Val's Cafe
Hell Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan
. Kathleen yes arthritis would be alright if it stayed in one place((((()))))
. Toni I hope you will best village is it in July. I hoe Lucy got on alright at the dentist((((()))))
. Barbara is your road just has busy yes the pub was nice we only had coffee to drink((((())))
Aidan that's good B is feeling better how is your Dad((((()))))
. take care love to Mig Carol((((()))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Strawberry Pancakes, WOW Quick,a large dollop of cream will go nicely with them.
Many thanks Aidan. t4591
The empty house next door has been repossessed!!! Two men have been there most of the day, I will keep you posted.
Sending mig MAHOOSIVE hugs and hope she gets plenty of sleep.
According to Barbara, we have matinees. Now would that be a baby's jacket, or a handsome actor? Bless.
Vegan Cish and fippsHelp yourselves to mushy peas"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi All
This will be quite quick :? :? :?
Dad is in theatre at Blackburn Hospital at the moment, upshot of the day is that the whole of the artery in his left leg are blocked from groin, to toes - and he has to have life / leg saving, surgery, to try and remove the clots, that they think have been thrown off by a cardiac event / heart attack?
They have been so good, no beating about the bush, this is a critical op, but has to be done, to try and save his leg. It has lots of risks, so thoughts and prayers please and thank you - will update later, or message Toni or Barbara
Love to All XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh no Aiden I am so sorry to hear about heart goes out to you both.and I will say many prayers that all will be well...sending both of you special hugs ...and sparkles to hopefully help ((())) t4591 t115006 t4591
Love to Toni Kath and Joan I wont post anymore till tomorrow then we will hopefully have some good news...xx
Barbara0 -
Aidan I m so sorry to hear this news, but B Snr is one tough and strong man I am sure if anyone can beat this it will be him
Candle lit and prayers said for him and will continue until he is safely home. t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591
Sleek has been over with Mother inside her carpet bag I hope you can't hear the talking. She's back now very worried.
Joan BKV is May, then if you do well June then July if you do REALLY well
Kath we have matinees!! That is the funniest thing ever!!!
thanks for the fish and chips YUM!
Gossip about the house next door. I hope all is well :?
Barbara see you tomorrow (())
Hope mig is ok not too tired and Carol too.
Love to all
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - Thought I had better update, while things are a little more calm.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, they are SO much appreciated, we truly are a dedicated, caring and supporting team of people, in Versus Arthritis. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
The vascular surgeon rang about 7, to say that Dad was in recovery, having had a very large blood clot removed from his femoral artery :shock: :shock:
The lower part of his leg was not blocked with any further clots. Circulation now restored. He was awake and talking, obviously groggy, from the General Anaesthetic, just waiting to go to the ward, once all things were stable.
What a fabulous team of Drs, Surgeons, Nurses, for the speed and efficiency of their care. I know people bemoan the NHS, but, I cannot fault them on any level. They do an amazing job, whilst working under immense pressure. Sorry, Matron was going off on one then. :roll: :roll:
We did not go back up to the hospital in the evening, Dad will be needing to get some rest and settle onto the ward, have something to eat and drink and start to recover from his traumatic ordeal.
We are just glad that we were only 50 yards away and could intervene in a flash, when he was in such pain and distress.
Sleek has been talking to Mother, via telepathy :shock: :? who knew, :shock: to let her know that Gdad has had his operaychon and is on something called a ward, with peeples and lots of beeping and such like. :roll: :?t2507
Thank you for keeping a candle lit Toni, we do the same here, whenever we are in. t4591 t115006
Thank you Barbara, for your prayers and thoughts t4591 t115006
I am liking the idea and plans that you have, for the best kept village and Barbara and I will put as much eco rubbish, high in the trees and on top of all the sky dishes and hedges, lots of brightly coloured trash
Thank you for the fish and chips Kath, they went down a treat, just what we needed. So we have matinees in the sanctuary,dear Barbara, you are such a star
m0150 m0150
Don't worry, we have all written some corkers in our time, on here, or in texts etc. :shock:
Predictive texts on phones, can come up with some real shockers, just after you have clicked send, you see the GLARING error :shock: :shock: and quickly have to send another one, so the person is not offended and never speaks to you again
Hi to Joan and Sue, you will have read the saga of our day and the medical events.
Hi to Mig, I know her first run of treatment went ok and she was home, very hungry, but felt ok. Continued support and prayers are with her t4591
Hi to Carol - I hope you and yours are as ok as can be. Sending ((())) and t115006
Right, I need to move, back is shrieking, and so is Mother :shock: :shock:
Will have brunch at the GC before we go to the hospital. See what the day brings. Hopefully Dad on the mend.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
Take care. XXXX Aidan
Chocolate Danish Twists this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone!
I am so very very pleased to hear the news Aidan! Go Dad!! He is an absolute star I hope he had a good night - not just a comfortable one :roll: you know what I mean of course nursey speak!
Wise to have brunch then you can stay as long as needed. I wonder how long they'll keep him :? He lives alone, but you are very close by :? as proven by yesterday's dash to the rescue.
Did you take him in yourself or call and ambulance can I ask. Incase I ever come across something like this? Bizarre you knew to check up on his vascular apt. like a second sense... :shock:
Sleek has told Mother all about when Lucy was in hospital and how much she missed her and Mummy was there too and it was weeks and weeks and years! (well it was 10 months almost solid!). I told her to get straight back on and tell mother it won't be that long and Daddy will tell her roughly how soon when he and Daddy have visited today :roll: Ever the drama queens those two :roll:
Sending more t4591 t4591 and t115006 t115006 I hope you both got some sleep last night.
Morning to Joan I hope all is well with you. It's overcast here and definitely not as nice as it was but fingers crossed
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen it's colder to day we have rain coming(((())))
. Aidan I'm so sorry your Dad is in good hands with the hospital and you and B looking after him((((())))) we wish him a speedy recovery(((())))
. Barbara how is your back behaving((((())))
. Toni good luck with the best kept village. How is your neighbour((((())))
. love to Carol Mig(((((()))))
. take care.
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..what a change in the weather its dark and raining suppose the garden is happy
Aiden I am so pleased to hear that dad is being looked after..gosh like you say if you hadn't been so near..did the ambulance come straight away or did he have to wait..I hope all is well when you go to see him..and you are all very welcome to the prayers..will be thinking about you.. t4591 t115006 t4591
Toni I will see you tonight at choir..thanks for the reminder..will the shed be open..
Aiden and I have to find rubbish to spread in the next village biogradable of course..there is plenty in my town to choose form :x
Kath we could have a matinee to watch the manateeswhat am I like but has long has I give you a laugh
Joan my back is behaving thankyou..have you heard any more from the hospital if you have said I and I missed it sorry..
Will go and look at migs thread to see how she is doing
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Breathing HUGE sighs of relief for dad's shock news. You will all be in my prayers, Hope he gets the rest he needs and that recovery is complete and speedy. t4591 t69044
Barbara,We love you because you make us laugh. Don't ever change.
I've been for a nosy at the work on the pool. Can't wait until we get our Dugongs. Dugongs and other sirenians such as Manatees (or matinees) are not closely related to other marine mammals, being more related to elephants.
No news about the next door house, although they've stuck a poster in the window but I can't get close enpugh to read it.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Vegetable Hash
with Roasted Red Peppers and Baked Eggs"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
I have been a bit scarce on hear lately I just cannot get my mind into anything for long lately I suppose it is all the upheaval of the last couple of months I have been doing the usual things I normally do but with no real interest in them. hopefully that will change soon don't like feeling like this.
Wow what a lot of things I have missed on here over the last few days far to many to remember. Aidan sorry to hear about Dad and has had an operation what a good job it was found in time. hope he makes a speedy recovery and is home soon. my love t4591 t4591 and prayers to you and B and some (((( hugs)))) and sparkles t115006 t115006 for dad. I am sure Snowie and all our loved ones are having a whale of a time over the rainbow bridge. t4591
Joan So you are a Knitter too and make your own jumpers most of my knitting is for the great grandchildren.
so we have matinees in the sanctuary now have we Barbaraas Aidan says predictive text has a lot to answer for.
Toni Sounds as if the pusskins are certainly the Drama queens what are they like but pusskin birthday Parties what fun they are having . hope you and yours are all ok.
Kath I think I needed Florence and Clarence here yesterday got home from being out and there on the door front door lintel was a Spid trying to get in how dare he he soon got removed away from the door before he had chance to get inglad Florence is happy staying with you she can come home again after next Friday I'm sue they enjoyed there little bit of much deserved fun and why not indeed.
Barbara I rather enjoyed running the stall of items for sale at the speedway event and meeting some of the old rider of the team again. Yes they guy who arranged it did have a fan club run by myself and my youngest daughter so he is well known to us. the whole event after cost were taken raised£480 which was fantastic as that money will go to the speedway riders benevolent fund which pays out sums of money to injured riders when they cannot ride due to injury.
Ok I the brain has given up now I have forgotten all the other things I have read so if I have left you out that will be the reason.
love and Sparkles to you all.
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, late again................... :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, Dad had a reasonable night, I think he nodded on and off, as well as you can on a ward, with something beeping or clattering, somewhere :? :?
He had drains in and IV heparin running, pressure cuffs on his legs. No way do they want any more clots appearing.
He was chatty, somewhat confused, but that is the general anaesthetic I am afraid, it does not sit well with elderly people -
He had not enjoyed his lunch, so he wanted an ice cream from the shop............
Usually, well, every time we have been to Blackburn (which is countless) there have been rows of those wheelie chairs that go any way but where you want them to. Today, not one, nada...........well, ok, I will have to get there in stages. First stop, Air ambulance shop, then WH Smiths, then up to the lifts.........up to level 2 and I was dreading the ward being down the longest corridor EVER (Barbara will know)
Anyway, it was left, first ward out of the lifts, hoorah.
The Sister we spoke to was very pleasant, as were all the staff. We made the journey back down to main entrance, to grab a coffee and an ice cream, while they took the drains out of his leg. I did offer to help, but she said we would get in trouble :roll: :?
Walk all the way back up again. Sorted clothes, slippers etc. Dad had been sat out for a short while in the morning, with Physio's help and a zimmer frame.
Left and made the walk back down again, still not a sign of a chair..........Back was screaming, but, needs must.
BIL and SIL went up tonight, they rang and said Dad seemed more confused and was in and out of sleepiness. But, I reassured them that he has had a major trauma event and surgery and a general, it is a big shock and that can take a few days to show. t4591
We will go earlier today, have lunch in the Costa at reception and get a chair, even if we have to fight for one
Not sure how long he will be in..............that subject has not been approached yet. Mobility and cognition to be taken into account.
I called an ambulance as soon as I laid eyes on him at his house. Nurses intuition was that there was a major incident with his leg, :shock: being so acute and rapid onset. Ambulance was there in 5 minutes - thank the Lord.
Mother Glitter Sparkles had taken herself to her bed, on my bed, she was most put out that we had been away for EVER. She did come round after a while and there was a great deal of Shrieking. :shock:
She had been talking to Sleek about hoss pittels and how Lucy was in for well over a deck aid :shock::roll: :roll: Drama, goodness, I think Hermione had to pop over and let them know what was what.
Thank you for the hugs and love and prayers. They are appreciated, greatly. t4591 t4591
I am sure we will sleep, I am ramped up on the Tramadol, nearly to max of 8 a day. Have to keep a lid on things.
Hope choir practice was good, I know Barbara was all ready, stood outside the shed, waiting for it to open :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue, thank you for your kind words and lots of hugs. Indeed, Dad is in the right place and we are doing everything we can do.
I hope you are both as ok as possible ((()))
Hi Barbara - it has changed, a lot cooler today, but very little rain, just a bit of drizzle at the hospital and on the way home. You must have had it all. I hope the fires are out on Saddleworth moor :shock: :shock:
The ambulance was here in no time. I told the lady on the phone that there was something majorly wrong. The paramedics were very good.
Thank you for the hugs and prayers, t4591 t4591
I am gathering lots of bio rubbish, lots of Costa paper cupswhich are already recycled and eco friendly.
We could have a matinee, for sure, for the manatees and the dugongs - lovely creatures, so gentle.
Steady away in the shed, don't want to miss choir. Sister Euphemia is going too.
Hi Kath, yes, sighs of relief indeed, it was a touch and go operation without a doubt, but had to be done, there was no choice. Thank you for your kind words and prayers t4591 t4591
Matron will be keeping daily updates from the ward staff, they know I know what I am talking about
I forgot to say about your neighbours house being repossessed - have you got some binoculars, to see what the note in the window says :shock: :shock:
Thank you for the vegetable hash, looks delicious and fillingJust what we need, comfort food.
Hi Carol - Don't worry, you will feel more settled after next week. You have had a rotten few months and two family bereavements, it takes it toll and saps your energies. Sending some extra sparkles to you t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Thank you for the hugs, love, prayers and sparkles, we will keep on doing what we are doing and hope Dad is soon recovered from his ordeal.
It is a beautiful place, over rainbow bridge t115006 t115006 way beyond our imagination t4591 t4591
A spid-- trying to get in to your house, how very dare he / she :? :? glad you were there to remove said invader :shock: :shock:
Great to raise a good sum of money, that goes to those who are in need, after injury. Excellent.
Hi to Mig, I hope you are doing ok, thinking of you and sending lots of good vibes and prayers t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Time I was moving, I am setting like a plaster cast. :roll: :roll:
Right, apply more and more hand cream, ready to strip it all off today, with all the hand gels in the hospital :? :? :roll:
Love, hugs and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 ((())) Take care, will be back later, probably a lot later...............XXXXX Aidan
Breakfast burrito's loaded with diced hash brown potatoes, cheese, eggs and salsaXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone! Overcast here today
Aidan I expect Dad does a fair bit of nodding at home and as you say anaesthetics don't agree with older people much do they? Sounds all in hand though heparin and cuffs to monitor blood flow good
We have had similar at the QE when we arrived with a yellow Lucy one time (acute liver injury) there wasn't one, luckily the volunteer guys helped out and we got her in. People cant be stealing those surely?? I'm glad you made it to the ward and the staff all seemed caring and good.
Up and down fetching and carrying to make sure he has everything he needs bless him. Glad DIL and SIL came last night and hope they took your reassurance about his confusion levels.
I hope you can (both) find time to rest up now and your own meds didn't have to be upped too much?
I can see discharge will be dependant on how he gets on all round, but he's a strong old boy B Snr! If it's not likely to be over the weekend will the family come along again and visit give you two some respite? You've had a dreadful shock you know. ((())) The 'event' sounds terrifying - thank God for our NHS including our wonderful paramedics.
Crikey those pusskins!! A deck aid!! well ten months is probably like that to a pusskin :roll: They really don't like Hoss pittels at all do they? Who called Hermione? I bet it was Mrs Darcey she goes in for a bit less am-dram than our two
Candle prayers and hugs ongoing Aidan for you all t115006 t4591 t115006 ((()))
Just grabbing a breakfast burrito thanks very much. How did you get time to make these?!!
Carol this isn't like you is it? You have also had a bad time of late so must be kind to yourself and not feel cross with yourself. Whatever you enjoy - do some of it. Whatever it have to get through next week then stand a chance of recovering yourself ((()))
We are all ok here and yes the pusskins had a good party for Tosca's 92nd birthday bless her.
So you had a large sp***r trying to get IN!! no!!!
Take care of yourself!
Kath get Chris to read the poster in the window!
So the work is going well down in the sanctuary? You've been reading up on our new residents to be. I take it the idea is that we may be able to help the breeding of the sea 'elephants'!
Veggie hash was very nice I had some before choir practise.
Barbara I am glad you made it to choir practise a little late delayed in the shed, but in time for tea and biccies!
The rubbish must be biodegradable, but as colourful as possible so the judges can't miss it!! hehehe!
Joan My neighbour is doing ok, but still struggling with tiredness and her speech. She didn't brave choir practise last night, but might practise at home with myself and her husband this week. Thank you for asking she is such a lovely lady and has enough going on. Sue will tell you all this I'm sure! Hi Sue!
Right better get on!
Love Toni (who may shortly disappear under an ironing mountain!!0 -
Hello every one.
Joan is picking up her new boots today.
Then we will meet in town.
I hope every one has nice weekend
Love to Mig.
Love Suetake care
joan xx0 -
jUST SCOFFED A BURRITO - OR THREE whoops, forgot I was in shouting mode. Sorry. Anyway thank you Aidan. They kept the hunger pangs away while I waited for my new (old) reading glasses to be delivered. I don't know why, but they returned my old lenses? What am I supposed to do with them?? Hope dad is feeling a bit better today. Bless him.
This will cheer everyone up, Chocolate Peanut butter marble cake.
Ingredients Dry 1 cup white whole wheat flour or use whole wheat pastry flour 1/2 cup unbleached white flour or all purpose flour 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp baking soda Wet 1 cup non dairy milk 2/3 cup coconut sugar or other vegan sugar use a few tbsp more for sweeter 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup oil 1 tbsp flax seed meal 2.5 tbsp cocoa powder 3 tbsp smooth peanut butter or almond butter or other creamy nut or seed butter vegan mini chocolate chips or chopped walnuts US Customary - Metric Instructions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F / 180ºc.
In one bowl, whisk in all the dry ingredients. In another bowl, mix the non dairy milk, sugar, vanilla, oil and flax and mix until sugar is fully dissolved. Add dry to wet and mix until just about combined. Transfer half of the batter into the other bowl. Sprinkle cocoa powder to one bowl and mix until just combined. Add 2 tbsp chocolate chips (optional) and fold in Soften the nut butter on stove top or microwave, then add to the other bowl. Mix to combine. Grease or line a medium loaf pan (8.5 by 4.5 inch) with parchment. Add half the chocolate batter and spread with a spatula to cover the base. Then add the peanut butter layer and lightly spread with the spatula. Then chocolate then peanut butter. Sprinkle chocolate chips or walnuts on top if you like. Bake at 350 degrees F / 180ºc for 45 to 50 minutes or until a toothpick form the center comes out clean. Cool, slice, share.
I hope mig can have a small piece, I hear she had a bad reaction after her latest treatment. :shock:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all quite chilly out there think we have been spoiled
Kath I will never change..the poor people next door so many are losing there homes..I do hope you get some good neighbours..chocolate peanut butter cake what else could we ask for ..thankyou
Sue I hope Joans boots are comfy for her and both have a nice lunch in town..Sue day soon comes around
Carol how kind to raise all that money ..the riders deserve it ..I know there are lots of you need some well earned me time..especially before the funeral..I should imagine the knitting helps you to get away from things..
Toni I just made it last night biscuit were nearly all gone..serves me right I Lucy getting on ok with the course work..I know its not easy but worth it..
Aiden thankyou for the Breakfast burrito's I snatch one before the glad to hear dad has been out of bed and chatting ..even if he is will wear off..bless him..the ambulance was there quick..good for you..I know so many people lately that have rang them and been held on the line till one can get there..the trouble is people don't always know how serious it is.. :roll:
No wonder you are shattered no chariots..and like you say its a walk to the lifts.. :roll: I hope the family can give you and B a break ..just to recharge your batteries.. t4591 t115006 t4591 look after yourselves we dont want you poorly
I had an appointment at the doctors this morning and forgot again thank goodness for text off them..I told her how nothing is touching this pain she is going to get my notes and refer me back to rheumy.. :shock: I have never got anywhere with them..we will see..
Right Niamh is on her way with Grandad..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, is it me, or is it warm - must be having a "moment"........... :roll: :roll:
Oh Dad does a lot of nodding at home Toni, he is turning night into day and vice versa.
Heparin pump is off, drains are out, catheter is out, some bleeding, but that is trauma from the catheter and not uncommon.
He was asleep when we got there, but soon woke up. He had been holding court in the bay, physio said it was like a Tap Room in there
Def more confused, had no idea that B and SIL had been last night :? :? we have aired our concerns about his memory, on several occasions now, so the staff are well aware.
He has been walking with the physio, but is a fall risk, so the bay is monitored at all times, if no visitors are there.
There was one wheely chair, when we got there, but by the time we had had our usual cheese and mushroom toastie and a cake, it had been nabbed and there were none to be seen. I am sure they are nicked, nothing would surprise me.
Anyway, we wandered slowly up to the ward, with two stops en route. We didn't do a repeat down and then up again, we stayed put until we were leaving.
They are muting about Monday for discharge :shock: :shock: we will see about that. If we are not happy and have concerns over his capacity, then we will say no, it isn't happening.
We were home by 4, that included a stop for a quick gather of some supplies from the S market.
Tramadol was up to 6 on Thursday, or was it 7 :? :? . Friday I am down to 5 at time of report, that's on top of all the rest...........but, you have to keep going onward, no choice, it's what we do.
It is Dads Birthday today so BIL will meet us at Costa in reception, at 1pm then we can all go up to the ward, give Dad his cards. 85 he will be. We have bought some nice cakes to take up, he loves sweet things and some Eccles cakes, his favourite.
B's Brother is man mountain, so he can wheel me up, if there is an out of control chair available. :shock:
We have had a dramatic week, you are quite right. SO glad that we were there in a matter of 2 minutes and I had the ambulance on its way.
God Bless our NHS and the Paramedics, they do an amazing job, under terrific pressure and lots of abuse from so many patients :roll: :roll:
Thank you for the hugs, candles and prayers, they are always welcome t4591 t4591
No, Mother said that hoss pikkels :shock: are full of back teerya :shock: :roll:I did reassure her that the ward is spotless, Matron has cast eyes into all nooks and crannies and I helped change the bed today, I could not stop myself
I am guessing it was Mrs Darcey who rang Hermione and said, come and sort these two out, please:roll: :roll:
Sleek has been over to sit with Mother and they watched some SYTTD and A place in the Country too. Lots of sweets eaten.........they can trough their way through them. t4591 t4591
Not sure how I managed the time to make the Burrito's :? :?
Not sure when I will get the mountain of shirts pressed either, I am running out.........of steam :roll: :roll:
I hope your neighbour has some respite and feels better soon, Bless her, she has a tough time and then some t4591 t4591 t115006
Hi Sue and Joan. I hope your new boots fit you well Joan, you will be very smart indeed.
They seem to have been a long long time in the making. Finally, you have them, which is good news.
I hope you had a nice time in town
You enjoyed the burrito's then Kath, whilst shouting at us all
Good that you have your new reading glasses. I think they return the old frames, just to prove that they have actually done the job, they do it with car parts now, always ask you if you want the old brake pads, or in our case the old pollen filter, which was full of bugs and muck..............errrr, no thanks:shock:
The lenses can go into any glass recycling bins.
Thank you for the cake, it was wonderful, with a nice strong cup of T, perfect.
Hope any ouchies are minimal, keeping up the magic sparkles t115006 t115006 t4591
I read about Mig having a reaction to the second lot of treatment, I think she is ok now and was going to have a little drinky poo's when she got home. Don't blame her either t4591
Hi Barbara, so you have been off to the Drs, good job the cloak went with you, along with the puskins. They step in, if we are all in two places at once already :shock: :shock:
The GP is referring you back to the Rheumy, fair enough, but, like you, I did not get anywhere with him, I don't think we saw eye to eye really.
Have you been to a pain clinic? Most surgeries can refer patients to them.
It is so difficult, trying to cover up the pains, often the pain breaks through, as most drugs can only do so much, without knocking us out completely.
Take Thursday, I was in agony, after 6 Tramadol, on top of all the other pain relief. It is your body saying stop a while, but, sometimes we just cannot and have to keep plodding on, it has to be done.
Some extra ((())) for you t4591 t115006
Dad was certainly chatting away, even if it was muddled at times. We just know what my mum was like after her op, she never returned home, as it sparked her dementia off in a big way. I have seen it so many times over the years, sadly.
The ambulance was very quick. We have an ambulance depot in Clitheroe, so there must have been one on standby. Sometimes people have to wait so long.
We would have taken a break on Sunday but I think everyone is going up at some point today, with is being Dads B Day. So we will have to go Sunday too, we won't leave him a day without seeing him and knowing what is going on. t4591
We try and rest in the evenings and catch up with what we can. Washing etc :? :?
It is a fair walk to the lifts isn't it. I hope there are chariots today :? :?
Hope you have a lovely time with Niamh t4591 t4591
Hi to Carol - sending you lots of love and sparkles and some magic squares, I have put them in your slippers, to give you a bit of a lift t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 We all need a little lifting, from time to time t4591 Love to all xx
Time I was moving my bones around, well, not literally :shock:
Love and Hugs and Sparkles to all t4591 ((())) t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Cherry and Chocolate Breakfast Pastry - super low calorie :? :?XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh Aidan what a breakfast!!! Nu-nu is very busy here I have added some 'healthy yoghurt' to mine (AKA rhoddas
a very happy 85th to Dad - Paul's mum is 85 in June perhaps we should introduce them
He isn't connected up then to anything medical that is good, but they sound in no immediate rush to discharge I am glad Physio is good
I think he will be going home with a zimmer Aidan being a fall risk now. He'll have to suck it up if he wants to get home on Monday.
Things sound to be going ok of course hospital or any unfamiliar place can worsen the memory so maybe he will be better off at home, but if you are not convinced I know you will say so - firmly!
Sleek was 'spoken to' by Hermione privately and given some tips to keep Tosca calm while her Grandad is in hoss pittle. The tips included SYTTD and Escape. Mother was telling Sleek about her escapades in France. Sleek said Mummy and Daddy go too close to the 'door dog nee' for her liking and there must be lots of dogs there. :shock: :shock:
Good to hear BIL can do some shoving if you do get a chair finally! Even better that Dad will be spoilt on his birthday
I have had a moment already today - it might just be the sight of the sun!!! m0150
Take whatever tablets you need but please have some prune juice tooand rest - both of you - when you can ((())) t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Barbara I had saved you a balsen choccolitnit biccy (sp) I they are fabulous aren't they?!
The sisters were at choir so you got away with it!
My neighbour invited myself and Lucy over for tea and biccies yesterday afternoon after Lucy's interview! Oh yes at the residential home by Charley's nursing home! She got the job but has asked to start part time weekends so she can also stay at the school.
Neighbour's speech is slower that usual and a bit fumbly, but she is coping very well. Her hands are not affected which is fabulous. She is having speech therapy Joan How are the new boots? Hope they are comfy and supportive.
Kath I will have some of that cakeDid your new lenses go ok in the old frames? That is a good idea recycling and also as Aidan said the old lenses can be recycled too.
Take care everyone
mig and Carol xxx
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
. Kathleen we have rain today taking the dogs for their walk soon keep warm(((()))
. Barbara this is my second pair of boots they are made from the shape of my foot have a good day((((())))
. Aidan Happy Birthday to your Dad((((())))) you have rest has well(((((())))) to B as well(((((())))))
. Toni I'm pleased Lucy has the job ((((())))
. have a god weekend everyone
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all nice and bright after yesterdays dark day
Aiden thankyou for the Cherry and Chocolate Breakfast Pastry..very nice indeed
...bless dad being in hospital on his Birthday..HAPPY 85th Birthday to dad.. t69044 t4591 so the last chair had gone after you had eaten ..that is awful there used to be so many.. :shock: people will pinch anything..its nice that you are all meeting up to see dad..and that BIL will be able to push you to the ward..fingers crosses there a chair... :roll: it must bring back all the memories of mum..and so scary ..I have been there so you worry more.. t4591 t115006
I have been to a pain clinic quite a few actually and had my spine injections through them ..I think they gave up in the endmy GP mentioned pain counseling not a clue what that would involves..Talking about my pain I should imagine :shock:
Now rest in between these visits or else we will come round and fasten you down..
Toni good on Lucy for getting another job ..and she will be keeping the other one going..she will go far I just know it..
How lovely of your neighbour to have you round for tea..bless ..I hope she will continue to glad the sisters were at choir it does help to block me out
Joan I remember you having the other boots fitted are these has comfy or are they quite heavy..has long as they help you..
Niamh is coming again later dads taking her roller skating..are you coming GM she said...I wish..but will go and watch ..there are lots of seats
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Love to all, dad, mig, Carol, Joan and Sue, Aidan, Toni, Barbara.
Vegan yorkshire puddings with chickpea cutlet and Mushroom gravy
Yorkshire Puddings - makes 8
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 Tbsp potato starch
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp xanthan gum
2 tsp oil (peanut or veg should be fine)
just under 1/2 cup water
3/4 cup rice milk (180ml)
1/4 cup sparkling water (60ml)
1 Tbsp vegan margarine, melted
1 cup minus 2 Tbsp flour (120g)
1/2 tsp salt
more oil for the muffin tin
Place 1/2 tsp of oil into each of the 8 muffin tin holes and place the tin in the oven. Preheat the oven to 375F/180C to get the oil hot. Next make your 'eggs', in a large bowl whisk together the cornstarch, potato starch, xanthan gum and baking powder. Add the water and whisk well until no more lumps (there may be a few, that's ok). Add the oil and whisk well again until slightly frothy. Whisk in the rice milk and sparkling water until well incorporated. While whisking pour in the melted margarine in a steady stream until all added. Add the flour and salt and whisk until combined but lumpy. Remove the pan from the preheated oven and pour the mixture in until almost full. Pop back into the oven and bake for 20 minutes, remove and slice the tops and slightly open then bake for another 20 minutes. Check after they have had 1/2 hour but they may need longer for the bottoms to fully cook. Let cool slightly in pan then remove and serve with lots of vegan gravy of your choice!
Mushroom Gravy:
15g vegan margarine
1/2 small onion, finely chopped
60g button mushrooms, finely sliced
15g plain flour
1/4 litre veg stock, I made mine with 1 oxo veg cube
some fresh thyme, a few strands - optional
Melt the marg in a saucepan and fry the onion gently until golden, add some black pepper. Stir in the mushrooms and fresh thyme and fry for a couple minutes until they start to sweat. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute on low heat. Slowly start adding the hot stock, a little at a time, stirring well between each addition. Keep going until all added then turn the heat up and cook until thickened. Remove the thyme and serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
I thought the nu nu would be busy Toni, one of those MUST have things for breakfast
Delicious and one slice is never enough.
Thank you for wishing Dad a Happy Birthday. t4591 Yes, we could be matchmakers for sure. Maybe not, he would talk the hind legs off a donkey :roll:
Dad was much brighter today, up, dressed, sat in his chair, going through the menu, as best he could.
We met B and SIL in Costa (where we had had lunch. Can a person live on cheese and mushroom toasties and cake)??
No tubes of any description. He enjoyed opening his cards, then Peter phoned, from London to speak to Dad and later on, after we had gone, our Niece went to see him, so he has had plenty of visitors on his Birthday. t4591 t4591
He is walking pretty well unaided, in fact we reminded him to use his walkie. I think his stick will be fine at home, with so many obstacles, a walker would be more dangerous, than helpful.
Week ends are so much less hectic at the hospital. I got a wheelie chair - YAYDuly whizzed up to the ward, left it outside, neatly, of course it was gone when we came out, but, never mind, one way was better than not at all.
Mother would be full of tales about her life in France. The first house, she said was a total rooin with billderz all the timethe second house was good, bekoz therrr was mices :shock:
The last house was luvverly, lots of roomz and stares to play on
Mother had heard of the dor dog nee, it was close to us in the lott and garoone :? :?Cat speak is just amazing
I am back up to 6 on the Tramadol, have had to order some more. I may need some Prune d'argen very soon:? :?
We are resting up in the evenings, naps, then just potter and try and catch up a bit, duster in hand whenever I am up and about. Still not done any pressing of shirts.........there is always a demain
We have those biscuits all the time, even Bill likes the milk choccy ones, I love the dark, then there are orange, white and nutty ones t4591 t4591 t4591
How lovely to go to your neighbours with Lucy. Way to go Lucy, for getting the job at the nursing home. Just right, if you can work part time and still stay at the school, which I can tell you enjoy very much
so glad you neighbour is having speech therapy and her hands are not affected t4591 t115006
Batten down the hatches, for storm Freya :? :? t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055
Hi Joan and Sue, thank you for the hugs and the Birth wishes for Dad, he is a lot better, up and about, still forgetting things, but more back to his normal self.
Love to you both and to the doggies t4591 t4591
Hi Barbara, thank you for Dads Birthday wishes. He seemed happy enough, going through his cards - we didn't take presents in and we brought all the cards back, they just get in the way to be honest. I remember knocking so many things flying, especially flowers, which are not taken onto the wards now.
I was SO pleased to get a wheelie chair, it had a squeak on the wheels, but I didn't care, it saved the knees and back, at least one way.
The hospital does bring back a lot of memories, my Mum being in there, B's Mum being there, Dad being there twice now..........we know the hospital very well :? :? :roll: :roll:
I have heard mixed reviews from pain clinics and sometimes things just have to be lived with, which I don't mean to sound horrid, but my GP and the Rheumy said the very same thing. Yes, you can have more steroid injections, but, they are only short lived for the most part. :roll: :roll:
Pain counselling, I thought this link was interesting
I am trying to rest, in between visits.............honest :? :? :?
We were going to have Sunday free, as Nephew was going to go, but I don't think he can now, so we will go, we won't leave Dad with no one visiting. We are a bit tired, but we carry on
Hope you enjoyed watching Niamh roller skating with Daddy
Hi Kath, thank you for the loves and hugs t4591 t115006
I love the vegan roast and yorkshire puddingsthank you kindly.
Sorry I have not been around to put any cakes on in the afternoons.........unforeseeable circumstances..............
Hi to Carol, hope you and yours are as ok as can be, leaving lots of love and sparkles for you t4591 t115006
The same goes for you Mig, thinking of you all and sending lots of positive energies t115006 t115006 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about. DD, Kerrin, SW, Toady, Elizabeth, Christine and all..................
Time I was pottering a bit. Gosh, the wind is really picking up now, whipping round the house :? t110007
Everyone take care, if you are out and about.
Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Catch up later XXXX Aidan
Super Crispy Oven Roasted Breakfast PotatoesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Joan if the boots are made from a cast of your foot they ought to be comfy
Barbara I read up on the pain counselling that Aidan posted the link - sounds worth a try you know.
Did you watch Niamh roller skating? I bet she loves showing you her skills
Thank you Lucy might end up following Charley we'll see eh?We were very pleased for her. She needs more hours at school really.
Kath that was lovely! Love chickpeas in any shape or form (I'd be alright on I'm a celebrity except for the sp****s of course!!
Kari used to make a great mushroom gravy for me years ago when she ate meat still, but I was the only veggie!
Aidan thank you for those spuds a great start to the day Nu-nu has been back!!!!
This woman here practically lived on toasties and drinks from costa when Lucy was in for that 10 months. Had to go 'cold turkey' in the end
I am very pleased to hear Dad is recovering from the anaesthetic and much more with it now. Lovely for B and SIL to be there too with you and B Jnr!
It sounds as though he had a great day visitors, cards and phone calls bless himPaul's Mum is a talker too bless the pair of them. t4591
I am very pleased you got a chair upstairs at least with breathing and heart up is worse with bones though going down can be worse :roll: Can't win can we?!
Sleek was telling me all about Mother's tales of France (she calls them 'tails' though bless her. Sleek wants to visit the house with mysez I think she's got rid of all our rodents molez excepted :roll: :roll:
I love the way the French part cook their plums don't you? Prefect for those on a higher dose of tramadol than usual
Sleek and Mother are thinking of going over in the summer :shock: Hermione said they can if Minerva goes too it will be a transportation spell. We are going in July early this year due to Tia's wedding.
Of course there is always tomorrow to iron shirts....I bet you're doing Dad's washing too as priority??
We are very pleased for Lucy thanks Aidan she needs more hours and unless school can find some... :?
Right lets hope today is ok it's village clear-up!
Love to all Carol it won't be long now till the 5th. Mig love to you and the strength bucket is full help yourself ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Toni Aidan Barbara Kathleen
. Kathleen you go steady in the rain(((())))
. Aidan is it the same at that hospital you have to put a pound in to get a wheelchair you go steady love to your Dad(((((((())))))))
. Barbara yes the boots are comfortable. I have not got my ap yet.
. Ave a good day(((((())))))
. Toni Lucy is doing so well I hope in time she will be able to drive((((((()))))))
. take care love to Mig Carol (((((()))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
SPUDS Thank you Aidan, very tasty.
As it is slinging it down here, I've given Florence and Clarence the day off. I think they're canoodling! :roll: They'll be back on duty tomorrow as I expect the spids will be out in force after the wind and rain. whoops, shouldn't have said that, sorry. :oops: Also, as it's pouring, my hips are yelling like billy 'o! My RA is pretty quiet though. t111055
Glad that dad is doing well and enjoyed his birthday. t4591
I have an announcement to make, my nephew Ben and his wife Emily are expecting a baby. t115006 t115006 t115006
Vegan Lemon Cake with fresh berries
Lemon Cake: (gluten-free variation below)
3 cups (412g) unbleached all-purpose flour (scooped in and leveled. NOT packed)
1½ cup (276g) sugar (pure cane or coconut* sugar)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1⅓ cup almond milk or other milk of choice
⅔ cup olive oil or other oil of choice
juice and zest of 4 medium lemons (about ⅔ cup juice and ¼ cup zest)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
lemon coconut cream (recipe below)
4–5 cups fresh berries of choice, larger berries sliced (use more or less to taste)
sprigs of fresh mint and edible flowers for decorating, optional
powdered sugar for dusting, optional
Gluten-Free Lemon Cake:
2 cups (305g) gluten-free flour (I used Bobs Red Mill Gluten-Free 1-to-1 Baking Flour, in the blue bag)
1 cup (100g) super fine blanched almond flour
1⅓ cup (276g) sugar (pure cane or coconut* sugar)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1⅓ cup almond milk or other milk of choice
⅔ cup olive oil or other oil of choice
juice and zest of 4 medium lemons (about ⅔ cup juice and ¼ cup zest)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
lemon coconut cream
4–5 cups fresh berries of choice (use more or less to taste)
sprigs of fresh mint and edible flowers for decorating, optional
powdered sugar for dusting, optional
Lemon Coconut Cream:
16 oz. regular or dairy-free cream cheese or mascarpone
1–2 cans coconut milk or coconut cream (refrigerated overnight; firm coconut cream, liquid discarded. About 1 to 1½ cups. Can also use 1 cup regular whipping cream if not dairy-free )
3-5 tablespoons pure maple syrup, powdered sugar, or other sweetener of choice (more or less to taste)
juice and zest from 1 or 2 lemons, to taste
Preheat oven to 325F. Grease three 8-inch cake pans and line the bottom with a parchment paper circle (cut to fit the bottom.) Set aside.
Combine flour(s), sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large mixing bowl. Mix in oil, milk, vanilla extract, lemon juice and zest. Scrape the bottom of the bowl to make sure all the flower is evenly incorporated.
Evenly distribute cake batter into the pans and place on the middle rack in the preheated oven. Bake for 25-35 minutes OR until center is set, and a toothpick inserted comes out with only a few moist crumbs. Bake time will vary upon pan and thickness of batter.
Remove from the oven and let cool for a bit, then run a knife along the edge of the cake and invert cakes onto a wire rack to cool completely.
Whipped Cream:
In a large mixing bowl, begin to beat the cream cheese until smooth, about 1-2 minutes. Add sweetener and lemon juice/zest and continue to beat until fluffy. Add cold, hardened coconut cream, a little at a time, and beat on high until light and fluffy, a few more minutes. Taste and adjust sweetener or lemon flavoring. Keep refrigerated until ready to use.
If using regular whipping cream, beat whipping cream separately until fluffy (about 3-4 minutes) and then fold it into the cream cheese mixture.
Putting it together:
Place one of the fully cooled cakes onto your cake plate. Top with ⅓ of the whipped cream and a handful of of berries.
Top with another cake layer and repeat the process.
At the end, top cake with remaining whipped cream and a pile of whole and halved berries. Decorate with edible flowers and a light dusting of powdered sugar (optional).
Serve right away and store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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