Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well not a bad day started really hot this morning, we were supposed to have rain and thunder storm around 3pm this afternoon which didn't happen. About 4pm when I was just about to leave a bar near where my friend and I had been in for our coffee meet up and it started to rain just a few spots and a couple of rolls of thunder. :roll: :lol:. Get home about had not been long and we had a brief 10 min storm with proper rain that actually made the roads and pavement wet :o:o air feels a lot fresher now, it is now 19 degrees as per my telephone. and we are supposed to having temperatures in the mid 20s next week.
    Thank you all for your comments about our little Rubie being smaller than she should be and am sure she will be ok. after all tomorrow there s only 3 weeks to her due date.

    Joan wow You was a small one when you were born.

    Aidan yes I'm am sure Rubie will be ok with such a short time to go. yes it is flying by so quickly. we had temperatures of 35 degrees yesterday and for part of the day today it reached 33. the wafting with the fan was essential most certainly. As for drinking I have been drinking like a drain. ooh magical gems what will they be used for I wonder :?: :?: :?:

    Kath yes we sure are hoping that little Rubie will be fine I am sure she will be.

    Barbara thank you I am sure Rubie will be ok after all it is only 3 weeks and both Lillie and Graycie were early so hopefully she will follow the same pattern. both my daughters were early all three grand children were too and both GGDs were, to add to that so was I so there is every chance Rubie will be too.

    Time ow to potter then bed so

    love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all.
    I think today has felt the hottest day of the year, with the humidity and plus 30 degrees. Only now, after umpteen hours of the chiller being on, are coming down to more "normal" temperatures.

    It rained, for 5 minutes :roll: :roll: :?

    Hi Carol, I think we have 4 totally different forecast, one with rain, one with no rain, one with thunder, one with heavy rain and thunder. Not quite sure what the average is, from all that. :?: :?: :? :?

    Glad you arrived home before you had the quickest storm of the year all 10 minutes of it :shock: :shock: it wet the roads, well, that's something I guess.

    We are expecting much cooler temps from today (Sat) for the rest of the week, praise be.

    I am sure little Rubie will be ok, sending extra gentle baby care hugs and sparkles t115006 t4591 3 weeks until due date, I wonder if she will be early, given the history it is highly likely.

    I love the "drinking like a drain", made me chuckle :lol: Same here, I have been leaking like a sieve for the most part. Started with the second coffee at the GC :roll: :roll: Much wafting of fans here too. 4 at the moment, plus the AC. We will need a mortgage to pay the electric bill :shock:

    Well the magical gems have been crafted, I know that much, but the details of what into :? all puskins and nymphs are keeping very quiet it. :roll:

    Hermione said it is best that no puskins go out, due to storms up and down the country. The ravine is not safe, if there is torrential rain, the Nymphs are fine, they are well protected underground.

    They have all been shrieking via paw chat, there is a lot of excitement. :lol::lol:

    I think Toni P and Lucy have had a more at home day today, relaxing and enjoying the pool t115006 m0150

    B has been busy with all manner of creations. I have been immaculising and pottering. Every time the joints start shouting, I have a fuss round, if all else fails, I head for a Tramadol. :roll:

    I have been to the Sanctuary and all our lovelies are just fine, we have lots of keepers on duty, to make sure they are all safe from any storms, in their indoor quarters. The meerkats think it has been a pleasant few months, warm, but not hot. :shock: :shock:

    I hope we can all sleep a bit better over the next week. It has been a challenge for some time.

    Did you get a storm Barbara, there are plenty about, but they seem to miss us.

    Hope everyone else is ok, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Elizabeth, SW

    I will go and make a cuppa, throw a few pots around.

    Meeting up with family from London, at the T room this morning. They arrived at the cottage they have rented for three days (only three miles from us). Just over Pendle Hill.

    Love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Catch up again later XXX Aidan

    Fried Eggs and Hash Browns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    Am out for my morning walk. It rained overnight which is fine off to a market today. Got belly ache from eating too much - probably cheese!!
    Sleek appears to be ok via photos and snapcat videos :)
    I do miss her desperately:(
    Waiting to hear what will be happening with those jewels which Sleek managed to hand over with a look from Tosca!
    Breathing doesn't seem an awful it better on the inhalers but the coughing is!
    I hope you are all well
    Love Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
    Barbara I hope the weathers better for you today.
    Kathleen no we have not got tinted lenses they make it too dark when you are on a scooter.
    Aidan I hope it's cooler for you today and your Dad.
    Carol I hope you have a good day today.
    Toni how hot is it there have a good day.
    take care all have a lovely weekend
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    No storms here just some rain this morning in the early hours but so cool :D but couldnt see the blood moon
    Joan yes the weather is lovely now..tell you I will be grumbling when we have dark rainy days. :lol: .hope your glass are ok..
    Toni glad the inhaler helping a little ..maybe they will change then next time if not quite right..having a walk in lovely and so glad you missed all the queues at the tunnel..suppose you will be home Monday..Miss sleek will be all over you.. :D
    Carol you are welcome to the support ..its nice to help one another..just wait till Rubie is here.. :D 3 GGDs wonderful...more knitting I expect ...I heard you only had a short missed us all together ..dont mind the rain but hate the thunder and lightening
    Aiden fried egg and hash browns thankyou.. :D its bliss this morning.. :lol: your poor AC working away..I heard the ones on the Euro train had failed hence the queues.. :roll: those poor people in this weather..I had to laugh at dad with his coat on OH all over..I see people staring at we compromised I got him a gillet to put his keys money and goodness know what in..he loves it.. :lol: I think you said your family are over today ..will you all meet up .. :D oh just had another read and you are all meeting at the T rooms..much nicer in this weather..glad to hear all the animals are safe and plenty of water for we didnt have a storm like you say they seem to miss us..must be all the hills Pendle and Winter hill :lol:
    Kath I hope you have the cooler more soaking wt beds..mind you they say its on its way back next week..yes I eat lots of beetroot for blood pressure..and its been proved.. :) thankyou for the cherry cheese cake ..sorry I didn't leave much.. :shock:
    Right dad is bringing Niamh today, DIL doesn't have a time for her appointment yet and is in agony..her shoulder has dropped so much..back to pals I think least they say it will be done at the hospital I had my hips done and Lucy shoulder was done there..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Much cooler today. Still sunny, but there's a gale outside but we're making the most of it by having all the doors and windows open. Slept a little last night but my pillow was still rather damp. :lol:

    Spoke to dad and Anita this morning, and Emily ast night. So all up to date with family stuff. Ben and his wife (also an Emily) are in London, then will be returning to New York next week I think.

    Aidan, thank you for fried eggs and hash brown's. As always, I've smothered them with Ketchup. As I will the Gourmet Veggie Taco Hotdogs at T-time.

    Sky has gone a bit black so we've had to close the door and windows just in case we have a downpour. :?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What are these forces of nature, Rain, Wind, Thunder ??? Things we have have not seen nor heard of for a long time. :shock: :shock:

    Praise be and pass the tatties, it is cooler, wetter and a whole lot better :D:D:D t4591

    Hi Toni, hope you enjoyed your morning perambulate. Off to market, very nice, too much cheese, no, it's not possible :lol::lol:

    Sleek has been snapcatting she said, shrieking to Tosca on instapaw
    Letting Mummy know how well she is :)

    Of course, you are missing her like crazy, know just how you feel. t115006 t115006

    Glad the coughing is not as bad on the new inhalers, I am assuming they are the "preventers", not the "relievers", in which case they do take a while to build up and show how effective they will be. ((()))

    The woven jewels remain a secret, no fly and no transporting, thunder rolling around at the moment :shock:

    Hi to Paul and to Lucy :)

    Hi Joan, yes, it is SO much better today. Saturday was just dreadful, I felt quite ill with the heat. I can breathe today, open windows, strong breezes, some welcome rain and now some thunder.

    Hope you and Sue are ok and the Doggies too. Lots of ((())) to all

    The blood moon was not visible at all, we did see the moon on Friday night and it was very orange, but we were all covered with clouds last night :roll: :roll:
    So happy that things have finally cooled to more normal temperatures. We can all sleep better in our beds I hope.

    As you say, it was "bliss" and still is, I even have the tumble dryer on for the first time in weeks, to actually dry some clothes :o:o

    Our AC can now take a break for a little while. I know, the ones on the tunnel were not working as it was so hot. They were sending the shuttle, with empty carriages. Let's hope they have it sorted soon. The queues on the motorway were terrible.

    So OH wears a gillet, bless, somewhere for his keys and odds and ends, bits of pipe and solder :lol::lol:

    We all met up at the T rooms and took up most of one room with 7 of us. B and I had our eggs and mushrooms, Dad had prawn sandwiches, Kids had cake and coke and more cake and BIL and SIl had various cakes too. Lots of coffee, more coffee and I didn't spring a leak, which is a miracle.

    All came back to ours for a while, now they have taken Dad into town and will drop him back at home later. We are all caught up and immaculised again :)

    Going over to the holiday cottage tomorrow, for a little buffet, with B's other Brother and SIL coming over from Huddersfield. More cakes no doubt :)

    We LOVE cheese and beetroot sandwiches, have them almost every day, I could eat beetroot until I turned the same colour :lol::lol::lol:

    No big storm, just five or six thunder rolls this afternoon, more rain on the way. I know it will get warmer in the week, but not as hot as it has been, please no.

    Sorry your DIL is still waiting to have her shoulder sorted t4591 t115006 definitely back to PALS, she should not be left like this at all.
    Hope you have a nice time with Niamh.

    We have the windows open too Kath, blowing the curtains it is too, marvelous...........

    Hope you can sleep better now, I think we all will.

    You have had a catch up with the family, very nice :) Ben and Emily back to the States next week. Safe travels for them

    Ketchup on the breakfast is essential. Now, let me have a go at those amazing veggie Taco hot dogs, they look fabulous, thank you.

    Well, I had better do some more pottering. Nice to move about and not be so lathered.

    Hi to everyone else, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth, DD, SW and all.

    Should we have more cake, yeah, why not. Love and Sparkles XXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    Blueberry Pie today

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Aiden I love the little poem about the weather :lol: talk about a relief..I could dance in the rain if we had any..we have just had thunder and lightning..but just a little rain...such a strong wind though ..I have pots over again my lovey giant lilies..
    How lovely that you were all together at the T rooms..nice to catch up over food.. :D and to be going to a buffet at there cottage tomorrow.. :D yes I am sure OH has pipe and whatever in his gillet...he is a one off... :lol:
    apparently Pals say they are trying to fact track DILs op..I can only think meanwhile its getting worse..
    Niamh has been good she has gone home now and our middle on Lydia is on her way , she is we much get much conversation out of her.. :( and she used to be such a natter box...thankyou for the Blueberry pie I made custard to go with it :D
    Kath we have just had thunder but not much rain...glad you are up to speed with your family..I have just had a veggie taco..thankyou will now go and help myself to Aidens pud :D
    I bought french flour yesterday, and could see the difference when I opened it more creamy colour..put it in the bread is so tasty..I thought the other bread out of the machine was good..but this is another level..will leave some in the cafe.. :D
    Love to everyone.. t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 29. Jul 2018, 03:34
    Evening all

    Well a very much better day here today, weather has not been as hot and humid we have had a nice breeze and it has been much cooler. We are due rain virtually all day tomorrow, but I suppose that's ok because I cannot go out tomorrow anyway as the bus I would get to go to church is suspended as we have the yearly prudential bike ride. and a lot of the roads are closed and I cannot walk as far as the rail station to get a train to church I will be stuck indoors anyway. Mr T will go to church because he can walk down to the station. So it will be a very boring day for me. mr t will go out about 8.45am for church and wont be back till about 1-1.30pm and after dinner will no doubt fall asleep until around tea time so not much conversation there, so a very quite day in store for me. I hate this day each year. because unless you are able to walk to places you become a prisoner in your own home. wouldn.t mind but they don't even come down the road the road that is at the top of ours. but the road is closed because they use the road that crosses it if that makes sense.

    Aidan I think my GD also hopes Rubie will come either in this next week or the week she is due because the middle week her mum and dad and siblings will be on holiday. I secretly think she is hoping it is this week.
    so pusskins have all been grounded until the storms are over. and are all very excited and keeping secrets about the gems we will see what has been crafted very soon I have no doubt. and all he lovelies are safe.

    Joan hope you and Sue and doggies have a good day too.

    Barbara yes very short storm but weather a lot cooler today. Its good to know the support is there from the group thank you. I love this group every one is so supportive. Think GD just wants Rubie here now. hope Pals can fast track DILs op.

    its time to potter

    love and sparkles to all
    t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, on a cool evening. :shock: Did I say that :? :? It is bliss.

    I didn't notice my little ditty to be honest Barbara, but thank you kindly. :lol::lol:
    We are not used to having strong winds, after weeks of flat calm and nights being airless. Some of our pots went west as well. I hope you lily's are ok.

    We had the rumbles of thunder about 4 ish. Then just before 6 we had an almighty storm, lots of lightning and ground shaking thunder, torrential rain. It was quite scary really, glad we were not out and about :shock: :shock:
    It made siesta time even more pleasantly cool.

    The wind has dropped and no more rain, yet. Sunday is forecast to be very wet. We could try and do a little rain hobble :lol::lol: not quite Hollywood and singing in the rain :lol::lol:

    This is the room that we took over, at the T room, it's a bit dark, but you can see through to the conservatory.

    Dad insisted on treating everyone, no arguing. Very kind of him, bless. He enjoyed himself and he loves prawn sandwiches.

    It will be nice to see the holiday cottage, nosey round. It is on a working farm, off them main road and up a track, with dodgy bends :shock: :? B will get us there safely.

    I will take some pictures.

    So Oh has bits of pipe and solder and "stuff" in his gillet. :lol::lol: A bit like my man bag, which gives Mary Poppins a run for her money. Pills, sprays, plasters, files, pens galore, keys, wallets, glasses, hand cream.............the list goes on.

    I think the hospital need to get super fast tracking, as you say, the longer it is left, the more difficult it is to put right. Let's hope they hurry up, some sparkles to get them moving t115006 t115006

    Niamh was as good as gold bless her. No paddling needed. Now your middle GD came and she is not one for saying much. A bit like our Nephew he is 15, nearly 16, everything is SUCH an effort :lol::lol: He is taller than me now, I remember when they all came to France and we were in that same restaurant, with him in a high chair, only 1 year old. I reminded him of his antics with the tomato sauce and fries. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Custard with the blueberry pie, just perfect, thank you.

    So you are converted to French flour, there is quite a difference, glad you like it.

    Hi Carol, glad it is cooler with you as well. Saturday was a real trial, I had had enough of being constantly lathered.

    You have a quiet day ahead. No, you cannot be walking that far, to get the train to Church. At least it is only once a year that they close the road. Is it a bit like a mini Tour de France :D

    Lots of pottering and fussing, the time will soon pass, then Mr T will be home and you can listen to him snoring gently in his chair :roll: :roll: :lol: :animal_busy:

    Maybe you could keep dropping things, like trays and pan lids, then say ooops, sorry, didn't know you were asleep :lol::lol:

    Rubie might well make her appearance this coming week :)

    No fly zone for sure, that storm we had was pretty forceful. The woven gems, still no word from Mother or Sleek, Mrs Darcey is keeping tight lipped too.

    I hope everyone else is ok, in out and around about.

    High time I was having another potter. The washer has just finished, so I can fuss over laundry :) Easily pleased I am :roll: :roll:

    Take care one and all, love and sparkles abound t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Stuffed Portabello Mushrooms

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan Carol Toni Kathleen
    i'm in a hurry to take dogs for a walk we have heavy rain on the way.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Aidan and Joan and any one else who drops in.

    I have had the last laugh this morning because all it has done since I got up is rain. Mr T didn't look too pleased this morning when he had to go out in it :lol::lol: and i didn't. He was moaning he was going to get wet I just shrugged my shoulders, just as he did to me yesterday when I was saying what a boring day I was going to have because I couldn't go out, don't think he was too impressed with me. ha ha :lol::lol::wink:

    Joan Hope you managed to get out and back home with the dogs before the rain.

    Aidan Nice little T room Glad Dad enjoyed himself I love Prawn sandwiches too. yes do take some pictures of the holiday cottage. your man bag sounds like my handbag everything but the kitchen sink in it as my late mum would say :lol::lol: The bike ride was only introduced when the Olympics was held in London in 2012 it was supposed to be a one off event, but then they decided to make it a yearly event :roll: :roll: the first year wasn't so bad as it came down the main road at the top of ours, so I could go up and sit on the seat of my rollator and watch it go by. Then in 2013 they changed the route. :roll: :cry: .I will try and find a couple of pictures I took in 2012. ok pictures coming up I have a some more but it will only allow me to post 3 at a time so will post the others later. of our Road closed for cycle ride 2012.jpg?dl=0 ride 2012.jpg?dl=0 cycle ride 2012.jpg?dl=0

    Aidan I don't think dropping things will work when he is asleep cos due to his hearing problem and not wearing his hearing aids he wouldn't hear it. :roll: :roll: :lol:

    Ok time to potter and get our dinner sorted nice roast today followed by trifle if it sets in time forgot to make jelly yesterday so fingers crossed it will set :roll: :roll: if not we will have it at tea time and have strawberries with yoghurt at dinner time instead. may make it in to post again later.

    love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What are these forces of nature, Rain, Wind, Thunder ??? Things we have have not seen nor heard of for a long time. :shock: :shock:

    Praise be and pass the tatties, it is cooler, wetter and a whole lot better

    Aidan, the best poem I've read all year. And spoken from the heart. Oh yummy, stuffed Portabello mushrooms. I love it when the juice dribbles down my chin after biting into the mushroom, :oops: :? :lol:

    Hope you can do justice to our T. Grilled Salmon served with a chunky Avocado, rocket and red onion salsa and buttered new potatoes.

    Oh isn't the weather delicious. Wet and windy. - No, not me for a change. :roll:

    Barbara, that bread is divine. I could eat a whole loaf with goat's butter. :P

    Off to see the lovelies, and have a chat to whoever is on duty. I think I'l take a few packs of Jammy Dodgers for the Bush Babies. t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a wet and windy morning, still breezy now, with some rather foreboding clouds. Not cold though, just about right.

    Have just come back from the cottage over the hill. It was off the beaten track and the track was certainly well beaten, with more potholes and ruts than anything else. Lovely view over the other side of Pendle, which we don't normally take much notice of.
    Chickens and sheep and lots of very steep steps up to the bongalow (part of the farm). Took me a while, but I made it.

    Here is a view from the kitchen.

    One of the many chickens cake scratching at the door LOL

    Family are going back down to London tomorrow morning, they put on a lovely buffet for lunch and B's other Brother and SIL came over, so it was a good get together.

    I had had enough by mid afternoon, so we came away, bringing Dad with us. He will need a nap as well.

    Hope you managed to get in from your walk Joan, before the rains came.

    Toni wanted me to let you know that they are all ok, having a big chill out day today, feet up, lots of rest and relaxation and recharge of batteries. :)

    Oh dear Carol, you have had the last laugh, with Mr T grumbling about having to go out in the pouring rain. Did you say"you won't melt, see you later dear" :lol::lol:

    It seems quite a big event now, cycling is so much more popular, tour of yorkshire, London, every country you can think of. Thanks for posting the pictures :)

    Oh yes, Dad has a penchant for prawns. I am not really a lover of them to be honest. :? :?

    Shame they have changed the route of the race, mind you, sitting on your seat, would not be much fun in the pouring rain :shock: :shock:

    I forgot, that Mr T is hard of hearing, silly me. :roll: :roll: :lol: we will have to think of something else. Vacuuming and bumping into his slippers :lol::lol: oooops

    Hope dinner was good and the trifle was set in time.

    Glad you liked my little ditty Kath, thank you.

    Mmmm mushroom juice makes wonderful veggie stock too, as well as dribbles :lol::lol: :shock:

    I will certainly do justice to the Salmon with all the trimmings and wonderful tatties, thanks hun.

    The weather is a blessing, space to breathe and not be a permanent melting pot.

    Right, I must potter, I have sat too long and need to get the joints going a bit, they are shrieking as loud as Tosca and Sleek. There is much excitement about the woven gems and the new modes of transport - Mother let that slip, then clammed up. :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006

    Love and Sparkles to all, let's have some chocolate cake, we have not had any for a little while. XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    Malted Chocolate Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all had lots of rain over night.. :D
    Carol I bet Mr T was fuming at the weather, I know how you feel I hate staying in if its only half an hour its breaks the day least the weather was in your favour.. :) Aiden says drop things may I suggest a water pistol..gosh I am naughty I did use it on my OH when he was snoring in the chair..I wont repeat what he said..and didnt even see the funny side of it :lol: :shock: the pics are its a regular thing now a bit like the iron man here...
    Kath the bread was good..I love this machine and use it around 3 times a week..I have had goats cheese but not the butter will have to try that..thankyou for the salmon..
    Aiden much cooler, I thought it would go on forever ..just seemed like it, I bet the firemen can relax now :) ..thankyou for letting us know that Toni and family are all ok and just will do them good...
    Yes it was a little ditty ..thought you meant to do it.. :lol: what a lovely place for the family to stay..hens sheep and all just up my street :D
    Must say I like the look of the T rooms..nice to have a table together..and how nice of dad to treat will mean a lot to him.. :) so the family are there way back hope they have a safe journey..
    Malted chocolate cake yes please :D
    Joan I hope you didnt get wet...and the doggies enjoyed there walk.. :)

    We went back to the pub yesterday ..I had another chicken salad and then we went to order ice cream from the lovely display...only to find out it is all fake and just for show.. :lol: we asked for sticky toffee ice cream and the lady said sorry we have none we just looked down at all the ice cream ..and she said that isn't real you know... :oops: :oops: :lol: so the cakes are not.. :shock: how clever whoever made them :)
    Right I'm off for now
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Jul 2018, 15:21
    Evening all

    Yes twice in a day :? :? :lol::lol: stopped raining about around mid day and none since. day has gone as i expected it too.

    Kath I love Salmon no rocket though for me otherwise yes please looks yummy. oh yes our bushbabies will give you even more cuddles than usual if you take jammie dodgers. :lol:

    Aidan Gorgeous views from the bungalow windows.
    No didn't say anything to Mr T just smiled thinking to myself well I'm not going to get wet. but was even funnier at dinner time when he came home he rang me and said well I'm at Putney ( station at the top of our high street) but the bike ride is just going through on the outward journey so I cant get across the road. so I'm stuck here till they all go past I could have laughed out loud but didn't just said very calmly its ok roast potatoes just going in oven see you when you get here. :lol::lol::lol: that's me being ever so slightly sarcastic after all what did he expect me to do magic him home oops :roll: :lol::wink: . of course he did as I said fall asleep after dinner and about 4.30pm I dropped my crutch on the floor oh dear I am clumsy it woke him up. I sat there giggling quietly oooh I am a wicked person :lol::lol:
    I enjoyed dinner love a roast and trifle was good jelly did set I put it in the freezer for about 15 mins :shock: :lol:

    here are the other three pictures as promised taken by Mr t this morning when he went out local high street before cylcle race today.jpg?dl=0 point where the 2 roads cross for the cycle race and the closed road .jpg?dl=0 local high street before cylcle race today.jpg?dl=0

    Hi there Barbara just caught you there no I don't think mr t was too impressed with the rain when he went out don't think I will try the water pistol don't think he would be impressed at all oh what wicked wives we are but well we must get our own back somehow he he :roll: :lol::lol:

    well I must have another little potter
    love and sparkle to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - well I did not need rocking at siesta time, I had "hit the wall" so to speak, fybro, horrid.......

    Anyway, onward.

    Hi Barbara - glad you had a good amount of rain, we have had some more this evening. Even the river had a little more in it, not a lot, but every bit helps.

    A water pistol, on poor Mr B, :lol::lol: great idea, I bet the air was blue. I would have had to laugh, in another room of course :lol::lol: Fancy him not finding it funny, spoilsport :lol:

    We were all thinking that the heatwave was an endless event. The last couple of days have been such a welcome respite. The moors will have had a lot of rain, to make sure everything is dampened down. Moorland fires can re start I believe. So many wild fires, the terrible ones in Greece and in California too :cry:

    Chilling will do Toni and family good t4591 t115006

    It was nice at the farm, apart from the steps :shock: :shock: I had to come down backwards when we left, taking care not to step on a chicken :lol::lol: Yorkshire stone and ferrules don't go well, a bit like Bambi on ice.

    You would like it there, with all the animals busy about :)

    They spoilt us in the T room, making sure family members had huge portions of cake, apple pie etc. Nephews apple and blackcurrant pie portion was huge, even he had to share it with mum and he can eat you out of house and home :shock:

    You enjoyed your warm chicken salad again. Fancy the ice cream display being fake :shock: they can make things so realistic now, that you would never know. All the cakes too? What did you end up with in the finish?

    Hi Carol, of course you can teleport Mr T back home, does he not realise, he only has to ask :lol::lol:
    So you dropped your crutch, accidentally of course, only to wake Mr T, ooops. :lol::lol:
    Not wicked, just mischievous :) Accidents will happen, just like Barbara and her water pistol :lol::D

    Thank you for the pictures, they certainly go to a lot of trouble getting the roads all ready, must be miles of barrier fencing for the cycling. Talking of which, it was nice to see Geraint Thomas win the Tour de France. We have watched a lot of it.

    Now it is back to the tennis, Andy Murray is playing today, in Washington. Will be good to see him back on court.

    Quiet coffee and scone at the GC today, little shopping them home. Need some rest time.

    I hope everyone else is ok, Toni, Kerrin, Mig, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, Toady SW and all.

    Time for me to be pottering about, or I will set like Carol's jelly.

    All quiet from the puskins, well, apart from Mother shrieking her head off at the moment. :lol: :shock:

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    I know Kath likes mushrooms so we have spinach and mushroom breakfast pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    Thank you Aidan for letting everyone know we're all ok here.
    Lucy had had a seizure in the night so needed a quiet day. No pool for the day safety first! We did eat out in the evening as I'd already booked and it was her favourite restaurant
    She managed half of her dinner having a big chunk of tongue bitten.
    She is fine though as are we
    Take care all
    Toni xccc
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni.
    Barbara how is your head feeling now. Very disappointing no ice cream.
    Kathleen I'm pleased the weather is better for you now.
    Carol you had a good day disposing the rain I just got back sue was stuck in the Co op.
    Aidan you had a good time out that's good. How is your Dad.
    Toni I'm pleased Lucy is better now that's good.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a lovely day. Sunny, but cool and fresh. I've been to the booth with a malted chocolate cake. Splodgy, tasty and very pleasant. Thank you Aidan, and more thanks for the spinach and mushroom breakfast pie. I'm saving it fot supper. I've posted a puscat nibbles recipe on here too. Mother will love it Aidan. It's made from tuna in spring water (which you drain to make ice cubes) brown rice and wet cat food. Have a look, keep Tosca cool, and Sleek. :lol:

    Carol, I got hundreds of cuddles from the Bush Babies. I enjoyed it so much I've taken more Jammie Dodgers today. :oops: Love the photos too. Makes me want to put my wellies on and splash in puddles. :lol:

    Barbara - a water pistol. I never thought of that. I'll get one for Chris to spray me with when I get too hot.

    Now, who's for Seared Tuna with Italian white bean salad?

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, breezy, but quite warm, (maybe the tumble dryer isn't helping ) :shock: :shock: good job the windows are open.

    No worries Toni, we all help each other out whenever is needed :) A pleasure and I hope that you all rested and that Lucy is feeling a bit better, magic squares for her sore tongue t115006 t115006

    Now it is tipping it down with rain - happy days :) The river actually looked more like a river today, which was nice.

    I digress. Definitely no pool, indeed safety first. Sleek said Mummy was resting along with Paul and Lucy, when she spoke to Tosca. Mother had a very big shriek :shock: :shock: up and down the hall, then a visit to her powder room which caused her to run everywhere as fast as possible :lol::lol: she might be 92, but she has a fair turn of speed :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Hi Joan, Hi Sue, Dad is doing ok, he enjoyed meeting up with family yesterday, although I think he gets a bit mixed up on who is who at times. Bless. He said that I am his personal assistant and look after his "affairs" along with Bill.

    So Sue was in the Co Op, while it was pouring with rain, oh dear, hope it was not for long :shock:

    Hi Kath, I have put the booth on another rinse cycle, that cake was extra gooey, now I am going in, as there are several left and it would be a shame to waste them :D:D

    Glad you enjoyed the mushroom pie. The puscat recipe is great, one to try our and test on Mother, who is very into her fishes.

    The Bush Babies are loves, they really are. Funny how they never get bad teeth, with all those jammy dodgers, what is their secret I wonder. :? :? A water pistol, yes, we all need them, so that our OH's can be drenched as required :lol::lol:

    Tuna on white bean salad, don't mind if I do, thank you kindly.

    Now, I think we had best have some ice cream, for Barbara, who will be along soon. No fake treats in here.

    Salted Caramel Cookie Dough Ice Cream - enjoy.


    Everyone dive in, while I go and potter, do the pills etc. Washing to sort..........fussing to be done.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone, will catch up again later. t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all or is it evening..I never know were one stops and the other starts :?
    Joan I did get icecream in the end just cant believe that they keep it at the back in a fridge and ones you can see are fake..I thought it was a chilled cabinet.. :lol: my head is grumbling but not half has bad..thankyou
    Carol if you do use the water pistol method don't blame me.. :lol: think I might try dripping a crutch or two :) all those barriers in the pics must take forever..I thin I did read that one man had died not sure if its the same cycle did say London
    Toni Lucys tongue must be so painful.. :( but glad she got out to her favorite will help take her mind off things...hope all is well today...and you all have a safe journey home..with no queues
    Aiden so you had to come down backward on the steps..I know how you feel...I suppose not all places can be disabled friendly..but you made it..good on you and not one chicken trod on.phew...
    The cakes must have been big slices if the teens could cope with them...we need to give them some lessons.. :lol:
    So Andy is playing, I hope that hip copes ok with it..suppose it will take time to get back to full fitness...
    Thankyou for the icecream it is my favorite..I ended up just have white chocolate ..2 dollops.. :D so your river is up..we have had rain on and off today but not alot..and its very humid..
    Kath the bush babies love jammy dodgers..mind you so do I so it would be one for you one for me :lol: thankyou the tuna will do nicely for tea... :D
    Just made a baguette with the French flower..its makes the dough and rises it so you only have to shape and bake it... :D
    Its Niamhs 6th Birthday next Saturday..not a clue what she want and neither does changes every time we ask :lol:
    Right will make a move
    Love to everyone especially Lucy.. t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone

    I have decided today has been lets get at Carol day. started off on the bus at lunch time with me with my walker by the exit on the bus as there was a wheelchair in the space i would normally use, people can still get past and off bus with it there, and then a woman gets on with a child around 11 -12 years of age said child stand in the space in front of the other door when i have to get off i politly ask said child if she could move the mum gave me the most digusted look look as it i shouldnt even ask, thing is I need the whole exit area to turn the walker round as I get off backwards and pull it down towards me. then get in café the café where me t and I have our lunch most days he walks down from home I get the bus. any way find a seat fold the walker up and pull in between the tables beside me . After lunch I start to get myself ready to go and pay and there was a guy who had come in and he wanted to use that table he throws something on the table and stands in the front of the walker and say can I get in there. I politely tell him that I cant move unless he moves out of my way get a mouthful of abuse from him anyway he moves. then to top the lot I am trying to get to the counter to pay .but to do this I had to move a blind ladies stick that she had put under her chair as it was sticking out politely informed her I had moved it slightly and she started yelling at me. for moving it. arrgh they were all out today thought as I came out the shop if anyone say anything else this afternoon am going to explode fortunately no one did.

    Barbara no not going to try the water pistol cos I know he will get into a real temper with me. but you are welcome to drop a couple of crutches if we see blue smoke rising in the sky we will know you have upset mr b. yes there are a lot of barriers there always is which is just as well because there are bound to be some idiots who will try to run between the bikes and wonder why they get knocked down. yes there was a death it was one of the cyclists apparently.

    Kath Glad you enjoyed lots of cuddles from bush babies give them jammie dodgers and they are your friends forever. :roll: :lol: think I might pop down there later with a supply. yes it did look rather wet my GGDs love jumping in the puddles in their wellies. Thanks for the Tuna yummy.

    Joan Hope Poor Sue didn't have to stay in the coop for too long.

    Sorry to hear about poor Lucy I bet her tongue is sore it was good that she was able to go to her favourite restaurant and a least eat a little good to hear you are all ok.

    Aidan Wish I could Teleport I would do that every to myself would be great :roll: :lol::lol: of course it was dropped accidently on purpose I like the sound of being mischievous think I need a few lessons from our Graycie cos she is a real mischievous little monkey. unfortunately I have not followed the tour de France. Good that Andy Murray is back playing again. did you enjoy your quite visit to the GC. I think if you had set like my jelly you may be a bit wobbly to say the least :lol::lol: the spinach and mushroom pie was yummy

    well time to potter a bit more
    Love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Quite warm again, but not at melting point thank goodness.

    Hi Barbara I had a little read and apparently, evening starts at around 6pm. That runs up to midnight which is then night time. :D:D
    It was a bit of a task, getting up to the bungalow on Sunday, but, it was Hobson's choice. I feel safer coming down backwards, with everyone on chicken watch :lol::lol:
    We do need to teach the teenagers how to eat cakes and pies :lol::lol: They had only just had their breakfast which had something to do with it, eyes and belly's.... :roll: :roll:

    They are all safely back home in London, it was lovely to see them. Not sure when they are next coming up.

    We have put the tennis on from Washington, didn't start till 930pm, first players were on court 10 minutes and it was rained off, still raining now. Typical. It is a bit like that in Washington, lots of storms and heavy rain at this time of year. Hot too, I remember it well.

    I thought you might like the ice cream. SO you ended up with white chocolate ice cream at the pub, after the shock of knowing that all the display is fake. It won't be the same now. :? :?

    We did have some rain in the afternoon, as soon as I had put some washing out on the airer, it started within a minute.

    Hope you enjoyed the baguette :)

    Niamh's 6th Birthday, very nice, I remember last years Birthday too. Maybe if it could be narrowed down to 2 choices :? You can never have enough Unicorn's t115006 t115006

    It sounds like you had a right day Carol, t115006 people are so rude. Sadly, manners and a little politeness elude so many people these days.
    I hope they are all happy, being so miserable and grouchy. Huh.

    Sorry to hear that one of the cyclists died during the race, he had a cardiac arrest, very sad. There were SO many cyclists taking part, thousands :o :shock:

    I am sure little Graycie can teach you some tricks on how to be cheeky, but look so innocent at the same time :)

    We did enjoy our GC visit, just us and Dad, we all had bacon and egg sandwiches, just fancied one. Then I had to have a scone, out of politeness to the chef who bakes them, in house. :lol::lol: :?

    Sometimes I feel like jelly on springs to be honest, I did yesterday when I was climbing up to the bungalow :shock: :shock: :lol: Payback time today, but, not to worry, we carry on, pottering has helped and a nice siesta too.

    At home day today, hair cuts too :)

    Sleek invited Mother and Mrs Darcey over to watch Love Island :roll: they seemed to enjoy it, Mother was shrieking on her return. :shock: :shock:
    I think the no fly zone is lifted from today, so back on the broomsticks again, there is mist a plenty up on the hill. They need more gems, from the enchanted forests too. t115006 t115006

    Well I had better potter a little more. Hi to everyone in out and around about.
    Love and Sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 XXX Aidan

    Crepes suzette for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    All is well here no more health scares :)
    Apart from me having belly ache from eating too much :oops:
    Oh yes the lady cats all watched the love island final
    They were rooting for the winning couple.
    They like a good love story!
    Today we will be being lazy tgen off to the night market this evening.
    Love and thanks to you all for caring
    Toni xxx