Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 1. Sep 2018, 17:30
    Sleek was a little hesitant, but, the cheers for Mother, continued for Miss Sleek. Mrs Darcey walked down the hall with her, for moral support.

    Minnerva said, "we know of your bond with one of our students, who can no longer be with us" Here, in the hall, will stand a bronze statue


    "This will forever mark the friendship you shared, with Apollo Ragamews Pepe, our student, with gliding skills, to match no other. :D "

    "Our Friend Silver, who has been deep into the enchanted forest, has a message for you, " I am well and I am always with you" This note was left, at rainbow bridge t115006 Silver went to collect it, as he is the one and only magical being, who can reach the bridge, in his earthly form".

    Well, there was not a dry eye in the hall, in fact there is not a dry eye here :cry::cry::cry:

    Mrs Darcey was most attentive, with vast amounts of tissues. A little time passed and Sleek soon composed herself.

    "Now, puskins, scholars, enjoy the party. All those who have gone before, would want us to do just that. t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    As they turned round, the tables were a little different, after a touch of magic


    The seafood dinner was most delectable, only felines were allowed, the students had to wait on. Truly wonderful.

    Afterwards, they all watched a friendly game of quidditch, from the high towers, Sleek was shrieking and Mother was having the vapours with the height of the tower :lol::lol: Hanging on very tightly to Mrs Darcey. Fireworks a plenty, blazed across the skies above Hogwarts. Mother felt a little chilly, so she said it was time to go in.

    No sooner had they gone back through the tower door, they were on the train, just pulling into platform 9 3/4. :shock: They were all in awe of the magic that surrounded them. t4591 Minnerva bade them all a fondest farewell, with a peck on the whiskers. t4591 "Count to three" she said to them all. Each one, arrived home, with only 15 minutes of our time passed by.

    The shrieking has been intense, Mother is very very proud of her Hufflepuff honorary plaque and has hidden it under her bed of many blankets.

    I think they will all sleep well at siesta time.

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    I will get to chat to everyone of the human kind, a little later. :lol::lol: Now, I spy some wonderful manchester tart, just what I need Kath. Thank you.

    Catch you all later. XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 2. Sep 2018, 02:00
    Evening all

    All packed for the off tomorrow to see my little peeples I will take some photos to show you if I can. Been a busy today because we decided that with all the things that have happened in the last couple of weeks we would lighten our moods up a bit and do an extra open morning, as we both enjoy doing this together. I then had to do more fussing about and getting things in order for tomorrow.

    now having a relax before a little fussing before bedtime.

    Toni Oh dear you have disruptions it is not the phones and it seems now that it is working again hopefully for good this time

    Kath The tartlets were yummy and they have calmed the bushbabies down a bit.

    Aidan Scones with jam and cream just had to have one or two or was it three?. The house phones now seems ok.
    yes we off on our travels tomorrow. Oh my goodness our pusskins have all had a magical time by the sounds of it.

    Barbara It seems all phones are now working however I only know this because I tried it from my mobile tonight no one from Sky has advised me at all so if I had not tried it I would not have known. I will be making a complaint when I get back home from my trip. GS girlfriends little boy is okay he had been discharged by the time GS got home. glad the bus is all packed we are off in the morning.

    I am going by coach I'm booked on the 12.30 one arriving at 3.15pm.

    Joan Thank you I will have a good weekend away hope you and Sue have a good weekend too.

    it is now time to Potter and fuss before I set chair shaped :lol::lol:

    Love and sparkles t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, gosh, what a busy day it has been, for our furry puskins.

    Now, Friday night it was cool and quite pleasant. Saturday night, it is like a sauna and most unpleasant. :? :? :roll: Melting here.

    Hi Joan and Sue, yes, I had read, somewhere, that Costa had been bought out for many many millions. We tend not to go in there now, just not too fond of their coffee. Nero's is far nicer, but that's me being a coffee snob :lol::lol:
    So you had a mini glitch with the internet. :roll: We have to do that sometimes, static tends to build up on all electrical gadgetry and pulling the plug is often the best way to clear it all.

    Glad all is working well now :D:D

    Hi Toni, so Sleek left in a whirlwind of litter, clothes and tuna :lol::lol: leaving mummy to tidy up. There was great excitement, as you will have read.

    Their day at Hogwarts was exceptional and emotional, they will all be talking about it for weeks. t4591

    Dad came round, bang on 11, for his croissants and coffee :) He was on a roll about times gone by, but otherwise ok. His neighbour has bought a mobility buggy, second hand.

    Now, Dad wants one :shock: :shock: We are steering him away from the idea, it is not the place for taking a buggy off into town!!! Country roads, with tractors and the like, on blind, no way. As B said, it would not go in our car, nor would he be lifting it. The road usable ones are really quite large. :shock: :? :? That is why we all go together in the car, at least every other day.

    Anyway, apart from that, routines are indeed good. He is taking us out to the GC for brunch today, bless his socks.

    Hi Kari, waving back to you :):D:D Kind of her to help her Sis and then you took her shopping, to the proper shops :lol::lol::D

    Yes, the rhubarb and custard brioche is vegan, so is this rhubarb and custard brioche tart (dairy free), help yourself Kari, we might help you, if that's ok


    I always wear crisp white short sleeved shirts and smart trousers when we go out. Nice to present well. At home I am happy in my "lounge wear", to be comfy. No longer followers of fashion trends.

    Oh dear, Barbara is in trouble for missing choir practice :? :? ooops
    I am sure she will be totally on the ball with the up and coming concert in October.

    Delays possible until 2022 :shock: :shock: :shock: what are they building :shock:

    How was the fete, I hope it was good, the weather favourable and the tombola all sold out. I love tombola stalls, always win a tin of beans :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    Good, the bus is all ready, Carol is off first thing this morning.

    Hi Barbara, you are welcome to the blueberry brioche, glad you enjoyed them......... :D:lol:
    Sorry, the puskin train, was full, no owners allowed, only members of Hogwarts I am sorry to say. Sleek and Mother might ask Hermione if you can run through the wall though.

    you will have seen that they had the most wonderful time. All manner of emotions.

    I think many of the butterflies are late, for some reason, you would expect them to be early, given the never ending summer.

    I hope you had a lovely time with Niamh, any more dusting done :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, I did take one of the Manchester Tarts into the booth, it was yummy, hardly any mess, seeing as I ate 99% of it :) We like to keep tidy :lol::lol:

    Breakfast under the Gazebo, very nice too. Then a little shopping I see, a new pendant for your good self and some short sleeved shirts for Chris (a man after my own heart). Long sleeves give me the shivers :roll: :roll:

    So you have quite the collection of watches, not hoarding at all, never is it possible to have too much jewellery, bags, shoes, or anything sparkly t115006 t115006

    Mmm, Sleek and Mother yoga. Sleek might be more accommodating than Mother :shock: :? :? She would happily sit on you though and have cuddles, for so long, then she would be a smiling crocodile :lol::lol: :?

    I hope any ouches are minimised, extra hugs and the possums are on call, for gentle hugs - they don't like jammy dodgers, they do like mealworms though :shock:

    Hi Carol, so, we are all packed, sorry, you, are all packed, ready for your visit to see all the little peeples. Pictures would be wonderful, of you with Rubie Leigh :)

    Glad you enjoyed the open morning at Church. As you say, it is something you love doing, together.

    The home phones are working again now. No surprise that you were not informed, only finding out by chance. If you have been without a working phone line for 2 weeks, then you should get a part refund on the line rental charge, at the very least.

    The puskins have had the most enchanting time. t4591 Lots of sleeping now, before they spend most of the night, nattering to each other.

    Have a lovely time, safe journey, we will be on the Bus, behind you :) Toni will be driving and I will be buttering scones at the back. :D:lol:

    Well, I had better do some more pottering. Maybe have another cool wash, it is so warm tonight, 27 in the lounge :shock: :shock: with fans going, one in every room.

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.

    Love and Sparkled to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Chocolate Twists for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my! What a wonderful glorious and emotional time those cats have had!

    Sleek was back here by 9:15 am exhausted and with her eyes shining. She wheeled her trophy in (she has a sack-truck for such heavier items of course) and told me that it was for her beloved Pepe! HE had been remembered at the ceremony!!

    She said Hermione was in tears because she loved her and Pepe so much (she did have a soft spot for them if I remember rightly) and Silver sent her a message from Pepe himself from the other side of rainbow bridge!! t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Lost of sniffing as she told me all this but her eyes were still shining!

    She told me that she has even more respect for Mother now; "Minerva knows her Mum she's famous!!"

    What a wonderful time they had Mrs D'arcey ate loads of sardines like Mother! Sleek doesn't like them and neither did Pepe. She shudders!

    (PLENTY of tears here too Aidan :cry::cry::cry: ) t69044

    Ok pull self together Toni. Clears throat.

    No way do we want dad driving on country roads on a scooter :shock: :shock: :shock: no need you two take him anywhere he needs to go don't you?

    Enjoy the GC :)

    Kari, her son and new DIL came to the Fete which was lovely. I won a Pom original painting there it's fabulous. Will have to upload you a pic. My nephew won a posh meal for 2 at the Hotel in the next village. It is a great venue super-pricey too :)

    Rhubarb and custard brioche was perfect thank you for ALL of us!!

    The Rd works are this stupid 'smart' motorways on M6 makes the hard shoulder a lane now really scary. No longer can the emergency services come up the hard shoulder to help people :? :shock: :(


    Bus is ready for action! Off to Carol's GGbaby's t4591

    Carol have a safe journey we'll see you there.

    What a nice idea doing something you enjoy together. How wise you both are maybe a tip for a long marriage there...

    Those road works are on the M6 I will do my best to avoid them until 2022!!! :lol:

    I am very pleased to read that your phones are all working :)

    Kath I met these two darlings in France: Not sure which yoga move the one at the back was doing but they were so sweet!

    What are those? Manchester tarts?!!

    ****Grabs arms full****** tap tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP SPLATTT!!!

    Mmm...lovely - had extra to protect the Bush babies in case they are an endangered species :oops:

    Barbara you are of COURSE forgiven for missing choir practise!

    You missed some lovely biccies though :?

    I have copied all your music for the concert on October 13th so you can have a look at that.

    Morning to Joan :) I hope all is well with you both? Overcast here ATM but I know it will be lovely later on :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol.
    Toni yes the workmen won't see it they will be so busy. Have a seat at the Fête.
    Barbara yes we are lost without the internet.
    Kathleen how is your foot knee pain.
    Aidan no we don't like Costa coffee Nero's are better and the staff more helpful and friendly.
    Carol have a good journey I hope it's not to far it can get uncomfortable.
    have a good day
    take care
    Joan xx. Hello Toni xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    This recipe is particularly good for those with Osteoporosis.

    Kefir & Honey Pancakes


    2 cups sifted brown rice flour (or a blend based on rice flour)
    1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
    1 teaspoon salt
    2 teaspoons honey
    2 eggs, slightly beaten
    2 cups goat milk kefir
    2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
    1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

    Measure out 2 cups of sifted flour and place in a large bowl.
    Whisk bicarbonate of soda and salt into flour.
    In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, kefir, melted coconut oil, honey and vanilla extract.
    Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir just until combined.
    Ladle ¼ cup of batter per pancake onto hot lightly greased frying pan.
    Cook pancake until it bubbles on one side, and then flip.
    Cook until browned on other side. Repeat until you are done with the batter.
    Enjoy with a dash of honey!

    Joan, my foot/knee no longer cause me any problems thank you. :D

    I'm so happy that Sleek and Mother enjoyed their magical evening
    out. How lovely that our dear Pepe was remembered too. I hope they took plenty of handkies (lace edged of course) with them. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Toni, what a lovely goat picture. Makes me want some in my (tiny) garden to practice Yoga with, but I think the Bush Babies might get jealous.

    Time to help myself to some of Aidan's rhubarb and custard brioche. Thanking you. t115006 t115006 I got short sleeved shirts for Chris as he always rolls his long sleeved ones up anyway, then moans when they slide down. :roll:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, another warm one it is too. By the second super strong coffee at the GC I was in meltdown :roll: :roll: :lol:

    Wasn't it just THE most wonderful day for the puskins Toni. Who knew that there would be a huge gathering, of pus cats from the four corners of the globe. All great scholars and masters of magic.

    I bet Sleek was exhausted, there is another bronze, to mark the deep companionship that she shared with Pepe, standing in the great hall at Hogwarts, where it will remain forever.

    Her ickle house will need an extension, mind you, it is like the cloak, there are rooms in there that we don't know about. Mother was saying.

    Mrs Darcey was a great companion to both Sleek and Mother, on hand and very attentive. Glad she had a good time and enjoyed her sardines. The message from Silver, sent all those in the Great Hall, into floods of tears.

    Mother holds lots of secrets it seems, going back so many years, with the Hogwart family. She remembers Harry and Hermione when they first arrived.

    Yes, deep breath, rid those areas of hyperventilation...........How are the inhalers doing, helping I hope.

    Mother has had a couple of shrieking episodes this morning, one when Dad rang at silly o clock, I kept saying hello, hello, no response. Rang back 5 times then fell back to sleep. He had no idea that he had called, when we asked. He was going through his phone list of numbers, for family etc, calling everyone I think :roll:

    How lovely that Kari, Son and DIL came to the fete. You won an original painting, by Pom, how amazing. Cannot wait to see it. Then your Nephew won a meal for two at a posh Hotel. :):)

    You are welcome to the Vegan Brioche :) Food for all.

    So the roadworks are on the M6. Not good when the hard shoulder is used as a lane for traffic - where do you go if you break down :shock:

    Long time since we went down the M6, to my Cousin's in Northwich I would guess.

    I will sit at the front of the bus, after brunch, I don't want to get billious :mrgreen: bouncing around. :roll: :roll:

    No, no buggies needed, not when we have the car, 50 yards away from Dads. Once, he said, should I forget it and we both said YES, very loudly.

    Love the pic of the goats, ideal for Kath's Yoga classes

    Hi Joan and Sue, we are lost if the internet goes off, or there is a power cut :shock:
    Glad you prefer Nero's too. The staff are indeed, a lot more accommodating and go the extra mile to help. Not to mention the coffee is so much better.
    Hope you have had a nice week end.

    Hi Kath, the recipe sounds very good and the results, look even better. Thank you kindly.

    Honey is very good, as is propolis, that the bees use to keep their hives sterile. It is very expensive to buy. Anti viral, anti fungal, anti septic........nature has a way. The world would grind to a halt without bees.

    Oh there were SO many lace hankies used at Hogwarts yesterday, Mrs Darcey is doing a hot wash today, bless her, she is a darling puskin.

    Short sleeves all year round, I am terrible, I have to have the lightest jacket / coat, possible. Then I cannot wait to get it off :roll: :lol::lol:

    We had a nice time at the GC today. A lot of people were sat out in the fine weather, so it was fairly quiet inside. Suitably brunched, coffee'd and generally pogged

    At home now, just pottering, all fans on, another hot afternoon. The D Mail is saying we are in for a hot September and October - no, we have had plenty of summer thanks all the same. Can we have Autumn now :roll: :? :?

    Hi to Barbara who will be along soon :)

    Carol will be having lots of cuddles with Rubie Leigh t4591 t4591

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. I will potter some more. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi everyone I'm here

    Kath think I might just start posting in the poem section..dint know I was that good :lol: thanks for the recipe I will give it to my OH to try sounds nice and easy for him :lol:
    Toni one thing to remember on smart motorways the fines are automatic if you break the speed that is shown overhead..its crackers to take up the hard shoulder, like you say what about the emergency services..
    Oh you did well winning one of poms paintings how nice and your nephew winning a posh meal.. :D
    Joan I am glad Neros treat you well..and so they should..not good when the staff aren't nice..
    I hope that Carol has landed safe and was very bumpy on that bus hope she has her feet up ..but somehow I think not :) with plenty of cuddles... :D
    Aiden all the pussykins had such a lovely time they are all asleep has we talk such a long day...but I did get to see the dinning room...that was magical...Hermione managed to get me through the wall..just for a few could feel Pepe emotional..but lovely... t115006
    No dad mustn't get a OH did his back in lifting one for a man on a carpark..they are so heavy..he is must safer with you and Bill :)
    I had better move OH has gone to get me a fish..I just fancied one.. :D
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh I feel like the Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz - "I'm melting, I'm melting......................GC2768.jpg

    Nearly 30 degrees in the lounge :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Anyway, apart from that, I am just "fine" :roll: :roll:

    Hi there Barbara I didn't know we had smart motorways that fine you automatically :o shows how much travelling we do.

    Carol is safe and sound, there is a lovely picture of her with her new GGD Rubie Leigh, on FB. Bless t4591 t4591

    Toni was a very good bus driver, but the road was a bit bumpy and I was little billious at one point, :mrgreen: maybe too many scones that you had finished off buttering at the back of the bus. I heard snoring, was it Kath? :? :? :wink:

    Mother Tosca is sleeping at the moment, we were both wide awake at siesta time, trying to rest was just impossible :roll: :roll: mind racing.

    I am glad you managed to run through the wall on platform 9 3/4, into a different world. The great hall is amazing at Hogwarts, I love the floating candles.
    It was a very emotional day for the puskins and the humans come to think of it :? :? :cry:

    We are doing all we can to dissuade Dad from buying a buggy. I had to sell mine, B could not keep lifting it in and out of the car, even when it was folded and taken apart. Dad is much safer with us, in the car, at least we know where he is :shock:

    Hope you enjoyed your fish :) Brain food as my mother used to say.

    Not a lot else done this evening, far too warm. I think it is going to be cooler this coming week, Praise Be.

    I will keep pottering, if I am moving, I am a tad cooler.

    Love and sparkles to all, in out and about. t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Chickpea flour Omelette Muffins (vegan too).

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Those chickpea muffins Aidan!! To die for!! :D thank you

    If anyone needs a buggy or leccie wheelchair ideally hey also need an adapted vehicle because even the lightest are cumbersome and heavy.

    I hope Dad doesn't make habit of phoning people else you will have to think of a solution... :? oh dear me :?

    Glad you enjoyed the GC we also went to our GC I got some new edge trimmers. I can't wait to use them!!

    Sleek is so happy!! She is in and out grabbing hold of me to remind me about her message from Pepe! t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 She can't stop talking about it! It's really helped her bless her she has taken a 'perfect cloth' and it dusting her (it is smaller than the one at Hogwarts) bust of her and Pepe :)

    There is a line full of pristine white (lace edged Kath!) hankies on the line at my sister's

    Mrs D likes clean washing and will also iron them. Kari said she was worn out when she got home. :animal_busy: She is an elderly pusskin.

    Blimey I was hot in bed last night. Nearly got up to switch the A/C back on!!

    I do drive carefully of course with you all on board. You felt a bit icky because you kept on turning round to talk to people and yes maybe you did eat a little too much too :lol:

    The emergency services have to screech up the fast lane now. Also lorries now have 3 lanes to block up :roll:

    Morning Barbara thanks for that info on smart mways!! They are cheeky aren't they? on smart mways no-one ever gets up to 70 anymore :roll: There are just too many cars :(

    Emergency services have to use the fast lane and we all hope for the best.

    I am still deciding where Pom's painting shall go...

    How lucky are you getting sneaked into Hogwarts!! Wow :D:D :shock: :shock:

    I bet you enjoyed that fish!

    Kath that recipe looks great I might just give it a go myself. It's vegan isn't it? I saw it once on telly supposed to be very good for you.

    I LOVE honey too!

    See above there were plenty of lace edged hankies, Mrs Darcey has washed them all and will iron them later :wink:

    The goats were only babies and were adorable. Yes the bush-babies would be jealous they can be a bit like that :roll:

    Joan I should have sat down at the fete (how did you type it properly with the symbol above Fete?) and did a bit, but not enough.

    I prefer Nero's and Starbucks to Costa.

    Going to peep and Carol's new GGbaby pics on fbook!

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen I'm sorry I don't want to reminded your pain when you haven't got it.
    Aidan I'm glad you enjoyed the garden centre.
    Barbara is Niamh 5years old now.
    Toni I did not know the swirly line was there all things come up sometimes I type with one finger. How is Lucy doing.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    t4591 Don't worry about it Joan t4591 We all have our various pains. Hubby says I'm HIS biggest pain. :lol:
    I heard snoring, was it Kath?
    HUMPH The very idea. (Was I that loud Aidan?) :lol: Chickpea flour Omelette Muffins, delicious thank you. Glad you enjoyed the pancakes. My cake today is a bit of a mouthful to say, so don't try it with your mouth full Toni - whoops, too late. :roll:

    The lace edged handkies look lovely fluttering in the breeze. Mrs D is so helpful. t4591 OOOOOh, must pop to Fb to see Caol's pic. t69044 Barbara, I hope your hubby enjoys making you the Kefir pancakes. Tell him that Kefir is good for making your bones strong.
    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all its has not stopped raining the garden is happy :D
    Aiden so fish is brain food I obviously don't have enough..note to self more fish... :lol:
    Thankyou for the Chickpea flour Omelette Muffins..I do like chickpeas and can just eat then has they are..yes strange I know.. :lol: glad or hope dad wont get a scooter..we don't want Bill doing his back you say even the ones that come to bits are far to heavy..the best one I have seen had a ramp and a remote to take it into the car must cost a fortune to buy :shock: hope you are a little cooler but it is humid here
    Joan Niamh is 6 now..and she keeps saying how many sleeps to when I am August it will be.. :lol: I type with one fingers most of the time depending how my hands feel..
    Kath I have had Kafir ..horrible stuff but suppose to be good for us.. :roll: just wish treacle sponge was :lol:
    Toni it was very warm last night..but we have lots of rain is that summer house coming when its all up and ready enjoy your pruning.. :lol:
    Will go and have a peek at Carol with little Rubie...
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Homemade bread..out of my machine and the presidents butter..thanks to Toni..
    Best thing I have ever bought...the machine I mean..see Kath another poem :lol:
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Cooler today and wet :) Much better.

    Glad you enjoyed the chickpea muffins Toni, they are rather good. I put some in a take out box, for Kari

    Very true, you do need a hoist and or powered ramp, for a mobility scooter / wheelchair, they are back breaking to get in and out, for one person.

    There was no mention of buggies today - dad wasn't even dressed when we arrived at 1030, our normal time. "what time is it"? Well, there are only so many clocks and day date displays you can have in one home.
    Anyway, soon sorted, dressed and out we went in the pouring rain. It was a quick trip to Sainsb' or some essentials, bread, water....., not that we live on bread and water. Well, actually we do :roll: :lol::lol:

    Mother was pleased that Sleek had a personal message from Pepe, she knows how much they adored each other. Mother, less so :shock: :roll: :roll:
    I can imagine she is very proud of the bronze statue, to immaculise with her super cloth, which are just wonderful :)

    All hankies are looking sparkling clean, with lovely lace edges too.

    I have just done a hot wash, towels, t towels etc. all finished and dried. I didn't remember to put any wash liquid in, but everything is nice and clean :? :? :roll: :roll:

    I am sure Mrs D was very tired after her trip to Hogwarts, Mother and Mrs D are both puskins of a certain age.

    I am glad I was not the only one who was a TAD warm yesterday. I was all for dragging the AC back out of its wardrobe home, it really was silly warm.

    Ah, turning round is not the best thing for me to do, it does not aid spondylosis in any way shape or form. Plus eating way too many scones, it is wonder we didn't have to stop the bus :mrgreen: Barbara's smelling salts seemed to bring me round. :shock:

    The driving was excellent, we cannot help the potholes and bends in the road :roll:

    Sounds like a free for all on the motorways, with the emergency services having to race up the outside lane. As you say, with the amount of traffic on the roads, getting to 70 is a rarity.

    I see Costa is getting the least number of likes, in our general opinion pole.

    Who tells the spid--s that it is September?? Two very black biggish ones so far. One in the kitchen and one on the wall behind my bed :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Sleek has been over, while we were out. Mother reluctantly went out, :? :? in full wet weather gear, on the gel seat. There was a huge amount of mist, Pendle had vanished completely and is only now, coming into view.
    The Nymphs are more than grateful, once more, freezing it, to make their ice sparkles.

    Any decision on the placement of Pom's painting? Look forward to seeing it in situ :)

    How is the summerhouse preparation going? Sleek said to Mother, that she is having a special extra house, in her garden.

    Remind Lucy, it is SYTTD Las Vegas, on Friday, 7.30 and 8pm on TLC. Our good friend David is back in the house.

    Hi Joan and Sue. It was very nice at the GC yesterday thank you. The staff know us so well and are very attentive.
    No tea or coffee out today. I think Dad wanted to go, but we said, it is a bit expensive when we are going nearly every day, so we will have a day off instead.

    You are not Hubby's biggest pain, I am sure of it. What is he like :roll: :roll: men, bless em.

    It was gentle snoring, honest Kath :? :? :lol: once Barbara and I had turned you over, you were fine. :)

    Glad you liked the muffins, really tasty they were.

    The cake, mmmmm, lovely, don't worry, I won't try and describe it, I will just face plant in it, thank you kindly. It is delicious, no matter how long the description :D:D

    Hi Barbara, finally stopped raining here, a lot of mizzling rain with some heavy downpours. All welcomed.

    Glad it is cooler though, last night / evening, was just horrible.

    A little bit about Lecithin "It boosts brain health as a whole, thus improving your cognitive ability and memory. Lecithin supplements benefit your brain because they provide you with choline. It's a nutrient that acts as a part of a neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

    Now you are going to ask me to explain it :shock: :lol::lol:

    I don't mind chickpeas, Dad used to put them in all his home made soups, along with pearl barley, lentils etc. Plus, they make perfect humous.

    I have seen the adapted vehicles, in the motability book that comes every month or so. The bigger van type ones, with the ramps and winches etc, cost a small fortune :shock: Different if you are otherwise housebound.

    I am cooler today, much more pleasant. Rest of the week is for cooler and more seasonal, rather than tropical.

    The bread looks wonderful, I will be right over. Can Mr B make some home made chips, to go with it, President butter, naturally :) We have nothing else.

    Right, I had better make a move, I have pottered umpteen times already.

    Love to Carol and her GGD's, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, and all.

    Off for another dip into the wonderful cake Kath made. Love and Sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick bob in to post the pic of Pom's painting:

    Sleek is going out again tomorrow the mists are too good to miss apparently...about 80% is being 'frozen'

    I hope Mother will go along too :roll:

    Made some chutney with all my tomatoes removed from the greenhouses :D

    Very tasty!

    Good old Dad being still in his jammies at 10:30 Glad he can get ready quickly bless him.

    Kari enjoyed her take out thanks :)

    It's cooler tonight I think far more pleasant after the rain today. No need for A/C.

    Lucy was watching recorded SYTTD so very pleased to be remined of new dates including David :)

    Did you say Mr B is making us chips as well as bread with president butter?

    Barbara I am upset that little Niamh is 6!!! I bet she's not though if she wants to be 7!

    No progress on summers house yet still waiting for Paul to sot out his outhouse/garage :roll:

    I did manage a little gardening before the rain :roll:

    Sorry Kath I said - or rather tried to say - the name of the cake!! WHat a mess all over my lap top screen!! He hehe!

    It were right nice ta with a cup of tea :)

    Saw kefir in the co-op today.

    Joan thank you Lucy is doing really well and looking forward to going into work on Wednesday bless her:) Do you use an ipad maybe the IPAD adds 'umlauts' that's what the squiggle is called. Spot the person who did O level German!

    Must dash back lsoon


    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Oh what a busy day I am shattered and will soon be ready for my bed as another busy one tomorrow. From after breakfast until 3.45pm when I shall be boarding the coach home. Will fill you in more tomorrow watch this space :lol: I have had lots of cuddles with Rubie and lots of kisses and hugs from Lillie and Graycie. X

    Love and Sparkles to you all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - much cooler tonight, far more "normal" for the time of year. Autumn officially starts on the 23rd September. Tell that to the spid--s :shock: :?

    I am loving Pom's picture Toni, t4591 skills like my late Dad possessed. I would have to move it from room to room and keep it just in shadow. What an amazing prize to win.

    Mother has not quite decided what to do in the morning. Sleek has told her that the mists are very good. I bet she will go, with Sleek as pilot.

    Home made chutney, very nice too :) Perfect with some cheeses, crusty bread and even more President butter. :D:D

    I think Dad had started getting ready then had a little nap in his chair and time flew by.

    Did Lucy see SYTTD with Gok, it was good, not quite the same without David at the helm, but he did very well. Very fussy bride to be, annoyed me intensely :roll: :roll:

    I am sure Mr B is doing chips, some of Barbara's best home made bread, with President butter smothered on.

    Mother is having a shriek, bless her, talking to her water dish :shock: :roll:

    Hi Carol I bet you are shattered, with all the cuddles and excitement, another early start and then the journey home. The pictures on FB are lovely, with Rubie, Graycie and Lillie. Graycie and Lillie are growing up very quickly :D

    Look forward to hearing more, on your return home. Safe journey and take care. Some extra sparkles, to help ease the long day ahead. t115006 t115006

    Well, I had best be pottering a bit more. I am already up and down like a yo yo, knees a bit like Mother, shrieking :roll: :roll:

    At home day today, maybe a little potter in the garden, bits of tidying to do, wasp dependent. :? :?

    Hi to everyone, in and about. Lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Blueberry Corn Cakes with Maple Syrup


    Silver says Hi :) t115006 t115006

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni.
    Kathleen I heard on the news last night a couple got married he was 91 she was 90 good on them.
    Barbara the time has gone quick I did not think she was 5 yet.
    Aidan Costa are taking peoples photo's and putting them on the coffee what do you think.
    Carol did you have a good journey it was worth it to see the babies.
    Toni That's nice Pom won the picture.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blueberry Corn Cakes with Maple Syrup, thanks so much Aidan. The picture of Silver is amazing. :D

    Joan, 90 and 91, :shock: as you say, good for them. That must have been a grand family occasion. :D

    Walking day today. Oh it did hurt us but the exercise probably did us good. The sit down and Magnums certainly did. :) I'm going to do the online heart test later.

    Toni, I did warn you. :lol: Pom's picture is lovely. Goosey Goosey Ganders. t115006 t115006

    Oh Carol, more hugs and kisses from Lillie and Gaycie, wonderful. t4591

    Herring Brunch - that's a runny egg on top of it Toni. :wink:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..its a lovely sunny day and not so humid..
    My bread pic has diapered.. :o never mind it was good take my word for it.. :lol:
    Toni I love poms pic..she is very talented.. :D so you are making chutney form your us some will you ..
    Joan time does go fast..even my niece at 34 thinks its not just us oldies.. :lol:
    Carol you have a safe journey home...after all the cuddles hopefully you can rest when you get back..
    Aiden I do love this bread machine..I used to make my own but my hands wont cope with it now..or the standing.. :roll: but this machine is has good if not better.. :D must say I do love Autumn..especially the sunny days ...and the light is so different...
    So today is an at home day..we went out mid morning..just for a bit of shopping..oops sorry forgot to say thankyou for the blueberry corn cakes..very nice with a cup of tea :D
    Kath Herring brunch with a runny egg sound well..wont say anything else..its not the egg but combined with herrings..but you did the trail good on you...
    Better move
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All!

    Late in again…how embarrassing. Been busy as per’ a mound of ironing, a visit to Tesco followed by a visit to see my sister and Mrs Darcey.

    Who apparently has been very tired I wonder why :?

    Mother did go with Sleek this morning but slept there and back. Sleek has a trailer thing like parents have at the back of their bikes? Complete with flag on it yes. She woke up to pop in to see Mrs Darcey and collect their hankies back. Mrs darcey gave them both a pack-up with tuna and sardine butties bless her. She is just like Kari. :D

    Thank you for the corn cakes Aidan – I am making blueberry gin!! Will save us all some.

    Of course Lucy saw Gok – she used to love him anyway he was very popular a few years ago before she got ill. He is a sweetie maybe a bit freer with his opinions than David though :?

    Now those 8-legged peeples…they are EARLY and they are HUGE!!!

    Barbara there is chutney in the fridge along with some brie, emmental, cheddar and some seriously strong smelly cheese. A lovely fresh French baton for an evening snack and president butter ‘tendre’ (spreadable!)

    Pom is super-talented isn’t she? I have been moving the painting around the house. Kari will help me decide she being an artist too.

    I saw your bread pic I’m sure I did???? Where has it gone? :?

    My walk was a struggle today Kath so you have my sympathy but I am certain it has done us all good and we shall keep it up!

    I have taken my runny egg off of that herring! Sleek can have that bit :shock:

    How was your heart test?

    Hello Joan I hope you are both well? Pom’s picture is lovely. Geese I think not ducks I don’t know where to hang it yet though.

    Carol it’s lovely to see you I have to nip over to facebook and see those baby pics. Done!!!! Oh how adorable and tiny!! You forget so quickly how tiny they are :D

    All those kisses from Lillie and Graycie can be stored up for when you are back at home. :D

    Safe journey


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - a pleasant day, nice temperatures again. :)

    The day seems to have vanished, fussing, pottering etc, usual daily things.

    Hi Joan and Sue I had seen the machine that puts images onto your pint of beer, I would guess it is something similar. That would be the last thing I wanted to see, my face looking back at me when I was drinking my coffee :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    A marriage at 90 and 91, as you say, good for them. Never too late :)

    Hi Kath I see you have been for you walk, which was a bit ouchy, or is that an understatement :? :? . Some extra ((())) for helping with the pains. I am certain the sit down on the benches and the Magnum's did you the world of good. It would have been an incentive to me for sure

    Glad you enjoyed breakfast and Silver is looking magnificent, even more so since he went on his mission into the Enchanted Forest.

    Herring, same family as sardines. I do prefer mackerel but I will try the herring with pleasure, I do like my fish :) Thank you kindly.

    Right, neighbour has been round and all my afternoon time has gone. So, I will save this and write more later.......................XXX Aidan

    And now it is after 11pm :roll: :roll: Managed to have a siesta, about an hour, but the rest was much needed.

    Hi there Barbara - It has been a pleasant day, the temp is just fine, no melting, you can go about doing washing / drying etc and not end up in a lather.
    I did see your bread pic, I know I did, with the President Butter, to the right of the loaf. Now, who stole it. That's photoshop for you, all they want is to bombard you with adverts. Sorry, rambling now.

    My Mum used to make all the bread by hand, but, as time went on, it became more difficult and she loved her bread machine, Dad would be forever experimenting with new recipes, some wonderful, some an acquired taste :lol: :?

    We will soon be having new Emoji's, with the leaves and all things Autumn. Lovely time of year, apart from the spid--s :shock: :?

    You are very welcome to the Blueberry Corn Cakes, I could not resist them. How is your DIL, I forget when her operation is, brain like a sieve at the moment :roll: :roll:

    Evening All, wasn't that the start of Z Cars, or am I showing my age Toni :shock: :lol:

    Don't worry about being late, I am terrible. I do start with the best of intentions, but when half the neighbourhood decides they want to wave, talk, etc etc. :roll: :roll:

    Visits to see Kari and Mrs Darcey are absolutely necessary :) Bless Mrs D, she will be tired, Mother is the same.

    I thought Mother had gone out, I could hear Sleek nattering away to herself. So Tosca was asleep for the most part :lol::lol: Hankies duly collected and looking immaculised. They must have had a little snack, after Mrs D's packed breakfast.

    Mother did take the chance to explain some more "events" about Hogwarts, from her younger days, when she was a junior student. Long before Harry Potter. Sleek and Mrs D were very attentive. I was not privy to that conversation, it was in sign language. t115006 t115006

    I hope things are progressing in the garden / summerhouse, ventures. Has Paul vanished into the garage yet?

    Blueberry Gin, well, I used to like a G and T, a taste would be rather nice :)

    Gok was very popular, how to look good naked, we used to watch that. He would have his work cut out with me :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    I think the bridesmaids in the SYTTD Las Vegas are a bit of a handful this week :? :? David will prevail I am sure

    8 legs, yes, they are early, word has got out to them, that it is time to invade our homes - I am on constant patrol during the evenings. :? :?

    You had a struggle on your walk, extra ((())) I think we are all a bit more ouchy at the moment, the seasons are a changing. I know my back is complaining to me, even with higher dose of Tramadol today. Onward we go.

    How is Rev Delphine, I keep meaning to ask?

    Carol, I hope you had a safe journey home, no delays. All those bye bye cuddles and kisses. t4591 t4591
    You will need to have a bit of a rest.

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, SW and all.

    I will away and potter a little more, have another check for 8 legs. :?

    Podiatry this morning, at the H Centre, then a trip to the T room might well be in order.

    Hugs ((())) Love t4591 and t115006 t115006 to all. XXX Aidan

    Italian Breakfast Pear Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yum nice breakie Aidan thank you.

    Z cars.....come on now you could only have been a twinkle.... :wink:

    Podiatrist today...for you or Dad? I hope things feel much better afterwards.

    Yes blueberry gin l thought it might be nice? Had some left over blueberries l mean. My plum gine is locely as is the cherry. All bottled up and ready to give as gifts.

    Sleek and Mother were out early doors as the weather has improved. m0150 Mother riding pilliontoday bless her.

    They are picking up Mrs D to visit Tommy Thumb :D
    Mother is giving him 'lessons' :?

    Hi to Joan! I say hear hear to the couple wedding in their 90s go them!!
    Love to everyone
    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni.
    Kathleen what flavour Magnum I like Almond.
    Aidan I expect the coffee would cost more no I don't fancy that
    Barbara our bin day comes around quick. Some shops have got Christmas things In already.
    Toni it must feel like a different world living there.
    have a good day everyone
    take care
    Joan xx Hello Toni xx
    take care
    joan xx