Val's Cafe
Afternoon all..very blowy but nice and mild
Mig I am sorry to hear your news..and can only imagine the shock ..its a lot to take in but we are all hear for you and like Toni and Aiden say the treatment is very successful..sending some gentle healing hugs..((())) xx t4591
Kath I am sick of our bins being blown over ..they are so tall the wind soon catches them..thankyou for the curry recipe..and the fried our alcohol expert what make you think that
I wish
Aiden I bet the lady felt so special..and so she lovely Bea got muddy..ours need a good clean so I might just bring it around to yours..what do you chargeit wont get done here.. :roll: .the worry you are and have gone through is awful but you have done everything possible..fingers crossed it all works out.. t115006 ..did you read about the poor man at 6 stones who had to leave his hospital bed to get to his appeal..disgraceful
.thankyou for the fruit loaf my favorite with a cup of teaand the lovely pic of silver our dear friend...
Toni its good to know that you are there to reassure Mig..
I agree about the kids when they get I will make the most of it..
hope Sue and Joan are doing ok..xx
we have our middle GD coming later ..she is 18 next month and sister to the one in London..hopefully some proper cleaning will get done
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Mig (along with all of you of course) was there for Lucy and me so we will be here for her too. I hope all has gone well. Am going to fill a bucket up with strength so passing it around for us all to add some to it for her.
Sue of course we are here for you as we are for Joan and she is for us. I'm so glad your teeth are all good now
One of the songs we are singing is 'Such love' (for mothering Sunday of course) it's printed on a sheet all three verses underneath each other. Soprano, alto and baritone so quite hard to read. My neighbours and I all know the 'tune' so don't need the music.
My neighbour can't read the words though so I have typed them out large and bold all separate for her. I hope it helps.
Kath I love it!! We are such an expert group of friends aren't we. Aidan is right though you are also our poet laureate!
Bloomin wind is still blowing here and rai lashing against the windows so no walk for me today
That rice looks scrumptious!
Barbara Enjoy your middle GD while she's with you they are such a blessing hope eldest one is ok still???
Little ones are so gorgeous and seet they give us so much pleasure and laughter, but big ones are useful!!
Aidan sounds like Dad did o....k at the Drs with B's supervision shame his Dr is moving practise :? No wonder you had all that coffee waiting for them and all that cake!! Had to be done to be fair
Passing the best president butter - tendre.
I could tell you felt much calmer about the PIP appeal and I think you did really well taking back control. Sadly not everyone has the strength mentally never mind the money to do what you did.
Tosca (apparently) has some baby hair tonic which is being applied nightly :shock:
So she knew about Sleek's escapades in the wind then?! Could have been worse could have been stuck on the Church spire!
Tosca and Miss Slimkins were granted a visit through another gate to see Silver in memory of Cookie (and of course they remembered Pepe Longstockings too). We are all thinking of you and B today t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
Hope every night is doing well and pottering away as we do. I have had nightmares with my online banking at the moment have
Had endless trips to the Bank to transfer so money to youngest granddaughter for her birthday, and even a telephone calls call to the debit card Customerservice who were to put it politely as much use as a chocolate teapotmanaged after much tong and froing to successfully transfer it to her yesterday. And they are now sending me a new online banking passcode which will hopefully sort it out. Argh technology I am sick of it never works when it is something importantly want to do. The extra anti histamine and my hay fever nasal spray seems to be helping the stuffed up nose, so I am sleeping better at present thank goodness.
Aidan seen your picture on Facebook that year has gone so quickly. Sending you hugs as I know how loosing our fur babies is really hard. I cannot believe that it in just over 2 weeks it will be 2 years since we lost our lovely Snowie.
Same as when I think our youngest GD is 17 today I put a greeting on fab today as you know and she was about 3 when the young photos were taken. Ooh I am honoured chief knitting consultant well not quite sure about that but thanks for the title. Fruity tea cake yummy I don’t mind if I do went down very nicely with a cuppa.
Sue hi there glad you are all happy with your teeth I did have to have mine adjusted but after that I have had no problems with them.
Toni Hi the hay fever nasal spray on a regular twice a day dose and the doubled up antihistamine seems to be helping a lot. Hope you and Lucy are well.
Mig Of course we will all be there under the cloak because even if we forget the cloak visits and whisks away before we are even aware of it. Hope it all went well.
Kath so your rubbish bin decided to blow around in the windglad you managed to get it all in A safe place. You would make a good recipe expert.
Time to potter sorry if I have missed anyone out
Hugs love and sparkles to you all ((())) t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 keep safeStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - I think storm Erik has arrived and is whipping up a hooly at the moment t110007 t110007 Howling through the trees :shock: :? :?
Hi Barbara - of course you can bring your car over, it would be free, with T and cakes, we would get a valeter in to do them bothwhile we sat there eating scones
I think we have done everything we can, so far, to appeal my case. I did read about the poor man, having to go to his appeal, from his hospital bed. Totally disgusting. Sadly, it is happening all too often.
Glad you enjoyed the fruit loaf, perfect with a little (or a lot) of butter and a nice cup of tea. Mum used to make Parish Cake, is was a secret recipe, even I don't know it, like a fruit cake, but very light, I used to love it.
Silver wanted us to know that we are always remembered even if he is not around t4591 t4591 not always seen, but ever present
I hope your middle GD was busy away, helping with some chores, all well trained
Has your eldest GD had any more news / results etc.?
Hi Toni, I have poured some strength (see pic) into the bucket, which will be overflowing with powert4591 t4591
The song sounds wonderful, for Mothering Sunday. Glad you know the tune, as you say, things can be hard to decipher and you are a star, typing the words LARGE AND BOLD for your neighbour
The GP said that Dad was very forgetful, but was not unduly worried or anxious to do any more investigations at the moment. Fair enough, he has us to keep a very close eye.
I think I am less "wired" from coffee overload, as you say, it had to be done and cake had to be eaten. :?
thank you for the butter, just right for spreading
We did take control, well, B did a sterling job of car sorting and I did what I could with the appeal. We are so grateful that we had enough to buy Beatrice. It has been mentally draining, I won't lie.
Ah, so Mother has some special hair tonic, that she is applying. :shock: She does keep a close eye on me, her bed is on one side of my bed, close to the top. I can keep a hand on her and she always chirrups, bless her fluffy feet.
There was a lot of shrieking from the bedroom, I think Mother had come back through the special gate, after talking to Silver and remembering her "Sister" Miss Cookie Paws. t115006 t115006 and Pepe too. Thank you for the kindest thoughts t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 and comments on FB for Miss Cookie
Hi Carol - oh dear you are at your wits end with online banking - I hope the new pass codes actually work and you don't have to go back and forth to the bank and phone the "customer services" who were SO helpful, not. As much use as a chocolate t pot, I often say thator a chocolate fire guard
Glad the money finally went through to your youngest GD. t4591
Very pleased to hear that the extra sprays and antihistamines are helping with your stuffed up nose and you are managing to sleep better.
Thank you for your lovely comments on FB t4591 I cannot believe it is nearly two years since Snowy passed away t4591 t115006 Time is truly a fleeting moment.
I love the picture you put on FB of your youngest GD, when she was 3, bless.
Well, time I was moving about a bit. A little pottering.
Dad will be round for coffee and croissant this morning, plus carrot cake (we thought Bs Brother and SIL were coming this week end, so bought cakes galore -no, it is next week end. We will just have to eat cake that's all)
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. Stay safe, it is a bit wild out there t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
German Whole Grain Seed Bread, with butter and jam - simplesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Lovely german bread and jam! why not Aidan? it was lovely with the president best butter
Yesterday was a sad day indeed it was last year was a horrible year for you all t4591 t115006 ((())) I'm sure Tosca is staying close by to keep an eye. Sleek sleeps with Lucy some of the time and us the rest. I love it when they chirrup to say hello bless them. Mother can rub the hair cream in while you are Zzzzing no problem :animal_busy:
It's just as windy out there so Sleek will visit mother later with Mrs D through their gates. It's a SYTTD binge again while you are siesta-ing later on. Seem like she's learnt her lesson and hasn't attempted to fly in this weather, which was something to do with that time she and Pepe went in one of those wind tunnels :roll: :shock:
Ah thank you the bucket for Mig is filling nicely it can be dropped off for her or is she calls in she can collect it and return the empty. The strength you've added looks of excellent quality t4591
Parish cake eh? I wonder whether it's like one of the villager's festive cake - it's very light and fruity. Sadly your Mum took it with her, but at least they are eating well upstairst115006
I read about that chap was he the one who weighs something like 6st? Ludicrous, but whoever chaired the appeal gave it to him straight away!
Carol that sounded frustrating, but better you try to do that than Mr T you wouldn't hear the last of it!! Well done for getting the birthday money over to your G'daughter. FINALLY!
I am so glad the spray together with the tablets is workingVery good news! I hope you are soon breathing perfectly again.
Of course you are our knitting expert!
Thank you I am fine - Lucy might just have the sickness bug going round at school.
Hello to Joan I hope all is well with you I have left a bucket for us to add strength for Mig to help her get rid of the lymphoma if you have any spare?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Barbara Carol Mig
. Kathleen how are your painful legs now
Aidan the time goes so quick and the years you have some good memories to go by(((())))
. Toni yes I have a bucket for Mig I have tried to find her post to read it.
. Barbara how is your granddaughter I hope she does not have to wait too long for her op((()))
Carol sorry about your banking problem I hope it's sorted soonN(()))
. Mig I'm sorry you are not well I cannot find your post to read it but I wish you all the best((((())))
. take care everyone
. have a good weekend
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
A bucket full of strength for mig, and gentle hugs for Barbara's GD.
Sorry Aidan, I didn't see your photo yesterday. Sending love to you, Bill dad and Tosca.
screeching back today, and roaring Eric kept us awake last night.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Almost chose Stargazy Pie today, but all those fish heads and tails sticking out put me off, so here is Pear gazy pie instead.
Ingredients pears 6, peeled caster sugar 200g vanilla pod 1, cut in ½ lengthways rhubarb 400g, cut into 4cm chunks golden caster sugar 2 tbsp ready-made shortcrust pastry 150g,
plain flour for dusting egg 1, beaten demerara sugar 2 tbsp
Method STEP 1
Put the pears in a pan and cover with water. Stir in the caster sugar and vanilla then bring to a simmer. Let the pears bubble away for 10-15 minutes or until a knife just slips through the flesh. Remove the pears from the liquor (keep this for drizzling later) and put aside to cool.
Once cooled, cut to level the base of each pear so that they stand upright. Arrange in the bottom of a deep 23cm-round pie dish, as equally spaced apart as possible. Toss the rhubarb in the golden caster sugar and spoon around the pears. Drizzle 1 tbsp of the pear-poaching liquor over the rhubarb.
Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Roll the pastry out on a flour-dusted worksurface and use a pizza wheel or sharp knife to cut irregular shaped but similar sized patches. Cover the rhubarb with the pastry shapes, arranging between the upright pears, and overlapping to seal the crust and create a patchwork effect.
Brush the pastry with beaten egg and sprinkle over the demerara sugar. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the pastry is golden – cover the pear stems with kitchen foil if you’re worried they’ll burn too much."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - goodness what a windy and super wet night it was t110007 t111055
I think we have had enough rain for a little while now :shock: :shock: any more and we will need an Ark.
The German bread was yummy Toni, only the best butter, of courseSimple is often the best
It was bit of a strange day yesterday and you are right, last year was not an easy one at all. From 2011 it has been one loss after another and it takes a toll on you. :? :? But, we have to carry on, that would be expected and is the right thing to do t4591 t115006 t115006
Oh yes, Mother keeps an eye, I often wake up and she is almost nose to nosethe little chirrups of acknowledgement are so cute, bless our puskins. t4591
No doubt the sleepy spell will be used later, while Sleek and Mrs D join Mother for SYTTD watchingAll broom flying is banned, due to storm Erik. I think things calm down from later today. Thank goodness.
The bucket of strength for Mig, is full to overflowing and will remain so, for as long as necessary. Thank you, the strength was of high quality, from on Hight115006
The cake your friend makes, does sound similar, I am sure Mother used molasses in it, not the dark one, the lighter one and I am sure it had yeast in too. For sure, they are eating cake up in Heaven, as often as they want to t4591 t4591
It was ludicrous that the poor man, who had a fourth stage illness, had to go to tribunal, they overturned the original decision in seconds, but, it should not get to that stage, ever. Bless him.
I hope Lucy has not got the "bug" from school, if there is one doing the rounds :? :? :?much bleach needed, the only thing that kills it. Hand gels have no effect, only proper hand washing with soap and water.
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are ok and don't have to go out in the high winds, it really has been a storm.
Time does fly, the weeks all blur into one, one day is it Monday, the next time it is Friday..........where did the in between go :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
We have a lot of memories to look back on, for sure (((()))
Hope you have a pleasant week end, keep warm and cosy and cuddle up with the doggies((()))
Hi Kath, thank you for the love and hugs to us all ((()))
I can sympathise with a screeching back, I am upping the Tramadol again today :roll: :roll: Gentle hugs for yours to be less ouchy t4591 t115006
That and noisy storm Erik last night, I don't think many people slept well. It was howling round here.
I am glad you went for the Pear option on the pie. Heads and tails of fishes, peeping out of the pie, might have been a bridge too far :shock: :shock: :shock:
It looks delicious, thank you. I will just get some clotted cream ice cream from Toni's special fridge
The sky box is set to record the digging up Britain, tonight is the shedding of new light on the Pendle Witches, looking forward to seeing it.
Hi to Barbara, I wonder if you have gone out and about today - if so, take care, we don't want you blowing away t110007 t110007 t110007 stay warm and safe in a cafe is the best option, with cakes, naturally
Hope you and yours are ok, extra sparkles to your GD for things to be sorted very soon and for them to get the right jobs t115006 t115006
Hi to Mig, I know this is a bad time, just wanted to say that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we have a bucket of strength at your disposal, night and day. t115006 t4591 t115006
Hi to Carol - hope you are all ok and the wind has not blown anything away or over, all our pots were over this morning :roll: :roll: :roll:
Is it Church open morning today? The weather might blow some people inside
OK I should be having another potter, too many ouchies for sitting down.
Do we need cake, as well as the wonderful pear pie? Well, just a small one maybe:shock: It is the week end, after all
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Will pop back later, take care XXXX Aidan
Shortcake Muffins with Strawberries and CreamXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all wow it was windy last night..hope everyone's ok ..we have a few fence panels doors trampoline had gone over again and is all misshapen..bless
Thinking of Mig... t4591 t4591
Toni its so kind of you to type the song out in larger letters..that is what I need when I come to choir so I can share..I love the name of the song but dont know nice for mothers day...I will add to the bucket for mig..I am sure it will help positive thinking and prayers..
our eldest GD is still waiting hopefully wont be long..
Joan I soon get blown over in the wind..not that I am light in any form..our GD is still waiting ..but cant fault the hospital they were so quick to see her..
Kath I once ordered stargazy pie..and nealy fell off my seat when I saw the fished head...the Peargazey patchwork Pie..sounds much nicer and I have cream...
thankyou for the hugs for our GD its very kind of you..x
Carol sorry you are still having probs with the banking..hopefully the knew pin will be here soon much hassle..we had our credits card hacked..and its was stopped..that was bad enough.. :roll: I will go and have a look at your pic of your GD time fly's..
Aiden like you say whatever dad fancies..its good to see him eat anything..I was the same with my mum and dad..thankyou for the strawberry muffins ..they look so good..right so I will bring our car and we can sit and watch through the window while eating scones..that will do..I used to love cleaning the car..I always like to make things look shiny
so you bought lots of cake expecting family over...another excuse for me to come..will bring Toni.
was there any damage last night with the was so scary...I am sure my bed was moving .. :shock: thanks for thinking about our GD..hopefully they will send soon ..maybe a good sign...
dose Tosca wake you up in a morning cats do love to be near I am rambling trying to remember what people said..
better cut my losses... :oops:
Got a card this morning off eldest GD saying thankyou for being such a lovely grandma... :oops:bless her..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - I think storm Erik has finally gone. t110007
It certainly was a wild night on Friday Barbara - Some fence panels down and a up skittled trampoline. They are very vulnerable to flying off in high winds :shock: :?
I had never heard of stargazy pie until Kath mentioned it. I would have fallen off my perch as well, with eyes and mouth looking at me :shock:
Dad enjoyed his cheese croissant and some carrot cake, when he came round on Sat. He was early, which was a big surprise. He didn't stop long as he wanted to get home and watch football, well, fall asleep and miss the football :roll: :roll:
If we all go the the big Tesco Extra, then we can sit in Costa and watch the cleaning team, work their magic on the cars. We would need to try at least a couple of cakes each and several coffee's.
I loved keeping my cars gleaming and I would be out in all weathers, preening them, mind, it was easy when I could use the garage and put Dads out on the drive
I still like to help, in my own little way. I can do the bits that I can reach, anything above eye level and below knee level, is out of my range.
Yes, bring Toni, we have cake, carrot cake and lemon slices and a big Thornton's selection box, just in case we need them
B didn't sleep much on Friday, with the winds howling and rain lashing. I was off and away, after my sleeping pills. We had a power cut about 3am apparently.
I hope they send for your GD very soon. Good to hear that the hospital have been spot on with the course of events. Lots of sparkles on the way t115006 t115006 How lovely to get a card from her, saying what a lovely Grandma you are, too right t4591 t4591
Mother Glitter Sparkles does wake me up, usually she is shrieking for one reason or another, :? either that or she is nose to nose
Back, after a potter.
Hi to Carol, hope you and yours are ok. No more banking problems I trust :? :?
How is your Aunt doing? t4591
Hi Toni - Sleek said she was abandoned last night, according to Mother, was she kidding or being a wee bit dramatic? :shock: :roll: :roll:
I think there might be a trip up to Pendle today. Mother seems keen, maybe there is a pilchard latte'a t the Nymphs cafe
I will put her faux fur cape out, it has diamante sewn into it, one must glitter, at every opportunity after all. t115006 t115006
Hi to everyone else in and about. t4591
Time to move about a bit more. Setting like stone very quickly tonight :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 everyone take care XXXX Aidan
Breakfast in BedXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
That breakfast in bed kept me in it longer than usual Aidan! Thanks very much
Yes Sleek was 'abandoned' last night we were at the theatre in Stoke watching Kinky BootsWe had a great night. Myself Lucy her friend and one of my village friends. We had a fabulous dinner first too at a local Italian Restaurant
I ditched lunch yesterday in preparation only had your cakes and the pear-gazey pie! with a 'small' dollop of best Cornish :oops:
I think it is an honour that our pusskins love to be so close to us the closer the better and those chirrups are just adorable t4591
Pendle it has been they were up early back in the side-car and on the broomstick respectively. Sleek very much admired Mother's cape with it's diamantes! Pilchard lattes for Mother Tuna for Sleek. The nymphs were very pleased to see their VIPs (Very important pusskins) and the girls went to see the Rainbow droplet of course.
Dad up early?!! Wow! That's unheard of! I'm sure he used to watch football now he thinks he has!! Bless him
Paul likes keeping his cars and van clean especially his old MidgetTesco extra gives us a view of the car cleaners does it? Cake and coffee to hand! Perfect mind you I like their egg and chips too :oops: Barbara's husband hasn't done chips for ages!!
Barbara no news should be good news as far as your GD is concerned fingers crossed ((()))
Thanks for topping up Mig's bucket every bit will help along with all our prayers, candles and thoughts.
Please do share the words to the song it's lovely
We can definitely nip over to Aidan's any excuse at all for cake and cuppas!
Your GD appreciates you so much how lovely is that? Deserved too 100% after all you were almost her Mum. Is it a Niamh day if I remember rightly?!
Kath how right you were to swap stargazy for peargazey!!! It looks lovely I am going to try some, but surely not as healthy as some of your recipes?!!
Joan I don't think Mig has been in since her lymphoma diagnosis probably with family. We will all do our bit sending her strength and keeping her in our thoughts and prayers. She's a tough lady and will soon have rid of it.
Right best get dressed lazy woman that I am!!
Love to everyone Carol and mig
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
. Kathleen I remember stargazy pie I don't remember eating it((((((())))))
. Aidan how is your Dad doing. The wind has not been too bad here I'm glad it has left you.((((()))))
. Barbara you are a good grandmother it's nice they can see that not all can.((((())))
. love to Toni and Mig ((((()))))
. take care
. joan xxx Thank you Toni for explaining about Mig (((())))take care
joan xx0 -
Hi All,I have posted on living with arthritis if anyone would like to read about my last few days and the next few days its rather lengthy so didn't want to retype it all.
It grey and drizzle here .Havent decided what's for lunch today might end up being a good old fry up.
My son and DIL came up yesterday after noon with lemon drizzle cake that my granddaughter made absolutely delicious .
Take care all love and hugs MIG0 -
Afternoon all..
Mig I will certainly go and have a look at your post in LWA..I dont get in there so much these day eyes cant cope the same..I type in the cafe and they are all blurry...
How lovey of you son and dil to bring lemon drizzle cake...glad you enjoyed.. t4591
Toni so it was the theater you were last night..couldn't quite make out the pic...nothing nicer then a good meal then a show..grandchildren bring another sort of love to your life
you will know one day
Aiden I once ordered trout in a restaurant and it came with the head on..I just couldnt eat it..even with the napkin over the head..when I had the stargazy pie and it had a fishes head sticking up in the middle that was it :shock:
So dad wad early bless must be lovely for him being able to wal round to yours..I used to do that many years ago.. go around to mum and dads.. sadly they had to move ..
Yes we can sit in tesco coffee shop..and watch the cars being they do good a shame we cant gleam our cars now..but needs must...Poor b being kept awake with the wind..I had my ear plugs in ...gosh they are a life saver..thankyou for the hugs for our GD hopefully not long now ..
Joan thankyou it was a lovely surprise to get the cards and nice to know I am appreciated..hope you have nice weather to get out on your scooters..
Better go Niamh is on her way..she had a party yesterday...better hide my laptop..
Love toi everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Joan, you are more than appreciated, you are loved. So is Sue.
mig, I've read your post in LWA and left a reply. t4591
Barbara, fish heads are most unappetising, even though I love fish I'd be put off by their heads on my plate. :?
Toni, consider the pears as part of your 5 a day.and you are the least lazy person I know. Like my mum, wouldn't sit if she could stand, wouldn't stand if she could walk, wouldn't walk if she could run. Always had a duster at the ready, or some knitting - yep you are just like she was. t115006 m0150 t115006
OOOh, breakfast in bed. Better clamber up to have it then. Ta muchly Aidan.
Hope Carol is resting and keeping warm.
Vegan chickpea curry
4 sweet potatoes
1 tbsp coconut oil 1 ½ tsp cumin seeds
1 large onion, diced 2 garlic cloves,
crushed thumb-sized piece ginger, finely grated
1 green chilli, finely chopped
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp turmeric
2 tbsp tikka masala paste
2 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
2 x 400g can chickpeas,
drained lemon
wedges and coriander leaves, to serve
Method Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Prick the sweet potatoes all over with a fork, then put on a baking tray and roast in the oven for 45 mins or until tender when pierced with a knife. Meanwhile, melt the coconut oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the cumin seeds and fry for 1 min until fragrant, then add the onion and fry for 7-10 mins until softened.
Put the garlic, ginger and green chilli into the pan, and cook for 2-3 mins. Add the spices and tikka masala paste and cook for a further 2 mins until fragrant, then tip in the tomatoes. Bring to a simmer, then tip in the chickpeas and cook for a further 20 mins until thickened. Season. Put the roasted sweet potatoes on four plates and cut open lengthways. Spoon over the chickpea curry and squeeze over the lemon wedges. Season, then scatter with coriander before serving."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Well, Sunday has almost gone, been a lovely bright day though, most pleasant, after all the rain and winds.
I will try and be brief as time is running away.
Sorry the breakfast in bed caused you to lie in a wee bit longer Toni. Ah, the theatre was it - Kinky Boots, I remember the song that was a hit, I will have to look on Google. I see it was a big broadway hit
Glad you had a fabulous time, sounds like a girls night out, hence Sleek was a bit miffed, wanting to be one of the gang. Mother calmed her down and by the time they were up on Pendle, all was forgotten. t115006 t115006
Mother was waking me up at 8 ish, shouting fairly loudly in my shell likes :shock: :shock:She settled with a fuss and stroke and we dozed till 9
She said the rainbow droplet is still receiving visitors on a daily basis, such fame and magic that it holds t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Well done P for keeping the cars pristine. Bea is heading for another waxing sometime this week, Aunt and Uncle have invited us over for lunch (the one who's cancer had returned, she used to bake all the cakes in creation). Plus, my Cousin is coming over from France, so it is an important occasion, we have not seen them for AGES.
We used to meet up in Skipton every couple of months.
Were was I..................errr :? :? :roll: :roll: Oh yes, There is a Costa, on the car park level, at Tesco Extra, so we always watch what is going on from there, while feasting on cakes and toasties. The valeters do THE most amazing job, for £25, your car looks like it has just come out of the showroom, top to bottom, inside and out.
All are welcome
Did you mention egg and chips............that's true, Mr B has not cooked them for a while, time we were visiting on a Friday
Thoughts, prayers and candles are in abundance, for Mig. I will read your post and reply to it there, a good fry up, sounds perfect.
Hi Joan and Sue, Thank you, Dad is not too bad, he has us two to keep him on his toesHe relies on us, which is fine. An ounce of help is worth a pound of pity, as my Dad used to say.
Glad you didn't have howling gales. t110007
No trout for Nanna Barbara, all fish heads to be removed prior to serving please :shock:My Dad always cooked them with their heads on............nah, cannot eat that, it's looking at me :? :?
Dad was early, we were in shock. We usually have to ring and remind him. He takes his time and potters round, we are only 50 yards or so. Handy if he needs us, B can be round there in a flash.
I used to walk across Skipton, from my house to Mum n Dads, gosh, those were the days, walking up and down hills, with not a care. :roll: How times change eh. Still, we carry on.............
Yes, Costa (in Tesco's) do fab cakes, the lemon tarts are wonderful, one is never enough
B wears ear plugs in summer, when there is more going on, mowing, strimming, noisy activities etc.
More hugs for your GD, Mig and all of us who are ouchy, worried or upset t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Quick, hide the laptop, enjoy time with Niamh XX
Hi Kath, your Mum sounded like mine, she always had a cloth, either a dish cloth, or a duster, in her pinny pockets. I take after her, only happy when I am attached to a cloth
The pears were perfectly tender, in the star gazy pieSometimes they can be a bit like - concrete :shock: They get picked too early or are forced on.
Chickpea Curry, perfectly wonderful, thank you kindly, will go well with our falafal / mushrooms etc, for supper.
Right, I must away. Love and Sparkles to everyone, I will pop back later XXXX Take care XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all, hope everyone is as ok as possible. Some heavy rain here in the evening t111055 t111055
I think we are in for a warmer week, quite mild, compared to recent frosts and chills. Dry too, so Bea can have her polish and might stay clean for more than a mile. :roll: :roll:
Hi to Carol, I guess you will have had a busy few days, Friday through Sunday is normally pretty here and there and all over.
Barbara will have had a busy time with Niamh, keeping her occupied with various tasks
Toni will be in theatre mode. Have seen some clips on YouTube of Kinky Boots, it looks fabulous m0150 m0150 m0150 t4591 t4591 t4591
Sleek was saying to Mother that you had all been to the big place where lots of peeples go and watch synging and dancing - Mother rolled her eyes and said "you mean the theatre, darling"t115006 t115006
The last musical I went to was the Rocky Horror Picture Show - I have forgotten how many times I have been to see it live, oh my, it is amazing, of course I dressed up, as Frankenfurter :shock: Basque and all the trimmings :shock: :shock: turned a rather good heel too.
No, I won't be posting pictures
Mig, I have posted on your LWA post, keeping up with those positive thoughts and prayers t4591 t115006 along with everyone else ((()))
We popped out into town yesterday, to LIDL, nice to have a nose at their household things, plus gather some more cleaning products. I have to stop now, nothing else will fit under the sink :roll: :roll: :roll: OCD, no, not a bit.
We had to come back via Nero's, so, a visit was vital. Coffee's, Almond Croissant (delicious) and a chocolate twistWell, they were looking at me. B always enjoys the Panetone, dripping in butter
I stopped in the car while he went into the YMCA big charity shop, nice big vase and a mini set of drawers, that are currently being made gorgeous as we speak, with gold leaft115006 t115006
Pressing of shirts done, troosers too. Then a mountain of pillow slips that had been squished in the linen cupboard and needed re ironing :roll:
Siesta, supper - Higgedy quiche, (spinach, roast pepper and feta) - with roasties.
Off to the GC this morning. Pick Dad up en route. Shopping and that will be about it I think.
Silver says hi to all, while in contemplation
Time for some pottering. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Almond croissants this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Almond croissants! lovely! twinings breakfast tea will be best with those
Aidan we also have a Costa sort of underneath our Tesco their coffee is far better than Tesco's although the egg and chips...well. We'll come to you Dudley is in need of going over.
I have an ironing mountain to attend to too (poor pillow slips all creased :shock: )and my friend will be over to help me to our bed the mattress needs turning :roll: You do take after your Mum as far as possible health allowing duster in had broom you know where!!
Sleek just ran in a bit damp and cold. She was full of their trip out yesterday she basks in Tosca's reflected glory as far as the rainbow droplet is concerned. and never minds being 'given information' by her either!! Sleek told ME that we had been to the fe-at-er on Satirday!
Kinky boots was fab and will be back in march to Birmingham this time so maybe go again?? I also saw the rocky horror show many times it's due in Stoke soon! I wonder whether we were ever at the same show in Notts :?
Some visitors due soon? where will they be staying? One cousin from France!! t4591 t4591
Barbara I know I will love having Grandkids when the times bro is enchanted with my nieces bubba
I was behaving at the theatre and didn't take any pics except in the interval you seeIt's a great old theatre maybe 50 yrds from the restaurant. All the stars eat there before the show
Kath that chickpea curry looks YUM I will definitely to that Kari will love it. Will just work out how to do it in my instapot
I do like to keep busy. I think it helps the bones and get quite distressed when I can't do something. I am trying to take a leaf out of my neighbour's book and accept things more gracefully.
Mig I bet you the mods would copy and paste your 'update' posts to here if you asked them save you the hassle. I will nip over to LWA for a look soon.
Sounds as though the family are being lovely t4591 ((())) to you there is a bucketful of strength here for you anytime you need it.
Hi to Joan I hope all is well and no problem explaining what was happening with our mig it's sometimes difficult to find things on here.
A quick hello to Carol I hope all is well with you ((())) how's the hooter doing?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Mig Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Mig thank you for letting us know I will read the post you rest when you can.(((())))
. Barbara Niamh will be busy finding things to do (((())))
. Kathleen At least we did not have the snow they said. How is your eye((()))
. Aidan yes spring is on the way it will get warmer then how's your Angina doing(((())))
. Toni did you have a good weekend. Has Lucy reached her 5year's yet((())))
. take care all love to Carol
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
What a lovely sunny day, and quite warm. Hope all are OKish. Gentle hugs to mig and Barbara's GD. Love to B's dad I know the boys are looking after him brilliantly. t4591 t4591
Toni, put that iron down and do some stretches and deep breaths.
Aidan almond croissants were gorgeous, thanks luv.
Roast Asparagus bowls with Tahini Lemon dressing
Ingredients 2 red onions, halved and thickly sliced
2 tsp rapeseed oil
250g pack asparagus, woody ends trimmed
160g cherry tomatoes
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder
120g quinoa
2 tsp tahini
½ lemon, juiced
1 large garlic clove, finely grated
2 tsp tamari
2 good handfuls rocket
400g aduki beans in water, drained
Method Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Toss the onions in 1 tsp rapeseed oil and roast on a baking sheet for 10 mins. Coat the asparagus with the remaining oil and spread over another sheet. After 10 mins, add the asparagus to roast with the onions for 5 mins. Add the tomatoes and sunflower seeds and roast for 5 mins. The onions should be charred, the asparagus tender, the seeds toasted and the whole tomatoes near bursting.
Meanwhile, tip the bouillon and quinoa into a pan. Add 360ml water, cover and simmer for 20 mins until tender and the water has been absorbed. Whisk the tahini and lemon juice with 3 tbsp warm water, the garlic and tamari to make a dressing.
Pile the quinoa into bowls, top with rocket, spoon over half the dressing, add a pile of beans with the tomatoes, then a separate pile of the asparagus and onions. Spoon over the remaining dressing and scatter over the sunflower seeds. Will keep in the fridge for two days."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - gosh, it is a mild day, almost no coat weather :shock: m0150 m0150
Twinings T is perfect with the Almond Croissants Toni, thank you kindly.
Your Costa underneath the Tesco store, sounds very much like the one we go to in Burnley. It used to be pretty "iffy" with regard decor and the like, so I wrote a nice long letter to the company. Since then, it has had two complete facelifts and is super swish nowWrite to the CEO office and tell them it is looking very tired and uninviting, I bet they will do something.
Tesco coffee, mm, is it a bit like Morrison's T in their cafe? green water........not for me thank you :? :?
My bed is stripped and the housekeeper will be along shortly to make it AKA BillAt the moment he is underneath his work station, with various computers in bits :shock: :? I will keep quiet...............I do take after Mum, she trained me well in all aspects of domesticity
So Sleek has let you know that you went to the fe ater, she loves new words t4591 Mother has been super shouty since we came home. I think they will enjoy the fine weather this week, as will we all, Spring Cleaning timet115006 t115006
We probably did go to the same Rocky Horror shows in Nottm. Theatre Royal, a great venue, or it was, many moons ago. I expect it has changed a bit in the last 30 years :? :?
No, no visitors, we are going over to see Aunt and Uncle, over near Bingley (not far from Yorkshire Clinic where I see my Cardio).
Have just noticed on Rightmove that Mum n Dads Church bungalow is up for sale again, boy has it had some modernisation :shock: :shock: We want to move there we wish. Sigh. :shock: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue - a lovely day here, quite pleasant. Hope it is the same with you.
Angina, not too bad at the moment, it just happens, ad hoc, often when I am resting in bed, which is the opposite of what you would expect. Thank you for asking ((()))
Hi Kath, yer won't need yer at on today mi duck, its lovely. We do look after DadKeep him ticking along nicely. He was busy finishing his breakfast when we got there this morning, fried eggs and bacon no less. He wondered why we had gone round - (thinking it was Sunday), we soon had him primed and ready for going out.
Yer welcome to the croissants duck, enjoy em
Hope any ouchies are as minimal as possible t4591 t115006 t115006
Lovely dish of the day, Asparagus is wonderful, love itThank you kindly.
Barbara will have been busy with Niamh, the computer can come out of hiding now
Mig, sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts your way ((())) t4591 t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol - hope the nose is a lot better with the increased meds and sprays. Trust you and yours are ok, with extra ((())) for your Aunt t115006
We went to the GC, it was so quiet, we had the place almost to ourselves for a while. Spoilt, as usual. We had brunch and a scone, of course. Then a bit of shopping, after that I sat in the car while Dad and B went for a wander round Homebase.
Washer is busy away, no, tell a lie, it has just beeped at me. So, I will potter along and sort some laundry.
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care, will pop back later XXXX Aidan
Lumpy Bumpy Rocky Road BrowniesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
Have been very busy for the last few days thing not going to well here today so not feeling in the mood for typing at the moment will update you soon.
t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Afternoon all..what a lovely day its been m0150
Aiden thankyou for the almond croissants..couldn't stop at one... glad to hear you have had the sun has well..lovely for Feb..I forgot to mention the breakfast in bed yesterday..would you believe I have never had one..go on all say awwwso your cousin form France will be coming will be nice to catch up with them...did you say mum and dads church bungalow is up for you would love to have a nosy round ..all the memory's...
you mentioned the tea at Morr**ons..I agree OH says it because the water isnt hot enough I think its the tea bags.. :roll: we have been to our little GC and that was so quiet ..give it another few weeks and people will be buying plants.
I have seen the rocky horror on the tv but not live..our gd saw it live a few years we want pics of you in all the attire
I see we have rocky road brownies..thankyou and hope you had a good catch up with aunt and uncle
Toni there is nothing nicer than live shows..the theater sounds like the grand at Blackpool my favorite one..nice of your friend to help turning the will feel like a new one..
Joan we have to keep Niamh busy or she gets bored and wants to get on my laptop...she has a tablet but its broken so we will have to get that mended.. hope you have had this nice weather..
Kath thankyou again got the hugs for our GD..nice that you have been able to help mig with info on the hospital..and thankyou for the recipe especially the chick pea curry
Hi Carol dont you worry about typing post ..hope you are all ok...xx
Better move or I will set
Love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
I can't wait to get in my bed to ight Barbara. My friend helps me sometimes Charley does sometimes Paul !
I bet it is light the Grand in Blackpool yes!
Carol sending you some ((()))
Thinking of you.
Aidan same Tesco then? Maybe.... the one in stafford doesn't have a Costa
Twinning tea is lovely or Yorkshire tea.
Never Morrison's... :?
A bit worried. My lovely neighbour has gone off in an ambulance suspected TIA
Will keep you all in the loop.
Oh Dudley is all clean!0 -
Hi to all - it has gone chilly now, but a very Spring like day otherwise.
Leaving lots of ((())) for you Carol, some t115006 t115006 and lots of t4591
I will pop some magic squares around and about, to help things along more smoothly.
No, one Almond croissant is never enough Barbara. I had to be polite and not SHOVEL it in, when we were in Nero's on Sundaythe temptation was almost too much :shock: :shock:
Breakfast in bed, me neither hun, so you are not alone. Awww for the pair of us. I would slop, drop and spill everything knowing me :roll: :roll::? :?
Aunt and Uncle and their Eldest (my Cousin), we will see them on Saturday. My Cousin married a French gentleman, she teaches English in a French school, obviously bilingual, well, tri lingual, she speaks fluent German too.
After Mum went into a care home, the Church sold the bungalow, now it is up for sale again and the transformation is incredible. We want to buy it, but, it being in Skipton in a desirable location, the price it super high. But, when we win the lottery, we will snap it up
I am with you on the T in Morrison's, the tea is not tea, it is dust and sweepingshave not been in for years, last time was enough to put me off.
So your GC was quiet too. I noticed that the mountains of compost bags were arriving and soon the plants will be appearing for Spring planting. Everyone rushes out to buy them, then we have a big frost and they all shrivel up. :roll: :roll:
No, you really don't want to see me dressed as Dr Frankenfurter, the world is not ready, says me, who drove to Leeds in full outfit and make up. :shock:Got some looks at traffic lights I can tell you :shock: :shock:
The Grand at Blackpool is amazing, a long time since I went, but it is beautiful.
I hope you can get the tablet fixed for Niamh, to keep her busy when all the chores are done. Best keep the laptop out of sight until then
Sparkles and ((())) t115006 for your GD
Hi Toni, I hope your lovely neighbour is ok, if it is a TIA then let's hope it is as small as possible and she can return home very soon. Has she had anything like this before? :? :?
I know she has a lot of health problems, but is such a brave Lady.
Silver will be on his way to scatter special sparkles around her, to help her and I will light a candle t4591
No, we don't "do" Morrison's :? :?
So Dudley is all clean and shining, I won't tell Bea. We will fuss over her before Saturday, Aunt and Uncle live on a well to do estate, a bit "wisteria lane"a dirty Merc would cause an outrage :shock:
Mother has had a few more lugs removed and is livid, she says she looks like a Sphynx cat now and can never go out again :roll: :roll:
I am sure she will have told Miss Slimkins all about it. :? :?
Hi to Mig, keeping up with the positive thoughts and prayers t4591 ready for all cloak duties. t115006
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
At home today, rain expected I think. Then dry for the rest of the week. Or, until Bea is preened :roll: :roll:
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan
Blueberry Crunch BagelsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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