Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
    Barbara I'm sorry you lost your internet connection I hope it's better now.
    Aidan a day of rest but not for you or B you will find something we always do.
    Carol yes I read you'd swallowed it not a nice taste did you drink a lot of water.
    Toni you always feel nice after having your hair cut.
    take care all have a good day
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I don't use mouthwash Carol, I always swill out with plain water though. My sickiness went after a nice cup of tea. What a lovely day you had with your family.

    Joan, thank you. We were on the benches this morning. Goodness, it was so warm, even at 7.30am.

    Aidan, what a cute ickle bonnet. Does it come in my size? I just love it. I'm also loving the Vermont Breakfast Bread. 3 pieces gone already. Thank you. There were about 5 cakes all together, so plenty for face plants. :D Same today with the lemon drizzle layer cake. Off to the booth I go. I'll be quick and leave it clean, promise. t4591

    I look forward to you and Toni joining us on FB. Elizabeth has joined. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, yes, it's warm, very warm and humid too. Only saying :shock: :roll: :roll: :?

    Hi there Joan and Sue We have had a quiet day really, B didn't ring Dad about hair cuts, another day won't go amiss.
    I always find things to fuss and potter. B is busy with his creations. Not even spoke to any neighbours today, a quick wave, that was all.

    I never get bored, I am quite happy pottering along.

    Hi Kath Glad you sickly feeling went after a cuppa, cannot beat a cup of T, well, coffee in a morning, naturally.

    It is warm, even at early hours of the day. We have 5 fans going at the moment. I think it stayed above 16 degrees overnight, which is quite frankly, silly :roll: :lol::lol: Cooler weather on the way, today is the warmest for us, then it starts to cool off, hoorah. It is nearly Autumn after all. Good that you had a little rest on your benches, did you have a mini magnum :)

    I am sure we can find you a bonnet like the one Tosca was not amused with :lol::lol: What about this one Kath


    The Vermont breakfast bread has mystical powers t115006 , that make you eat more and more, that's my excuse. :D:D

    Good, I am glad there were 5 cakes, Toni will be in here before you know it, for a face dive :)

    The lemon drizzle looks quite sublime, so I will away to the booth and be right back

    Very nice it is too. Wash and rinse is going on.

    Barbara will be along shortly, internet permitting. I bet you are feeling the humidity too Barbara. Not that we are looking forward to Autumn, Winter and Spring........... :? :roll:

    Toni is at the hairdressers, that's right. All looking very nice too.

    Tosca and Sleek were out early doors, I think Mother was asleep for the duration of the mist gathering, but Sleek didn't mind. Of course Mother wanted everyone to be awake when she got back, before 7am. No Mother, it is still bed time :roll:
    Tosca's bonnet has gone missing, I have an inkling it is on top of Pendle, by accident of course :lol::lol:

    Well, it is pill time, yet again. So I will away and sort them out.

    Hi to everyone......Carol, Mig, Christine, Kerrin, DD, Toady, SW, Elizabeth and all.

    Will have a catch up later, in the meantime, take care, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone I'm here
    Aiden no more net problems thank goodness, but we are waiting to see if they will send us a new router..if not then I will look further a field.. :o I love the little cat bonnet..its so sweet.. :D and thankyou for missing me glad someone does.. :lol:

    I don't know were you get all the lovely food from but the Vermont Breakfast Bread looks so good :D an at home day for you and Bill, I am the same never get bored really..what about this weather though I am has gone hotter has the days gone on
    :shock: what strange weather it was raining this morning..
    now you mention Biotene my brother used the mouthwash and toothpaste it was really good
    Carol are you going to see the new baby..I see Toni has the bus ready...glad you had a good day with your daughter..all fed and watered..and put the world to right..
    Joan my internet is fine now for the min...its keeps dropping so I am trying to get a new router.. :)
    Kath I might just look in but wont glad that people are joining though...glad you are feeling better a cuppa is good meds. :D
    Toni thanks for posting even if I had got on..your hair looks lovely by the way..I will bring a picnic basket for the bus ride to see bubba :D
    we have middle GD here at the min ... :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone 

    How do I look? m04127.gifBet you can hardly recognise me ;)

    Kath! Creamy drizzle cake?! Hang on shower cap!!! Lovely tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP……..SPLATT!!! all clean now after the booth hosed me down. I rather like the drying facility

    I’m very sure a tartan bonnet would go very well with your kilt  I managed my walk too am trying to go faster to make me breathe harder and heart work more. Not sure how successful I am!

    I do miss Elizabeth and Christine....

    Hi Barbara I see all is well today no internet issues. Thanks for bringing the picnic basket for our trip to peep at the new little bubba. I can’t wait! Enjoy seeing your middle GD.

    I am also v hot today!! m0150

    Aidan the breakfast bread was lovely I ate loads on my way to the hairdressers….and I love the retro tea for this afternoon. Pinkies out I should think. :wink:

    Sleek said Tosca did sleep through mist collecting, but she doesn’t mind she just likes being with her. She calls her Mother now all the time and yes, she ditched the bonnet at ‘Mother’s request’. Think she wants to stick to the tiara. Sleek restyles her whiskers for her now so they don’t go frizzy :)

    Of course you must wake up when she gets in even if it is 7am!! Any sign of the invitation to Hogwarts yet?

    So B didn’t cut Dad’s hair today, but was busy instead at his beading…… fair enough there’s always tomorrow.

    It is HOT here really HOT!!phew!!! The aircon is busy in the bedroom. m0150

    Tomorrow we are off to Brum again Bridesmaids dress shopping. Google Davids in Birmingham it’s like the SYTTD boutiques!

    Joan I feel much better now my hair is done and can see out of my fringe again!!!

    Carol I am glad you are ok now and am sure you won’t accidentally drink mouthwash again.

    Good job Mr T doesn’t do the wind it up bit just the ‘look’ men eh?! Present company excepted of course Aidan. :shock:

    The bus is immaculate just let us know what time you want us there and we’ll be on the way with a full picnic basket of treats and probably some cats on board!!

    Love to everyone off to bed now

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Barbara Yes I am going to see the baby at the start of September mind you I am trying to sort out weather I go by train and have 2 changes due to industrial action usually don't have to change at all. or to go by coach. and taking slightly longer. although coach would be cheaper. I enjoyed the day with my youngest daughter the one who lives in London a short journey from us. she works in a special needs school and the schools are on summer holiday so she is at home so I went over to visit her. not sure about putting the world to rights though :lol::lol: Glad your internet is ok now what did we do before the internet :lol::lol:

    Aidan yes warm here too 23 degrees at the moment and forecast says lowest tonight is 15 going up to 25 tomorrow. love the bonnet I didn't go to weigh in but I know I have put on but I will be ok when all the kitchen is back together again after the weekend and all things are back in place I certainly don't want to keep gaining. Think I might try Biotene for the dry mouth. the ulcers are getting better and the is fine now no problems with that after about three days. Don't worry I am learning how too deal with the looks, :lol:

    Kath plain water doesn't do any thing for me mind you neither did the mouthwash :lol::lol: :roll: yes I did enjoy some mother and daughter time with my youngest as she is always very busy so it doesn't happen very often. right it is time for a splat into that lemon drizzle cake I will leave the booth nice and clean.

    Joan No the mouthwash was not a nice taste I didn't drink water as I was just going to bed and didn't realise that it would make me feel like that I will know the next time.

    Toni No I have certainly learnt my lesson with the mouthwash. yes as you say Men he is now having trouble answering the blooming phone mind you I couldn't either this evening so bus is ready to go all sparkly clean.

    great fun today went to get repeat prescription ordered online on Thursday not at the chemist :x no one knows why it didn't get sent down to chemist :x :x t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 but after a strongly worded conversation I have my prescription :roll: :roll: That's todays event what will it be tomorrow wonder :? :roll:

    I need a little potter now so off I go

    love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - m0150

    Hi Barbara, of course you are missed, I was all set to send out a search party.
    Talktalk should send a new router, we had three of them when we had TT as our internet provider. They just kept arriving in the post :shock: :shock:

    The cat bonnet is cute, but don't let Mother hear us saying that, she loathed it :lol::lol:

    The food, well, it's all a bit of magic really t115006 t115006 The Vermont bread was just SO good, all soaked in vanilla custard overnight then done to a golden crisp. No calories either :? :?

    The weather has gone bonkers, past couple of days have been really yucky. Not particularly hot, temperature wise, but the humidity. Reminds me of New York. It is going to cool off after today, down to 14 and 6 degrees at night over the week end. :shock: We will be wrapped in blanket by then :lol::lol:

    Biotene is very good, I used it for a while, now I just have bottles of water, wherever we go. Once my mouth dries, I cannot speak at all. Consultant said it is one of the many pills, I forget which.

    Enjoy your time with middle GD :)

    Hi Toni, well, you look fab u lous, Sleek had already sent Mother some pictures, she was very impressed :) You can see us now and vice versa :)

    Well done on the walk, I am doing more deeper breathing, just being more conscious of my resps, as I tend to take very shallow breaths.
    Unfortunately I cannot walk fast any more, which annoys me intensely sometimes. :roll:
    How is the inhaler, helping would you say?

    I know Christine is ok, as in posting on FB, which I reply to. It does seem strange without her and Elizabeth too.

    It was pinkies out for afternoon T, after we had all face planted into the lemon drizzle :lol::lol:

    Mother is very pleased that the unmentionable bonnet, has been left up on Pendle. If we see one of the many sheep wearing it, we won't be surprised :lol::lol:

    Mother likes being called Mother (we have called her than for years now). It is a term of endearment and after all, she did have five gorgeous kittens.

    Good that Sleek has portable straighteners, that plug straight into the broomstick. Keeps Mothers whiskers perky. :D:D

    We are off to Skipton today, with Dad. He wants some new runners for his kitchen, we need some too. There is a guy on the market that sells them, they are very good, last for ages. If he hasn't got the size you want, he makes them to order :) good price too.

    No doubt we will pop into Nero's for coffee and treats. B is having a few days coffee free. I was shaking at the mere thought :shock: :lol::lol:

    There was a note, from Minerva, saying that the invitations are now being sent out, so we are to expect Mothers, very soon t115006

    David's in Birmingham looks amazing, Tosca has it on the crystal ball and said she will look through, with Miss Sleek, in the early hours. Some of the dresses are gorgeous..............have a wonderful time t115006 t115006

    Silver has reminded me that our lovelies, are in need of extra cuddles and fuss. They are all well and cared for by the wonderful keepers and vets, but they do miss us popping by. I took the buggy and had a drive round, lots of fuss, extra fruit and treats, even for the spi--s :shock: ( I didn't go near them of course ).

    Hi Carol nice that you had a good catch up with your youngest Daughter. With her being so busy, time flies away.

    I was reading about all this industrial action and how the roads and rail would be chaos :shock: not quite sure what is going on, but I hope you can get there in one go. As you say, the coach will be cheaper too.

    Summer seems to be rolling on. We have a low of 17 overnight :shock: warmer than London.

    I am sure you will be fine with SW, once everything is sorted at home and your house is back to normal. Hopefully by the end of this week end, all being well.

    give Biotene a go, it should help. Glad your eye is better and your mouth ulcers are mending.

    So Mr T is having trouble answering the phone, I take it that is the mobile? Oh dear, I hope it resolves, he will be Mr grumps otherwise.

    The missing prescription - no one ever knows why, but I am glad it is sorted and you have your pills.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time to leave love and sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    Breakfast potatoes, seasoned with turmeric and served with fluffy scrambles eggs

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Carol you will put on weight having no usable kitchen wait till after that's done before going back so frustrating isn't it?

    Mr T can't answer the phone? Landline or his new mobile? Paul had trouble sussing how to swish the green button onscreen with his mobile when it was I can't get him off it! Football scores, F1 etc :roll:

    The bus is all ready we will meet you and Rubie-Leigh's however you get there :)

    I HATE prescription errors!!!! :x grrr!

    Morning Aidan that breakfast!! Wow fabulous :) Thank you very much.

    Yes Sleek's broomstick does indeed have ports to plug in mobiles straighteners etc... So Mother can remain looking incatulate!!

    So it won't be too long before the ticket arrives and Sleek and Mrs D will go as guests :)

    Davids is fabulous yes and today the girls will be trying on bridesmaids pusskins will be there too making sure the ones they don't like look dreadful on!! :lol: Naughty!

    The inhaler is helping very much with the coughing up (you know what I mean :oops: ) not sure about the breathlessness though. Might need the other type of inhaler in order to alleviate that :? You know when I try to breathe 'properly' it stresses me out!!

    B can have decaf like I do most of the time instead of the 'hard stuff' :wink: I hope you enjoy Nero's anyway and Dad's runners are in stock :D

    I have just done an early morning visit the the sanctuary Johnny was there and most pleased to see me. We went to see the Meerkats who were sunbathing under their special sun thingy. they adore him and chattered away.

    Left yet more fruit for others.....

    Avoided the sp***r enclosure, but sent best wishes via Johnny :? d025.gif

    A quick hello to Joan I hope all is well with you all :) Our grass is turning back green and so the Bessie-Bott is out cutting it again :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni.
    Kathleen it's nice sitting and watching the world go by is it a long way to walk.
    Aidan I hope you enjoy your coffee and treats.
    Barbara yes we had trouble with the router when we were with BT
    now we have Virgin that's ok.
    Carol have a good journey when you go to see Rubies Leigh.
    Toni you feel nice now your hair has been cut.
    take care have a good day everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, the benches are only about three quarters of a mile away, but it takes us about three quarters of an hour to get there - including two sit downs. Then the same back again. It feels suh a long walk.

    Aidan, I prefer the ickle bonnet, but thank you anyway. I'll try a tam o' shanter. Talking of Scotch Bonnets, supper is Scotch Bonnet egs - they will be rather hot and spicy!

    Barbara, the cafe would not be the same without you. You are very loving and funny in a good way. :D

    Toni, I'm glad the inhaler is working for you. Not being able to breathe properly is scary. :? :shock:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, much better today, lots of "lake district rain" the kind that soaks you through. Super misty too. But, we have air and it is less stuffy. :)

    Breakfast was yummy, glad you enjoyed it Toni.

    Sleeks broom and all the others, Mother, Mrs D, Tomicat and Jericat, all have lots of plugs and wifi and usb sockets and lots of magical displays that only the flyer can see.

    Mother is fussy about her whiskers, lugs, no trouble, but whiskers, must be pristine. :roll: :lol::lol:

    There has been an incredible amount of screaming and shreiking since we arrived home, lots of talk of the bridal store and how they doctored the dresses that her and Sleek did not like. :shock: :shock:
    I think they are all glammed out and need a rest, they had a lovely time though, messing about with their wands in the changing rooms. I hope your trip was fruitful and outfits are chosen

    I do understand about the coughing and "clearing" of chests :? maybe a reliever would not go amiss, ie ventolin or similar. I have been quite puffed out the past few days. When it is still and so humid, the air quality is pretty bad.
    I was puffing and blowing today, after very short walks, ie only a few yards. I try and avoid the ventolin though, due to cardiac issues.

    The rug and runner man, was there, on the market in Skipton, so we all have new ones, ours are very nice and fit perfectly, so I can potter in extra comfort. Dad got his too, but I bet a pound to a penny, he won't be happy with them by tomorrow :roll: :roll:

    Nero's was fine, lots of places to sit, so we parked ourselves in the window area, so as to nosy at passers by. It was very busy, summer hols and market day too.
    B had T and I had far too much caffeine :shock: :shock: in my two large americano's. 4 shots in one and 3 in the next :? :?

    Toasties were yum and my chocolate brownie was very very good :)

    I don't blame you for avoiding the spid-r enclosure. There is a fruit mountain now, but it will soon go down. Lots of water cabbage too for the manatee's.

    It is nice to see the land turning green again. A lot more water in the river too, which is great. Bot will be pleased to be back in action again.

    The hawthorn and rowan trees etc, are laden with berries, never seen them so full. The birds will have a field day. It used to be a sign of a bad winter...........Mother always said, more berries, more snow.

    Right, had to take a break, blood sugar was in my boots, :roll: now back up to normal, inhaled some chocolate.##

    Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies too. I think everyone has problems with routers and internet dropping out, no matter who you are with. Glitches.
    Our treats and coffee were very nice thank you.

    Have you had some rain? Not good if you want to go out with the buggies though.

    Hi Kath, the benches are quite a walk away, you do a lot better than I do :oops: :oops:
    Don't blame you for having two sit me downs, I bet it feels like a marathon :shock: :shock:

    You can have the ickle bonnet, with pleasure. I will order one for you, seeing as the one we had is now lost on the moorland.

    I know you are a bit ouchy, so some extra ((())) for you t115006

    Now then, Scotch Bonnet eggs. I have not eaten a Scotch Bonnet, but I have been with those who tried them and it was quite dramatic :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? I might just nibble one little bit, then have the eggs. Thank you.

    Should we have something cooling, in case one of us eats a whole one :shock: :lol::lol:

    We do love Barbara, in fact we all love each other, which is a very good feeling. It is not just a forum, it is slices of our daily lives. We care, share and are always there.

    Being short of breath is completely horrid, as you will know very well. t115006 t115006

    Right. I will have another potter and fuss over the drying. Let me go see what we can have after our eggs and bonnets :)

    Love to Barbara, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, SW, DD, Carol and all.

    Catch up again later, siesta is much needed. Love and Sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan

    New York Baked Vanilla Cheesecake - nice and soothing. Toni, have you got some clotted cream :) Thank you................

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all what a palaver I have had booking tickets for our GD and friend for Leeds festival ..just the one day Sunday..anyway got there in the end..never had trouble before..
    Kath glad I am loved and yes I am so very dotty..ask my neighbours... :lol: glad you manged the walk even if it does take a while you should be proud :D
    Toni I can imagine how awful trying to breath properly is..very I remember right my brother had a contraption to help help him exercise his lungs..will have a its bridesmaids dresses how lovely is exciting :D walking is good but you must build it up and not all at once..
    Aiden how nice that we a;ll look out for one another :D its like the cafe used to be when Val was running it and Trish...
    I am the same with water..must have it with me and at the side of the bed..we have rain but its so very humid..or was it feels a little cooler now..glad you enjoyed Skipton I can imagine it being busy..and you and dad got your runners my mum had them everywhere, and you have given me an idea for my kitchen ..why didn't i think of one from the back door.. :? and it will save my carpet form dirty feet.. :)
    Bill is not having coffee..oh he will be having withdrawals..but the jewellery will keep him occupied :)
    I had the turmeric potatoes for breakfast and now for some cheesecake..thankyou :D
    Joan glad you are happy with virgin ..its so frustrating when things don't work, but touch wood..(my head) all is fine for the min
    Right better go..middle GD is being picked up in a little while.. :(
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all. A far more pleasant evening, nowhere near as humid and a good deal cooler. :D:D

    Hi Barbara. I was just reading an article in the Mail, about the Leeds festival, which is supposed to be a washout with thunder and pouring rain :shock: :shock: which seems to be mainly on Sunday :? :? Your GD and her friend had best take a big brolly :roll:

    The cafe is a lovely place, we all know each other pretty well, after so many years. Valval and Trish, yes, wonderful people, they were both absolute treasures. Trish and I would natter until early morning sometimes. t4591 t4591 It is seven years today, since Dad passed away, I remember Val organised some flowers, for my Dads funeral, I was so touched. t4591

    It has been horrid the past couple of days, but it does feel pleasantly cooler now, no fans on, hoorah.

    Skipton was busy, we were hopeful for a parking spot on the double yellow lines, outside the bank, all taken :roll: went up to the Church and back again, a space was free :)
    Runners bought, two for £16, 6 feet by 2 feet. They are fine. The edges are a little higher than the old ones, so B said, just remember, be careful on the edges.

    I said I will keep an eye, then went into the front room and fell over my slippers :lol::lol::lol: saved by my chair - oh there is no hope :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Most garden centres sell good mats that go inside at the door, to soak up any dirt, then you can just throw them in the washer. They have some at ours, so we will get one next time we go.

    I think B is having withdrawals and I am having vapours from too much caffeine :lol::lol: He might have coffee today, I will persuade him to have one cup at the T room.

    Water water everywhere. We get through one bottle, just popping into town :shock: all of two miles :lol:

    Have you recovered from the shopping trip Toni, so many gorgeous dresses to look at.......... t4591

    The Eggs with scotch bonnet peppers were very nice Kath. I had a nibble on one of the peppers and then took a dive into the cheesecake, for cooling purposes :shock: :lol:

    Dad has an appointment at a health centre in Accrington today, for a doppler on his feet / leg, (the one at our local hospital went kaput). That is just after lunch, so we will have something to eat in the T room in town, before we head off.

    Mothers invitation came down the non existent chimney, she was shrieking with delight when she saw the Hogwarts Stamp.


    Your train will leave, at 0900, on the 1st September, from Platform 9 3/4. You will be escorted by Minerva and your two companions, Miss Diddicat Slimkins and Mrs Darcey.

    No explanation of the order of events, I think another letter will be on the way shortly. t115006 t115006

    Sleek and Mrs Darcey have been informed, they probably heard Mother from here. :shock: :shock:

    On that note, I had best be pottering about, trying not to fall over my own feet. :roll: :roll:

    Hi to Carol, Toni, Kath, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, SW and all.

    Love and Sparkles abound. Take care t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Veggie Breakfast Taco's with scrambled eggs, tomato, courgette and sweet peppers.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning!! I was shattered after shopping yesterday! sorry I failed to get back in :oops: :oops: :oops: feet up it was!!

    Some of the changing rooms were emitting clouds of sparkles you know and one of the dresses the maids liked looked seriously odd on them!! I wonder who that was?!

    Breakfast is lovely thanks Aidan :) As was the cheesecake with Corwall's best clotted cream, but those scotch bonnet eggs :shock: k010.gif


    HOW many shots of coffee? the half life is 6 hours..... :lol: Have some decaf like me it tastes the same :lol::lol::lol:

    Good Dad is having a doppler - safety first and you get to go to the T rooms :)

    Today I am practising choir songs with my neighbours as choir is closed until I think the 30th....

    Kari said I need a Ventolin just before exercise to enable me to do more :shock: My walks aren't as far as Kath's but there are no benches en route :( Yes you do need to minimise use of them just when necessary with your heart. Humidity is dreadful isn't it?

    I love runners I bet Dad's looks fabulous even if he moans, but I suppose they are a trip hazard even for able people and some people can trip over thin air!! mentioning no names :wink:

    Oh how exited was Sleek?!! Over the moon she is!! Then something odd happened...Tosca spoke to ME on the crystal ball (while Sleek was checking on Lucy) she said that something special was going to happen at the 'do' I am not to tell Sleek, but it has to do with Pepe.... t4591 t115006 Not another word would she say :? Her lips were sealed :|

    It was raining in the sanctuary today and only the hippos were out and about....someone told me sp***r season is fast approaching :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Fruit mountain is diminishing, but still taller than me!!

    Keep an eye on your sugar levels young man!!

    Barbara well done getting the tickets I wonder if loads were trying to buy them at the same time as you?

    Do let me know what the contraption was if you can find out I would be more than happy to try anything.

    Davids is fabulous just like SYTTD, but Lucy wants to go to David Emmanuel's place for her wedding dress in Essex when it's her turn :roll:

    I have mats by each door - it helps a bit :?

    Kath those scotch bonnet eggs k010.gif


    My walks can be as much as 40+ mins but as little as 20 depending how I feel. I have no benches en route, but plenty of dogs to stroke and have a breather.

    Joan I wish we had cable it's so much more reliable. I think it's too expensive to lay them for our little village :(

    Right better get on!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen you do so well it does not matter how often you sit you are doing it that's the main thing.
    Aidan I hope it goes well for your Dad.
    Barbara I'm pleased you got the tickets for your granddaughter.
    Toni have a good day today what ever you do.
    take care love to Carol
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 23. Aug 2018, 11:49
    Morning all..its our 49th anniversary today... :shock:
    First of all many Hugs for Aiden ..7 years for dad..I am sure it sometimes seems like yesterday,or then again forever..((())) t4591 t115006 how lovely of Val to organize flowers she was so caring bless her...
    now the mats I do have them at the doors but do people use them..especially the little ones when playing in the a runner would be just be careful ..we don't want anymore accidents.. :shock: our GD is taking wellingtons but like you say they might just need a brolly or 2 and maybe a boat
    glad they are keeping an eye on dad and you can pop into the T room.. :) thankyou for the veggie breakfast .. :D
    Toni I will have a look for the was similar to the test thing they Lucy wants her wedding dress to be designed by David Emmanuel or at least form his shop..and why not..bless are doing well with the regular walks and dog petting on the way..its such a lovely way to meet people.. :D
    Joan yes I got the tickets..the site kept going down..hope you and Sue are doing ok..and have a good day with your doggies.. :D
    We are off out for our anniversary ..something to eat ..not quite sure where.. :lol: better for me in the day..come evening I wouldn't have the energy :roll:
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am feeling so much better today. I put the foot rest up on my lazy boy armchair, and promptly fell asleep. I also changed my patches yesterday afternoon although I wasn't supposed to do it until this morning. It's very rare I can hang on for 72 hours. :?

    Toni, those scotch bonnet eggs - I did warn you. :lol: Singing is excellent for your lungs. Sadly I can't sing a note any more. Partly because of the Bronch and partly because of Sjogren's. :shock:

    Thank you Joan, you do so encourage me with your kind comments. t4591

    Aidan, mind your slippers! Thank goodness your chair stopped your fall. Hope you didn't do what I did and bash your hip. My Lazy Boy is a huge, heavy leather thing, and it did hurt me. I could even hear shrieking from here. We do have the door open on the chain. The local cats stopped dead in their tracks, then scarpered off home. :lol:

    Barbara, I also keep a bottle of water by me at bedtime. I get so dry. :shock:

    Right, first some of Aidan's delicious veggie breakfast tacos. Then off to the booth with a New York Baked Vanilla Cheesecake. Wash mode on, Taptaptap tap tappity SPLATT. Fabulous. And for T, roasted vegetable ravioli with crispy panacetta. BTW I only have two plain coffees a day. t69044 t69044

    Off to have some cuddles and hugs with the lovelies. Taking some Jammie Dodgers with me. :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - quite cool this evening, the heating came on in the morning (Thursday) :shock: :shock: Three days ago we were all wilting.

    Hi Toni, don't worry, I guessed you would have been quite shattered after the shopping trip to the Bridal Boutique.

    Fancy, the puskins up to their tricks, making clothes change shape so as to look "odd". Tosca says it wasn't her, but I beg to differ :? :lol::lol: So Lucy wants to go to Confetti and Lace. Owned by Christine Dando. Why not, she would be on SYTTD and B and I could be in her entourage, I can ask David :D:D:D t4591

    The scotch bonnets peppers are just mind blowing. Do you remember in BB, when the blind chap, ate one, oh it was so funny, I was gasping for breath I was laughing so much. I am sure it is on youtube.

    Ai, just a few shots of coffee :) I had had enough, without a doubt. I only had 6 at the T room. They know I like extra in my coffee and it was very nice. B is still on T at the moment. He will be back on coffee soon, I can tell.

    We had our brunch, then headed off to the big health centre in Accrington. It is HUGE, like a mini hospital. All on one level with various areas, off the central atrium. They even had high seats, for those of us who find it difficult to get up and down from normal chairs. I was quite comfy, for so long, then we kept nipping out for a ciggy ----ooops a breath of fresh air I meant to say :? :? :lol:

    Dad has vascular disease in his legs, which is nothing really abnormal for a person of mature years. No DVT or anything that requires major intervention, just gentle exercise, steady walking. We were waiting for well over an hour, so he must have been nattering.
    He said, it isn't RA in my calf, well, no Dad, it doesn't affect areas like that. I was trying to explain about ischaemic veins and arteries, but I don't think it was going in. :?
    Anyway, he will get an appointment for November, to have another check up.

    We finally arrived home about 4pm. Through pouring rain.

    I hope your singing practice went well. Keeping up to speed, before choir reconvenes next week :)

    Kari is right, using ventolin before exercise is a good idea, a bit like taking GTN spray, if I know something is likely to bring on angina.

    Dad likes his runners :shock: :shock: t'is true. We said to be careful about the edges being higher, but didn't mention that someone fell over his own feet :roll: :roll: :roll:

    So Mother had words, over the crystal ball, regarding the visit to Hogwarts. I do know what it is, but Mother and I must leave it as a surprise for Miss Sleek and Mrs Darcey, who will find out, on the train journey. Minerva will make it quite clear t4591 t115006

    I have been thinking the same, it is sp--r season indeed. I am checking all rooms, regularly :shock: :? Not sure if the hot dry summer will mean less, or more :shock: :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue, I bet it is a lot cooler for you now. I know Sue feels the chill very easily. Are all radiators working now? I do hope so.
    As you will have read, we had a long day, but at least Dad knows what is the problem and what he can do.

    Well Happy Anniversary for yesterday Barbara, I hope you had a lovely day, with lunch out. Daytime is best, I am no good in the evenings either.


    Thank you for the hugs and thoughts. Seven years have just flown by since Dad passed away.
    Val was lovely, so kind to everyone. :cry:

    I think your GD might need a boat, if the rain was anything to go by while we were out. Wellies for sure and brollies.

    Runners are very good, we have quite a few. They do save the carpets, mind you, everyone takes their shoes off when they come in, they know what I am like :roll: :lol::lol:

    Glad to hear that you are feeling a lot better Kath, having a nice rest with your feet up and being a little early with the change of patch is fine.

    Goodness knows how I fell over my own feet :shock: :lol::lol: B said what on earth are you doing :lol::lol: No, I didn't hit anything, just landed in an unsightly manner on the chair I was going to. :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the roasted veg ravioli :) Very nice indeed. Sorry I didn't have time to get in with a cake, but there was plenty of cheesecake left, even after all the face splats.

    I know Carol is having trouble with phones and internet. Hopefully it will be sorted soon.

    Right. Time I was pottering, I am chair shaped. Hi to everyone, in and about.
    At home day today. Will catch up later. Love and sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Off for a potter in the Sanctuary. XX Aidan

    Southwestern sweet potato breakfast burritos

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    It Sue again Joan is walking the dogs we both go every day but Friday is a bit different.
    Thankyou for how you help Joan

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Southwestern sweet potato breakfast burritos - very tasty, thank you. So dad has vascular disease is it PAD? I looked that up when whittling about my Vasculitis as I thought I might have it. Even had the Doppler test on both legs even though my GP had given me the D-dimer. Anyway, I've forgotten all I read. :? My wonderful memory again - where am I any way? :oops:

    Morning Sue, I'm waiting for our usual Tesco delivery. It should arrive between 12-13.00. (twelve till one for dimbos like me :lol: ) Hope you and Joan and the doggies have a good day. :D

    Although we Usually have 2 cups of instant coffee a day, I much prefer tea. We particularly enjoy red tea. We usually have one at about 3pm. Pinkies out. t4591

    Tagliatelli pasta with Rocket, Lambs lettuce and tomatoes. t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - lots of weather today, sun, wind, pouring rain, warm, cool, everything, plus the kitchen sink :shock:

    Hi Sue, of course, it is Suesday, not Saturday which it is in my head :roll: :roll:
    I hope you both had a nice trip into town and got everything that you needed, maybe a coffee and a cake too, most important.

    It is a pleasure to be there for Joan and your lovely self too. Everyone is part of an extended "cafe" family.

    Hi Kath, glad you liked the burrito's, they were rather tasty. (some set asside, for those who fancy one later).

    They didn't give a diagnosis of peripheral artery disease to Dad. More along the lines of some vascular disease, but not an acute problem.

    I forget most things that I read now, goodness knows where I drag my nursing knowledge from. Somewhere deep in the psyche. :?

    I hope Tesco's where on time and everything is done, sorted and put away.

    We did try red tea, it was ok, not one I would buy again though. I cannot drink instant coffee, it just doesn't have the kick :shock: :lol: Our fav tea is Sainsb gold. It actually tastes like T. SIL who will be coming this week end, has the tea bag put in, stir once, take it out, add half a pint of milk :mrgreen: I always say, are you having T without the T :lol::lol:

    Tea at three is quite the right thing. Pinkies out :D:D

    Thank you for the tagliatelle, it looks lovely.

    Mother has had a day in today, :animal_busy: it was very wet and wild this morning so the mists had vanished. She has been screeching to Sleek on her mobile, telling her about the tuna she had at lunch time. Her phones are hidden under her blankets, one in each room.

    Hope you are all ok Toni, is Paul back this week end? Some rest and relaxation planned :? I keep meaning to ask after Rev Delphine and Pom and the lovely lady in the wheelchair.

    Hi Barbara, have you got a busy week end with family, Niamh coming over? See, I am thinking it is Saturday again. Bless, just humour me :lol::lol: :roll:

    Carol will be out for coffee with friends, after lunch with Mr T. A busy week end with the kitchen wallpaper going up. Then it can all be sorted.
    I hope your phone and internet are working now.

    I had better go sort my pills. It is that time already.

    Love and sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 will catch up later. XXXX Aidan

    Double Chocolate Profiterole's With Salted Caramel Cream

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all what storms we have had today..who said we needed rain..
    Aiden you can stop the rain dance now.. :lol:thankyou so much for the anniversary card..I did get one off OH but I forgot to get him one, not that he glad they are keeping an eye on dad..just wish my OH would go ..I did get him there for bloods..well man test..not sure what bloods but he says all is well..umm :roll: the clinic does sound to be big, but all on one floor is good at least they are learning...mind you more walking I suppose..
    Niamh has been today for a couple of hours and Dil has her date for the op the 5th September..about blinking time..I am like B still on tea..but I might just try a coffee tomorrow morning..thankyou for of my favorite :D
    Kath glad you are feeling better..sleep is a good healer...I admire how you get on with things with all you have going on..
    Sue its a pleasure to have you and Joan in the cafe..and nice to look out for one another..hope you got out and didn't get wet...
    Yesterday we went to Curleys in Horwich..its ages since we have been there and really enjoyed has a lovely views over the reservoir..OH had fish and chips and I had a steak..I couldnt eat most of it but I enjoyed what I had.. :D
    Right better move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Something else is happening 9n 5th Sept....can't remember what?
    Whatever it is l am very pleased DIL has her date Barbara:)
    Sorry to have been AWOL
    I have been super busy! It was Kari's birthday today
    Also my cars mot and service and practising choir songs with my lovely neighbours......then curry meal with 13 of the family!
    Car passed (service first so ought to!) New break pads and discs.....wiper blades....and the stuff you put in your tyre was out of date....
    Total bill 493.15!!
    Resting now with cool flannel on forehead!
    Sleek was horrified calculated just how many tins of tuna that would be and......did a 'Pepe' and fainted! On the spot!
    Apologies for being AWOL.
    Love to everyone
    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - well the wind and rain seem to have stopped for now. It has been decidedly chilly so the heating has been on low :shock: I know, last week we were on the verge of bringing the AC out again.

    I have stopped the rain dance Barbara, honest, but, we do need lots of rain to re fill the reservoirs.

    You are very welcome to the Anniversary card. Always good when hubby remembers to give a card. He won't mind you not sending one in return.

    Oh yes, everyone is keeping an eye on Dad, us two more than any others.
    So Mr B went for his bloods and man tests :? He says all the blood results are fine. That's good to know. But you don't sound convinced :? :?

    Yes, the health centre was very big, it would have taken me ages to get to the actual Drs and nurses rooms.

    Hoorah, your DIL finally has a date for her op, the 5th September. Finally, after all this time. t115006
    Niamh has been over as well :)

    I think B will be back on a coffee or two today, it's all T T and more T :lol::lol:
    I love profiteroles too, with lashings of chocolate sauce - mmmm

    Curleys in Horwich - I have just Googled it and the location and the food both look amazing. I would have had the fish and chips too, good choice Mr B :)
    I am sure the steak was beautiful too, did Mr B help out :)

    Glad you had a nice day t4591

    What's happening on the 5th Toni, did we forget something? Who is at hospital or clinic? We will have to be there for Barbara's DIL. I am having my feet done, but no need for the cloaks...............

    Happy Birthday Kari, for yesterday - I could not resist this greeting :D:D:D


    Singing practice with your lovely neighbours, curry night for 13, gosh. Oh and the car service and MOT.

    That is why Mother screeched so loud at siesta time, I nearly fell out of bed :shock: :shock: Sleek had obviously told her about the number of tins of Tuna that Mummy's car cost. At least 500 tins, even Mother had to lay down very quickly.
    I would have needed smelling salts :? :?

    Don't worry about being AWOL, as long as we know you are ok - we know the car is ok :shock:

    Gok Whan is doing SYTTD I see, noticed on Twitter. Where has David gone, I will have to seek him out. :shock:

    Just reading and looking at the video of the knife man attack at Leicester Royal Informary A & E department. The nurses did an amazing job of getting the patients out of danger. All credit to them and glad the man is locked up for years.

    I hope Carol is ok, with phones and internet sorting asap. t115006 t4591

    Hi to Kerrin, I would guess that you are back from your holiday with family in SA. Hope you had a wonderful time.

    hi to Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW, and all.

    Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Cheesy Hash Brown Breakfast Rolls

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Two cheesy hash brown breakie rolls in a tub to take up to Northumberland with us - lovely thanks Aidan :) Paul and I are visiting some friends who bought a caravan up there near New Biggin if anyone knows the area. They have been after us seeing it for a YEAR!!

    We will stay the night in a premier inn 3 miles away and home tomorrow :roll:

    Sleek hasn't sussed we will be off and shouldn't really notice as Lucy is staying on her own. Promised no showers and a ready meal to pop in microwave for her dinner tonight. Plenty of cake and toast will see her through. She wants to try a night on her own :? :shock: I will worry, but she will be fine. Her nan is nearby.

    She is back from mist collection - it was lovely today apparently very dewy and 'fluffy' :?

    She says she will also be in Lucy's entourage and you must use your contacts with David to get her on SYTTD!! Mother and Mrs D are trying to locate a suitable person to marry first...…

    Thank you for Kari's birthday wishes! I have shown her via snapchat and she loved it!

    Such good news that dad has no DVTs :) PHEW!!

    Right onwards and upwards love to Kath and Barbara (Happy anniversary for yesterday! t69044 ) and a woo-ooo! to Joan :)

    Ps hope Carol is ok


    Toni xxx