Val's Cafe
I was thinking the same Barbara, those poor people bunt alive in Greece, trying to escape, get to the sea. They are saying up to 15 fires were started deliberately. With over 60 killed. Just horrific.
Only humans, can be so inhuman, to others. I hope they catch them and lock them up for life, after all, it is mass murder.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
The pub sounds amazing and the CAKES and ICE CREAM, well, I would not know where to start, what a fabulous choice !!! :shock: :shock:
I well remember working in very very hot wards, we had shirts, tie and then white coats over them. :shock: :shock: It was exhausting. If you undid your top button, Sister would be telling you off :shock: :shock: That was at City Hospital.
It wasn't as bad at Queens Medical, we wore white trousers and white short sleeved cross necked tops, they were smart and a lot cooler.
Right, I am off again, let me go look at those pictures one more time Barbara xxxxxXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aiden I cant think of anything worse than trying to escape from fire..I really do feel so sad for you say what type of human beings could do this, I hope they are proud of there work...
Shall I tell you what I had at the pub..a lovely warm chicken salad..but it was massive..OH had the carvery ...
And I couldn't resist the ice cream one blob of white chocolate and one of sticky toffee...they were small blobs...
Gosh I can only imagine how hot you got walking up and down the wards..and hospitals used to be so warm must let us see a pic of you in your uniform..I have said to our GD she would be better training to be a nurse..there hours are up and down at the care agency...
Not heard anymore off Toni I know they were heading south...
right better move
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to one and all. It is quite cool out tonight, dare I say, almost pleasant. We are not being fooled though, with the mercury going up and up again, then storms on Friday :shock: Saying that, the storms have gone off the forecast and it looks like some drizzle instead :roll: :roll:
The fires in Greece were horrific, for people to start them, when it is over 100 degrees in the shade, 60 mph winds. Karma on those who did this, 15 fires do not start at the same time, on their own. So sad t4591 t4591 to all those who perished and those who mourn. Also praise to the emergency services.
The pub sounds wonderful Barbara, with a large platter of warm chicken salad, mmmmm.
I guess the carvery was as much as you could carry on one plate
Of course, little blobs of ice cream would finish the meal of very nicely. The choice looked amazing.
I have been looking on Dropbox, for pictures of me at work, I don't have many and I think they are still loose in a pack somewhere, I will hunt them out and scan one. It will be one of us messing about I am sure.
Your GD would be just fine going into nursing, they are crying out for staff. I know the training syllabus is totally different to ours in the late 70's, but, at the end of it, you are still a Registered Nurse and you can work anywhere there are vacancies, which is just about every hospital. Her experience as a carer would stand her in great stead.
Toni and Paul are at the house, all safe, last I heard there was fresh bread being eaten, with lots of cheese and then Toni was going to do some washing
I hope you are ok Carol and Kerrin, I know how hot it is in London at the moment and set to get even hotter by the end of the week. Try and keep as cool as you can, not easy by any means t4591 t4591
We have had a quiet evening, siesta at T time was welcomed by the joints. I did doze for a while too.
Catching up with the latest stage of the Tour de France and then the Tennis from Hamburg, not enough hours to watch it all, well, it is on in the background for most of the time.
B is busy away, with more creations. I keep on pottering and fussing.
Up and out earlier this morning, I have podiatry and 0930 and Dad has his feet done at 10. So, a trip to the T room will be compulsory. I can mange the 20 yards between the Drs and the T room.
Some shopping and then home, no going out on Thursday when it is silly hot.
B and SIL and their teenagers are up this week end, staying nearby in a cottage, for three nights. Will be nice to see them and catch up.
Sleek, Mother and Mrs Darcey have been into the enchanted forest and are beginning the search for the magical gems, that are needed for their latest spell. All very hush hush. Fireflies were lighting their way for them, all very magical
Well, I will move, before I set into a big lump. :roll:
Everyone take lots of care, love hugs and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 ((()))
XXX Aidan
Everyone ready, pancakes are servedXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Out for a walk so l can post to you all.
We are fine it's fabulous here.
Yes we did eat French bread and cheese as soon as we got here!
Then l got the washer on and got in the pool with Lucy.
Taker care everyone hope you are all well.
Taking lots of photos
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Barbara that's good you are back to normal again.
Kathleen Bertie looks a lovely cat when you can't walk like sue you feel the cold more.
Aidan I'm sure you were a lovely nurse and very good has well.
Toni you enjoy it thank you for letting us know how you are.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..I wont mention the weather because we know whats coming. :shock:
Toni I am sorry , I didnt know that Lucy was with you..there me saying I hope you and Paul have a good time.. :? anyhow a nice swim for both of you and French bread and cheese..wonderful..keep on enjoying yourselves..
Joan there is no normal for me....but thankyou..not long now till your new glasses arrive..
hope you Sue and the doggies have a good day..
Aiden I am outraged at the people that have started the fires..they must be punished severely..that if they can find heart goes out to the poor people ...some are still looking for family so very sad...t4591 t4591
So you got a snooze..its better than nothing I suppose..and today you and dad are having your feet done ..nice in this hot weather..and then the T rooms you enjoy..sure you will..
I feel sorry for our GD and GF they work such long hours..but then suddenly there hours are cut when a client goes into hospital..some only get 3 hours a day..I do hope they will get into nursing , not sure what the pay or training is will have to look..has they have rent and bills to pay
It will be nice to see your family at the weekend..wonder if the teenagers are bored already..
..yes you look out for a pic..I was in hospital when I was 17..and always remember the matrons and how neat and tidy all the staff today is so different , a bit to relaxed..
I love the sparkly forest and sure Miss sleek, mother and Mrs Darcy are having a wail of a time.. :animal_busy:
Now to attack the pancake pile..thankyou..
Niamh is coing will give mum a rest..
Love to all t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
In the blissfully cool of this morning, we had a mini Magnum, followed by a choc ice on the benches. Sublime. I don't really feel like eating. although Aidan has given us some gorgeous looking pancakes. I'll save some for later. So I've sent a huge waterfall. Room for all of us, puss cats and doggies included. t4591
Yes, Bertie is a cutie, but then most puss cats are.And Doggies.
So Lucy is in France too. Wonderful. Can't wait to see the photos.
Joan, does Sue have some nice warm socks to wear? When I feel cold in winter, keeping my feet warm helps a lot.
Aidan, it is shocking what people do to each others. But I'm sure they will get punishment at some point. Fire has a life of its own, and could turn on those who started it.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon, a hot one, again :roll: :roll: Seems a very regular statement this summer.
Hi Toni, of course you had cheese and French bread, what else is there on arrival, soul food, with lots of President butter I trustGlad you had a lovely swim with Lucy.
Washing done too, immaculising en france, naturellement.
Looking forward to seeing the pictures,Enjoy the m0150 m0150 I know it is a lot warmer there :shock: t4591 t115006
Mother is keeping an eye on Miss Sleek. There is a no fly warning from now until Friday evening, due to very high temps and then storms on Friday. Hermione will transport the puskins wherever they want to go.
Hi Joan, of course, with Sue being immobile, then temperature changes are more important and feeling chilly is a problem. All nice and warm at the moment though. Staff used to say, "we are glad you are in charge today", maybe I was too soft
Hi Barbara, yes, we do know, tomorrow, the thermometer goes up through the roof :shock: :shock: and Friday we have storms forecast for the whole afternoon :shock: :shock:
We have forewarned SIL about the weather warning. Of course, the teenagers get so "bored" when they are around us oldiesThey are usually glued to their phones :roll:
and eat everywhere out of house and home.
I was reading about the families looking for their loved ones in Greece, just horrific. I don't like fires, of any sort, let alone ones that are started with intent, that kill so many people, flames can chase faster than you can run, (that is for those who can run).
Feet all done, the podiatrist at the surgery today, have not seen her in ages, so we had a right natterfeet all comfy again. She said, I see you have had an infected blister ? Have I, I never knew :shock: then two little fungal spots on the other foot, just thought they were a little skin scrape. :shock: I am suitably dosed with anti fungal spray :? :?
Dad had his feet done as well, then it was T room time, which was very nice, apart from the cream for the scone, which was "on the turn". They were horrified, having already sent one huge bottle back, as it was going off. Both were delivered this morning, "fresh". Anyway, it didn't spoil anything, I had not lathered my scone, it was B that nicked some cream and said, that's not right
I think it is a bursary wage now, with nursing, it's all so different, we were paid a salary from the start (all £25 a week of it). I have no idea about the salary while they are training.
I will root round for a picture, I know I have one with a nurses hat oneveryone wore hats (ladies that is), Sister always wore starched hat and cuffs on her uniform, a belt with a silver buckle, Matron was always immaculate, often in black. She put the fear of God into us, as students. We used to hide.
All the wards were spotless, scrubbed and bleached and scrubbed some more, beds all neat and tidy. Patients sat by the beds, ready for their visitors. Two to a bed and NO more.
There is a lot going on in the enchanted forests, with the hunt on for the magical gems. The puskins have to go in at night time, so they can see them sparkling.
Niamh is coming, so you will need a rest after Mum.Enjoy XXX
Hi Kath, it was quite pleasant this morning, I must admit, we were up earlier than normal, to get to the surgery for podiatry. Ice creams on your benches, very nice indeed. Sometimes when it is so warm, it puts you off eating, certainly no cooking, way too hot.
It is woeful what people will do, to others. You are right, fire can turn on you in an instant. I hope they catch them and put them in jail and forget the keys.
I am off into the waterfall, it is way too tempting, so, stand back everyone, I am going to jump in, there could be a tidal wave
I think we need more on the ice cream front, for t time treats. Let me go see.
Ferrero Rocher Ice Cream Cake
Hi to everyone else, try and keep as cool as you can. Love and Sparkles to all. Catch you later XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all Niamh has gone home..she really has been good bless her , just so long has she doesn't have sugar
we got a pool for her so that kept her entertained..and how I wish I could have got in and sat down
Kath the waterfall is wonderful..if you cant find me then just look under there..glad to hear you got your icecreams sat on the benchI would have joined you if I had known..
Aiden bet your feet feel much better , we dont always know if there is something wrong with them..I remember the hospital well..and the lovely matron sitting up with me all night ..I notice so many things wrong when I had my hips replaced.saying that the hospital is infection they must be doing something right.. :)yes 2 visitor per bed and no more and god forbid if you got out of bed and didnt put slippers on.
so the cream was turning..not surprising in this B pinch some...maybe he feels he needs extra calcium..
I have just been reading, why on earth nurses should have to pay to train when we need 25,000 extra every year..crackers...
Think I will try the Ferrero Rocher Ice Cream Cake ..thankyou Aiden
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
I did post last night but it seems to have disappeared today it was there last night gone this morning. Oh well never mind here we go again, It seems our Little Rubie is smaller than she should be at this stage of the pregnancy but she is ok and is still growing and GD is having to have more scans to make sure she is still growing and has a strong heart beat she only has 3 weeks and 3days to go now.
Aidan more hours in a day is not good as you say in this weather we ill just he to increase the size of the shed to take all the stolen ones. I found the cooling magic squares they worked a treat but as soon as you move and potter you are hot again. Yes hospitals today have a lot less rules about numbers of visitors at any one point.
Has been mega h-- today wont say the word was sitting at knitting today and had sweat running down my face and hair Had to stop knitting and use my Spanish style fan that I brought on our last cruise. and tomorrow is forecast to be hotter up to 35 degrees. the hottest today was 33 that was around 4.15 this afternoon I have drunk like a fish all day. trouble is you then then need the smallest room in the house every 1/2 hour or so. We are sitting here with 3 windows open (yes I know I should have them closed but it is getting a bit dark in our living room now because of the trees we have right outside, and the light is one of those energy saving bulbs that last for ages but they do make the room hot) and 2 fans running in the living room. think its sleeping with no covers on bed again tonight as it is to hot. I am supposed to be at the MS group with my cards tomorrow but I have decide it is to hot to go so I am not bothering. I will be out and home again before the highest temperature is forecast at mid afternoon.
Joan Yes the weather does certainly slow you down a lot
Barbara yes we do seem to be having the hottest temperatures at the moment I London almost tropical I would say. Niamh's pool sounds delightful. hope she was ok after her wasp sting was it ?
Kath Bertie sure is a cutie as are all our furry friends.
Think i may now just have a potter and then have a trip into the waterfall.
Love and sparkles to you all
t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all m0150
So no sugar for Niamh then Barbaraglad she was good as gold and enjoyed the paddling pool. I think we should borrow the cloak and all go jump in Toni's big pool
There will be plenty of yummy bread, cheeses, butter and pastries for sure 8) 8)
did you put your feet in the paddling pool, I would have done. Difficult to get down and then up again, so that is a no go :roll: :roll:
Yes, my tootsies are feeling, well, not that I can feel them much, but they are fine. B is applying the spray to one foot and the other is just to keep an eye on.
Matron sounded like a lovely person, they were usually really soft, but came across as very stern. I used to go and have a ciggy in one Matron's office, that was a long time ago :shock: :shock:
An infection free hospital is good, I think they are all trying very hard to limit any bugs, with all the hand gels every 10 yards and at the end of every bed etc.
Some people you see I would like to bathe them in it :shock:
Oh yes, no walking bear foot, slippers on, no crossing your heels when you are in bed, Sister used to tap people on the foot and say, naughty !!
Visiting was very strict and we all used to like ringing the bell, taking it in turns. Woe betide anyone trying to overstay their welcome (unless someone was real poorly of course).
The new training is just crazy, just pay student nurses a wage, it would certainly encourage people into the profession. I know we are desperate for more nurses, countrywide.
That cake is amazing, I am on my third slice
Oh dear Carol, hours going missing and now your post vanished too. I am sure, come the cooler weather, we will find all sorts of things in the shed, missing posts, hours, weeks, etc...........
I am sure little Rubie will be fine, t4591 if she is still growing, despite being a bit smaller than would be usual for her term. Increased scans are quite normal, to make sure she is growing, heart rate is ok etc. Not long now, 3 weeks, gosh, time is flying again...........
Saying it is h-- is the understatement. We are in for the hottest day today, 30 I think. You will likely get quite a bit more than that, 35 ish, could be a record breaker :shock: :shock: It is not so bad if you don't move, as soon as you do, you melt. But, we are in need of regular pottering.
I am not surprised you were melting at the knitting group. :shock: :shock: Wafting with the Spanish fan is essential.
I think you do right, not going to the MS group. They do advise people to stay in with the windows shut and curtains shut. Drinking loads is also important.
We are so grateful for the AC unit. That is the only window to be open today, to vent the hot air. Otherwise we will be like moles.
I might have to visit Kath's waterfall, I see Barbara is already in there, cooling down.
Mother and Sleek and Mrs D have been back into the forests and have found some magical gems
Of course, Miss Sleek wanted to keep them "safe" in her ickle house, but, they did as they were asked and took them to the Nymphs in the ravine. They wait for more instructions now, from Hogwarts :shock: :? :?
I had best be moving. I will set, again. Hi to Toni, hope you are all having a lovely time, don't mind if we gatecrash and have a pool party do you
Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, SW Elizabeth and all.......
Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Almond Crusted French Toast with Roasted Strawberry SyrupXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Another lovely day here!
Please everyone come along and use the pool all day we are planning to go to Monflanquin today!
I am so exited looking at new places is bliss out here the red being so much less busy.
In Paul's van too so feel safe.
Aiden have you ever been to Arcechon?
Not sure of the temp here yesterday but it was 33 befire we got home late morning yesterday tiday will be higher!
Carol keep cool if they want you indoors stay indoors and yes drink and wee that's me too!! Safety first. New ggbaby will be along soon.
Barbara will sort you all put with drinks and French bread and cheese when you all party by the pool!
I can see Sleek adored those jewels she would but she is good really and does as she's told.
I had another Snapchat video of her yesterday c/o Charley and her gf so l k ow she's ok.
Any storms anyone?
Hope not for Joans Sue's sake.
Love to you all stay well
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
Barbara how are you feeling now.
Kathleen yes sue wears socks and a zips up fleece on her legs in the winter.
Aidan I bet your feet feel better now and your Dad how is he.
Carol i was small when I was born 1 pound 14 ounces so I'm sure the baby will be alright.
Toni how hot is it there.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Glad you've all been in the waterfall. Aidan, I think most of us caused a tidal wave. Thank you for the Ferrero Rocher ice cream cake. I had a face plant while close to the waterfall, then dived in there after.
For supper:
beetroot cutlet recipe | beetroot tikki recipe | beetroot patties recipe
(5) · 40 mins · Yield: 10 beetroot cutlets
crispy and delicious beetroot cutlet made with beetroot, potatoes, rava and spices.
250 grams beetroot (or 2 medium sized beetroot)275 grams potatoes (OR 3 medium sized potatoes or 2 large potatoes)¼ teaspoon turmeric powder ((haldi))½ teaspoon kashmiri red chili powder (or cayenne pepper)1 teaspoon fennel powder.
Barbara, found you. I hink that rock you're sitting on must be a bit uncomfy. I should have provided cushions. t115006 t115006
Carol, I'm glad they are keeing a close eye on your little gem Rubie . I'm sure all will be well at her birth. t115006 t4591 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..went to the GC this morning they have AC
Joan how tiny were you ...but it goes to show that birth weight is not everything..what did Sue weigh and who is the oldest..
Kath my bum is dead but the waterfall is so lovely I am staying put cushion or no cushionbeetroot cutlets thankyou and beetroot bring the blood pressure down
Carol hopefully the weekend will be cooler does say so but then Rubie is smaller then she should be..its always a worry but they are keeping a good eye on your GD..and I am sure Rubie will catch up in the coming weeks..
Aiden we all need a dip..I have had my feet in the min I have 2 icepacks one on my neck and another under my cushion...
they were saying on the news this day last year was 15 and raining.. :shock:
I have never forgot the matrons kindness..I had Pneumonia and something else, not a clue what and its not on my files from the 60s.. :roll:it is crazy not to pay nurses to train..especially with bills and rent being so expensive these days.
I had a snap chat from Toni who is in your village..and a restaurant..I have forgot the name, is it the one you and B would have gone in...
oops just realized you are there glad you are enjoying..its nice to go further a field has well..right bread cheese and wine all around the pool
Almond crunch toast...its sounds so nice..thankyou..
I will put the kettle on..
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Oooh, planning a trip to Monflanquin Toni, wonderful, I hope you enjoy every minute, it is a gorgeous bastide village
t4591 t4591
Thank you, we have been over via the cloak, I was straight in the pool, then we had to add more water:shock: It is lovely to cool off in there. Many thanks. Barbara was the perfect host with cheeses and cool drinks.
The roads are so much better, less traffic, less potholes, just lovely to drive around and glad you feel safe and comfy with P at the helm. Lucy will be enjoying it all too
No, we have not been To Arcachon, on the coast. Bordeaux yes, but not to Arcachon.
We are up to 31 degrees, m0150 m0150 in the shade, there is rain on the horizon, but it will be more miss than hit I think :roll: :roll:
More rain at the week end, after some storms, which can turn up anywhere when it gets this hot. I know Britain is now the hottest place in Europe according to the press. :shock: :shock:
Sleek was very good, a little reluctant to part with the gems at first, but a "look" from Mother and she pawed them over.
Bless, keeping in touch with her Mummy on Snapchat, she's a love.
Storms, well, there are some forecast, will believe it when I see it.
Hi Joan, hope you are both ok, enjoying the hot weather. Not sure if you have storms forecast, I know Sue does not like them. Yes, thank you, my feet feel better, as do Dads, all good for another 6-8 weeks.
You were a tiny baby, bless t4591 t4591
You are welcome to the cake Kath, it was worth a face plant and then a jump in the waterfall, which is nice and cooling. Barbara seemed happy on the rock, I think she has fallen in again now :shock:
The beetroot cutlets sound and look delicious. I don't mind if I do, cheers mi dears.
Did you go out for a sit on your benches today, or is it too hot. We have not ventured out, we are staying put, apart from B watering the garden later. AC has been on since 10am, to keep us as cool as possible, it is hard work for it, in this heat.
Carol will be in hiding, with fans all going. Best to avoid going out when it is like this. We are not used to it. Furnace Friday is the next headline, with temperatures peaking tomorrow in the south. :shock: :shock: :roll:
Barbara will be melting, I can tell. You are all welcome to come round and sit in our lounge.
There you are Barbara, as if by magic. I come in from watering the garden (and melting in the process), plus saying hi to Toni P and lucy who have been to our village today and had a meal at the Prince Noir. Yes, that was always our fav place to eat. They are having a lovely time.
You do right with the ice packs, I have just had to have another wash down, arms etc, plus a shave, which always makes me feel cooler, for about 30 seconds.:shock:
We have all different weather forecasts, thunder for later on one, not on another, thunder tomorrow, drizzle on another, heavier rain (hoorah) on Sunday..........and cooler. Tomorrow is going to be just as hot too. Oh, enough, I give in, I's all getting a bit too much, knees like melons, back shrieking, neck grinding away............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I am glad Matron was so kind and stayed with you all night. That is what nursing is all about, kindness, a lot of common sense and awareness, lots of people skills, technical skills, can keep calm in an emergency............I know, just pay trainee nurses. It is bonkers.
Right, I will have to move again, I need to keep pottering, or I will set solid.
I hope everyone else is ok, Carol, I know it is SO SO hot with you, well over 30 degrees, if we have had 31, goodness knows what it is with you :shock: :shock:
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, SW and all. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Lemon Ice Cream CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Our back garden .... :shock: :shock: the highest was 38 before this
Aiden I am on my way round to yours..serves me right not investing in an AC
France sounds and looks so idyllic you both miss it..yes the pool was lovely..but I need ice in my shoes...
its awful on the joints, some people like it but not me..
I will have a piece of the lovely lemon cake..and an ice cold lemonade...
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all...............I will try not to harp on about the heatwave. Let's hope for rain and thunderstorms very very soon.
I see you have the same boiler / room thermostat as ours Barbara, good choice
We got to 31.4 in the shade, outside the back door. The cool side :shock: :shock:
I didn't have the will to take it out into the sun, I would have had the vapours. :roll: :roll: m0150 m0150
I would not mind some ice in my slippers at the moment. B only wears socks, but with my neuropathy, I have to have something on my feet, or I don't know if I walk into things :? :roll:
B does walk into things and the air goes a shade of blue :shock:
If we had not had this AC, we would have bought a new one by now, no way could we be without one, it is still on, down to 22 degrees indoors now.
Heaven knows what the electric bill will be in August.
Toni has had a lovely time visiting our old village, Monflanquin. We do miss it, from time to time, but, we knew we had to come back, for our family (parents).
I hope Carol and Kerrin are ok, it is so much hotter down south, sending cooling magic squares. Carol will be wafting with the fans. I know Kerrin is used to the heat, from South Africa, her hubby does not like it though :? :?
Looking at the people crammed in, on the tube, oh I would not go on there for love nor money. A lot of trains have been cancelled, due to the tracks buckling and the Tunnel trains have had huge delays, as the air conditioning was not working properly in the heat :shock: :shock: people were queuing on the motorway for hours.
We are among the ones who don't sit well with our joints in this heat. Carol and Kath are the same and I think Toni as well.
Tosca and Sleek and Mrs Darcey have been down to see the Nymphs, apparently all the magical gems, are being woven, into the fabric mists :shock: It is a big task so they tell me. The end result will be revealed soon.
Still a no fly zone, due to all the storms etc, that may or may not appear. Sat Sun seem wet for us
Off to the GC this morning, with Dad. Then shopping. B and SIL and their two teenagers, are up from London for three days, in a rented cottage, so we will be catching up with them on Saturday.
Leaving lots of hugs and sparkles, everyone take lots of care....... t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Granola fruit tarts with vanilla yoghurtXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Well Aidan your village is amazing!
We loved it
I have photos bit will have to get home to post.
Ate at the Prince Noir fabulous. High up fantastic views in the village.
Very good choice Aidan!!
You all left the house immaculate all clean and tidy. Aidan had emptied the washing basket all ironed too!
Today just local really to Duras Lucy's fav restaurant.
Sleek is fine and happy Hermione letting her transport to see Tosca and Mrs D.
Still no flying allowed l see.
The nymphs are so clever incorporating the jewels into Magic squares!
Sleek loves jewels but will wait patiently for B to make their bracelets and tail necklaces for now
Love to everyone
Keep cool
Toni xxx0 -
Hello its me again.
We are both going to pick up our new glasses this morning.
enjoy the day what ever everyone is doing.
love Sue.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..dont think I slept at all last night..I had ice packs in my pillow with my wrist on them.. :shock:
Right enough..Aiden its not to bad in our house when we have the front door and back doors open..about 24..I was so curious to see what the temp was outside..
and that was T time not a clue what midday was like..
Im so glad that Toni and family missed those awful queues at the tunnel ..I would die in that heat..the poor people ..they even broke the hydrant to help people cool down... :shock:
The neuropathy sounds awful , I am always stubbing my feet so have shoes or slippers OH wont wear he is like B the air is blue sometimes..I cant wait to hear about the jewels..
You enjoy the GC today and then the family visitthankyou for the fruit tart I love them but the pastry has to be crispy
Toni I cant wait to see more nice to get to the restaurant that Aiden and B frequented..and a lovely enjoy chilling today that is what holidays are for..
Sue and Joan I hope your glasses are fine when you pick them up..and make sure you pop into your cafe..
Love to everyone ..keep cool.. t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
My goodness,what a zinga of storm we had last night. The lightning flashes were followed immediately by the scariest crashes I've heard in years. And the rain - I'd swear it was bouncing upwards! Not that it turned any fresher. :? My bed was soaked, not with rain. My arms and wrists were so drenched, my bracelets slid off all by themselves. :shock: Like you Barbara, we didn't get a wink of sleep.
Hello Sue, hope you have your sun hats and sun cream on to fetch your glasses. Are you having tinted lenses? I do for my distance ones, but not my readers. m0150 m0150
Aidan, loving the Granola fruit tarts with vanilla yoghurt. I'm trying to restrict myself to 4, but they are so moreish.....
Barbara, I'd forgotten beetroot brings the blood pressure down. I'd better have some more - mine is pobably sky high. Hope your bum has recovered from sitting on that rock yesterday. :roll:
Thought we'd try some cherry cheesecake cookie lasagne. Don't know whether to face plant or not - yeah, why not. switch into clean mode then tap tap know the rest."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
OH MY DAYS, it seems even hotter............... :shock: :shock:
Hi Toni, so glad you enjoyed the visit to our village in France. It is a beautiful place, oozing history, charm, views, the works. We did choose well.
Glad the Black Prince restaurant is just as good as it ever was. It is quite the location for most people, locals and tourists alike.
We did tidy up after our pool party, Barbara took some persuading to leave the pool :roll: :roll: Yep, I did the ironing, with the AC on of course.
Duras is very nice as I recall, yes, I do recall, it isenjoy.
I think our puskins are having a :animal_busy: day today, maybe a visit to the ravine later on, when it is somewhat cooler.
B is very busy with new designs and of course, paw bracelets and tail adornments.
Hi Sue, of course, it is Suesday. m0150Hope your glasses are all ready for you both and you have a good day shopping and having a coffee etc. I know you like the warm weather
Hi Barbara, sleeping has been a trial, I must agree. I am sure it is hotter. The AC unit is saying 30 degrees, it is supposed to be cooling us down :shock: :shock:
It was 30 when we were on the way back home from town at lunchtime. The AC at the GCentre had gone on the blink and was leaking, so they could not use it :roll: :roll:
I was leaking after two coffee's and have not stopped yet. :? :?
Dad put his coat on, he said he didn't feel dressed without it :shock: :shock: he didn't keep it on for long. Told you so.
Meeting up with family tomorrow, at the T rooms in town. It is going to be 12 degrees cooler tomorrow, how wonderful that will be. With RAIN, happy days. t115006 t115006
I see several wildfires have broken out around the UK.
Hi Kath, I am well jell, that you had a storm, with Almighty thunder and lightning. Torrential rain and then still hot. Just increases the humidity. :roll: :roll:
I hope you can have a bit of a nap today, if there is any slight break in the weather. t4591
The granola tarts are very moreish, I had 4 too, well, we need our fruit after all
Cherry cheesecake cookie lasagne, well, that deserves a trip into the booth, won't be long. Thank you, it was delicious. Rinse cycle is on again.
Oh I will have to potter again. I am just drenched and I have the AC next to me. Need a cool wash / shave, general slap about with a cold flannel. :shock:
I hope everyone else is ok, Carol, I bet you are boiled, Kerrin too. Hi Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
Take care, drink plenty. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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