Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend.(((()))
    Aidan have you noticed more people have car's in there garden's and not flowers.((((())))
    Barbara have a good weekend with your family (((()))
    Toni Happy Belated Birthday to Kris I hope the journey goes well ((((((())))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..lovely and sunny for now..but was it winter last night.. :shock:
    Toni you have a safe journey Northumberland..such a lovely coastline but guess you wont get to see it..there is always another time.. :) I can understand Lucy wanting to be more in control..but you will worry bless thats what mums do..I admire Lucy so much.. :)cars are so costly these days :roll: ..hopefully the next MOT will be ok..thankyou for the anniversary wishes and belated Birthday wishes to Kari t69044... and don't worry about getting to choir when it returns I am good enough for both of us now :lol:
    Joan we have an estate nearby and the council concreted over the front gardens so they could park there cars..its such a shame I remember it being all hedges and flowers..hope you Sue and the little doggies have a good weekend
    Aiden thankyou for the cheesy hash browns, I will have one with my boiled egg.. :D .. the op that DIL is having is something to do with aligning..and lifting the shoulder..she will be in a sling for weeks but has long as it works.
    How did you know OH helped with my meal..but even he couldn't finish it..not after a plate of fish and chips.. :lol: no I am not convinced about OH blood results..he said he has the blood pressure of an 18 year old :shock: :roll: there's a clue..just wish I had been there.. :roll:
    Hope Carol is doing ok..not long till she sees the new GGD :D
    Now I have just had a cup of coffee so we shall see.. :)
    Love to everyone..
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Profiteroles (sigh) and Hash Brown Breakfast Rolls - wonderful Thank you Aidan. :D

    Well we had a downpour here last night. It turned so cold, the heating came on. :shock: Suny now, with a few clouds and a fairly stiff breeze. So I'm wearing my fleece and my socks. I love it.

    Barbara, getting on with things is what I was brought up to do. I think it's our generation, as you are the same. You are in the 20-30 age group aren't you? :lol: "If only" she said. t4591

    Aidan, I don't blame Mother for staying in yesterday. Someone near us must have gone out in the rain though. There is a small area of trees nearby and somebody has slung a bicyclr wheel over the branches of one of them!! :o

    Two hotpots today. Vegan Lancashire Hot pot first.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Now for the Spicy Veggie Hot-pot.

    :animal_busy: t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Yesterday heating on, today, windows flung wide open and fans on again :shock: :shock: You have to love the British weather, no two days are quite the same. (apart from the heatwave)

    I hope you have a lovely trip to Nothumberland Toni, it is a beautiful part of the world, have been many times. I could live on the east coast, always that bit cooler, ,around Berwick on Tweed, Holy Island, just gorgeous.

    Newbiggin by the sea, you must go see the sea :) t4591 Your friends have been asking for a year, so best go look at their caravan, I am sure it will be lovely.

    No Sleek has not sussed, she was shouting to Tosca this morning, general nattering, before they went to gather early Autumn mists. She said Mummy and Daddy were going off in the very expensive tuna can :lol::lol::lol: for a long drive.
    Lucy is keeping an eye and vice versa. Worry, of course you won't worry, none of us would - much :roll: :roll: :? No showers, meals ready, cake and toast, sorted. Nan is close by and Auntie Kari too.

    I will certainly do my bestest to arrange SYTTD for Lucy, just as soon as Sleek, Mother and Mrs D have found her a suitor. t4591 t4591

    Why did I know that Kari would love that Birthday greeting. Daahling. :lol::D

    Yes, all good that there are no DVT's lurking in Dads legs, always a worry when mobility is reduced. I am always conscious of the risk too.

    Take care, enjoy the Premier Inn :)

    Hi Joan and Sue. Funny, we were saying earlier, when watching the dozens of butterflies on our white buddleiah, wonder what is was like a couple of hundred years ago, when there were so many wild meadows and hedgerows and gardens full of plants and flowers.
    So many people get rid of their lawns, then block pave everything. That causes the rain to run off and with all the thousands that do the same, the drains cannot cope with the run off, instead of it soaking into the grass and gardens, as nature intended it to.

    Humans are very good at altering the course of nature. Sadly.

    Hope you are having a nice week end, with better weather today.

    Hi Barbara, it was winter last night :shock: :shock: my fingers were frozen, so the heating went on low.
    Today, another world, warm, well, very warm when the dryer was on and I was ironing more shirts than Tootal had. :lol::lol::lol:

    Everywhere is going to be a concrete jungle isn't it. Glad we live where we do. I know we have gravelled a lot of our garden, but the rain can get through the weed stop.

    Yes, your DIL's shoulder will need raising and re aligning, after all this time, it will have calcified as in set into a slightly off kilter position. Keep PALS informed and push for some sort of action to be taken regarding the length of time it has taken and now faces a pretty lengthy recovery time, again :roll:

    I just had an inkling that Mr B helped with some steak :wink::wink:
    So, he has the blood pressure of an 18 year old, well, that is possible, if he either has a naturally low BP, or is on medication to lower his BP, or is an athlete, who's BP is usually low due to all the training :shock:

    You can ask for a print out of blood results, but you would need to be the patient, or have their permission to obtain it from reception. We shall hatch a plan :? :? 8) 8)

    Glad you liked the hash browns, they are yummy as can be Kath.

    So it was cold with you last night too. Heating on, warm socks, and fleece to keep out the sneaky breezes.

    We all get on with things, sometimes it is not easy. This morning was a supreme effort to get ready, then go pick Dad up and go shopping. But, I managed. :)

    Our generation, yes, being in my teens myself. :lol::lol:

    How kind of someone to throw a bicycle wheel into the tree. A different generation :roll: :roll:

    Now, I can have a little of both hotpots, they look lovely Kath, you have been busy. Thank you.

    Dad came back here, after we had been shopping, B cut his hair, then we had croissants, with cheese - and jam for Dad, Mayo for B and sweet chilli sauce on mine. Very nice too.

    BIL and SIL are coming tomorrow.

    Right, I had better move. It is getting near siesta time.

    Love to all, in and about. Will catch up again later. Lots of sparkles t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Caraway Seed Cake (with lots of butter and clotted cream) Mum used to bake these quite often.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI to all - quite chilly out, but not indoors so no heating on tonight.

    I hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    Toni and Paul I hope you enjoyed your time with friends at Newbiggin by the sea :) Safe journey home. I am sure Lucy will be ok, with Sleek to take charge of her house, until Mummy and Daddy arrive back in the Tuna tin. :wink::lol::lol:

    Sleek was texting Mother at siesta time, all was very quiet I must say, not a screech nor shriek :shock: :? what are they up to now I wonder...........

    It has been a quiet evening here, watching the PGA golf from New Jersey. Pottering a little, doing some washing and drying. B put some very nice towels and bath sheets in the trolley at Sainsb, so they needed a wash before they will dry. All the fluff that comes off them, enough to stuff a cushion.

    He also appeared with two new waste baskets, then put the ancient cabinet that was in the hall, into the car, for the charity shop. Hall is nice and clear now, lots more room. It was not a family heirloom and we were not overly attached to it.

    Now have to find homes for the ornaments and bits and bobs that were either in it, or on it.

    Carol should be well on the way to the kitchen being completed. Cannot be long now until we are all on the bus, to visit Rubie Leigh

    Will see B and SIL after lunch today. Dad wants to take them out, so we will let them enjoy it. We are out often enough, at home time is important.

    The weather forecast is for it to be very wet. Indoors is the best option.

    All the lovelies are just fine, I have been round in the buggy, the fruit mountain has been refreshed. Did we have Wallaby's the last time - I don't think we did. Anyway, we have a fair few now, all settled into their new large enclosure. Johnny must have been on a rescue mission again.

    I seem to be having trouble keeping my eyes open, :shock: :roll: not even over tired, just one of those times when you are a bit "noddy"

    So, I won't dally, or I may fall onto the keyboard :lol::lol: :animal_busy:

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care. XXXX Aidan

    Dark Chocolate Waffles with White Chocolate Custard

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Like Aidan l am still in my teens!!!
    That hot pot was lovely l also tried both Kath:)
    I LOVE it here!! The van is immaculate as l would expect with lovely homely touches. Just like their home in Stoke. They even have the same settee!!

    My friends have a sea view from the caravan and it must be only the length of a caravan and 2 paths to the cliff edge!!

    We had a lovely walk on the beach with the little yorkie and a cuppa in a sea front cafe. A nice room at the hotel so a shower and change before a curry out last night for belated birthday celebrations for one of them.

    Of course l forgot Lucy now has her Aunty Kari nearby :)

    All is well Sleek will be keeping a close eye on her for me.

    Glad Dad had his hair cut before the in-laws come to take him out. Absolutely let them go without you- you two do enough.

    A clear hallway? Much better l bet!

    Wallabies? Well l never - Johnny has been at it again !!

    I am being quiet so Paul can sleep on.

    I have frozen Kaths two hot pots and an extra vegan portion for Kari.

    I hope all is ok with Barbara and family especially DIL with that sore shoulder ((()))

    Carol will soon have her kitchen all done and lovely :)

    In time to go GGD visiting l bet!!

    Hello to Joan and Sue :)

    I hope all is well there.

    Love to everyone Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
    Barbara I know people used to have flowers in their garden's now they have cars.
    Kathleen you are has young has you feel I feel young it's my legs that are worn out.
    Aidan have a good time with your in-laws.
    Toni have a safe journey home I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a very wet one it is too.

    Of course we are in our teens Toni, very early teens :? :? :lol::lol:

    I thought you would like it up in the lowlands of Northumberland. you are not too far from Kielder forrest which is amazing.

    The static sounds lovely, with matching sofa and all immaculate, we love immaculate :)

    Beautiful to have a sea view, in its many moods, winter can be quitte bracing :shock: :shock: So near the cliff edge too :shock: eeek

    Walks on the beach and a cuppa on the sea front. Gorgeous. Glad the hotel was good too.

    Sleek has been reporting back to Tosca, that all is well with Lucy, while Mummy and Daddy are visiting peeples.

    Yes, Auntie Kari, only 5 mins away, nice to know.

    Brother and SIL are here, they have taken Dad out for lunch, BIL has just rung to say Dad was saying why are we not going. Said, we have eaten, go and enjoy your lunch, see you later. Bless him.
    We do do more than enough, so time out is precious and I don't mean that in a selfish way, because if we were needed 24 7, we would be there.

    Hallways is lovely and clear. Tosca approved and chirruped loudly. B has already taken the cabinet to the YMCA, came back with a cooked chicken from Booth's, yum, lunch and supper sorted and Mother enjoyed some too.

    I hope Paul had a nice lay in, he will need a rest for the driving, which you can share if needs be.

    No flying or mist gathering today, weather is too inclement on orders of Hermione. :animal_busy: is very busy, sleeping at the moment. No doubt she will be shouting later :roll: :roll:

    Safe journey home. t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue. Yes, cars have replaced front gardens. There is a push for people to have little wild areas and encourage the bees and butterflies, as some are endangered now. We love to see the bees and flutterbies busy on the plants.
    They are all in hiding today, with it being so wet.

    Brother and SIL will be here soon, so I wanted to write early, or time will be gone, later this afternoon.

    Kath will be along soon, not sure if you will be bringing sweet or savoury Kath, so I will pop a cake out, for T time.

    Hi to everyone else, best fuss a bit more. Leaving love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Catch up again later. XXX Aidan

    Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    ECKY THUMP, wot a corker out there!!!. Windy and pouring with rain. Fluffy sox and fleece again.

    Thank you for the Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes Aidan. My offering is sweet too, a face splat one. Rather messy one actually. It's a jelly. :lol: Or more than one actually.

    Oh Joan, I know what you mean. Car is King, flatten the lovely flowers and park a rust bucket in its place. :shock:


    Yes, Toni and Aidan are teenagers. I sometimes feel 18, but usually I'm a bit closer to 99.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Toni glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound and had a lovely walk on the beach..I love to look out at the sea whatever what weather..the caravan sounds so nice..we always had caravan holiday and I love them more like homes these days..
    Kath thankyou for the veggie hotpot.and the jelly..same here with the weather rain and wind.. :roll: not complaining though..but I do need a little more sun before winter.. :lol:
    Joan its a shame garden are being concreted over..I used to love watching the birds going in and out of the hawthorn hedges.
    Aiden are you sure you have stop the rain dancing.. :shock: so family are over today and dad was looking for you, like you say you need your own space and know that dad is in good hands..we have been on to pals about DILs shoulder they have been really good and are getting her xrays you and Toni are teenagers..well I have to join in because in my head I am..what trouble we could get up to... :lol: yes we can hatch a plan to get OH results..maybe I could dress up has him :lol: ..they don't really know us by site yet..I see your hall is all clear..I do love a good clear out now OH like to hoard....I see we have caraway seed cake , chocolate waffles and cherry are spoiling us..but keep it up :D
    I am back on coffee..just in a morning then its tea ...slowly does it.. :)
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. It has been a bit wet and wild again Kath. Fluffy sox and fleece sounds ideal.
    Heating on low again this evening.

    Your summer fruit elderflower jelly is just wonderful, the perfect face splat..........I even managed to look refined, afterwards :lol::lol::lol:


    You are welcome to the cupcakes, lots of fruit today, more than our 5 a day by my reckoning :)

    Toni and I might be in our early teens, but, the joints etc are way into the next century. :roll: :roll:

    I hope any ouchies are at a minimum t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara We love our Hawthorne hedges that B planted, front and back, they were little twigs when they went in, now they are 6 feet high and a lovely thick hedge. The birds love them, I think they feel safe in there.

    Honestly, no rain dancing, it just decided to pour down for most of the day, my feet were not hop skipping :shock: not intentionally anyway :roll: :roll: :lol: I think it is only going to rain until lunchtime today, then it says 10 days of pleasant weather. Don't quote me on that :? :?

    B and SIL came in with Dad, after they had been for something to eat. They tried the GC, but lunchtime on a Bank Holiday week end there is no chance, the queues for the tables were nearly out of the door. Dad took them to the T rooms, but, as we have said umpteen times, they are not open on a Sunday.

    They ended up at McDonalds :? :? Dad likes it there, we are not so keen, only in an emergency, if we are out and ravenous.

    I am glad the PALS are continuing to provide the right support for your DIL, they will certainly get all the facts together.

    You are a teenager too, of course, we can get up to all sorts of mischief.
    I will work on a plan to get hubby's blood results. Are you both due to go for a Flu Jab? Get the same appointment time and go in together, B and I always go in at the same time, jabbed and out. But, you could nudge Mr B to ask for a print out of his blood results, they cannot refuse.

    Or, dressing up would be another idea :lol::lol: False nose and glasses, like the ones you get at the seaside :lol::lol:

    B likes to get rid of "stuff", same here, as long as it has no sentimental value, then we are not emotionally attached to it. Out it goes. Hall is nice and clear, more room for Mother to do her cartoon running on the spot, during her mad moments :roll: :lol::lol:

    Oh, you are back on coffee, phew, thank goodness. One if fine, if it does not cause any sicklyness then that's good. B is still on T.

    There are SO many goodies to eat, it is a veritable feast. Enjoy.

    I hope Toni and Paul are back home safely. Can you have a rest today now, or are you out and about. Sleek was texting Mother, in Pawhand, so I could not read it :roll: Still a no fly, it is very blustery and wet. I think Mother wanted a lazy couple of days, bless her.
    Oh, SYTTDress is back on, on the 6th September, with my good friend David :D:D from Las Vegas, oh, imagine the glitz daaahling. Tell Lucy :)

    Carol, is the kitchen all finished now? Things back in their rightful place. We are missing you, with your internet and phone problems, as long as you are ok........ t4591

    We are off to the GC with Dad this morning, it will be fairly quiet at 11, before the hoards arrive for lunch. A little shopping and that will do us. I love my little trips out for coffee, a bit of shopping, but apart from that we are home birds.

    B has his eye on decorating, taking a break from beading. After making some amazing necklaces recently, that have been quite complex.

    He is looking at wallpaper, glittery trees, t115006 looks very nice.

    Right, I must away. I need to potter, watch some more golf. Tennis starts tomorrow, have subscribed to amazon prime, as they had taken the rights to show all the major tournaments grrrrrr. Don't want to miss the US Open, Andy is playing, along with all the top names.

    Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXXX Aidan

    Just reading of the shootings at the video game centre in Jacksonville Florida, terrible, just terrible. :cry::cry:

    Cinnamon Flaxseed French Toast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hate guns :( :x :( :x

    They ought to just disappear Aidan and be gone :(
    Would rather we all had cinnamon and flax-seed French toast mmmmm…..thank you. Macchiato waiting for you here :) Plenty for anyone else who loves them Barbara now I hope??

    What a dreadful journey home yesterday!! 4 hours of almost solid rain :roll:

    Sleek was overjoyed to see me and after a quick wee laid down on the bed with her Mummy. I was overjoyed to see her too t4591

    She ventured out just for mist - the rain has stopped, but Mother is having one more day on solid land while the wind settles further. Lucy had already been given the SYTTD update by Miss Slimkins :roll: She can't keep a secret like that :lol: So is that where David has got to then!! So long as he is back in the UK to help Lucy when the time comes.

    I love your face pack...what a good idea to recycle cake like that :D

    Poor dad trying to find the family somewhere nice to eat and ending up at Maccy D's!!!

    Enjoy yourselves today at the GC. We need to travel somewhere today to look at outhouses for Paul....

    Barbara I love coffee, but often end up on tea in the afternoon like you.

    I do hope all goes well for DIL. With PALS on the case they should really sort her out I would think ((()))

    I am 17 years of age exactly! As Aidan says the minds may be a teenager, but less sure about the bones :lol:

    Kath I checked and the summer fruit jelly was veggie so I am sorry to confess I was also straight in the booth! Lovely :)

    The rain yesterday!! Terrible and when I got home the heating went straight on!! Fleece socks too!!

    Morning Joan :) we made it home safe and sound a steadier journey than normal though :)

    Is Carol ok?


    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    We are ok just very busy at the moment as we have GS here till tomorrow morning. the kitchen is almost done just a small amount of paper around the window to be done which will be finished this morning. Then it will be the big tidy up and sort what is to be kept and put back and what is to go so we are so very nearly there. We had youngest daughter here on Saturday afternoon she came over to see GS. Then we took him out for a meal in the evening before he started the wallpapering yesterday. After another visit to the phone shop Mr Ts phone is now working hopefully our house phone will be sorted today as we have the engineer coming to see what is wrong with it. I think it may be the set of phones themselves as it is only the phones the internet is ok Aidan its just that I have just not had a quite moment to type a post its all go here.
    Normal service will be resumed soon as the saying says.

    Well both Mr T and GS are up now so it is breakfast time so I must end here. will pop in again soon. hope you are all doing as well as can be
    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Kathleen Barbara Toni.
    Aidan that's good you all enjoyed yourselves when you were out.
    Kathleen I don't know if I want to be a child of today they have nob manners.
    Barbara we have butterflies in our garden. Did you get set yesterday we did.
    Toni yes it poured down yesterday sorry it was on your journey back.
    take care all
    Joan xx. Hello Carol nice to see you
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..I was chilled again last night so out came my 13 tog duvet..then I had a moment...cant win.. :oJoan we have a large buddleia next door overhanging out garden and its usually full of butterflies but Have only seen a few white ones this year..I did get wet yesterday it never stopped..did the doggies get wet or just you and Sue..
    Toni the weather never let up, thank goodness you got back safely, horrible driving weather.. :roll: I can just imagine miss sleek on the bad with you..all cuddly and purring.. :D not you miss sleek... :lol: now rest time I hope in between your walks..
    Carol you are nearly there with the kitchen :D I bet your GS is enjoying his staying over especially has you are taking him out for something to eat..glad to hear Mr Ts phone is now up and the house phones, we have had trouble over the years with these..we did change them , now one is on the blink again keeps saying needs charging.. :roll:
    Aiden I do have a false nose here and glasses with the thick eyebrows so will give it a go :lol: , I like your plan that he asked for a printout but somehow don't think he will :roll: so dad ended up at McDonalds with the family..bless I find it odd that the older end like the lady that our GD was carer for .. :) I used to like there fillet of fish you we would have to be starving to go in now..or have Niamh with us.. :lol:
    I remember you saying that B had planted the Hawthorn hedge..they do soon grow..I always wonder how the spikes don't hurt the little birds..
    Now keep those feet still, no more rain for a few days at least..
    Us being up to mischief reminds me of our eldest GD being here when she was around 3..and I would say shall we be little devils..the things we got up to while GDad was at work :lol:
    I love the face mask.. :lol: a good face splat.. :D thankyo for the flaxseed toast..very unusual..but good..
    Better move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone.

    Back from my holiday in South Africa. It was a bit of an up and down holiday for various reasons including food poisoning the last few days.

    A few more days until returning to school next week. Not really looking forward to it as my joints have been glaring a little especially the ankles. Also will be in the classroom more which will mean fewer sports trips.

    Hope everyone is well.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Finally, it is not raining. A dry forecast for Monday and it rained all morning :? :shock:

    I hate guns too Toni :cry: Thoughts with those who have lost their lives, who are injured and the families affected t4591 t115006

    Every time you open the news app, there is yet more stabbings, shootings etc.

    Well, it is now well after 11pm. :shock: :shock: The afternoon just went from here, to gone in a flash.

    Evening time, neighbours called, her God Mother who she was very close to, passed away today. We gave lots of comfort and support t4591 t115006

    Now, just sitting for a little while.

    Sorry it was a horrid rainy trip home Toni, it is not nice with lots of rain and spray from traffic, bad for your eyes and makes things even more tiring.

    Of course her Sleekness was more than pleased to see you, she was telling Mother that Mummy and Daddy came back through the river :shock: :lol:

    Kind of Sleek to gather the mists, while Mother rests. I had a reply from David, saying that he had a great time filming in Vegas, for SYTTD, bless him, he always writes back. Usually says, "hi chaps" :)

    I would make sure Lucy was had David, to help choose her dress and we would be in the large entourage :) Off we go to Essex 8) 8)

    Dad didn't really mind McD's, he likes their Mc Chicken thingy. SIL and BIL will eat anywhere :lol::lol:

    Did you find an outhouse, to put Paul in :shock: :shock: :? :?

    The booth has been very busy, it had a sign up, "closed for deep cleaning", I think there was a build up of Jelly :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Hi Carol, nice to see you. You have been busy, with your GS being there finishing off the wallpapering and then all the sorting out afterwards.
    Plus you have had your youngest Daughter there and then going out for dinner.
    Hope all the sorting out goes smoothly. t115006 I will send some sparkles to help.

    Glad that Mr T's phone is ok now and hopefully your phone line will be sorted. good that you have had the internet. Phones do go off kilter after a while, the batteries seem to only last a certain amount of time, then they register as empty.

    hi Joan and Sue, I bet you like to see the butterflies in the garden, they fascinate me, like little earth angels they are. We see them disappear into the woods, if any rain starts to fall, then they all come out as soon as the sun shines.

    Gosh Barbara, you had a 13 tog quilt on, I would have poached in my bed :shock: :lol::lol: no wonder you had a bit of a "moment" . It was cool though, same again tonight, had the heating on for a little while.
    I only have a duvet cover and then a fleecy blanket if I feel chilly in the early hours.

    You have the perfect disguise then Barbara, we will head off to the surgery and I will dress up as Ada, aka Les Dawson :lol::lol::lol: I used to howl watching Cissy and Ada.

    B's Mum used to like the fillet o fish, I have tried it in the past, its ok, but you need about 5, to feel like you have had anything to eat :lol::lol: :? :? or, is that just me, being a piggy.

    The birds dart in and out of the hawthorn, with no trouble, they can navigate their way through, often poking their heads out the top :lol::lol: little Jenny Wren loves it.

    I bet you got up to all sorts with your GD, when she was little, if only Mr B knew :lol::lol::D

    I had to chuckle when I saw that woman covered in jelly but looking immaculate with make up etc. :lol:

    Hi Kerrin, lovely to see you, glad you had a safe journey home. Not so good that you had food poisoning :? :shock: hope you feel a lot better now.
    Some anti ouch sparkles needed I see t115006 t115006 and to help get over the downside bits of the holiday.

    So you will be more classroom based now, that will be quite a shock as you were always out and about busy wise, with one sporting event and another.

    Enjoy the rest of the holidays though and recharge as much as possible. t4591

    Kath, I hope you are ok, we had a day of fasting for Monday. Mind you there was plenty of goodies left from the days before.
    Trust that any ouchies are not being troublesome. Leaving some extra ((())) just in case and the bush babies are on standby.

    the GC was very nice, it was not too busy when we arrived, but people were waiting for tables by the time we left. I was not going to rush my scone and clotted cream though.

    At home day today, need to catch up from the things that didn't get done at the week end. Beds immaculising, dedustification, general fussing etc. Hair cuts too I think :)

    Sleek was on the phone to Mother, I heard one shriek at siesta time, whatever they were discussing, diamonds and tiara's I can bet. I think they are all going out misting this morning, Mrs Darcey, Tomicat, Jericat and Tom Thumb. Mrs D is taking Tom and Sleek is taking Mother in her gel chair. It will be busy on Pendle.

    Well, I had better move my bones. Hi to everyone Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, and all.

    Lots of t4591 and t115006 t115006 to all. Catch up later XXXX Aidan

    Summer Fruit Panzanella (usually a savoury dish, using bread soaked with tomatoes, olive oil, basil etc)

    This one uses croissants, toasted with cinnamon butter

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara Kerrin.
    Aidan sorry about your neighbour's god mother. I cannot see why people can't be friendly and helpful we don't need guns.
    Barbara yes the dogs got wet has well but I rub them with a big towel.
    Kerrin. Sorry about your aches I hope they soon settle down.
    have a good day everyone
    take care love to Kathleen and Carol
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..
    Kerrin its good to hear from you, but sorry things didn't go to well or up and down has you poisoning can be so horrible I hope you are those joints now ready to go back to school..I do hope they ease up for you..
    Joan I bet the doggies like getting wet just to have you dry them with the towel.. :D bless..hope today is a good one for you all..
    Aiden your poor neighbours losing her god nice that have support in your and bill.. t115006 bless..
    We are the same with the GC have to get a table and something to eat for 11.30 12..whether we are hungry or not :lol: glad you we are going to the doctors has cissy and ada..I could say Im OH in drag.. :lol: oh I loved that program..over the garden used to remind me of mum with our neighbour :lol:
    I suddenly get the shivers with these least I think its them..many years ago when I got the bug I had 2 duvet on the bed and was still shivering.. :shock: last night felt warmer..
    Now I will help myself to a couple toasted croissants...thankyou... :D
    today Niamh is coming to give DIL a break ...I can have her polishing... :lol:
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I neglected you yesterday. othing wrong, except busy and tired. I'm glad you didn't starve. :lol:

    My hip is very naughty today but we still managed a trip to the benches. Will change patches later, 24 hours early again. :? Anyway, Martin is coming to do my blood test tomorrow. So I'll pop a couple of dozen Brie and Crabapple tarts in the fridge. :D

    Hello Kerrin, sorry your joints are flaring now yo are back home. :shock:

    Off to snuggle up with the Bush Babies with a bagful of jammie Dodgers in tow. Before I forget, I've voted for my favourite photo in the selection for 2019's Countryfile Calendar. Little Wings. Difficult to choose as they are all so good. t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Quite mild today, windows open, washer on, dryer on, laundry service is busy away.

    Hi Joan and Sue, it would be lovely if so many more people were friendly, but it doesn't seem to work like that, it just gets worse, sad to say.
    We see so many bad things in the news, people almost become complacent with it, oh, another shooting, another bomb.

    I imagine the doggies do get wet, nice that they have a good rub down with a towel :) Do they like having a brush too.

    Hi Barbara, yes, our neighbour was so upset, naturally so, but they left smiling and grateful for a shoulder of support.

    Yep, we can go as Cissy and Ada, I will have big bloomers on, showing below my gaudy dress :lol::lol:

    I am having a bit of a "moment" with the dryer going full blast. Even with the windows open. I think my blood sugar must be taking a dip, usually leaves me in a swelter :roll: :roll:

    Better now I have taken my pills etc. Where was I? :? :roll:

    Oh yes, GC is earlier the better, then have a coffee before you have something to eat. Arrive at lunch time and it is pot luck.

    My mum had kidney problems and she was never warm, well, the only time was when she was in bed with the electric over blanket on, along with duvet, blankets etc. She used to freeze solid in some of the Churches that my Dad took the occasional service in. One of them was SO cold, even I was shivering. Oh it was a damp cold place, in a village that no one ever seemed to live in :shock: :? spooky.

    If you have a bug, your temperature goes up, but you shiver and feel cold, so you put on more layers, which is the total opposite of what needs to be done.

    I hope all the polishing and dusting has been finished, with Niamh going round with the duster. Train them well :)

    Glad to hear that there was nothing wrong yesterday Kath. Busy and tired, yes, can sympathise with that. No, we didn't starve, it was nice to catch up with all the goodies.

    I hope you have had stern words with your hip and told it what for with the new patch. Don't worry too much about changing the patches early, they should last the full time, ie 72 hours, but they have a half life and absorption rates can vary quite a bit. Maybe mention it to the D/N when he comes to do your bloods. A dosage adjustment might not go amiss, to keep a better level of pain relief.

    You still had a trip to your benches, which is more than admirable. Was there a magnum at the end of the potter.

    The brie and crab apple tartlets look lovely, do I spy pecan nuts on top? Even more yummy.

    I will have a look at the Countryfile Calendar and cast my vote. I think most people will guess my choice, given the wonderful t115006 t115006 here in the cafe. Mentioning no Unicorns of course.
    All of the pictures are just spectacular, I could happily vote for each and every one.

    The puskins (en mass) have been out early morning, gathering so much mist that the Nymphs have popped it all into their freezers. Which, turns the mists, into sparkling icicles, that never melt and can be used to build all sorts of things :shock: :shock: t115006 who knew, not I.

    Mother has been shrieking with delight at meeting her extended family. She likes Tom Thumb, yes, I know, she must be soft in her old age.

    I hope you are all ok Toni t4591 t115006 recovering from your long drive to the East Coast.

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, DD, SW, Toady and all. I will catch up again later. More drying to sort..............

    Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Peach and cherry berry sorbet, I know, no cream :shock:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    At last I have my kitchen Back decorating finished yesterday and clean up done and everything back in its place now. However I am afraid I cannot say the same for the house phone Technician from sky came yesterday he decided it was our router and gave us a new one. phone did work yesterday however this morning we found we still had the same problem. so we now have open reach engineer coming out on Thursday as we still cannot get incoming calls. countdown is now 3 full days till I am of to see my little peeples. I will be going on Sunday and coming back on Tuesday late afternoon.

    Joan Hello hope you Sue and the doggies are ok.

    Barbara We have had these phones for a long time and I still think it is the phones but Mr t says the technician said they were ok and it was our router so he fitted a new one. but still not working waiting for another engineer to call on Thursday. so we will see what he says.

    Aidan Yes very busy but it was nice having GS here and also nice that youngest daughter came to see him while he was here. Keeping fingers crossed for Thursday that the home phone will be sorted and although sky technician the phones are ok I still think we need new ones. But we will see.
    the sorting out is all done must have been the sparkles I found in the kitchen.

    Time for a little potter
    lots of love and sparkles tom you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone

    Late on again due to busy day. Some housework and then a visit from Kari and her friend who was visiting. Then l moved a few plants in the garden (oh dear agonising back now silly me) ready for landscapers to clear the area where the summerhouse will be going. Exiting!

    Then off to practise choir songs with neighbours again…we are getting better!

    Aidan thank you for the Summer Fruit Panzanella yum no calories too even better.

    Sleek had a GREAT time this morning she loved having so many cats of different generations all together. She told me that Mother loves Tom-thumb a lot and he is going to listen to her advice from now on – no more escaping apparently…. :shock:

    Now I understand what she was talking about sparkly frozen stuff like in Mummy’s freezer! Of course we drove through rivers, over mountains etc to get back to her!! :roll:

    As for the desserts never fear I have brought is some clotted to go with it… the booth ready for action again?

    Kath I hope things ease for you soon ((())) sending extra jammie dodgers to keep the bush babies going.

    Thanks for the tartlets. YUM! :D

    I’m sure you chose the best photo amongst many excellent ones.

    Welcome home Kerrin. I am sorry you will be in the classroom more, but maybe your joints might prefer it??
    Especially the ankles ((()))

    I have two big towels for Miss Sleek/Slimkind/ Daisycat/Diddicat too. They love being dried don’t they?

    my new niece in law has kidney stones really badly and she gets fevers when they play up. Maybe it’s similar?? She had a CT yesterday (yes a bank holiday) to see if she has to have surgery.

    I often have to wait at out two fav GCs too Obviously the food it good!

    Is your house all dusted and DIL rested? I hope so. :wink:

    Sounds as though your kitchen is probably now Carol thanks to GS. Good when someone in the family can help 

    Phone is not so easily sorted though open reach should be able to help fingers crossed

    Your life has just been a bit mad no pressure to posts so long as you are ok that’s all that matters. :?

    We will be coming down to see new baby with you in the café bus t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx 
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, the nights are drawing in :shock: after siesta, about 8 ish, it was nearly dark :?

    Hi Carol, wonderful to hear that you now have your kitchen back to normal, all decorated, tiled, everything in place, instead of being scattered around the house. I am glad you found the sparkles in the kitchen :) t115006

    Now you have a new router, all good, but, the phones are still not playing ball for more than one day :roll: :roll:
    Let's hope the Openreach guy can soon sort the problem on Thursday. Might be worth keeping an eye and ear out, for some new phones, just in case. Despite them being "ok". They all seem to have a shelf life.

    3 days and counting down, until you go see your little Rubie Leigh. Toni has the bus all ready, full of magic fuel, with no emissions at all.

    Sunday until Tuesday, lovely. We will certainly be there. t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, another busy day and some ouchies are lurking - mmmm, doing a bit too much me thinks. Says me, who was told off for doing too much, puffing and panting with washing etc. :roll: :roll: :?
    oooh, a summerhouse, how fabulous. Just the landscaping to clear the space. Sleek said that Mummy and Daddy were having another house built in her garden :shock:

    Of course you are getting better with your singing practice. :)

    Breakfast was yummy and no calories. All the better.

    Mother seemed to take Tom Thumb under her lugs :lol::lol: she said it was not safe, to keep escaping, not in the human world, much better to be safe in or near to home. He agreed, I think :? :?
    The mist that turns into ice sparkles, is wonderful, it can be fashioned into all sorts of things, with permanent glistening and shimmering. t115006 t115006

    Oh, thank you for the cream, perfect with the tartlets. Yes, the booth has been deep cleaned and the fruit removed from the filtering system. It is supposed to be self cleaning, but with all the recent face plants, it backed up and needed a good immaculising. It was not a pleasant job :mrgreen: All done now and extra rinse aid added to the wash cycle.

    I seem to be having trouble getting the pictures I want from Google. We will see...............

    I have spent far too long messing about with the blessed search engines.

    Mother and Sleek are out early again. It was drizzling earlier, so the mists will be of fine quality. They are going up to the Castle Keep, to watch the world go by, below them.

    Silver has been away, on a mission, deep in the enchanted forest. To a place where only he can reach. No one knows why, but he seems very pleased with himself. :o:o t115006 t115006

    We will likely be at the T room this morning, not been in since last week.

    I had better have a potter around, joints and the like, are a little shouty.

    Hi to everyone, in and about. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Honey and Walnut Baked Brie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).