Val's Cafe
Let's have some French toast donuts then yum very sticky.....
Thanks Aidan
I have escaped from hospital 3 times I'm afraid :oops: :oops: :oops: They don't suit me twice without permission. Once I got cab home once the bus :roll: :oops: :oops: They've learnt now to give me my pre-op drugs ASAP!
Dad is doing well Aidan and I do think a pendant is a good idea.No he will not go off his legs like Tia's Grandad did it's just no good
Chatting to everyone is fine too in the shops
Silver in a space age outfit? How odd :? Sleek said he was off to world book day or something like that :roll:
Mother's hiss! Blimey even I was scared I heard it from the back of the house :shock: No sig of any land cats since she's been anyway
Sleek was right Choir went well. We have a new song to sing - for fun not for in's an old folk song called the 'bedmaking song' and guess who came as well as Barbara?!! My plucky neighbour!!!!!!!!!! not 4 weeks after her CVA!
Carol we are all ready for action today. Mr T is probably not sure what to say ATM I can understand that, but he is here for you as are we under the cloak.
The Church meal was well-timed another distraction which is ideal.
As for the weight gain I know you it will soon get shifted once you have recovered and your energy comes back which it will ((()))
Kath I LOVE Turkish delight and have always wondered whether they would be vegan with the chocolate and maybe gelatine so great recipe! Ta
I never though to say I had 'been'!!!fingers crossed behind your back
lips are sealed
Joan when we were growing up there had only been us our Dad and Mum. They would have been thrilled to see our expanded family nowWe didn't find mum's half-Aunts until I was 17.
Barbara I am so sorry about your bro ((()))
I am also impressed that your surgery are being so forward thinking and caring! I hope it helps do let us know how you get on.
That song at choir was a bit naughty wasn't it?!! :shock: Biccies were great. Those 6 jammie dodgers you took - were they for yourself or the sanctuary???
If we have to fasten Aiden down we will!!! No question of it.
Love to mig and everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Carol, ((((hugs)))) for you for another sad day.XXX
Aidan, F & C are ready.
Vegan Sweet potato snack bars with cream cheese
coconut oil for greasing
½ cup sweet potato puree
1.5 cups cooked chickpeas (or 1 can)
3 tbs maple syrup
2 tbs coconut oil
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
? tsp salt
½ cup rolled oats
1 tbs vegan cream cheese (I used Daiya)
2 tbs maple syrup
Preheat oven to 350°. Grease a 8"x 8" baking dish with coconut oil
Combine all ingredients (except oats, cream cheese and 2 tbs maple syrup) in blender until smooth.
Transfer to bowl and stir in oats. Spread mixture evenly in baking dish.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until edges are firm and lightly golden. Let cool completely before slicing into bars.
Stir cream cheese and maple syrup together in small cup. Drizzle over bars. Store in refrigerator.
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all ...its raining again.. :roll:
Thinking of Carol wonder you have put a little weight on ..but it well soon go..sending many hugs and love(()) t4591 t115006
Joan are so lovely..some hugs for you and Sue.((())) we do have to make the most of every day mum would say the and Sue are made of good stuff...
Kath I dont like Turkish delight..but sweet potato snack bars sound nice..and with cream cheese.hope all is well with the ouchies
Toni I loved the song ....but like you say not fit for church...but we did well...I am glad we changed doctors when we did..they are very escaped form hospital 3 times...
but you survived thank goodness..
Aiden thankyou for the french toast donuts..and the lovely pic of Silver..its good that dad can get in touch with you..its so worrying when they become forgetful...says me... :shock: maybe him not being sure what surgery he had is a good thing bless him
So you are all cleaned out..Niamh would be a big help to B I am sure..or maybe not..I am an hoarder but then have a big clear out but regret throwing some things :roll:
Our youngest son Niamhs daddy lost his phone yesterday he put it down in a toilet in a town center.. :shock: went back and it was gone so he checked with the cleaner and security..he left them his work number..and had a call an elderly gentleman had given it in ..boy was he happy...his life's story is on that phone
Right better move Niamh is on her way at 3.30
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Kind of run out of time this afternoon, best laid plans and all that :roll: :roll:
Just wanted you to know Carol, that we were all there for you, under the cloak, with lots of loving thoughts and quiet contemplation. t4591 t4591
I will write more later, when I will have loads of time, resting, as I do :? :? :roll: :roll:
Love and Sparkles until then, now, let me snap up a few of those potato and cream cheese bites, from Kath................. t4591 t115006 :animal_busy: :animal_busy:XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
What a day emotional and most memorable Day. Mr T and me just made it to the crematorium in time as we got held up on the buses. Auntie Arrived Horse drawn Carriage drawn by two beautiful White Horses. and at the back of the carriage was a large photo of her which was put at the front of the chapel. I surprised even myself today as one of my cousins gave me a single Red Rose to lay on the coffin during the service in memory of my mum aunties sister, now bearing in mind I was sitting right at the back of the little chapel and I am not good at walking more than a few steps without my walking stick or walker, I had either the sudden determination or madness I'm not sure which to do it without any stick (which I had forgotten to take anyway) or the walker :? :? , how I found the strength to do it I do not know but I did. I think I shocked my 2 daughters and my Sister as much as I shocked myself. :shock: :shock: . it was a lovely send off. and after and great meet at a small local pub with all the family. I knew my aunt had lots of grand children and great children but didn't realise just how many until I read it on the back of the order of service she had 21 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. this is from her 4 children.
I arrived home and my back knee and ankles (that don't normally give me any problem) absolutely screaming at me but I was so proud at what I had done without my trusty aids that that the pain was worth it.
Was silver under the Cloak with you all Aidan as I'm sure I saw some sparkles on my shoes as I was walking.
Well I am now shattered but in a better more settled frame of mind. I will write more tomorrow after a good Rest thanks for all your love and hugs you are all great.
Love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all -
Cool tonight, a chilly breeze t110007 t110007
I will say hi to Carol first. I am glad that your Auntie had a suitably fitting funeral, with the horse drawn carriage and a lovely big picture of her t4591 t4591
That was lovely for your Cousin to give you a red rose, to lay on the coffin, to remember your Mum by.
When the need makes us, we can all find some inner strength from somewhere and also take strength from on High, to carry us forward, as you were today, walking without any assistance. t115006 t115006
I am sure Silver was under the cloak and seeing some sparkles is one sure way of knowing "he" is about. t115006 t115006
You were all in our thoughts and prayers and we were very quiet whilst gathered in support.
Then meeting up with all the family, not realising that Auntie had so many GC and GGC, quite the extended family indeed. :shock: t4591
Now, to pop some magic squares into your shoes and slippers and also scattered about the house, so don't be surprised to see more sparkles t4591 t115006 to ease those ouchies.
Time to rest and ease back in from limbo land, which is never a good place.
Hi Toni, three escape plans from hospital, what are you like, (as bad as me really).
Unplanned admissions never sat well with me. I am onto the Drs like a shot, if you don't sedate me, you won't find me and don't think 5 mg of vallium will suffice, I can eat them like sweets. :shock: :roll: :roll:
I would have been in the taxi with you, even on the bus and I hate buses.
My Cardio consultant, the one that retired, knew me well and was already writing up the prescriptions as I came through the doors:shock:
We finally managed to get Dads new pendant up and running. Oh the instructions said, easy set up, in minutes. Well, nearly two hours later, lots of testy behaviour, almost a divorce :roll: :? we finally got it to work.
He is happy to wear it and he has tested it and it rings a siren on my phone :shock: :shock: Glad he has it.
It must have been one of Mothers special hisses, that she reserves for the Vets, a bit like a spitting cobra :shock: :shock: As long as it keeps the land cats away
Your lovely neighbour going to choir practice, so soon after a CVA, the lady is a tough cookie and no denying. The singing was excellent, Miss Sleekness was most impressed.
The Bedmaking song, is that about the mistress etc...........Martin Carthy?
I see a plan of fastening me down, is being hatchedof course I will rest and relax :? :? :animal_busy:
We had the trip to the tip to recycle all the "stuff" that B had cleared out. Then B went into the charity shop and bought a lovely little table, with 4 drawers in, sits perfectly in the hall
Hi Kath, thank you for readying Clarence and Florence, I think I saw them doing a quick once over, in their emoji disguise of course, so as not to startle :shock: :shock:
The cream cheese and maple syrup, was just wonderful on those sweet potato bars t4591 t4591
I hope any ouchies are minimal t4591 t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara, it has poured down today, t111055 t111055 bouncing on the roof so loudly at one point.
It is the same song that I have read the lyrics to then, not suitable to sing in Church..........
We are glad that Dad has the pendant SOS button now, just in case he is away from the phone and needs us. He knows that he was lucky, with the leg problem, but I am not going through it in detail with him, suffice to say he was looked after very quickly and is better now. We enjoyed a coffee whilst we were cussing at the pendant, trying to get it to connect to his internet. :roll: :roll:
I am sure Niamh would have enjoyed all the dusting and cleaning, even if the vacuum might have been dropped on the way roundAll things taken to the tip now, we were the only ones there, mind you, it was pouring with rain.
How lucky is your Son, to first loose his phone, then to have it handed in by a super kind gentleman. Most people would have run off with it and sold it.
A bit like mine, the phone knows everything. I am in the throws of buying a new one, it is so new it has not arrived in the UK yet, any day now............cannot wait, I do love my smartphones. No, not the new Samsung 10, that is going up to nearly a £1000 for the bigger version, no way am I paying that.:shock:
Have a lovely time with Niamh, bacon butties at the ready
Hi to Joan and Sue, hope you managed to get everything you needed in town and that you didn't get wet t111055
Hi to Mig, continued thoughts and prayers and positive vibes, coming your way on our diligent pocket duties t4591 t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
House things up to date, finally. Voile's pressed and up again, shirts done.
Off to the T room this morning, for brunch. Dad will be pleased, he has not been in for a good while. They can make big fuss of him.
Shopping, then home.That will be enough.
Time I was pottering. Back is a wee bit screechy. :roll: :roll: Tramadol here we come.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Easy Nut and Fruit BarsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
MMmm lovely fruit and nut bars Aidan! Thank you very much
That pendant sounds better than the ones which connect to an agency. This one is ideal for family who are usually nearby and can decide whether to call an ambulance.
5mg diazepam :roll: nah! Useless! The time I got the bus I arrived to pick Charley up from schoolshe was so pleased to see me! MIL arrived with Lucy and wasn't so pleased :?
Plan is you sit down and rest a bit and we won't fasten you down we promise!! t4591
Blimey it was a special hiss right enoug :shock: h it went right through me :shock: and that is the last I've seen of the land-cat :animal_busy:
You got the bedmaking song there!! My neighbour and I were laughing saying it's not for Church that one!! She is amazing and her speech is almost back to normal now if she takes her time.
B is like me and Kari. Recycle some stuff and come back with more!!! and why not?! It helps the charities and us!
Enjoy the T room and let them all spoil Dad he will love it won't he?
Gosh Carol 'someone' helped you to walk yesterday that is lovely and so lovely f the family to think of your Auntie's sister - your own mum
What a legacy all those grand and Great Grand Children!! t4591
We were all there with you and I think Silver might have been too I am sure as Aidan said he will leave you more sparkles over the next few days to ease any extra pain ((()))
I'm so glad you feel more settled now. It's been a tough time for you t115006 t4591 t115006
Barbara yes that song is a bit naughty! Never mind it's fun.
We did sing well didn't we?
I have left my phone in loos too like Niamh's Dad and both times I have been lucky. I bet he was so grateful to the chap who handed it in
Hope you enjoyed Niamh's visit and she had a good time?
Thanks Kath for the recipe..
vegans sweet potato snack bars sound lovely
They look v tasty too!
Love to Joan I hope all is well with you and Sue :?
(((()))) to mig of course.
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen have a good weekend((((()))
. Carol I feel so proud of you walking like that I bet you were smiling in side with your teeth gritted((((())))
. Aidan that's a good thing your Dad has you are at his finger tips(((((()))))))
. Barbara I'm sorry you have more worries than us((((((((()))))))
. Toni it's good you have found all your family((((((())));)
. take care
. have a good weekend. love to Mig(((((())))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh how yummy are those Easy nut and fruit bars Aidan, thank you.
Carol, we are very proud of you giving aunty a grand send off. I think Clarence and Florence were keeping their eyes on you and making sure no spids spoiled the proceedings.
Bircher muesli
115g (4oz) raspberries (fresh or defrosted from frozen)
85g (3oz) strawberries (hulled weight) (fresh or defrosted from frozen)
200ml (7fl oz) unsweetened apple juice
225g (8oz) porridge oats or rolled oats
150g (5 1/2oz) low-fat natural yogurt
175g (6oz) blueberries (or blackberries), fresh or frozen
Crushed or chopped toasted almonds, to sprinkle (optional)
Runny honey, to drizzle (optional)
Place raspberries and strawberries in a non-metallic bowl; mash well with a fork. Add apple juice and mix well.
Add oats and mix well. Stir in yogurt, then add blueberries and combine.
Cover and refrigerate overnight before serving. When ready to serve, spoon into bowls; sprinkle each portion with almonds (if using), and drizzle with a little honey (if desired).
Love to all. t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - well, it is a bright sunny and rather chilly day now. This morning it was raining stair rods :shock: :shock: and we have snow warnings for tomorrow t110007 t110007
All four seasons in one day :? :?
Thought you might like those fruity nutty bars Toni. I had to nu nu after I ate mine:roll:
Dad is happy with his pendant, he has it under his shirt, which is fine. At least he was wearing it.
He was ouching and ooing this morning. His plantar faciitis was playing up - typical, just as he was getting back on his feet. :roll: :roll:
Matron was in there, two sol painkillers and what ARE those socks you have on. They were like fishermans North Sea socks, plus the heating was on 30 degrees. :shock: :shock: :shock: I nearly passed out, as did Bill.
I was looking at his lower leg dressing, waterproof ones, so he can shower, but I am not happy with the colour of the discharge onto the dressing, so we will be at the surgery on Monday, for Treatment Room to re-assess it. :? :? Matron's radar was going off for sure. :?
Heating turned down, he ate his breakfast, had all his pills, said he wanted to go out with us, so we did, parked right at the door of the T room, so he could toddle in, slowly. They were pleased to see him and he had a huge slice of home made apple pie, with ice cream.
I had my usual scone with all the trimmings and B pinched some of my cream, to go on his T Cake. :roll: :roll: They had baked a new treat, cherry cheese cake, it looked so good, I wanted that as well, but I was restrained
Went into Booths, he walked round slowly, pain killers had kicked in a bit. The hot deli is amazing in there. Dad had hot chiinese chicken wings, b and I had hot veggie burgers, in brown rolls, perfect with grated cheese and loads of mayo, for our lunch.
That was enough, home we all came. Dad was eased back into his house, he said he was going to rest a while now. Bless. He is doing the best he can and we pester him every day too :?needs must................
5mg Diazepam, I agree, doesn't even touch the sides, get me lorazepam 10 mg minimum and hypnoval, min 10mg IV, then see how we go :shock: :shock: If I go all smiley and don't care a hoot, then you have got the meds right.
I can just imagine you meeting Charley from school, then MIL meeting you and not being so impressed :?
We are pretty much caught up at home, all neat and tidy. Dusted, washed, dried, fussed I am resting a bit between pottering :? :roll: pottering is allowed, it is essential to well being.
Mother gave herself a shock I think with the hissing in your garden, to keep land cats at bay.
Hermione has seen the weather warning, so she is enforcing a no fly zone for Sunday, just use the gate, but no access to Pendle Hill, too cold and blowy up there.
Sleek and Mrs D are coming over for early evening T and tuna trifle
No, the bedmaking song is not for Church, well, my Dad would have thought it hilarious and said, sing it, why not.............He would have said, for those who are of a more gentile nature, "shut your ears".
Your friend is truly amazing. I will send Silver round with some extra strong sparkles, special ones, that really fizz and pop. t115006 t115006 t4591
Recycle and come back with something else, it helps the charity shop, it is a huge one, the YMCA, loads of furniture and other small items. B is happy as can be, rooting about in there. I stay in the car
Silver will be leaving extra sparkles for Carol and Mig, keeping the thoughts and prayers as high priority t4591 t115006
hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok ((())) take care, the weather is going colder again. t110007
Dad is happy with his SOS pendant. Thank you, we are almost on the door step, which is good, for both parties. Better than being miles away and feeling helpless.
Hi Kath, glad you enjoyed the fruit and nut bars, VERY crunchy on the teeth.
Now, the Bircher Muesli, it looks and sounds wonderful, with all those fab ingredients. Two bowls please and thank you.
Any ouches lurking, some sparkles are on their way. Did you get to the benches or warrit too cowd mi duck:shock:
Thank you for the heads up on the Pregabalin and Gabapentin. I take pregabalin and have done for years now. I will have to look into how I order it now. I know my GP won't stop it, he knows me better than that :? :? :shock: :shock:
Hi to Barbara - I bet you will need to put your feet up and rest, having had a busy day with Niamh, keeping her on her toes, or is it the other way round
Hi to Carol, hope you are managing to rest up a bit and return to normal activities. Some special sparkles, for any lurking ouches. t115006 t115006
As always, thoughts and prayers are with you Mig, as you carry on with your treatment, if I could bottle love and t115006 t115006 energy, I would send you a crate full t4591 t4591
Well, I had best move again. Just some drying to fuss with, then it will be T and siesta time.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 I will pop back again later XXXX Aidan
Chocolate covered fudge cake - dainty slices now, pinkies outXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..
Aiden thankyou for the fruit and nut bars I make quiet a few of those or used to to for packed lunches..and had a slice of fudge are right I am here with my feet up..Niamh has just gone home..she went roller skating with daddy..he sent us film via whattsapp..she was like a banshee on them..fell twice but up she came..
I had to laugh at the thought of you running for the bus to escape the hospital..I suppose being a nurse makes things know to much..I always said they would never get me to have an op..but shocked myself with these hips.. :shock: so the pendant is now working well after a couple of hours..and you took dad to the T rooms..must say the Booths does sound nice
I hope dads wound will be ok when checked out on Monday..he really has done well...
Now the phone..does it begin with H..I got OH the cheaper one of this , he is still getting use..but loves it..
Carol no wonder you are proud of yourself..I am proud of you...hopefully you could rest those joints today...and how lovey that they gave you a rose for your was a lovely send off for your Aunt..she would have been smiling down on you all
gosh what an extended family she they will all miss her bless..xx
Kath I like thankyou..I keep saying we should make our own..and thanks for the info..I am on pregablin but never get more than a months supplies..
Joan I do worry but not about me ..but everyone are kind and I hoep you have both had a nice day..
Toni I can just imagine your MIL when you turned up with Charley..and should have still been in hospital... :shock: must say it doesn't take much to knock me out..I had an epidural with both hips and sedation..the surgeon said you were well away..
Better get moving or I will set...
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Feeling a lot better today after a nice good nights sleep Think the pusskins must have be around using their sleepy spells as apart from getting up a couple of times to visit the loo which is the norm for me. I didn't get up till this morning. Ouchies are a lot better than last night but well yesterday was a rather long day left home at 10.15am and arrived back home around 5. 15pm. still have few ouchies but they will pass.
Here is a picture of my Auntie
another of her Carriage Ellens Funeral .jpg?dl=0
and another of My mum and all her bothers and sisters minus 1 other sister.
my mum is the one on the right in the front
Mr T and me had our postponed dinner out together from Yesterday to today due to events of yesterday. so did not have a meal to cook tonight and mr T did a snack tea.
Aidan no snow i hope we don't want ninny walking do we. glad dad is wearing him alarm even if it is under his shirt. hope his leg is nothing too nasty. also sounds like he is eating better. Aidan Silver has been about there are sparkles everywhere. oh yes I was certainly strength from on high yesterday it was an amazing experience for sure.
Kath yes Florence and Clarence whispered to me from under their hooman disguise that they were just making sure there were no naughty spids a lurking. Florence seems to have decide to return home tonight and says to say thank you for looking after her. and yes Auntie had a good send off I have posted some pictures above.
Joan thank you believe me I was proud of myself as I was nearing my seat after I thought to myself I cannot believe I just did that unaided how on earth did I do that.
Toni Believe me I really cannot believe I did it all the way down to the coffin I was looking at the large picture of my Aunt that was at the front of the chapel and as my Aunt and my mum are alike I could see both of them and I was talking in my mind to both of them telling my aunt I was coming to give her a rose from mum and telling my mum that I was on my way to give my aunt a rose from her. :? it was very strange feeling indeed not scary just strange .
well l must potter a bit
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to allStay positive always👍xx0 -
A chilly evening to all t110007 not quite sure what weather we are in for today, hail, sleet, winds, snow.............a bit of everything :roll: an at home day for sure.
Hi Barbara Glad that you could put your feet up and enjoy a slice of cake. I take it Niamh was enjoying herself to the max, roller skating with Daddy
Being a nurse, or ex nurse, I was never the best patient. It is very different on the other side of the bed. I remember when I was waiting for my INR to go over 2, they would not let me go home until it did, it took a week :shock: :shock: I was fit to be tied and they put me in a side room in the end, with my own tv and bathroom
I was all but ready for discharging myself, but family and friends said I had to do what I was told and stay put. :roll: :roll: That was after my first balloon angio's. I am now at 7 angio's and counting. :? :?
You were well away then, with your epidural and sedation, for your hip ops.
Dad is fine with his SOS pendant. He enjoyed the T room, we were lucky to get a parking spot, right at the door. I will be making sure his dressings are looked at. I don't want any infection lurking.
Booths is a lovely supermarket, family run company, or it was........more expensive than any of the main high street ones, so we don't go too often.
The phone, no, it is a Xiaomi - don't ask me how you pronounce it....... :? Do you mean the Huawei? Another one that I cannot say properly.
Glad Mr B loves it, phones are SO clever these days, beyond our wildest imagination, from 30-40 years ago. We would not have believed it.
Hi Carol - good to hear that you had a long sleep, apart from loo visits. Mother and Sleek were there, casting sleeping spells t115006 which obviously worked a treat.
It was a long day for you, I would have been wiped out. Some more sparkles for the lurking ouches to take a hike t115006 t115006
Thank you for sharing the pictures, the horse drawn hearse is very smart and fitting. The pictures of Auntie and your Mum too, all lovely t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Nice that you still had your meal out with Mr T, so no cooking and then he prepared a snack teaMy idea of cooking, is lunch out too
Have just checked our weather, I think it is a day for not going out here. Ninny walking, no, don't want to do that and Beatrice would not want to go out in horrid weather.
Dad is certainly eating ok now, he was not impressed with the food in hospital.
t115006 t115006 sparkles, I thought there might be some, expect more, Silver is doing the rounds and is being most bountiful with magic t115006
It is amazing, that we are lifted, when needs be. t115006 one of those times, when we are slightly detached from the place we are in, as if being guided. I know exactly what you mean. It is strange and amazing. t4591
Hi Toni, hope you and yours are all ok. Sleek has been over to show Mother what she has ordered from Catazon - A Unicorn Sparkle Make up Brush Set
Mother was quite impressed :shock: They ate loads of sweets, spitting several of them into the water bowl :roll: :roll: Mother can ping them with great accuracy
Sleek won the litter throwing competition :roll:reaching the hall quite easily
Hi to Mig t4591 t4591 and to everyone else, in and about t4591
Time I was pottering a little. Keep the joints in motion.
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 take care XXXX Aidan
Pancakes with fruit, macadamia nuts and a little whipped creamXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Snow here :x Sleek is livid!
She keeps trying different exits in the hope it won't be thereShe used the gate this morning o visit Tosca and moan about the weather bless her 'no fly' zone again :?
Dudley will not be going out this morning, but Paul and I will be going out in his new van. Beatrice must stay at home :shock:
Feet up kind of day it is....
Except for the cats...Sleek is brilliant at litter flicking isn't she? Always wear your slippers is my rule!! Those make-up brushes are fabulous aren't they? They are planning a SYTTD binge later on - at yours! Sleek is bringing the sweets and a tuna latte eachMrs Darcey has made the trifle I saw (smelt) it at Kari's
Oh my goodness! THAT is just the right amount of whipped cream Aidan! Thank you for the lovely to the booth forthwith!
Good that you are keeping an extra eye on Dad's dressing not the right colour is it :? ? I agree off to the treatment room first thing unless today he isn't well of course. Is he on ABs?
I'm impressed he wants to get out and of course all the staff at the T room made a fuss of him and why not he has rather been through the mill bless him ((()))
You also sound as though you are back on top of things with the aid of some extra painkillers, but you should be able to ease back soon.
My neighbour is incredible and one tough lady. Everyone was thrilled to see her! Yes please extra sparkles to aid recovery pleaset115006
Thank you for the choc cake pinkies were out and no cream added!!! Impressive eh
Carol I can certainly see you in your Auntie! Wow!! Lovely pictures thanks and the carriage was perfect a lovely tribute.
I am glad you had some 'help' to get through the day itself and it rather sounds as though Mr T is looking after you very well too bless him. That experience gave me goosebumps! I am sure your Mum and Aunt knew your thoughts and the feelings you have for them t4591
Sleek admitted that she and Mother had been over with a sleepy spell because myself and Aidan had been saying you needed a rest
Barbara how lovely to get a video of Niamh skating (and falling) like thatThat's when I approve of technology
My MIL was cross with me for not having my op :oops: but she forgave me in the end. My ex MIL it was, but we are good friends to this day
Epidurals with sedation work don't they? I would have one.
Kath that's interesting and a good idea I had heard that people are now buying those two meds on the street :roll: I took gabapentein up to the max does 3600mg and nowt happened so luckily it won't affect me.
Thanks for the muesli looks nice and healthy
Joan thank you it was lovely to find my Mum's half sisters she was thrilledI hope you and Sue are ok??
Love to everyone some ((())) and strength for mig t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
. Kathleen I hope you have a good day(((()))))
. Aidan yes I bet your Dad feels safe with the pendant. Have a good day all of you(((((())))))
. Barbara you have a big family so more worry(((((()))))))
. Carol lovely photos I could tell which one was your Mum you are all a like.((((((())))
. Toni I hope you haven't got a lot of snow((((((()))))))
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning, yes, it is still morning, just. 11.54 am Never been known
Snow, we were in a blizzard at 10 this morning, :shock: :shock: but it has stopped and all melted away, thank goodness.
Mother took one look outside and had to go back to bed
Sleek was over, quite early, telling Mother that all the exits at home, were blocked with snow. Caused quite a lot of shrieking, from goodness knows what time............ :roll: :roll: a lie in, what is one of those I wonder.
Hope you were ok out and about in Pauls van, good idea for Dudley and Beatrice to stay at home.
B popped round to Dads, just to check he was ok. He was sat with no tv on, just about to get into his recliner and go back to sleep. The shock of the op is kind of kicking in now and his mood has dipped. I have seen it so many times over the Matron will be on high alert :? He said he was ok, B put the tv on, so he could watch the football. He had had breakfast, has plenty of food, taken his pills...........
No, Dad isn't on AB's at the moment, but we will get the dressings checked out.
I thought it was the right amount of cream, to go on the pancakes.
I caught a whiff of the mixed seafood triflebest keep my bed clean, I don't want it fishy :shock: :shock:
I think we are fairly tidy, bathrooms immaculised, some shirts have bred, overnight and are gathering on the wardrobe :roll: :roll: not doing them today, day off from pressing.
Just the one Tramadol, alongside everything else, so not too bad at the moment
Loads of sparkles for your lovely neighbour t115006 t115006 there will be glitter all about. She is a star m0150 m0150
No cream on your chocolate cake, are you quite well :shock: :shock: :? :?
I didn't realise that pregabalin and gabapentin were now being bought on the streets :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: It says on the Dot Gov website that they are bought and sold on the illegal drug market, mixing them with other drugs to get a "high". Very sad.
Now it is mid afternoon, we have had sunshine, hail and strong winds t110007 m0150 t111055 Just the top of Pendle Hill has some snow on it.
Dads SOS alarm has just gone off, on my phone, immediate pick up of phone and ring, while B puts his shoes on. Dad answers, "hello, no, I didn't press anything, not sure why it went off" :roll: :roll: I said, it's fine, as long as you are ok, that's what the alarm is for. Talk about jump into action :shock: :shock:
Stand by your beds
Hi Joan and Sue, as you will see, Dads pendant works fine, even if I nearly fell off my chair :? :?
It is quite a wild day here, hope you are both ok and keeping warm and safe. Lots of places have had snow. I guessed there would be some payback for all that warm weather in February.
Hi to Barbara - have you had your Sunday Roast delivered today?
Hope you are all ok, amidst all the different weather we are having. :? :? m0150 t110007 t111055
Hi to Kath, no going out if it has been anything like here, too cowd mi duck, yull bi frozzen
Hugs for any ouchies t4591 t115006
Hi to Carol I trust any ouches are minimal today and you are catching up with yourself, if you know what I mean. t4591 t4591
Hi to Mig, loads of strength coming your way t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Oh, you know your village has a bit of rivalry, with the next village, Toni. Well, ours is a bit like that, with the next one to us. They have the stream, that goes through the village, following the road, with lovely gardens, little bridges etc, three gastro pubs and a cafe, Post Office.
We have a stream, but it is not easily spotted, we do have some nice seating areas and a new memorial garden, plus our village hall is the best one and the most used, in the Ribble Valley.
Cut to the point Aidan. Well, everywhere else has had their roads resurfaced, but ours, no, there is no money, despite my endless letters to the Highways department over the years. Finally, they have done the road, all shiny, new, smooth and amazing. It has only taken me 9 years of writing, but, we got there eventually.
I have written to them, thanking them profusely, for carrying out the works t4591 t4591
Right I am out of here. Time to potter. I need another Tramadol soon, I did a bit too much immaculising in the bin cupboard :roll: :roll: As B said, why didn't you ask..... :roll: .............errrrm :? :?
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Catch up again later XXXX Aidan
Fresh cream and Cherry GateauxXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I don't know Aidan, I can understand you looking after dad (quite rightly too) you keep your eye on everyone here, well let's face it, SOME of us are too doolally to look after ouselves (mentioning no-one named Kathleen in particular :oops: )
You are in Matron mode 24/7. Thank you for the Fresh cream and Cherry Gateaux . Rang my dad and totally confused him talking about various g/children and gg/children, Keep up dad.
Carol, I love the photos and very happy that C & F were watching over you. Florence is very welcome any time, she was no trouble at all. Here they are watching a recording of an arachnid expert, and finding it hilarious.
Chickpea Flour Pizza
120g gram flour (chickpea flour)
240ml water
1tablespoon olive or rapeseed oil
1/4tsp salt
150ml tomato sauce
60g reduced fat grated cheese or mozzarella
Your favourite toppings!
This pizza recipe is lower in fat and higher in fibre and protein than most take-out pizza – it’s also gluten-free and easily made in less than 10 minutes. Less time than it would take you to dial up that delivery!
The base for this pizza is based on the Italian snack ‘socca’ or the French ‘farinata’ – it’s essentially a bread/pancake made with chickpea flour (also known as gram or besan flour and frequently used in Indian cooking). Chickpea flour makes a speedy and nutritious pizza base. The flour is a good source of iron which is important for people with arthritis as inflammation and medications can sometimes lead to anaemia. You can find the flour in most supermarkets now, normally in the whole foods or free-from sections.
If you aren’t a fan of pizza you can just make the chickpea flour base and use it as a wrap for sandwiches or snack on its own. Try it topped with hummus, avocado and salad. The texture of the base is similar to a pancake so you could even make it as part of a brunch.
For the tomato sauce, I normally use our leftover weekly pasta sauce which is a blend of garlic, onion, celery, carrot, peppers and passata. However you could just as easily use passata straight from the carton or even tomato puree. Cooked tomato is a rich source of the anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant lycopene.
Put the chickpea flour in a jug and slowly add the water whisking gently until you have a smooth, thin batter. You could use a hand blender or milk brother to whisk the mixture if using a fork is uncomfortable. Leave the batter to stand for around 30 minutes.
Preheat your grill to MEDIUM and grease a frying pan with the olive or rapeseed oil. Wipe away any excess oil using kitchen roll.
Place your frying pan on the hob and heat it up for a moment. Then pour the batter in – you shouldn’t need to lift the pan or swirl the batter around as it is so thin it will just settle across the base. Cook the batter for 2-3 minutes until you can see the top has just set. Turn the heat off the hob and spoon over your tomato sauce, cheese and any toppings.
Transfer the pizza to the oven and grill until the cheese is bubbling and golden. Serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all ..we have had snow hail and sun..and very windy
Aiden we have been out for our dinner today..a pub that was recommended..wonderful food..its our youngest sons 44th Birthday so we took him and Niamh
So your phone went off..oh glad dad is ok ..hopefully it wont keep going off then you can settle downand I m so pleased your rd has been resurfaced good on you for going on at them..
So you had to be moved to a side room when in least they didnt put a lock on your doorso your phone is..sorry cant spell it..but had a look another good china you cant wait..and half the price of some..
Now the pancake just had enough cream I think ..especially with the cherry Gateaux has well ..thankyou
Carol how nice to see the pics of your your lovely mum and family..and what a lovely send off for your Aunt with the horse drawn carriage..I hope today is not [payback time you really did do well..
Kath thank for another good recipe ..have you got new neighbours yet :?:
Joan I hope that heating is keeping you all nice and snug its gone so cold out there
Right better leave you all for now
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, it is bloomin cold out, wind is howling and we have a nice layer of hail and snow. It is melting a bit now, thank goodness, or there will be impromptu ninny walking this morning t110007 t110007 :shock: :roll:
Hi Kath, I guess I am in "standby mode" for most of the time, when it comes to all things matronly :? :?
Now, you are not do lally tap at all, we each have our foibles. I was trying to put the milk in the boiler cupboard and then put a T bag in my slimline tonic :shock: :shock:Bless, it's a shame.
No more siren alerts from Dad, we rang again and he was watching the football, not happy that Man U were loosing, so he will be moaning about them being useless today :roll:
Your Dad is now confused with all the grand children, takes some keeping up with. A quick family tree, that will keep him in the picture
You are welcome to the gateaux, I put several out, Toni will need to take one into the booth, cherry stones everywhere no doubt
Chickpea flour pizza, love everything to do with chickpeas, humous being a favourite.
Thank you kindly, pizza and chips, I will ask Mr Barbara to make some, they are lovely ones apparently.
t115006 t115006 just in case there are ouchies, niggling. We don't like niggling :? :?
Hi Barbara - I guessed you would have had similar weather to us. The whole lot in one day. It hailed like mad in the evening, bouncing off the roof t111055 :shock: :shock:
Glad you enjoyed the meal out with your Son and Niamh, on his 44th Birthday. What did you choose to eat? I am nosy :?
At least we know that Dads SOS is working as it should. It all works on an app on the phone, linked to his pendant, over his internet.
It even tells us if he needs to change the batteries in his pendant. All very clever.
I did jump out of my slippers when the alarm went off, there is no missing it that's for sure :shock: :shock:
I wrote a nice letter to the Highways, thanking them for giving us a new road surface, to bring us in line with the "other" villlages
I think they would have put a lock on the hospital side roomI was in and out, checking on other patients, I could not help myself
The phone was only released at the end of Feb, at one of the big gadget shows. I am waiting until they release it on their own website, rather than buy it from a third party, over in China. It is all singing and dancing and yes, half the price of the likes of Sam--g and App-e - just watching and waiting now, until it hits our shores................. :roll:
I think we had enough cream for one day, although Toni would never agree to that statement
Mother, Mrs D, Sleek and Tommy, all enjoyed the SYTTD, along with the mixed fish trifleTommy was very good, Mother allowed him to flick some litter, so he was happy away.
Hermione does not want any flying, it is too windy and cold and the weather warnings just keep on appearing on BBC. The gates will be open, apart from the one on Pendle. t115006
Picking Dad up then to the GC for coffee's, scones / T cakes etc. Whatever takes our fancies. A little shopping and that will be enough.
Hi to Carol and to Mig, DD, SW, Toady, Christine, Elizabeth, Kerrin and all..............Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006
Take care, mind how you go in the changeable weather. XXXX Aidan
Pear and Toffee Muffins, served warmXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
What a lovely breakfast Aidan! Thank you very much warm too
As doe the gateaux
… say no more! I had a whole one and tapped of straight to the booth. Well stamped really!! almost enough cream - you can never have too much can you
I am very pleased to hear that the alarm works very very well and certainly alerted you both :shock: That's the idea.
Dad happy enough moaning about the footie and will come to the GC with you today bless him. Let them make a fuss of him now
Well done getting the road done! we have the same issue mainly with the paths....the Rev Delphine tells me they haven't ever been done in the 30 years she's lived here :roll: I might start a campaign! and of course you must write to say thank you
Tommy was a welcome addition to the tea party and SYTTD-Fest his mummy is having an operation this week on her kidney stones (all else has failed) and she needs the peace and quiet. Mother knows how o occupy him and keep him in line anyway :animal_busy:
The weather looks ore settled so Sleek is hopeful that her broomstick will work again soon. I caught her polishing Pepe's wand last night and sighing.... t115006 t4591
My new potting shed has been ordered which is a relief I can't find anything since the old sheds and broken greenhouses were demolished :roll:
I am exited
Shirts do 'breed' you are quite right :roll:
I have some gram flour in already Kath for chapatis I think :? I love chickpeas too and pizza is always welcome in this housethanks.
Your poor Dad getting confused with all the growing family. Another on the way too. Bless him.
It's good that C and F can disguise themselves, so we aren't frightened, to watch TV
Barbara I am glad you enjoyed your meal out for Niamh's Dad's birthday. I hope he enjoyed the day? It was Charley's on Saturday we went to Zizzis :
Side rooms are all very well in hospital - a bit quieter, but also boring!!
A quick woo-ooo! To Joan it's a lovely day here only a bit breezy hope it's ok for you
Love to everyone else ((())) for mig
Toni xx0 -
Hello Aidan Kathleen Barbara Toni
. Aidan you must feel on alert all the time in case your Dad's alarm goes off very good matron(((((((())))))
. Kathleen we have the sun this morning I hope it's not too cold there(((((())))))
. Barbara my six weeks are up today after the pre assessment.
. our shopmobility is being sold on the 1st.April just have to see how it goes. Have a good day(((((()))))
. Toni happy belated birthday to Charley have a good day(((((()))))))
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Everyone
I am back I couldn’t get in. I know it’s not Friday but I just wanted to say hello
See you Friday
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Sue, and Joan too. Lovely to see you both. Sue you are welcome any day, not just Fridays.
Barbara, no sign of life next door. I'm sure something will happen eventually.
Aidan, many thanks for the tasty pear and toffee muffins.
Looking at the weather for this week, it doesn't look as though we'll be going to the Co-op.Too windy for me and my rollator and for Chris who has nothing to support him.
Kale Salad with Butternut Squash, Chickpeas and Tahini Dressing
For the Salad
1 bunch of kale
1/2 cup chopped cilantro plus more for garnish
2 cups large diced butternut squash
1 15 ounce can chickpeas garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon curry powder
pinch of cayenne pepper
Kosher salt
1/2 cup candied pecans
For the Dressing
2 tablespoons tahini
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
Prepare the kale by cutting out the tough ribs of the kale and discard. Thinly slice the kale into ribbons and add to a large bowl. Add the chopped cilantro and toss to combine.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Add the diced butternut squash and rinsed chickpeas to a baking sheet lined with foil. Drizzle with the extra virgin olive oil, curry powder and cayenne. Mix with your hands until the squash and chickpeas are well coated. Sprinkle with kosher salt and bake for 15-20 minutes or until squash is tender and chickpeas are lightly browned.
Meanwhile add the dressing ingredients to a small mason jar. Shake to mix and taste for more seasoning if desired.
Transfer the butternut squash and chickpeas to the bowl of kale. Add the candied pecans and drizzle with the tahini dressing. Toss to coat. Allow to rest for 10 to 30 minutes before serving so kale softens and flavors meld."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - very windy, very chilly, but dry - for now. Rain and winds for the rest of the week, 4 days of warnings :shock: :shock: t111055 t110007 Storm Gareth I think.
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast ToniI did hear you tippy toes to the booth and go with a splat into the cherry gateaux.
You are right, we need all the cream, for extra calcium
Oh yes, Dads alarm works VERY well indeed :shock: :shock: He was as bright as a bobbin this morning, up, ready perky and eager to get to the GC :shock:
All of us were quite happy there, in fact we would have sat there all day, just meandering through the menu
The Waitress that spoils us, was back from hols, plus she has passed her driving test so was uber excited. Kisses all round.
They fussed over Dad, rightly so. We had brunch, then I had to have a scone. Rude not to, when they have baked them for mePlenty of Rhodda's, of course.
Then Sainsb, then Boots, then home. Dad has let me borrow his spare TV, for my bedroom, he bought it when his was waiting for a repair (well, a new fuse, as it turned out :roll: :roll: :roll:) so, it has never been used, bar one evening. It is much bigger than the teeny portable one I have been using. At least I can see this one
The roads in the village are just wonderful, one small patch, just waiting for its new tarmac, the rest is all done and SO smooth, no more bone rattling.
If you go on your local councils website they will have a "report it" page, for roads, pavements, signage etc. You can pin things onto the map, for your street etc. Or you can go on "fix my street" instead.
Go for the danger to people, especially those who are less able bodied and have trouble with mobility. I am not ashamed to have used that in the past, letting them know that travelling on cart tracks is no fun at the best of times, let alone when all your bones are ouching. :roll:
I hope Tommy's Mother is ok with her op, sending some sparkles to help her, Silver will be there of course and Hermione.
He enjoyed his outing and had a great time throwing litter and eating fish trifle
I have just looked at our weather, to check, warnings all week. Any sunny intervals, ie the odd minute or two, I am sure Sleek will be off with Mother up to the Castle, or the Church spire. They want to drop litter on the next village seems to be a trend:shock:
A new potting shed, lovely, you will be happy away in there, will it be long for delivery, I cannot abide waiting once something is ordered :? :? :roll: :roll:
Belated Birthday greetings to Charley t69044 t69044 t4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue, you can pop in any time you like Sue, not just on Suesday / Friday. Always welcome ((())) t4591 t4591
I am used to being on alert for bells ringing, mind you, we used to tune them out sometimes, on the wards, if you were super busy, then buzzers had to wait a little while.
A shame your shopmobility is being sold. We have two in town, one only opens every so often, the other is all week, they are very good.
Hi Kath, so all is quiet at the house next door, have you managed to peep at the sign in the window ? Not that I am nosy or anything :? :? :roll:
Your weather forecast looks like ours then, but, we have to go out tomorrow and Wed. Blame storm Gareth...........our neighbours name, so I will collar him and say it is his fault
Beatrice has decided to put her warning light on about tyre pressures and run flat indicators, again :shock: :shock: plus, service due in 20 days :? :? Really, she has had everything done. :?
Rang KwikFit, who did all the work and cost loads of ££, they said come in tomorrow and we will sort it, check it all out. Everything was guaranteed. So, it is off to Skipton doubt to Nero's as well
Glad you liked the muffins, very yummy. Thank you for the lovely dish of the day, I will race Toni, we both love chick peas and kale etc.
Hi to Barbara and Carol and our Mig too, who is having a rough time at the moment t115006 t115006 extra strength hugs and good vibes.
Time for me to potter, pills are due soon and laundry to fuss over. I need to kick the tumble dryer, it is rattling...........driving me nuts.
Will pop back later. Love and Sparkles to all, everyone take care XXXX Aidan
Ready Toni..........Kath.................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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