Val's Cafe
Hi to all - chilly day, but bright blue skies, lovely sunshine - not the same for tomorrow, with the weather warnings in place t110007 t111055 :shock: :shock: We need some snowy emoji's pretty please, dearest Admins
Thank you
Hi Joan and Sue, I hope we were of help with you, under the cloak, for your appointment, was thinking about you and sending ((())) t4591 t4591
White chocolate milkshake was perfect, thanks Toni, went very well with the swirled coffee cake and syrup - not much sugar at all :shock: :shock: :shock:
Ah, that's why the booth was closed, it said "deep cleaning programme in operation". Little knowing that someone who remains nameless, had been in
So glad you had your AC recharge for Dudley. I think most would assume that cars AC is fine for life, not so.............Legionaires Disease is one for breeding in large AC units like offices and hospitals, they have to keep them deep cleaned regularly.
Bea is super comfy and most refined, understated elegance, one online review saidLights and the like, all seem to be sorted, still waiting to master the onboard computer and the bluetooth for the phone :roll: :roll: more reading needed.
We picked Dad up a bit later, went into town, to get my prescription, had lunch at the T room, Dad insisted on paying, even though we said we were, bless him. He ate sausages mash and peas - well done Dad, we know he has eaten well today. We had cheese and mushroom toasties and I was going to have a scone, but someone snook in a ordered a box of them to take out, so they all went !!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I wanted to trip her up.I will have a scone, sometime this week.
Gathered a few bits from Sainsb, then we all went to the hosp, for my podiatry, feel much much better, she said, how long IS IT since you last came :? :? :roll: :roll: too long. Floating on air now
Came home in good time, then Bea had a waterless wax polish (can recommend it to anyone) you don't need to wash the car, unless it is 3 inches deep in mud. Spray on, wipe on, polish off, done, all the muck is held in suspension in the canuba wax. Doesn't scratch at all. I did the bits I could manage, B did the high's and low's. Bea is now gleaming m0150 m0150 all protected against the rain sleet and snow that is on the way.
Mother has been telling us of Sleek and Mrs D's visit this morning, they had a good natter, ate as many sweets as they could, threw some litter across the bedroom and into the hall :roll: :roll: Definitely using the gate tomorrow, no fly zone imposed by Hermione (she does worry).
Not sure what time it was when the cloak came to gather me up, it was nice and warm under the cloak, the parlour was most comfortable.
Hi Kath, glad you likes the cakes - whoomf is certainly a word, when it comes to eating cake, cannot find it in a dictionary, but it is the cafe world thesaurus
I am glad my Diabetes is under control, as I cannot paint and swing into shape is not on my remit. Swing into A and E more like
I had not heard of the chickens, is it something in the shell? Sounds an interesting article, must Google it.
Hope your ouches are minimal t115006 t115006
Thank you for the Lentil Curry, it sounds yummy and lentils are so good for us too, lots of slow release carbs.
I wish we had a garage for Bea, but, sadly not. She is well waxed and protected and when we win the lottery, we will have a triple garage, at least.Might be some time......................... :roll: :roll:
Hi Mig, I bet you could use a ham hock, it would work well with Kath's recipe I am sure. Maybe soak any salt out overnight first. Hark at me, Bubbles Delia
Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are ok, did you go out today, maybe a little trip to the GC with Mr B, or have you sent him to the garage with the car :shock:
Hi to Carol, Christine, DD, SW, Toady, Kerrin, Elizabeth and all. Hope everyone is taking care and keeping warm. Stay safe, the weather is a changing. t110007
Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 will pop back later, need to potter a bit before T time and siesta. XXXX Aidan
Cream Horns anyoneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..
Aiden cream horns and coffee cake thankyou..I never give a though to Legionaires and AC in cars.. :shock: we had a friend that caught ut in hospital..showers head they think gosh its scary..we are booking ours in this you were off today with dad ..but no scones again
third time lucky I hope maybe tomorrow..thanks for all the sparkles I am fine now..I think they said a week to ten days for the be honest I was in an hurry to escape
We use the waterless cleanser did you get it off the shopping ChanelI love it but Mr B is sill not convince he is old school buck and water
you are doing well getting to grips with all the contols on the car..wont be long beofre your phone is connected
very kind of you to say my pic is nice..believe me I have chins just not on my face..
I watch the last set of the tennis final ..poor Nadal..but he will be back
Sue its alwasy lovely to hear from you ..tell Joan I was under the cloak for her preop ..I be she was shatered when she got home
Toni its an awful hospital I wont put the name on but I was suppose to have my back op there but they suspended them because so many were going wrong :shock: I will be at singing later just give me the nod..might pop into the shed fist tho
Kath the lentil curry sound so nice..thankyou I might just try and get OH to cook it..hope your blood pressure is under control soon
Hi to mig...I hope your chest is behaving..
Got a big worry at the moment so might not always get on..our eldest GD has been sent to an emergency breast clinic..she has found a lump..she was there today and has to go back for an ultrasound,,she is only 21..I pray its will be ok...
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - it's bloomin chilly. Opened the back door at 9, for a ciggy and there was a blizzard :shock: :shock: :shock: It soon stopped, but everywhere is white over :? :? At home day today, without a doubt.
Poor Bea, she won't be happy. Good that we managed to wax her, before the snow came down.
Hi Barbara - Goodness, that is a worry for you all, not least your eldest GD. There are all kinds of things that cause breast lumps, many of them are benign and can be removed asap. Breast clinics use a triple assessment, examination, x ray / ultrasound and then a biopsy.
Prayers that all will be ok for her t4591 Sending lots of love and positive thoughts, as always. t4591
I am glad you enjoyed the cakes, we really are spoilt rotten in the cafe - and rightly so eh.
Legionnaires is more common in the water cooled heating and ventilation systems and yes, showers can be a breeding ground, hence a good swoosh with bleach spray, inside and out, is good practice. If you have not used a shower for a good while, then definitely a bleach clean.
Car AC are closed system, so Legionnaires is not a problem, more the fungi and mould spores.
Glad that you have yours booked in for a recharge and a de bug
I will have a scone this week, I am determinedThursday or Friday, or both
if we are not snowed in. :roll: :roll: t110007
I have not used the Williams car cleaning that they sell on Ideal World, but have the other one, Showroom Shine (they do all sorts of other cleaning things for cars).
They all do the same thing though, using canuba wax and clay, to hold the dirt on the microfiber cloths. If you ever pop into the Range, they do one there, that is equally as good and only a few £ a bottle.
Buckets and sponges, no Mr B, we don't want all that palaver. :? :?
I will have yet another read of the car manual - I will get the phone connected by hook or by crook. I bet it is so simple (once you know how).
Your pic is lovely, chins, well, I have lost count :roll:one for every scone I think
We enjoyed the tennis, as we always do. It seems that when anyone faces Novak, they cannot buy a ball. It used to be the same when other players faced Roger. I like Raffa, he has some strange routines that he has to go through :shock: :? :?
I don't like the sound of the hospital you went to, stopping operations, due to recurring complications, not good at all. :? :?
I hope everyone else is ok. Mother Glitter Sparkles is very noisy this evening, lots of shrieking and shouting. Probably excited about the SYTTD marathon.
I see Barbara will be over to sing, with your neighbour, Toni. There is no stopping her now.
Joan I trust you are ok and not too tired form your hospital visit. I think we were all well behaved under the cloak (((())))
Hi to Carol, have you had a more restful day, after a busy time last week. Take care if there is snow about, we don't want any ninny walking :shock:
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Time I was pottering a bit. No more snow to report, so far. Have you seen the polar weather in America, with temperatures down to minus 56 degrees, in the wind chill :!: :!: :!: That is like, instant frost bite weather, with more snow than you can shake a stick at. I guess we are lucky really.
Montreal - just a bit of snow:shock:
Nearly half past twelve, where did the evening go :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
I thought we could have an early brunch - Roast Pumpkin and Spinach LasagneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Mig Aidan Barbara
. Kathleen your is doing well at his age(((()))
. Mig did you have a good weekend.
. Aidan I hope the snow does not stay too long we have same coming. thank you for thinking about me yesterday((((())))
. Barbara I will be thinking about your granddaughter and wishing her the best(((()))). thank you for thinking about me yesterday yes my legs were tired I have to have the cyst and my ovaries removed I have not got a date yet ((((()))). I was there from 11 00 till 300
. take care all thank you
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan and Sue - I bet your legs were tired, after four hours at the hospital. It was a pleasure to be with you under the cloak t4591
So your op is planned, but no dates yet. Cyst and ovaries removed, you will be in for a few days and then very light duties for a while. We will be there for you ((())) holding hands from under the cloak. t4591
The snow has all but gone now, just rain (at the moment). Which is fine by me, we don't want to be stuck, as we have been in the past, marooned on the park we were, :shock: umpteen years ago now.
Hope you don't get much. Our forecast has gone from heavy snow, to sleet, so fingers crossed.
Will pop back later XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Barbara, so sorry to hear your GD has found a lump - 21 -my goodness. Sending hugs. Most lumps turn out to be benign, or maybe just a cyst.Most cysts are easily treated. But having had BC I know you won't feel happy until you find out. t4591 t115006
Poor Bea, having a snow bath already. Couldn't you get a waterproof cover for her? Thank goodness for wax. Roast Pumpkin and Spinach Lasagne delicious, ta muchly.
Japanese scientists have created hens that can lay multi-million pound “golden eggs” containing an expensive protein used to treat serious diseases such as cancer and hepatitis.
The creation of the so-called “golden eggs” was masterminded by scientists at Japan’s Biomedical Research Institute at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.
The new technology involved scientists using new genome editing technology to create hens that can produce eggs containing high quantities of the protein human interferon beta at a low cost.
Scientists first collecting cells that would turn into sperm from cockerel embryos and inserting a gene to produce human interferon beta.
The cells were then reportedly returned to the embryos of other cockerels, with the hatched cockerels later made to mate with wild hens.
Scientists have bred hens specially to lay the prized eggs
Scientists have bred hens specially to lay the prized eggs CREDIT: TELEGRAPH
Scientists found that their female offspring could subsequently lay eggs with high levels of human interferon beta – a natural anti-viral protein – found around the yolks.
The protein quantity in individual eggs ranged from around 30 to 60 milligrams, resulting in each egg reportedly being valued as worth between around £408,000 (60 million yen) and £2 million (300 million yen) a piece.
Human interferon beta is a natural anti-viral protein with a hefty price tag which is commonly used as a therapeutic agent for diseases such as cancer and hepatitis.
The scientists are currently collaborating with Cosmo Bio, a Japanese reagent maker, to explore the potential commercial production of the hen-based protein.
Cosmo Bio plans to sell the protein, produced by its own in-house hens, from early next year for research use, with a view to making it commercially available in the future following further tests.
“For Interferon-beta protein, we have about 20 hens in-house," Mika Kitahara of Cosmo Bio, told the Telegraph. "So far our hens produce the eggs constantly, just like normal hens.”
Highlighting the benefits of such a technique, she added: “These hens can produce eggs constantly, so we can obtain recombinant proteins in large amounts and with stability. In addition, this system doesn't involve killing hens.”
Honey Almond Cake
Cake: 180g (6oz) whole almonds, toasted 4 large eggs, at room temperature, separated
120ml (4.22fl oz) honey 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt Topping: 2 tablespoons honey 30g (1oz) almonds, toasted
Preheat oven to 180°C. Coat a 9-inch springform pan with cooking spray. Line the bottom with parchment paper and spray the paper.
Process whole almonds in a food processor or blender until finely ground. Beat 4 egg yolks, 120ml honey, vanilla, baking soda and salt in a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer (or use a paddle attachment on a stand mixer) on medium speed until well combined. Add the ground almonds and beat on low until combined.
WHERE'S OUR TONI? t4591 t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
It is snowing, but not really settling, thank goodness. t110007
Hope everyone is taking care and there is not too much snow.
Hi Kath - Thank you for the info, interesting reading. Beta interferon is super expensive I remember that. Hopefully they can start to replicate and reproduce it in larger quantities. Great piece of research that has been carried out. t4591
I know, poor Bea, she wont be best pleased. I think cars are better left uncovered, or dried off and garaged, better to let the air get round them.
She will be ok, under her coat of wax, with many more waxing to come I am sure.
You are welcome to the brunch lasagne and thank you for the lovely honey and almond cake, perfect, with custard I think, seeing as it is chilly.
I am guessing Toni is having a busy day, here there and all over, weather permitting :? :? I cannot remember there being any cloak appointments.
Sleek has been over, early doors, to shriek with Mother, about SYTTD. Lots of looking in wedding books too. I think Sleek has spent at least £20000 already, just browsing. Lots of sweets have been eaten. They were extra comfy, once the beds had been changed and plumped :roll: :roll:
Wishy washy's laundry is up and runningHappy days. Simple things in life, make me cheerful............bless :roll: :roll:
Pendle has vanished in the mist, here is a picture taken at the summit, in the snow. No, not by me, I would only ever get there by helicopter now. :shock:
Credit to "Alan Kilduff" for this amazing photo.
Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are ok, I know you will be worrying, which is natural. Sending lots of love and prayers t4591 t4591
Hi to Carol Kerrin Mig, DD, toady, SW, Elizabeth, Christine and all.
Time I was pottering into the wash house
Been a pleasant day, at home, quiet day, liking our own company
Lots of love and sparkles, will call in later t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
I did try to post last night but was doing it on my I pad and I don't know I pressed or touched but I ended up with what called a split screen and the type was so small I could not carry on it took about an hour or more to get it back to normal courtesy of Mr T looking up on his I pad how to do it whilst I was doing some pottering and of course then it was bedtime. Saturday I found out that my elderly aunt who I sometimes visit had been rushed into hospital as she apparently was not in a good way. I don't know much else as I have not heard anything from her daughter. I know she will keep me updated as to how she is doing. it is a bit worrying really as she dose have a few other health problems. she is also my mums last surviving sibling.
I am in early as Mr T and myself are having a meal out tonight to celebrate my birthday which is tomorrow. it is very cold here I am hoping it will not snow as was forecast yesterday. fortunately the restaurant we are going to is only a short walk around the corner to where we live. So hopefully it will not snow at least until after we get home as I don't fancy the ninny walking thanks.
Aidan I did indeed have a nap on Sunday after another busy week. good job I did have it as I am still suffering with a stuffed up nose which seems to like to keep me awake at night I am getting rather fed up with now.
Barbara so sorry to hear about you GD hopefully it is nothing too serious
Joan oh dear you have to have a cyst and ovaries removed hope the date will be sooner rather than later and we will all be there with you under the cloak .
its time again for a little potter and to put some washing into the washing machine
love and sparkles for all t115006 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all..just typed a long message and it said error on page came up..then timed out
Anyhow just to say a big thankyou for all your for you good wishes and prayers for our gd..she has her appoitment for the ultrasound tomorrow Evening
Kath thankyou.. you will understand the worry..I really admire you for all you have gone through..and still going through
The info on the interferon us really interesting.. let's hope it's not long off
Joan thankyou.. you must be shattered..hope you can get some rest now..hopefully it will be done under keyhole surgery..we will all be with you..xx
Aiden thankyou for the lovely serene photo of Pendle us a worry but her girlfriend is with her..but work have been on there backs..we feel so heloless be7ng so far away..hope you get that phone sorted soon..knowing you it won't be long..and did you get a scone at long last
Carol thankyou..hope you get that laptop sorted soon..I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt bless her..and I'm so glad you had the time to catch up with her not long ago..
Better go this is off my phone
Thankyou again and l8ve to you all
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone
Late in again sorry…had a busy day including a visit to the respiratory nurse . She reckons some of the stuff I cough up might be from a bout of pneumonia I had as a child (Kari remembers).
Did a quick emergency dash to the supermarket incase it snows I don’t like driving in snow and neither does Lucy. Had to help Pom too as well as my usual Tuesday cleaning jobs…Paul is in Bournemouth overnight.
Carol I remember you visiting your Aunt before not long agoI do hope she is ok and she isn’t suffering. It’s not easy to loose your Mum and her only surviving sibling was still a link ((())) t115006
Annoying about your laptop playing up and spoiling your post yesterday frustrating. A very happy birthday for tomorrow. Enjoy your meal out
Aidan blimey that is an amazing picture I would have been impressed if it was you!! Thanks for the savoury breakie I really enjoyed it
Sleek sneaked over to yours earlier for some sweets with Tosca Lady Glitter Sparkles The SYTTD-binge was a success and yes Sleek has spent at least 200,000!! Lovely and confy so I heard on the plush fresh bedding. I have packed her some sweets to take over in the morning to replace some of those she’s eaten!! Mother isn’t going out at the moment due to the weather Sleek is planning on making snowangel-pusskins if it settles. It’s snowing ATM here, but not supposed to settle until Thursday.
Bea will be fine out in the elements now she is all waxed and spruced up. I must tell Paul about that oil he would eb interested I’m sure. Dudley has to go into hospital soon to have his sore bumper fixed. Bumped presumably in a car-park not sure when I just know it wasn’t me
I’m here Kath just late again! Ooops!! :oops: I know why you were worried – there were cream horns left!! Don’t worry they are all gone now!!
Honey and almond cake….mmmm lovely I have some vegan egg replacer so can make that.
I would eat some golden eggs though – where can I get some?
Paul keeps his Porsche under a cover, but now she is in the new garage.
Joan I am sorry you need an operation, but you have so much going on I think if one painful thing can be fixed you should go ahead. ((())) Cloak is ready for Sue tomorrow.
Barbara I have everything crossed for your GD I am sure all will be well. It will be if good wishes have any power because we are all rooting for her. Safety first ((())) for you. I’m glad the ultrasound is nice and quick. Will it be down in London??
Yes don’t name the hospital that didn’t look after you well. I don’t think we’re allowed are we? I hope you get your results soon and that anything they find is treatable.0 -
Hi to all - thank goodness it is not snowing, but it is super frosty t110007 t110007 Warm and snug though, heating on 22 degrees, perfect
Oh Dear Carol, your poor Aunt, I do hope she is ok and being looked after super well in Hospital. It is a worry when our family members have a range of health issues and suddenly take a downward step. She is in the right place and I am sure they will give her the necessary treatment to alleviate any discomfort / infection.
I know you enjoyed your visits there, often meeting other family members at the same time. I only have one surviving Aunt, on my Mum's side, so sad when links of the chain are broken. We wish her well and lots of ((())) are on the way to her right now t115006 t4591
A little trouble with the iPad, ooops, I know the phones do split screen, but I have only seen it by accident, not by choice. :? Well done Mr T, for sorting it out, where would we be without Google to answer all our questions :shock: :shock:
I hope you had a lovely meal out with Mr T and enjoy your Birthday today, t4591 t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044 t115006 We need cake, Birthday cake - I made this, earlier
I hope you didn't get any snow and there was no need to ninny walk.
Glad you had a nap on Sunday, much needed. Now we have to get rid of this stuffed up nose, some magic squares are in the tissue boxTo help. t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - you had trouble with your post too. Timed out, ooops, sometimes the internet connection can do that and cause a glitch.
You are more than welcome to all our thoughts and well wishes. We will be under the cloak with her for the ultrasound. t4591 t4591
There are some wonderful pictures of Pendle Hill on the t'interweb. She really is a famous place.
I am sure your GD is getting lots of support from her GF, work can whistle, health comes first. They cannot chastise someone for a health issue that needs investigation. I will send some magic squares to her employers, filled with kindness. t4591
Scone, well, that will be today, at the GC. I said to Bill, we are going to the GC today, no matter what, I have had no scones in two weeks and it is, quite frankly, ridiculous:shock: :shock:
Hi Toni Not to worry, I am normally the one who appears at midnight, like some night owl.
So the resp nurse says your cough could be due to pneumonia as a child. It does leave scars, as does TB and they leave a legacy that carries on into adulthood. Are the inhalers helping?
Don't blame you for having a quick trip to the shop, to gather some supplies. We will stock up today, even though snow is not forecast now.
Hope you were all safe and warm, whilst Paul was away overnight.
I would have been impressed if that picture had been taken by your truly :shock: :shock: I found another picture, that I am SO in love with.
It is from holidays in Norway, oh it looks just magical. With all that snow, I would try a snow angel. I would need a winch to get me up, but it would be worth it t4591 Dream on Aidan.....................
You are welcome to the savoury brekkie
Sleek and Mother Glitter, had a wonderful time, she is still shrieking about tiara's and diamante. They all want to go on SYTTD with David Emanuel.
Sleek has expensive taste, I think one of the tiara's had real diamonds in :shock: :shock:
I have replenished the sweets, ready for the morning visit. Mother won't go out when it is hovering around freezing point, her joints are not as they were, bless her.
I hope your snow does not settle. B went out to make sure the windscreen on Bea, was clear of any snow or slush. She will be frozen solid, but protected under her wax coat. We will see how quickly she warms up this morning, after I have negotiated the ramp with ninny steps.......... :roll: :roll:
I hope Dudley is soon mended, with his sore bumper. It has happened to us, one time in France, at the supermarche, the passenger door was completely wiped out :shock: :shock:
I see we are off with Sue today, t115006 under the cloak, for her to get her new teeth, she will be all smiles
Well, I had better do some more pottering. All washing and drying done, all beds, human and feline, immaculisedFresh sheets are the best thing ever
As mentioned, we are off to the GC, then shopping, via the petrol station, better give Bea a good drink of super diesel.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 take care, keep safe. XXXX Aidan
Lightly Spiced Sweet Potato Cakes with Fried EggsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Can't fault that for a breakfast can you?! Thanks Aidan
You are indeed a night owl and were a prolific night-time poster on here back 'in the day' along with Trish, Skezier and Valval. Them were t'days...sigh
I love the snow-covered houses! t4591 I would be scared to make snow-angels there too - might disappear!!
I have looked outside (It is still dark) but I think we have a dusting of snow which has been iced over so I will wait a while before venturing out and hope you will too. I am sure Bea will be very cosy. Luxury cars are usually warm too m0150
Then you will get your scone you must be having withdrawal symptoms by now :shock: you might need two to get you back on an even keel!
Lucy and I are planning on going into town today to fetch a jigsaw! What do you reckon? If we end up snowed in I thik we'll be glad of it
Sleek has been out collecting frosted blades (grass to you and me) for the nymphs apparently they go in their chilled drinks in the café to be honest I wonder whether they are trying to give her jobs to do :? she so hates not being busy :animal_busy: I wouldn't be surprised if the tiaras she's after have real diamonds in them :roll: Pepe Longstockings did rather spoil her didn't he?
I love Carol's cake, but will wait until this afternoon for a slice (or two)
Morning Joan. I bet Sue is exited and a little nervous about her new teeth
Thinking of Barbara's GD ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Aidan Kathleen Barbara Carol Toni
. Aidan lovely photos I hope you get a scone or two today. yes sue picks her teeth up today(((()))))
. Kathleen I hope you have a good day((((()))))
. Barbara I wish your granddaughter all the best tonight. my opp will be open surgery I was told((()))
. Carol I wish your mum's sister all the best((((())))
. Toni you go careful when your out and about(((())))
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Carol, have a wonderful day. I hope you and Mr T enjoy your meal. t115006 t4591 t115006
Joan, no snow here but it's bright. sunny and frosty. I tried to do the Big Garden Birdwatch at weekend. No birds appeared, but there's been loads today. :roll:
Don't worry Toni, you're not in trouble for being late. Just as long as you are safe and well. t4591
Barbara, our thoughts are with you. I hope you get some good news soon. t4591
Cheesy Stuffed Mushrooms
SERVES: 2 Ingredients:
4 large portobello mushrooms (or other large, flat kind)
6 tablespoons cottage cheese
4 tablespoons brown bread crumbs
1 tablespoon grated cheese (any will do)
1 tsp mustard (any type)
1 clove crushed garlic (optional)
Olive oil spray
Wipe the mushrooms clean and place on a foil lined baking sheet. In a bowl, mix together the cottage cheese, mustard, garlic (if using) and season well with black pepper. Take this mixture and spoon around the stems of the mushrooms until they are well filled. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the stuffed mushrooms and spritz with olive oil spray. Top with the grated cheese.
Bake for 20-30 mins at 180C/375F until the mushrooms are tender and the filling golden and gooey.
:animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
One of those breakfasts that you could just keep going with, until you were a little
for being greedy.
Glad you liked them Toni.
Always a night owl me, in fact I would not go to bed at night, if it were down to me, long story, all to do with cardiac problems, heart attacks etc.....anyway, B makes sure I have my pills and then I have an hour before I am knocked out :roll: :roll:
I used to love the late night natter with Valval and Trish, Skeizer and Tony. We used to have a laugh, Trish was so up beat, even if she was on the ceiling with steroidsSeems a long long time ago now. I agree, big sigh :?
Those houses in Norway, are they just amazing or what, real, proper snow, not slush and muck. We would vanish into the drifts, but I am sure some strong Norse men would rescue us
We woke to another covering of snow, (not forecast), only a light dusting, but everywhere was white over again.
There was ninny walking down the ramp, walking on the snowy part is easier, there was no ice under it, so no slips. Bea was soon cleared of ice and snow, warmed up nice and quickly. Picked Dad up and off we went to the GC
I was good, I only had one scone, I made sure it was the biggest one they could findMost enjoyable.
A jigsaw, yes, why not. I would not have the patience with them now, they would end up being rammed together to fit, no matter what piece it was :roll: :roll:
Sleek did get the frosted grass and also some snow cloud, from the top of Pendle, highly prized apparently. The nymphs were made up with her gatherings and Sleek enjoyed being busy. Mother waited patiently for her, on her fresh bedding.
Pepe did spoil her, and vice versa. I cannot believe it is a year next week, since Miss Cookie went over rainbow bridge t4591 t115006 t115006 Sorely missed, as they both areStop now Aidan......................
Yes, Cake at T time, when Carol is ready for cutting the first piece
Hope you have had a lovely Birthday Carol t4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - Yes, I was determined to have a scone this morning and I enjoyed every crumb. I would have had two, if no one had been looking on
I hope Sue is ok with her new teeth.
So you are having open surgery. Each way has its benefits to be honest, just that open ones need a bit more care and attention, post op. We don't want any infections.
Hi Kath, that's just typical, no birds on bird watch day, then they all appear the day after :roll: :roll: :? :? I bet they knew and went into hiding
Glad you didn't have any snow - it has been bright and sunny here too, but very chilly and will soon be frosty again.
Thank you for the cheesy mushrooms, I am all over them like a rash, they are SO good.
Hope you and yours are ok Barbara, will be thinking of you all, I am sure your GD will ring you later, after the ultrasound. Many prayers and powers of positive thinking. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
We did a big shop, well, I pottered a little, while B piled the trolley up high, then we went to Lidl, oh, it has all changed, big bakery deli bit, wanted one of everything. Four croissants for lunch, compared prices and we will be going there for things like cheese . veggie things, much cheaper than Sainsb, cleaning things too, laundry liquid, much much cheaper. As long as it cleans, that's fine by me
Was well into the afternoon when we had our croissants, but, no worry, we can eat when we want. Oh, we filled up with fuel as well. Seem to have spent a LOT today. Tomorrow will be the same, after Bea's trip to KwikFit for all the checks and AC re charge and de bug. Nero's here we come, again
I need to potter a bit, time is flying away, as always. Hi to everyone, in and about. Take care and keep warm. Will pop back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Right, we need Carol, to cut the cakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Okay cake duly cut you can now all tuck in it is gorgeous Aidan thank you I have had a great birthday had Facebook messages from both daughters and various other family and friends also had a card from the knitting group when I got there. Mr T and me had a very delicious meal out last night thankfully no snow so no need for any ninny walking just rain and a little sleet. we are forecast for snow tomorrow evening into Friday so we will see. Joan Hope Sue is happy with her teeth and thank you for the good wishes for mu Aunt Kath
Thank you I have a good day and the meal last night was delicious. Washed down with a nice glass of wine of course. those cheesy mushrooms look divine Toni cake now duly cut so tuck in. Aidan Yes you right especially an elderly family member it is a worry have spoken one of her sons today and he says she had a fall she has a lot of fluid on in her legs they are really swollen and it affected her balance they are trying to drain the fluid at the moment he said she was a bit brighter in herself today when she was visited and I have his mobile number and he has mine. thank you for her hugs and sparkles you sent. I do have one other elderly aunt on my dads side but she lives in Milton Keynes so it is not easy to visit her from where I am. my stuffed nose seems to be when the temperature changes mostly but it is so annoying.
Well its time for a potter
so love and sparkles coming your way t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all. just a quick update..and to say a big thankyou to all of you...Will type more tomorrow...our GD had the scan and they say 89 % chance they are cyst..but one us quite big so they will review and have her back..maybe drain it
I am shattered with worrying..
Toni so sorry your chest is not be having..I had Pneumonia when I was 11..and still get bad maybe it is that..enjoy the jigsaw..
Aiden had a scone...hopefully you didn't get has much snow has we did..they closed the schools..and the buses stopped running for a while..
Joan you will feel better when that cyst has gone..hopefully very soon xx
Carol I am glad to hear that your Aunt is a little brighter..
Kath thanks again for thinking about us
Sorry my comp keeps losing the forum don't know whoes fault it on my phone again..
Better go will be on tomorrow
Live to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Well that's a relief! Thanks Barbara for taking the time to pop in I am so pleased to hear the odds sound good
phew!!! We are always there for each other.
Kath thanks for the stuffed Portobello mushies yum! Don't worry about me I am usually ok
Joan I hope Sue loves her new smile. I am being careful out there it's nasty! Very very icy and more snow due tomorrow :roll:
Aidan had his scone!! Brilliant
Those were great days Aidan I was an 'early bird still am really. Ah well forums aren't what they used to be but the cafe still is!!!
Sleek is on 'cloud 9' after her exploits today hehehe! Mother gave her a pat on the back high praise from Tosca. We have remembered that it's almost 12 months:( God bless Cookie t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Carol has had a lovely day which of course she deserves and has had encouraging news about Auntie.
Thanks for a slice of cake!!!
Must get on I am so tired!
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, on a very frosty night.
I hope those further south and west, are ok, given the forecast for some heavy snow, Toni, Joan and Sue, Carol, take extra care..........
Ooooh, cake, wonderful, thank you Carol. Glad you liked it, I did very well with the icing and making of the flowers :? :?
So glad you enjoyed your Birthday, with your delicious meal out with Mr T, lots of cards and well wishes online toot4591 t4591
Your poor Aunt, falling is a horrid thing and really knocks anyone sideways. I am sure they will reduce the amount of fluid with oral or iv diuretics. Good to hear that she was a bit brighter in herself and family are keeping you in the loop.
Noses are funny at this time of year, with ice cold air making them run, then warm air inside, drying them out :roll: :roll: Sterimar is a good nasal spray, just to keep things nice and refreshed. Purified sea water, which is good for sinuses. I use it every day.
You are more than welcome to the hugs and sparkles, there are more on the way to you and yours as we speak t4591 t115006 I hope you don't get much in the way of snow :? :?
Hi Barbara - I am praying that your GD has good news, if they are 90% sure that the breast lumps are cysts, then that is a huge relief.
I know they still have to test further, but they can drain them - uncomfortable for sure. Let's hope they have her back in soon and drain them, often using the ultrasound at the same time, to pinpoint the needles - ok, I won't go into needles, forget I mentioned them :shock: :shock:
Prayers are still winging their way to you and yours t4591 As Toni said, if positive thinking can change things, then this is that time.
I can tell how worried you have been, it is tangible and naturally so, we would all be the same. I hope you can rest a little better now. t115006 t115006
I think you had most of our snow, everything was fine, apart from a light dusting, more on Pendle, but that is normal. It has all gone now, just very frosty.
I did have my scone, no way was I missing out again
I wonder why you computer keeps loosing the Forum, strange......Su could not access it the other day either - gremlins. Has Niamh been dusting the laptop :shock: :? :?
Hi Toni, we are there for each other, quite right. It is like a national network of positive thinking, caring and sharing. t4591
Scone, yes, a scone, it is the small things in life that mean SO much
I am sure we had "night owls" and "early birds" categories, on the chit chat section - with Mac being an unwelcome visitorthe tunnel from the cafe to the pub...........
Yes, God Bless Miss Cookie Paws. I will put a nice picture on FB and share it on here too, on the 8th Feb. t4591 t115006 t115006
Mother was most pleased with Sleeks ventures onto a snowy cold Pendle.
Mother has had a groom and some more lugs removed, so, she has baldy patches (a bit like Daddy). She has already sent a text to Sleek, saying that she has been scalped. :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: There will be shrieking, I can tell.
Hope you had a good rest. It will be choir tonight, Barbara will be there I am sure, biscuits being a great essential, post singing of course.
We are off to Skipton and KwikFit, for Beatrice to have a good check over, winter check, tyres, brakes, AC recharge and anything else that they find - hopefully not too much. But, if something needs doing, it is best done. It will take a good two hours or so. Taxi into town, barely half a mile, but too far for me to walk. I am sure we will while away some time in Nero'sWell, you need cake and toasties in this weather.
Time I was a pottering. Hi to everyone else in and about. Everyone take care. Thank goodness we are not in Northern USA, with Arctic temperatures, minus 40 and lower. I pray people are safe and don't have to venture far in it, very dangerous to be out in that.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXXX Aidan
Greek Pancakes with Honey and WalnutsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Pass us a pancake Aidan (or 5) I have some rhoddas and rhoddas ice cream to for anyone interested?
I am sure you're right about Barbara's GD's prognosis, but shh! don't mention the needles!!! :shock:I think there is power in positive thinking prayers and lit candles definitely
The same goes for Carol's Aunt I am sure 'they' will help with her legs and glad she has swapped details with her Aunt's son.
Bea is being well and truly spoiled - she will be so pleased she has you-two to cosset her and keep her in tip top condition t4591 Of course you will need to spend some time in Nero's to keep warm and give you energy in this weather.
I very much those folks in N America are staying indoors and older people are ok :?
Sleek went out again and got extra frozen grass and clouds for the nymphs...we are expecting snow possibly today so the chance of harvesting both will be gone. Apparently Tosca is fuming - livid no less and 'can't go out' until her hair has grown back :roll: bless herSleek has dyed some of it with that coloured spray to take her mind off it :shock:
WE did have Night owls and early birds two lengthy threads didn't we?! That mac!
Oh no!!
there he is!!
Yes please a picture of Miss Cookie-paws would be lovely t4591 Sleek and Tosca talk about her and of course Pepe Longstockings. Sleek shows Tosca pictures of Eric Catona when she comes over. t115006 t115006
How did Sue get on Joan? Is she smiling again? I bet the new teeth feel really big at first.
Well I had better get on!
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen that's good you have no snow
Carol that's good your Aunt is feeling better.
. Aidan hooray you had a scone I bet it tasted lovely.
. Barbara that's good it's a cyst your Granddaughter has((((())))). I have to go up the hospital they want more blood.
. Toni yes sue likes her teeth hey don't hurt. sorry your not well((((()))).
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Barbara, such a relief for your family. I hope they get rid of the bigger cyst easily. They will give a local anaesthetic to numb the area before draining it. Will be thinking of you all.
My optician is coming betwwe 9-10 am on Monday morning. I want to reuse some of my existing frames instead of new ones.
OOOh Aidan, Greek Pancakes with Honey and Walnuts
- so kind. Dear Cookie and Pepe
Goat Cheese and Spinach Omelette
3 large eggs
300g (10.5oz) baby spinach
2 tablespoons of goat cheese in cubes (or feta)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Small pinch of black pepper
Recipe Summary
Egg, is a nutrient powerhouse. The egg white is packed full of protein while the yolk is a good source vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin B2. In the past, the amount of cholesterol found in an egg yolk was a concern. This is no longer the case. Preparing spinach is easy. But people often forget how useful nutritionally this vegetable is. Apart from the association with Popeye, spinach; like eggs is packed full of nutrients. It is high in vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, iron and the list goes on. This quick cook recipe (14 minutes) also brings in goat cheese. While it is not to everyone’s palate, manyuse this on a daily basis. If you don’t like goat cheese, feta can be use as an alternative.
Boil a small amount of water in a saucepan. Drop in spinach and cook just until wilted. Drain and chop coarsely. Stir in the cheese.
Beat the eggs with a fork in a medium bowl. Add in a pinch of black pepper. Heat the olive oil in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat until hot. Pour in egg. Tilt the egg from side to side. Add in the spinach mixture over the omelette. Continue to cook until almost set, and the bottom is golden."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..lets see how this comps reacts with the forum :?
Aiden glad you got the scone should have had 2 ..I am sure onone would have skipton today..and Bea will have all her bits done..oh that sounds naughty..but bet to know it wont let you down, its my biggest fear..I always have meds in the car just in case..and extra can never be to careful..I love the it one you took while on you say proper snow..gosh it was awful here yesterday but much worse a couple of miles away ..and the motor way was stopped :shock: still have snow but a lot has melted..thankyou again for all the prayers and sparkles they did the job
and thankyou for the pancakes with honey..will save one for Niamh she loves them with honey
Carol glad to hear you had a lovely Birthday..and a really nice meal with Mr T thankyou for your good wishes for our GD...
Joan thankyou again for your good wishes..I am glad that Sue has her teeth ..she will son get used its down to wearing them every day..must say you seem to be getting good service off your GP and Aiden says you will have a few weeks recovering no heavy lifting ..but dont suppose you do anyway..xx
Toni thankyou again prayers and positve thinking do work.. what jigsaw did you get..I used to love doing them but cant get my head around then these days..I will be at choir tonight might even brings biscuits
Kath thankyou again and thankyou for the omeletteshope the optician arrives ok
Gd is waiting to hear more form the have been awful she is on zero hour contracts..its terrible in this day and age :x
we have just been shopping for more supplies just in case.. :shock:
more snow on the way nut think it is mainly Wales and down South
better make a move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon everyone!
Barbara yes bring biscuits we won't let the sopranos hog them will we?
I can't believe that your GD's job is 0 hours!! Mind you one of the Dad's had that problem when his daughter was in hospital with Lucy :roll: Incredible.
National minimum wage and national working age ? What about getting rid of 0 hours?!
We got a Disney puzzle and a 'wasgu' one? called 'Vaguely gone prancing' funny
Kath thank you for the omelette I love omelettes and am a firm believer that they are good for us.
Definitely reuse some of your old frames a) they should suit you and b) it saves money!!
Joan I am so pleased Sue likes her new teethI bet she can't stop smiling
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, just a quick visit as we are not long in from our day out in Skipton.
We will be going back to Skipton tomorrow - Bea needs essential works, break discs and pads all round, plus we are having all new tyres. The engineer said three of the tyres that are on, bar one at the back, he had never heard of and could not even locate the make, :shock: so no idea where they came from, or what safety record they have................. :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Well, brake discs and pads are all "wear and tear" so we want them done - order them please, plus tracking and new cabin air filter...
Say the total quickly,££££ which he did,glad I was sat down...... :shock: :shock: :? :? :roll: :roll: ......but, we would rather have all new pirelli tyres, to go with the all new braking...............we knew there would be an outlay and you cannot claim for wear and tear on things. Bread and jam on the shopping list for tomorrow :? :?
AC has been re gassed and air system fumigated, winter check done, everything ok with battery, suspension, pipes, anti freeze, etc. Phew.
They are very good, he made sure we saw what needed doing and explained things fully. He was shocked that we didn't quibble at the price - just get it done, we will be happy bunnies.
Anyway, we are home, just thawing out. I will write to everyone later. In the meantime, love, hugs and sparkles (()) t4591 t115006 It's bloomin cold t110007 t110007 t110007 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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