Val's Cafe
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol
. Toni you feel a lot better when your hair has been done.
. Kathleen sorry about your eye yes you have to do the best for both(()))
. Aidan yes food has got so expensive it does not taste like it did.
. I hope your Dad is alright I know you will keep an eye on him.
. Barbara I'm glad everything went alright at the Doctor's more tablets(((())))
. Carol the days go so quick. sue has her teeth everything is fine no sore's thank you for your help.
. take care all we are taking the dogs out now
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Thank you for the Monkey Bread Aidan. I've already been to the booth with a Chocolate Caramel Layer Cake (as you discovered) and now I'm munching Cauliflower and Cheese Hash Browns with a fried egg (runny of course).
Not scared of the op, I've had 7 on my other eye! Just losing my sight in it. :? Oh well mum and I were told by a school clinic optician I was going blind when I was 13. So I can't grumble after all this time.
Oh, almost forgot. We were out this morning, wrapped up warm.
t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007 t110007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all miserable here after the sun yesterday
Aiden sorry I meant to say Alan lived across from us in the 1950s..60s..he now lives in Spain in the sun...he was a redcoat then went on to ne a comedian..
I had a felling you would know what they were testing me for..
Poor dad glad you are on the ball ..I hope he picks up soon its so worrying when they dont eat..bless him t4591
Good thinking letting him go through checkout first like you say you can keep an eye on him...and get coupons you collect necter points I love building them up..we bought our mower last year..
I think we all need to join Jane on the cruises..something we have have never done...
Now let see what was for breakfast a bit late I know..Cauliflower and Cheese Hash Browns ..ooh thankyou..
Carol I dont do online must be scary when you are locked out..mind PP has dont that to me many a time..Happy 7th Birthday to Lillie..bless time goes so quickly..and like you say were did January go :shock: I will go and have a look at the picture on FB..
Kath my sight in my right will go I have macular degeneration's..and always had perfect vision..but you being so young and all those ops..I am sure you will know when the time is right for the cataract op
Joan you alwasy say we plod on ..will it be long before you have the bloods done for your op..I hope today you and Sue have been able to got out..and the little doggies...
love to everyone
t4591 t111055 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - well, it is now 5pm and that is Tuesday gone. I will have to catch up later. Neighbour just been round for a natter and a cuppa, so I guess it forced me to sit a while.
I will be back later, in the meantime I will have some of the wonderful mushroom and gruyere cheese tart that Kath left for us.
Sorry to be in and out in a flash. Everyone take care, Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone
Aidan my day has been as busy as yours and maybe as unproductive!! Luckily I had my hash browns to keep the blood sugar levels up thanks to Kath.
Oh and I did manage an hour practising choir songs for the community service on the 17 with my lovely neighbours. Also had a chat with Pom on the phone and ran Lucy and her visiting friend to the pictures….I’m sure your chat with your neighbour helped especially if it’s the one with angina.
Sleek has been up on Pendle on her own MrsD has kept her jumper on for 3 days so it’s too cold for her too. The nymphs gave Sleek 3 tuna lattes to take away one each and a weak ‘junior’ one with less catteine for Tommy Thumb.
I have used stemetil too Barbara when I’ve had the BDV and they work just annoying that another problem can’t be cured, but all I care about is no MS!!
Thanks my hair looks as usual I just have to go more often now to cover the greys!! Thanks for asking the lungs are doing ok. I had to do a sample (of what I cough up) for the nurse, but the inhalers have certainly helped.
Fame at last eh knowing someone from the Laurel and Hardy film!!
Carol. Now deep breath. Your friend is very lucky that she doesn’t know how there are days when you wouldn’t even get out without your walker!! Keep calm and hobble on ((())) t115006
Lillie is 7 I am horrified when did that happen? We have ‘known’ each other a long time then! :shock:
Hope you can sort out the bank too. :?
Kath I can see why you’d be scared, but slowly loosing your sight isn’t much of an option either is it? We will do our best to make sure the surgeons have lots of luck as well as skill when they do do your operation ((()))
Well done getting out today.
I love gruyere cheese yum thanks for the quiche!
Joan thank you having your hair done is a real boost isn't it? Glad to hear Sue is doing ok with her teeth
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Evening all
I am so tired today I only had about 2 hours sleep last night m nose was really stuffed up again and it kept me awake so ended up in the armchair at 2 am. this morning after have about an hours sleep. then fell asleep about 5am in the armchair and was woken up about 6am when Mr T got up Normally he would not be up until around 8 am but this morning he had to go out at 7am. tried to get a Doctors appt this afternoon only to be told the next appointment she could book for me was in three weeks time the 26th. after telling her I was not happy with that she got the duty doctor to ring me. I am now to use my hay fever spray as regular thing not just when needed, and to double the dose of my antihistamine and take one twice a day for the next three weeks. and if that doesn't work she will book an appointment to see me.
managed to transfer money into GDS account by going to the bank. and then a very nice guy said that he had unlocked my acount. but guess what this evening I tried to transfer money to Youngest GD account for her birthday on Friday and it is still not letting me in. so I have got to go down to the bank again tomorrow to do that. Talk about a frustrating day. :roll: :roll:
Aidan your so right some people just don't understand what having arthritis affects your day and wellbeing. tried to get the pictures of the two youngest to post but i cannot seem to get the link right i will do but time has gone this evening and i am too tired to try and sort it. iI do hate it when someone talks over a person in a wheelchair as it they are not there and talks to the person pushing them. Well i certainly wouldn't use my walker if
i didn't need it. sending dad some hugs (()) and sparkles t115006 as he is not to good again.
Joan yes the time dose go very quickly. Glad Sue is happy with her teeth and is getting on ok with them.
Barbara getting locked out of the online banking is more annoying than scary Thank you for the birthday wishes for Lillie yes time really goes fast. Cruises are fantastic we have been on 4 or maybe its 5 cruises and we are going on one next year to coincide with our golden wedding anniversary.
Toni oh I do have to take deep breaths with my friend sometimes she sure is lucky not to know the pain and how we fight it . she really is it is a good job this was Friday and not today cos I am so tired today I would have had a go at her believe me I would. yes Lillie is 7 cant believe it myself. its my youngest GDs birthday on Friday and she will be 17.
love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - at last a little time to write, in between pottering
Hi Joan and Sue - glad to hear that all the snow and slush has gone and you can get out and about again.
Great that Sue is doing well with her new teeth, no sore gums or problems, big smiles all round eh
Hope you enjoyed your time out with the lovely doggies ((()))
Hi Kath, the booth was quite busy, almost getting to the queue stageit was a mighty good cake though and well worth planting into it
I must try and find some Monkey bread, it looks so good.
It must be quite a dilemma thinking about a cataract operation, sight is so precious. Whatever you decide, we will all be with you 100%. Personally, the benefits would out way the risks, but that is just my take on it t4591
Told at 13 you were going blind, goodness, what a dreadful shock :shock: :shock:
Of course you can have a grumble, rightly so too. A bit like the Drs telling my Dad he would not live past 50 :shock: :? and he was 84 when he passed away t115006
I am sure you ad ya at on on ya walk mi duckkeeping nice and wrapped up. It has rained nearly all day here t111055 t111055 we blame one of the neighbours, for washing her car :roll: :roll:
The quiche was delightful, I could eat that until I popped, with lots of mayo and buttered crusty bread t4591
Hi Barbara - so we have had the same weather this time, wet and grey, at least it isn't snow, thank goodness.
It wasn't until I read a bit more about Alan, that I realised he lived abroad now :roll: Being a red coat and having a nom de plume too. He is a clever man and must be thrilled to see the film come to life. t4591
We were always taught not to diagnose, which was a bit old school and we took no notice really, when you had to "teach" junior Drs the ropes when they arrived on the wards. A patient, what's one of them :roll: :roll: :shock:
Dad sounded a lot brighter today, he had had bacon and eggs, so had some appetite back. He has a routine appt at the Drs on Friday and B always goes in with him, to make sure all bases are covered.
I do collect Nectar points and this time I am going to let them mount up then buy something nice, for the kitchen, or the lounge etc as you said, you bought a lawn mower last yearI always try and get my extra bonus points
Oh yes, I think I could go on a cruise with Jane, it would be great fun, she is so down to earth. B and I used to go out to Wakefield every week end, to the clubs - gosh, that seems a long time ago :? :?
I see you have had a busy day as well Toni. Ours was quite productive for the most part,
Hair cuts for us both, smart again now, many years youngerMother was shrieking, with a look of stay away from me with those clippers :shock: :shock: :? :?
The chambermaids, AKA Bill were in, changing and re making the beds, while wishy washy was in the kitchen, throwing laundry about.
Neighbours visit was fine, yes, the lady who has the angina. Enjoyed her natter and a cuppa, seems ok at the moment, just waiting for a cardio out patient appt at Blackburn. She had sit in Beatrice and was super impressed with how gorgeous she ism0150
You have been busy with singing practice, then chatting to Pom, taking Lucy and her friend to the pictures, all productive
Mother was very pleased with her Tuna Latte, they do have an aroma
No amount of cattiene seems to keep Mother from nodding off
Bless, Mrs D keeping her jumper on, it has been very chilly though, for short fur puskins.
I like the Keep Calm and Hobble On. We need it on some T shirts, just to remind people that we are not using aids, for a bet, they enable us to keep on functioning.
Oh, had another letter back from my MP, with an attached letter from someone very high up in the DWP.A bit of writing about PIP being different from DLA etc etc. They have noticed my reconsideration appeal and they have put forward the letter from my MP, along with my Drs long letter and my appeal letter. Just a waiting game now to see what is decided................... t4591
Oh dear, Carol, you are having a right time with your nose being stuffed up and not being able to sleep.
I hope the extra sprays and antihistamines help as much as possible. Some extra sparkles are in the tissue box t115006 t115006
Of all the times when you wanted to sleep a little longer in your chair and Mr T needed to get up very early :roll: :roll:
An appointment in three weeks time, good grief :shock: :shock: Do they keep some appointments back, each day, for emergencies, like our surgery?
A trip to the bank and one transfer sorted, then try again and you now have to go back to the bank again :roll: :roll: despite being unlocked.
I love the picture on FB of Lillie t4591 t4591
Don't worry, when you have time to sort any more pictures, when you are tired, nothing seems to go right at all.
Some people do not seem to "get" arthritis and its many forms. Assuming it is a bit of an ache in a joint. :roll: :roll: With the adverts that have been running, more people will hopefully realise just how it can and does, change lives, completely. We will potter on, as we do. We are a determined bunch, weebles, we wobble, but we get up again t4591 t115006
Dad seems a bit better, keeping an eye. We will pick him up this morning, take him shopping then he will come back for lunch and his hair cut, that will please him. Thank you for the extra sparkles
I hope you have had a better nights sleep, I sent some sleepy hugs ((())) to help:animal_busy:
Well, I had best be having another potter. Time and tide and all that.
Hi to everyone else, in and about, Mig Kerrin SW DD Elizabeth Christine Toady and all.
Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Welsh Rarebit CroissantsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Carol I had a stuffed up nose and after lots of tests turned out to be blocked by cartilage and need an op which I am yet to brave!
Aidan I am v pleased to hear neighbour is doing ok so far hope her apt is sooner rather than later.
Very good to hear Dad has his appetite back and will be at the Drs supervised by B
Those tuna lattes do have an aroma - too wipe any spillages/splashes promptly
I am trapped here in the dark waiting for the power to come on......sometime soon I hope. Electricity board are upgrading the village and it is off now and again between 5 and 8pm...not the best if times :roll: thank goodness for mobiles!!
And Welsh eaten it breakie thanks!
Hi to Joan hope all is well with you all
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni
. Kathleen you will make the right decision for you we will be there what ever you decide (((((()))))
. Barbara is your computer working now. I've had all the tests just have to wait for the date 6 weeks I think((())))
. Aidan I bet your neighbour enjoyed sitting in your car we have more snow coming(((()))
. Carol I was down town last year on my scooter I heard lady say there are a lot of lazy people about today I did not have the nerve to say anything((()))
. Toni I hope you have your electric back now sorry about your nose problem(((()))
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh Barbara, I'm so sorry. I knew your eyes caused problems, but didn't realise it was Macular Degeneration. Is it dry, or wet? And here's me whittering on about a blooming cataract. I'll let you all know when the deed will be done, I know you will be under the cloak for me, thank you. It'll probably be a year or so though.
Toni, surgery for you too. How very unpleasant for you. :?
Carol, I hope you feel better soon, I loved your photo of Lillie on FB.
Joan, I'm glad to hear Sue is getting on well with her new teeth.
Smart boy Aidan, thank you for the Welsh Rarebit Croissants. Very tasty. I need 2 of those Keep Calm and hobble T-shirts, one large for Chris and one enormous for me.
Cheesy Linguine
150g (5.3oz) of linguine
2 tbs olive oil
1 – 2 lemons (To remove the zest from the fruit, use a vegetable peeler)
1 tbs garlic and 1 onion chopped
2 tbs chopped parsley
1 tsp any other fresh herb on hand (thyme, rosemary, basil, fennel, dill)
A handful of grated parmesan cheese
Basil leaves (optional)
Recipe Summary
An easy to prepare dish designed for somebody who would like a ‘fast food’ (cooking time ~20mins). It is noticeable that this recipe uses a fair amount of cheese. Cheese, in fact is rather useful if one would like to have a meat free meal. This dairy product is packed with protein and calcium, not to mention Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, phosphorous and magnesium. Unlike in North America, we do not fortify our milk with Vitamin D.
Bring water to boil, add in olive oil and then the linguine. Cook as directed by the packet. Add a handful of fresh herbs, a generous squeeze of lemon juice and zest. Lightly brown the garlic and onion on a frying pan.
Once the linguine is done, remove it from the boiling water. Drain well and transfer the cooked pasta directly into the frying pan with the garlic and onion. Add remaining fresh herbs. Mix well, after a few minutes add the grated parmesan cheese and a generous sprinkling of olive oil on top. Add a few basil leaves on top of the linguine as a finishing decoration.
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, yes, me, here in an afternoon. It seems a long time. :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, are we all going in to the same clinic, for various ops and procedures, eyes, noses etc. I will have my carpel tunnels released at the same time :? :?
I forget the date for our neighbours Cardio appt, but it is not far away, sooner the better t4591
Dad has sort of got some appetite back, had half a large croissant with cheese, mayo etc and then some lemon cheesecake. We keep saying to drink more, or he will end up in hospital, speech a little slurred, which is often a sign of reduced fluid intake. But, you can lead a horse to water..............
He is happy that his hair has been cut, three smart boys now
He doesn't mind B going in with him at the Drs, to be honest, I think he is glad, he knows he would forget things. Mini mental test again on Friday. :? :?
Tuna latte's are slightly better than pilchard ones, even Miss Sleek is billious at the thoughts of those
Trapped in the dark - goodness, that is a long time span for the power to come and go. Best use the phone, if you loose your post, you would be slightly miffed :shock: :roll:
Glad you liked the croissantsMe too.
Sleek was over this morning, there was some light mist on Pendle and the weather was fair, if a little breezy t110007 nothing to put Miss Sleek off a fly over the hill. Mother was in the side car, wrapped up in a faux fur cloak, (due to her de lugging).
She has a bit more of a "trim", no doubt she will tell Sleek that she has been skalpt :roll: :roll: again :? :? I only trimmed round her neck ruffles and a bit on her chest. There has been shrieking, on a grand scale :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue, so you are on a 6 week countdown then Joan, to your op, or thereabouts. Glad all the pre op is done, one hurdle out of the way............
I was reading that there is another cold spell on the way, depends which newspaper you look at, they all embellish things a BIT :roll: :roll:
Lazy people, on scooters, well, said person would have had a glowering look and a loud comment. Some folks.............
Hi Kath, of course we will be there with you, whenever you decide to go ahead. Promise that we will be very quiet and still, best not bring the bush babies, they are a bit lively at times :shock: :shock:
Tasty, those rarebit croissants, two, help yourselfI will order some T shirts for us all, keep calm and hobble on, various sizes. Mine will be marquee sized
:? :?
Cheesy Linguine looks amazing, I don't mind if I do, thank you kindly t4591
Hi to Barbara, hope you are all ok. What day are we at. Ah, Niamh will be coming after school, so you will be busy organising and keeping her busy t4591
Hi Carol Hope you are having a better day with the extra sparkles helping t115006 t115006 Did you manage to sleep better last night? I really hope so. t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering a little, more washing to sort :roll: as always.
Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Cherry Pie Cups (Toni has lots of clotted cream and ice cream)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I must not eat any more cherry pie cups - :? :? They are for sharing.
Hope everyone is ok. Me thinks it is chilly tonight, we have warnings for high winds and heavy rain for the next 4 days t110007 t111055 t111055
Was Niamh ok on her visit Barbara, keeping busy and helping you with various domestic duties
Have you started on the stemetil yet, I am sure you had it a good while back. It does help a great deal. We often gave it by injection. Don't worry, I am not on my way armed with a syringe:shock:
I hope your neighbour is ok, with the "ex" insisting the house is sold. :? :?
Hi Carol I hope you had a more restful day and managed a better nights sleep. Sprays and pills duly administered, let's trust they help t4591 Special sparkles on their way and also to your Aunt t115006 t115006
Sleek called over at siesta time, they cast a sleepy spell on me and then ate sweets...............I think Sleek has sussed that Mother has "altered" the James Wellbeloved kitten biscuits..... :shock: ........ :? :? She said they tasted like fresh air........ :roll: ...........and promptly cast a spell to make them all tasty again. Back to the drawing board, to keep Miss Slimkins super svelt.
Mother might not go out this morning, depends on the wind and the rain. She was thinking of having a coffee morning - not more fishy latte's :shock: :? :? They have some SYTTD to catch up on.
Just been to the back door, a Roe deer, wandering up the road at the front. We see them more often in winter, as they venture out of the woods, to look for food.
Hope you are all ok at the Toni household. Lucy and her friend enjoyed the pictures (how old am I), the cinema
We are nipping over to Skipton, one of the girls, well, young woman now, is going on Maternity leave today, so we wanted to wish her all the best and B has decorated a lovely box for her, a keepsake box, for all those ickle baby things t4591
Just the two of us going, a bit of down time over coffee and snacks, give Bea a run out at the same time.
Time I was pottering again. Hi to everyone else around and about. I hope you enjoyed your Birthday Christine, I only just made it to wish you Happy Birthday t69044
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 take care XXXX Aidan
Are double dark chocolate waffles too decadent for breakfast? Nah, didn't think soXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Dark chocolate for breakfast?! Aidan you are spoiling us...
just fetching some clotted cream clotted cream ice cream also available...and went perfectly with the cherry cups too thanks you
Hermione put up a severe weather warning so it's the gate today for their SYTTD binge. Yes she sussed the sweets our Sleek I'm afraid so suggest skimmed milk lattes :? I don't know whether she's growing up, but she didn't even try to fly in the garden like she normally does when the weather is iffy. At least Mother was out yesterday anyway all wrapped up cosily.
Sleek avoids pilchard and sardine lattes. Mother said she is a wimp!!
How fabulous seeing a deer so close by! we often see them across The Chase too so very pretty.
Isn't B a lovely man making a special box for the lass who is going on her maternity leave! t4591 Enjoy Skipton.
Have we still no information about your PIP review? :? not good is it? I hope the haircuts indicated no further alopecia? Oh yes 3 smart boys and one ,skalpt, cat
Good that Dad is happy to let B go with him and that he is eating a little better. Memory test eh? Oh dear! :shock:
Kath Nooo! No surgery for me yet I am still thinking about it :? :shock: :? :shock:
Wait for the cataract to be 'ripe' oooh that makes me feel a bit squiffy…
linguine looks delightful thank youyum!
Joan how very rude was that lady!!! Oooh! I'd like to..... :!: The electricity came on about half 8 then when it went off in the evening it was fabulous instead of the potential 3 hour window it was 40 seconds at the most!!
Choir practise tonight Barbara! Over to the neighbours for a pre-practise this afternoon too
Hope our Carol is ok.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I hoe you have a good day((((()))))
. Aidan enjoy your journey to Skipton the lady will be pleased(((()))
. Toni that's good Electric back on (((()))
. take care all love to Barbara Carol
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all sorry I missed yesterday..not a clue what happened because I didnt do much .. :shock: had Niamh after school..can I have a roast dinner please..
so OH got her one form Marks..
Aiden Im glad to hear that dad is eating a little news off the pip people yet but I see you have had another letter form your MP..good they are backing you will hopefully helped others..
I bet you nurses knew has much has the consultants..learning something new everyday ...
yes Niamh came yesterday and had a roast dinner form marks..she is so good and always move her dished off the table...but we need to learn her to wash up..
we dont have a dishwasher..
I see you are off to skipton today just you and B will do you both Lovely of B to make a gift for the lady..I bet she will be over the the stemitill have I had that before or something like memory's fails lovely to see the deer close up..I would be trying to feed them..
Thanks for all the goodies especially the cherry cups..and thoes lovey chocolate waffles
Kath dont worry about it at least I got to 67 before my eye prob..its dry at the min the wet they can treat with injections but it is the worse one to have..thankyou for the Linguine recipe..
Joan the 6 weeks will soon go..maybe it will be less..glad to hear that Sue is ok with her teeth..not easy at first...yes my comp is fine for now..I hid it.. you have been practicing singing with your neighbour..its such a lovely village you live in..they must all watch out for one another like the old dasyglad to hear the new inhalers are helping your chest..I will leave extra time time tonight for choir then I dont have to rush out of the shed
Carol you are struggling ..glad to hear the doctor rang you and they could help..hope the extra sprays work ..nothing worse then being stuffed up..these appointments are getting rarer who would have though it.. :shock: same with ambulances one time they would have been there within mins....and you were able to transfer money before being locked out again :shock:
just a bit of shopping today then home..what an exciting life...
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi Gang hope all are as well as can be unexpected.
Blue bin day, wind blew the bin over, paper etc everywhere, so we picked it all up and put the bin in a safe place until nearer the time. All gone now, and gate safely shut. At least it's stopped raining - for now.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
Sri Lankan Carrot Curry
vegetable oil -1 tbsp
curry leaves - 8
cumin seeds - 1 tsp
black mustard seeds - 1 tsp
red onion 1, - finely chopped
ginger - thumb-sized piece, finely chopped
garlic - 3 cloves, finel chopped
red chilli - 1, finally chopped
black peppercorns crushed to make 2 tsp
carrots 4 large, cut into chunky pieces
coconut milk - 400ml tin
lemon 1⁄2, juiced
coriander 1⁄2 a small bunch, leaves chopped, to serve
cooked basmati rice to serve
naans warmed, to serve
Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium- high heat and add the curry leaves. Once sizzling, add the cumin and mustard seeds. Once they begin to pop, tip in the onion and cook for 10 minutes until golden. Add the ginger, garlic, chilli, black pepper and carrots, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring.
Tip in the coconut milk and 150ml of water, and simmer gently for 20 minutes until the carrots have cooked through and the sauce has reduced slightly. Squeeze in the lemon juice, season lightly and sprinkle with coriander. Serve with rice and naan breads, if you like."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi cafe' dwellers,As many of you know I have been having X-rays and a mri scan and a ct scan and last week I had a biopsy from left armpit just had the results and it turns out I have Non Hogskins Lymphoma I go to the hospital tomorrow to discuss a treatment plan,Ive been told to stop injecting humira.Im very tearful at the moment but trying to hold it together, hope the cloak is free for tomorrow think im going to need it.
Love to all Mig0 -
Dear mig, of course we will be under the cloak tomorrow. ((((big gentle hugs)))) t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi Mig, of course we will be under the cloak and you feeling pretty damned upset is just the way we would all be.
So sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but treatment is certainly available and most cases of non hodgkin lymphoma are considered very treatable.
Sending lots of love and hugs t4591 (((())) we will all be there for you, as you know, there is an abundance of positive power here in the cafe. t115006 t115006 t115006
XXXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Me again - just a quick catch up, we were doing ok for time, but having arrived back home about 2 ish, I decided I wanted to immaculise things :roll: :roll: me OCD? No, not a bit.
Anyway, happy now.
I know we will all give so much positivity to Mig, t115006 t4591 love and thoughts and prayers and plenty of hand holding from under the cloak. ((()))
Chocolate, for breakfast, how decadent indeed. Very good though and it helps release feel good hormones in the body, so, the more the better t4591
Sleek and Mother enjoyed their SYTTD fest. Mother tidied up and removed all traces of fishy latte's, I think she used a magic cleaning spell. Sleek is not at all for trying a pilchard one
Using the gate is wise, our weather warning is mainly for Saturday now. t110007 t110007 t111055 I think it is another storm with a name............
Our Friend in Nero's was over the moon with the keepsake box he made for her. Six years we have known her. Time flies. Lots of customers were giving cards and presents, oodles of hugs all round, gorgeous coffee, beetroot and goats cheese panini's then individual lemon meringue pies..................mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
No, nothing about the pip review, just the two letters from my MP, he is a star at looking after his constituents and always does what he says he is going to do and keeps you informed
Just a waiting game - again :roll: :roll: maybe they have lots to read and discuss.
Alopecia area is still there, B says there are some very fine hairs growing back, not many, but a start. No more patches to report and don't we look so much younger :shock:
Yes, Dad is fine, with Bill going into the Drs with him, it is essential really............ :? we will see what the test shows :? :? :?
Glad the electrics were not a big problem, with only a short power outage.
Choir tonight, Sleek said you have gone to sing, (she got it right bless her) with other peeples
I am sure Barbara will be there and I hear that the Sisters Euphemia and Inviolata are on their way.
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok and getting out and about with the doggies.
Thank you we had a nice time in Skipton, a cold wind, not many people about, which suits us fine. Summer is a free for all with tourists :roll: :roll:
Hi Barbara, oh bless, Niamh wanting a roast dinner, Gdad went off to fetch one from M & S, perfect, easily solved.
Now you need to put some dishwashing into practice, then you are sorted, dusting, vacuuming and doing the dishes.
You are welcome to all the goodies, fill ya bootsYes, I think you had Stemetil before, it works well, very well in fact
Good to hear that your computer is ok, after being in hiding
Skipton was enjoyable and the young lady was thrilled with her present.
Bea wafted us along very graciouslyNow she is filthy again :roll: :roll:
We both got new jackets in the sale at Boyes, £20 each, mine is Kangoll and Bills is Regatta, both the light puffa style ones that are in fashion, again.......I cannot bear heavy coats, so this was just perfect
Enjoy choir practice and biscuits, steady away in the shed
Hi Kath, oh dear, the blue bin took off in the wind t110007 t110007 and you had to go on a paper chase, I ope yer ad yer at on :shock: :shock:
All gone now, so that's good.
Sri Lankan carrot curry looks totally delicious, thank you very much, I will be in with my dishes later
Hope any ouches are minimal, some extra sparkles to help those that lurk..........ouchies are always lurking in the shadows :? :? :roll:
Time I was moving again. Dryer is nearly finished.
What did I bake for us today, let me go see........................
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care, will pop back later XXXX Aidan
Chocolate and Pear Frangipane CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I am pogged on frangipane cake, so I have baked a couple more :? :?
I hope you had a good choir practice Toni and Barbara - I heard everyone was in good voice and the biscuits were extra tasty. Sleek said the syngying was excellent :? :roll:
Hi Carol How is your nose behaving, a bit better for the extra sprays and antihistamines? Some decent sleeps too. Some extra ((())) for you and yours. How is your Aunt, thinking of her t4591
Hi Mig, thoughts are with you and rest assured we will be under the cloak today, as your plan of care is discussed. Ask them to explain every step of the way, twice, or more if necessary, as at times like this, things don't really sink in very well.
I will bring some scones and Toni will bring the coffee, we will all need a cuppa
Lots of hugs ((())) t115006
Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW, Kerrin and all
Silver wanted to share this with everyone t4591
A quiet evening here, catching up with some PGA Golf.
Off into town this morning Dad is at the Drs with B and I will be waiting in the T rooms, doing my best not to eat the contents of the cake cabinet :? :?
Time for some more pottering.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Berry Compote Pancake StackXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Mig We will be 100% with you today never fear. Lucy and I knew a fair few kids with lymphoma and they did really well all of them and soon felt a good bit better. Treatment was about 6 months if I remember rightly so big ((( t4591 ))) for you and count us all in. The cloak is aired and ready.
Pancakes are lovely thanks Aidan and how lovely to have some blessings from Silver I think we need them.
I am glad to hear the hair may be growing back tiny hairs at a time. The stress of the PIP doesn't feel quite so acute now that the waiting for the initial decision is over, (that was ridiculous weeks and weeks and weeks :x ), and you have the lovely Bea to look after you all. The two of you took things into your own hands and have sorted them out rather well and should be proud of yourselves. I hope when they finally look at things again it is not as stressful ((()))
Sleek was quite right our singing practise was good yesterday Barbara enjoyed the songs we are practising for the community service on the 17th :shock:
Well-done mother for using a cleaning and deoderising spell at yours so much better than those tuna lattes. Kari thought it a great idea to start Tommy on the junior ones with no catteine. She reckons he'd be positively dangerous with catteine!!
The wind is back here Sleek had a trial fly in the garden it was quite funny (she doesn't know I could see) she was blown here there and everywhere ending up in next door's garden over the wall. The walked home after that carrying her broomstick shhh!!! pretend you don't know. It was against Tosca's advice :?
I hope your friend at Nero's has a safe delivery and a gorgeous healthy baby. How lovely she is liked by so many
Fingers crossed for Dad at the Drs (())
Kath it was a day wasn't it? The wind is back again here I thought it had settled.
Well done catching your bin and your recycling.
Thanks for the Sri Lankan curry I think I had some when we visited about 9 years ago. Yours was tastier though
Aww Barbara so Niamh had her roast did she and clears her own plate away! I bet she'd love to wash up - they do when they aren't that good at it! then when they would be old enough to do a good job they don't want to :roll:
Well done for only slightly lubricating your vocal chords in the shed before choiryes this really is a fabulous village and lovely people too.
Good idea to hide your laptop and well shopping does have to be done :roll:
Hi Joan Hang on tight to those doggies if you have the same wind as we do here t110007
Love to everyone Hope Carol is ok I think I tried all those inhalers for my nose before the camera had a look :? :? :?
Toni xxx
Toni xxx0 -
Hello every one
Please try to stay upright today.
I am very pleased with my teeth a lot easer than I thought.
thank you to every one who helped me
lots of love to all Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Chocolate and Pear Frangipane Cake followed by Berry Compote Pancake Stack , or should I have them the other way round - hmm? thanks anyway Aidan, STAY AWAY FROM THE CAKE CABINET naughty boy.
Morning Sue, glad you're happy with your teeth. If you're happy, we're happy.
Toni, you are our Lymphoma expert thanks to all your experience with Lucy, Matron is our general care expert, Barbara is out alcohol expert due to her experiments in the shed, Carol is our knitting expert. I shall be the official moaning expert and recipe collector. Joan and Sue are our twin experts.
Tofu fried rice
vegetable oil 1 tbsp
ready-cooked basmati rice 250g pack
garlic 1 clove, thinly sliced
ginger thumb-sized piece, finely chopped
red chilli 1, thinly sliced
smoked tofu 100g, roughly chopped
stir-fry baby vegetables 200g pack
frozen peas 100g, defrosted
soy sauce 1 tbsp
sriracha to serve (optional)
Heat the oil in a non-stick pan or wok and fry the rice for 5-10 minutes or until beginning to turn golden. Add the garlic, ginger and chilli, and cook for another 2 minutes. Meanwhile, put the tofu into a bowl and roughly mash.
Tip the tofu and baby veg into the pan, and cook for 5 minutes or until beginning to char, and the veg is tender. Stir in the peas and soy sauce, and cook until the peas are heated through.
Divide between 2 plates and serve with sriracha drizzled over, if you like."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - quite mild, but very blowy here t110007 t110007 storm Erik is heading our way :? :?
It was pouring when we went out this morning t111055 t111055
We have been under the cloak to be with you Mig, many positive thoughts and prayers t4591 t115006
We did need some Blessings from Silver, he doesn't forget any of us, just gets a bit busy at time t115006 t115006
You are welcome to the pancakes
The stress of pip is less acute now and we have empowered ourselves, because we had to find a solution and transport, or all three of us would have been marooned here on the park.
The decision took 12 weeks and arrived on New Years Eve, not the most opportune time. :?
I hope the reconsideration does not take another 12 weeks :roll: :roll:
Yes, little hairs appearing, just want them to keep on appearing. I know when my anxiety levels are overboard, when my hair falls out. :roll: :? :?
I have put a post on FB, a year since our gorgeous Cookie passed away. Bless her soul, over Rainbow Bridge t115006 t115006
I am glad the singing went well, practising for the Community Service on the 17th
Very wise for Tommy not to have cattiene in his drinks, he would be in a frenzy :shock:
I had three, yes, three double shot coffee's this morning, so I am a bit wired myself :shock: :shock:
We know nothing of Sleek blowing over into the neighbours garden and having to carry her broom back home. Nothing will be said, well, Mother did say " I told her so" and rolled her eyes very slowly :roll:
Too wild for brooms at the moment.
I am sure our friend at Nero's will be fine, not long till her due date, mid to late March, so, could be anytime really :shock: :shock: She will be a wonderful Mum and her hubby is a star too.
Dad gave quite a lot of wrong answers in the first instance, then corrected himself. B made sure the GP was aware of Dad not eating like he did and not drinking as much as he should. All was noted.
Sadly, Dads GP is moving to another surgery, not a million miles away, but out of our catchment area. Dad really likes him, he is really gentle and kind. Dr Bob, or Rob is taking his place. I am sure he will be ok too.
I was well away, sat in the T room, while Dad and B were in the surgery. Coffee, sparkling water and a long lingering look into the cake cabinet. t4591
We had brunch, cheese and mushroom toasties, with chips, then I was naughty and had a chocolate brownie :? :? Dad had a big slice of blackcurrant pie, all homemade, with ice cream. It was what he fancied, so fair do's.
Hi Sue and Joan. It is very blowy, my troosers were flapping the breezet110007 So glad that you are having no problems with your teeth, big smiles all round
Hope you are both ok, managed to get what you needed and the doggies had a nice walk. More rain on the way........ :roll: :roll: t111055 t111055 (((())))
Too late Kath, I had to have something out of the cake cabinet, it all looks so good, everything is home made and just delicious. They had tuti fruity tea cake, but the portions were ENORMOUS and I would have popped if I had tried to eat one of those after my toastie - the brownie, was a little smaller, so that was fine :? :?
Are your bins battened down, ready for storm Erik t110007 t110007
Matron is general care nurse, as most SRN's areWell, I am a lapsed SRN now, put out to pasture and all that, but, I hope still helpful when necessary. Toni is indeed our cancer care expert and yes, Barbara is chief taster of local tipples
Carol is chief knitting consultant, You are poet Laureat to Arthritis Action.
Tofu fried rice, sounds lovely, thank you, I will be diving in asap.
Hi to Barbara - have you been out and about today? Taking care not to get blown over t110007 t110007
Hi to Carol and Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, SW, Toady and all.
Time I was pottering a bit, need to keep the bones moving.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will catch up again later XXXX Aidan
Fruity Tea Loaf (Toni, if you could pass the butter, thank you )XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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