll:
    will leave you for now love to all.. m0150 t4591 t115006
    Just spotted you there Aiden..glad your neighbours arrived safe..and thankyou again ..will answer more later.. :D
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A quick hello to you all.

    Just I am ok but have just seem to have not had enough hours in the day for the last couple of days where they have gone. think they have started to be spirited away again Aidan when we are not looking. Tomorrow will be quite busy as we have open morning at church then in afternoon I have to get my fruit shopping and then a world championship speedway meeting on starting at 4.15pm slightly earlier than the normal ones because it is the British round. its a quick shop and home no extra cups of coffee out. :lol::lol: and so I don't have to cook we are having a buffet picky type of tea whilst watching the speedway. but I will try to get onto post and catch up with you all.

    now it's potter time. so off I go hope you all have a good nights sleep tonight.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all --

    Some hugs for your poor head Barbara ((())) sorry to hear it is causing such problems. Sinus pain is horrid, it really is. t4591

    Some relief can be obtained by alternating between applying hot and then cool cloths, across your sinus area, for about 3 minutes for each one. Also lots of Vitamin C is recommended, the 1000mg soluble ones, we take them several times a day.

    Better that your temperature has come back to normal, so the infection should be improving.

    I am with you on that stair contraption, if my fascinator slipped, or your hat went west, oh the loss of dignity. :shock: :shock:

    I don't think the actual wedding is cat themed, but, I thought it would be a good choice for us. This one is quite nice, with the whiskers, so cute

    Our neighbours are home, but we have not seen them yet, I think they are recovering from the usual long time it takes from getting to the airport, to actually arriving home. I am sue she will pop round today.

    Yes, the hosepipe ban starts on the 4th August. There is a right hoo ha over the boss of United Utilities, the ban being put in place, all the leaks that they have not fixed and he is earning 12 million £ over the last 5 years :shock: :shock: That is some salary.

    It has been lovely to have rain, you can almost hear the trees and gardens, giving a huge sigh of relief. It will be very welcome on the moors, to dampen everything down. Set to get warmer again though........... :roll: :roll:

    Hi Carol, glad you are ok, I have checked in the shed and there are huge amounts of hours piled up, so we need to go in and take some back. They accumulate without our knowing.

    I hope all goes well at the Church open morning and you sell some more cards.
    Then a quick fruit shop and sit down to enjoy the Speedway with a little buffet to nibble at. Perfect. I hope we do well in the competition.

    Tosca has been very brave and ventured out on her pink broom, to gather some mist, from the woods (only a local glide round). The broom was on autopilot and going very slowly. Brave Mother t115006
    She told Sleek and Mrs D all about it and carried on shrieking well into the evening :roll: :lol::lol:

    Well, I had best be having a little potter. I am sat here browsing the web, reading the news, (boy is that all doom and gloom). Brexit, I am up to the high teeth hearing about it, everyone falling out in lumps........... :roll: :roll:

    So, off I will go, into the kitchen, then watch some more golf. Mother is watching it at the moment.

    Everyone take care, love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Home days this week end :) Dad will be round for coffee and croissants.
    XXX Aidan

    We will need the French butter for our fresh courgette bread, still warm from the oven.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ah lovely! I have a decaf macchiato here to go with my warm breakfast loaf and president butter! There is some in the coffee pot for you Aidan.

    Can you believe it I will be off to France on Monday!!! I cannae wait now.

    Finally yesterday afternoon I got my inhaler! met the surgery's respiratory nurse who is very knowledgeable and has did her own baseline assessment :D Had a lesson in how to use the inhaler too. I am to expect improvement in a few days :?

    You think I should wear a pusskin fascinator for the wedding??? I might try one on :lol: Oh B thank you Sleek is so exited about all the tiny paw bracelets and tail ones too!! She will advise him of her colour choices nearer to the day. She shed a small tear as she had planned to co-ordinate with her beloved Pepe :cry: t4591 t4591 t4591

    Sleek was so proud of Tosca yesterday!!! I had to hear all about it. Apparently they have already been out this morning with trailers attached to broomstick and collected as much haze and mist as felinely possible :) They suspect that Tom-Thumb is wanting to join them which was the reason for his escape the other day :roll: He is Mrs D's 'nephew' so she is going to try to take him under her paw.....

    Tosca's raincoat reminds me of Vera's off the TV show....

    I do indeed have vanishing veins (fear pure fear!!) and a bit of calming medication such as you describe is the order of the day if I absolutely must stay in hospitals t2507

    Bless your neighbours I am sure they are recovered now :)

    Carol don't worry if you don't have time to get in you have a busy day. Fingers crossed some cards get sold. I think the speedway may be on in this house today too then :roll:

    I have lost so many hours this week it's unbelievable :shock:

    Take care and don't overdo it.

    Hi Barbara! I do hope your sinuses are not that bad when you see him - no way do we want you suffering a day longer than necessary :shock:

    We also had some rain...I wouldn't say 'heavy' as such but welcome none the less. t115006

    No theme to the wedding just very traditional, but you will all be welcome in your cat fascinators. The cloak has booked itself ready to transport you all over. I won't be available to drive the minibus will have other duties I suspect.....

    I am so glad you all hated the stair climber too!! Not just me!! I would have got up the stairs myself reluctantly, but we have 4 Grandparents one of whom is totally non-weight-bearing. :roll:

    Aw Kath!! I love Mrs Pond - is she a posh cat? She looks like one a Bengal?? I am glad Emily is in and Mrs P is happily licking her butter (best butter I hope???) and you ahevthe new telephone number now m0150

    The berry patch was lovely I shared some with my sister I hope you didn't mind?

    Hmm to M of the bride outfit selected yet, but there is a shop in town... :?

    That stair climber wasn't nice at all.

    Not at all and I would not be happy to have any of our guests humiliated.

    Oh Gosh the eye test was yesterday Joan I thought it had been Thursday :oops: What a twit I am :oops: I hope you and Sue got on ok.


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
    Kathleen I wish Emily all the best in her new home.
    Aidan I hope you all have a good day(((())))
    Barbara have you tried Albas oil in a bowl of water you put a towel over your head and breath it in (((()))
    Carol have a good day to day(((()))
    Toni love to everyone(((())))
    thank you yes the opticians went well I'm having a reading pair as well.
    have a good weekend
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx