Val's Cafe
Just a quickie to thank everyone for their good wishes you lot are really helping me through this,I’ve booked the sofa for the rugby today going to kick this latest trial into touch.
God bless all of you.X Mig0 -
The booth does look very sparkly Toni. I think it was best you had a shower, looking at the CCTV footage, you were in a HUGE mess :shock:
Sounds like everything is in order for Mother's secret Birthday party - anchovies tooand catiar / caviar, equally
but perfect for Mother who likes very fishy foods :? :?
Mother is getting more motherly in her mature years, making up for loathing all the kittens after 5 weeks, she was like "no, they are NOT mine, you have them" :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
So one of the Siamese is called Tia, well that is just perfect and Sleek has spoken of her to Mother, saying that she is like Miss Cookie Paws t4591 t115006
Silver is definitely keeping an eye on Mig, every day, in every way possible.
Adding to the positive thoughts and prayers that we all send to hert4591 t115006
I don't miss TED stockings round, at all, we used to take it in turns, or one leg each. The applicator metal thing was less than useless and by the time you had it all set up, you could have put umpteen pairs on by hand. :roll: :roll:
Hoping that the AB's do their thing with B's infection. If they don't clear things up then it is back to the dentist for more investigations :? :?
I have not been out to see Bea, I am sure she is still sparkling. Last time we cleaned her, a big bird did a do do on her :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: BIL and SIL are due any time now.......
Belgian choccy cake is chilling in the fridge, easier to cut when cold, the other one is carrot cake.
It is SO warm, more like end of May time. m0150 m0150
So Lucy did not like the overdone make up :shock: less is more sometimes.
Glad you enjoyed the film night, with wine and or orange, very nice, did the ice cream lady come round with the thing round her neck, gosh, how old am I :?
There is another area cordoned off at the Sanctuary, a huge space with pools and trees - no idea what animals Johnny has rescued yet.
The sea otters are very happy with their accommodation
Hi Joan and Sue - Good to hear you enjoyed the pub lunch. So Sue did not like her flat white - all depends on the person making it and the blend of coffee, not all coffee is pleasant
My Angina was playing up a bit the other day, but my spray soon settled it.
Hi Mig The least we can do is send you lots of love and support, every day. t4591 t115006
You enjoy the rugby, make sure you keep your spot on the sofa, spread out, full length of it
You are going to kick this trial into touch, too right. t4591 God Bless you too hun.
Right. I had best move, before guests arrive. I will pop back later, not sure what time.
Hi to Barbara, Kath, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, SW Toady and all
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
mig, enjoy the rugby. I hope that settee is comfy, if so I'm coming to join you.
Toni, thank you for leaving the booth sparkly clean. I had to put my sunglasses on before I went in.Yes Aidan, I did take a run and jump - or rather a hobble and a slide. :?
Florence and Clarence exercising again. They will be top atheletes before long. Spids WATCH OUT :!: :!:
Barbara, we have a Home Bargain and a B & M here. Our son used to work at B&M.
Summer Tuna Panzanella
150g Ciabatta bread, chopped into bite size pieces
250g Cherry Tomatoes, halved
1 Shallot, halved peeled and finely sliced
1 Yellow Pepper, halved, de-seeded and sliced into thin strips
1/2 a Cucumber, thinly sliced
160g tin of Tuna, drained
60g Rocket
35g freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
1 small handful Fresh Basil Leaves, roughly chopped
4 tbs Olive Oil and a little extra for drizzling
1/2 a Lemon
Salt and pepper
Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees.
Take your chopped ciabatta and spread in a single layer on a baking tray. Sprinkle evenly with grated parmesan cheese, a grind of black pepper and a drizzle of oil. Place on the top shelf of your oven for 10 mins or until the cheese is melted and the bread pieces are golden.
Meanwhile, take a large bowl and add your halved cherry tomatoes, sliced shallot, yellow pepper strips, and sliced cucumber. Add half of the olive oil season with salt and pepper and mix through.
Flake the tuna over the top of your vegetables followed by the rocket and the remaining olive oil.
When your bread is ready, remove from the oven and mix through your salad. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and scattering of basil. If you prefer, I suppose you could use Salmon instead of Tuna. This recipe is good for bones, I got it from the Royal Osteoporosis Society's website.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
evening all
just a quickie check in as I am so shattered from a couple of very busy days. we had o church fortnightly meal on Thursday which was very nice as usual. Mr T I didn't have lunch out together yesterday as he was playing at an evening wedding at our church of one of our members they went for a meal afterwards. I had already arranged to help out on a stall at a speedway event with my youngest daughter. we were asked by an ex speedway rider from the team we used to support. I might add we used to run a fan club for said rider and he asked especially for us to run his stall of commemorative items as he said he knew he was leaving it in safe hands. it was a fantastic evening. We were there for about 4 and a quarter hours I got home shattered. then it was up and out by 9am this morning for open morning at church we only had a man and his little daughter and a family of 4 in so very quite but was nice because we had a bit of relaxing doing very little. Aidan I didn't meet my friend yesterday as she has been away looking after a friend who has had a cataract op all week so I have not seen her this week at all.
I may have been busy but it has certainly taken my mind off of being in Limbo land.
Kath So you have Florence and Clarence exercising again so watch out Spids indeed.
love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
m0150 m0150 Goodness me I was melting in the afternoon :shock: :shock:
With five people in the lounge, the temp soon went up. I was out on the decking on a few occasions :roll: :roll: This is very not normal, for winter time.
Apart from that, it has been a lovely day
Hobble and a slide, that sounds about my style too Kath, slip, trip and land in the cake :shock:Toni had left the booth super clean and sparkling 8) 8) 8)
I see Florence and Clarence are continuing their training sessions, needs must, when there are spid--s around so soon in the year. :? :?
You Son used to work at B & M? was that when Unicorns were all the rageIf I worked there now, I would have a vast collection by now t115006 t115006
I need these, they are SO CUTE t4591 t4591 t4591
I hope any ouches are minimal, I will pop some magic squares in your slippers, just in case t115006 t115006 Expect glitter
Thank you for the lovely recipe, I could eat that all day longMother always said fish is brain food - wonder if battered haddock counts :? :?
Hi Carol You have been busy again, feet not touching the ground, well, metaphorically speaking - oooh, get me, big words
Church meal, glad that was as good as ever. No lunch with Mr T and no coffee with your friend.
But you had a great time at the speedway, how lovely that one of the ex riders wanted you and your Daughter to man the stall. Definitely in safe hands.
Did you get to watch some racing as well? I bet it is really noisy :shock: :shock:
No wonder you were shattered when you arrived home, after nearly 5 hours. Then up and out to Church, for the open morning. You had a bit of a sit down, which I am sure was very welcome
Being busy does occupy the mind, which, at this time, will be a good help. Keeping the thoughts and sparkles going t4591 t115006
Sleek was over, with Mrs D, at siesta time, they cast a sleepy spell on me and then ate loads of sweets :roll: :roll:t115006 I have a feeling they nipped down to see the Nymphs, who had opened their cafe, for the early evening, all lit with fire flies. Some Nymphs from far far away had come to see the rainbow droplet t115006 t115006 and they wanted to meet Mother Glitter Sparkles t115006
You mentioned music Toni, for the first dance at Tia's wedding, I forgot all about it, sorry. So narrowed down to 3, draw the song out of a hat maybe, Sleek can pick it
Hi to Mig, I hope you enjoyed the rugby match and kept the sofa all to yourself t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, Christine, Kerrin, Toady, DD, SW, Elizabeth and all.
Our visitors did not leave until 5pm :shock: I had several pottering sessions, cannot sit and natter for long, but, they are used to me vanishing every so often
I was very greedy and had two pieces of Belgian chocolate cake - I won't check my blood sugar today :? :?
Quiet evening, B is busy doing some new bracelets, he has been busy doing other arty things recently.
I am happy, to write a bit, then potter a bit, catching up with the golf and ski jumping.
Hair cut today, I feel like I am wearing a beanie hat:roll: :roll:
I think a potter in the garden too, B wants to trim things, after trimming mem0150 m0150
Time I was moving again. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Everyone take care XXXX Aidan
Apple Stuffed French Toast (bacon optional)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Foggy here so should be a nice day I hope m0150
Sleek was out early doors with Mother in the side car, muffler on, they did well collected lots of super stretchy mists apparently then off to the nymphs café for a fishy latteyesterday was fab-u-lous! apparently. Sleek basking in Tosca's reflected glory(after all she was the one flying the broomstick when Mother caught the rainbow droplet
). The visiting nymphs took Tosca's pawprint I hope the ink came off???
Lots of selfies taken all lit by fireflies t4591 Indeed Tia pusskin does look like Miss Coookie-paws bless her t115006 t115006 t115006
Remind me when is the birthday of the VIC (very important cat)?? It's sooon I know!
I didn't know we had CCTV :shock: :shock: :shock:
Tia has a favourite song Aidan, Mikey thinks it's too sad though...what was it called :? I'll have to think...
Visitors left eventually always welcome but it is hard on us crocksAll immaculised now? Do not set off any more angina attacks :? B was beading I started a new puzzle because my friend in the village failed to complete it! There's a challenge!!
Apple stuffed toast? Yum, but no bacon for me
Carol your friend was a bit moody last time you saw her so a week off from her is no bad thing!!
Glad you had arrest at open Church really I expect staffing the stall at the speedway was quite a lot for you, but very nice to be asked
Church meal out always seems to be good. We only have one a year that's the harvest meal
Keeping busy just now is probably the best thing (())
Kath the booth was a bit too sparkly wasn't it?Hope you didn't get hurt slipping and sliding!
Clarence and Florence are ready to police our homes then? Good It has been mild hasn't t :?
That dish looks tasty and healthy too I think oily fish are good for us but watch out for the cats!
mig!! Lovely to see youThe rugby was a bit upsetting unless you are welsh?? We will be with you under the cloak tomorrow. Aidan (Matron) will be checking all standards are being met. The rest of us will keep your mind off it all ((())) t115006 t4591 t69044
Joan I usually have a latte myself flat whites can be ok but to be honest it might have been the coffee being horrible :roll: I have recovered form travelling now more or less back to usual painkillers now thank you
Hope Barbara is ok maybe Niamh is visiting?!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Morning all ..and another lovely one..
Toni yes Niamh came yesterday..dusting all done..stairs hovered and windows cleaned..I wish...she did polish the table though..
Glad you had a good night watching the film..I see Lucy wasn't that keen on her makeup..I am sure Lucy looks much better when she does her own..
Aiden all that food and a posh breakfast..I do love china cups..poor B its sound so sore..I hope its not his sinuses your family left around 5..yes we have to potter no way can I sit and chat for hours like I used to.. :shock: we will have to muffle the unicorn the little lights look lovely ..I haven't seen nighbours daughter has unicorn all around her bedroom I must show her these..
Now our BIL..he is the most stubborn person I have come across..I will see if I can get the form ..but getting him to put his name on anything :shock: :roll:
Mig you are very welcome we will always be there for you and know you can do this..and like I say this trial might be the big breakthrough ..(())xx
Joan Think I will give toad in the hole a miss..I dont even like sausage casseroles..not sausage on toast I loveI hope you have been having this lovely weather..did you enjoy the pub meal with your friend..
Kath another good recipe thankyou..will you be having a walk today..I just wish we had a nice trail nearby we dont even have a footpath :roll:
Better move
Love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Oh yummy Aidan, Apple Stuffed French Toast, I'll help myself to bacon thank you. I don't remember Jonathan mentioning Unicorns, he was usually upstairs in the stock room, keeping his eye on the crisps and technology stuff.
Yes Carol, They are expecting a bumper year this year, unfortunately. But they are keen to look after our friends. Oh, here they are againBless.
Toni, I was fine in the super sparkly booth. I did go over, but got a good view of the event in the gleaming floor reflection. :?
Right, time to sit and munch some Vegan salad."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Mig Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
Mig did you enjoy the rugby you have to be a fighter has you know.(((())))
Kathleen it's lovely and warm today just right for ice cream(((()))
Aidan good job your spray works. i read yesterday more snow coming.(((())))
Carol how is your knitting going enjoy the sun((((()))))
Barbara have you had a sausage sandwidge with tomato sauce((((())
Toni i hope you are enjoying the sun (((((()))))
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Enjoyed the rugby but not the result oh well.
Had some great news our daughters godson and his wife have just become first time parents of a baby boy ,I watch his dad grow up and I’m going to watch this little chap grow up.
Had a lovely lunch with with my eldest son and granddaughter,pjs on soon ready for the skating.Much love to all Mig. X0 -
Afternoon to all, another lovely day, very warm at times - have had one or two "moments" already :? :roll: :roll: m0150 m0150
Hi Toni Mother Glitter Sparkles is 92 hooman years on the 26tht4591 t115006
We had some wandering mists last night, owls were hooting and shrieking :shock: :shock:
The mists are very good, very stringy, like Mozzarella apparentlyThey have been high and low, gathering, delivering, drinking fish latte's
Mother "signing" pawtographs for her adoring fans
Sleek was the one who was guiding the broom, when Mother found the rainbow droplet, a bit like the pearl of great price
That's lovely that Tia puskin is like Miss Cookie, bless her all over t4591 t4591
Apparently we do have CCTV, :shock: :shock: installed by Sleek and Mother, one of their spells, they said it was to guard against marauding undesirable puskins, who venture into Sleeks land. But, they can move the cameras about, by remote. They are attached to Quidditch balls, so no chance of us catching one :roll: :roll:
Ooh, wonder what the song is, a sad one, or can be interpreted as sad? Mikey not too happy about it :? :? You could always have Wig Wam Bam (a blast from the past there hun, platform heels, dancing in lineyep, I was there ) now the song is stuck in my head :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Visitors are hard on us old crocks, you are quite right. All immaculised before they had gone down the ramp I think
No more angina, I thought I might, when I was outside, brooming at the back, where Bea is parked, it is north west facing so not much sun on the concrete base of the park home, so moss has grown like mad over winter. B was busy pruning and making all look neat and tidy and I was scraping away with the broom, trying to get the moss up.
I did most of it, then B took over, while I recovered. All done, it can have a light bleach then it will be sparkling clean again.m0150
Hair cut this morning, I know, I look SO young I am barely recognisable :shock:
Yes, B is beading as we speak and I am fussing, with washing, in between writing. All pressing done, Mothers "facilities" all bleached and pristine, so Sleek will be over to throw litter with Mother, at siesta time :roll: :roll:
Hope you have success with the jigsaw puzzle, I would not have the patience, I would force all the pieces together and say "there, all done" :roll:
No, I passed on the bacon, but I made a dent in the stuffed french toast
I will be checking all the standards are high and then some, at the hospital, when we are all there with Mig t4591 t4591 I know the hospital well, my stomping ground throughout the 80's
Hi Barbara, glad Niamh was kept busy, polishing the table, along with all manner of other things too and bacon butties from Gdad I would guess.
B's face is less swollen now, the AB's are working, which is good, I think it was either a sinus infection, or soft tissue infection, not quite erysipolus but along those lines.
No, chatting for hours has never been my thing, I have always had to move and "do" things, people are used to me just going off into another room, clattering pots or dropping things
Those little Unicorn lights were SO sweet, I have no idea where they are from, or if they can be bought over here. Probably USA only.
I would fill in the form and then we can think of some way for him to agree to sign it, as it will be of great use for them, every bit helps. We will hatch a plan..................we are good at them.t4591
Hi Kath, glad you enjoyed the apple stuffed toast, rather moreish I thought
So Jonathan was in the stock room - I would sideline all the Unicorns before they went onto the shop floor, the ones were the boxes were "damaged"
Crisps and technology are good tooNow, do I need a new, not reallllllllllllllllly
A bumper what Kath, bumper numbers of spid--s :shock: :shock: :? :? Toni Barbara and I will have to move to northern Norway, way past the Arctic circle.
Thank you for the vegan salad, it will go well with the mini pizzas we are making later, well, they are garlic bread slices, but with some tom puree and lots of mozzarella, they will be lovely.
Hi Joan and Sue Hope you are enjoying this fine weather. Snow, are we going to get more snow? I guess we will have pay back for all this early spring weather.
Hi Mig, no, not the result we wanted in the Rugby, but you enjoyed it all the same. Wonderful news about the new baby boy, you will watch him grow up, without a doubt t4591 t4591
Lovely lunch with family, now settling down to watch the skating. Enjoy, PJ time is the bestt4591 t4591
Well, I had better move again. I will pop back later on. Time for a cuppa and a siesta shortly.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 take care XXXXX Aidan
Fresh Fruit and Cream GateauxXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - it is a lot cooler now, after another gorgeous day, with more fine days to come. m0150 m0150
Bea is still clean and shiningWhich makes a change. This time last year we were chilled by the Beast from the East. t110007
A quiet evening here, well, Mother is shrieking, but that's nothing new. :shock: :roll:
The house smells of garlic :shock: , after supper, which was very tasty. Probably why Mother is vocal, thinking what on earth have they been eating
Off to the GC this morning, pick Dad up en route, then some shopping after a scone and a couple of coffee's.Might have a nosy at the plants that have arrived, for spring time.
I hope everyone is as ok as can be. Mig, did you enjoy the skating
I won't dally, time for more pottering. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006
Kaiserschmarren - Emperor’s pancake with caramelised plums and cranberry sauce. Lovely thick fluffy shredded pancakest4591
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Emperors pancake Aidan!! My you are spoiling us!!!
I hope you get a good table at the GC and scones for you whatever Dad fancies.
I had several 'moments' myself yesterday
No beast from the east so far this year!! m0150
Tomorrow is the big day then? LovelySleek has been wrapping presents all day she's used wrag-wrap so it's reusable Aunty Kari is ready to host (obviously it's Mrs D hosting :shock: Kari clearly does not know her place!) and cannot wait to meet Minerva and Hermione! Yes the mists were like cooked mozzarella lovely :?
Did the ink from the pawtgraphs come off Aidan? Not on the furniture I hope?? Sleek is more than happy to bask in replected glory she worships Mother.
They have been to meet Tia pusskin (who looks like Cookie-paws) already!! and her brother they fancied the afternoon at the seaside again :roll:
CCTV under their control :shock: oh dear me!! Better watch out :shock:
Well done de-mossing and to B for tidying the garden and re-immaculistion before they had even stepped into their car
Haircut this morning too? Paul need his done :roll: desperately! You will look about 24 once done
As for the gateaux...….tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP.....SPLATTTT Booth on jet wash super rinse
Mig we love the ice skating tooGlad you had a good lunch and suc lovely news about a new baby boy born to your daughter's Godson! Nothing like a baby to make the world seem a much better place
Joan I loved the sun had a walk up to see my favourite horse and give him a bit of carrot
Kath that salad was lovely saved me doing some for lunch thank you
I've done the same again with the booth so be careful!! Kath!!! Be Care......ful...too late :oops:
Barbara polishing the table is a good start. You can teach her windows next?? maybe give her another year??
Lucy does her won makeup really well except sometimes the highlighting??? They look a bit like geisha girls I thinkI'm a mother allowed to disapprove!
How odd that you like sausages but not in things? Is it because they go a bit soggy?
Must get on helping Pom today!
Love to everyone Carol (())
Toni xx0 -
Hello Mig Aidan Toni
Mig good news lovely just what you need(((())))
. Aidan have a good day all of you(((())))
. Toni enjoy your time helping Pom. What colour was the horse((((())))
. take care all love to Kathleen Carol Barbara(((()))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
If you've noticed work going on around the Manatee Pool, Chatting to Jonny etc, I asked for a larger space so we can move some Dugongs in to keep the manatee company.
"In the past, Dugongs were widely distributed along the southern coast of Kenya. However, over the years a decline in the index of species abundance and extent of occurrence has been reported. Kenyan Marine expert suspect that without targeted species conservation efforts in the immediate and longer term these numbers will reduce further. Sightings of the Dugongs have also reduced when compared to the last ten years." (
So thought we'd help them a bit.
Cupid Prawns
6 Tiger prawns
50g butter
1 red chilli (optional)
chopped parsley
3 cloves of garlic (or more, if you like)
a good lemon squeeze
handful of salad leaves
4 slices of brown seeded bread (we used spelt & sunflower)
And some cocktail sticks to make the heart-shaped prawn skewers!
Recipe Summary
A Valentine’s Day special recipe to share between two!
Start off by putting two prawns through a skewer, so they form a heart shape.
melt the butter gently in the microwave, for a few seconds, and then add some of the chopped chili. Add as much heat as you like. chop up the parsley and add it to the melted butter. Crush the garlic cloves and add them and a little squeeze of lemon to the butter mix, stirring well to make a tasty sauce. season lightly.
Poure the sauce mix over the prawns and leave to marinade for a few minutes.
Heat up a cast iron grill to cook the prawn skewers on, for around 4 minutes on each side. You can use a frying pan or other griddle surface, or even cook under the grill.
Serve the skewers on a bed of salad, with the slices of bread, and share with good company!
Not strictly veggie, or vegan, but definitely fishy."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
Weather still nice here sunny and quite warm at times. We are jogging along as usual my pain level are up and down at the moment I didn't go to church yesterday after manning the stall at the speedway event on Friday evening and open morning on Saturday followed our belated Friday lunch with Mr T I got up yesterday morning back and knee screeching at me and still very tired so stayed at home all day and rested. went to bed earlier than usual last night and woke up feeling much better this morning.
I cannot believe that it is 2 years tomorrow that we had to have our beloved Snowie Put to sleep. where has that 2 years gone.
Aidan Think you must of swallowed a dictionary using big words like that :shock: There wasn't any racing at the speedway event it was just a reunion sort of thing the rider who arranged it all arranges these from time to time since the team was disbanded because the stadium was sold and since has been knocked down. He is determined to keep the name of the team alive and has a fb group page called the Dons Den. Your right about the noise at a race meeting I can be very loud at times. We have no tracks in London now all closed I get my fix from the sport by watching it on BT sport now when it is on during the season. the first meeting I ever went was with my dad at the tender age of 2 I cried all the way through the meeting but apparently I would not let him go in the weeks and years that followed without taking meso you are all smart again after your haircut I'm having mine cut tomorrow.
Kath Florence and Clarence visited earlier and were telling me they were on strict exercise so they were ready to remove all our friends rouge spids. thanks for looking after Florence until things are better here in just over a weeks time after Aunts funeral.
Toni yes true where my friend is concerned she can be off sometimes. infact it was nice also on the Wednesday knitting group as sometimes she is very prone to interrupting when someone speaks to me giving her views. I usually ignore her and carry on speaking to the other person. :roll: :roll: staffing the stall was not too bad just tiring I was sitting most of the time. my daughter and myself along with his wife his mother a 1 other lady
were thanked and presented with a lovely bunch of flowers each for helping. which was very nice. yes Clarence and Florence are ready to exterminate those unwanted eight legged creatures.
Joan I am crocheting a blanket with all my left over yarns at the moment so it is quite colourful.
right time for a potter me thinks
t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 to all and (((()))) to those who need themStay positive always👍xx0 -
Afternoon to all - Scratch that, it is now late evening :roll: :roll: quite where the afternoon went, I am not sure - I was faffing and fussing................. :roll:
Several "moments" here as well Toni - this is crazy weather, I have fans on and curtains shut :shock: :shock: 20 degrees m0150 :shock: :shock:
It was nice and calm at the GC this morning, we had our fav table, we could have sat outside, but I am not one to share things with flies and the like.
Scone was perfect, as were the T cakes for B and Dad.
Yes, tomorrow is set, for Mothers secret Birthday party. I gave her a good brush last night and trimmed some lugs. She didn't mind, she said I had been skalped anyway, by Daddy :shock: :shock:
Mrs D will have everything organised and Sleek will come to pick up Mother, then fly through the gate on top of Pendle.
Mother had washed all the ink off her paws, bless her. Sleek is Mothers confidant without a doubt, they are often in deep discussion, about magic spells and times gone by. t4591 t4591
So they have been down to Brighton, they do get about. I assume they used the transportation spell, with it being a long way off. Tia is very much like Cookie and no, they cannot resist a visit to the seasidem0150 t115006
We will have to watch our P's and Q's, with CCTV installed and operated by our two :shock: :shock: :roll:
I do look 24, absolutely, if not a couple of years younger :? :?almost teenage
Feels a lot better anyway
Bill will pop down and cut Paul's hair, we like neat and tidy whenever possible.
Nice that gateaux, I see you enjoyed itthe booth is getting some use at the moment, poor Kath, ending up in a heap, at least the floor is soft touch, so no injuries.
Of course you can disapprove, of make up that is a bit OTT. All this contouring is nothing new, it is just taken to the nth degree at the moment. Light and shade, subtle, less is more
I am guessing that Barbara doesn't like a soggy sausage too :? :shock:Best say no more on that matter
Silver mentioned that you had been to visit the horse and given carrots as a treat t115006 t115006
Hi Joan and Sue - Thank you, we have had a fair day, the weather has been very warm indeed.
Hope you are enjoying the same - I think it is due to change as we near the week end, with winds and rain.........March is always windy and wild. Not seen any warnings for snow yet, but, there is time.
I did notice that the Manatee pool was undergoing some major extension work. Dugongs are more than welcome, they are becoming very endangered now, oh how man will rue the day, we are hell bent on destroying the planet...........
Great idea that they come and stay at the Sanctuary.
The other enclosure, the vast one, is still empty, Lakes, woods, grassland, it's all there, but no residents yet.
Thank you for the link
Cupid Prawns - I don't mind Tiger Prawns, not had them in years, so I will dive into them, thank you kindly.
Definitely fishy
t115006 t4591 just in case there are lurking ouches, some more magic squares are in your slippers again
Some magic squares for you too Carol, that busy week end has taken a bite back. We enjoy one thing, then pay for it, rest, enjoy something else, pay for it goes on.
You did have a long shift at the speedway, manning the stall, then Church open day, meal out with Mr T, no wonder your back / knees were screeching. My sympathies t4591 t4591
Glad things are a bit easier now. I could not sit on a Church pew - I would have to be "accommodated" at the back of the Church. :roll:
I cannot believe two years have passed, since Snowie went over Rainbow bridge. t115006 t115006 He will be chasing Pepe and Cookie and Eric Catona and all our loved ones, play chasing, having a great time. t4591 t115006 t115006
Ah, a reunion event, so no speedways at all in London, goodness, I thought there would be at least one. :roll:
Good for him keeping the name of the team alive, what a shame that the stadium was sold and knocked down :shock:
I know you like to watch it on tv, when is the season for racing?
You went when you were 2, goodness, no wonder you were bawling, all that noise. But, you must have been smitten, to go with Dad every time after that. t4591
Yes, all smart and looking VERY young again, since my haircutI am sure you will be all smart today as well.
Hi Barbara - hope you and yours are all ok. Did you have your roast dinner on Sunday, all preparedMy kind of cooking is that.
How is your neighbour doing? I bet she is up in the air with the house etc. :? :?
We are going to Bygone Times today, they have a sister store, Bottany Bay, don't know if you have been, they are near Chorley, a few miles apart. Beatrice will enjoy a run out m0150
Bygone is more antiques, bric a brac, all sorts of things. B can wheel me around the ground floor, then leaves me in the cafe, drinking the most vile coffee imaginablewhile he whizzes around the rest of the building, without me impeding things.
It is all in an old weaving mill, with lots of ghost sightings, they do ghost nights there too - I would love it :? :?
We will come back homeward, for lunch, with proper coffee, probably the T room
Hi to Mig, keeping you in thoughts and prayers hun, t4591 t115006 lots of energy and good vibrations coming your way t115006 t115006 t4591
Mother Glitter Sparkles is resting, ready for her Birthday celebrations :animal_busy: :animal_busy: There has been shrieking in the bedroom, so I am guessing that Miss Sleek has been over. t4591 t115006 Lots of sweets being munched and litter throwing competitions :roll: :roll:
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering a bit.
I will put a cake out, for Tosca's Birthday and then something for breakfast too.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXXXX Aidan
Mother wanted Cats Breakfast at Tiffany's :? :roll:XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan
. Kathleen it's sunny here I hope you have the same((((()))))
. Carol I knit my polo jumpers but since having arthritis my hands wont move has good enjoy your day((((()))
. Aidan how did you get on at the dentist good I hope((((()))))
take care love to Barbara Toni Mig (((((((())))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
No problem Carol, Florence is welcome to stay as long as she likes. They work well together and are very glad to be of use again.
here they are having a little play time.
and why not.
Joan, that's why I had to give up knitting. Blinking hands.
Aidan, almost 24 - really?Mother Glitter Sparkles looks fantastic, I hope she enjoyed her brekkie.
The difference between a Manatee and a Dugong.
The difference between dugongs and manatees pertains to their social lives. Both are primarily solitary animals, but have very different approaches when it comes to partners. Dugongs tend to be monogamous, living as a couple with one partner. Females begin birthing around ten years old and continue to do so every three to five years. Male manatees, on the other hand, live a more polygamous lifestyle. Females give birth around the age of three with successive births following every two to three years.
Tricolore Bean Salad
400g can cannellini or haricot beans (drained weight 220g/10oz)
150g/5oz cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp balsamic vinegar
½ clove garlic or ¼ tsp garlic granules
Small handful of fresh basil (or you could use parsley if you prefer)"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon everyone
A busy day today again. Dentist for Lucy this morning…she has to go back on Thursday for a preventative filling and then this afternoon helping Pom order some more pots for the village for BKV (best kept village). Popped in to tell you all that Sleek told me just now...
While I was out at the dentists Sleek disappeared to Auntie Kari’s for Tosca’s surprise ‘do’. Lucy spent half the night wrapping her presents for Tosca. The beautiful carpet bag which is just as we thought ‘magic’ due to a spell put on it by Sleek with the help of Hermione who was there early on. It is exquisite! The fabric is soft, but very hard-wearing there is room inside for anything and the clasp is made of 6.5 ct princess cut amethyst! It matches her tiara and necklace she did indeed look much like that picture!
At the flick of a wrist Mother can turn the bag into a purse and hide it inside the matching cape Sleek also got for her In an emergency she can hide inside it with Sleek.
Mrs Darcy made her a cake 3-teired covered in glittery sparkles (Kari said the stench was horrendous!!!). Tommy had drawn her a picture of the two of them together and put it in a purple frame. He behaved impeccably remaining in his high chair the whole time!
Minerva came of course, but not when Hermione was there (Mother doesn’t like to be the centre of attention as you know) a little later on and brought a special bed for her to sleep in. The bed adjusts to the ambient temperature and comforts any aching bones. Can we all have one? Tommy and Gerri cats popped in briefly and a message was received from Silver and Mr Potter. He has the utmost respect for Tosca being far older than him (in cat years).
The whole event went off without a hitch the food and fishy lattes were perfect ,the visitors welcome, but not over-powering. The gifts just right for an unassuming, but wise Pusskin of mature years. Finally Mother slept all the way home in her side car on her new bed which then carried her inside still asleep!!
What a day Sleek said what a day!! Did she forget anything though Aidan?0 -
Afternoon all..I thought I posted yesterday
Lets see what I can remember..
Carol Im so sorry I did read your post the other night but forgot to include you :oops:
Its so kind of you to run the stall at the he has a fan club how you say busy will keep your mind off things..but sorry to read your joints are playing up ..I think its the change in weather..down to the pressure..or something like that :?
Joan and Sue hope you had a good time at the pub..and have been out and about..its says it is going to get warmer
Kath have you been digging for the extension there is a pile of soil near the back we are having another animal or mammal..sorry forgot the name..but its like a matinee..thankyou for all the lovey salads
Toni yes you are allowed to say that about Lucy GD is the same..they will get it right one day..
hope all went well for Lucy at the dentist..
getting ready for best kept village again wont be long before the summer plants are going in..unbelievable how fast time is going..
Aiden last but not least..thank you for the Fresh Fruit and Cream Gateaux..I nearly finished it :oops: I didnt recognize you with your hair cut..20 years younger I would the GC was quiet must say our little one was today and they now have a lovely salad bar like our big when do you visit your family or have I missed it..but I know you and B have been busy tidying the pots and edges..I cant believe how warm its been I have had a few it coming up to mothers Birthday that is a stunning cake...My neighbour is still having to move she is now behind with the mortgage..its going to some court or other but she has had enough I said it was his parents home they bought cheap off them so I am glad she will at least get half..
Now our BIL wont give his daughter his bank details then the money can be paid into it..stubborn is not the word.. :roll:
Mig you will see the baby all grown up and we are with you all the way.. t4591 t115006
Right better go my bread machine is beeping..
Love to everyone
m0150 t4591 m0150Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all!
Sleek has finally come down after Tosca's birthday celebrationsShe looks after 'Mother' so well Aidan you needn't worry when she's out with her. Sorry to say they are on the crystal ball shrieking reliving all the surprises
Earplugs anyone? Aidan?
Barbara we bought 3 new pots for this year for BKV and litter picking has already commenced :roll:
Your ex-neighbour is a naughty man. What goes around comes around you know. The courts will not look well on him and neither will his maker :x
Kath thank you for the bean salad perfect for lunch I have popped some for Paul to take with him for lunch
Clarence and Florence look to be having fun bless them
Manatees and Dugongs are both welcome of course mind you monogamy is best in my opinion :?
Hi Joan hope all is well I still love knitting and crochet, but no Mum to sew up for me now
Off to bed now I am very very tiredZzzzzzzzzzz
I see our mig is ok so we can rest easy tonight.
Love to Carol and ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Mother says a
For her well wishes, on her 19th / 92nd - Birthday t4591 t115006
After all the events of the day, she is fast asleep at the moment :animal_busy:
Hi Joan and Sue, glad you are enjoying the sunny weather. I think it changes towards the week end and I can see rain on our forecast.
B was ok at the Dentist, the AB's that he had seem to have worked on the tooth / sinus problem, which is good.
I used to enjoy knitting, when I worked on nights. Mind you, I would forget where I was up to, every time someone rang their bell, so some of the patterns went off kilter:roll: :roll:
Hi Kath, Mother Glitter Sparkles did look most elegant in her Breakfast at Tiffany's garb t4591 t4591They do like to dream, as do we all.
Interesting to hear about the manatees and dugongs and their marital lives. t4591 They are all so welcome in the sanctuary, anything to save them from extinction.
Thank you for the tricolour bean salad, very tasty indeed.
Some anti ouches for you, just in case t115006 t115006
Hi Toni, I hope Lucy went on ok at the Dentist today.
I see it is "that time" of year again with best kept village. I will mark it down and Barbara and I will get together, ready to throw litter (biodegradable) around in the next village :? :?
Mother Sparkles is over the moon with her new carpet bag. It is SO roomy and bristling with magic t115006 t115006
I know Mother tried the conversion of the cape, into a purse, which worked a treat, then she vanished, so I am assuming that Mother was inside the cape, that Sleek bought for her :shock:
The Amethyst clasp is wonderful, catches the light perfectly.
The "fishy" cake was a work of art, despite the pong t115006
She loves the picture that Tommy drew, of the two of them, it is inside the carpet bag, well, not that I can see, but it is in there. Nice to see Tommy and Jerry cat too..............
The bed is very comfy and is also inside the carpet bag, perfect for those aching bones.
Mother said that she had spoken to all her friends from Hogwarts, Hermione, Minnerva, Silver and Mr Potter himself. She rang him this evening, whilst under the cape - a private conversation :?
We managed to find the perfect card for her Birthday, a Caticorn, yes, a real caticorn - here she is, admiring it, this morning t4591
The Birthday Kitties are lovely, thank you XXXX
Hi Barbara, thank you for saying how young I look, post hair cut
Yes, the garden centre was quiet on Monday. By the time we left, it was getting to lunch, so people were piling in.................
BIL and SIL came over on Saturday, which was nice, lots of cake, well, you have to offer guests cake, it is the law.
Garden is looking nice and tidy, B did 90% and I did some moss removal with the broom, moss grows so fast here, it is known for its moss in the Ribble Valley. It never bothers the plants, they all seem to get on well together.
Your poor neighbour, having to move, because the mortgage is not being paid. He is a ****** and other words. Has she family nearby, that they can stay with? I hope she gets a lot more than half the current value of the house, he has caused the major upset. Sending her some extra t115006 t115006
Your BIL certainly is a stubborn one. is there nothing "lying about" like a statement etc, with the numbers on...........He needs a spell of anti stubbornness, I will get Sleek and Mother to cast one
Mother has had a wonderful day, she is resting now, on daddy's chair, on a cushion, for extra comfort.
I bet the bread was yummyLots of butter, of course. Ooh, we need to gather rubbish, ready to make Toni's rival village a big mess
There has been shrieking earlier on Toni, going over the excitement of the day. Very loud at one point :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sleek does look after her so well and treats her with great care and attention to detail. Bless em t4591 t4591
If you pick the litter and save it for myself and Barbara, we will take it to the next village
We will all be thinking of Mig, as she starts her treatment, all of us will be under the cloak t4591
Hi to Carol, sending lots of love and sparkles, I know it is two years now since Snowie passed, t115006 t115006 lovely picture on FB
We did not get to Bygone Times, we went to Burnley instead, there is a antique / bric a brac place there, quite large, it is always absolutely freezing in there. B pushed me round, we spoke to the lady who owns it, as we used to go there quite a lot.
Then it was back to home town, to the T room, for a wonderful cheese and mushroom toastie, chips, then an almond slice (all home made) It was packed, we got there just in time and nabbed a table, after that it was just manic. :shock: :shock: Market day in town and also quite a lot of tourists too.
I think that is about enough for one day. Dad had an appointment at the vascular clinic today, but he rang and said they have cancelled it :? :roll: I will ring, first thing, to check.................
Hi to everyone in and about. Time for me to potter some more.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Sparkling Strawberry PancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Lovely strawberry pancakes perfect thanks Aidan
If you like brocantes/antiques have you ever been to Leek? the place is heaving with them - and nice coffee shops of course.
You can always rely on the T room can't you?
Good to hear B's mouth is much more comfy I hope that's the last he sees of that. Lucy is back at the dentist tomorrow for a sort of preventative filling. Our dentist is so caring
Hehehe! You and Barbara are ready with the bags of biodegradable rubbish - as colourful as possible please so the judges can't miss it
We have one or two (3 or 4) plans up our sleeves to add to our village this year. Including one of the new post bought yesterday.
I had a feeling mother would suss out all her magic presents just like that bless her t4591 and of course her conversation with Mr Potter was privateWatch out for anything going missing now though....such as hair clippers/scissors :?
We are so glad she had such a lovely day yesterday and love her card how perfect it is!! She is so intelligent too reading it herself.
Best check Dad's appointment WAS cancelled. :roll:
Right best get on another fabulous day ahead here.
Woo-ooo! to Joan enjoy the sun Joan!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0
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