Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day without too much pain.
    Aidan you must have lots of memories of your time working in the hospital.
    Barbara happy birthday to Niahm have a good day all of you.
    Carol there's not many people about that think of helping other's it's all them. I hope you have a good day today.
    Toni I hope Lucy's tongue is not too bad((((())))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yum, crepe suzettes. Gorgeous. Ta Aidan.

    Oh dear, poor Lucy. That must have been really sore. I think some of the Bush Babies are heading for France to offer cuddles. t4591

    My goodness Carol. I've sent some to you too after the bus journey from hell. t115006 t4591 t115006

    Sounds like a baguette to beg for Barbara. :lol: :oops:

    It was drizzling when we went to the Co-op this morning. I thought of Sue while I was in there, I didn't want to get stuck there like she did. But no, we got out safely and it had stopped drizzling. So we had our Magnums on the benches. Lovely day, sunny but breezy. Although I've just seen the weather and we will be bright orange red again tomorrow. :shock:

    There's watercress, avocado and orange salad for T. :D

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all

    Time is racing away with me. We have been busy though, hair cuts, smart boys again :):)

    Washing, drying, steaming tatties, ironing, fussing, immaculising etc. Trying to cool down now :roll: :roll:

    Glad all is ok with you and yours Toni, no more health scares is fine by me.

    Oh, I read there is belly ache, from fine cheeses :? :? t115006

    Lazy day then off to the night market. Nice and cool - ish, enjoy. I can bet you have been busy doing some fussing, Sleek was given the word, by Hermione, that mummy was cleansing Sleeks house in a far off land. Bless.

    They did enjoy love island, there was quite a loud scream when their favourites won. Tosca is still going on about it.

    That's what we do very well, we care, loads. t4591 If one gets a knock, we all feel it. t115006 t115006 m0150

    Hi Joan, Hi Sue. Sadly a lot of people cannot see past their own noses, which is a shame, as a little kindness and manners, cost nothing. Not to say we should be walked all over, we would always defend our corner and our loved ones. That aside, we know how to be polite.

    Yes, lots of memories of working in various hospitals. Some of the ones I worked in have long since closed :roll: :roll: Shame.

    You are welcome Kath, enjoy, there are plenty, I know Barbara will be along soon, so she will enjoy some after the lovely salad you have put out.

    Glad you were not marooned in the CoOp, still, you would not go hungry, all those magnum's :lol::lol:
    Nice to sit on the benches with the sun and a pleasant breeze. It is quite windy here, but I was still in a lather when I was steaming shirts, there were tatties on, steaming, the dryer was going and I was in the middle, melting :shock: :lol::lol:

    Our temps are hottest for Sunday Monday, the rest is not too bad, more bearable than 30 degrees that's for sure. I hope it does not get too hot for you. We have been baked, for long enough now.

    Right, I must away and potter a little more, before siesta time. Hi to everyone else, Barbara, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, SW, Carol and all.

    Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 will catch up again later. XXX Aidan

    Creme Brulee Cheesecake, one for the booth me thinks.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all sorry not done much but had visitors..our neighbour next door came home off holiday..she took her two children to Spain for the first time on her own..her OH that walked out or was thrown out said she never in the eyes for him.. :)
    Aiden Jelly on springs..sorry but I always get a laugh off you..sure you wont mind.. :lol: so the young ones had had breakfast..we will let them off then... :lol: I agree about manners kindness and respect ..we had this drummed into us and I carried it on through our sons and GDs and my neice...I feel proud to hear and see how the treat others..
    So evening starts at 6..I did wonder.. :) glad you got an at home day and haircuts.. :D a bit of normality I say :)
    No the icecream and cakes will never look the same again..but wont put me off.. :lol: now I have eaten Kaths salad so now for some.Creme Brulee Cheesecake :D oh and Niamh wants a swing now..
    Carol why some people get so abusive is beyond me..and it seems to be makes my blood boil... :x give and take that is all it must have ruined your day..I find that a lot of people walk towards me and make me move out of the way..but I think its there loss to be so ignorant..
    Joan thankyou for the birthday wishes for Niamh..she is looking forward and counting the sleeps :lol:
    Kath the baguette was lovely ..just wish I could have cheese but most have high salt...glad you got under the gazebo and had a magnum :D that reminds me we need to stock up on them :D
    Toni so glad that Lucy is recovering and no more scares Aiden says we do all care for one another.. :)
    Right better move...not looking forward to the hot weather returning.. :roll:
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Weather is getting a warmer again here and just looked out of living room window and we have a slightly red sky so looks as though we will have a very warm one tomorrow we are supposed to have temperatures up in the 30s again on Thursday. Had hair cut today feeling much better. 1st of August tomorrow where has the year gone 18 days to GD's due date. doesn't seem possible. and in just 5 days Lillie will be 6 and a half and in 12 days Graycie will be
    20 months good grief that makes me feel old. don't think I want to play this getting old game anymore :lol::lol:.

    Aidan to right some people are so rude its hardly surprising that a lot of todays kids are like it too ,but as I always say what can you expect when their parents don't know any manners. Graycie could teach a few tricks on being cheeky and looking innocent she gets it of me I think I'm quite capable of that myself :lol::lol: :roll:
    We are used to payback we never learn do we just plod on.
    the no fly ban is off and the pusskins are happy again. oh yes Crème Brulee Cheesecake got to be a face plant here we go splat. yep I'm in the booth just finished in there and set it to clean for whoever is next.

    Toni glad all is well with you all hope you enjoy the night market and of course we care your one of us. t4591

    Joan Your right there it seems there are not many good mannered people around especially in London they are always rushing about some where and no patience whatever.

    Kath thank you for sending the Bushbabies yes it was the bus journey and lunch in the café from hell. the bush babies must have worked magic as today has gone quite smoothly.

    Barbara I don't understand some people a you say no need for rudeness and abuse it makes me mad too. :x I have a lot of people expecting me to move too but I don't I just keep walking straight and its them that have to move over because I will just keep pushing my walker and I think they move because they don't want to get hit by it ha ha :lol::lol: yes it is there loss.

    Well its potter time again love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    and some more love and Sparkles for Toni Paul and Lucy t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, quite warm, but bearable at the moment, keeping an eye for the rise in temps at the week end :? :? AC is still ready and waiting, no way is it going into the cupboard just yet.

    Hi Barbara, don't worry about being late, I am glad that your neighbour has enjoyed her holiday with the children. As you say, one in the eye for the ex.
    I know you have said how well behaved her children are. I hope they had a lovely time.

    I am glad I make you chuckle, humour is one way of making the day a bit less ouchy. I have no problem poking fun at myself and yes, I am like jelly on springs at times. :lol::lol:
    Yes, niece and nephew had eaten a big cooked breakfast at the bungalow on the farm.

    After we arrived on Sunday, B looked out of the big kitchen window and said, oh, they have two lovely cats down at the farmhouse - well, we need to take him to specsavers, as they were two of the chickens :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Manners were drummed into us too, both at home and at school, woe betide if you didn't stand up when the teacher came in. Ask to leave the table, don't lean on the table, no elbows, always please, may I and thank you.
    I am sure you are very proud of your family and rightly so.

    So many people in society now are almost feral. Parent or parents that don't care two hoots, gang land mentality and appalling behaviour, it is frightening.

    A little home time has been welcome. Hair cuts all done ( still no mention of being upgraded to junior stylist, even after 18 years ) :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Good to hear that you will not be put off by the fake cakes and ice cream. Neither would I. I do prefer to see what I am going to eat though :? :? but that's me and my germification :roll:

    Tesco do a low salt cheddar cheese - it tastes more like emmental or babybell, very moreish apparently.

    We will try and ignore the weather, it is going to be nearly 50 degrees in Spain later this week, oh MY DAYS. :shock: :shock:
    Toni said it is going up to 40, where they are. :shock: :shock:

    Hi Carol - you are looking very smart too, after your hair cut, that's three of us in one day :)

    I did see that the South East is going to be hot again, by the week end. I hope it is not as bad or as long lasting as the heatwave. It has been good to have some respite.

    All the time that has flown by, is in the shed, which, out of interest, is the size of a small house now, to accommodate the hours, weeks and months :roll: :roll:

    Due dates are getting nearer, Rubie will be early. Children are growing faster than you can imagine, as time whizzes past. Good to know that we are all getting older at the same speed - if that is any consolation :? :roll: :roll:

    Glad you agree that there is a shocking lack of parenting skills, social skills etc, which leaves a lot of youngsters with nothing to aspire to or aim for.
    Nope, we never learn, payback is part and parcel of day to day life and we do potter on.

    Glad you enjoyed the creme brulee cheesecake, I am saving one in the freezer for Toni. The booth was lovely and clean.

    Happy to hear that your day was much better than Monday, in the cafe of horrors and the bus of grumps.

    Happy pottering.

    I hope the night market was enjoyable Toni, there are loads of places to eat there, around the main square. some extra magic lozenges from the nymphs, to heal Lucy's sore tongue t115006 t115006

    Hi to Kerrin, I hope you are all ok, have you booked to go away over the holiday period? Hi to puskins too. Hope any ouches are as minimal as can be.

    Hi to Christine, and Elizabeth, Mig, Today, DD, SW and all. t4591

    We are off to Skipton today, Dad has an eye test booked, well, I booked it, he just comes along with his personal assistants :) He says he is glad we know what we are doing and when. I reply that the phone knows and Google knows, thank goodness. :? :? We will no doubt pop into Nero's, we have not seen the staff for a long time now, hugs and kisses time. :D:D to go with coffee and cakes.

    Tosca was not for going out on the broom, so Sleek popped over and they watched repeats of SYTT dress, much shrieking when the brides wanted more bling and more sparkle :lol::lol: t115006

    Time to potter. Love and Sparkles to all. Everyone take care. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    French Toast Bake this morning

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    Thank you for ypur kind wishes Lucy's tongue is much better now. Was it the magic squares? I popped one under her pillow!
    Off to Casteljaloux has a lake and sand and natural spring waters v healing apparently.
    Sleek has definitely converted Tosca to SYTTD bless her and was here doing a night duty to keep an eye on Lucy for me too :) with Pepe's Drs kit.
    Keep well everyone
    Miss you all
    Toni xxx
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone. Sorry not to pop in for ages.

    On holiday now after a busy year at school. My little cricket team had a great end to the year, playing and holding their own in two London wide competitions.

    I’m off to SA on Friday to spend some time with family. So much to do before then.

    Hope everyone is keeping well and the hot weather has not been too taxing.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni Kerrin.
    Kathleen that's good you got out the Co op we are only 10 min's away.
    Ain that's nice your Dad has you for company.
    Barbara have a good day I have a spray for my eyes it takes time to aim in the right place.
    Carol I hope you have a good day today.
    Toni love to you all have a good day.
    Kerrin. have a restful holiday.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Nice warm but not unbearable morning here too. Today is my knitting group day at library must work hard on my little cardigan for Rubie not much more of it to do now. only days to go now. think my GD would like it to happen today or tomorrow as little Lillie goes away on holiday with my Daughter and Sil on Friday for a week. But knowing how awkward babies can be it will no doubt be next week while they are away.

    Hi Joan hope you and Sue have a good day too.

    Hi Kerrin I bet you are proud of your little cricket team for doing so well. hope you are doing fine without too may ouchies. enjoy you trip to SA to be with family.

    Toni Glad Lucy's tongue is much better it must have been the magic squares. So sleek did night nurse duties with Pepe's doctors bag bless her.

    Aidan I think it is humour that keeps us going with all the ouchies and difficulties we have to face in life. i feel sorry for those well people out there that don't seem to have one ounce of humour in there lives. still Thats there loss not mine. i loved the jelly on springs bit I'm like that sometimes too. perhaps we need to be called the Wobblies. :lol::lol: Oh dear B sounds as though he needs a visit to Specsavers. :? :lol::lol: Yes manners were drummed into us too as kids my mum and dad had very strict rules on manners and politeness. And we were the same with our daughters. It has paid off though as we have 3 very polite grand children they maybe saucy sometimes but never rude and know when manner are needed. and both Lillie and Graycie are being brought up the same way. so the shed has grown so plenty of hours when needed. I honestly don't know where time goes it just goes at a frightening speed. Blink and it's gone.

    think I now need to potter (or wobble a bit before I go out) :lol::lol:

    Love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rather pleasant today, not looking forward to the next heatwave. :?

    Kerrin, good job your cricket team. Enjoy your holibobs with your family in S.A. m0150

    Carol, I'm so happy you have had a better day today. I'm sure Rubie will be wearing her cardi soon. I used to love knitting my lot jumpers and cardigans before RA. A baby cardi usually took about 4 hours for a plain one. 24 hours for a fancier one. That was over 30 years ago. :(

    Joan and Sue, hope you are having a good day.

    Aidan, I'm off into the booth with one of the creme brulee cheesecakes tout suite. Great minds think alike with the French Toast, mine's made with Brioche and served with fresh fruit. :P

    Hi Barbara, glad you enjoyed the baguette. If you could eat cheese, which would you have? t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Late again ... :shock: just got lost with the time and trying to find something online for Niamh
    Carol how nice that the little cardi is nearly finished..I hope Rubie will be hear very soon..gosh it takes me back..but there is no rushing them..I tried all sorts.. :lol: its such a shame that manner have gone through the window with a lot of family ..I dread the next generations.. :roll:
    Kath I like most cheese but it would be Lancashire or a strong I am hungry... :lol:
    Joan I hate putting drops in my eyes..I dont mind one bit the eye hospital doing them..I think I know the spray you are talking about
    Kerrin its always lovely to hear from you..good on your little cricket have a safe journey to SA and a lovely time with your family...
    Aiden .. :lol: so Bill thought the chickens were cats.. :lol: I love the specsavers one with the cat with no pulse...brilliant and the face on the real cat :lol: so you have been to Skipton or is that tomorrow..I'm lost again..nice that you have the T rooms..yes google know you remember when they said big brother would be watching over us.. :o my OH says that is why he doesn't have a smart its not he cant use one and wont learn :roll:
    I so glad we had the discipline at school stands you in good stead...and having to call neighbours by there first names.. :)
    Right lots of french toast so will help myself...thankyou Aiden and Kath..
    I had better get ready for bed..
    Sleep well everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Better late than never............ :shock:

    That was Wednesday been and gone.

    Hi Toni, of course, the magic squares, they do work very well. Glad to hear that Lucy's tongue is a lot better.
    hope you enjoyed the night market, would be cooler and more atmospheric.

    I trust Castelejoux was wonderful, spa waters, fabulous, I want to go and be immersed :)

    When we lived there, because I was classed as invalidite' I could get spa treatments on prescription, just had to pay for accommodation. Shall I ask my GP, see what he says :lol::lol:

    Tosca is very partial to SYTTD and the Posh Frock Shop. Quite into her bling, in her old age :D:D t115006 I am sure Sleek did a stirling job of looking after Lucy, with Pepe's Drs kit. Sigh...........

    They have been shrieking over the crystal ball, talking about weddings and tiara's and should Mother Tosca wear heels :shock: :shock: with her fury paws, maybe not a good idea :? :? :lol:

    Miss you too...............I gather it is going to get silly hot in Spain, Portugal and southwest France from this week end onwards, up to nearly 50 degrees.
    Barbara Kath and I would have to live in the pool.

    Hi Kerrin, to see you t4591 t4591 Way to go with your cricket team, holding their own against London wide competition, that is some going. I bet you were so proud of them.

    Have a lovely time in South Africa, safe journey, enjoy the break and the pool and the lovely weather. Mind, we have had fabulous weather for months

    Take lots of care

    Hi Joan, Dad is very glad that we are so close by. He finds it reassuring. He rings us if he is not sure about anything and we see him almost every day, to make sure he is ok. He is a real coffee shop convert now, loves going out for coffee and cakes.

    Are the eye drops the actimist ones?

    Hi Carol, I could hear those knitting needles from here. Finishing off the cardigan for little Rubie. Any time now.......................

    We do need our sense of humour, sometimes it wanes a little, but for the most part, we can have a laugh. Being content within your own skin is a big part of it I am sure. I know we would all like to be more agile, mobile, able etc, but, accepting that this is who we are, this is how we are does count for a lot. So many people seem so dissatisfied with life.

    We could indeed be called the Wobblies, I like that name. We can wobble and potter, perfect combination. :lol::lol:
    It was funny when B said look at the cats aka as the chickens :lol::lol:

    Manners maketh man as my Dad used to say.

    I hope you enjoyed your potter wobble. :lol::lol: t115006

    Hi Kath, I am hoping that the heatwave does not reach you, or us, up in Lancashire. I think it is mostly the south east that is going back up to 30 degrees and more :shock: :shock: I don't think I could stand another melting time.

    We can never have enough French Toast, it is an impossibility :D:D enjoy the creme brulee cheesecake.

    Hi Barbara don't worry, time is fleeting, especially if you are busy looking around on the web, for presents etc.

    We love our cheeses, I would say it is our staple diet. I like Lancashire and the strongest cheddar too.

    It was funny, cats, with feathers :lol::lol: The advert is good.

    Talking of Specsavers, were were there with Dad, today, (wednesday) in Skipton.
    He needs a quick laser treatment to clear the new lens he has after his cattaract removals. One is a little cloudy, which is quite common. He has to be referred by the GP, to the local private hospital, who did the cattaracts. All paid by the NHS, they just use the private hospital, to take the pressure off the nhs

    Yes, I remember Big Brother, well it is certainly here and has been for a long time. Google know everything about you, as do most of the big companies etc, where we shop, what we buy, etc etc. I am sure Mr B could cope with a smartphone, we will have to educate him in the ways of technology.

    Discipline did us no harm at all, you are quite right.

    It is warm again tonight, I am almost lathered, very humid and so so still outside.

    Right, I am going to potter and wobble. Hi to everyone, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW and all. Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Take care XXX Aidan

    A selection of French breads and pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone hope you are all well.
    Another hot day here...Hope it doesn't get up to 50 here!! Think maybe 40 but we should be on our way home by then. ..Sunday.
    I reckon Tosca could wear heels for Tia's wedding if she keeps a pair of flats with her. That's my plan anyway!!!
    Lucy's tongue is a-ok now thanks to the magic squares under her pillow. Which oddly renewed last night :?
    We didn't get to the hot springs due to Paul having had a nasty reaction to 2 bites and one wasp sting. His foot was so swollen that l had to take him to the pharmacy. Antihistamines and foot up was the order of yesterday:(
    Will try again today.
    How great is the French system!! Spa treatments on prescription!!
    Yes go on ask your G P Aidan!!
    Love to everyone
    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Carol Kathleen Barbara Aidan.
    Carol it's getting warmer it's nice going out on the scooters with the dogs we go early. I hope you have a good day.
    Kathleen we won't need gardeners to cut the grass they must lose money. I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara is the road just has busy I hope you have a good day.
    Aidan it's a spray I have for my eye's. Your Dad is enjoying himself going with you.((()))
    take care all love to Toni
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    In Algeria it's 51 degrees. :shock: AAAAAARGH!
    Glad we aren't there. :o

    Lots of delicious breads Aidan, thank you. I will plaster some with best butter and cheese. :D Hope dad has recovered from his lazer surgery.

    Joan, we don't have any grass any more. We paid to have it removed and replaced with chippings. Chris can't cut grass any more, and I certainly can't. So we made the garden easy care for us.

    Toni, so glad Lucy's tongue is better. Also happy you are having a good holiday.

    I'm loth to go into the booth with the Strawberry tart. It's far too pretty even to eat. But here goes. t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - having hot "moments" here, so the AC is on again. Even though it is about 22, the humidity is off the scale :roll: :roll:

    I hope you make it to the thermal spa town today, sending mini squares, to put on bites and stings, for Paul t115006 t115006 There are lots of bity things about, flies, wasps and other "things" in the grasses. The pharmacies are really good aren't they, almost like a mini A and E, they do know their stuff about first aid and bites.

    Glad that Lucy's tongue is so much better, those squares, they just happen to drop in, just when you least expect them t4591 t115006 t115006

    Good that you will be heading home at the week end, when things really start to heat up in southern Europe. :shock: :shock:

    Tosca is thinking about kitten heels, she tried skyscraper heels and was walking like a flamingo, so that was not a good look :shock: :lol::lol:
    Heels and flats, is a very wise choice :)

    Tosca has enjoyed a brush and some lugs removed, almost compliant she was :? :? :lol:

    Yes, spa's on prescription. I had excellent care when they did an angiogramme in Toulouse. Just paid for food, B stopped in the same room on a magic bed that appeared from the wall. :shock: Own bathroom facilities, could not fault it.
    We had to laugh, of course they went on about not smoking and this and that, then when you go outside to leave, all the Drs are out there smoking :shock: :shock: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue, glad you are enjoying the warm weather again. Going out early on your scooters.
    Dad enjoys his coffee and toasted T cakes, he likes a cappucino now.
    We will be out at the T room tomorrow.

    It's HOW HOT in Algeria, 51, oh my days, I would not go out. Imagine not having AC. Dangerously hot. We don't want any of that Kath.

    Have to wait for the GP to refer Dad for laser treatment, we will pop into the surgery tomorrow en route to the T room and ask what happens next.

    90% of our grass has gone, replaced with stone chippings. Much easier to look after the pots. Just the grass verge at the front, which B has done today. I pottered about, taking dead flowers off the buddelia or however you spell it............ :?

    That is one pretty strawberry tart, a lot of care and attention. But, needs must and into the booth I go. It is very clean in here, just rinsed by the looks of things.

    Barbara will be along soon and I am sure she will find some ice cream to go with the strawberry tart.

    Kerrin will be all packed and ready for her flight to S Africa, to spend time with family.

    I hope it is not too hot again Carol. :? :roll:

    It was quite pleasant out in the garden this morning, then it suddenly went humid and in I came.

    Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Toady and all.

    I will away and potter a little more. Everyone take lots of care. Will be back later. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    I found some clotted cream ice cream Barbara, to go with the strawberry tart....... save you having to look. xx

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all,, I know its evening now because Aiden told me so.. :D
    Aiden a spa on brilliant ..and your own room with B in a ,magic bed what more could you ask..and being able to have a smoke with most of the doctors :lol: I think we should all ask our GPs for a spa :lol: so dad is to have a laser on his lens..hope he doesn't have to wait long..found a swing for Niamh it will be going to there house..
    Its is far to hot here...I am sat in front of the fan here.36 outside we are now the wobblies..must say I do wobble quite a lot.. :lol: thankyou for the icecream to go with Kaths strawberry tart. :D I think kitten heels would be just right for Tosca..hee they take me back..and then walking home with my shoes under my arm :lol:
    Toni poor Paul..must say its the same here we are scared of letting Niamh out..there are so many wasp and strange looking flies..I do have repellent but apparently it doesn't bother stinging insects :shock: glad to hear that Lucy is doing carry on enjoying ..xx
    Joan our rd is so busy I have hear plugs in with the window open..but they come out in the night..are your new glasses must be lovely to take the doggies out on the scooter..especially early on..
    Kath..I have just helped myself to strawberry tart with some icecream thanks to Aiden :D Algeria is 51..oh my goodness.. :shock:
    A friend of ours has made Niamhs cake I will try and post a pic later...and I have an appointment tomorrow morning with our GP ..a follow up for these sinuses I haven't had a letter to choose and book yet ... :o
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. Still cooling the rooms here, much better than it was earlier thank goodness.

    The temperatures in southern Europe are scary, over 50 degrees, is melting hot. I remember it was over 50 in Death Valley when we drove through. As it is a national park, you are not allowed in unless you have at least two gallons of water in the boot, in case you break down. :shock:

    Hi Barbara, I hope you are cooler now that you have been wafted b the fans. :D

    Yes, it is evening, for sure :) The health care in France was second to none, the GP had a house in the Pyrenees and said if we wanted to go at any time, we could do :shock: I am definitely going to see my GP and suggest these things to him :lol::lol:
    I don't think Dad will have to wait too long for his laser treatment. It will be the same Dr who did his cattaracts I think, just need the GP to refer him on from the Opticians.

    Glad you have found and bought the swing, for Niamh's Birthday, one less thing to worry about.

    We are indeed, the pottering wobblies :lol::lol: have just had a wobble, with leg giving out en route to the kitchen :? :? B said, stop doing silly walks now :shock: :lol::lol:

    You are welcome to the ice cream, to go with that wonderful tarte from Kath.

    I have done the same, walked from the bus stop home, carrying my shoes, when platforms were all the rage, oh I was hopeless in them, forever falling over :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: Kitten heels seem to be the order of the day, for up and coming wedding t4591

    Your road must be very busy, you said how fast the traffic goes, despite the speed limit, having to wear ear plugs, we need to move you onto a nice quiet park home site, so quiet here, just a few owls hooting.

    Look forward to seeing a picture of Niamh's Birthday cake :)

    The cloak will be out, to accompany you to the GP's this morning, I will rally the troops and the puskins. t4591 t115006 There are fresh scones. The GP should be able to assist you to choose and book, they can normally do it online from their systems. If you see crumbs or a pus cat tail, just distract your GP :lol::lol: As we can all be in at least two places at any one time, the other half of me will be in town, eating more scones and drinking coffee with B and Dad. :D:D
    Did you make it to choir practice? Toni will be relying on you to be in full voice :D:D

    Right, composed myself now. It is my late Mum's Birthday, so we always put a lovely picture on FB, got myself in a bit of a state, but am ok now. :cry:

    Hi to everyone else. Kerrin will be off to S Africa today, safe journey and have a lovely time with family.

    Carol, I hope you are ok, it is getting hotter down south, so the fans will be wafting I would guess. Lunch with Mr T and then coffee in the afternoon :) Any news on Rubie making her appearance? t115006

    Sleek was over, with Mrs Darcey, nattering to Tosca, all about the woven gems, it was quite hush hush, no shrieking............. :? :? t115006 Sleek was saying mummy had gone in a big bath of water (the pool), with Silver, the Unicorn :lol: :shock:

    Hope Paul's bites and sting are mending. Extra magic squares on their way.

    Hi to Christine, Mig, DD, Elizabeth, SW, Toady and all.

    I had better do some more pottering. This will not get the baby a bonnet as Mum always said.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XX Aidan

    Pain doré au fromage

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone.
    We got to the lake yesterday Paul's swollen foot much better after 24 hours on antihistamines.
    It was so pretty. With beaches and pedallos. Paul and Lucy went in one and l took photos.
    It is only an hour away from here too so easy enough to get to
    We were glad to get back here though it was so hot! 36.5!! Straight in the pool we were 
    I have photos l will upload when we get home.
    Today Paul and l want to visit a couple of brocantes- antique places. They are so interesting here and so cheap too.
    Lucy might be bored.....
    I heard from Charley she and her gf have stayed with her a good few nights when they aren't working splitting their time between her and their own pusskin.
    Hhhmmm yes Silver was in the pool! Photos to follow on return.
    Will be under the cloak too today.
    Aidan RIP your lovely Mum ((()))
    I hope everyone is well
    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello every one

    its Friday so its me again

    i just dont know whats gone wrong all thease gaps im sorryJoansays i press to hard but its still happening.

    have a good coming week

    lots of love

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm all this exotic food Aidan, thank you. As it's so hot (but not quite 51 thank goodness) I thought we'd try some Algerian food. I found some wonderful looking grub, but mainly meat oddly. And I couldn't get to all the pages. Just got a message telling me "this page is not available in your country" :? Excuse me for being a nosy so and so. Anyway, found some smoked Tofu salad which is at least vegetarian, and we could add chips. :lol:

    Hello Sue, I don't know why you are getting double line spaces. Never mind maybe it's a setting on your PC/laptop gone a bit haywire. t4591

    Aidan, kitten heels. what else would Mother wear? Although even they would be too much fo me. I even wobble in bare feet. :shock:

    Only about an hour for Tesco - if they are on time. :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon I know when afternoon is :lol: thankyou for the cloak duties..
    The GP seemed perplexed has to why I haven't had a letter to choose and book so she is getting one off to our other surgery they used to give you them there and then..
    Aiden RIP for your dear mum..its so hard...sending you some very cosy hugs to help..(()) xx..
    Kittens heel were has tall has I art from like you the platforms..bright red they were I thought I was the bees knees.. :lol:like you said when you went over on them... :shock: :shock: we do need somewhere quieter..and have been saying this for a years now.. :roll: will be to late soon.. :lol:
    So you got to the T rooms...I should think so... :D choir practice..oh know I forgot with Toni not reminding me :)
    Its has just poured down and gone really humid again , but no sun..I would love to live in France..but the heat mind you we have it here..I wouldn't survive in death valley :o
    Thankyou for breakfast whatever it is , it looks good.. :D
    Sue don't worry about spaces it makes it easier to read.. :D hope you and Joan have a good day with the doggies...
    Kath you are fancying Nigerian food..I wounder what it is like..not pregnant are you :shock: :lol: hope Tesco has arrived..
    Toni it must be so nice by the lakes hopefully a breeze certainly dont need it any hotter...glad to hear that Pauls foot is a little better..and cant wait for the pics..
    better make a move..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Better drop a line, before all the hours in the day, vanish, into the humidity :shock:

    Good to hear that you all went to the Lake yesterday Toni, P and Lucy out of the pedalo, with you taking pictures. I would have stopped on dry land as well.

    36.5 is tooooo hot, everyone in the pool, without a doubt.

    So off to Brocante's today, there is a great one near Villeneuve sur lot, on the main road roundabot, in Bergerac direction. You might have passed it en route to monflanquin. We found some lovely things from there.

    Lucy will snapchat or face time or whatever time, if boredom sets in :lol::lol:

    Sleek will be most happy that she has had company split between her and their puskin :) Tosca said that Sleek had "guests" staying. :D:D

    Silver was in the pool, how wonderful, look forward to seeing the piccies :D

    Thank you for your kindly hugs, for my late Mums Birthday XX

    It was nice under the cloak, the AC was working very well, keeping everyone chilled at Barbara's appointment.

    Of course, it is Suesday, hi there, nice to see you. Joan will be out walking the doggies, letting you catch up on the news and write a note to us all.
    Don't worry about double spaces, laptops, tablets, pc's, they all have a mind of their own.
    Hope you have a nice trip into town and get all the things you need XX

    Algerian food, well, why not, seeing as they are having ungodly temperatures of over 50 degrees. :shock: :shock:
    I think their native diet contains quite a lot of lamb and goat meat, rather than veggie choices. But, I see you have found something very tasty for us to try out. It looks very tempting.

    So you could not view some of the web pages, how rude, not as if you were looking for national secrets.

    We can always have chips with the salad, that would be wonderful, thank you :)

    I wobble in bear feet too. I have to wear slippers, even if my feet are melting, with neuropathy, I rarely feel things if I walk into them, which is a bit odd to say the least. :? :? :roll:

    Hope Tesco were on time, all delivered, sorted and put away, spick and span.

    You are very welcome to the cloak duties Barbara t4591 t4591

    Glad the GP is going to chase things up, yes, our surgery can choose and book while you are there.

    Thank you for the cosy hugs, XX it is a picture I don't remember seeing before, hence it set me off :shock: :shock:

    Bright red platforms, very glam rock :lol::lol: t115006 mine where all different stripes of brown, looked like a liquorice allsort. I fell down a short flight of steps in Broadmarsh Centre (Kath and Mig will know that quite well), the steps coming down from Debenhams I think it was, it was not glamorous at all :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol: :roll:

    Never too late, we need you somewhere peaceful and quiet without traffic flying past, will send sparkles over your way, to get Mr B some itchy feet :) t115006 t115006

    T rooms were very nice, leisurely coffee, scones etc. Then Sainsb, then Tesco, for the things that Sainsb didn't have :roll: :roll:

    Lots of fussing done, B has been throwing out ornaments, that we are not emotionally attached to, ready for the charity shop, we are nice and clear in the bay windows now, just a few things, less is more as they say.

    It is horridly humid, yuck weather, we had rain too. AC is on and is stopping on, keeping us fresh, instead of damp.

    Breakfast was golden french bread with cheese :)

    Don't worry about choir, we won't tell Toni, sssshhhh.

    Right, I must away, it is getting towards siesta time. Let me go find a cake to have, after the lovely salad.

    Hugs and sparkles to everyone, take lots of care, will pop back later XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044

    Browned Butter Pumpkin Cake with Salted Caramel Sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have put the cakes in the fridge, we don't want them going off in this humidity. Is it just me, or is it so close we are almost touching :shock:

    A quiet evening here, B is busy away, Tosca is fast asleep and I am just pottering and getting hotter and hotter. :roll: :roll:

    I hope everyone is as ok as can be. Kerrin will be en route to S Africa.
    Carol I hope it is not too hot for you, it looks like it will be heading up to nearly 30 degrees again :? :? Much wafting of fans needed.

    Toni will be getting things sorted, ready for coming back home :)

    Barbara will be melting, as we both seem to do so regularly :roll: :lol: Kath too.

    Hi to everyone else as well, in out and around about.

    I won't dawdle, I will post, just wanted to say hi :)

    At home this week end, Dad will hopefully remember to call in for coffee and croissants this morning. Will be nice to have some home time, catch up with immaculisation and dedustifying.

    Lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Take care, XXX Aidan

    I thought breakfast by the pool would be rather nice this morning


    Silver sent some extra sparkles too t4591

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).