Val's Cafe
Morning all quite cool and very dark here..
Aiden must say the griddled mushrooms and egg with toast sounded so nice..and I am sure the cake rounded things off nicely..
I will try the alternative warm and cold cloths on my head..I know its says warm but cold feels much that second fasciantor for me..I think we will certainly stand out at the wedding
thankyou for the hugs they do help..I will certainly try the vit C..something we use to take..
Now the hosepipe ban they are saying that blue badge holders are exempt..but if we can OH will water by hand..I would be to embarrassed to use the hosepipe
Now I must try your courgette bread..something I have never had..and guess what we found the french butter...thanks you you and Toni
Toni the wedding is not cat themed..I am sure our Fasinators will b e appreciated..
glad you have your inhaler and the nurse was makes such a you are off to France..good on you
have a lovely time...this is the trouble with these sinuses they are always ok when I get my appointment :roll: never mind we get there..
Carol how nice having a buffet while watching the can settle down nicely after all your running around
Joan thankyou I will try the olbas oil .. we have it in for Niamh..and haven't tried it in the steam..and glad to hear your eye appointment was fine..just new reading glasses..
Niamh is on her way with daddy to give Dil a better get prepared..
Love to everyone... t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Emily and I had a chat yesterday. They are so delighted with everything and planned to go plant shopping today for their new garden. They have no lawns, but intend to put pots of plants all around. t69044
I forgot to mention Bertie. He's Campbells cat really. Emily thinks he's a bit bonkers. Both he and Miss Pond are ordinary pus cats but Miss Pond has Tortoiseshell fur. Bertie is black and white. No photo of him, but here's another of Miss Pond pretending she's a flower in a trug.
Toni, I would have been black affronted if you had not shared the berry patch with your sister. I'm glad you have your inhaler now. I hope it helps. You are not a twit! Well, no more than I am. t4591
Joan, so now you are going to have readers too. I have them too I get a bit fed up of swapping from one to the other . :?
Aidan's had rain. :shock: I am well jell as they say. No food today, I'm stuffed with ice cream. Although I intend trying some Courgette bread with French butter. Or even goat's butter."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
French France on Monday - gosh, that has come along quickly Toni, I remember you said July, there is only next week left I guess. :shock: You will need a recharge, all of you X
Sleek has tried the being home alone drama :roll: :roll: , but Mother was having none of itshe was all for gathering the mists and said "not to worry, we have a job to do, let's get on" :shock:
Very glad you have the inhalers and you had a chance to meet with the respiratory nursePlus lesson on how to use it too. Let's hope their is an improvement asap.
Of course, we shed a tear, thinking of Pepe and how smart he would look at the wedding. Bless his heart. Poor Miss Sleek, even Mother was touched.
A cat fascinator would be wonderful, or a nod to puskins somewhere in the ensemble.
B will make sure all are adorned in suitable sparkles t115006 t115006
Tosca was quite excited about Tom Thumb, even though he is a boy and she is not too fond of boy puskins, as we well know :roll: :roll:
Mother in Vera's raincoat,
Glad I am not the only one who has vanishing veins, see cannula, veins go immediatelynot that needles bother me in the slightest.
Oh I have been a terrible patient at times, get me the discharge papers, I am going home (still attached to monitors etc) :roll: :roll: move me to the private wardhence they usually put me in a side room and give me lots of pills
Neighbour has a cold starting, always catches something from a flight, with all the recycled airI mentioned that her washer blew up the day before the went away. So she came round with a big bag of washing, (just up my street, of course we will do it, give it to me)
Last load nearly done.
Also brought a present of 200 ciggies, which is very kind, well, not good for us, but it is still kind, if that makes sense.
We would have dragged each other up the stairs rather than go up in that contraption :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan, thank you, hope your week end is good and that you managed to get all your needed on Friday, on your trip out. New readers as well. 8)
It has been reasonable bearable today, so far, Barbara, I have been fussing, so I am warm now, but the AC is not needed at the moment. It is very dark over Pendle :? :? No rain forecast though and hotter again this coming week :roll: :roll: enough of summer now, thanks all the same.
Hope the hot and cold flannels help t4591 I remember when I went to California and all over the western side of USA, with my friend, who had terrible sinus problems, had them drained and windows opened in hospital, the works. within 2 days of being in California, it was like nothing had ever been wrong, breathing ok, no pains, never used her sprays once. Dry air, must have been
Yes, you can try the fascinator, we can choose from several, whichever suits you best.
Hugs always help ((())) and I hope lots of Vit C does too. Worth trying, it won't do any harm. Olbas oil in hot water is good, makes your eyes run a bit :shock: :shock: love the smell though
So blue badge holders are exempt from the hosepipe ban, which makes sense, if mobility is an issue. If I was on my own, it certainly would be. B will use a watering can and I hope we have more rain in the next two weeks. He says, fingers crossed.
Hi Kath, I am so glad that Emily and family are happy and settling into their new home. Buying plants for their little garden too. So there is Bertie the bonkers pus catand Miss Pond, who looks adorable in her trug t4591 t4591
Well jell, haha, that very TOWIE speak isn't itI wish it would rain from one end of the country to another. A lot of the trees are dropping their leaves around here, especially the Horse Chestnuts.
Goats butter will be fine with the courgette bread, once you have recovered from your ice creams
I won't put any ice cream out for afternoon cakes then, too much of a good thing maybe.
Hi to Carol and Kerrin and Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth and all. It is pill time here, plus the washer is not far off finishing, it is doing an extra rinse, it detects any bubbles and re rinses things until it is happy :? :shock:
Madeira Cake with Nuts and Sugar CrunchesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all --
A quiet evening really, enjoying catching up with the Golf Open from Carnoustie. Getting quite exciting, ready for the final day today, who will win the Claret Jug and the Open?
I think the next ATP tennis starts tomorrow as well
Siesta was reasonably successful, Tosca must have cast a sleepy spell on me :animal_busy: while she met up with Sleek, Mrs D and Tom Thumb, they all had a good shriek :shock:Tom will be taken under Mrs D's wing and will be allowed to have a ride on her broomstick, only for a very short time.
Even Tosca thought he was cute :shock: don't tell me she has gone all Motherly, in her early 90's :shock:
Carol will have had a busy day, with Church open morning, I hope you sold some more cards. How did we do in the Speedway? I bet you enjoyed it, with the buffet supper
Barbara will be busy with cold and hot towels, olbas oil, vitamin C and the AB's too, we want you to feel better asap. ((()))
Toni will be busy with suitcases. Sleek has tried the "at home with nothing but a dry crust" again, but Mother just rolled her eyes :roll:
Kerrin, I am assuming that school has finished and you can have a bit of a break now,hope you are as ok as can be. ((()))
Hi to Christine, DD, Toady, Mig, Elizabeth and all.
All our lovelies in the Sanctuary are well, the babies are growing, just had a little paddle in the manatee pools, lovely warm water. I see Kath has her Buffalo all togged up in full riding kit, she is very brave :shock: :?
The meerkats want more heat, they prefer it when it is up to 30 degrees m0150 m0150
I had best have another potter, sitting is not a pleasure any more, but, we get on with it :roll: B is busy with new designs for his jewellery. They all look sparkly and wonderful, if I was a Magpie I would raid them all t115006 t115006
Love, hugs and Sparkles to all t4591 ((())) t115006 t115006 Extra magic squares are winging their way, far and wide.
Home day todayCatch you later XX Aidan
Spinach Feta Tomato and Olive MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all
Another busy packing day here for me.....ironing and the like overdoing it :roll:
It's very dry here still we need rain!! I don't think Bessie bot will work the whole time we are away.
Gave away some cucumber yesterday!
Aidan Monflanquin spelling please! We will be sight-seeing we are taking the van this time. The new one with my comfort seat
Mrs Darcy is rather Motherly maybe it's rubbing off on Tosca or maybe it's his little thumbs???
Good to hear Tosca isn't allowing Sleek to wail and moan about us going away :roll: as you know she will be spoiled rotten by Charley,Kat and Tia t4591 They will send me snap-chat videos and the like. To be honest I will miss her like crazy
I am glad I've had the inhaler and am pretty sure I have had 2 slightly better nights' sleep since although fit-bit doesn't agree :?
How lovely for you to have 'new' washing to doI bet they were gateful too.
Tosca is keeping an eye on B's jewellery-making more so than usual. She and Sleek are going into the enchanted forest while I'm away as there are some precious tiny jewels to be found there....somewhere???
I love those muffins thanks and had some cake yesterday afternoon while I was ironingLeft you a caramel macchiato.
There will be a nod somewhere to pusskins in the wedding plans I'm sure.
As for being a bad patient I am 100% with you and even Lucy caught it - she tried to escape once too :shock: Side rooms and pills is the way to go
Ah Kath so Mrs P is a tortie? very sweet pics needed of Bertie as and when.
She looks adorable in the trugBless her little cotton-paws!
Pots will do nicely in the new garden and maybe one with cat grass in it :animal_busy:
Kari is vegan so the extra fruit was most welcome
Barbara I hope you are still on the mend? I wonder whether the olbas oil will help worth a try surely it will do no harm.
Lovely to see Niamh I bet I hope her Mum is doing ok shoulder-wise.
The latest sinus flare will be recorded on your notes by your GP at least. Is your temp still down? Just incase you need more ABs?
We will love France and are looking forward to going to Aidan and B's old village.
Hi Joan I hope the reading glasses will help you. Paul needs his even to see his food now :shock: We are off to France soon for 2 weeks back a week Sunday
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Barbara do you feel a bit better now I hope so.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
Aidan I have cataracts but I can see alright at the moment I'm just not getting on with my verifocals I should be used to them I've been having them a few years.
Toni have a good time in France.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all a much better sleep last night the pain is subsiding..
thank the lord
Toni you enjoy France it will do you good to be able to relax..and to see Aiden and Bs old village how nicewonder if you will find there house..I am sure Miss sleek will be spoiled rotten..and a nice comfy seat in the van..cant ask for anything more..
Joan my OH has never got on with verifocals you are not on your own..and I feel much better thankyou..
Kath we used to have a black and white cat..called Henry..and he would go and sit on the white lines in the rd and stop the traffic :shock: I love the pic of miss ponds
Aiden its strange but I can breath ok with these sinus ..well mostly all seems to be about my eyes..around the sockets.. :x anyhow today is much better so far ..
I think I had better make some time for our sanctuary..will go with some treats later and do lots of fussing..we watched some of the golf I want Tommy Fleetwood to win..he is so down to earth...
so your neighbour has a you say the air is circulated so people catch all sorts..its all your washing and ironing is done and dusted..such a nice feeling..but I need to get my pile sorted..
Thankyou for breakfast..never has savory muffins but will give them a try
Niamh got stung yesterday buy a wasp..she has only just walked out of the back door and she screamed.. :shock: there are so many around ..I cleaned it and put ice on so it settled nicely..but she is sacred of going out now...
Right better move
Love to everyone... t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon, just, by two minutes.
Busy, overdoing it Toni, no, I am sure you would not do that at all - much :? :? neither would I :? :?
We need rain rain and more rain. Just read about the amount of leaks in the north west's water pipework, more than enough to fill 175 olympic sized pools a day :shock: :shock: :shock: Our weather is set to get hotter and one forecast says no rain as far as the second week of August :shock:
That is right, Monflanquin is the correct spelling. When you turn into the village, go right and follow the road up to the top of the village and you can park at the Church and it is a short walk down to the main square. The Church is lovelyand the view is amazing.
Rue St Marie, is straight down from the square, we lived opposite the electricians shop. Green shutters and door. Might all be different now.
Comfort seat and sight seeing sounds wonderful. I checked the temp for Monflanquin next week, 37 degrees :shock: :shock:
Another lovely town, to watch the world go by is Villeneuve Sur Lot, if you can park in the centre ville, with a blue badge, well worth sitting with a coffee and people watching.
I am sure you will have a wonderful time. t4591 t4591
Two weeks, oh my, keep us posted as and when you can.
Tosca does like Tom''s thumbs, bless, a little motherly in her old age.
Mother knows how well Miss Sleek will be spoiled by her loving family and now her Auntie Kat too. Tosca will send her a little parcel of pilchards though (whiffy)
Of course you will miss her like crazy, we would be the same, in fact I would be bawling, no doubt about it :roll: :roll:
Glad the inhalers are doing their thing and you have had some better nights sleep. There is an app on the phone that tells you how well you slept, it would never cope with me, so I have not used it.:roll: :roll:
Oh yes, new washing to do, I was well away, all immaculised then delivered back by B
So there are some tiny precious jewels in the enchanted forest, right, our two will be on the hunt I am sure. They might need a spell of detection, I gather they are very small, but beautiful. Talking of gems, B is sorting out his "stashes" and having a tidy up, things that he no longer uses, oh I can hear it all going in the bin :shock:
Thank you for the macchiattoVery nice.
A nod to puskins in the wedding plans, would be excellent. Even a little something almost hidden, on the wedding invites, or on the table cards etc. little whiskers
Imagine us on the same ward, in adjoining side rooms, it would be like the Great Escape all over again
Steady away now, don't go mad with the packing, have a little rest
Hi Joan, glad that you can see ok at the moment, they will remove cataracts earlier, if you push a little, Dad IL had both his done and they were not totally "ripe" as they call it. My Dad and B's Dad could never get on with varifocals, made them quite sickly, as the ground can appear to move :shock: :shock: Some are never bothered by them, but I would be nauseous before I even tried them on :roll: :roll:
Hi to Sue and the doggies too, hope you have a nice Sunday.
Hi Barbara, so glad that you had a better night and the pain is subsiding t4591 t115006
You had a puskin called Henry, who stopped the traffic :shock: :shock: oh my.
Pressure round the eyes, yes, our sinuses are all over the place, we are full of themand they cause all sorts of pains.
Have a nice time in the Sanctuary, always plenty to fuss over, alongside the keepers and vets.
Golf, just started watching now, fast forward all the talking. We want Tommy Fleetwood to win as well, it is always a tight day, final day and it is quite windy too.
Send the washing over, I will do it for you.
Oh poor Niamh, wasps are nasty tempered things and they get worse August into September as they are drunk on over ripe fruits. Sounds like you caught the sting very quickly and cooled it down. I don't blame her for not wanting to go out. They dive bomb me and I end up flinging my crutches all over, bag drops off my shoulder, sreeching like a ninny................. :roll: :roll:
Right, the washer has finished, so I will pop it on the airer and B will put it out outside the back door on the decking. (wasps hide in washing too, Mum used to be stung no end of times, folding washing).
Love to all, will come back later, t4591 t115006 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Request for Bonkers Bertie photos winging it's way to Shuttleworth. May take a while, but I'll get some.
I rang dad this morning. My nephew and his wife are over from the US are over for a while. Anita cooking them all dinner. Mr Marley is also visiting (Anita's Shih Tzu). t4591
Toni, off to France - is Kari going too? I see Sleek will have Mother taking care of her. Only the best will do as your replacement. So Kari is vegetarian too. She should enjoy todays supper then. Thai rice with vegetables. m0150"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Looking forward to seeing pictures of "bonkers Bertie" Kath.
Was Dad ok? Nice that you have family over from the US and having Sunday lunch cooked for them. Including Mr Marley the doggiet4591
Thank you for the Thai Rice and Vegetables, looks amazing. I have found a very French themed pudding.
Cheesecake Brioche t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Just want to wish Toni and Paul a safe journey and a lovely holiday..
Aiden I hope that Toni gets to your village would it be lovely if they take a pic of your old house,
Gosh if we were all on the same ward..the poor you say the great escape..a carry on film comes to mind...
The wasp are out in force and anything flying, biting or stinging gets me :shock:
Yes the sanctuary was nice and quiet..all animals settled and fed..and of course cuddled...the Cheesecake Brioche is making my mouth water
The black cat Henry was a rescue one from a nearby works, the poor thing wouldn't stay in and so its end came quickly..I will say no more..
Kath I will have some rice thankyou..will you get to see your Nephew and wife before they go back home..
Better make a move..
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - well it is now Monday, after watching all the golf from Carnoustie and the Francesco Molinari winning, the first Italian to win an open.
What a fabulous Open it has been. I am exhausted.
So, all the evening time has vanished into the shed. We will have to take a trip in their Carol, to recoup some of them.
Hi Barbara, hope you are feeling not too bad today. Still on the AB's I assume? t4591 t115006
I am sure Toni will get to visit our village in France, it is beautiful, there are lots of pictures of Monflanquin on Google. Lovely Bastide Town. We were fortunate to be residents on its 700th Anniversary, I will have to scan a picture in, of all the residents of the town, gathered in the square.
oh, just found a picture, the bakers, that was open when we lived there, it closed down. Ours is the house next door, with the big garage doors and the plants outside. The bakers is for sale, for £40.000 :shock: , five bedrooms, just like we had, needs doing up.
Hopefully Toni will see this and be able to find our house really easily.
Oh if we were all on the same ward, it would be like a Carry On film, in fact I think we would all be evicted
Wasps are bad tempered things, I know they are good at eating lots of Greenfly, but they also like to dive bomb and fly straight at me :shock: Horse flies are horrid too, they really leave a nasty bite.
Glad you had a nice time in the Sanctuary, cuddling all, well, maybe not all the animals, warthogs and hippo's and Tarantula's are fine without cuddles, they know they are well looked after. :? :? :shock:
Poor Henry, I can well imagine what happened. At least he was rescued and looked after.
The chocolate brioche is a definite face plant, hope you enjoyed. I have put some more out, Kath will want to nip into the booth and maybe Toni, if she spots it before they head off.
Wishing Toni and Paul a safe and happy holiday - m0150 m0150 it is very hot over where we used to live, 37 I think it said, for this week. Oh, I remember it well :shock:
Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW and all. I must away, it is 1am already.
Off out for brunch with Dad, then we are taking him to his Rheumy appointment at Burnley hospital. Mid afternoon appointment :roll: never mind.
Love and Sparkles to all, will hopefully have some more time tomorrow, it might get to evening time before I am here. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Some Almond Croissants todayXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
37 for us too Aidan!!
Will see you all soon and get online when I can.
Off in 20 mins
Love to everyone
Try to stay well ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Barbara that's good you are feeling better sorry Niamh got stung.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
Aidan I hope your Dad get's on alright at the hospital. I have worn varifocals's for year's I never had a line across them.
Toni have a good time on holiday.
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..getting better by the day..fingers crossed
Toni you have a safe journey to France and a lovely rest when you get there..I am sure you will fined shade and maybe a pool to cool of..
Aiden thankyou I do feel much better thank idyllic it looks in the village..I haven't been to France, but it reminds me so much of Cornwall..suppose it would have been attached there many 1000s of years ago..when you think what you could get for 40.000 here ..not much at all..
It would be a carry on for us lot in hospital..I had to laugh at the nurses keep moving you around when you were a patient..
they didnt lock the door to the side room did they.. :shock:
I missed the end of the golf..but glad to hear the Italian hadn't won anything before..thankyou for the lovely Almond Croissants save us cooking..
Joan thankyou..I do feel much better..I hope your new glasses are ready very soon..
Right bloods this morning they want ESR repeated..this was to do with the brain scan..maybe Aiden will know ... :?
Love to everyone t4591 m0150 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Mmm, Almond Croissant. Thank you Aidan. m0150 I haven't been watching the golf, although we boyh love it. So Francesco Molinari won. About time too, is he the older one or the younger? Both handsome chappies.
Hope dad's rheumy appointment went well.
Barbara, nephew and wife are off to London before returning home.
t4591 Love to Joan, Sue, Kerrin and anyone else my aching head can't remember. Enjoy the Rhubarb Crumble cup cakes. Maybe add a little double cream.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
OOps didn't get in yesterday (story of my life at the moment)was at church in the morning got dinner sorted when I got home and after dinner when I had intended to post, I fell asleep for the rest of the afternoon. of course then it was tea time and a little pottering of course after that I just could not be bothered to do anything. I'm not usually like this but I think it is just the heat. 30 degrees at one point yesterday and today it has been up even higher. sitting here now with windows open and fan on full and still hot. ankles keep swelling up in this heat too so a bit uncomfortable to say the least.
Aidan Think trip to the shed a good idea to recoup some hours although with this weather and heat not sure I would want more hours:roll: :roll: I can just imagine us all in the hospital together we would cause a riot think the may have to put us in different wards ha ha . hope you enjoyed the brunch and all went well with dads appointment. Yum almond croissants
Hi Toni Hope you have a great Holiday enjoy it.
Barbara Glad you are feeling better. that must have ben funny so see your pusskin Henry sitting in the road stopping the traffic. A bit scary for you too I should imagine. I don't blame Niamh being scared to go out after a nasty sting.
well I must away a potter a little I think before I set
love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, good grief it has been HUMID and hot today. :shock: :shock:
Just to let you know Toni and Paul were away, after a short delay at the tunnel, and they were off into the m0150 m0150 and a very hot France. Bonne Vacance t115006 t115006
Hi Joan, Hi Sue, hope you are as ok can be, I know you like the warm weather, or is it getting a bit too warm at times?
It has been a long day, always delays at outpatients departments, but Dad was ok, the Dr was a different one and he was very nice indeed.
I think the varifocals are the ones without a demarcation line, I must be thinking of bifocals, I tried my late Dads on once and it was like being all at sea:shock:
Glad to hear you are improving Barbara, always good to hear t115006
It was our third house in the five years that we lived in France. the first one was a complete shed, but it was lovely and finished the day we moved out :shock:
The second was out of a nice little village, on its own at the edge of farm land, surrounded by a hedge that would have put Sleeping Beauty's to shame
It was so cute, we had an overground pool, lots of mice, one BIG snake in the garden and one small viper :shock: The mice lived in the garage, where the washing machine was, so I was forever throwing washing in the air when the mice ran up the wall. :? :roll:
Then the house in Monflanquin, that Toni is going to see. A gorgeous village, we loved it there, but, we knew that we had to come back, for family, with parents getting older and not able to visit, it was the right thing to do.
Yes, England was joined to the continent many millions of years ago, until the earths plates moved and the space was gradually filled in by the seas.
Property is still cheaper in France, certainly if you are ok at doing some pretty hard work and renovations.
I am sure that the ward staff wanted to lock my side room doorI was always in side room 1, which was near the nurses station, so I could listen to what was going on. Sometimes they shut the door, if I was dozing
The golf was really good, it is the ladies open starting this week too.
The ESR if it is high, is usually a sign of inflammation, also raised with Rheum Arthritis, an infection (ie sinus etc). It is also higher if you have kidney problems too. Hence regular checks are advised.
You are all welcome to the Almond Croissants, I think we will have to have French themed foods, to keep up with Toni on her holidays.
Glad you liked them too Kath. We do like our golf, tennis, skiing, ski jumping, tour de france, not enough hours in the day really.
I think it is the older Francesco who won, he could not believe it. His first Open champion. Opens a lot of doors for him now.
So your Nephew and his wife are off to London, in all the heat.
I have had 4 cup cakes, thank you, they are lovely, I didn't use the booth, I just shovelled them in
Hi there Carol, don't worry, we know that you have busy days at the Church and then falling asleep in the afternoon is just fine. I know you have it a lot hotter in London, well into the low 30's, which is just silly temperatures.
I am with you on the swollen lower legs / ankles, I feel like I am going to pop. t115006 t115006 some cooling magic squares on their way right now.
We can leave the hours in the shed for now and use them in the cooler months, whenever they decide to start :roll: :roll: More hours in this weather, is not a good idea.
I read there is a general warning, for people NOT to go sitting out in it, to avoid the the hottest parts of the day, keep your windows shut and curtains too. People won't take any notice though and a and E will be packed out with people suffering heat stroke, which is far more dangerous than they imagine. :? :?
We would have to be split up if we were all in hospital, it would be chaos for sure.
Brunch was very nice, I had Scampi, B had the pavillion burger and Dad always had his favourite, hand battered fish fingers. I was going to have soup, but I was already leaking like a sieve with the coffee and I was very good and did not have a scone !!! I know, it must be the heat.
I asked them to put the AC on, it is a big space to keep cool and the boss likes to have all the big doors open. Our friend who runs the coffee and drinks area, sneaked off and turned them all on
The Dr was running 45 minutes late, so I had to keep getting up and pottering outside, my knees where ready to explode. I felt like asking if there was a spare appointment :shock:Anyway, Dad was seen, Dr was quite pleased, see him again in a years time, keep taking the tablets.
Then we had to get back and do some shopping, so we didn't arrive home till gone 4 30. AC put on full blast and it is still on now, on low, it is just keeping the humidity away and cooling us quite well (until we turn it off that is) :roll: :roll:
I have been pottering, on and off, siesta was more of a rest of shouting joints, the Tramadol has been increased today, very much needed.
I had better move again. An at home day today, hopefully not as hot. It is going to get up to nearly 30 on Thursday, so we will be like moles all day :shock:
Miss Sleek, Mrs Darcey and Tom Thumb have been over, had a bit of a meeting - something to do with the jewels in the enchanted forests. All very secret. t115006 t115006
Love and Sparkles to everyone, in out and around about. Take lots of care. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
Peachy Pitta Breakfast PizzasXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan.
Barbara that's good you feel better now. I pick my glass's up on Fri.
Kathleen is it too warm for you.
Carol you are busy and when it's hot it slows you down.
Aidan I bet you were a good matron. Yes sue loves the heat.
I'm glad your Dad's appointment went well.
take care all love to Toni
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..think I am cured for the time being
very himid here and really dark...
Aiden thankyou for the update on Toni..she sent snapchats..and I told her to let us all out of the back of the van when we got through passport control..did I really say thousands of years ago we are attached to know what I mean..
so you had 3 moves..we always watch the program on moving abroad..the one were the ladies started a restaurant come B&B..they did you say property is so cheap
I see you had a good time at the T rooms..must say you make me hungry...I dont have an appetite think its these kidneys so I come on here to get oneglad the lady put the AC on for you
..your poor knees its awful when you have to sit or stand for any amount of time...glad that dad is doing ok..and thankyou for the peachy pizza
Kath its a shame you wont get to see your nephew and wife..but suppose with all the technology you can keep in touch
Joan Friday is not long for your glasses hope they are ok for you..and thankyou again
Carol this weather is awful and you are having it worse than us..apparently it will get a little cooler after the big one on Thursday then its back again next dont book much in
better to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Aidan, thank you for the delicious Peachy Pitta Breakfast Pizzas. I started, but couldn't stop, so they're all gone. :oops: Yes I heard the warning on the radio, and the listeners moaning about 'NANNY STATE' OK, let them all get frazzelled to a crisp. They really will have something to moan about then. :x
So sad to hear about those in Athens. And Japan. And everywhere else in the world which has too hot weather.
I hope Toni and Paul are keeping well. m0150
Barbara, I don't stay in touch with my nephew. I don't suppose this weather will bother them too much, they live in New York so are quite used to hot summers and cold winters.
Yes Joan, it is far too warm for me. At least in winter I can add a layer or two.
Any way, I'm off to the booth where there are several Iced Raspberry cakes with cream. Taptaptappity SPLAT t115006 t4591 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
From Emily:
Here is Bertie, he liked to sit in our removal boxes when we were trying to pack xxx"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Bertie in a box.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, not quite as hot as yesterday, but the AC is on, as I was having a "moment".
The day seems to have vanished, everything was running nice and early, B watered the garden, we had a little rain, teeny amount. I did the ironing, lunch was earlier than normal, then neighbours popped over, which took away the hours and locked them in the shed :roll: :roll:
Not to worry, nice to see them and she bought some more jewellery from B, she loves his creations.
Hi Joan, I am glad it is nice and warm for Sue, my mum was the same, the hot weather didn't really bother her :shock:
I think I was a good nurse
Hi Barbara, cured, well, that is really good to hearGood to have you feeling better.
Toni has arrived at the house in France, safe and sound. IT is very very hot, 37 degrees I think. We would melt Barbara, two pools and two pairs of slippers
I think we should stay in the van, where it is nice and chilled.
I knew you meant millions of years,don't worry, I thought it was Friday, on Sunday :shock: :roll: :roll:
Yes, we saw the programmes about ex pats who have moved to France, the two ladies who had the B and B and the restaurant, they were really nice, lovely couple. They were doing really well, which was good to see.
Yes, renal problems can affect your appetite, it is just bits of what you fancy really, instead of bigger meals, which can be outfacing. There is always plenty to eat in here though t115006 t115006
Oh my knees I didnt know what to do with them yesterday, they were screaming, that was with extra Tramadol on top of everything else :roll: the siesta rest time helped ease them a bit though. Same today, I just loathe the persistent hot weather, it is really getting to me and a lot of other people too.
We have a weather warning for Friday, for lightning strikes and storms, popping up anywhere in our region. I think you will come under that warning too. :shock: Thursday we are stopping in with the AC on and all curtains shut, as it gets to 30 degrees - enough of it already.
Oh Kath, you ate all the breakfast peachy pizza, not to worry, I had another batch, so they are in the fridge. Don't blame you, they were delicious.
True, if people don't heed the warnings, then more fool them, they will frazzle too and then expect to be looked after.
New York does get super hot, I was there all through summer, it got to 115 degrees - it was melting hot. Ok indoors obviously, but walking out, it was like opening an oven door.
I will clean the booth, I have made a lovely mess with the iced raspberry cake - Thanks Katht4591
Bertie is gorgeous, cats do love boxes, ours always did and I am sure Mother still would now, despite her mature years.
Well, it is pill time, so I will potter a little and fuss in the kitchen again. Cannot sit for long at all.
Hi to everyone else, Carol (hope you are ok, I know it is so hot where you live) Kerrin too. Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and Toni, en france
Will pop back later, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
We went out for lunch to a newly built pub..the couple that built it have two now..proper eating pubswith home made icecream..not sure who makes there cakes but wow..I will try and put a pic on later
Aiden I think the pic that Toni put on snapchat was your house..going off the pic you put on..37 Toni and Paul will feel it when they get out of there AC quiet the roads look and so green..I am with you staying in Thursday.. :shock: our GD is working all week..and with there uniforms on and lots of walking she is wiltingI count myself lucky being retired..
we have had tiny drops of rain on and off..those poor people in awful for them running to get to the sea..and many have died..
Kath I love the pics of Berti don't they just love getting in boxesa lovely face splat cake and no Toni ..I am in with a chance
will leave you for to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
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