Val's Cafe
Honey and walnut baked brie....yum
Thanks Aidan
Perfect! Goes very well with a coffee albeit decaf
Definitely I did a bit much I'm afraid, but the plants needed moving to a safer area no choice really :? I hope your ouchies ease off too ((()))
The Norovirus is settling at Charley's work thank goodness; last night only two last week was up to 15!!
The nights are drawing in and it's still August mind you I say that every year!
Yes we had quality mists this morning so Sleek tells gossamer :shock: Where did she learn that word?? The Nymphs I suppose. She said she has an idea where Silver is, but her lips are
She also thinks Mother likes Tom Thumb because she knows with his thumbs he will be a special cat and needs firm guidance from a lady of mature years.....
Waiting to hear from Charley whether we are off to 'David's' today or not for bridesmaid's dresses.....and shoes....
Enjoy the T room. They will be going out of business if you haven't been for so long!
A quick woo-ooo! to Joan
Love to everyone else
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni.
Barbara has the dogs have long coats they shake and it's not too bad just under their tummy's. I hope you have a good day.
Kathleen I hope your pain soon calms down.((()))
Aidan I hope you have a good day today. yes the dogs love being groomed.
Carol good luck with BT good the kitchen is finished.
Toni I hope you have a good day and your aches and pains soon settle down.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
Kath I hope that hip let you get some sleep, its makes life a little more bearable..and hope the bloods are ok...dont worry I always have to change my patches early.. :roll: Brie and crabapple tart sounds nice thankyou
Carol so glad you have your kitchen back..and all mess cleaned up..will your GS be going home now..not the phone again..hope it gets stored soon..I do think back to the non digital phones we never had any trouble..
Toni be extra careful with that back so easy to put it out...a few years ago I moved one pot in the garden..and couldnt legs just would connect..slowly it came back..very scary :shock:
A summer house how lovely...will it have a bar...and a big OH keeps saying he could have one has a cinema room..
at least you have the garden to fit it..
enjoy the shopping at David if Charley rings..
Joan your doggies are the first long haired dachshunds I have ever seen..they have such beautiful coats I would love to groom them
Aiden I did have Niamh polishing..I spray the cloth and off she goes..the shivers are wonder your poor mum was always cold..the trouble with me is I melt normally :roll: so we shouldn't put on extra layers ..I know we strip Niamh down if she has a hard when you are shivering..I need a new thermostat..
have you got your big bloomers ready..or do you think we would get thrown out of the doctors..especially with my false nose
You enjoy the T rooms..not a clue what we are doing..I wonder what Silver saw in the forest..
Now walnut brie and honey sounds good..not that I am allowed chess but maybe a little..
Better move..or I will set
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
My hip isn't quite as bad today thanks to the Bush Babies. Toni, thanks for the extra Jammie Dodgers, I certainly needed more.
Blood test taken this morning, Martin also got rid of some old needles left over from when I used to inject MTX. He's a good lad. I thought I'd got rid of them all. :shock:
Aidan, Honey and Walnut Baked Brie sounds wonderful, thank you.
Carol, I bet you can breathe again now your kitchen is back to normal. We've never looked back since we left Tal Talk for BT.
Thank you for the reassurance re patches. I certainly gave my hip a good talking to, I even added Fenbid gel for good measure. couldn't put my weight on it after we got home, I kept feeling it give way. We did have a Magnum on the benches, Cadbury ones with fruit crystals in. I wasn't keen. :?
Crabapple Jelly on toast. t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, sunny, quite warm, but a pleasant breeze thank goodness, as the dryer is whirring away :roll: Too many wasps about for me to be pegging out on the airer :? :?
The honey / walnut and brie bakes were too good to miss.
Now, doing too much, we are both the same Toni, we see things and think that has to be done, so off we totter and do it, then, we are in trouble :roll: :roll: :? :?
I will ask Mrs Silver, to shake some extra magic sparkles down on us all. Mr Silver is still at his "meeting", deep into the forest, too dense for any of us to get near. :shock:
Mother knows of Silver's meeting and Sleek has an inkling, but nothing can be said, not a word.
Mother was teaching Sleek, new words, referring to her coat as gossamer :shock: :shock: she likes to dreamher coat is lovely, like rabbit fur, but the lugs...........we pretend they are not there and just sneak up with the clippers. :shock:
Can usually get a few smaller ones, while she is half asleep.
So there was / is, norovirus at the home where Charley works. Not nice, in fact horrid. If they have reduced it from 15, to two, within a week, that speaks of high quality hand hygiene and patient care, isolation regime etc. Matron's deepest admiration
Mother speaks of Tom, with big paws, she has a soft spot for him without a doubt. Her letter of recommendation has already gone to Hogwarts :shock: Well, as an elder, you can recommend students, first I knew of it. Rightly so I guess, with her mature years. I wonder who else has been referred to Hogwarts in her lifetime :?: :?: t115006
Did you get to David's, for more dress shopping, shoes, glam things etct115006 t115006
We never made it to the T room, none of us could be bothered, so we just went shopping and came home. I know, what's wrong with me :shock: :shock: They will be out of business by the week end.
We had hair cuts yesterday, which feels a lot better. Much cooler.
Hi Joan and Sue, glad the doggies are ok and like being groomed, their little tummy's are not far from the ground, bless them. A bit like myself really :shock:
Hi Barbara, Niamh is very kind to dash off and polish things once you have charged the cloth. I bet she enjoys it, helping with the housework.
We both need new thermostats, my previous cardio said that my thermostat had been messed up over the years :shock: I am getting a bit warm now, even with a breeze. I am not in favour of an Indian summer, not after the one we have had already.
Big bloomers always at the ready :shock:I think we might get carried away, or locked up, not sure which, if we turn up as Cissy and Ada.
No T rooms as you will have seen, wanted to get back and finish off the washing and fussing. Drying all done now, so we can let the breeze cool us down a bit. Three fans going as well :roll: :roll:
Silver's mission has been kept very well under wraps. Mother knows about it and Sleek has her suspicions. Tosca is not divulging anything, not even for Tuna and Pilchards
You can always have a little wensleydale cheese instead of Brie, as that has a lot less salt in
Hi Kath, good to hear that your hip is not as ouchy today. t115006 Bush babies, sparkles and jammie dodgers always do the trick
Glad the nice DNurse has been and taken bloods, sorted out old sharps for incineration. Best rid, of any old / spare ones. We like nice nurses
You are welcome to the honey walnut and brie bakes, too yummy to stop at just one.
We used to have T Talk and it was good to get rid of them too, to be honest. Remember their system was hacked and all of my personal details (not banks information though) were stolen. So I insisted they end my contract with them, immediately, with no penalties.
I bet you hip was giving some jip, not pleasant when joints give way, like knees, they take me by surprise and just go. Now then, Magnums with fruit crystals in, mm, not sure about them....... :? :?
I will have some crab apple jelly on toast, with French butter of course. Thank you.
What shall we have, cake wise............let me go see what's on offer.
Hi to everyone, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
Will catch up again later. Time for another potter.
Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Devil's Food Cake - there are plenty, so the booth is open for business.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all,
A quiet evening, a little pottering, watching the tennis, on Amazon, for our sins :? Sky / Eurosport no longer have the rights to any of the ATP tour, masters 1000's and the Grand Slams. Horrified. :x :x
Rant Over
I hope everyone is as ok as possible.
I think we must be on two days, until we all get on the bus to go see Rubie Leigh with Carol. I bet you are pleased that you have your house back in order now. Openreach are coming today, if I remember correctly, let's trust they can sort out the phone glitches.
Toni, was there a shopping trip to David's Bridal Store? Sleek never said anything to Mother, when they were texting earlier. I did notice that Silver is back in the open forest now and looking very proud t115006 t115006 Hope your back is easing, extra ((()))
Did you manage to get out and about Barbara. At least all the dusting is doneBless Niamh.
How are the ouchies Kath? Not too troublesome, with new patch in situ and embrel gel to help as well. The bush babies are still there, working their magic. t115006
Think I had better post soon, my eyes are sore and peering through eye gel is not easy :roll: :roll:
Think we are off to Burnley, to the new Primark, apparently it is a huge store, home ware, as well as clothing.
Will catch up with everyone later. Take lots of care, Love and Sparkles to all. XXX Aidan t4591 t115006
Very Berry Vanilla Parfait with Toasted Pecan NutsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Just spooning some of that Parfitt in Aidan as I talk (noo-noo is on!)
We didn't get to David's yesterday, but that was ok by me I had PLENTY to do!
Charley was too tired to stay up so maybe it will be Friday...???
I have a small digger in my back garden and the KEY!!!
Sleek has been out on it!! She thinks it's great :shock: The key was turned not Tommy......Sleek herself it's only small and she used both paws :shock: She has promised Tommy a ride tonight "after those peeples have gone away"
I will take a pic in a mo and then a before and after pic of the area being cleared....
No T room for you either. Maybe yesterday was a 'can't be bothered' day :roll: Your hair looks good though
Sleek is sure she knows what Silver has been doing, (personally I am not convinced she does), but he is back so we might find out soon.
Oh dear me I was straight in the booth with that pud!! Luckily my hair needs a wash anyway
Barbara send Niamh over here I need a polisher!
We didn't get to David's yesterday as Charley was too exhausted bless her maybe tomorrow fingers crossed.
I think the summer house will be lovely - it does have space for a Tv I think and possibly some drinks. I think we can all do our yoga out there
Joan don't worry about me I have just overdone it a bit, but will survive!!
Kath I am pleased to hear the hip has eased a bit. So you had already tried the gel alongside the patches? hmmm....not good is it?
Good old Bush Babies they never fail even if it takes them a day or two to ease it back enough t4591
Good job all sharps are safely disposed of now :?
A slice of crab-apple jelly on toast went down very well for af'noon tea yesterday thanks
Right onwards and upwards eh?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni.
Barbara yes their coats are soft they are very cuddle. I hope you have a good day.
Kathleen i'm sorry you have the pain in your hip hope the patches and cream work well.
Aidan how is your Dad sorry you are having trouble watching the tennis.
Toni you are going to be busy in the garden the weather is warm in September.
have a good day everyone
take care. love to Carol
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
the digger in my garden this morning!
Hi Joan the men (4 of them) are working away like mad!0 -
Us outside David's bridal shop last week Tia is on the left0 -
Heard on our local radio station (Nottingham-not Derby) of a group of peeples doing goat yoga? I don't know what happens there, but the goats seem to enjoy it as they also enjoy smiley faces. So I thought I'd give it a go with our lovely Bush Babies. They were a little confused at first and started throwing each other over their shoulders. :shock: I soon put a stop to that, and they eventually got the hang of it.
I think we'd better cut down on the Jammie Dodgers.
Aidan, I'm slurping away at the Very Berry Vanilla Parfait with Toasted Pecan Nuts. I'll need a bath when I've finished. Although I'm taking some Damson Tart with cheese into the booth, so perhaps I'd better wait.
I can hear the bin men in the distance, so better be on alert for when they arrive. t115006 t4591 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all. Very m0150 here, quite warm, but not oppressive thank goodness.
No visit to Davi's then Toni. Best to go when Charley is a bit less shattered, they have had a heck of a busy time by the sounds of it, in the care home. I like the picture outside David's Bridal Shop
So that is what mother has been creating about, Sleek is driving a big dragon with a huge claw :shock: :shock: Mother had to be teleported home, she was having the vapours that Sleek and Tommy where going on the monster.
I have reassured her that it is a peeples digging machine and it is quite safe, in the right hands / paws :shock: :?
Mother saw the picture and she said, that's the one, with the big claw
Will be nice to see a before and after.
I think yesterday must have been a cannot be bothered day, so no T room.
Hair is feeling a lot better and we are all smart again
Silver is back and seems very happy and content, Sleek has been quizzing Mother, but she is steadfast in not saying a word.
The booth must be working well again, no a trace of chocolate cake to be seen. The new filters are definitely self cleaning.
So we will be doing Yoga in the summerhouse, right, you have a block and tackle to get me up and down?? that's goodNot sure I could sit in the lotus position ever again :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue, Dad is doing ok, we keep an eye and see him at least every other day, if we don't see him, we ring to check all is well and he can always ring us anytime.
Peeples are doing what Kath? Goat Yoga :shock: :shock:
So the goats like smiley faces, bless them, this needs further investigation, can goats do yoga? I know they are good at climbing and make nice cheeses :? :shock:
Sounds like the Bush Babies have had a bit too much of a sugar rush, if they were doing head over heels and throwing each other about. Best give them something savoury, mind, they can spit things a mile, if they don't like it :shock: :shock:
I will set the shower going, so you can have a good rinse down, after the vanilla parfaitI usually need a wash when I have had my scone with jam and cream. :roll:
Hope your hip is not too troublesome today, leaving extra hugs ((())) just in case t115006 t115006
Thank you for the Damson tart it looks wonderful. I will dive into it later.
hi to Barbara, who will be along soon. Hope all is ok with you and yours. Not long now until your DIL goes in for her op. We will be there for that, we have enough cloaks.
Carol will be getting very excited about her trip to see Baby Rubie, along with the rest of us
We went to Burnley, easy disabled parking in the multi storey park, on the ground level, so flat walking to the shops, with a couple of stops along the way. Went into Primark, it is HUGE. B bought three new tops, I didn't buy anything, I was browsing, to see what they had, so we can go back again.
I was not in the mood for trying things on, oh the lather you get into, when you are in a changing booth, it is just not worth it. :roll: :roll: Even B said he would not bother with new jeans, he had a case of the cannot be bothered too
Happy with his tops, we went into the big Mark's, no, I didn't go in the mahusive food hall, we went up to clothes and looked at them. B tried some hats on, they suit him, me, I looked like Elma Fudd. :shock: :shock:
Ohhh, a Mark's cafe, let's go in there. Let's not bother, it is a bun fight to even get in. Sack that, let's go home. It is the last week of school holidays, so we will go back again at a quieter time. Enjoyed the trip though, only about 20 minutes or so to get there.
Lots of butterflies in the garden, they are just loving the white buddleia, B rescued a cutting, from an old one that was being cut down to make way for new static vans. Not often a cutting from a buddleia takes. Love watching them and getting close to them.
Here are a couple of shots from earlier. t69044
Time I was pottering a little. Soon be siesta time and no doubt Mother will be on the phone to Sleek. I don't think there was any mist gathering today, the Nymphs are still busy with the sparkling ice strands. t115006 t115006
Love and Sparkles to one and all. Catch up again later XXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone!!
Aidan thank you for those pics FAB-U-LOUS!!!
I have now got some before and inbetween photos.... watch this space....
The digger is harmless I haven't set foot in it but Tommy and Sleek have taken a million selfies suitably uploaded to catbook :roll:
Sleek said Mother thought it a dangerous thing with vicious teeth or something like that :shock:
I wonder whether the nymphs sparkly ice strands can be added to wedding dresses....mmmmm :?
B did well getting new tops from Primarni. Shame you didn't see anything for yourself and hats well I am not sure whether they suit me at long as I don't look jowly...
I am going to have scrambled eggs on toast before choir practise m0150 Hope Barbara is ready....
Kath goat yoga :shock: :? :shock: :? very odd...
The Bush babies would love it though sounds as though they had had a little too much sugar though :?
The damson tart looks delectable I have brought some clotted cream if anyone wants some?
Toni xx0 -
Hi to one and all. It is quite chilly out, down to 6 degrees I think it says :shock: :?
You are welcome Toni, I love our butterflies, watched them for quite some time, leaning on the work top, just seeing them dance and feed and sunbathe - they truly are Earth Angels t115006
Mother has seen the pictures of Sleek and Tommy on Catbook, if I try and peek, the pages go blank :shock: :? for feline eyes only. :roll:
She is still convinced it is a monster, with funny feetBless.
The sparkling ice could be added to fabrics, but it seems the Nymphs have bigger plans :? :?
B did do well, with his new tops. I will wait until the kids are back at school and the shops are a bit more peaceful. Hats, well, I just look like one of the FlumpsThey suit B, looks very dapper, me, not a chance, jowly is not the word. Major facial lifts required pour moi.
The Train tickets have arrived, one came down the chimney we don't have. Sleek and Mrs Darcey should have theirs too. Expect shrieking :shock: :shock: :roll:
Barbara, now, have I seen Barbara, did she come to choir practice? Should we search for her :shock: I hope all is ok.
Carol, are we on final day countdown, I think we are. Toni will have the bus all ready to go. How are the phones now? Did the Openreach man fix whatever was amiss?
Right, I had better be pottering again, before I set.
We might pop in the T room today, as we are on the doorstep gathering repeat prescriptions, mine come in a shopping trolley.
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Take care, love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Dark Chocolate Raspberry French Toast CasseroleXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all
Its a bright Dry Sunny morning here the temperature has dropped a lot though. Our Kitchen is now all fully functionable now which is good. The house phone is still out of order still no incoming calls we were told by the Openreach engineer yesterday that it is a problem with sky and them and a lot of sky customers in our area are having the same problem, and that they are working on it. he thoroughly checked everything inside and outside the house and nothing is wrong. so we have no idea when it will be working. all I know is that when it is I will be pushing for compensation.
Aidan The pictures of the butterflies are just beautiful I love butterflies. No phones are still not working on incoming calls according to the Openreach engineer yesterday sky have now admitted the fault lies with them and it is now being worked on so we are playing the waiting game at the moment.
Barbara your right we never ever seemed have trouble with the non digital phones. but it appears now that it is definitely not our phones according to the Openreach engineer yesterday I will give it till I get back from my visit to meet Rubie and then I will really go mad at them if it is not working by then because that will be 2 weeks at least that we have not been able to receive incoming calls. GS went home on Monday afternoon after he had finished the wallpapering his girlfriends little boy wasn't well and had to go to the hospital.
Hi to Joan
Kath glad the bush babies helped with the ouchies certainly sound like the jammy dodgers need to be cut down bushbabies throwing one another about indeed whatever next will they get up to the little rascals.:roll:
Toni Love the picture outside the Bridal shop. not sure about the monster digger in you gardenDamson tart very yummy.
Well must be off now for a potter before I set
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
At least you know it's not your phones Carol.
Annoying but at least you have your mobiles so aren't cut off. I am very pleased to hear your kitchen is fully functioning and looking good too
The digger has just goneI shall miss him!!!
Now it's my turn to have disruption.
Sleek is so exited!! I was woken up by her shrieking like a banshee!! (What is one of those???) her ticket is in her ickle house amongst all her treasures.
Outfits been tried on and chucked then tried on again as you can imagine...she is intending to speak to the nymphs!!
Got to dash Kari is here
Need to pop the kettle on and give some of that casserole Aidan!
Woo-oooo! to Joan0 -
For your edification (if you want it)
Dark Chocolate Raspberry French Toast Casserole - all I can say Aidan is MORE PLEASE
I quite agree with advice about the Bush Babies. So to revert them back to their usual placid and kindly selves, I'm trying them with some gluten free tuna, corn and chive tartlets. Can't hurt. They are rather tasty so there's plenty to go round. I've taken a batch to the Bush Baby enclosure, where I've sent them back until they've calmed down. (Bush Babies that is, not tartlets). :?
Beautiful butterfly photos Aidan.
Anyway, Tesco should be here shortly, so better go. Love to all. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, bright, sunny and really quite warm m0150 m0150
Hi Carol, so it is Sky that are having to own up and fix the problem, not Openreach. Let's hope they are on with it and get it sorted as soon as possible. Sounds like a lot of people are experiencing the same thing.
Good that your mobiles are working well. House all back to normal and functioning in the kitchen, all nice and freshly decorated
The butterflies are dancing around the buddleia again, dozens of them. They are beautiful, truly magical.
We must get packing for the trip, are we off in the morning? I think so.
So the monster, sorry, digger, has gone now Toni and you are missing him bless:roll:
Miss Sleek found her ticket then :shock:They are all to meet at 0900, transported to the station by Hermione, ready for the run through the wall. There will be one carriage only. Specially reserved for the three of them, of course Minerva will be there, somewhere.
The time difference is not comparable, hours and hours can pass once you are on the train and at Hogwarts, when only seconds go by here.
I am sure it will be an adventure for them.
There has been conversation with the Nymphs, there was no mists this morning, so they went to the ravine, to natter with their winged friends. Sleek was talking about how many outfits she has tried on and thrown on a pile :shock::roll:
Hi To Kari - waving, wooo woot115006
Thank you for the link Kath, Goga seems rather "interesting", everyone had a good time, being licked and played with, by the goats.Not sure it is something that would catch on, but, you never know, once things go viral
So you liked the breakfast then Kath, I have baked another batch, ready for tomorrow.
I think the bush Babies are not quite so sugar hyper now, so I popped back with the lovely tartlets and they seem to be going down very well. A little dubious at first, but with some encouragement and a little fruit on the side, they were well away. Jammie dodgers are restricted to three each, per day. We cannot have them throwing each other around, high as a kite on sugar :roll:
Hope Tesco were on time and everything as per order and put away.
Hi Barbara, hope you are ok t4591 t115006 Is Niamh coming over today?
Hi to Christine, Joan, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth, and all.
Went to the T room this morning, enjoyed my coffee's and scone with jam and cream, well, some cream, B pinched most of it for his T cake :roll: :roll:
On the way home Dad said did we want to go for lunch, no, we have just been for coffee / cakes etc. Tomorrow, no, croissants and coffee at ours, Sunday then, yes, if you insist, Sunday will be fine, he's a love really.
Lots of Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXX Aidan
We have not had scones with jam and cream recentlyXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all not quite evening..
Sorry I was convinced I had posted yesterday morning.. :? not good is it..even if I didn't press enter it would have still been there on memory is so bad.. :roll:
Batter see what I can remember...bear with me...
Kath is going to try goat yoga with the bush babies..they had it on the TV the goats sit on there backs while they are lay on the floor..and one decide to have a wee...
thankyou for the tarts saves me doing tea..
Carol yes you go off to see Rubbie and the rest of your family ..leave openreach to worry about the phones..I do hope your GS girlfriend little one will be ok ...its always a worry when children are poorly
Toni how posh is Davids you get the bridesmaids dresses..sorry if you said...and I see the summer house is under way..I would really love a goo on one of those diggers..
Aiden what stunning pics of the butterflies, we have had very few here..and mostly white ..the budleia is usually you went off to I do like Primark..I look at this way most of the shops get there clothes from the same suppliers but have been ripping us off for years...I am the same never try anything on take them home and return them is they are not right..saying that I dont buy many clothes ..not like I used to.. :x
Glad to know I was missed..I was so sure I had posted.. :roll:
Oooh just spotted the Dark Chocolate Raspberry French Toast I could eat that all day..will save the scone for later..thankyou..
Joan I love long haired doggy's our Jack Russel was the same all fluffy, my hands would sink into her coat..I still miss her after all these years..hope you and Sue are doing ok
Niamh is coming tomorrow our son is work so we I say we OH mainly will have her for a couple of hours..back to school next week
Love to everyone ..I have Raspberry and chocolate all over my face..t4591 t115006 t4591
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
Of course we missed you Barbara, I was going to put the search party on standby :shock: I thought you had been abducted, like Carol, last week.
As long as you are ok. Don't worry about not pressing enter. Bear with, of course, we are peas in the same pod:roll:
What a shame, not many butterflies. Our white buddleia has been swarmed with them in the last couple of days, far too many to count. I just watch them, in awe, they are so beautiful. t4591
I agree, the main stores all get their clothing lines from the same suppliers, then add their own labels and wide ranging prices. We used to buy quite a lot of clothes umpteen years ago when we were going out a few times a week and I could fit into slim fit tops and jeans. :shock: Yes, it's true
I was working then as well, so more money was available for such luxuries, now, if it fits, I will have it:roll: :roll:
Enjoy the French toast casserole, it is a tad moreish.
Niamh is coming today, while daddy is at work, the Royal WE, will look after her very well
We are at home today, Dad will come round for coffee and croissant. Seems to be a Saturday tradition, he rarely forgets and if he does not appear we ring to remind him.
The train is already at platform 9 3/4, ready for our 3 puskins this morning. Their carriage awaits
We will see what is in store for Miss Daisycat, Mrs Darcey and Mother Tosca t115006 t115006
On that note, I will away. Tosca has a bag to pack and I have to potter.
Love to one and all, lots of hugs and sparkles ((())) t115006 t115006
See you later XX Aidan
Blueberry and Custard BriocheXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Carol Barbara.
Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend.
Aidan have you read Coca cola has bought Costa Coffee. Have a good weekend.
Toni yes the men looked that busy you could not see them moving.
have a good weekend all of you. Good photo's
Carol that's good your kitchen's finished. Have a good weekend
Barbara enjoy your time with Niamh she will keep you busy. Have a good weekend.
Our internet was down yesterday all ok now we just had to pull the plug out for 30 sec.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
She's all packed (finally!) totally overexited and outside waving starting up her broom....yes!! with a last kiss blown Miss Slimkins is off!!!!!!!
I cannot wait to hear how they got on laterMind you that could be sooner than we expect with time passing slower here :?
Now to tidy up the clothes pile and kitchen (tuna everywhere) and litter tray :shock:
Kath that was brilliant!! Goat yoga it really looks quite fun I think our Bush-baby therapy is along those lines you know. They are much calmer now they are eating mostly bush-baby food
Thank you for the tarts I ate one even if they weren't for me??
Aidan it's so good that dad enjoys his food and has these regular trips to yours for treats like that t4591
Routines are good
Thank you for our scones and jam lovely
Kari waved woo-ooo! back. She helped me sort out quite a bit today and in return I took her shopping to places she still hasn't been ASDA! and B&M
Shame she missed the rhubarb and custard brioche she'd have loved them. I am certain they are vegan m0150
I know what you mean about nice clothes. I always like to look nice clean and presentable but these days am out in that sense less often so 'lovely' clothes are less necessary.
Barbara it will be good for Niamh to be back at school next week - Lucy too
New uniform all round.
Sometimes I think I posted too, but really I sat down maybe read some emails and then got on with something else!!
You missed choir practise!! How could you??!! I have photocopied all the music for the October concert ready and got us both new folders ready.
Joan I must post this sign (on the subject of workmen working FAST)
Yes it does say 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Right better get on it's the Summer Fete and guess who is on the tombola??
Love to all
Toni xxx
PS bus is ready to go up and peep at Baby Rubie-Leigh!0 -
Morning all....
Aiden thankyou for the Blueberry and Custard Brioche ..they were lovely..I say I think the pussikins need a chaperone and I am the one to do it..I have always wanted to go through the wall..
could you get me a ticket please..
I am jealous of all the butterflies not a clue what is going on here.. :?hopefully they will just be late..if it fits it will do...
same here I'm afraid..
So an at home day today I am sure dad will not forget bless him..and a lovely morning for a stroll..
Toni the sign 2022 what is that all about is it the new rd they are building..or new lanes.. :shock: ooh choir..and there was me bragging how good I was..I will get Kari joining us..
so its B&M and Asda..
at least she will know were about they are for next time..
Joan glad your internet is back on ..same here keep resetting the router..I would be lost without it unlike my OH...have a good weekend all of you..
Carol have a safe journey to see Rubie..all packed for the bus..
Hope Kath is feeling a little better today.and can get a little walk in on the trail
Right better go OH is on his way with Niamh..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Kath is going to try goat yoga with the bush babies..
they had it on the TV the goats sit on there backs while they are lay on the floor..and one decide to have a wee...
thankyou for the tarts saves me doing tea..
Better not let the Bush Babies see the Manchester Tart (there's jam in it) :? But I'm taking some to the booth. Wash and dry cycle on - TAP TAP TAP taptaptap splat. Who's next?
Brakfast beneath the gazebo today, Chris bought me some more jewellery (a pendant) and I got him some short sleeved shirts. When we got home I fished 5 old watches from my drawer - yes I'm a hoarder. :roll: Will take them to the jewellery stall next week as 3 need new batteries and 2 need new batteries AND new straps.
Toni, I'm glad you enjoyed the goat yoga. You could adapt it for Sleek and Mother.
Happy day everyone. t4591 :animal_busy: :animal_busy:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Well, where do we start.
Our three Amigo's were gathered on Platform 9 3/4 by 0900, perfectly on time.
Excited is not quite the word, there was shrieking and then some. But, they were not alone on the journey.
Invited puskin guests, were also assembled on the train. All Hogwarts scholars and great spell masters. :shock: :shock:
Chattering and shrieking reached an all time high, until the station master blew his whistle and called "all aboard".
Minnerva was waiting for Tosca, Mrs Darcey and Miss Sleek, in their own compartment. Having the ability to change into the feline form, she has a great affinity with all pus cats, knowing their psyche inside out.
No sooner had they left the station, the scenery changed to mountains and valleys, across viaducts, through tunnels, lots of steam - all exciting. Mother was talking of her previous visits, from many many years ago. Minnerva remembered all of them, very well.
Before any more reminiscing, the train had arrived at Hogwarts. To save a little time, Hermione was there to greet them (much to Sleeks delight), they where all whisked on a spell, straight into the hallowed halls. t115006
Into the great hall, where all the new scholars had gathered, in honour of the feline masters of Hogwarts. Their meal was completed.
Much fuss was made, of all the puskins. Mother Tosca was asked to go up to the front of the hall, near to the Sorting Hat.
Mr Harry Potter, as one of the greatest Wizards of Hogwarts, was there, to present an award to Mother Ragamews Tosca. t115006
A beautiful award, for the length of time served, as a fellow student of Hogwarts, reaching over 90 human years. The award was from the House of Hufflepuff, one of the four houses of Hogwarts.
Students belonging to this house are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial. It may be that due to their values, Hufflepuffs are not as competitive as the other houses, and are more modest about their accomplishments. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its students.
It is a large plaque, fortunately it is self levitating, so it will follow Mother around, as and when required. It has its own magic powers, that have yet to be explained.
Mother did her best low bow and accepted the award, with grateful thanks. t4591 t4591
Then, Harry, who had been joined by Hermione and Minnerva, asked that Miss Sleek come to the front of the hall.
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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