Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - good that all the snow and ice has gone, quite mild in comparison to the week end.

    hi there Barbara - glad you headache is not as bad, sending some extra hugs ((())) and sparkles t115006 for your ouchy back. When the local wears off, things do tend to start hurting a bit. It is a delicate procedure when all is said and done.

    Your headache should get better each day, as taking fluid, reduces the pressure on the brain and causes a headache :roll:

    Some studies show that caffeine can help limit the headaches, extra coffee and a trip to the GC I think :)

    Our new (well, new to us) car, is helping us through the horrible pip time, you are quite right. In fact, we have been "nesting" a bit today, (Thursday), as if a new member of the family is moving in :lol::lol:

    I am sure we will be getting new number plates :) As well as the made to measure mats, which are not expensive at all, including writing of your choice on the drivers mat :)

    A cake holder would be just right, something that is scone sized, with room for jam and cream, of course. Toni said a little fridge, to keep the clotted cream chilled. I think the glove box is cooled when the AC is on, so that is already sorted :D:D

    Bless, Niamh was nice and quiet, as GM had a poorly headache. She is a love and more t4591 t4591

    Toni will be pleased that you made it to choir. Good idea not to pop into the shed, with a squiffy head, very wise to avoid the cider or gin :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hope choir practice went well Toni, no one will mind that Barbara had to sit down whilst singing.

    Sleek was over at siesta time, they cast a sleepy spell on me then had fun eating sweets and throwing litter :roll: :roll: Mrs Darcey was on the crystal ball, enjoying her comfy chair at home.

    Hi Carol, Friday has come around so quickly, lunch with Mr T then meeting your friend in the afternoon. It doesn't seem two minutes since last week :? :? Hope you are recovered from your cold and that Mr T has not caught it.

    We will go to the GC when we have picked Dad up. We are off fairly early, well early for us, I don't normally meet the public until gone 10 :lol::lol::lol: But, we want to get there, get Bette sorted and then pick up Bea and come back home asap.

    Time I was pottering a little. Early cuppa tonight. Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    I thought maybe a Mercedes cupcake, with morning coffee :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    Mercedes cupcakes!! Aidan perfect I have made a pot of Yorkshire tea to go with :D (a bit like 'bear with' :wink: )

    Today is the big day then. Upset first having to return poor Bette (I hope she gets a lovely new owner - whoever gets her will be very lucky she has been very well looked after) then onto the fun stuff....

    Picking up BEA!! Oh yes definitely customised car mats! Dudley has proper Juke mats bless him. The number plate is essential too. Paul's new van has a strange drinks holder which gets airconditioned too such a good idea. Obviously rhoddas takes priority :wink:

    A lot of us sit down at choir practise standing only when necessary. Barbara was very welcome and I saw to it she had plenty of biscuits to make up for the shed being off-limits.

    Absolutely Tosca was correct admonishing Sleek (look at me with the big words!!!!) we do not shriek just when calling Sleek in or Lucy for her dinner!

    Sleepy spells were placed upon yourselves yes in order for sweets to be consumed and for litter to be flicked as well as some essential TV to be watched :D

    Barbara :) I hope you enjoyed all the biccies at choir we made sure the tub stayed in from of YOU this time. Last week the greedy sopranos hogged it :roll:

    Niamh has empathy which is lovely in a wee one :) Lucy assures me your headache should be almost or completely gone by now and insists that they ought to have let you lie down for a couple of hours afterwards :x

    Morning Kath :) The pancakes were fabulous ta I had one or 7 thank you :) The rum baba was the first I have ever consumed sadly Paul was overnight in Scotland he would have LOVED some!

    Should be ok for a walk now, but it's wet.... t111055

    Aidan is going to get on the soap box with me. I'll see if I can get it 'edged' with something to keep us safe :?:

    Hi to Joan I hope you are well today? and Sue of course it being Suesday! Have a good day if you are out.

    Hi to mig I hope you have news soon from the CT.

    Carol I do sincerely hope the cold isn't a bad one and that you are on the mend p023.gif


    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, oh she who has swallowed a dictionary. Such big words, I'm impressed. I'm glad your foot is much improved. I also love the Merc cakes, and Bea will soon arrive to her lovely new home. I bet the boys are on pins and dad will be at the window waiting too. Shame it's raining! :o

    Carol. how's your cold? Hope you're keeping warm.Morning Sue and Joan. Hope you have a good weekend.

    Barbara, glad you got some sleep lovey, and that your headache is gradually going.

    Stuffed peppers, vegetarian options suggested.

    SERVES: 2

    200g (7oz) lean lamb mince

    2 large peppers

    150g (5.1 fl oz) fat free greek yoghurt

    1tbsp parmesan

    100g (3.5oz) cooked chickpeas (half a tin)

    250g (8.8oz) pouch of easy cook/microwave rice

    Recipe Summary

    Peppers are often regarded with suspicion by people with arthritis, but contrary to some popular myths, there is no robust scientific evidence that cutting out the ‘nightshade’ vegetables (such as peppers, potatoes and tomatoes) has any benefits for people with arthritis. It’s sometimes claimed that they are high in oxalic acid and the alkaloid solanine and that these chemicals might aggravate joint inflammation – neither of these claims are true. In fact, the nightshade vegetables are actually a fantastic source of anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants and phytochemicals.

    Peppers are especially rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and important for keeping your immune system healthy. this recipe, which is a cross between stuffed peppers and a quick healthier version of moussaka. The chickpeas give extra fibre and folate, whilst adding the fat free greek yoghurt ups the calcium content of the dish and gives a rich, creamy tasting topping. Lamb provides protein and vitamin B12 but you could substitute the lamb mince for quorn, lean beef mince or simply double the amount of chickpeas – all of which would lower the fat content of the recipe.

    Ready cooked rice is now available in a huge range of flavours and a handy story cupboard staple for those of us with arthritis. If you prefer to cook your own, mix it with some tomato puree, garlic and oregano to boost the flavour.


    Combine the lamb mince, rice and chickpeas together in a bowl.

    Cut the peppers in half and pull out the seeds and white membrane. I find this easiest to do with my hands but you could also use a knife.

    Place the peppers in a roasting dish and fill with the lamb mixture, pack it down well. Spoon the yoghurt over the tops of the peppers and sprinkle on a little of the parmesan.

    Bake the stuffed peppers at 180C/375F for around 35 minutes or until the peppers are soft and the stuffing golden.

    t110007 t111055

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Just a quicky, as it has been a lonnnnnnng day and then some. Will fill in later. All went ok in the end.

    Here are two pictures of Beatrice AKA "BEA"

    Isn't she gorgeous :) we t4591 her, so comfy, so quiet, you can whisper to each other :lol::lol:

    Took these before B drove us home to pick Dad up, drizzling, mucky roads, just typical :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Went to GC for late lunch, they had run out of scones - I was distraught, totally. Imagine the upset :roll: :roll: not that I made a fuss. :? :?

    Right, I am away, I need a sit me down, pills, a siesta and a good read of the owners manual. Love and Sparkles to all, will call back later t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan

    A large cake, for us all to share :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my!! Look at Bea!! Aidan she is a proper 'lady' I love her :)

    Excellent choice I am so pleased for you and B :)

    A good read of the manual is exactly what I do!

    Shame - terrible shame about the scones :shock: dreadful! What does Dad think? I bet he loves her too :D

    A slice of mercedez benz cake went down very nicely thank you :)

    Sleek told me Mother has a new car although she is not planning a ride out anytime soon :roll:

    Kath was it admonished?? Good word eh? I love a stuffed pepper the mixture of slightly sweet and savoury the veggie option for me please :)

    Hope everyone else is ok


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all -

    It has been a very long day and I guess quite stressful to be truthful.

    I am at the pc, with the car manual to hand. I didn't realise that it is as long as War and Peace :!: :!: :shock: But, I will digest it over the coming days.

    I am glad you enjoyed the Merc cupcakes Toni, I thought they went down very well with a nice cup of Yorkshire T, perfectly brewed.

    Bear with has been the order of the day :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Arrived in good time at the Motability (Mazda) dealership, to dop Bette off. That was all very quick and easy, he just typed a few things in the computer, checked the car over, handed him the keys and we were done.

    They had a coffee machine that looked very fancy, with real beans at the top. Mmm, we thought. Black coffee, press button. Lots of whirring and the like. I think, in its "brewing" it had swapped coffee, for puddle water - oh my it was yuck :? :? :? :roll:

    Rang the other garage as they had said to do, for one of the lads to pick us up. We waited outside and it got colder and colder t110007 and rained t111055 and I was about to ring them and say forget it, we will get a taxi, when he appeared. I squished myself into the very low BMW :shock: and said, we need heat, maximum heat :shock: :lol::lol: By the time we arrived at Bea's garage I think the poor guy was about to pass out :lol::lol::lol:

    Lots of sorting of paperwork, as there always is, she was all ready for us, so after a good while, we were ready for off. He took a photo of us with the car, (they do that with all their customers), to go on the website - Lord knows what I will look like :lol::lol:

    Set the new sat nav, (she doesn't have a built in one), get us home. Of course, everything was strange for B, doing the driving. I resisted pressing buttons, only adjusted the climate a little. I think I would have been very told off if I had pressed things :? :?

    We arrived home and picked Dad up, he likes it very much, so impressed with how clean, comfy and roomy she is. There are Merc mats in the front, but they are not the exact fit, so I think we will get a new set, you really need ones that are shaped to fit, or they can ruck and be dangerous.

    Lunch was late, as I said earlier, but very welcome. It was busy at the GC.

    The glove box is chilled, like Pauls, to keep things cool.

    Big words indeed my friend. Sleek was admonished :D:D we only shriek, when needs be, like dinner time for Lucy and bed time for Miss Sleekness.
    Glad Barbara was there for choir and avoided the shed.

    I think Mother and Sleek were catching up on say yes to the dress Kleinfeld (in N York) we love it too. Of course dear David is back now with the new series, so there will be shrieking :shock: :shock:

    I am in agreement that Barbara should have had a good lie down, before getting up slowly, taking pain relief, then going homeward. Changes in spinal fluid pressure, do cause head pain. Lucy will know, all too well. t4591 t4591
    Hope your foot is less painful t115006

    Glad you like the pictures of Bea, she is very ladylike :) She needs an immaculisation to match our standards, little touches, that garage workers and valeting miss out. Nooks and crannies need "fussing".

    Mother loves the car, but does not want to go in her, thank you all the same, she went to the bedroom, shrieking :o:lol::lol: She said I am not going to the Vitnary :lol::lol:

    We will draw a veil over the lack of scones at the GC, my shock, was voiced, loud and clear :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, Toni had swallowed a dictionary for sure :) Admonished is a lovely word. A little poem, with the word in, would be rather wonderful.

    Bea is all settled at home and it has not stopped raining, which is just typical :roll: :roll: :roll: We seem to have been on pins for most of the day :roll:

    I will take one of those yummy vegetarian stuffed peppers. They don't like me, but I like them, so I will bear the indigestion :roll: :lol::lol: They look totally delectable. Thank you kindly. GLad you liked the cupcakes :)

    Hope your ouchies are minimal t115006 t115006 t4591

    That sentiment is for you too Barbara, t115006 with the headache easing I trust. Did you manage to sleep ok last night. Things should be improving now (headache wise). Some extra ((())) and sparkles t115006 t115006

    Hi to Joan and Sue, did you manage to get out and about, gathering all that you needed. ((()))

    Carol, Mig I hope you and yours are ok, Carol is your cold improving t115006 and Mig I trust you don't have to wait too long for your results.

    Well, I had best do a little pottering, have a little read of the car manual, or at least make a start. Open door, get in..................

    Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about. Take lots of care, t4591 t115006 Catch up again later today. At home this week end, we have fussing to do :) If it stops raining XXXX Aidan

    Veggie fry up breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A veggie fry up Aidan perfect! Shouldn't really I am meeting wo friends for a cuppa (and who knows what?!) in M&S later :oops:

    We had our photo taken with Dudley when we fetched him too and the dealership gave me his fitted mats free!! :) Lovely. Bea being a Merc will have little poppers to attach the mats to I think so they should never runkle up.... have I just invented a new word? :lol: Dad has more room in the back? Good! Bea is a hit all round t4591

    I can imagine 'proper' immaculisation will be necessary and only the likes of yourself can do this adequately :)

    A poem with admonished in would be perfect. I was actually Tosca who used the word first I just copied :wink:

    What could have been a distressing day turned into a fabulous one!! I am very very happy :D

    All is well with me my foot is doing nicely thank you so long as I don't stand still for long which I don't anyway.

    Right I have washing to do tidying etc before I meet my friend!

    Love to everyone

    Woo-ooo! to Joan and Sue

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara
    . Toni have a good sing song it gives you a good feeling
    . Kathleen have your aches and pains gone ((()))
    . Aidan lovely colour car and nice to sit in and drive good (((())))
    . Barbara yes we got our shopping. I hope your back does not hurt too much has the headache gone.(((())))
    . Sue had a problem getting on yesterday the forum had changed on her computer but mines alright today.
    . have a good weekend everyone
    . take care
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all headache more or less gone and back ok :D
    Aiden I am much better thankyou ..they did have me lay down for a while but my back wouldn't alow it for long :roll:
    I love the colour of Bea..and glad you are happy with you were glad to be on the way home after that day...but no scones... :shock: that would have been the icing on the cake..excuse the pun...I love the Mercedes now you can experiment with all the controls... :lol: must get the heating just right :D ..right will help myself to the vegi breakfast thankyou...
    Toni the biscuits are the highlight of the choir.. :lol: I am much better thankyou..I did lay down for around 20 mins but then they kicked me out..I hope that foot is getting better but bet the colour is changing..
    Kath thanks I am much I love stuffed peppers they help the kidneys thankyou...
    Joan thankyou I am a lot better ..just one of those things..glad you managed to get on the foum at last..I dread that happening
    Sorry this is short but Niamh is on her way.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm astonished,
    I've been admonished!
    And my doctor isn't very pleased.
    She rang me
    she rang me at home
    last night, last night
    after surgery, and admonished me!
    It astonished me.
    It's not my fault my blood pressure's raised.
    Now she's increased my Doxasosin
    4mg instead of 2.
    So I'm being good
    I suppose I should
    so I won't be admonished again.


    How beautiful is Bea, what a stunner. You'll both look proper gents in her. :D

    Barbara, so glad your headache has gone.

    I'm feeling quite queasy for some reason, but I'm still going to help myself to some veggie fry up. That egg looks gorgeous.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath, you are a

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Guess what, it's t111055 t111055 :roll: :roll: we just managed to do some immaculising of buttons, dial and things that you touch, in Bea, so she is looking extra clean now. Then the Heavens opened. t111055 t111055

    Just need to work out the interior lighting and the bluetooth phone. You would think that the lighting for the inside would be easy, err, no, it is like quantum physics. :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    I hope the veggie dry up didn't spoil your meeting up with friends, for coffee and goodies, in Mark's Toni. I am sure it didn't :)

    I use the word runkle, another wonderful word :) and rucked too.

    We are on the facebook page and I have added the picture to FB, of us two, with our thumbs up, about to drive off in Beatrice.

    I am still going to get the made to measure mats, for some reason, they forgot to put one rear side mat in :roll: never mind, no one can sit on that side, there is one for Dads feet, which is fine. Sorry, you cannot have a lift, there is no mat :lol::lol::lol:

    All the neighbours are oooh, you have got a Mercedes, ooooh, posh, oooooh One neighbour said, there is nothing that you can dislike about a Merc. Quite true :D:D 8) 8) It will be all round the park by now :lol::lol:

    You will see that our Poet Laureat for the Arthritis Forum, has written a wonderful ditty :)

    Glad your foot is a lot better, like most of us, we don't like standing in one position for any length of time. Moving and pottering is an essential of daily life.

    Sleek was over this morning at some unearthly hour, there was shouting and shrieking, about 5am. Sweet dish is nearly empty again, they can trough, Mother and Sleek. Given the weather, Mother is not for moving, she wants to be warm, the damp gets into her bones.

    Hi Joan and Sue, as long as you are both ok. I see you managed to get everything that you needed yesterday. It is going to turn cold again this coming week.
    Yes, the car is a lovely colour and we are very pleased with her.

    Hi Barbara, I am so glad that your headache has all but gone. t4591 t115006 Glad you liked the pic on FB, with me and a stupid grin on my face :lol::lol: :shock: I don't like my picture being taken to be honest.

    If they had you laying on a wheely trolley at the hospital, that would be SO uncomfortable, I would have lasted about five minutes.
    Much fiddling with the controls, whilst cleaning them at the same time. We are no nearer to getting the lighting sorted, inside the car, but we will. Even following the manual to the letter, made no difference :shock: :roll: :roll:
    Then the phone was not connecting to the which time B was getting testy, so we packed up and came in, plus it is going cold t110007 t111055

    No scones, it was unbelievable, I spotted the empty display thingy and said, where are the scones :shock: :shock:

    Glad you liked the cakes and the veggie breakfast. So, Niamh is in residence, ready yourselves. Bacon butties in the morning granddad, please and thank you t4591

    I love your poem Kath, a very informative one too, given the fact that your Dr rang you and increased your pills. Some sparkles to help with the blood pressure t115006 t115006

    We don't want you feeling queasy :mrgreen: some ginger biscuits will help. As will the big fry up :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: followed by the wonderful brownies. Thank you kindly, they look delightful.

    Hi to Carol - hope you and yours are all ok, with the cold waning now. t4591 t115006

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. I had best be pottering a little. Time for pills too.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will pop back later XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Oh my goodness how time runs away with us as soon as you think you have some spare time yourself you find your self busy again.
    On Thursday I was at the multiple sclerosis group with my cards in the afternoon. then in the evening we were at our fortnightly church meal. Friday was the usual lunch with Mr T and then met my friend for our knit natter and coffee session. and this morning we had our 1st open morning of the year so cards were out again. actually managed to sell some cards this morning so recouped some of the money I spent out on them. So I have had a busy couple of days. My cold seems to have disappeared. still getting a stuffed up nose but it seems now it is mainly when temperatures change. then its ok again pretty weird really. Mr T thankfully didn't get the cold either.

    I see lots of things have happened in the café too Aidan and B have Beatrice now. Glad you are enjoying her . there has been all manner of hospital appointments. Joan I hope all goes well for Sue next week when she gets her teeth. Love the poem Kath.

    Next week sometime I must see if I can get to the shop to get my laptop sorted out with a new battery.

    Time to potter I think
    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 .
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - it seems to be going colder, at least it has finally stopped pouring with rain t111055 t111055 who told the weather Gods that we had a new car :roll: :roll:

    Hi Carol - oh, time and tide, it just vanishes. Every since I was retired on ill health, there have not been enough hours in the day. How I worked 12 hour shifts and did everything else besides, I have NO idea :shock: :shock: :? :?

    We need to pop down to the shed and gather some time back, there are loads of weeks and hours going spare.

    You have had a busy time with Church meals, lunch with Mr T and your coffee, knit and natter afternoon, plus selling your cards. Glad you managed to sell some and recoup some of your money. :D

    I am very glad that your cold has vanished and Mr T has remained free from sniffles. t4591 Fresh air seems to clear things, it is that time of year, going from warm to cold all the time, our bodies don't know where they are :roll: :roll:

    Beatrice is now with us, in the family enclave :) Very pleased with her, I am not so sure about my picture they put on FB :shock: :? :? :lol: I don't normally stand with my thumb up in the air :lol::lol:

    There have been cloak duty appointments, Mig and Barbara and next I think it is Sue, for her toothy appointment. t115006 Toni has them all logged and the cloak is on auto pilot for any ad-hoc appointments that may crop up.
    Just the laptop battery to sort out now. Is that covered under the warranty? I hope it is. :D

    I hope everyone else is ok. Sleek has been over, through the gate, due to the bad weather and Mother Glitter Sparkles refusing to move from her comfy bed. They were talking to the Nymphs who had battened down the hatches, as the stream is a ****, after all the rain. They are warm, dry, safe and cosy in their underground abode.

    Mother said she might, might go out this morning, for a little fly with Sleek, up to Pendle, as the weather is set fair, but chilly. I know Sleek will have the heating ramped up in Mothers side car, with flasks of warm tuna latte :? :mrgreen: Hope you had a lovely time with your friends Toni, at Mark's restaurant :) Not been in one of their for donkeys years.

    Barbara and GDad will have been busy with Niamh and bacon butties will be on the menu for breakfast. They do smell good, I must admit.

    Hi to Mig, Kath, Christine, Kerrin, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth and all

    At home today and hopefully some fussing.

    If Bea is not polished
    We will be admonished
    So out in the cold we must go
    With sunlight streaming, Bea must be gleaming
    As by Tuesday the forecast is SNOW :shock: :D:D

    Time for me to be pottering again. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Bread PaKoda's (soft bread, stuffed with spiced potato, floured, then deep fried) Nice breakfast snack :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol
    . Barbara that's good your headache has gone. does your back hurt(((()))
    . Kathleen I'm on Doxososin has well I take 6 m twice a day.. I hope you have a good day((()))
    . Aidan his the ride in this car smoother than the other car(((())))
    . Carol tats good your cold has gone sue gets her teeth on Wed
    . have a good day((()))
    . take care love to Toni and everyone else
    . joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The Cloak has Joan in the diary 28th is it pre-op???? then Sue 30th for teeth???

    Aidan Sleek was out first thing picked up mother Glitter Sparkles despite the blusterousness (new word!) of the weather they made it to see the nymphs who let a drawbridge down so they could go in!! Sleek was FULL of it! Apparently a carriage was sent for Mother (Finder of the sacred rainbow droplet after all.....) so she didn't even have to walk over!

    On Tuesday they have a SYTTD day planned at yours - sorry! Get extra sweets in ASAP!!!

    Ah yes teething troubles with Bea to be expected....getting the phone connected is super-frustrating isn't it? the lights though?? May even be worth a trip to the merc dealer for advice????

    I bet the whole site think you have gone up in the world now :wink:

    I love your poem!!

    and the bread pakodas. MMMMmmm.. yum ta :D

    Oh yes I stuffed myself silly in Marks - also had a white chocolate hot choc - recommended! the veggie fry up only enhanced (another good word Kath???) the experience :lol:

    Carol I am very pleased to see you and hear all has been busy but going well! The cold is retreating and mr T did not catch it :) You sold cards and managed the MS group too :shock: super-busy if you add in knitting and lunch with Mr T too.

    When you get your lap top sorted I will be interested to know how much it will cost me to have mine fixed.

    the poem is fabulous well done you! Is it true though about the tablets???

    Anti-sickness draught on it's way ((()))

    Vegan brownies were yum thanks :)

    Barbara a couple of HOURS is needed not 20 mins and kicked out!! Shocking!! :roll:

    Biccies are the best part of choir practise except when we really sing well that is lovely too :D

    Hope Niamh is ok and you had fun

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, yes. tablets upped. Flipping blood pressure. So that's 2mg Felodipine and 4mg Doxososin. But our joan has 6mg I hope they are keeping your BP down Joan. :o

    I think your poem is better than mine Aidan. You and Bill look fantastic alongside the beautiful Bea. Thank you for the Bread PaKodas.

    Tenderstem Broccoli and Anchovy Pasta

    SERVES: 2

    150g (5.3oz) wholemeal pasta

    250g (1/2lb) tenderstem broccoli

    1 small tin (50g/1.8oz) of anchovy fillets, drained OR 25g (0.8oz) sliced almonds or pinenuts

    1 clove crushed garlic (you can use paste or granules if easier)

    Dried chilli flakes to taste

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    30g (1oz) grated Parmesan

    Recipe Summary

    Broccoli (like other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale and cauliflower) is rich in sulphur compounds that can help reduce joint inflammation. It’s also a good source of vitamin K which studies suggest may help slow or prevent joint deterioration in osteoarthritis. Anchovies supply omega 3 fish oils. These fatty acids have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation in both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you really can’t stand anchovies or following a low salt dietary regime, pine nuts or almonds are a great alternative as they are rich in the antioxidant vitamin E (studies show people with arthritis tend to consume less of than their peers).

    Traditionally, this dish is made with orrechiette (a pasta shape that translates as ‘little ears) but some prefer wholemeal spaghetti. It’s higher in fibre so keeps you fuller for longer but, more importantly, the earthy taste better suits the dish. There is no chopping involved in this recipe and you can make it all in one pan so it’s a good recipe for those with sore hands or arms. If you find garlic tricky to deal with you coud buy dried granules or a paste to make things easier.


    Put the pasta on to cook in a large saucepan. Cook according to timings on packet.

    Add the broccoli for the last 3-5 minutes of cooking time, depending on how al dente you like it.

    Drain in a large colander.

    Return the saucepan to a medium heat and pour in the tablespoon of olive oil, garlic, chilli flakes and anchovies (or nuts). Heat for a minute or until the garlic softens, then add the pasta and broccoli. Give everything a good stir to ensure it is evenly coated. Seasoned with freshly ground black pepper.

    Serve topped with the grated Parmesan (no more than a matchbox sized piece).

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a very blustery day here, but dry, hoorah t110007 t110007

    We had a lovely drive to Skipton today, just us two. Gave Bea a run, popped into KwikFit and booked in for Thursday for AC recharge and a de bug of the AC system :shock: :shock:

    Apparently mould and fungi etc, can grow on the evaporator, then blow into your car :shock: and cause chest problems, so it is recommended that you have the AC re-charged every two years. I am all for that, getting rid of spores and the like :? :?

    What else, winter check, brake checks, wheel alignment, battery, etc, tyres re filled with nitrogen (gives a better ride ). Won't come cheap, but, would rather have everything ship shape.

    We had to pop into Nero's, Skipton was lovely and quiet, no tourists want to come visit in mid winter. Saw our friendly staff, drank two lots of coffee to help with the pecan Danish pastry :)

    Nice drive home, roads very quiet, Bea super comfy and refined :)

    Hi Joan and Sue, yes, Beatrice is a lot more comfy and cossetting than Bette was, she was more sporty, with a firmer ride. You tend to waft along, which is fine by me :)

    Phone, oh, I will have to re read the booklet on the infotainment system Toni, the phone is already paired, but will it connect, will it Buffalo :roll: :roll:
    Lights are sussed out, for battery saving, the interior lights only work when you open the doors when it is dusk, or dark, she has auto lights........who knew, not me, until I read the manual. Auto wipers too, which was a pleasant surprise :)

    I am sure we were topic of the week, at the club house on Sat night :lol::lol::lol: gives them something to natter about.

    Glad you liked the poem and the pakodas, they are rather eatable :D:D

    That's the way, make sure you have plenty to eat, if you are in Mark's, you cannot let good food go to waste :lol: A white choc hot chocolate, sounds delightful and very sweet.

    Mother was full of excitement, now I know why, visiting the Nymphs in their home, with the drawbridge lowered for Mother to ride across t115006 t115006 Finder of the rainbow droplet will be forever held in the highest esteem. t4591

    Tuesday will be fine for a SYTTD fest, they can shriek away in the bedroom, with plenty of sweets to eat and spit some in the water too :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, hope you are feeling less queasy today, some extra ((())) for any ouches t115006 t115006
    No, your poem was great, getting in the Drs call and the pills and the big words. Mine was more of a ditty :lol::lol:
    Thank you for your comments on our picture with Bea, 008 and 009 :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the broccoli and anchovy / pine nut pasta. I will take the pine nut one please.

    I am all for lots of omega 3, we have quite a lot of fish, mackerel pilchards, tuna etc. Anchovies are an acquired taste :? :?

    Broccoli is super good for us too :)

    I am sure your BP will come down, pills pills and more pills, I have just taken another 10, my tea time selection and I don't mean petit fours :roll: :roll: :lol:

    Hi to Barbara Hope you are all ok and Niamh enjoyed her visit to you, "see you Wednesday", after a bacon butty for breakfast t4591
    Trusting that your headache is gone now and you are feeling a bit more "yourself" :? :?

    Carol will have been to Church, back discomfort permitting. Feet up for a while this afternoon per chance :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. The weeks forecast is not looking too great, a lot colder and we have quite a bit of snow forecast for Tuesday :shock: :? That will be an at home day for sure. t110007

    Best be having a potter, before a cup of T and siesta time. Mother knows it is sit down time, lots of shrieking :shock: :shock:

    Love and Sparkles to all, will call back later XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006 t115006

    Strawberry and Chantilly Cream Gateaux - ready Toni........... :lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all...
    No roast dinner delivered today we had food in so dont want to waste it... :)
    Carol you are a busy bee but like I keep saying its good ...glad the cold has eased and you have sold some of the lovely cards.. :D
    Toni yes 20 mins on a trolly I dont like the hospital one bit..its not my hip or Lucy shoulder one...I think we did well at choir I really am getting the hang of these vocals.. :lol: how is Lucy getting on with her course...good I hope..Lucy can do it... :D
    Kath sorry your blood pressure is up ..I take Amlodipine..just 5 mg..and not long been on them ..I love the poem by the way.. :) and thanks for the recipes..see I have forgotten what they were.. :? :lol:
    Joan my back is fine now thakyou..I see I have missed calls sorry and will phone you on Tuesday evening when I am on my own..hope all is well with you both..I think you have your preop tomorrow I will be under the cloak for you
    Aiden you do make me laugh ..I am another that hates having my pic taken hende all the time it took me to put one on facebook :lol: I think you look very nice ..both of the site was all of a oooh look at there Merc :D and I should think so..I see you have had a good drive out to Skipton and its still lovely and comfy..I am so glad , and with you on the having everything checked out...I didnt know about the fungus in the AC, but it makes sense I suppose..very scary..I will be having words with Mr B.. :o
    I had something else to tell everyone but I have forgotten..what am I like :shock: will help myself to strawberry cake I think it was that Aiden left..I think..thankyou
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - goodness it has turned super chilly, icy wind t110007 t110007 dry though, for now. :? :? i won't mention the sn** that is forecast...........

    Hi Barbara - oh, no roast dinner, but good idea to use up what you had. There is always next week :)

    Good that your headache and back are improved. I remember now, that it was the hospital you are not keen on.

    We will all be gathering under the cloak, for Joan's hospital appointment today, t4591 Toni will have the heating on. I have baked some scones, to keep the wolf from the door.

    Glad you had a laugh, I try and make life's events as amusing as Ic can :D:lol:
    Your pic is lovely on FB. I keep looking at mine and think oh my, how many chins have I got - just the three I think :shock: :lol::lol:
    It was very comfy, being wafted over to Skipton, coffee, cakes, then drive back. I think I have mastered most of the buttons, apart from the phone connection and umpteen buttons that go along with it :? :? I have the book to hand, so I will wade through it. You really need to be in the car, with the books.

    She is very comfy and very quiet :) Best to have things checked and sorted. Fumigating or de bugging as they call it at KwikFit This is what they say.........................

    your car may also benefit from an air con clean, also known as a debug. Over time bacteria, mould and fungi can build up on the evaporator in your air con system which produces this unpleasant smell when switched on. In some cases this can cause sickness and respiratory problems as bacterial spores are blown into the cabin of the vehicle and breathed in by the passengers. :shock: :shock:

    As soon as I read it, I had to ask for that to be done. Not cheap, but we don't want nasty spores blowing about :? :?

    Yes, Mr B needs to know about it and I bet Toni will be booking in asap too, we like clean :) Even more important for those of us with chest problems.

    Have you remembered what you were going to tell us :roll: :roll: don't worry, I often go into a room and have no idea why :? :? :lol::lol:

    I did leave several gateaux out, we will need quite a few, ready for the face planting.

    Hope everyone else it as ok as can be, with minimal ouchies. Best to leave some magic squares out, just in case t115006 t115006

    Mother has been very vocal this evening, lots of shrieking and shouting. She is thinking that stopping indoors will be best today and definitely on Tuesday when snow is forecast. Sleek and Mrs D will pop over and see her, while we are out and about.

    Pills to collect from the Drs, T room to visit, not been for a while and I have not had a scone for AGES, it is beyond belief. :o

    Then to our local little hospital, for my podiatry appt. I am well overdue, my feet are turning into trotters as we speak :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Right, I will potter on my trotters. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care, keep warm. XXXX Aidan

    Light Swirl Coffee Cake with Maple Glaze :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Coffee cake for breakfast...thanks Aidan that's that taken care of I will make us al a white chocolate milkshake ! Sweet yes but so comforting :D

    I think no-one noticed I nipped in yesterday for some strawberry Chantilly cake? Good although maybe one or two (whole) cakes are gone :oops: I put the booth on a super-wash s all evidence should have been eliminated!

    I am so glad Beatrice is a dignified and comfy ride I would expect nothing less bless her. Gosh no!! Well I had my air-con done in September at Dudley's service now I know why it was recommended :shock: :shock: safety first! Good to hear the lights and wipers are energy saving touches! so posh!

    Hope podiatry goes u and you enjoy your GC visit and scone.

    Sleek is just back home. The wind has dropped, but there is a severe weather warning in place for Pendle for tomorrow's SYTTD binge, so the gate will need to be used :roll: Hermione's orders.

    What time are we with Joan today? Well I am dressed early just in-case it's early! Been caught in my jimmies before :oops: :oops:

    Not our favourite hospital Barbara? Good to hear I would have been most disappointed. Headache all gone that's good any idea of a tie-scale for results?

    Might do some singing with neighbours in the week if you're free at all? It will be between carers visits...probably about 1pm till 3.

    Kath oh dear me an increase in BP meds - other meds cause the rise though so it's a balancing act isn't it? :roll:

    The pasta was delightful thank you very much went down a treat for my dinner t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello At Last
    I am back I lost this site I don't know how or why but I have found it now.
    I know today is not Friday but Joan has a hospital apointment about her cyst. she will tell you about it tomorrow have a good day
    love Sue its good to be back with every one
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Love that posh gateau and the Coffee cake. Plates all ready, mouth open and WHOOMF down the hatch. Yummy and thank you Aidan. t4591 Can whoomf count as a word? :lol:

    Barbara, I think my dad's on Amlodipine. He never had BP until he had to start Steroids so not bad for an 88 year old. :wink:

    Did you hear of plans to give those of us with long term illness exercise sessions or art session instead of tablets. I think it's mainly for diabetes. Also saw a piece about chickens who lay eggs that contain elements that treat cancer and arthritis. Give me those eggs NOW. :lol:


    Lentil Curry SERVES: 4

    160g or 5 ½ oz red lentils

    1 litre vegetable or chicken stock (try adding a little coconut milk for a richer curry)

    2 cloves garlic crushed

    1 onion chopped (optional – you can leave it out for a no-chop meal)
    1 tsp ground ginger

    2tsp turmeric

    2tsp garam masala or mild curry powder

    1 tablespoon rapeseed oil (or other flavourless oil)

    Recipe Summary

    From time to time, it is good to replace meats with lentils or beans. From a nutrition view point, lentils are packed full of nutrients. They are particularly rich in protein, dietary fibre, folate and iron. A lot of people tend to believe that lentils or other legumes are difficult to prepare. In fact since they don’t require a lengthy soaking time like other beans, meals are done in a jiffy.

    The preparation time for this recipe is completed in less than an hour!


    Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and gently fry until softened. Stir in the ground spices and cook for another minute.

    Tip the lentils into the pan and then cover with the stock. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes. The lentils should be broken down and you should have a thick curry.

    Serve with rice, spinach and plenty of low fat yoghurt. And a chunk of crusty bread, with or without butter.

    Sunny but cold, but watch out for that snow. Keep Bea in the garage.

    m0150 m0150 m0150 r015.gif t110007 t110007 t110007

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sounds yummy, have taken screen shots of recipe.Could you use ham stock ?
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I should think so Mig. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein