Val's Cafe
Afternoon to all.......... horrid humidity again, so the AC is on, cannot be in another lather.............
We were promised lots of rain and thunderstorms yesterday, and we got nothing :roll: :roll: Anyway, apart from melting............
Thanks Toni, I am sure the other puskins will be fine, the kitten was giving lots of cuddles last night and Niece's partner is back today, so that will be better for her.
I said to her that it is wonderful over rainbow bridge, with all our lovely puskins there to welcome Gizmo. Silver will have been to make sure all is just fine.
I am glad Sleek has stopped clutching Pepe's Dr's bag and popped it in for safe keeping in her ever expanding wardrobe. Tosca was most impressed with the ickle house.
Mother was not for going out early door, but said she will have a little fly, as a passenger, later on today.
10 years younger, wow, that's most kindcheques in the post.
B has it longer than I do, not long long, but not number 2 either, he would freak :shock: :shock:
The swifter thing that fell in bits every time you moved it, has now gone into the binsAids to cleaning are fine, but things that hinder the immaculisation, are not welcome.
Hair all done, very nice too.
Hi Joan Hi Sue, hope you are both ok. I see you have had some rain. We are waiting for the rains to come :roll: :roll: I have put the washing out on the airer, so it might rain now
Our neighbours do borrow us, you are right, usually just as we are about to sit down with a cup of T. We need an Open and Closed sign on the doors
Hi Barbara, so the early appointment was not worth the effort, for your medication review :roll: :roll: Typical.
You are pinching all our rain, over your neck of the woods
Pendle has vanished in the mists, so we might get a soaking.
Thank you for the hugs for our Niece. She was so upset and so were we. The vets were very good, which makes a world of difference.
I would have my hair cut every few days, but that would not go down well, so I dare not ask :shock:pushing my luck there I think. :? :?
I don't gel it, there is not enough to gel really. So your youngest is the same, not a hair out of place
The cake was just too cute, so I had to pop it in.
My scones was a fair size, I would have rooted through the display myself if they would let me
Hi Kath, sorry that Chris had a bad night, breathless with pains in back and ribs. Could be a chest infection lurking. If he has a DVT risk then err on the side of caution and ring 999 if you are at all concerned.
Now you have bashed your good hip, oh dear, we need to wrap you both up in bubble wrap, so that you bounce. :shock: Some extra t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591
Thank you, it was sad about Gizmo, bless her. t4591
I hope you are ok Carol and things are settled within the family, extra hugs t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, I must away and potter, knees and back are a wee bit ouchy. A siesta will help I am sure.
Love and Sparkles to one and all. Catch up again later t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Mississippi Mud Cheesecake - are we ready Toni.....................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
its nearly evening..see I remembered.
Kath men is just ring that ambulance and let then do there job if things haven't subsided..its such a worry for you...and then you fall and hurt your hip..some more hugs to top Aidens up(())..let us know how things are...x
Aiden I can just imagine you clambering through the scones..glad you could chill out..
I am sure silver is looking over Gizmo and friends... t115006
We have had lots of fact we got wet through today just going to our little cafe..we were only feet away :roll: something in between would be nice
I got a letter for more test at the not very nice hospital.. :roll: this time I will ask more questions..
Mississippi mud pie..and a cup of tea...
Right will leave you for now
Love to all
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi all
its been a funny old day weather wise we have had clouds and wind all day now we have sunshine what will we wake up to in the morning I wonder. Very surprised at my doctors this morning when asking for an appointment. I have had a very itchy watery eye since last night and I asked MR T to see it I had anything in it this morning
he told me it looked as thought I had scratched the white of my eye. so I rang Dr to ask for an appt managed to get an appt with a physicians associate for an hour an half later normally have to wait days for appts In our surgery. I haven't scratched it apparently she thinks maybe I originally had something in it and where I rubbed it I made it worse, I now have drops for it.
Yes for anyone who has noticed I did edit part of my previous post out post from yesterday, and at the moment I think the least said about that part of my post the better. But thanks for your comments.
I only have the one photo of baby at the moment the one I posted on facebook. but yes she looks beautiful.
this is a short post because looking at the laptop screen is making my eye water again. Am also very tired as because eye was itching last night so much I didn't sleep very well.
hope you have all had a good day today and hopefully I can post more tomorrow
love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - a little cooler this evening, less humid. Thank goodness. I was fed up of melting.
Now they say the very warm weather will last until October :shock:
Hi Barbara, men, yes, what are we like :roll: :roll: I hope Chris is feeling not too bad and Kath too, with both hips ouching.
I would quite happily done some disposable gloves and root through the scones, to make sure I had the pleasure of the largest oneI would put them all back neatly of course.
Silver has been busy, spreading lots of sparkles about, far and wide. Anyone spot some glitter, you will know he has been about, or, there are magic squares around. t115006 t115006
you definitely had our rain, getting soaked, it must have been falling down. We only had a short shower. Wednesday is supposed to be very wet and quite windy.
The river has more water in though, which is nice to see, at least the ducks have something to paddle in, rather than sit on the rocks and look rather forlorn.
Another appointment for the not so nice hospital. Don't worry, we will be under the new cloak of many gems and roomst115006 and make sure you are ok.
lad you enjoyed the Mississippi mud pie. There are several in the chiller, I know Toni and Kath will need oneYou were most restrained, having yours with a cup of T.
Tosca went out with Sleek, pillion, on her gel comfort chair. There was early evening mists, so they gathered some, then sat by the river for a little while, along with Mrs Darcey and Tom Thumb, who has a practice broom now. Sleek has control of it. Being a lady, she can multi task with ease.
Have you managed to take some time out Toni, after your run of appointments with Lucy and hair do's etc. Of course, you had dinner with Kari, I forgot. Did Paul get a new trailer? I bet you were enthralled
Hi Carol, summer still seems to be carrying on, warm and very calm here, while you had clouds and a breezy day.
I am glad you managed to get an appointment with the Physician's associate. The drops will help soothe your sore eye. t115006
I did notice you had edited your post and no more will be mentioned. You are welcome to the t4591
PC or tablet / phone screens, are notorious for causing eye strain etc. They give off a lot of blue light, which keep your brain from resting. Most phones and tablets have a night mode, which takes out some of the blue light, to minimise any problems.
Hope you managed to get a better nights sleep. t115006
We are off to the T room this morning then quick shop, as the sky engineer is coming to sort out why our internet speed keeps dropping. I was talking to the help line on live chat and they said there was a definite drop, but no problem with the line. They will probably just put a new router in. Needless to say, since they arranged an engineer, the speed has been back up to normal :roll: :roll: He said, keep the appointment, as there is obviously something amiss.
Right, it is time I was a pottering. Again.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Let me go see what there is for breakfastXXXX Aidan
Sweet potato and spinach egg bakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan.
Barbara I'm sorry about your appointment. We have had a little rain.
Kathleen I'm sorry you fell over I hope your pain soon calms down((((()))))
Carol sorry about your eye.(((())))
Aidan I have some disposable gloves I keep a spare box.
have a good day. love to Toni
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hmmm, Sweet potato and spinach egg bake - looks really yummy, thank you Aidan. Chris is fine thank you. I think I was jumping to conclusions. He does have DVT, but his painful breathing is when he lies down in bed. He thinks he might have pulled some of the muscles in his back. Apart from falling asleep at the drop of a hat, he's OK when he's not in bed. I think it's due to lack of sleep and having to be my carer. :?
Joan, thank you t4591 although my hips are still painful, I'm not sure if another vertebra has busted.Have you had any fractures with your Osteoporosis? I hope not. t115006 t115006
Mississippi mud pie, off to the booth I trot.tippytoe tippy toe hop, skip, SPLAT perfect. Talking of booths, there is a young lady on BBC Radio Derby whose name is Heidi Booth. She started a piece on the breakfast show called "Heidi's Booth" where she travels around the villages of Derbyshire interviewing locals about their area. Bet it's not as good as our booth.
Carol. I know. If I didn't say anything he'd say I didn't care. If I do he complains I'm fussing. :roll: I'm sure you'll get more photos of Rubie before long.
Pea and Brie quiche for T. t4591 t69044 t4591 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all. Cooler, hoorah, damp, drizzly, lake district rain, that soaks you through, or, as Peter Kaye would say, "it's Spitting"
Hi Joan and Sue. So you have had some rain, not good for going out in the buggies, but needed for the gardens.
I always have disposable gloves, it must be the nurse in me that must have gloves, not that I use them very often.
Have you eaten all your Birthday chocolate yet, or is it lasting well ?
Hi Kath I am glad Chris is ok. Nothing wrong with being concerned, if someone has an underlying problem, then being cautious is a good thing.
He may well have pulled muscles, sometimes pain is difficult to pin down and can be referred pain from another area completely. Like gall stones, giving pain in your right shoulder :shock: :?
Funny things, our bodies.
I am sure B would sympathise with the caring part of life. I am like a demolition derby, always throwing things, or dropping things :roll: :roll:
Would it be worth an x ray on your back? Just as a precaution, then you know what ouchies are what. Maybe mention it to the DN when they call in for the bloods, or, see the GP. We don't want unknown fractures lurking t4591 t115006
Heidi's Booth sounds rather interesting. I like Derbyshire, such a long time since I was in and around there, driving around, and before that, hunting for fossils when we were on school field trips.
No, nothing compares to our Booth, it is all singing, all dancing and all cleaning
Enjoy the pie, there are some left, I know Toni will need to face plant asap.
Now, that quiche looks amazing, I will take a couple of pieces if that's ok. Thank you kindly. Some home made chips would go very nicely with it.
We were out in good time, even though Dad thought it was 0930, when it 1030. He had only just started his breakfast. It didn't stop him enjoying a piece of homemade blueberry and apple pie in the T room.
B and I had our eggs and mushrooms, with white toast. Lots of coffee, naturally.
Quick nip to Booth's, (it's all booths today) :shock:
We were back before 1, so as to be in for the Engineer to come about the broadband.
We thought it would be a Sky engineer, but it was Openreach, he checked all the lines, with their magic equipment, said things were ok.
Put a new pre-filtered socket in for us, went on about changing a fibre socket at the exchange, if we keep getting drops in was over my head :roll: :roll: I just noddedand off he went. There are rumours that the park will have its own fibre cabinet at some point soon...............but that is a bit of how long is a piece of string.
Anyway, we are back up to normal speeds again.
Tosca went out with Sleek this morning, as the mists on Pendle are bountiful at the moment. It was drizzling, so she was in her wet weather gear, all Barbour don't you knowShe did get her ears wet, which she was not impressed about and has shrieked loudly at several points this afternoon. :roll: :roll:
Sleek had her flying goggles on, like Biggles
Right, I had better do some pottering. I can find something to fuss over, while I wait for the washer to finish.
Hi to everyone, Toni, Carol, Barbara, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, SW and all. Will catch up again later.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
A little something to have after the lovely quiche.
Some mini donutsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I know what I was thinking, such terrible tragedy in Italy, with the big motorway flyover bridge, many killed, such a tragedy
Then the terror suspect in London, driving into people before crashing and being arrested.
Thoughts and prayers to those who have passed, those who are injured and the families too. t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all..dark and humid here
Aiden thankyou for sweet potatoes and spinach bake I can eat
So dad was having breakfast and thought it was 9.30..think I would get on fine with dadglad you enjoyed the T rooms..we are with TT and they send outreach to us if anything goes wrong..but we don't have fibre..they came many years ago and a couple of neighbours didnt want the banking at the front of the houses dug off they went.. :roll: now all the new houses down the rd have it..
Of course miss sleek can multitask because she is a lady..
I look forward to seeing the cloak in all its glory..will help with the visit to the not very nice hospitalthe bridge collapse is awful.
.and the incident in London ..least said ..but my heart and prayers go out the all those that are injured... t115006
think I have just spotted some mini doughnuts...thankyou
Kath I hope Chris will be ok, not sure if this will help but I get awful pain in my rib area if I don't take my ameprozole..SP...
Joan hope you are all ok and you have left me some chocolate..
Carol I hope that eye heals very soon, they can be so painful..maybe rest it form the screen for a while we will still be here when you come back on..
I thought today was Monday...not good is it.. :?
Love to everyone...
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all.
Weather not bad no rain not hot but not cold either in fact quite pleasant. Mr T had an accident with his mobile yesterday and dropped it broke the screen and also could not turn it on again after. the new one has been a pain ever since and still not sorted out just getting sent from pillow to post and getting nowhere now need to go back to The shop for the second time. Oh happy days
On the positive side my eye seems a lot better today not as itchy and has stopped watering except for when I put the drops in. so hopefully by tomorrow it should be ok.
we have tiler coming tomorrow morning for kitchen tiles so hopefully by the end of tomorrow the tiles will be up with only wallpaper left to go.
Tomorrow afternoon is knitting group and i so looking forward to that
Joan yes that is 3 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren that we have. hope you a Sue are well and big belated birthday greetings to you both. Happily my eye is feeling much better thank you.
Aidan Eye drops are working well will take them for a couple of more days to make sure as dr said. yes summer still seems to be with us to a normal British summer up and down from day to day. I did sleep better yesterday fell asleep in the armchair for 2 hours last night only to be woken up by Mr T to say it was bedtime went to bed and slept until 6 this morning with 2 trips to the toilet in the night as is normal any night. the mini doughnuts were yummy. Glad you and dad enjoyed the T-room
Kath yes i get that too however it was not the usual person this time. hopefully your pain is better soon sending you some hugs ((())).
Barbara the eye is feeling much better thank you do worry i am like that this week as many things have not been done in the same routine as usual. of course Sleek can multitask all women can.
Well its time for a little potter so off i go
love and sparkles to you all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening All!
Sorry to be late on sorry. :oops: Had a busy day today. Early start tomorrow too with respiratory nurse at 08:30!!
Kath I really hope Chris is ok and it really is a pulled muscle. I actually did that myself yesterday. How scary thinking it could be a PE! :shock: ! I hope your good hip eases soon ((()))
Heidi Booth’s booth will not taste as nice as our booth!
Joan I am loving having my sister so close as is her son and DIL Still managed to natter on the phone for an hour today though!!!
Barbara I agree about the salt :roll: We don’t need it and when we need to restrict it food seems tasteless even though it isn’t!
Surgery might help with the non-existent snoring!!
I hope the tests will be useful and help them to help you. When are they so we can all try out the new cloak
I am up early to see the nurse for my inhaler review tomorrow so you have my sympathy with your meds review. :?
Aidan I hope rainbow bridge has given your niece some comfort bless her. t115006 ((()))
Sleek does still get Pepe’s Drs kit out, but at one point couldn’t watch SYTTD without it on her lap. Of course any chance anyone might be unwell she’s on it! Not too annoying though unlike her beloved was.
Mississipi mud-cake… get out of my way stand back!!!!!!! Tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP SPLATTTT!!!
Lucy loves blueberries and would have been with Dad. He was an hour out, but at least he was there! Glad BT came and hope it helps until the park gets it’s own green box.
Sleek rather liked Tosca’s barbour she was in her sou’wester mackintosh and galoshes and the flying goggles. She looked so funny bless her.They did really well this morning the mists were of very great quality.
Carol I am so glad your eye looks to be improving and you slept loads yesterday too How lovely it will be with the tiling done. Will you be at your knitting group while it’s being done then?
Typical Mr T breaking his phone :roll: Oh dear dear me. I hope that gets sorted ASAP or he might get grumpy!!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, quite pleasant temps, with no fans on, which makes a change.
Hi Barbara - it was dark and gloomy very early tonight. Curtains shut by 830. I know it is still summer, but, the nights are drawing in.Just a few weeks and it will be Autumn, then we can have the leaves back in the emoji section
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast bake, lots of iron in the spinach. Oh we all get mixed up with days, by the time Dad has sorted out what day it is, I have forgotten, B thought it was Sunday :shock:
We got him a special clock that tells the day, date, time, morning and afternoon etc. But, if you forget to look at it :? :?
It was very nice at the T rooms, fried eggs and mushrooms where lovely.
We used to be with Talktalk, until I told them where to go :shock:and we changed over to Sky.
We have fibre to the green box in the village, which is about 1/2 a mile from us. The openreach guy didn't say which century we might get a new cabinet up here:roll: :roll:
Miss Sleek is excellent at multi tasking, ladies brains work differently to us men folks :shock: :roll:
The cloak will certainly ease the visits to the hospital, you may see sparkles and bright reflections from the gems. It is waiting for its first outing, when we all get to see inside for the first time. I imagine it is magical.
How some people have survived the collapse of the bridge, dropping 300 feet with tons of steel and concrete around you, is a miracle. So sad for all those who did not survive. Then the crazy man who drove into people in Wesminster, thankfully no one was killed. t115006
Hi Carol Oh dear Mr T is having bad luck with his phone. Another trip to the shop, to get things sorted, hopefully :? :?
Glad you eye is feeling a lot better. Tiler coming today, so that will be a step in the right direction of getting the job completed.
At least you will be at the knitting group, while there is grout being wielded around.
You have had a catch up on sleeps too, that won't do any harm. We always used to laugh on the wards, on night duty, waking people up to take their sleeping tablets :shock:
The mini donuts were lovely, being so small, they don't contain any calories
Oooh, the cloak will have its first trip out today, for your visit to the Resp Nurse, early doors it is, good job the cloak can have us up and dressed in a flash :shock:
We have given our Niece some space, her partner is back home, so they will need some time to come to terms with loosing one of their lovely puskins. t115006 She will get in touch soon, to let us know how they are.
Sleek is very diligent in her nursing duties, at least she is very quiet and discreet, not like Pepe was, pushing thermometers and the like, into ears. Bless.
Ah, good, you found the Mud pie. I imagine the booth needed a double rinse cycle
Blueberries are yummy, I am with Lucy on that one. Super foods. Dad enjoyed his large slice, it was crammed full of fruit. He was there, indeed, albeit a wee bit out on times. Soon brought up to speed though.
Tosca has just had a prolonged shrieking session :roll: I think the mists have overwhelmed her a bitThey did look a pair of bobby dazzlers on the broomstick
Off to meet up with friends, who come up from Wales every few months, they used to be clients at B's salon and we have stayed friends for years now. We will have brunch, over Burnley way. Always nice for a catch up.
Time I was pottering. I am chair shaped and it is not a good look :shock: :shock:
Love to everyone, in out and around about. t4591 t115006 Take care, XXX Aidan
A selection of veggie delightsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
Kathleen yes I have Ione in my pelvis and one in my groin.
i'm sorry Chris is in pain Inhofe it can be helped.
Aidan I have only had 2 squares of chocolate sue bought and some from an orange bar I had from a friend.
have a lovely time on your day out.
Barbara when are your appointments mine is 24 Sept. have a good day.
Carol I'm sorry Mr T dropped his phone does he keep it in a case it saved mine when I dropped it.
Toni we don't have salt we use it on the path when there's ice.
I hope you all have a good day
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..
Aiden thankyou for the nice healthy veggie breakfast... I need one of those clocks you bought dad...
so you are off to meet friends nice that some of Bs clients have kept in he had his salon..was it mens and women's...I used to have a man cut my hair..the poor thing had to give it up because of arthritis and he was only in his 40s..
we can see our fibre box just down the road, its so annoying not having it..hopefully they will bring it to yours very soon..
The bridge in Italy is so sad..but for the grace of god some have survived the fall..its unimaginable..
I have to wait for the other appointment to come through the post..not a clue what test they are doing but so far all is ok....
Joan we always have salt in for the drive in appointment is the 22nd so not far off yours...the cloak will be out for you.
Toni I hope all goes well at the inhaler review..hopefully they are helping, I know it can be hit and miss till you get the right talked for nearly an hour on the phone to your sister..why not ...
I love blueberries and have them in my live yogurt..and found out last night they are easy to grow in this country
Carol Mr T is having no luck with phones...these things are sent to test us.. :roll: glad your eye is feeling better..and your tiler is coming so things are moving on...and enjoy your knitting group
Off to the GC this morning and hoping its such luck..
Love to everyone..
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Us too Joan salt isn't good for you is it? You are well behaved with your chocolate! I eat the lot in one go and then feel a bit queezy!!!!
Hi Aidan I am back form the Drs saw a different nurse this time the other one being on holiday. Just as nice though. She changed inhaler to Anoro Ellipta.
Well I could just about see the cloak some rainbows and sparkles on the floor that was all it is overcast so maybe it will be more obvious then. The swish is much quieter too. Only one problem was Sleek and Tosca having a laughing fit!! I had to cough loudly :shock:
I cannot think about those poor poor people on the bridge when it collapsedit's just too horrible to imagine
As for the attack in London I am just grateful no-one was seriously injured and they got the person who did it.
Your niece needs time with her OH to recover from such a terrible trauma and loss. ((())) t115006
Sleek and Tosca did look rather spectacular on the broomstick didn't they? Same again this morning as it's overcast here today. :roll: yes it will be Autumn soon enough - hang on a mo the sun is out!!! m0150
They collected plenty of mist and delivered it on to the nymphs. Sleek is coming to yours at siesta time to watch some telly with Tosca. Pepe was rather one for sticking his Dr's tools in unwanted places like ears and nostrilsbless him... t4591 t115006
Enjoy your visit with your friends today. I am just eating some of that lovely breakie!
Hi Barbara fingers crossed this inhaler does better than the last (which did help a bit with the cough).
Am going to see my sister in a bit when my replacement dyson V7 arrives...any minute I hope. Enjoy your trip to the GC.
We can grow blueberries? I think I shall look into that they are yum and so healthy too..
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
And now it is Thursday :shock: :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan, hi Sue. Only two squares of chocolate :shock: :shock: gosh, you need someone who can help you out there, ie ME
We did have a nice time, meeting up with our friends. We all had cauliflower and broccoli soup, with crusty bread, shared some chips, all very nice. Rained quite a lot, but it was warm still.
Hi Barbara, I think we all need those clocks that tell you everything about the day date time week etc. Mind you, my phone is the one thing that knows what we are doing and when. Fortunately. :roll:
You are welcome to the veggie breakfast
The friends are really the only ones who we have kept in touch with over the years. B keeps in touch with the other stylist who worked for him for many many years. She lives near Lincoln now, but rings every so often for a long catch up.
It was a unisex salon. Joint and wrist trouble is a common problem with hairdressing, shoulders too. Bill knows that all too well.
I was retired from nursing when I was 41. My Cardio said, enough, you are killing yourself running 30 bedded wards :shock: . Time to stop. So I did.
The bridge in Italy, was in a terrible state of repair apparently, with major flaws that needed fixing. Seven people survived, as you say, unimaginable, with a 300 foot drop and hundreds of tons of steel and concrete going down with you.
Terrible tragedy and loss of lifefor many.
So we are waiting for another appointment, to see what they are going to do :? :? it is always a waiting game
The cloak will be busy for the 22nd and 24th, for you and Joan.
We have a lovely Blueberry bush, it always had loads of fruit on, but, the Blackbirds are always first to get their beaks into them, you can see the bush shakingwe don't mind, they are more than welcome and we won't cover it in that non bird friendly netting. Bilberries are native to the UK and are found on moorland in abundance, just as good for you too.
The garden centre we went to today, was very busy with school kids being off. We arrived before lunch, so managed to get a good table. The food is nice, but their coffee is a little bit
Hi Toni, I know, Joan is being SO good with her chocolate, we really need to help her, we don't want it to go offI can restrict myself to one row, 4 or 5 squares. (I would happily eat the whole bar though).
Glad the nurse you saw was just as good. I have heard of the Anoro Ellipta, but have not used it before. It is a double action inhaler.
It was lovely in the cloak, it is palatial, with every room you can think of, in fact the more rooms you go into, even more appear. So magical. t115006 t115006 even though it is invisible, there are glints and sparkles given off t4591 t115006
I heard Mother and Sleek squeaking with laughter, goodness knows what was the matter with them. :roll: :roll:
With tragedies like that bridge disaster, you cannot begin to know who people would feel, with the road vanishing beneath them. Angels would be there to catch those who did not survive and to help those who did t4591 t4591
I am glad that they caught the man in London, with no fatalities thank Heaven's
It has been rain on and off all day here, so it was wet weather gear for the duo on their mist gathering mission. Tosca made sure her ears were covered this time
That is why the channels kept changing while I was dozing, it was Miss Sleek and Tosca, with the remote:roll:
Pepe was a little startling with his medical equipment t4591 t115006
Hope your new vacuum arrived and you had a lovely visit with your Sister
We have had a quiet evening, B is busy beading and I have done some pottering and fussing. Nice to have had some proper rain, all very welcome.
The river looks a lot more healthy.
Off to our GC this morning, take Dad and then do some shopping. No other great plans.
I had better move myself and potter some more. Leaving hugs and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Mini English MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Well I used the inhaler for the first time this morning so we shall see what happens eh? Fingers crossed!
Aidan it does say it's got two things in it so I very much hope it will help
My new Dyson arrived! Wow it's fabulous even better than the last one!! Of course Sleek was straight in the box and I am under strict instructions not to move it until Tosca and Mrs D have been over....later today when I am out wedding shoe-shopping with Tia!
I might just hoover a bit more now before we goand maybe when I get back too!!
Shoulders with hairdressers yes which is one of the reasons <Lucy decided not to pursue her plans to remain in hairdressing after the AVN diagnosis.
I can't let myself think of those poor people on the bridge and yes it must be looked into. Angels there for them that is comforting. Sorry still can't think about it I can't too horrifying.
Enjoy the GC today I know Dad will f he checks his clock and knows what day it is. Aidan how old is he now?
Kari and I harvested some Damsons from her new garden yesterday and left the rest for the birds. It's been such a dry year they absolutely deserve them don't they?
I never though of that!! We can help Joan finish off her chocolate no problem
A quick Woo-oo! to Joan! Be warned Aidan and I might be over to help you out with your chocolate
Toni xx0 -
Hello Barbara Aidan Toni.
Barbara what are you going for is it your sinuses. Have a good time at the garden centre.
Aidan wore your body out going up and down the wards but you enjoyed it.
Toni I don't have time to eat the chocolate I have it between meals I also have grapes cherries blueberries every day and some times a nectarine. Have a good time with your sister.
take care all love to Kathleen and Carol.
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..sunny for the min..think I had a moment last night.. :roll:
Morning Joan..I think there are now 3 of us coming over to help with the chocolate..yes its my sinuses..they are behaving at the min..but will have to follow it your appointment for the cyst..hope all is ok..
Toni what a name for Inhalers but who cares has long as they work..fingers crossed they do..yes growing blueberries was on love your garden ..they grow well in the UK apparently..its one fruit I never liked but have got used to them now..yes the birds deserve some fruit..they loved my strawberries..I put raisins out for the blackbirds they are so cheeky and sit waiting..
I love watching them..glad you like your new cordless is a bit useless..
but it was cheap..
Aiden English muffins thankyou.. I bet you and B really enjoyed catching up with his clients..especially over something to eat ..a shame the coffee wasn't very good.. :roll: saying that I have been drinking is making me sickly again.. :shock: not good is it..
I love my phone especially the appointment reminders....and my alarm for meds..and it goes on..
Our GC was busy they have a permanent beach ..and there outdoor play area..but they had quite a few children stung with we stayed clear of the outdoors..
Right my brain needs a rest.. :?
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
We think we might have solved our problem, as I am having the same symptoms and I don't have DVT. As it seems to be travelling around our body, we are now suspecting a virus. As Chris NEVER goes to the GP, he doesn't have any prescribed drugs :roll: I know what Carol's thinking - "MEN"! I feel black and blue round my ribs and hips. Of course, that might be because of my fall the other day.
Joan, your pelvis and groin. The thought brings tears to my eyes you poor thing. We need to wrap you up in cotton wool to keep you safe. t4591 t4591
Aidan, I am scoffing mini muffins like there's no tomorrow. Scrumptious, thank you. I treated myself to a box of 5 salted caramel squares by Fibre One, 90 calories each - gorgeous. So I thought I'd mention them to you.
Barbara, I'm sorry to hear your sinuses are causing problems again. t115006 t4591 t115006
Toni, I'm with you on chocolate. I've been known to eat a whole bar (large) of Bournville to myself.I hope your new inhaler works. t4591
Supper (for those who want it) is Mackerel with citrus chickpeas.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, nice day, lovely breeze, which was very welcome, with tatties steaming, ironing and tumble drying all at same time. :shock:
I hope the new inhaler works as it should everything x'd Toni.
Sleek took Tosca from here, to her house, to play in the new Dyson box, Tosca loves a box to play in.
Glad the new Dyson is better than the last one. We love our Bosch cordless too, just as good as any plug in vacuum, like the Dyson's. So much easier too, even I can do a room, then I get a bit puffed. But that's me, not the machine:roll:
Sleek has been showing Tosca some wedding shoes, she was suitably impressed, with the kitten heeled ones.
How did the shoe shopping go? Any success / favourites, etc.
I think Lucy made the right choice, not carrying on with the hairdressing, the AVN is more than enough of a problem, without adding to it. I know it wasn't an easy choice.
No, the bridge disaster is almost surreal, unless you are a direct part of such a tragedy, then it is impossible to compute. Our brains seem to shut down, when we try and put ourselves in the same position.
We did enjoy the GC, Dad was not even dressed when we went round. Blinds all shut :shock: He had just had a wash and said "what time is it" - 1030. He was soon ready and we were on our way.
Dad is 84 now.
So Kari inherited a damson tree, how lovely. Mind the wasps, they love them and will be drunk and bad tempered :shock: :shock: :? Sharing with the birdies is fine, just like our blueberry bush. The poor birds needed the food and fluids over this super hot summer.
Whenever you are ready, we can collect Barbara en route, Kath too, to help Joan with her chocolate bars.
Hi Joan, hi Sue, I did wear myself out on the wards :shock: :roll: :roll: but I did enjoy it, well, 99% of it. It is so different now, with the new training etc.
You enjoy your fruit, which is good. We are terrible, I just don't like it, nor does B. My Dad used to eat more fruit than you could shake a stick at. His love if it, certainly didn't rub off on me. :roll:
Hi Barbara, you had a moment, was that a hot moment, or a woozy moment? :shock: It has been humid, but the breeze has blown that away, which is much better.
It was very nice to have a catch up, over lunch yesterday, but nice to go to our GC today, for "proper" coffee. I drank the first big cup in no time.
Coffee making you sickly again, no, that's not good, we must cure that asap t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
I am good at putting all the appointments etc, in the phone, then it reminds us well in advance, then on the day, then an hours notice and so on..........
Don't blame you for not going outside at the GC, wasps are daft at this time of year and bad tempered too. They come looking for me I am sure of it. :? :?
So you suspect you have both had or have a virus, if you are having the same symptoms Kath. Sounds highly likely. Not a deal you can do about them, until your body fights them off, just mind that there are not secondary infections ie chests especially.
Hugs for the bumps and bruises ((())) t4591 I have ordered a huge amount of cotton wool, to wrap Joan and Sue in, to make sure they are safe
Glad you enjoyed the mini muffins, now, those salted caramel squares sound very tempting. I will look out for them.
I love mackerel, so I will gladly have some for supper, with the steamed new potatoes, lovely when they are cold and the butter has set on themThank you kindly.
Lots of ironing, never seen so many shirts :shock: clouds of steam, thank goodness the windows were open or I would have passed out. :roll: :roll:
All done, drying done, tatties cooled and in fridge. Need to dedustify, but that can wait until tomorrow. Enough for one day.
Hi to Carol, hope you are ok and Mr T has sorted out his phone. Love to Rubie Leigh and to GD too.
Hi to everyone else in out and about. Better wash the few pots and sort out the biscuit tin, it needs immaculising, i don't like crumbs:roll: :roll:
Will catch up later. Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Amaretto Cheesecake
ready Toni, Kath................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Very wet rainy day here today and doing some tidying up After tiler had finished. I think it is now time for a sit down and relax with a cuppa so this is a very short post to say I have not run off or been stolen away from you by some strange force i am afraid you still have to put up with me:roll: :roll:
but off i go to make that tea. love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044 more tomorrowStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - so nice to feel cooler, rather than melting.
Hi Carol - you have had a day fussing and sorting after the completion of the tiling. I bet you are so glad it is finished. Can you put things back now, into their rightful home?
We don't want you to be abducted by strange forces :shock: and look forward to your post later today, as alwayst4591
Has Mr T had his phone sorted / fixed / replaced? Or is that a sore point, best not spoken about :? :? :roll:
You enjoy your sit down, a rest and a nice cup of T. Well deserved I am sure. :animal_busy:
All quiet here, even Mother has been quite hushed, some minor shrieks, but nothing ear splitting:shock: :shock: She was a little
before siesta, so is resting this evening. Miss Sleek called Tosca and said that Mummy had been going round with her new whizzy immaculising machine
Quite impressed she was.
I thought I would take a peek into the Enchanted Forest.Hermione was there, with wonderful sparkling lights around her. I didn't want to disturb, so exited quietly. t115006
I think some new magical spells were being gathered.
Well, I should move, have a potter, make a cup of T.
hope everyone is as ok as can be. An at home day today, more fussing and some quiet time too, all being well. I dare not say, relax :roll: :roll: but I will try.
Leaving hugs ((())) Love t4591 and Sparkles t115006 to everyone. Take care XXXX Aidan
I thought an al fresco breakfast would be rather pleasant.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Ooh what is going on I wonder in the forest?? I hope something exiting Aidan!
Imagine Dad not even being dressedmind you why not? He's earned a rest hasn't he at 84? I am glad the GC was good as ever.
Oh yes Tosca and Sleek love the new box (Paul wants to recycle it ASAP :roll: ) I have MIL's handheld dyson to try to fix now too :shock: MY new immaculiser is wonderful I love it so much!!
For some reason my alfresco isn't visible so I am eating it anyway!!
Sleek says she knows what Hermione is up to, but her lips are tightly sealedShe and Tosca have their shoes sorted for the wedding. Tia's were also purchased from John Lewis as was a sparkly hair thingy. They also dye shoes to match dresses for the bridesmaids.
Lucy was wise to avoid adding pressure to the new shoulder joint in the hope it outlasts it's 10 year estimate.
You don't love fruit?? I love it but also love chocolate too. Sleek and Tosca have some pusskin chocolate from Hogwarts which they happily guzzle behind out backs. Maybe why Tosca was a tadyesterday :?
I am still ironing like a mad woman between hoovering!! I liked the bosch too, but originally got a good deal on the old dyson handheld so stuck with it.
That amaretto cheesecake :shock: wo!! tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP TAPATAPTAP SLAPTTTTT! lovely! ta
Oh Carol! That would not be good if you were stolen by an ET!! How lovely the tiler has finisheddoes it look lovely now?
Kath you poor things I hope the virus passes super-quickly. I also say MEN! to not getting medical help when needed :roll:
I once ate too many salted caramel squares and ended up with the two-bob-bits you know :oops: :oops: :oops: Probably the sweetener.
I just had the chickpeas tayum!
Naughty birdies eating your strawberries Barbara!! Mind you I think they needed the liquid this year bless them. I have been filling up the bird bath regularly.
I wasn't sure about blueberries at first either, but love them now.
Raisins is a good idea too for the birds bless them waiting for you.
Change your cordless you will not regret it!!
Hi Joan. With all the fruit you eat there might not be much room left for the chocolate, but don't worry Aidan, me, Barbara and Kath will come over to help!! Hello to Sue!!
See you all later!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni Carol
Barbara yes it is for the cyst. The weeks go so quick it won't be long to yours.
Kathleen I hope you and Chris are soon feeling better.
Aidan your Dad does so well of course you can brave the chocolate but you will have to come and get it I have not got a car.
Toni sue has the careers 3 times a day except Fri so then we go out for longer I have to help them has I cannot sit doing nothing. i'm. Pleased you have got the shoes.
Carol have a good day.
have a good weekend everyone
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0
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