Val's Cafe
Hello Carol Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
Carol have a lovely time out the time goes quick.
Kathleen have a good day they say rain tomorrow.
Aidan there's always so many jobs you can find when you stay in door's
Barbara have a good day I think we have rain tomorrow.
Toni Well Done you did it you worked hard (((())))
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning, yes, I know, wonders will never cease.
Hi Joan, there are always things to do at home, I never get bored, even if there are a lot of things that I cannot do, I can still fuss and potter.
Hope you and Sue have a good day and we are all looking forward to some rain this week.
We are on cloak duties this morning, it has just been to pick me up, so expect it any moment. Good job we can be in several places at once.
Toni asked to let you know that she has gone with Lucy to the QE hospital, for Lucy's check up, so we are all hoping that everything will be good. t4591 t115006
I am sure Toni will be in later, to update us all.....................
Best carry on, Tosca wants her "powder room" immaculising
Be back soon. Love to all t4591 t115006 Aidan XXXXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Carol, my mum was Grace. As a child she was often called Gracie. Isn't it brilliant that all these names are coming back. My middle daughter Helen is Helen Ruby. She used to hate it, but loves it now. My eldest daughter was named after Peter Sarstedt's song Where do you go to my lovely. I called her Marie Claire.
Aidan, the cloak has picked me up too. Full of Bush Babies, and Blush. I also saw a glimpse of a swishing white tail, Silver no doubt. t115006 t4591 t115006 Thank you for the pancake. m0150
Joan, I think we are too far east to get tomorrow's rain, but should be quite a bit cooler. YIPPEE.
Toni, have you seen the photos of Miss Pond and Bonkers Bertie I posted on your FB page?
Supper is watermelon gelatin dessert. Quite a few in the 'fridge. I'll just switch the booth on for a rinse. t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon ............. A bit cooler today, finally, can breathe and not feel swamped.
It was very foggy this morning, :shock: a nod towards Autumn perhaps :? There was certainly an abundance of mists for Tosca Sleek and Mrs D to collect. The nymphs were overwhelmed with the new supplyt115006
Pendle is still shrouded on the tops, so plenty more gathering can be done.
It was quite busy under the cloak Kath, with the bush babies and Red Panda's. Barbara was in the kitchen I think, sorting cakes. Silver was in there somewhere I could hear him whinnying t4591
I love your chosen names and their links, I also love the song.
Glad it is a bit cooler for you too, we have all had plenty of summer now, thanks very much. :roll: :roll:
Watermelon and jelly desert looks wonderful, I am going to go straight into the booth - - - - - - -Splat. Very nice thank you kindly.
Hope all is well with Lucy, thinking of you at the QE t4591
Sleek has been telling Mother Tosca, that Mummy was going out in her big wheely machine, Mothers said "it is called a car" :roll: :roll:She is as blunt as a spoon, bless her
The excitement of the win yesterday, will linger a long time in the village. Rightly sot69044 t69044
Hi Barbara, hope it is cooler with you today, bit of a breeze which is lovely. We had some rain this afternoon, well, it drizzled for 5 minutes :roll:
Hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady, Mig and all
I will away and potter some more. Always something to immaculise.
Will pop back in later. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all..had my hair cut and coloured this the ladies house that lost her husband..she is such a strong lady and doing well..and it is much cooler..
Now I am proper mixed up has to who did what and when..nothing new there I can hear you saying
So Carol I was spot on with Mr Ts Birthday..nice to get the bible he wanted for his Birthday and see the sights..I need to get these cold pillows ..just you see winter will arrive early..
Toni many congratulation like you say all the hard work paid off..and you had to go up for the nice of them..hope all goes well today with Lucy...I am sure it will..xx
Joan did you see pound stretcher on the tv last night it was the next town to us..mind you it might have only been on our norther channels...
Kath watermelon desert you know Grace is my favorite name for a girl and not one of ours is call it.. :roll:
Aiden have you been to the GC..I have been watching the European championships...the swimming last night was Bill is making more jewellery..I need a necklace to match the bracelet will have to send him measurement...or will pm you...we are all under the cloak today...poor Toni must be so tired but can hopefully rest up later..its been all I will help myself to a couple of pancakes..thankyou
I have just treated myself to a portable hard drive to clear my laptop ..60 pound it cost..sorry no money signit has 2 TB..and now has all my pics videos and files on..the feedback on it is really I am happy..and so is my laptop...
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591
Hi Aiden you nearly pinched my post..its lovely and cool..cold our middle GD would say.. :shock:
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all
Yes AfternoonWell I started this in the afternoon but have had a couple of potters since I started.
Rubie countdown is 11 full days now so anytime soon really
come on Rubie I know you are waiting for your nanny and big sister to get home from their holidays, But this great nanny is getting impatient now.
Tonight we are going out for a meal to celebrate Mr T.s birthday as we could not go last night.
slimming world ent well for me Today I lost 1lb which keeps me bouncing up and down in target zone.
We had rain this afternoon :shock: all 2 minutes of itwe are due a thunder storm later tonight and in the early hours of the morning, heard that before
so we will see.
Barbara the pillow pads work well my one is called chillmax I got it in Robert Dyas it only cost me £10.00. Yes you were spot on with Mr T.s birthday and yes the bible was what he wanted so I said I would pay for it.
Kath the cloak picked me up too on the way complete with bushbabies and blush think I too spied a white swishy tail too.
Tonicongratulations all your hard work for the village paid off. hope Lucy's check up went well.
Aidan yes the cloak collected me too. don't worry all the dentist appointments will be kept after paying x number of £££££s upfront. Going to the dentist doesn't really bother me and at the end of it my teeth will be in better condition I was surprised that I have only need to have on taken out the other badly broken one can be saved. it do have one with a very deep hole in and it has gone right down to the nerve it's not infected, but little signs of inflammation so he is going to do a small root canal removal then fill and a coating on top to complete the tooth. its amazing how much they can do these days.
Well I must now get myself ready to go out so
love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Happy Birthday to Mr T Carol - who was no doubt hoping the new GGbaby would be born on his birthday
Lucy is well thank you no problem just a tidge anaemic but good news she is now on 4 monthly check-ups so a step in the right direction
Wasn't it great winning best kept village - next year our rivals will up the stakes for sure!!
Barbara your hair looks lovely10 years younger!
We won 1st prize, a trophy, Pom won 2nd in the 'spirit of BKV' competition and another lady from our village 1st. One of Lucy's kids from school one first prize in the children's poster competition. We swept the board!!
Lucy is absolutely fine thanks all good Tim was pleased although not about the seizure
Was the hard drive easy to use?? Maybe one would help me?
Aidan the cats were off early doors!! Blimey and they did wellThe nymphs were thrilled I hear.
The cloak was with us today I heard a swixh on the train on the way and another in Dr Tim's room
Sleek was a bit upset that I left her again today and was so pleased when we got home quite late today. Someone else had a relapse so there was a real hold up. We didn't mind at all ((())) to the lad. Prior to seeing Tim he had been eyeing Lucy up too :?
Its a good job Tosca is teaching Sleek all the proper words for things :roll:It was Daddy's van he took us to the train station
Kath thank you I have just popped onto fbook and saw the pics!! they are adorable
Wasn't it busy under the cloak. The sound proofing is excellent, but you can hear the swish of the cloak form time to time.
Veggie gelatine?? I am sure it is....tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP...SPLAT!!!
Thank you Joan I am over the moon about the result. We did deserve it we had worked so hard!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hi to all, a pleasant evening, not in a lather, hoorah
We must have posted at the same time Barbara, as we often do. It is a wonder that things don't get mixed up and all vanish :shock: :shock:
Nice hair do and colour, very smartI am glad that the lady who lost her Husband is doing well, as you say she must be a strong lady. t4591
I was meaning to ask about your DIL, has she heard anything about her poor shoulder yet? All the time that is passing, is not helping things. t115006
The Sisters came to mind too, who went into a care home together, how are they doing t115006
We went to the GC on Monday, which was very pleasant, having brunch and then a scone, (naturally).
At home day Tuesday, nice to have a bit of a lazy ish day.
We have seen some of the swimming and the diving, from the European Championships, we are doing really well. Some really talented swimmers and divers alike.
Drop a line or text etc, if you need Bill to help you with a necklace
He has been creating some lovely things recently, lots of pearls and seed beading.
I kept loosing you under the cloak, I think you were in the kitchen, then patting Silver and grooming his mane. t115006
Good idea to keep all the pictures / documents etc on an external drive / key / etc. Frees up a lot of space and if your pc goes squiffy, then you have not lost them. Mine are all on an external key.
2 Tb will last you a long time. Loads of space.
It has been nice and cool, B had goosebumps :shock: :shock:Me, no, I am relishing the fresher weather, just need some rain now.
Hi Carol, I am sure Rubie will be here very soon, G Nanny will be getting eager for phone calls.
I hope you had a lovely meal out with Mr T, for his Birthday treat. Glad you are spot on with your target at SW, you have and continue to do so well, as you say, it is kind of second nature now.
Two minutes of rain, wow, you did better than us, we had 20 seconds of drizzle :roll: :roll: Storms, ooh, love a good storm.
It is still a lot hotter with you, we are down to about 17 in the day time now.
That was a good price for the chilly pillow, they are normally a good deal more than £10. Good find there.
I don't mind the dentist, we go to the one in Skipton that I have known since 1989, he was only a young man then, well, so was I, :roll: :roll: He is very good and the practice has had major face lifts over the years. Very smart it is. You will be all smiles and sorted, feeling much better too
They do try and save teeth whenever possible, there is so much more they can do now.
Hi Toni You will be shattered after a busy day and all the excitement of the awardsYou really did sweep the boards, like the village BAFTA's
t69044 t69044 Barbara and I will have to hatch a plan for next year, as your rivals will be upping the ante for sure :shock:
So happy to hear that Lucy is ok, if not a tad anaemic. Are they going to treat that or just keep an eye?
Once every 4 months is a great step in the right direction t4591 t115006
The cloak does "swish", a bit like the doors on the Star Ship Enterprise- it is all the magic that it carries around, letting of sparkles.
You had a bit of a delay, poor lad, I hope he is ok. t4591 So he had eyes for Lucy, I see.........
Ah, Tosca says she doesn't know what a train looks like. Being a Hogwart Lady, I am not sure I believe her :? :?
She has been shrieking, at siesta time she was in full voice :roll: :roll: I think she had been nattering to Sleek, about mist gathering and the secrets of the woven gems.
I must potter a little, I am setting, like Kaths jelly :shock:
Dad has routine bloods today, so we will be in the T rooms, partaking in a little light refreshment
I hope everyone else is as ok as can be. Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all
Will catch up on some more tennis from Toronto. Leaving hugs and sparkles t115006 ((())) t4591 XXXX Aidan
Waffles with roasted mushrooms and vine tomatoesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hmmmm….. nice savoury breakie Aidan just what I fancy
No rain so far for us - hoping for Thursday I was told when we arrived back.
I believe there are now banners on our village signs saying we came 1st...the next village will indeed be upping there game. Thinking caps on you and Barbara. All things considered bar sabotage!!
I had to empty the new air-con yesterday it was full off water and it DID beep and tell me with a red light
Today will be day of rest (off to see my sis) before tomorrow which is back at the QE (this time Paul is driving us as it's early) for endocrinology again for Lucy. Might have Alendronic Acid for her bones. Cloak aired ready
Then Friday Lucy's hairdresser, but we may also drop into a bridal shop to look at bridesmaid's dresses :?
Tosca has been on a train she's a snob
They have been out early again Sleek is an early riser Mrs D came too apparently they got a good haul.
Today I must also do some ironing :roll: there's plenty!!
Best of luck with bloods get Dad to drink plenty before you go and enjoy those lovely tea-rooms
Woo-oooo! To Joan
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Aidan Barbara Carol Kathleen Toni.
Aidan I bop you all have a good day today.
Barbara how is your granddaughter who was training to be a carer nurse.
Carol enjoy your meal I how you do well at Weight watchers.
Kathleen it's nice to be a bit cooler but not cold.
Toni good luck to Lucy I heard on the news a town had won best garden I don't think it was yours.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes morning..don't worry my brain is awake..I think :?
Joan our GD is doing really good..but getting very attached to her patience's, a good thing in a way it shows she cares..but so upsetting for her lady is 92 and just gone into an hospice..after 15 years of cancer..and she is asking for our GD, so she is going tonight ..guess what she is taking Mcdonalds..the lady's favorite
bless wonder who got her on that
hope you Sue and your little family are doing ok
Carol lets all shout out for Rubie ..nanny is waiting and mum...hope you and Mr T had a lovely meal out for his Birthday...
all this dentist work but like you say it will save your teeth..I don't mind the dentist and after an horrible time when I was little.. :shock: you have don't really well keeping in target...
I am off to get one of those pillow..never to late...
Toni I am so very pleased that all was well for Lucy..good they keep a close eye on them..hopefully the meds will help her bones then no more heart goes out to the young man and his family it really does..I will say a prayer...
The mobile hard drive was very easy and easy tp put back on the comp when needed..
Blimey you did well with the trophy and other really did wipe the floor with the next village..but Aiden and I like the sabotage bit ..its fun..
Aiden our dil is still waiting she rang the secretary..and its a couple of weeks away..the NHS is really on it knees.. :shock: :roll: the sisters are lovely the home..its is costing them a fortune but they don't care one bit..I just hope there money doesn't run out..I will measure my neck.. :shock: and get back to Bill..I love the braceletsI am pleased my laptop is empty but its scary in case they all get wiped..I had better check the cloud..not a clue what has gone there.. :?
Right I will help myself to waffles with mushrooms and tomatoes..thankyou
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Oh wow, Waffles with roasted mushrooms and vine tomatoes thank you Aidan. And isn't it wonderfully cool.
Nice to be able to breathe reasonably easily.Still got all my inhalers to hand though, and nebuliser at the ready. My cocyx feels quite inflamed, so sitting is rather uncomfortable in spite of Fenbid gel.We sat on the benches this morning and enjoyed the breeze. Might be able to catch upon some sleep. I am sooooo exhausted.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - it is very pleasant today, breathing is easier and not being in a total lather is a great relief
Some rain, but not enough to water the garden.
Glad you liked the breakfast Toni, it does look very good indeed.
So you have banners, rightly so, everyone, your good self included, worked so hard to make your village a place to be so proud of
No we must not sabotage the next village :? :? we will think of something that is shocking, but not illegal :shock:
So your Air Con had to have a wee. I am amazed that ours never has a drop, it must vent all the humidity out the window - it must go somewhere :? :? Glad it told you it needed to go
Hope you had a lovely time at Kari's. On your day of rest. Another trip to the QE tomorrow, early doors. I will vacuum the cloak of many rooms, this evening and stock the fridge.
I hope all goes well and Lucy is given all available help with her bones. t4591 t4591
Hairdressers Friday, then maybe a looking at dresses - does Sleek know, I guess I will hear the shrieking when she finds out :shock: :shock: and tell Mother, who will shriek the house down.
Of course Tosca has been on all modes of transport, apart from a ship. Flying, Air France, the tunnel, cars, trains. She does not mind a trip out in the car.
They were out early, Mrs D was most helpful and very skilled at mist gathering.
No trouble with Dads blood taking. We waited in the T room, with our first coffee
Scone and toasted t cakes were very nice, then shopping, then home, then B had to go back to Sainsb, as Dad had left his stick on the checkout :roll: :roll: Anyway, lunch was late but not to worry.
Hi Joan, hi Sue. Hope you are both ok and the doggies too. We are having a lazy afternoon, which is almost gone now. Soon be siesta time :roll:
I don't know if different areas do Britain in Bloom, wonder if that is the place that won?
Hi Barbara, morning this time, so no clashes of posts
I love that the lady who is 92, is enjoying her MacDonalds, good for her. So kind of you GD to take one in for her, at the Hospice.
A couple of weeks, for your DIL to wait. You are right, the hospitals are on their knees, there are simply not enough resources to go round and still the population booms. It's fine if you have very deep pockets and can choose to go privately, it would all be sorted now. That's always been the case though. I wish they would get her in asap.
I am very pleased to hear that the Sisters are loving the care home. If it costs them a small fortune, then that's fine. I think you can keep up to £70000 and then the state will fund your care.
Bill will await your contactGlad you loved the bracelets.
The cloud, most things go up to the cloud, from phones, pc's etc. Google knows all there is to know about us, where we are, what we are doing.
I thought you might like the waffles and mushrooms Kath. your favourite.
It is certainly better for breathing today. I have my steroid inhaler and ventolin if I really must, as it upsets my heart rhythm :roll: :roll:
Some magic squares are on the way, to help with your tail bone. t115006 t115006
Hope you enjoyed the breeze, while sitting on the benches. I know what you mean about catching up with some sleep. The months of roasting hot weather have wiped us all out.
The Pea, Carrot and Tempeh looks lovely, all veggie, very nice.
Should we have cake to follow. Yes, why not.
I will sort one out in a jiffy.
Hi to everyone in out and around about. Leaving hugs and love and sparkles t4591 t115006 ((()))
Catch up again later. XX Aidan
baked Honeycomb Alaska - are you ready ---- tip tapXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all -
It is now early morning, goodness knows where the evening went. :? :?
I hope everyone is ok, with temperatures returning to something of a more normal level.
We are forecast lots of rain on Friday Saturday, which will be good.
We are up early, for Lucy's cloak duties. The cloak will have us all at the QE in good time, to meet up with Toni and Lucy.
I have been in and vacuumed, immaculised the powder rooms and reduced the swish sound a little. Apparently it cannot be muted, as it is part of the cloaks magic. t115006 Silver was already in there, he finds the equine facilities, rather cosy:)
Any news for G nanny Carol? Come along now Rubie, we are all waiting. t4591
Sleek was chatting to Mother Tosca, I could hear them at siesta time, they did keep their shrieking to a minimum, but Mother made up for it later on :shock: :shock:
They are off up to Pendle again, the Nymphs need another collection of mist, to finish their first gem weaving project. :? t115006
Hi to Kerrin, Kath, Barbara, Joan, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, and all.
A quiet evening here, B is busy away, I am pottering away, Tosca is asleep at the moment.
I won't dally, my back is a wee bit screechy.
Let me go sort out breakfast to take with us this morning. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Several hampers put out, in the kitchen.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
On way to the QE making good progress! Going yo be early!! You should all come at 9.30 in the cloak!0
Hi frogmorton
count the mods in for your trip, sending positive vibes your way
Best Wishes
Sharon0 -
I love the swish of the cape, or is that Silver's tail? It's so cool now, so I've left the Bush Babies to get some rest. They've been on double duties a lot recently. Blush and his mate are here though, so there will be cuddles aplenty for those who need it.
Sharon, lovely of you to join us. Help yourself to snacks, Aidan always provides us with a feast. t4591
Talking of Aidan, super Baked Alaska thank you. Will take a trip to the booth later. For now I'll raid one of the hampers.
Sitting here singing Ruby ruby Ruby Rruuubie (love that song) shame I sound like a corn crake. Hope nobody can hear me. :oops:
Our area does Britain In Bloom, it's called Erewash in Bloom. t69044
Eggplant Savoury Tart with tomato and fresh herbs. Enjoy. t4591
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Lovely Kath the tart was lovely I only had a large-ish slice honest
Ah yes Britain in Bloom. Best Kept Village is about tidiness too as well as community spirit but flowers as well
Now you've got me singing that song too!!
Oh thank you Sharon! Bless you all.
The trip went well I think. Lucy probably won't be allowed to start alendronic acid until she is 35 because the bones are still growing (I think???), but they are very keen to monitor her. Avascular necrosis is considered rare still. They will discuss her case all the consultants and decide what is best for her.
It was lovely having everyone under the cloak of invisibility with many rooms!! The swishing isn't really loud no-one else seemed to notice it. Hope you all enjoyed your costas?
I popped one of the hampers in so we all ate pretty well I think
Sleek and Tosca were up with the nymphs for hours this morning....'supervising' :roll: I rather think the nymphs know what they are doing don't you Aidan??
Right I had better abandon you all and continue with my ironing
Sunny here and warm again m0150
Toni xxx0 -
It was an early start, the cloak whisked me out of bed and dressed me :shock: there is no stopping it when it is on a mission. :shock: :shock:
A pleasure to be there, t4591 to swish our way round the QE. So, hold off while Lucy is still growing, then review. Lots of Consultants will discuss her case and come up with a plan. Sounds like a lot of knowledge base, which is all good.
Hi Sharon, I thought I saw you in the kitchen area, sorting out hampers
It would well have been Silvers tail, it does make a similar sounding swish as the cloak does.
I think the Bush Babies did need a rest Kath, they will have a huge supply of jammie dodgers to munch on.
Blush and his lady friend are more than happy to give cuddles.
Hope you like the baked Alaska, I am sure you will. I have re-filled the booth with washing liquid and rinse aid.
I thought I heard singing - :shock: A Corn Crake, not at all :? :? you seemed happy enough singing away, pottering into the stable area in the cloak
Thanks you, the Aubergine savoury tart looks delicious, I will have some of that later, with the new potatoes which are cooling under my cooling brollyNo flies welcome in MY kitchen.
You know we will all be singing Ruby Ruby now. See, Toni has already started
Costa was very nice Toni, they put an extra two shots in my Americano, might as well have it strong.
The Ladies were out early this morning, gathering jars and jars of mists, Tosca was shrieking about it from 7 in the morning :roll: :roll:
The Nymphs do know what they are doing, I know that the woven gems, have something to do with modes of transport. Sleek was whispering to Tosca, who is rather deaf, so I did catch the bit about transporting. :? :?
Ironing all done here, just shirts today. Washing done, out on the airer on the back door decking. Drying nicely, with a lovely fresh breeze.
Immaculising and dedustification done, pottering and fussing, keeping the knees moving, if I stop, they will grind to a halt. :roll: :roll:
Right, I had best be off again, more pottering needed. Barbara will be along soon so I had best put some cake out, to finish off with, after the lovely tart.
Any news on Rubie???
Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXX Aidan
Boston Cream Pies, they are only small, so at least 6 are neededXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
Toni I am glad they will monitor Lucy..but having to wait till she is 35 for the meds maybe before then something new will turn you have banners up, and I should think soglad you got time with your she actually in the village or nearby..
Kath some hugs for you (())..and I am so happy to have this weather cooler for you and the rest of us...
Aiden I am wading through the hamper...thankyou then will have a little eggplant tart and baked Alaska...
The lady at 92 did eat some of the Mcdonalds..our GD said the nurses were laughing at her..bless and said she has not been eating much at all..bless..she even had her eyebrows shaped by our GD..hows that for standards..
Dil not got anywhere yet..the NHS scares me how it has I have my choose and book only 2 hospitals on and one I dont it the 22 September..the day our eldest GD the carer is you have most of the ironing done..such a good feeling..and the decking is your airier..
my mum used to use the airing don't hear of them now ..has we dont have copper tanks the same..
I will get back to Bill ...very soon...
I hope Joan is ok ..not seen her around today..not that you need to worry about posting ..just so that you are ok..
Does anyone know of any vitamins without vit A..its the one I cant take..and most I have looked at have it in
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara, just found these, in Boots, I cannot see any Vit A in them Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
A steady day, pottering and fussing about, shouty knees, but that is nothing new. :roll: :roll:
Hi Barbara I think we are all breathing a sigh of relief, with the fresher weather. Rain on the way too, much needed.
Just looking at the terrible storms they have had in the south of France, near the med. Campsite washed away in a **** :shock: :shock: how frightening.
Bless you GD for taking the lady her MacDonald, even if she didn't eat it all. Then doing her eyebrows afterwardsWe like high standards t4591
I will send Silver over to sprinkle some magic, to get things moving for your DIL, t115006 t115006
I don''t think I would like to be on the nursing side now, things have changed so much, some great leaps forward, some steps back.
You have your choose and book, well, one choice :shock: :? 22 September it is, we will be there with you, without fail. Just keep reminding me......... :roll:
The same day your GD is 21, will she be coming to visit?
Yes, all shirts pressed nicelyWhen the weather is nice, as it has been for what seems like years, I like to dry things out on the airer, then tumble them for 10 minutes.
We do have an airing cupboard in the hall, well, more like a linen cupboard, with space for loads of shoes at the bottom. No tank, but there is a bar heater fitted in there, to warm it through. We never use it, it is buried somewhere under a pile of shoes :roll:
Don't worry, Bill will be here, as and when
Yes, I hope Joan is ok. Sue will likely post this morning while Joan is out with the doggies.
I posted a link to the vitamins from Boots, I cannot see any Vit A in it, so might be worth a nosy.
Toni, I hope you are all resting a bit, you came back home and hit the ground running, with the village winning all the lovely awards, then two trips to the hospital in two days. I can tell there are ouchies, so magic squares are located in strategic places t115006 t115006
Any news from G Nanny Carol, we are all singing Ruby Ruby.........
Hi to everyone else, in out and around about.
We are off to Skipton and to Tarn Moor. Today is late MIL Birthday and all the names of B's family, who have passed and their ashes scattered at Tarn Moor, are all engraved on the lovely Yorkshire stones. So we are meeting up with B an SIL, to have a little wander and look at the names, then go to have some lunch at the Craven Heifer, which is on the same site as Tarn Moor. Dad will be pleased that the names are all engraved into the stones. I will have a little potter over to where my Mum and Dad are laid to rest.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will catch up later, probably very late. XX Aidan
Chocolate Swiss BriocheXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Everyone
Its me again I did yesterdays post as well because it was our 77 birthday and we were going out.but I don't know what happened to it because all though I read it disappeared.
Joan will be on here tomorrow
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Am chomping some brioche with noo-noo going sorry to be talking with my mouth full, but today is the last of my manic days this week...hairdressers for Lucy in Lichfield so a journey ahead again ::)
Aidan I hope all goes well today and no-one is too upset. ((())) this will be late MIL's first birthday since loosing her extra ((())) Poor DILand B.
Sleek and Tosca intend to join you you know? They were out early doors again bless them and are ready when you are.
I thought the gems were something to do with transport too not sure what, but Sleek shouts on the crystal ball when she's talking to Darcey and Tosca as they are both a little deaf.....shame it's not a pusskin hearing aid eh
Shame the cloak didn't dress me I could have stayed asleep!!
Barbara my sister is nearby 5.7 miles according to my bro who is nothing if not specific :roll:
I hope that the 22nd of sept goes well - it's in the cloak's diary as you know .
I'm glad the lady ate a little macdonalds bless her.
No Joan?!! Jo-oan!!! Where are you? I do hope all is well and she's just been very busy :?
See you all later
Toni xx
Ps Joan and Sue's birthday!!!!!!!!!!! t69044 t4591 t4591
I very much hope you both had a lovely day!!0 -
Morning..its pouring down here..
Hello Sue..I hope you and Joan had a lovely meal out for your some flowers from me for the worlds loveliest twins..
and a cake
Toni so your sister is not far easy to visit one another..have a good time at the hairdresser Lucy...
just what is needed after two hospital visits...
thankyou for the cloak duties for the 22nd Sept..I want it to go very slowly
Aiden you are a star finding the vitamins....I will have a trip there today..thankyou...they really are needed I am sleeping but sooo tired..
Bless it will be a day of mixed emotions for dad, you, Bill and SIL but so nice to have such a lovely place for them to rest and there names carved in the stone, I hope it doesn't rain then you can gather your thoughts for a while..and then enjoy the restaurant ..I am sure your mum dad and Bills mum will be there with you..((())) I will be thinking of you all...and I know the sparkles will help the lady ..she said to our GD she wants to go its time bless her..
thankyou for the Chocolate Swiss Brioche lovely with a cup of tea..
Will leave you all for now
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
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