Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh how HOT was I last night even with my bedside fan on. Hope it's a bit cooler tonight as I need a good night's sleep for tomorrow. :?

    I'm going to post Pastoral in the poetry thread.

    Now, by special request from Toni (get ready) I present -


    for your express pleasure and delectation. OOOh, I sound like an old time music hall presenter. Remember Leonard Sachs? :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap......SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE Eton Mess! Thank you Kath (Booth on express wash and blow-dry as I expect it will be needed again soon :wink:

    Do did indeed sound like an old time music hall person :lol:

    I will go and read the poetry thread.....

    Hi Barbara - I don't think I can physically do much more here, but I will be able to push decisions though I think :?

    Wasn't it hot last night? m0150

    The wedding planning is just SOOOOO! exiting!! I am loving it. We are watching SYTTD even more avidly now!

    Thanks to you and Joan for your sympathy for Lucy with her cold. She's ok still going into work bless her.

    Sleek is outside in THIS!!! What is she like? She's enjoying lying in the shade

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..we have 2 fans nice a cool till I go to bed..will take one with me the quietest :) still 25 in our back garden I think its all the bushes and trees that throw the heat lovely though listening to all the birds... :D
    Kath I will catch some of the Eton mess before it hits the walls :lol: and will have a look at your poem..hope you sleep ok..
    Toni how good that you will be involved in decisions... :D Lucy is such a trooper bless her..hope she feels better very soon..Miss sleek is certainly making the best of this weather.. :D you enjoy helping with the wedding plans..I cant wait for it all to happen...and see the pics...
    Right will leave you for now..hopefully Aiden is able to keep cool with the AC...and all is well...
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Kaththat Eaton mess that was certainly a face splat sorry about the mess sorry

    BarbaraI made the booth a bit of a mess again but I did put it on express wash and blow dry again so nice and clean again now. oh so Sleek is lapping up the sun is she. our snowie always used to do that in the garden worse thing is being a white dog he was prone to sunburn so we always used to put sun tan cream on him when it was like it is at the moment. chest not so bad today since I put myself back on my inhalers and I have always got my reliever inhaler with me with me even when I am not taking them just in case it is needed. I think I stay at target with slimming world because that way of eating has become habit now with us both. we don't have thinks cake or cream biscuits chocolates etc in the house any more except maybe at Christmas time even then we limit ourselves to so many a day and no more. Before we started SW nearly 6 years ago we would easily demolish almost a packet of biscuits between us in one evening. :roll:

    Joan yes I will soon have that off mind you I don't mind if I stay where I am as I am dead on target now and have 3lb either side to lose or gain and still be in target.

    Aidan Its has been hot here again today but there is a slight breeze so if you can get out of the sun while being out it was not to bad but it very hot inside, I was frying at the knitting group to day in the library I felt like I was melting by the end of the afternoon.

    Toni Your right there Mr T is not the most patient person when things go wrong by any means. my asthma feels a bit better today by putting myself back on my inhalers so will stay on them whilst weather is like it is. the hay fever I have got my nasal spray so that is not being to bad. yes we do eat a lot of speed foods mostly fresh fruit. Eaton mess was delicious. Hope Lucy is feeling a bit better today.

    Tomorrow I am at the MS group with my cards unfortunately I will not get my evening on my own as I thought I might the church meal has been cancelled because our pastor and church secretary want to watch the football as I understand England are playing. the football doesn't interest me or Mr T only the speedway. yes live meetings can be very noisy that's half the fun and in weather like we have at the moment very dusty to both riders and crowd.
    our SW Eaton mess was delicious made slightly different to the traditional type but yummy none the less. we finished it off tonight
    after dinner. those waffles were delicious couldn't resist.

    It is time for a potter now so love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OH MY DAYS, it is way too hot. Indoors, AC on, all but one curtain shut, drinking like fishes (T and Tonic, not together though ) :lol::lol::mrgreen:

    The waffles were good, still plenty left if you need to pop back later Toni. I have smothered them in whipped cream, to make them face plantable.

    We were out, brunch, which was yummy, egg and mushrooms on toast.........with mayo, coffee and then a scone. Thanks to Dad :) He enjoyed his Bacon butty as well.

    Whizz into Sainsb, it was like a ghost ship, no one about hardly. It was lovely in there, all chilled, I said, can we not move in here for 10 days, no worry about food, treats, coffee etc. We even have an Argos, to browse through, Tosca would love it. She loves moving house and going in the car.

    We wanted to get back in good time, not wishing to leave Mother Tosca for long.
    In, AC on max and it is staying on until 1am. I doubt very much we will get it down to 20 degrees, 22 seems to be the limit, poor thing it is working its socks off.

    I do see Pepe and Cookie out the corner of my eye, usually when I am having a shave, I see a tail vanishing round the en suite door, see them quite often, which is lovely. t4591 t4591 Yes, we miss them dreadfully - I cannot sit and think for long, or I will be bawling.

    Mother has come out of her shell. She is well aware of the loss and often looks around, you can see her pondering and looking at places Cookie and Pepe used to sit. She will not go to any of them. Strange isn't it.

    The fires on the moors are more over towards Manchester way, it is a huge expanse of pretty barren moorland, very difficult to access for the most part. Pepe and Sleek would have gone to nosey, but I think Hermione would have stepped in and prevented their investigating.

    They enjoyed their early morning jaunt, Tosca said she was most comfy in her gel cushion seating.

    You did well getting your room down to 20. I am sure it will have helped you have a better night.

    So Sleek says that Paul's new van, will do, :roll: to transport your Sis and Mrs Darcey, down to your neighbourhood. She has very high standards and no denying. :? :lol:

    I would keep the appt for Lucy, even if you cancel on the day, once you know which way it is going, cold, or infection wise

    I think Dad can go on twice daily obs now, then down to once a day at the week end. Thanking Miss Slimkins in advance :)

    I have not noticed a huge improvement in the ouchies, I think the spell will need work and probably various ingredients :? :?

    I am seeing an Eton Mess, did Kath leave one or two or three?

    Hi Joan, I know Sue likes the warm / hot weather. My late Mum was the same, she might, just might, have had short sleeves on today, but her cardigan would have been to hand, just in case :lol::lol: Dad would have been lathered though

    We did have rain on the forecast, but now it has gone and we are at least 10 days of continued hot weather. A little cooler next week, but not a lot. Our rivers are nearly dry :shock:

    Both of you take care and we will be with you tomorrow, for your appointment. XX

    Hi Barbara, I am baked too, just cooling down a bit now. I was leaking coffee by the time we left the T room. They had a nice breeze blowing through, which was welcome.

    I wondered if the fires on the moor, would trouble traffic on the M62. We used to travel that road a lot, when we went to visit family in Huddersfield.

    Siesta time seems to be the hottest, I have to have a towel on my pillow.
    I cannot sleep if there is a fan on in the room, so I have to turn the one in my bedroom off, which is a shock, in this weather :shock: :roll:

    try and keep cool, our forecast is for more of the same, for at least 10 days :shock: m0150 we need RAIN.

    Hi Kath, it was VERY hot last night, we all need those "chillows" that you can buy, they are supposed to be excellent at helping to keep you cool. You can put one on your pillow and one under any super hot areas :shock:

    I do remember the music hall, with Leonard banging his gavel, :lol::lol: everyone going ooooh

    Thank you kindly, Toni will be made up. I see there are lots of spare ones, I will wait for Toni to finish making a huge mess in the booth, then I will go in :lol::lol:

    I will go read your poem :)

    We are all ready for your appointments tomorrow t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Ah, there you are Toni, just finishing with the wash and dry cycle. you have strawberries in your hair :lol::lol: Now, if you can stand to one side, I am going in.........................................SPLAT. Munch, mmmm, lovely, nice and cooling.

    Mind your ears Miss Sleek, puskins can get sunburn very easily.

    Sorry, I had to save to drafts, huge who ha with the Building Society, which kind of distracted me :x :x :x Anyway, we are sorting that now.

    Hi Barbara, yes, all is as ok as can be, still rather warm, the AC got us down to 22, so that was fine, he says, now that it is off and we are warming up. I am sure the house is a night storage heater. :? :?

    Hope you can sleep with the quiet fan xx

    Hi Carol, I can imagine you were melting at the knitting group, all wrapped with wool and the like, in super hot weather. I would have dissolved :shock: :shock: It was nice in the shade, with the breeze, but when that abated, it was just unpleasant, with no let up in sight.

    Glad your chest is feeling a bit better, always wise to carry the ventolin with you. I assume it is ventolin?

    So the Church meal has been cancelled, due to the football, right, not that it interests us either.

    Right, I am totally out of time, I need to potter, or throw pots, not sure which :shock: :shock:

    We will all be ready under the cloak, for all our appointments, Kath and Joan. Will bring the possums and bush babies too and some extra sparkles t115006 t115006

    I was going to say we have had a restful evening, never quite works out how you planned. Such is life.

    Anyway, my love, hugs and sparkles to everyone. See you all under the cloak. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ooops, nearly forgot our picnic breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Breakfast looks perfect for this weather Aidan - very continental thank you :)

    I got our bedroom down to 19 by leaving it in there all afternoon/evening until bedtime :shock: Well-worth it ;) I hope you slept ok?

    Sleek is pretty sensible she comes in and sleeps indoors during the worst of the sun. I think you are right Hermione would have put an invisible barrier to stop her and Pepe investigating the fires too closely!

    Tosca definitely knows family is missing bless her and the spaces are saved form when they come back. They live so much in the present it must be hard for them :( Right no being maudlin Toni :shock: ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    The girls (as Sleek calls them both) have already been out this morning mists collected and safely delivered. They had a ride around the sanctuary too and stopped to 'talk' to the meerkats who are loving the weather :?

    Sleek will reduced her obs accordingly.

    Sounds as though you all had a lovely breakfast out yesterday :D yum! Dad enjoying his bacon buttie bless him. I often think I would love to live in a shop when it's this hot too! m0150

    Hi Carol I see you went to knitting group. I hope your friend went along and is doing ok.

    Yes keep your inhalers up just now - safety first! There is very little 'air' around while it's like this....

    I used to put sun lotion on our old cat's ears they were so pink! Daisycat's are less so being tabby.

    Thank you for asking after Lucy I think she is maybe on the mend fingers crossed.

    If fruit is also a speed food I would definitely be ok too :)

    Did you say there is football again :roll:

    Thank goodness it's choir practise for me :roll:

    Barbara I think Lucy might be on the mend fingers crossed :)

    The trees might also keep your garden a little cooler than some of your neighbours I hope so.

    We were 29 in the shade yesterday when we locked up.

    I have booked us to see 2 venues Monday one Tuesday and one the following Thursday. Myself and Tia and the wedding Fayre is this Sunday (also village clear-up :? ). Paul and her fiancé will come to the Fayre.

    A quick woo-ooo! to Joan I hope the dogs are ok in the heat and you and Sue too.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni.
    Barbara I have not got a fan I'm cold at night in the day we have our back door open all the time.
    Kathleen I have not tried Eton mess sue likes it I'm not sure because of the alcohol in it.
    Carol you have done very well you should be pleased.
    Aidan we have rain for Sunday so they say. Your Dad is doing well.
    Toni I'm pleased Lucy is doing well I think about the C word all the time I don't know how you must feel. could it still come back. sorry to mention it.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all.. m0150 thats all I will say.. :shock:
    Aiden sorry there wasn't much sleep for you,I left the fan on..but like you say the noise.. :o how nice that the coffee shop had a nice breeze blowing though, we went to the GC because it has AC..but it wasn't that cool in places..and there were 2 coach loads of ladies there from Liverpool.. :o how sad that Tosca is looking for Pepe and cookie..bless like Toni says they live for today..I can just imagine what she was thinking..thanks for the lovely breakfast I do like helping myself..
    Toni I wont be at choir but watching the football so can you make my excuses.. :lol: I do love the world cup especially has we are in with a chance..I was around when they won last 1966 sweet 16 I was.. :shock: I hope that Lucy is feeling a little better..this hot weather doesn't help..yes you keep the appointment..hope all is well..and you all enjoy the wedding fair...
    Carol I need to take a leaf out of your book..and not have sweet stuff in the house , if I dont buy it OH does.. :roll: glad to hear your chest is a little better...
    Joan you are like my middle GD she is always cold..and loves this do I have it right that its your appointment and kaths..I will be there under the cloak.and wishing you both well..
    Right bloods for me in half hour so better move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well Joan I hope your appointment went better than mine. Transport were late so I was late for my first appointment. Part way through my appointment the computer they were using went wrong. I have fluid in my knee, but if it isn't causing me pain/problems she doesn't want to drain it as it might become infected. My toe and ankle is bone damage which can only be treated by surgery - NO THANK YOU. Nurse took me to my other department where I waited half an hour then found out they had booked transport home, which they cancelled when they realised I was there for an infusion. Finally had the infusion. so transport was rebooked and I got home at 1.45pm. Phew. :(:o :shock:

    Time for a face plant of Almond, white chocoate and raspberry cake. Enjoy. :):D:lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oh wow, I am glad you made it home, eventually, it was a long affair for those appointments, then the computer going boobies up. :shock: :shock: did I just say that - ooops.

    it was a pleasure to be there for you and for Joan

    Let me at that cake, no, I will write a little bit. I am totally out of time, the day has gone. I cannot begin to tell you how hot we are, even with the AC on full blast, it is working its socks off trying to keep us cool. We need RAIN.

    I will go to choir practice tonight Barbara, I will pop on my robes, with fans installed, to keep me from melting. You watch the football, I am no fan, but understand how people like it so much, let's hope we win eh.

    You did well to get the room to 19 Toni, ours is running at 28 on the machine temp gauge, 25 in the room and well over 30 outside :shock: :shock: We have had enough now, but, the forecast is for at least 10 more days of the same :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan, hope you are ok, I know Sue loves the hot weather.

    Right, I must potter, my knees are like melons and shouting almost as loudly as my back, plus I am sweating like a glass blower.

    Siesta, we will see, I think it might be a hopeless time.

    Will write more later, promise. Let me at that cake, thanks Kath, I am going and sparkles XX Aidan t69044 t4591 t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi again, finally. What another scorcher we have had today. m0150 m0150 It is knocking me for six to be honest, as it will be, for so many others. The poor farmers trying to save their sheep on Sadleworth Moor, the army and all the emergency services are doing an amazing job, trying to put it out, they have my utmost respect.

    The picnic breakfast was essential to take under the cloak of many rooms. It was nice and cool in there and magical to be in so many places at one time t115006 We would not miss anyone's appointments.

    You did really well last night, to get your bedroom down to 19 Toni, our machine has just cut out, I think it is just having a break. It does it from time to time.

    I slept ok ish, I am well medicated after all. Today's siesta was a bit of a trial :roll: :roll:

    Sleek is a sensible puskin, not being out in the burning sun, shade is ok.
    I think the heat is getting to Mother Tosca, she has only really come to life this evening, very quiet, he says, with her shrieking behind me now :shock: :lol::lol:
    Our puskins do live for the present, hence the searching for those who are missing. No, no maudling, I am just about ready to bawl at the drop of a hat. Thank you for the top up of hugs and sparkles t4591 t4591

    Hermione would not let them venture anywhere over the moors, Pendle is quite sufficient.

    That's what Mother was talking about then, strange mini fury things, with little legs, that stood up and looked like the ones off the tv. Bless her, she has never seen a Meerkat in real life. They are super happy, saying it is just getting to be warm enough now :shock: :shock:

    I think Dad can go onto once daily obs, he seems to be pottering about ok, enjoying the football.

    He was ok when we popped in, late morning, just to see how he was. B and I popped into town, sorted the necessary info for the b society (stupid lot they are) had a cheeky coffee in Nero's, then straight home.

    Glad to hear that Lucy is on the mend. Are you going to keep the appointment, just to check. Might be wise. Week ends are always the time that "things" go off kilter a bit :roll: :roll:

    I hope I blended in at choir practice. I tried to remain incognito :? :? :lol::lol:

    I see you are booking to see venues a plenty and also the wedding fayre, exciting, Barbara and I will need new hats. :D:lol:

    Hi Joan, you do well to not have a fan, but if you get cool at night and can manage with the doors / windows open in the daytime, then that's ok. Sue loves it nice and warm. It doesn't seem so long ago that we were worrying about your heating and the rads not getting warm in Sue's room. Time flies.

    Thank you for the hugs, they are always there for you both too ((())). Dad is doing ok, we keep a close eye and see him almost every day, to make sure he is as ok as can be.

    Eton Mess is not normally boozy, so we will make sure you have one that is just meringue, cream, strawberries and more cream :D:D

    Hi there Barbara, I know, we seem to be saying the same thing, yet another boiling hot day.

    Our AC has just come back on again, after its little rest. The cheeky coffee we had in Nero's was nice, they had the doors open but we were sat under one of the ceiling AC units, so that was just fine.

    You had two coach loads of ladies from Liverpool in the GC, that would be a lot of warm bodies, for the AC to deal with :shock: :shock:

    I think I did a good job at choir practice, I had my voice changing microphone with me, so I could "sing" in any key. :lol:

    I was around the last time England won the Cup, but I was only a youngster, 5 to be precise.

    And you had your bloods done, were we under the cloak for that too, I hope so ((()))

    Sorry your appointments were a bit left of centre Kath. Transport is often a problem, for getting patients to the hosp on time. It was the same when I was nursing. Sometimes it went like clockwork, other times, nothing went right.

    So not to drain your knee in case it gets infected. Would it not be best to drain it so that it doesn't get infected? Or am I being old fashioned?
    Toe and ankle are damaged, but, no to the surgery and I cannot blame you.

    Then the computer went dizzy, :roll: :roll:

    Glad that a nurse took you to your second appointment and transport was already there to take you home - oh my. Finally things were sorted and you had your infusion and managed to get home before it was dark :shock: :shock:

    It was nice to be able to be with you for your appointments, I think we behaved, I did drop some plates, (melamine of course) so if you heard anything strange, it was me - ooops :oops: :?

    That cake was just so good, I can see some more in the booth, so I might have to go back in and just fall into another one. Thank you kindly.

    It was the dreaded brown envelope today, from the DWP, saying that my DLA is ending and I need to apply for PIP - :? :? :? I was shaking as soon as I saw it. I made the phone call and started the process and the paperwork / pack, is coming out, to be filled in and sent back.
    I tried to book an appointment with my GP, end of July at 730 in the morning. I said I cannot make that time, with the best will in the world. They said if I ring on a morning, first thing, then I will be able to get in to see him, having put a note on my file that I cannot get in for silly o clock appointments. I thanked them kindly.

    Also written to my Consultants Secretary, my new Consultant :?

    So, it all starts again. More hoops. I will be needing many sparkles. :? :|

    Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.
    I hope you are all managing to keep as cool as you can.

    I will away and potter in the kitchen. Leaving lots of love and hugs and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t4591 (((()))) t115006 t115006 Take care, XXX Aidan

    Raspberry and Cream Cheese Pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello its me again
    im sorry its a short one because ive got a blood test at 8 30 and Joan is walking the dogs
    Ihope every is coping in this weather
    Lots of love
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..what an awful night that was, my fan was circulating warm air :shock: this morning it said 28 in my bedroom.. :roll: think I might sleep downstairs tonight.. :o
    Aiden I was thinking about you poaching last night .. :shock: thankyou for the breakfast I wouldn't have bothered otherwise..its no wonder you are not feeling well in this heat, there isn't much we can do :roll:I ended up putting a cold wet towel on my head and even that got warm.. :shock: thanks for standing in at I wish I had known about this voice changer... :lol: I wont bother watching the world cup if England go out..but quite excited at the min.. :)
    So you have the dreaded letter..try not to worry..says me ..and PM me if you need any info...the fires are awful ..those poor animals..and now we have winter Hill on fire we could see the smoke last night...
    Morning Sue use saying I hope you are cool enough , you are like out middle GD cold whatever the weather..I hope your bloods are ok..give our love to Joan...
    Kath what a palaver you had at the hospital, its bad enough having to go..I do hope the infusion helps ...
    Like I said winter hill is on fire now.. :shock: because we are high up we have a good view of it coming up the rd..I just feel for the poor firemen in this weather must be awful...and all the wildlife... :(
    Better make a move love to everyone..hope you can keep cool.. t4591 m0150 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Sue, I hear you love the hot weather. You can have my share then, I hate it. Hope your blood test gives good results. Love to you and Joan. Must move on before I melt away to a soggy mess. :roll:

    Barbara, so you are fire watching from your hilltop home. Oh I hope it never reaches you. BTW No alchol in MY Eton Mess. I don't like it. :?

    Aidan, so dad is enjoying the football. I heard the lost match was deliberate so they had a better chance against the team they play next. Me no comprend. :shock: I too wondered why she didn't want to drain my knee. It was putting the needle in that concerned her, surely it would be a sterile needle? Or was she worried about my mucky knee? It's NOT muck, it's discoloured (they both are) because of rough skin. :(

    I enjoyed the raspberry and cream cheese pastries ta, now to faceplant the checkerboard Neopolitan cake. t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, on another super hot day.

    run out of any hours in the day and am totally lathered and drained, so will write later.

    Toni asked me to say that she is ok, but has been unable to login after changing some of her details, so is waiting for Admin to get back to her.

    Hi Sue, Hi Barbara, Hi Kath, I am going in for that cake now, thank you, just what I needed.

    Love to all, t4591 t4591 take lots of care, drink plenty speak later XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    What a hot hot day even now there is not much air around. I seem to have the asthma back under control again just seem to have the tickly cough but not a tight chest so will continue with the inhalers for the time being while we have this weather. Hay fever also not too bad nasal spray seems to be sorting that out. I must make a dentist appt on Tuesday (cannot do it Monday because we are going out for the day) as i have a couple of broken teeth and one is at bit sensitive to very hot or very cold foods and drinks at the moment. means I need to spend some of my savings but I suppose if needs be I must, because I have so many missing teeth that I need dentures with a few teeth on, and I will wear them unlike Mr T. Usual things happened today dinner with Mr T then coffee with my friend. Tomorrow is open morning at the church again.

    Toni So glad to hear Lucy is on the mend. my friend did go to knitting she is doing ok thanks still getting some pain but she was told she would for sometime . yes my reliever inhaler is always in my bag yes most fruit are speed.

    Aidan my reliever inhaler is Terbutaline not Ventolin. Youngest Daughter has Ventolin. we both have the same preventer one though. yes football was more important it seems yesterday so evening in on my own didn't happen. It was certainly warm under the clock today at one point I was being cooled down by the bush babies. we have a forecast of thundery rain on Sunday but the last time they forecast that it didn't happen but then next week more of the hot weather.

    Hi Joan Hope you and Sue are ok and as well as can be.

    Barbara I am lucky in the fact that Mr T Started slimming world with me so i wasn't hard to keep the cakes and bicuits out of the house and even when he stopped going to the group he still keeps an eye on his weight and i told him right at the start of joining that if he ever got fed up with it and stopped i was not cooking seperate meals so he would have to eat the slimming world meals anyway or buy and cook his own, and if he wanted t the sweet things he would have to eat them when he was out. or if he brought them into the house he had to hide them That was right at the start but if he wa te them now i dont mind because I am able to resist them if I want to.

    Well time has caught up with me again and it is time to potter

    love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Finally, I can take a little time. He says :? :? pottering aside of course, as that is mandatory :D

    I feel a little bit like the Witch in the Wizzard of Oz, "I am melting, I am melting.................."

    OK, enough of summer now, thanks all the same :roll: :roll:

    Hi Sue, I hope you managed to get to have your bloods done. Lovely to see you and Joan was busy walking the doggies. Not too hot at that time of day.
    To be honest, this weather creases me, but, we don't often get heatwaves like this. Thank goodness.

    Hi Barbara, I know just how you feel, it is getting a bit much now. I am sat by the AC and I am still overheating. I am glad we don't have an upstairs. 28 is way too warm.
    Don't blame you if you sleep downstairs. There is a nice breeze out, B has his bedroom windows open, I don't, I am not letting any critters in. We have most of the lights off though. The moon is very big and very orange tonight, sitting low over Pendle.

    Talking of hills, I read that they have arrested someone for starting the fire on Winter Hill. I hope they throw them in jail and chuck the keys away. The emergency services have enough to contend with in this weather, without dreadful acts of arson.
    The poor sheep, startled, burnt, frightened, the brave men and women that are fighting the fires, in what are really difficult areas to access. They all deserve medals.

    I will be in touch, I am sure, about my PIP. I have copies of all my ESA forms etc and I am going to see my new Cardiologist as soon as I can, in a week or two. I know it costs, to see them as a private out patient, but you get to see them so much quicker. He will need to see me anyway, as we have never met. I am still in shock that my other Cardio retired :roll: :? still, I am sure he will be just as kind and helpful.

    Yes, the voice changing mic is very useful, I sounded just like you at choir practice, the voice of an Angel I hear people say :wink::wink:

    I am glad England are doing well in the World Cup, let's hope they keep up the game, is it Tuesday they play again? We are too engrossed in tennis, now Wimbledon starts on Monday, hoorah, cannot wait.

    I ironed and steamed all the shirts today, now, that was a trial. I had to put a cold wet T towel on my head, as I was so hot :lol::lol: :shock: Took me ages to cool down. They had to be done, I was sick of seeing them hanging on the wardrobe doors.

    Hi Kath, yes, Sue loves the hot weather, so I am sending ours down to their place as well. I am with you, it makes me miserable and very grouchy.

    I heard people mentioning the England match, that if they lost, then the next game would be with a more easy match up. I don't understand, or know the slightest thing about it all. Tennis, I can tell you all you need to know.

    So the nurse was concerned about putting the needle in, how strange, there are a wide range that she could use and everything is sterile, your knee would have been alcohol rubbed anyway. Oh, I should have popped out of the cloak and said, give it here love, let Matron do it. If we cannot aspirate anything, then that's fine, but don't sit there dithering. If we can aspirate even a small amount, we can send it off for C and S, to check for infection.

    I hope the infusion was ok, with no dithering from the nurses over that.

    I pinched some of Toni's clotted cream, just to pop on top of the cake. It was well worth a face plant, super gooey and yummy with it. Thank you kindly.

    Hi Carol, glad you have the asthma under control, there is quite a lot of pollution in the atmosphere at the moment, over most of the country and obviously more concentrated in built up areas. I noticed it on my weather app. very high pollen and high pollution. We need a cool front to blow in from the Atlantic to move everything on and change this air. Terbutiline, yes, I know of it. I have ventolin, but I don't use it due to my cardio problems.

    Dentist visit to make, well, it is expensive, but, well worth it, if you have a good one and have skilled dental technicians who can make the best plates, with the teeth on. B has some and you would never know.

    Dinner and coffee with your friend. Very nice. I am glad she is doing ok. Mending steadily. It does take some time.

    Both of you starting SW at the same time was obviously a great help for each other. My Nephews Wife has been with SW for a long time now, as has my SIL. My BIL did go, but he kind of fell off the wagon.
    I never used to have a sweet tooth, never brought up with sweets and chocolates, Mother would give me a carrot to chew on :shock: :shock:

    All credit to you both for sticking to it, as you say, when it becomes second nature, you have pretty much won the battle.

    Toni, I hope all is well and you can manage to get into the forum again today. Locking yourself out, big ooops. Please, lovely Admin, we need to have Toni back in the fold.

    Did Lucy go to see the GP, just to check all was ok? I hope she is feeling better.

    How is the lovely lady who was in hospital for such a long time, the lady in the wheelchair.
    Plus, I have not asked after the Rev Delphine? Hope she is well.

    We went to the GC with Dad, everyone was sat outside, so it was nice and empty inside. Scone was yummy. Dad had a bacon butty, we try and encourage him to have as many snacks as possible, then help him choose easy foods, to have at home, when we go shopping.

    He is coming round for his hair cut today, B will go and fetch him. Then I am cutting B's hair apparently. Wonder if I will manage a cheeky trim as well :) I might hint at the idea.

    Sleek was talking to Mother Tosca, while it was siesta time. They cast a sleepy spell on me, for about half an hour. I think they are out for a glide this morning, there should be some morning haze go gather.

    They are weaving cooling squares, for us to use, similar to the magic ones that we tread on and find under pillows etc. Silver will be casting them far and wide, for us all to keep our cool. t115006 t115006

    I had better make a move and potter a little. It is a wee bit cooler, just a tad.

    Hope everyone managed to get some sleep last night.

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all. Take care.
    Love and Sparkles abound t4591 t115006 t4591 XXX Aidan

    Mashed potato waffles, with rich cheese and chives

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol.
    Barbara they say it will rain tomorrow
    Kathleen I hope both your tests went well.
    Aidan who do you say will win Wimbledon I'm not sure Andy Murray is playing.
    Carol you have done well at slimming world.
    I hope you all have a good weekend
    Come back Toni we miss you how is Lucy. ((((()))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning felt quite a bit cooler last night so had a good sleep..catching up form the last few nights..
    Aiden Yes they arrested someone for WH..but just you see they will let him go with a slapped wrist.. :x did you iron with the wet towel on your head.. :shock: gosh it what you call an heatwave , like you say we don't get them often..I could never live in an hot country..suppose we are not used..glad you have your paper work to help with the PIP, it should be a big help..and hopefully your consultant will help..the things we have to do though.. :roll: GC today did you say..hope its cool indoors..I have put some net over my window then I can leave it open but the traffic here is horrendous..they are talking of closing the rd altogether..but only if they chopped down thousand of trees in the woods up the rd and build houses..look up Hulton estate..its heartbreaking.. :cry: thanks for the mashed potatoes waffles..think I could have Toni's till she can log in..and thanks for letting us know
    Kath its not really an house on a hill..but we are higher up then the rest of town..about 6 miles form winter hill..I think they should have injected that knee..honestly health and safety..I nearly did get my second hip because of bruise on my leg..
    Joan we badly need rain, it just reminds me of 1966 we were in Wales on holiday and they kept saying it will rain tomorrow..but it didnt come...
    Carol that makes such a difference that Mr T went to SW with way would Mr B go with me.. :o and like you say you just cook one meal for both of I am ok if its chips and egg.. if Mr B is cooking:roll: can you come round and sort him out for me.. :lol: you enjoy your day out next week hope its nice for you and not to hot..
    We are off to do a but of shopping then have lunch at out little cafe.. tomorrow Niamh is coming because daddy is working and so is mum..but my neighbours says she will make a picnic for her two and Niamh :)
    I hope Toni can log in soon..
    Love to all.. t4591 t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mashed potato waffles, anything with cheese and chives is more than good enough for me. Thank you Aidan, hope you are getting on alright with your PIP forms. It's a bit like arm wrestling really, so keep having plenty of rests between filling it in.

    We stayed home today, too hot - even for the gazebo. So off for a paddle with the Manatees.

    Carol, my inhalers are Fostair and Salamol. Also use Saline nebs and a Salitair salt pipe.

    Yes come back Toni. It's so annoying when you can't get online. I blame the weather, and it's supposed to keep on through July, :shock:

    I'm feeding my bones today, with orange salmon and spinach.

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, I won't mention the m0150 m0150 again, it is getting too much :? :?

    Hi Joan, Hi Sue, so you are expecting rain / thunder tomorrow? Nothing remotely even on the horizon for us, hot for at least the next two weeks :roll: :roll:
    Andy Murray is playing at Wimbledon, but, I think it is really to get some match practice, after his long injury time out. Roger Federa is always the favourite, with the crowds, for all the work he does with charities and his own foundation in Kenya.
    I am not sure he will win again, but, never say never. He is still playing amazing tennis. There are quite a few up and coming stars, like Sverev, Thiem, Cilic, plus our own Kyle Edmund of course, everyone is in the mix. Cannot wait

    Hope Sue got to have her bloods done on time. Have a nice week end ((()))

    Toni will turn up, once the gremlins are sorted.

    Last night was not as bad Barbara, we had window open and AC on until late, so the home was bearable and I was medicated and out for the count. Glad you slept better too. :D

    I would not be letting the arsonist off with a slap on the wrists, but, as you say, it is highly likely that he will get a caution. How about paying for the costs, of all the brave fire crew and army etc, who are out in blistering heat, trying to stop fires from spreading.

    I did have a wet t towel on my head, I looked a site :shock: , but I didn't care :lol::lol:

    I have so much paperwork from all the forms I have filled in over the years, for ESA or incapacity benefit, then DLA..............just when you think you can just get on with living, ,they want you to jump through all the same hoops, again. :roll: :roll:
    My new Consultant will be fine, I will get an appointment from his Sec next week.
    Then I want to see my GP and let him know that I am about to go through all the palaver and stress.

    No, home day today, GC tomorrow, we are taking Dad for brunch. He came round today for a hair cut, croissants and coffee, which he enjoyed. He always likes having his hair cut.
    Then he pottered round home and I had my hair trimmed down to number 2 again and after that I cut Bills. So, three smart boys now. :D:D:D

    We are lucky, living a mile or so out of town, up in the woods, so there is no passing traffic at all, only people who live on the park. You can hear a pin drop most of the time. (not at the moment, as a lot of people are out in their gardens, enjoying the sunshine).

    I looked up the estate, they are going to build a huge golf course, hotel, plus 1000 houses. :shock: The same here, they are have already started the 1000 plus homes, tearing up land and trees...........they call it affordable housing, not when they are 4 and 5 bedrooms, or even 2-3 bedrooms, no one can get a mortgage anyway.............all a joke and a lot of residents here are very vocal in their objections.

    Every bit of spare land seems to be swallowed up, for building. I would love to win the lottery and buy plenty of land and not part with it, just let it grow into meadows, for sheep and cattle, not bricks and mortar.

    Toni won't mind you borrowing some of the tattie waffles, there are plenty to go round :)

    You will be busy tomorrow, with Niamh and the children from next door, coming to have their picnic, they will love it.

    Hi Kath, you are welcome to the waffles, glad you liked them.

    The main PIP forms have yet to arrive, but, I know from previous experience, that I always get help from B to complete them, I could not write that much, my hands won't let me. I told them I need help filling it in when I rang them.

    Enjoy your paddle with the manatees, they will be keeping well under the water to keep cool. All our lovelies have lots of water and pools or ponds to splash in, Tapirs love a swim, as do Sloths, not so much the meerkats though :shock:

    I noticed from our forecast that this weather is around for weeks yet :shock: m0150 They will have to ban hosepipes soon, our reservoirs are running low now.

    I will have some of that lovely salmon and spinach, thank you, it is delicious.

    I will find something sweet to go with it.

    distracted there for a moment or two, needed a shave and a potter. Plus, HOW much dust does having three fans and an AC unit create !!! Oh the shame.

    Sleek was over very early, not long after 4am I think, Mother Tosca enjoyed her trip up to the top of Pendle, they gathered some early morning haze, extra special, as it was all at the summit. t115006 t115006 The Nymphs are busy away making cooling squares and Silver is sending them to everyone, not quite sure where they will land though :shock: but they won't do any harm, just be a bit chilly :lol::lol:

    Right, I must go find that desert. Barbara will be needing something sweet and Toni will be missing a face plant session

    Love, hugs and sparkles to all. Hope everyone is as ok as possible, keeping cool, or enjoying the heat, whichever suits. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Till later XXXX Aidan

    Ice Cold Mars Bar Trifle with Caramel and Chocolate Brownies

    In you go.................................................

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm in!!!!!

    Thank you soooooo much to our lovely ADMINS!!!


    For future reference maybe wise not to update your password and email at the same time especially when your old email was orange which no longer does email :oops:

    Thanks Aidan for letting everyone know that I am ok just temporarily unable to get on the site t4591 t4591

    I hope everyone is well and despite not being on here I was under the cloak with everyone for Thursday's appointments. I didn't forget.

    I hope you and B are ok I am pretty well up to date via Sleek who was upset the other day (Friday) when I popped her flea treatment on her neck and she normally goes off to moan about me to Pepe.....she coped - Tosca was most sympathetic telling her about lug-removal and nail clippings.... ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Anyway I am very warm here, but the bedroom is down to 20!! so hoping for a decent night.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Welcome home - (wasn't that a song by Peter's and Lee) Glad you have you back into the fold Toni. :D:D

    Thank you Admin for sorting the problem and duly noted, not to change two things at one time :? :? No problems keeping everyone updated. At least we can all do the same thing, should the need arise, to post on a friends behest :)

    Yes, we were all gathered under the cloak. I was sorely tempted to nip out and drain Kath's knee, while the nurse was dithering :roll: :roll:

    We did very well to be in all those places at one time, it is a clever cloak t115006 t115006 one of Hermione's treasured gifts

    That it what Tosca was on about then, Sleek saying that she had been pinned down and had veterinary products put on her neck :shock: :roll: (a little dramatic, but Tosca was not falling for the am dram) :lol::lol: Tosca said that they used to have those treatments in France, (due to previous home owners not being very clean and leaving fleas everywhere :shock: :shock: ) Imagine my horror.........

    I will be going in with the clippers to remove a few more lugs, gently gently, we don't want smiling crocodiles. :? I am sure she will let Sleek know. I can only get a few at a time, she breeds them like a Gremlin :lol::lol: :roll: Bless.

    Mother and Sleek are getting on very well, Tosca had a little fly on the broom at Siesta time, just a trip around the park and back. Then back into the coolness.

    We are down to 22 degrees, which is quite acceptable, the AC has just switched itself to fan, now that it has reached 22. It will kick in again soon I am sure.
    Sunday and Monday are set to be about 28 degrees, (which means about 30) and there is nothing but hot hot hot for the 10 days on the weather forecast.

    We are so in need or rain, some of the trees are shedding their leaves on the park, one or two of the big silver birch are dying off. The river is just a trickle, with every stone visible :(:(

    Not a great deal you can do about watering a forest :?

    We will have to do a rain dance, well a rain hobble t115006 t115006
    There is a nice breeze out tonight, just been to back door and it is quite pleasant.

    Off to the GC for brunch. We rang to remind Dad, who knew we were doing something, but not sure what, bless him. He always enjoys his trips out. Then we need a stock up from Sainsb, bit like Mother Hubbard's at the moment :lol:

    Right, I had better be moving again, pottering to be done.

    Lots of love to all, to Christine, Carol, Kerrin, Toady DD, Mig Elizabeth, Charrisse and all. Everyone take lots of care

    Hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Let me go find something for breakfast

    Sunday Brunch, something for everyone I hope

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    It's lovely to be back Aidan :D Welcome home was a song by Peters and Lee!!

    Oooh fleas in France!! Mind you part of the life-cycle of a flea is in grass so....sort of understandable :? sort of :? At least Tosca knew that the stuff is beneficial and didn't sympathise too much. Sleek is done religiously 4-weekly.

    They were out early doors apparently the haze is exceptional ATM and guess what? Tosca 'drove' part of the way!! Not on the way back she needed her gel seat of course. She told Sleek all about clippers. Got much sympathy :roll:

    I found some lovely cooling squares on my pillow last night...wonderful!

    I hope it's cool enough today to get out to the GC with Dad - my advice is to go early so you are back in time to get the A/C on pm.

    We are off to a wedding fayre today at the Mollineuax (sp) in Wolverhampton.

    I shall say a quick Woo-ooo! to Joan and hope I catch up soon on everyone's news :)


    Toni xx

    Ps any of us in the South West for some rain??