Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    5 pancakes, that's what we like, a healthy appetite Toni :) and in this weather, we need that carbs :? :? :D:D

    Did you say Rhodda's ice cream, well, I know its cold out, but a scoop or four would be quite nice, cheers mi dears

    Candles, oh yes, a t light is always burning when we are in, Mother always did the same and Dad said it channelled prayers :)

    No, no needles, it was a figment of my imagination :? :? We pray for Carol's Auntie too. t4591

    You will have read the in's and out's of our day in Skipton. We are both more than happy to have the works done. Tyres and brakes are absolutely vital to have in A 1 condition. We are not saying anything to Dad, least said. He would blame the dealership, well, there is usually something, when you buy a second hand car and it is wear and tear, something that is never covered under warranty.

    Nero's was not super busy, we enjoyed our leisurely coffee's and food. I had goats cheese and beetroot Panini and it was wonderful, we both had lemon curd muffin's - we like lemons :lol::lol:

    So, back we will go, after taking dad for a coffee / brunch and shopping. Hopefully we are not out too long, at least it is nice and warm and comfy at KwikFit with free drinks and wifi and very good "facilities".

    The weather in the US is just so scary, rivers and lakes frozen over, things are grinding to a halt, people are told not to go out at all, if they can help it. Minus 40 is Arctic. t110007

    There is a lot of snow down south, hope you are ok and are not marooned :shock: :? :? Did choir go ahead, I trust it did, as long as you were all warm enough. Barbara was all set for her singing, via the shed.........

    Tosca looked like a Unicorn when we got back, obviously Sleek had been over with the colour spray :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: Mother is horrified that she has had ALL her fur taken away :roll: :roll:
    Miss Sleek has kept her relatively calm, sharing photo's of their relatives t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 no longer with us. They ate a lot of sweets and decided that throwing litter, as far as they could, would be some revenge on the lug getting :? :? :roll:

    Mac, is he back, oh my, :shock: :shock: I thought he had been moved on, years ago, he used to lurk and we don't like lurks.............. :? :?

    Hi Joan and Sue - Hope you are both ok and that you are lucky enough to escape the worst of the snow. So you had to go back up to the hospital for more blood tests. hope you were warm and not kept hanging about too long.
    Very glad that Sue is happy with her teeth and they are not rubbing or hurting :D:D:D

    The scone tasted just wonderful, thank you. I will be having another one this morning, at brunch.

    Glad you liked the pancakes Kath. So your optician is coming on Monday. Wise if you can re use some frames, 8) 8) don't see why not, they are always the most expensive things :roll:

    Aww, don't cry, Pepe and Cookie and Eric and Snowie and all our loved ones are happy forever, over rainbow bridge :cry: t115006 t115006

    Goats cheese is the order of the day, which is just fine by me. Thank you for the lovely omelette, love spinach too.

    Hi Barbara - I see your computer was ok with the forum :)

    I would have gladly eaten two scones, but I was restrained, physically :lol::lol:

    You will have read about Bea and all the essentials that are being done. We want her tip top, she deserves nothing less after all. A refined lady needs new shoes :)

    No, I wish I had been to take that photo, it is from a holiday company in Norway, it looks SO fabulous with proper snow.

    I think you have come off a lot worse with the snow, I see Manchester airport has been covered again. Nothing here at all, just very frosty. Tell a lie, Pendle is white over.

    I am so glad the prayers and thoughts and candles have helped as much as possible. The more positive thinking the better t4591 t4591

    Your poor GD and her work being on her case. I never quite understand zero hour contracts :? :? :roll: :roll: whatever they are, they need to get rid of them. I will send Silver over to her Bosses and let him leave some special sparkles t115006

    Don't forget the biscuits for choir practice :)

    The jigsaws sound interesting Toni - is the other one jigsaw spelled backwards?

    Hi to Carol, hope you are all ok and keeping safe. I hear snow is forecast for London, an 8 hour whiteout the paper says, I hope they are wrong. Take lots of care. How is your Aunt, thinking of her and wishing her well t4591 t4591

    Quiet evening here, keeping warm and snug. Pottering a bit, doing bits and bats.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about

    Leaving love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t4591 Take lots of care, will catch up again later. XXXX Aidan

    luxury Pastries for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Pastries and posh ones with our morning macchiato!! Noo-noo is on duty! :wink::wink::wink:

    I am with you Aidan if kwik-fit do their job properly with balancing and the like which they usually do...Bea will be the happiest and safest car north of Staffordshire :lol:

    I don't think I'd be cross with the dealership either really as you said there's always something....Tia had about 4 bits to sort out with hers.

    Best not tell Dad!!! I totally agree :lol:

    Lovely to find Nero's not heaving with people very comfortable indeed and those paninis are yum very yum :)

    Barbara came to choir and she and I had the almond biscuits very tasty t4591 Actually it was a good practise.

    Sleek has been out this morning, but only to visit Mother. She has borrowed Lucy's hairdressing trolley to look the part and touch up Tosca's fur colour :roll:

    I expect a bit more litter flicking revenge has occurred?

    So far she hasn't sussed that it's the v*ts for herself today for her vaccinations and check-up including her leukaemia jab.


    Yes Jigsaw backwards is wasgij :lol:

    Mac still lurks - mention his name and he appears from the shadows :shock:


    Morning Joan I hope all is well with you today and to Sue too it being Suesday :D Have you got your smile back? t4591 t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen thank you for the recipe's omelettes are nice cheese with beans. keep safe((())
    . Barbara you go steady in the snow no dancing(((())))
    Aidan you ae doing the right thing looking after Bea not everyone does. You and B and your Dad go care full in the snow(((())))
    . Toni is the snow bad in your village go steady all of you on your journey's out and about. yes sue has her smile back she's happy.(((())))
    . take care everyone
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all, Still wearing me at indoors, even though eating's on. We have sunshine but still no snow (she says relieved) :lol: Aidan, I would rather have bread and jam with a safe car than a cupboard full of luxury foods but a risky car. I don't think Bea will ever be a risky car in your hands. Thanks for the luxury pastries, my nu nu has been working overtime too. :roll:

    Hope everyone is keeping warm and in out of any snow and ice, I know it looks pretty but it scares me. :shock:

    Joan and Sue, do the doggies like the snow? Jonathan Dawn and Alex have two Yorkies (I think) they probably disappear under the snow. Jonathan calls them woofters - I don't know their real names.

    Carol, I hope your aunt is recovering from her fall. Barbara, hope your GD doesn't have to wait long for her treatment. Hugs to both of you and your families.

    Easy Lentil Salad

    SERVES: 4

    250g (8.8oz) pouch of puy lentils (or you could use green canned lentils) 100g (3.5oz)cherry tomatoes 100g (3.5oz) mange tout 3 medium spring onions 1 tbsp rapeseed or olive oil 1tbsp cider vinegar 1/2 tbsp wholegrain mustard 1/2 tbsp honey 1/2tsp dried or fresh garlic 30g (1.05oz) walnuts Large handful of baby spinach or other green leaves

    Recipe Summary

    Lentils are often overlooked as boring or difficult to cook – but with the right treatment they can make a fantastic arthritis-friendly meal – as this simple salad shows. Puy lentils are high in fibre which helps keep you full by filling you up and stabilising blood sugar levels. They are also a great source of folate which studies have suggested people with all types of arthritis are often lacking in. It’s especially important for people with inflammatory arthritis (like rheumatoid or psoriatic) because folate helps combat the negative effects of the treatment methotrexate.


    In a small bowl, mix together the rapeseed oil, honey, mustard, garlic and cider vinegar to make a dressing. Set to one side. Using a knife or scissors, slice the spring onions and roughly chop the mangetout. Halve the tomatoes – or you can leave them whole if you prefer. Toss the chopped vegetables with the lentils and the dressing. Add in the handful of spinach leaves and give another stir. Finally crumble the walnuts and sprinkle on top. The salad is best if left to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes or so before eating to let the flavours develop. Variations:

    Oriental – Swap the tomatoes for peppers. Omit the mustard and add soy sauce, turmeric and ginger to the dressing. Replace the walnuts with cashews or sesame seeds. Italian – Add basil, pesto in place of the mustard, and use pine nuts instead of walnuts

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    more snow this morning but it soon went away..our GD in London has it now...
    Aiden zero contract is they just give you the hours they have sick pay ..its disgraceful and time this government did something about many carer struggling with paying bills..our GD and Fiance are lucky with there hours for now
    Im so glad the car is all done and dusted ..cant put a price on safety and your mind being at had lunch out..sounded very who was it that held you back form another scone.. :lol: so you haven't had snow ..hopefully it stays like that..we have just been to pick up rock salt in case it comes back :shock: thankyou for the Pastries very nice they were :D
    Joan me dance... :lol::lol: mind you I can do a nifty splits on the ice if not careful :shock: hope all the bloods are ok for the go ahead then you can get rid of the cyst..xx
    Toni its worth coming to choir for those biscuits thanks for saving me 2..I know you had to hide them ...I was delayed in the shed.. :lol:
    Kath thanks for the info on the cyst...hopefully it will be done soon/.and another great recipe thankyou
    My niece is flying to Ireland to see her friend..just for 2 days..she text from the airport were she had book the restrooms. food and drink included so she is fed and watered..but then another text she lost her passport , a security lady helped her look ..nothing..then the tanoid shouted her, someone had given it in..phew..
    Right better go Niamh is coming tonight
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, finally, we landed home at 6.15 pm :shock: :shock: :shock: After arriving at KwikFit before 2pm You could say a long afternoon and we are both like wet blanket and very ouchy :roll:

    We won't say how much, but, it was a lot :? :? . Big do's and little do's, Beatrice has
    brand new discs all round
    brake pads all round
    4 new tyres (Pirelli),
    tracking done,
    AC recharge done
    de bug of the ventilation and cooling system (fresh new car scent)

    pollen / cabin filter changed (the one that came out was mucky filthy to say the least, the manager presented it to me on the desk :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Winter check, levels checked, air filter is brand new he said and the engine is like a new pin as you look from underneath :)

    AC took longer than expected, as the system was showing a block in one of the pipes, but their machine said there wasn't :? Anyway, it was finally sorted and she smells super fresh now and cooling very well t110007

    All works are guaranteed, AC for two years, discs for a year, pads, for life, tyres a year, all in all, they did an amazing job. They were busy all afternoon, with ours and many other cars. At least the reception area was warm, endless tea coffee etc..................

    We say that Bea has had two new pairs of Jimmy Choos :D:D:lol::lol:

    Bless, our neighbour rang, about 5 ish, she was worried as there were no lights on and were we ok. She breathed a sigh of relief when we told her we were ok and at the garage.

    We left to head home, drove about half a mile, red lights on dashboard, tyre pressure loss, WARNING. Goodness, what on earth........ :shock: :shock: ......turn round, back to KwikFit..............the computer needed to be reset - which was sorted in about five minutes. Phew.

    I am sure that Bea is the most pampered of cars, North of Stafford Toni.

    Glad you enjoyed and had a good practice at choir, I thought Barbara would have joined you, via the shed. Almond biscuits, very nice.

    Mother Glitter Sparkles was MOST affronted that we were out after dark, with no lights on..............well, we didn't think we would be so long. She had already phoned Sleek and said that we had been abducted :roll: :roll: There was shrieking, that reached a whole new level. :shock: :shock: Mother's fur looked quite lovely. Sleek was telling Mother about being shackled and taken to the vitnary for countless needles :roll: :roll:

    I imagine there will be litter being shovelled out of the tray, overnight, in revenge for being abandoned :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Mac must still be in the tunnel, that led to the pub. :o I never did go in there, in case of spiders. :?

    Hi Joan and Sue, it was Suesday, been and gone already.

    No, not everyone looks after their vehicles. We are the opposite. The only snow is up on Pendle Hill, but it was icy and has been very cold all day.
    I hope you didn't have much, there seems to be certain areas that have had a lot of snow, then none elsewhere.

    Lovely to see that Sue has her smile back :D:D and is very happy. t4591

    Hi Kath av ya still got yer at on mi duck, did you teck it to bed wi ya :lol::lol:
    You are quite right, bread and jam and a safe car, is the only option in our books. t115006

    You were very welcome to the luxury pastries, they looked very good. Toni had the nu nu going as well, crumbs flying all over :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the lentil salad :) Very tasty.

    Hope any ouchies are minimal and you are keeping warm, under that at duck. t4591

    Hi Barbara You do seem to have had our share of snow. All gone, still nice to see it on Pendle though. I hope Carol is ok in London, as well as your GD and GF.
    Right, I see, zero hours really means zero in the way of anything but the hours they offer. I have seen that sick pay is an entitlement, even on zero hours. Not sure if this link will be of any help

    I am glad that they have both got the hours that they need. t4591 Sending extra sparkles and positive thoughts and I hope they can sort out the cysts asap. t115006 t4591

    No, you cannot put a price on feeling and doing everything you can to stay safe. Bea is covered in salt and muck, but her shoes are gorgeous t115006 t115006 :lol::lol: She will need a wash, as soon as it goes above freezing.

    B is a very safe driver and never takes risks or goes over the speed limits. You just have to watch out for everyone else :shock: :roll: :roll: present companies excepted of course.

    We had brunch with Dad, then went shopping, then dropped Dad off, put our shopping away and went off to Skipton. So, apart from 20 minutes, we have been out since 10.30...........way too long for us both, but, needs must.

    I had a veggie breakfast, with extra hash browns, which I duly shared with B, who had scrambled eggs. I had to have a scone though, good job too.

    We normally have a big tub of salt, from Lidl, forgot to get any the other day :roll: I think it starts to warm up a little after today.

    Wow, that was lucky, your Nieces passport being lost, then handed in, I bet there was quite a panic. I would have been stateless :roll: :? :?

    Hope you had a lovely time with Niamh, can you send her over, we need some dedustification :D:lol::lol:

    Hi to Carol - how is the snow situation with you and yours, t110007 we don't want any ninny walking.
    Is you Aunt doing ok, thoughts and prayers for her t4591 t115006

    Hi to everyone else, in and about, keeping warm and safe.

    This has taken me hours to write, with much pottering needed, to ease the bones. I think I am dosed up to the eyes now though. :roll: :roll:

    Week end at HOME, we need a catch up, much fussing to be done.

    Dad will be round for croissants and he is due a haircut as well. Fed and trimmed, he will be happy :)

    Right. I am away. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Pumpkin Praline Danish

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan Beas jimmy choos are well-worth it as is the piece of mind all is well and she will fly through any future MOTs :D I bet you're glad you spotted the computer error before you got home :wink:

    That was however an awfully long day for you both :shock: a weekend of catching up is definitely in order.

    Niamh can nip round with her duster and hoover....I will do your bathrooms you just get the kitchen and ironing done!

    Glad Dad is coming over for spruce up and croissants :D

    I haven't seen mac today thank goodness he'll be off scaring someone else...….I never went near that tunnel either :shock: nope no no way nada!!!

    Well goodness me what a fuss!! Sleek went over (via the gate!) to 'rescue' Tosca left 'alone in the dark' (never mind cats' excellent night time vision :roll: ). Turns out she was the one who contacted your neighbours by the way!

    Expect littler to be EVERYWHERE today and deservedly so too!! Goodness me - leaving a poor cat alone for hours and hours! anything could have happened :roll:

    I was also in trouble for taking Sleek to the vetnry! Bless her little cotton paws :D

    Those pumpkin praline pastries were delightful!! t4591

    Hi Barbara - your niece had a lucky escape then!! Imagine loosing her passport! I am very glad she got off ok.

    0 hours contracts are dreadful. Your GD and her fiancée should start looking for a better contract maybe even a different employer. Amazon do them. My sis in law had one, but over time proved herself and is now permanent and a supervisor.

    I'll always save you a biccie or two at choir. Where were the sisters Inviolata and Euphemia?? Were they in the shed?

    Enjoy Niamh t4591

    Kath When it 'really' snows Sleek still goes out we dig her a path and you can see her tail like a periscope :) Woofters don't have tails like cats!

    That salad looks lovely just my cup of tea and Kari's too nice and healthy :)

    Keep warm wear what you have to! I agree with you beans on toast for a month would be better than bad tyres/brakes! One can kill you - one wont!

    Joan it's lovely to hear Sue is back smiling and happy. We were lucky really we just had ice it was far too cold for snow. You stay safe walking the dogs ((()))

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan
    . Kathleen yes I don't like the snow we cannot go out in it the scooter get stuck in it and it ball's up around the wheels. The dogs have the garden it's big. you stay warm in side(((())))
    . Barbara no you don't want to do the splits to cold what is happening about your back ((())
    . Aidan your cars worth the money it gets you where you want to go safely (((())))
    . take care all
    . joan xx. Hello Toni. Keep safe(()))
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all, Just been for a swim with the Manatees in their heated pool.

    Aidan, pin back yer lugholes. Tonight (Saturday) Channel 5, 8pm, DIGGING UP BRITAIN. A dig that could throw light on the notorious Pendle Witch trials of 1612. :D Me at comes off at bedtime. That Pumpkin Praline Danish were right tasty, ta. :wink:

    Hope all are warm and safe. We still have no snow thank goodness.
    Pumpkin Seed Quick Bread

    SERVES: 4

    1 medium egg
    100g strong white flour
    100g wholemeal flour
    50g rolled oats
    50gs pumpkin seeds
    1tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp salt
    75ml natural yoghurt
    75ml semi-skimmed milk

    Recipe Summary

    A delicious versatile and easy to make bread, to accompany sandwiches or soups!


    Combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. In a jug, beat together the yoghurt, milk and egg. Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and then gradually pour in the wet ingredients from the jug. Mix everything until the dough just comes together.

    Dust the dough with flour and shape into a rough round. Slice a cross on the top with a sharp knife to help the bread rise easily and bake at 180C/375F for 35-40 minutes or until well-risen, firm and golden. Allow to cool on a rack for 20 minutes before serving.

    Nutritional Breakdown (per 1 serving of bread): 108 cal; 3.1g fat, of which 0.9g saturates; 14.7g carbohydrate, of which 1.2g sugars; 1.4g fibre; and 4.6g protein.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness, that breeze is mighty chilly t110007 t110007 I only went out to dust of the filter on the vac and I nearly set solid.

    Beas Jinny Choos are just lovely thanks Toni, she feels a whole lot better and B said she drives perfectly now, with everything working as it should. :)
    Imagine if the red light and message had not come on until we were nearly home, we would have freaked. :shock: Having read the manual I know what to do now, to reset the system. They pressed all the buttons so fast, at the garage, I would never have followed what they did :roll: :roll:

    We do need a catch up. De dustifying has been done, bathrooms done, washing busy away, Niamh was a big help with the feather duster, off like a shot she was..........

    B has been out and put back to black on the trim on Bea, makes 200% improvement, amazing stuff. I didn't go out, too cold, brings on Angina. I did look out of the en suite window and was suitably impressed.

    Dad came round for his lunch, no hair cuts today, I don't think B had the oomph really, so, another day for hair dressing.

    Our neighbour must have heard Mother raising the roof.......both sides were worrying where we had got to, they know we are not out after dark, without good reason. Nice when people look out for each other. If next door wants anything she shouts up at the window :lol::lol:

    Mother is still a bit miffed, thinking it better to spit sweets into her water, repeatedly, so Daddy has to change it, over and over again. :roll: :roll:

    Telling Sleek she had been left for over 24 hooman hours, was a bit far fetched, :? but, we will let it ride :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: She was horrified that Sleek had been to the vitnary, injecting her with strange potions that the nasty vets mix up in an old dish :shock: :roll: :roll: What are they like :lol::lol::lol:
    Mother is 19 this month, on the 26th, which makes her 92 in hooman years. No wonder her legs are a bit wobbly. Mine are the same and I only 25 :? :? ish.

    I knew I had heard of zero hours, Amazon, yes, I remember now. What is wrong with a trial period, which is more normal, say three or six months, like we used to do with new nursing staff, then review and go on full time contracts.

    Glad you liked the pumpkin pecan pastries :) One is never enough

    Hi Joan and Sue - glad you are keeping warm and safe, I remember you saying that scooters are not safe in snow, they are too low to the ground and slip sliding is not a good idea. The doggies can run around the garden when it is too cold for walkies.

    How is the heating, I hope it is all working properly.

    Yes, Bea is well worth the money, she does get us safely around, in comfort :) We feel much better, having had the works done.

    Hi Kath, don't blame you for swimming with the Manatees, they don't mind and are happy to share their pools with us, as we are no threat to them at all. The water is slightly salty too, so good for our ouchies and skin.

    My lug oles are pinned and the programme is set to record, thank you kindly for noticing and letting us know. The witch trials at Lancaster are very well documented, poor women and men folks, they were herbalists, making a living from "healing" and begging. Two rival families were kind of at loggerheads with each other. The then King, James the 1st was paranoid that he was in danger from Scottish witches and every JP was ordered to compile a list of "witches" or those who practiced witchcraft - healing, magic etc.

    It is very interesting reading and one of the most famous trials in history.

    Pendle certainly has a mystery about her, quite tangible, she can be very moody. Of course, everyone who lives around here say they are related to one of the many that stood trial. :roll: :lol: Even my Mother said there was a link on her side, to the Pendle Witches :shock: :shock: there WAS, who, when.......I never did find out, she never said any more. :? :?

    Glad you have not had any snow, it has been very hit and miss, some places are inches deep and the rest of us, nothing at all.

    Good to hear that yer at comes off duck, when you've gorra gowta bed :lol::lol::lol:

    Pumpkin Seed Quick Bread, thank you, that will go nicely with French butter, for supper time.

    Well, I had best have another potter, keep up with the anti ouch medicines. A bit of payback for our afternoon out at KwikFit :? small price though.

    Hi to Barbara, hope you are having a nice time with Niamh, she has been over and gone round like a demon with the fluffy duster, she even got the vac and did the hall, then dropped it :lol::lol::lol:

    Hope your GD Niece and all, are ok, special sparkles and thoughts to all t4591 t115006
    The same for you and yours Carol. Hope you didn't get much in the way of snow.

    I will call back later, let me go fetch the cake I made earlier :? :?

    Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    I made three, just to be sure.................blueberry, chocolate and strawberry

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all back on my phone...not a clue what Niamh presses on my comp Aiden I love it..2 pairs if Jimmy choos...gosh I wouldnt mind trying thoes on.. :lol: .what a long day you both had..but all done and dusted now thank goodness you could go back to get the comp reset..and how lovely if the neighbours to watch out for you...Bet mother had a proper sulk on..never mind she would have been happy to see you..thankyou for the really awful in this day and age..our gd would live to be s nurse and work in one place..but would have to get more qualification and then the cost..meanwhile they have rent and bills to pay ..Niamh is on her way..but hide your comp....
    Toni our gd and fiance are on the lookout for new jobs..but not easy..Like I said to Aiden hide your comp if Niamh comes to clean...
    Joan I am leaving my back..just plod on has we do..have you and Sue had snow ..I used to live watching our Susie in the snow..she would disappear
    Kath I made multi seed bread in my bread maker the other day..I will try this recipe..thanks
    Our Sunday dinners are ordered for tomorrow..
    Better to everyine xxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - it is even more frosty tonight, very chilly t110007 Hope everyone is keeping safe and warm, heating ramped up high :D

    Hi Barbara Oh dear, Niamh has been on the laptop - :? :? :roll: :roll: I think you might need to hide it next time, tell her it has gone to to the computer man to make it better............ :shock: I put blankets over ours, before she arrived here :lol::lol:

    Not easy writing on a phone, well, not easy writing a post on a forum, not so bad for quick texts etc.

    I think we are about recovered from our long time at the garage. Thank goodness it was warm in the office / reception, nice clean disabled loo, even the T was passable. I didn't try the coffee :mrgreen:
    It was good to be only a minute away, before the warning lights came on and messages flashed up. B said, what's that? I said, tyre pressure loss - turn round and go back. They were not far off closing, the lads had mopped all the floors and tidied up, Manager was sorting a few things on the phone, I bet he thought oh Lordy, now what :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    The neighbours were all in a tizzy, they know we don't "do" after dark. Next door thought it was something wrong with Dad.

    Mother was very sourpuss without a doubt :? :? h4890AC7D :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    She has had lots of cuddles and fuss and is back to her usual shrieking self. :shock: :lol::lol:

    You are welcome re the link on zero hour employment. I wish your GD and her GF could get other jobs. As you say, bills / rent to pay. If only they would bring back the old nurse training, where we got a salary, not silly student loans. Not all things change for the better. I will shush about it, or I will ramble on for hours.............
    I pray that they both find something that is suitable and permanent t4591 t4591 t115006

    Roast Dinner on its way today, lovely, all you need are knives and forks at the ready :) That's my idea of cooking a Sunday roast

    I hope Carol is ok :? Might be busy with lots going on towards the end of the week and right into the week end. Sending lots of ((())) and t115006 to help, as required. Praying that your Aunt is comfortable and improving. t4591

    Hi Toni, Sleek says she is nice and warm, she visited at nap time and had a pow wow with Mother, after casting a sleepy spell on me t115006 Given the very cold conditions, there is no mist or frost gathering this morning. Instead they will visit the Nymphs via a new "winter" gate, at the indoor cafe. No venturing out for them, far too cold for their wings. A pilchard latte :mrgreen: will be just fine, says Mother Glitter Sparkles :? :? Mrs D said she will join them.

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all

    Haven't had chance to watch the History programme yet Kath.......saved, ready.

    Quiet evening here. Catching up with the golf and ski jumping, some pottering.

    Bea is going to have a bath at the garage today, warm gentle jet wash, brush wash and then a wax rinse. B does it all, while I press buttons on the machine :) That's if they are not all frozen solid :roll: she is covered in salt and needs a wash.

    Better have another potter. Love and sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Blueberry Lemon Monkey Bread

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Loving the blueberry monkey bread Aidan one of my five a day. The cakes(s) yesterday were two more and then the rhoddas was some calcium. Grains from Kath's bread honestly we must be the healthiest café anywhere. Sleek said add a pilchard latte and you'll have your oily fish and omegas...methinks NOT!!

    She had the morning off and is going to come over with MRs D via the gates to yours (after the sleepy spell is done) then all 3 are off to see the nymphs via the winter gate.

    Love the pic of Mother (not) sulking!! hehe! The vitnry said Sleek must keep an eye on her waistline :shock: She was LIVID!!! I wonder whether Mother might be hiding sweets for Sleek's own good???? Dirty bowls, concoctions :roll:

    Of course you are only 25!! I have to be 39 in order to have had the girls legally!! I was a child bride you see :?

    I have had the hot choc at kwik fit - it's bearable have yet to try the coffee - far too risky!! Reading Bea's manual I bet B wouldn't waste his time, but he has you to do that!Black to back sounds good stuff too! Enjoy the wash and brush up today Bea! This weather is BAD for lungs as well as angina!

    Hair cut for me on Tuesday so Dad can come with me if he wants :)

    Lucy has a friend staying with us ATM and we have visitors this morning I spruced the bungalow up yesterday. Without Niamh!!

    Barbara I am glad all technology can be sorted once Niamh has been at it :lol:

    Bless her.

    If she comes over I will hide mine no problem.

    Your GD and fiancée will get a better job in time just stay patient and keep on where they are for references.

    Aidan is right bring back 'proper' nurses!

    Enjoy your roast :)

    Kath what a great idea! The manatees are quite tame aren't they and you warmed up nicely, Sleek goes in with the meerkats for a warm up,

    Bread looks lovely and the calorie count is good too :) Ta!!

    Joan I am glad the dogs are happy enough in the large garden when the weather is grotty. safety first!

    Love to Carol - I hope all is well ((())) and our mig too :?

    and to everyone else t4591

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
    . Kathleen I hope you have good day(((
    . Aidan Bea must be the best looking car around((()))
    . Barbara yes we have snow we are in a side road so we can not get out. You go steady sorry about your laptop. (((())))
    . take care all
    . joan xx.
    . Hello Toni the snow must be bad in your village take care (((()))
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We are the healthiest cafe, on the planet Toni :) :? :lol::lol: All this fruit and calcium and carbs and veggie goodies from Kath. No wonder we are all so slim :? :? :? :o

    Not quite sure about a pilchard latte, but thank you Miss Sleekness for the suggestion :? :mrgreen:

    Mrs D, Mother and Sleek all had a good natter while we were at the garage.
    Sleek was telling Mother of the insults that the vitnery had bestowed up on her. Mother was aghast, but has since put some sweets out that are calorie free t115006 one of her spells. The dish will know, who has come for snacks and change accordingly. She's a clever old lady.
    Mother gave Sleek plenty of support and showed her in the "magic" mirror, just how slim and sleek she really is :shock: :shock: :D:D
    I have asked Mother to make a life size mirror for me :roll: :lol::lol:

    Of course you are 39, simple as. As long as things were legal :shock: :? :lol::lol:

    I did see the hot galaxy choc drink at Kwikfit, but thought it would be pure sugar, so avoided it. No, we cannot try the coffee, doesn't look good when you spit it across the reception :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Back to black is really good, this is the one we have used, brings all exterior black trim, back to new again, very easy to use.


    It was busy to start with at the wash bays, the handyman was getting them all defrosted and all the floors gritted. We were soon in and B was busy away, while I guided the pipes, from clattering on the car. Rinsed, brush washed, wax rinsed and she was sparkling again m0150
    We came back through town and thought it rude, not to stop at Nero's, for a cheeky coffee, a toasted panetone for B, a pain au chocolat and chocolate twist for me.........well, it was hard work holding those tubes :? :? :lol::lol: The roads were dry, coming home, now it has not stopped raining :roll: :roll: but Bea is clean as a pin and repelling all waters.

    Super cold is very bad for angina and COPD, just as super hot can be as well. My cardio here said go to somewhere warm, ie France, then the DR there, said, don't get too hot, best go somewhere cooler :shock: :shock: Jersey, that sounds a nice place :roll: :roll:

    We will all come with you on Tuesday, for a trim :) Best warn your hairdresser :o:o

    Hope Lucy is enjoying time with her friend being there and your guests were equally so. I am sure everywhere looked immaculate :)

    Hi Joan and Sue, yes, Bea is the shiniest car on the park, if not in Clitheroe :) Lots of people had the same idea and were washing their cars.
    Hope the frosts and snow have gone from your neck of the woods and you will be able to get out tomorrow. ((()))

    Hi Barbara, I hope you enjoyed your roast dinner today :) How as Niamh, did she have bacon butties for breakfast, courtesy of G Dad.
    Is the computer working again now :? :?

    Hi to Kath and Mig, hope the frosts are going and you don't need yer at Kath :lol::lol:

    Hi to Carol - hugs and sparkles to you and yours ((())) t115006 Hope you are all as ok as can be.

    Time I was pottering again. Soon be T time and siesta.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Will pop in later

    Tiramisu Cake Anyone ?

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Eveninall still on my phone..for the min it's easier.. :idea: :shock:
    Aiden Bea really us being pampered..what a good home she has gone she is all shappied and rinced...of course you had to stop off for coffee and food.after all the pipe holding.. :lol: the back to black sounds good..must look like new...mother was fumming them less but I see you gave made it up to her ...
    Niamh dud have bacon buttons.. then straight upstairs to go back to bed with daddy..she emptied the dryer for me today ...and dusted.. :lol: bless her..
    Thankyou for the monkey bread never tried that..and the tiramisu cake..something I have tried.. oh and our roast was lovely..she us only in her 30s but what a cook..she us doing 3 course now..but one is enough..
    Toni I bet Lucy has had a whale if a time with her friend..hope the neighbours arrived good to see the snow gone for now...yes hide your comp from Niamh and you will be fine..she loves doing jobs
    Joan we get our rd gritted thank goodness ...but lots of see rd don't.. just hope snow us all gone now you can get out and about..
    Tomorrow us doctors at 8.30..wonder if she has some news on the spinal tap... :? :shock:
    Love to everyone
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - t111055 t111055 At least it isn't snow :? Makes a change not to see frosty roof tops.

    Hi Barbara - Glad you had a lovely time with Niamh, enjoying her bacon butties, then back to bed, for a snuggle with Dad. She is a love, emptying the dryer and doing some dusting. She likes to be kept busy for sure. t4591

    Is your laptop working again? Or has it been hidden away :? :?

    Bea is a lucky Lady to come and live with us :) Spoilt and rightly so. It is a long time since we actually owned a car, after so long with the Motability Scheme. All have been well cared for though. Still waiting to hear from the DWP re my appeal..................... :?

    Definitely coffee and cakes, after holding hoses and pressing buttons :) The young lady who served us was lovely, a bit scatty though :lol::lol: my kind of person :lol::lol:

    I don't think I have ever had Monkey bread either, I did not look at the recipe really, just looked so good, we had to have some.

    Glad the roast was lovely. She must be a good cook and very well organised. Three courses, goodness, you would need to lie down if you ate all them :shock:

    The cloak will be out and we will all be with you at the Drs, early doors, t4591 I will probably be in my "lounge wear" as they call PJ's now :roll: :lol::lol:
    I hope there are some results and that they are ok (((())))

    Hi to everyone else, Carol, I hope you are ok t4591

    I am sure your friends enjoyed their time with you Toni, likewise Lucy, with her friend :)

    Sleek said there were other hoomans in her house, but they were very nice ones :lol:

    Miss very Slimkins came over to share several visits to the sweet dish, I don't think she noticed that they were calorie free ones. Mother is keeping quiet about her magic. t115006
    There is still some snow on Pendle, so Sleek will nip up and gather some snowy mists, for the nymphs, then pop in and see Mother, while we are in town.

    We will pick Dad up this morning, have some prescriptions to go in and one to collect, then nip into the T room :) Scone please, with all the trimmings :)

    Bits of shopping and that will be enough I think. Dad has usually had enough, by the time we are finished at the supermarket.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time for me to potter a bit.

    Hugs and Sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 Take care, XXXX Aidan


    German Apple Pancakes ( another one of our 5 a day Toni :wink:)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Barbara and anyone else who's in.
    . Aidan has the snow gone from your park. We still have some sloppy bits so we are leaving going out till tomorrow.((((())))
    . Barbara I hope you get good results at the Doctors(((()))Niamh is a good girl.
    . love to Toni Carol Kathleen ((((())))
    . take care all
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just grabbing an apple pancake..thanks Aidan!

    Before I nip off to have my haircut! I thought it was tomorrow :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Stay inside a day longer Joan very wise!

    See you all later - if you recognise me :wink:
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Optician came this morning.She acknowledges that my vision has deteriorated, but thinks it's more to do with the Cataract. So I'm having different lenses for my reading specs while I ponder over surgery. Being blind in my left eye, I'm a bit anxious about having surgery on my sighted eye, in case I lose it. :roll:

    Chucked it down all morning, but no frost so kept me at off today. :roll:

    Helpin mesen to apple pancakes Aidan, but missed the monkey bread. Ne mind. Hope everyone enjoys my offering. More fruity bread.

    Ginger, Apple, Pumpkin Loaf

    SERVES: 12

    110g self raising flour (I’ve also tested this with gluten-free flour and it works well)

    100g ground almonds

    3 medium eggs

    100g light brown soft sugar

    150g pumpkin puree (see introduction)

    1 small apple, grated

    1tsp ground ginger

    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    1 inch piece of fresh ginger, grated (optional)

    You can buy tins of pumpkin puree around Halloween but uou can normally just cook and then puree butternut squash or leftover pumpkin. Do buy it ready chopped if you struggle with sore wrists as pumpkin and squash can be extremely tough to deal with –

    Whilst this lovely loaf is still very much a treat, using pumpkin, apple and ground almonds means that it is a little lighter and more nutritious so you can have your cake and eat it!


    Whisk the eggs and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Add in the flour, almonds, pumpkin puree and spices and beat again.

    Fold the grated apple in and spoon the mixture into a well greased loaf tin.

    Bake at 180C/375F for 25-30 minutes or until well risen and firm to touch.

    Allow to cool before slicing and serving.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, finally it has stopped t111055 t111055 bit chilly in the breeze, but glad the frosts have gone.

    It was an early start, under the cloak, to go to Barbara's appointment - I trust we were quiet........I think I had stopped snoring like a water buffalo :shock: :shock: Sorry I was in my PJ's :? :roll: :roll: Hope things are ok t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue. All the snow has gone, even on the top of Pendle, it has vanished away :)
    You are very wise not to go out for another day, make sure everything has melted, we don't want any slips trips or falls.

    Blimey, that was quick Toni, even Sleek said you were late for a hooman shearing :shock: :shock: Mother did remind her that hoomans call it "hairdressing" or coiffure - oooh, get you, Lady Glitter Sparkles :shock: :lol::lol:
    I can barely recognise you, so even though your appointment was a day early, you are looking more than 20 years younger :D:D

    Hi Kath, so your vision in your good eye is mainly the cataract causing the problems. I can only say, that in all my experience and from my Dad and B's Dad, who had it done, they say "there is nothing to it" and the results are wonderful. It is not a long procedure, all under local drops, so you don't feel a thing. The opthalmic surgeons are very skilled. I can understand your concerns totally. But, give it a good thinking through mi duck and take is from there. ((())) t4591

    I put some more Monkey bread out for you, hidden in the second cake tin from the right. Glad you liked the apple pancakes and thank you for the yummy bread. Pumpkin seeds are super good for us as are ginger and apple. :)

    No frost, that's good, but chuckin in darn azit mi duck, yull need yer at or brolley t111055

    I have seen Carol on FB, so hoping that all is as ok as possible, I am sure they have been busy and time just runs away, as well all know too well.

    We picked Dad up this morning, went to the GC, had my scone :) two coffee's, then Sainsb for supplies, didn't need much, but it never seems to be less than £30 :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Time for pills, so I will away for now. I will call back later. In the meantime, take lots of care, Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Chocolate Caramel Layer Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Had a couple of pumpkins slices earlier when I got back thanks Kath
    I think you may ned to be rave and have the eye done we will be with you and make CERTAIN you do not loose the sight in it ((()))

    Aidan indeed kawfure Sleek keeps saying it!! Mother Glitter Sparkles is passing on all her knowledge to the 'young' Miss Sleek!

    20 years?!! Oh lovely thanks t4591

    Those stay greys are gone (for now!) and I can se again :lol:

    I managed Barbara's appointment it being early enough but by gum it were close!!

    Shopping is NEVER less than £30 :roll:

    Glad you had a scone and Dad came out with you too :)

    Cake....cream.....booth....taptaptap tAPTAPTAP TAP TAP TAP!!!!!


    Hot cycle extra rinse..... :oops:

    Good to know Carol is ok :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..thanks for the cloak duties and what a lovey day its been... m0150
    The results were no MS..I knew what they were checking for and I bet Aiden did but was to kind to say..bless him.. t4591

    More meds..prochlorperazine..have to try them and will go back soon for more a sigh of relief this morning...
    Toni I love your hair..can we all be younger..10 years off mine would do :lol: now hows that chest doing is it any easier..hopefully you had our nice weather and could get a walk in :) and you did well to make it under the cloak..I nearly didnt.. :o
    Kath I understand your worry's..its scary to have your one good eye operated on ..I am sure they would look after you..I will try the ginger apple and pumkin loaf thankyou xx
    Aiden apple pancakes have given me ideas...they look so tasty thankyou..and I helped myself to a slice of chocolate cake but think Toni got there first.. :cry: I quite like your stripey PJs..the doctor wondered what was going on but I explained you were all under the cloak..and would nice and quiet so she let you in..
    so today you had coffee and scones with dad...we are the same in sainsburys alwasy over 30..and like you there are just two of us..mind you I got 5x necter points last week..Niamh is never still so giving her jobs to do concentrates her mind.. :lol:
    Hope you hear from the DWP soon.. t4591
    Joan its safer to stay in if there is slush around..we dont want you falling I do enough for us all..
    Does anyone on here like Laural and Hardy..well the film was from a book my friend wrote about them..he did all the research and was on set to oversee the film..we were brought up together has children he lives facing us..Alan Johnson he is on my friends list on face book..I am really proud of him :D
    Better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Sorry I have been not been on for a few days just seem to have whizzed by again at great speed again. cant believe we are in February al ready. where did January go :? :lol: just a short update my aunt is still in hospital and according to her eldest daughter is going on ok.
    Our Lillie is 7 tomorrow talk about feeling old especially when your eldest GGD is 7. and her mum your eldest GD is 27. there was a beautiful picture put on FB today of Graycie and Rubie. I will download it on my laptop and post it if GD is ok about it.
    have managed to lock myself out of my online banking tonight so must go to the bank tomorrow a sort it out.
    I hope you are all well I will read through all your post tomorrow
    we are both fine and jogging along as usual.
    Had Coffee with my friend on Friday and she really make me annoyed as somehow why I always use my walker and not my crutches when I am out she says I am too reliant on it and no matter how much you try to explain the pain and complications of arthritis she just dose not get it and still goes and says I should try to go out more without it and just use my crutches. better stop here as the more I think about it the more annoyed I get.

    It has been quite mild here today but a bit damp with drizzly rain on and off but at least its not snow.

    Time has gone again and I must potter a bit before I set chair shaped love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness, it is after 11.30 - catching up with Jane McDonald on her Australian cruises - didn't realise that the evening had gone........... :roll:

    We would certainly be with Kath, if she goes ahead with the cataract procedure t4591 all very quiet and very still

    Bless, Sleek is still practising her coiffure and Mother is indeed, passing on lots of information, much that we don't hear or know about, for puskins ears only. t4591

    Absolutely 20 years, much better now that you can see and those naughty grey hairs are all gone :) I gave up trying to keep on top of colouring, I was forever at the hairdressers and have been most colours of the rainbow over the years t115006 :lol::lol:

    nope, shopping is never below 30, just a few "bits" and you think, what did we buy? :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Dad was out of sorts really, not sure if there is another infection lurking. Said he is better "for breathing", mmm, Matron is on the case and not convinced he is tickety boo. Nurses intuition radar is on high alert. :? :?

    I guessed the booth might have been in operation, good job I left a few cakes out. :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara - it has been a bright day, chilly breeze here, but all the snow has gone, which is good.

    You are welcome, it was the least we could do, coming along to your Drs appointment. I am very glad to hear that the tests for MS came back negative. t4591 I must admit, that there was the notion on my mind, but it would never be my place to say anything. t4591
    Kind of the Dr to let us all in, even if I was in my stripey PJ's :lol:

    Stemetil (prochlorperazine) is a very effective drug, in treatment of vertigo / menniere's and inner ear imbalance. I have taken it before, many years ago, for the same thing. It works a treat, also stops you feeling sickly if you are unsteady or dizzy.

    There is a spare cake or two, if you have found one that has already been flattened :shock: :lol::lol: Toni, myself, or Kath will have been face planting again.

    Coffee and scone were very nice, just Dad, who would not eat anything apart from a mint choc chip ice cream cone :? :roll:

    Dad always goes through the checkout first, so B can keep an eye on him with packing and paying etc. He never buys much, but often gets a voucher for £2 or £3 off your next shop if it is over £30. I nabbed the one he got today and had £3 off :) Might as well use them.

    Just the two of us as well, but you would think we had a family of 8 :shock: :roll: :roll:
    Good that you keep Niamh busy with her little jobs, helping Gran with her dusting and laundry. She will be very well trained :)

    I have had a read about your friend Alan Johnson and the film of Laurel and Hardy. I saw a trailer and the hours it takes to do the make up etc. How wonderful that you know him so well and he lives close by. Oh I need a first edition, it's a must :D:D:lol: We have friends in high places, how cool is that. All those rejections from the BBC and Granada and 40 publishers and now it is a major film, wow..... m0150 .........You are right to be very proud of him.

    Hi Carol, good to see you, I was getting a bit whittled to be honest. But I know the days and time flies by and after I saw your things on FB I knew you were ok. t4591

    Good to hear that your Aunt is doing ok according to her Daughter. Sending her well wishes and lots of sparkles t115006 t115006

    Don't ask where January went, into the shed for the most part I think :roll: :roll:
    Happy Birthday to Lillie, 7 already :shock: :shock: Look forward to seeing the picture if that is ok with your GD :)

    Ooops, locked out of online banking. They only give you two goes I think, before you are locked out, a bit like the cash machines, they tell you if you enter the wrong pin again, your card will be kept :shock:
    A pain that you have to go to the bank, to sort it out, but, it is there for our safety I guess. There is so much cyber crime these days.

    Don't worry about feeling annoyed, it is perfectly normal. Sometimes, people just do not get Arthritis and its many guises . pains / problems / a lot of which can be invisible to someone who does not share the same disability.
    I have been talked across, if B has been pushing me in a wheelchair - I remember one lady said to Bill, oh, bless, it's a shame isn't it.............Isn't what, said me........yes, me, down here, with ears and a voice :roll: :roll:
    If we didn't need these aids to our lives, we would not use them. Simple as. :roll: :roll:

    Like you, I will be chair shaped, so I will have another potter, before a cup of T.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Cauliflower and Cheese Hash Browns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).