Val's Cafe
Evening all..guess what I'm in my phone again.not Niamh this time..
Aiden I'm so please that dad us doing older uns are made if good stuffand i see you got a last...good to hear that dad had quite a few visitors for his he is enjoying the attention and why not ..bless you have today off make the most if it..the cleaning will wait...honest..mine does
thankyou for the breakfast potatoes..but prefer cake..
..and thankyou fir the link..I will go and gave a read.. .kath I do a mean Yorkshire pud.. or used a new baby..many congratulation to them
I hope this his improve for you..I know the awful pain
Toni I am sure whatever Lucy does..she will put 100% in to it...and I'm sure she will catch up with her schooling..mushroom theres it really tastynice if Kari to make it for you
Joan I'm glad the boots are comfy..good old NHS..
Right will go and read the link on pain counselling
Love to all
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening All
Well what a change in the weather here lately has been quite cold and drizzling rain all day and oh the bones and joints do not like it one bit. well we are hopefully into the last week of limbo land living as we call it, funeral for Auntie on Friday the 8th. yesterday I had the job of ordering a spray of flowers for funeral shocked at the cost of flowers but its not too bad as cost is going to be shared by Me my Sister and both daughters. my sister doesn't have any children.
Mr T and I had our usual dinner out on Friday and i met my friend after. Had to laugh we were talking generally about people likes and dislikes and I said Mr T and myself don't really have a lot of the same interests on the tv or things they we both do. and she asked how 2 people can stay together for so long if they are so different.well I was lost for words. :? :?
Aidan So glad to hear Dad is on the mend and enjoyed his Birthday And I too wish him happy Birthday. and you manage to get a wheelie chair but lost it later how annoying. Thanks for the sparkles and love
Kath ooh so do I smell romance brewing with Florence and Clarence :roll: :roll: :shock: and a day of as well. what lovely news another new baby this year my grandson and his girlfriend are also expecting a baby in July. oh that cake looks yummy.
Toni Its the 8th not the 5th but still not long. glad to hear Lucy is doing well.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055
It is quite wild out tonight :shock: :shock: The BBC weather said a moderate breeze - erm, no, it is blowing a hooly.
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast tatties Toni. Perfect with some French bread and lashings of butter, (for calcium)
I think we are already toastied out :? :? I had a goats cheese and roasted pepper for a change and B had two croissants. I had a nutella croissant, now, they are very nice indeed
We were the only ones in the Costa at one point, perfect, wish it was like that in the week. It will be packed out tomorrow.
Dad was much the same, chatting away, doesn't like hospital food, he wanted poached salmon, but I said you are in hospital, not the Hilton
I think he is eating more than what he is letting on. We were there for the mid afternoon, then Nephew went up after T and spent a good while with Gdad.
He might be coming home today, just have to wait and see what the phsyio and OT say.
He would be well away with Pauls Mum, if she is a chatterbox too.
There were plenty wheelie chairs, again, it had vanished by the time we left the ward. I think the porters move them, the least number of obstacles in the corridors the better.
I am sure Mother would love to show Miss Sleek, the house in the field, in France. Lots of myces and a couple of snayks :shock: :shock: Minerva would accompany them, just in case there was a need for extra magic, at any point. t115006 t115006
Never been a lover of plums myself, prunes d'argen were ok, covered in thick chocolate
Yes, you will need to be over there early, to be back in good time for all the preparations for the wedding. t4591 t4591
Some bits of washing from Dads, but not a lot really.
I will send Silver over to the school, for them to offer more hours for Lucyt115006 t115006 there will be glitter
You might need another village clear up, after the storm has whipped through and upskittled everything :shock: :roll: :roll:
Hermione has said that there is no flying until Tuesday, to let the storm fade away. The gates will be open though. Sleek was over again, keeping Mother company, I think they watched "gone with the wind" - what an epic film.
Hi Joan and Sue. no, the wheelie chairs are free to use, if you can find one in the week. Always plenty at the week ends.
Dad is doing really well at the moment, hoping he is home soon.
Glad to hear your boots are comfy, which they should be, made to measure etc. ((()))
You are welcome to the spuds Kath mi duck
So Florence and Clarence are canoodling, goodness, on the Sabbath day too :shock: :shock:The need the day off, with all the winds and rain.
Some extra anti ouches, for your shouting hips t115006 t115006
Lovely news that your Nephew and his wife are expecting a baby t4591 t4591 Carol will have to knit like mad
The cake looks amazing, I will take one to the booth.............SPLAT - hot wash and rinse underway. Thank you. It is quite a recipe :shock: :shock: well worth it though.
Oh dear, you are on the phone again Barbara, what has happened this time..........nothing to do with Niamh - what did you press........... :shock: :shock:
Dad is made of tougher stuff, for sure. Given the urgency of the situation then the op........he has done really well. He isn't quite sure what they have done, he said no one has told him (which they have, many times).
We didn't have Sunday off, we went to visit in the afternoon, then Nephew went in the evening. The cleaning will have to wait, as well as the ironing. I will be busy steaming when I get chance.
Hope the link is of some use
Hi Carol - time is moving on and you will be out of limbo land soon. We will be with you under the cloak t4591
Flowers are very expensive, ideal that you can share the costs between your Daughters and Sis.
Glad you went for your meal out with Mr T on Friday, then had a catch up with your friend. She is a star and comes out with some things
Thank you, even though Dad was in Hospital, he seemed to enjoy the day, with as many family as possible, going to visit. He was asleep when we got there today, but Matron soon had him awake and sat up
You are more than welcome to sparkles and hugs, they are free, for everyone t4591 t115006
Hi To Mig - sending lots of love and hugs and positive energies t4591 t115006 t115006
Quite a lazy evening here, a bit of pottering. No oomph to do anything else.
Back up to the hospital today, after we find out what is going on once ward round is finished.
Time I was doing something, sort some washing / drying. Hang more shirts up for pressing :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all. Take care XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006 t115006
Apricot Danish this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
We managed the village clear-up in the rain. Then my great niece came to see me with Kari, bro and her Mum!
There she is! in my arms
They do a nice haloumi focaccia (I think) too at Costa Aidan to vary things a bit! Hospital Costa's feel like 'normality' in a mad world such as a hospital is :? You know what I mean.
I bet Dad doesn't like hospital food! Who does?! No t's not the Ritz!!!Hope he does get home today it is very hard on families visiting all the time. Will they bring him home or will they let you pick him up I wonder :? . Fingers crossed physio and OT are happy. t4591 t4591
Ah yes maybe the porters do steal the chairs H&S! Never though of that.
Sleek wasn't allowed out first thing due to a no-fly zone (Hermione), but Minerva has agreed to accompany them to France next year. They will go while we are there so they can pop in on us too :shock: early summer!
Don't talk to me about prunes d'argen! I could easily 'overdo' them :oops:
Gone with the wind eh? That's what Sleek was talking about! I thought she meant the storm here!! It blew the front door open t110007 :shock:
Apricot Danish!! Oooh! Lovely thanks - Nu-nu!!!
Morning Carol the 8th (I've got that now - sorry :oops: ) will soon come and you will be out of limbo I hope ((())) Flowers done that's good.
Your friend!!! She really is a one! Imagine saying that! Mind you a chap in the village said worse about another couple in the village when she was there and heard :roll: He said "I don't know why you two got married!" :shock: :shock:
Opposites attract that is the truth t4591
Barbara so it wasn't Niamh upsetting the lap-top it was you!!!Oh dear me!
Not easy on your phone - I hate it. Post when you can t4591
Kath the inflammatory part of arthritis doesn't seem to mind the wet weather, but the damaged bones do don't they? ((()))
Clarence and Florence have been canoodling?!! :? :shock: :? :shock:
That's a worry - or is it? will they make more soldiers to help them?
Wahay a great niece or nephew for you too - see mine above! t4591 t4591 t4591
Cake recipe looks good! Too good.....tap tap tap TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP
SPLAT!!! Ultra hot wash coming up!
Joan we have to put in £1 for one of the chairs at the QE, but not at our local hospital at leastGood to hear the boots are comfy and thank you it would be lovely if Lucy was safe to drive wouldn't it?
Sending love and ((())) to mig
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen congratulations to everyone.
. Carol you and Mr T love one another that's what matters.
. Aidan that's good news your Dad coming home((((((())))))) you rest has well.(((((()))))
. Barbara the boots are Velcro they come up to my ankle to support it. Sorry about your laptop((((())))
Toni lovely photo how old is he they grow up quick
. love to Mig
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
What a night!!! One of the flats on the corner opposite to us has one of those huge trampolines. Freya carried it over their fence, across the gap, over our fence, and deposited it in our tiny front garden. :shock: It was about 10pm. We were on tenterhooks all night. Chris managed to drag it onto our gravel in the morning, there's no way we could have lifted it over the fence ouselves, so in the morning the girl who owns it, and one of her pals lifted it and carried it back. How I envied them their strength.
Joan, velcro boots, lovely.
Toni, my RA joints bother me when it's damp, but not when it's actually raining. But my hips HATE any weather. :?
Aidan, I'm enjoying the Apricot Danish. Slurp.
Vanilla pancakes with berries and cinnamon custard
Prep time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 10 minutes
55g (2oz) plain flour
1 large egg
150ml (5fl oz) skimmed milk
2 tsp vegetable oil
Few drops vanilla extract
120g pot light custard
55g (2oz) 0% fat Greek yoghurt
240g mixed berries to serve, eg blueberries, strawberries and raspberries
Large pinch ground cinnamon
½ tsp icing sugar
1. Put the flour in a mixing bowl and make a well in the centre. Crack the egg into the middle and pour in about 50ml (2fl oz) of milk and half the oil. Start whisking from the centre, gradually drawing the flour into the egg, milk, 1 tsp of oil and the vanilla. Once all the flour is mixed in, beat until you have a smooth, thick paste.
2. And a good splash of milk and whisk to loosen the batter. Still whisking, pour in the remaining milk until you have a batter the consistency of single cream.
3. Heat a small frying pan over a moderate heat and wipe with oiled paper. Ladle some batter into the pan, tilting the pan to move the mixture over the base in an even layer. Leave to cook for 30 seconds. Flip over and cook for a further 30 seconds.
4. Continue with the rest of the batter oiling between each one. Stack the crepes onto a plate. Keep warm in a low oven, or freeze for future use.
5. Beat together the custard and the yoghurt with the cinnamon. Serve the crepes with plenty of berries and a spoonful of cinnamon custard. Dust very lightly with icing sugar."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all horrible weather.. t110007
Kath vanilla pancakes sound yummy thankyou..think its tomorrow pancake day..I used to love waiting for the kids to come home form school then we could all make them
Toni she is beautiful..I want a cuddle ..we dont have any baby in the family at the min
Carol will be thinking about you on are very glad you are all chucking in for them..I am sure they will be beautiful..x.
Joan Velcro is mush easier ..and you can tighten them more than and boots are in ..
Aiden thankyou for the apricot danish ..and yes the link was very useful.. I hope dad comes home today but only is he is ready..and everything is in he doesn't like hospital food..I always did was glad to have it cooked for me..
think I said my hip one had an elderly lady making the soups ..they were delicious..
I think this wind is getting up again...
My friend that went into rehab is doing well ...and I can see the difference in him..but the poor thing is losing his teeth and he is only in his 30s..I think its the meds hes on..
Im rambling now better go ..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I will say morning to all, which it will be, when everyone reads this
Me, late as ever.............. :roll: :roll:
Oh Bless your great niece Toni, gorgeous and then some t4591 t4591
Nice to have cuddles, especially having done the village clear up in the rain :shock: t111055 The weather certainly has been "interesting" today.
Yes, the Costa's do feel like a bit of a sanctuary, all be it a little frantic in the week.
I will look out for the ones you suggest. Hopefully we will not need to go in for a good long time. Dad should be home today (Tuesday). They are still waiting for the senior physio and OT to see him. Medically, he is ok to come home, just the social side to check on.
He has no idea what he has had done, or how serious it was. We did explain, again. He said no one has told him about it. :? :? :roll: bless eh.
We have to ring at 10 this morning, to find out what is going on. The ward staff did mention Age UK, who are very good, they might bring him home, as they did with Mum. Whichever way, we will make sure he sorted. Then the lonnnnnnng wait for pills to take home. They take forever.
Elf n Safety I would assume, the corridors are all kept super clear, they used to get quite cluttered up with chairs and trolleys etc, but not any more, all tidy, we like tidy, he says, with a house that resembles a bomb site :shock: :roll: :roll:
I wondered why Mother was shrieking in French, obviously been discussing all things francais with Miss Sleek and Hermione. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
She was non plussed that we had been out again, for well over a week :shock: :shock: Mother, you are not telling the time very well :roll: :roll:
It was certainly a no fly zone, the wind was howling overnight and into Monday with lots of rain, hail, t111055 t110007 and more rain. t111055
Barbara will know that Blackburn Hosp is kind of on a high vantage point, so the wind really whips round there and you are soon frozen silly. t110007
Blowing your front door open, goodness, I would have fallen off my perch:shock: :shock:
Prunes d'argen, yes, the choccy ones can be dangerous if you eat too many :shock: :? :? :? :? :oops: :oops:
Hi Joan and Sue, hopefully it will be today that Dad comes home, just a slight delay, which is normal. He is ok in himself. All he wants is a battered fish finger sandwich at the garden centre
So you had a trampoline then Kath - thanks to storm Freya :shock: :shock:
I am not surprised you were on your guard, it was pretty wild out. Roaring through the trees, I don't like that.
Good that your neighbours came and retrieved the trampoline.
It is joint achy weather. I think it is cold. After the warm week, we are back to more "normal" weather. t110007 t111055
Thank you for the pancakes, custard and berries, most kind, I will try not to make a mess................ :oops:
Hi Barbara - is the laptop working ok now? Glad you liked the Danish pastries and the link was useful.
As you will have seen, Dad should be home today, all being well. We will have to go shopping at some point, for ourselves and for him.
I will be able to catch up a bit, if Age UK bring him home, they are very good and were great with Mum.
No, he is not impressed with hospital food. I have always found it to be ok ish.
Having soups made that sounds very good.
It certainly was a wild night, Kath ended up with a trampoline :shock: :shock:
I am glad to hear that your friend is doing well and you can see an improvement. I am sure he will be able to get help with his dental work, if someone is on low or no income of sorts - this link might be useful
Some medication can have cause real problems :? :roll:
We went to the T room yesterday, instead of the Costa at the Hospital. We told them all about Dad being so poorly and how he has rallied through so well.
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Thinking of you Mig and Carol t4591 t4591 sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Time I was pottering. I can feel my back on the verge of screeching :? :? :roll:
We will see what today brings.....................
Love and Sparkles to all. Take care XXXXX t115006 t4591 t115006
Saute'd Mushrooms with Eggs and Toasted flatbread (promise not to eat it all Kath)
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan
. Kathleen I bet you thought the same has me if I was younger I would like a bounce on that((((()))))
. Barbara the weather seems quieter today good(((((()))))
. Aidan when you are in hospital you always have to have dinner before going home I hope yr Dad gets home to day(((((())))))
. take care all love to Mig carol(((((())))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all very cold but bright at least..
Aiden Thankyou for the mushrooms with egg on flatbread..sound so nice.... I do remember how high up the hospital is..really will be a lot easier if age uk will bring dad home ..there is always a lot of hanging around waiting for meds and he can have a good chat on the way home bless him..
I know the feeling of sanctuary in the cafes..hope you get all you need shopping then hopefully you can relax a little..I will send the link to my friend.very kind thankyou.he is on sick pay at the min...I should imagine he should get them done now before returning to work...and my laptop is behaving..for now...
Joan the weather is better here.thank goodness..have you been out with the little doggies..
We have done a bit of shopping this morning..our eldest GD put on facebook about missing GMs pancakes...I had to come clean that I have bought ready made one this time... :oops:
Did you see the news about either not bothering older people that are on PIP..or maybe sending them a form instead of a face to face..
right better move ..Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
MMmm, Saute'd Mushrooms with Eggs and Toasted flatbread how lovely Aidan. I only had a little helping, honest.
Hope dad will soon be home. t115006 t4591 t115006
We sat on the benches listening to the birds, it were smashing. Have you read my other post, about PIP for pensioners? Good news for some of us.
Joan, you are so right. A full day at the hospital - you definitely need some grub before you go home. Our Rheumatology/Vasculitis/Osteoporosis clinic provide free tea and coffee. And when we have an infusion, we also get biscuits.
I hear it's supposed to get blustery overnight again, I hope the dreaded trampoline doesn't take flight again.
BTW, Florence and Clarence reassured me their 'canoodling' was strictly innocent. Phew! Here they are dusting away the no Clarence not like that!!
They quite enjoy wearing their hooman disgises y;u know. :roll:
Enjoy the veggie and goat cheese pittas."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening everyone! Lovely breakie Aidan thank you very I love eggs and mushrooms too YUM!!
Waiting for your TTOs that is always the wait at the hospital I hope all is well and you get Dad home at a civilised hour and he is safe to be there. At least you two are very close by. I think maybe it’s best Dad doesn’t realise what a close shave he just had you know.
I bet the T room were worried about dad and upset for you two with all you’ve been through. Stopped them putting a search party out though!!
The cats have had a good day and used their gates on Hermione’s advice as it’s still a little bit windy. The front door can’t have been closed properly to be fair, but it was so scary and COLD!!
Sleek’s French lessons have continued (spelling is ‘interesting’ ) and she now knows that you have not been out for over a week cats eh!
Barbara baby Daphne (after my Mum) is adorable and the first baby in the generation. First of many I hope. Our family is growing with marriage and her birth.
I am sure your friend’s teeth can be sorted excessive alcohol can cause that and mouth cancer too so make sure he gets a check up. Use Aidan’s link to get it as cheap as possible for him.
I haven’t done pancakes today due to Paul’s diet! I bet yours were yum!
Joan I would have wanted a bounce on the trampoline too!! And the baby was born on 29th December she's called Daphne after my Mum.
Kath I had a large helping of breakie!! He he!!
I’m glad to hear the intrepid duo (Clarence and Florence) are having fun in their disguises. No we don’t kick dust under furniture do we?
Veggie and goats cheese pittas for lunch lovely ta!
Love to Carol and mig ((())) t4591 t4591
Toni xx0 -
Hi to all - it's raining again................ t111055 there is a tune in there I do believe
Hi Joan and Sue - yes, we always liked patients to have at least some appetite and were drinking enough, before they were discharged from hospital.
I am not so sure quite how that works now, as the pressure on the system, for beds, is immense.
Thank you for the hugs for us all ((())) you are both so wonderful and caring t4591 t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - the breakfast was just delicious, Kath was very restrained and left some for us all. I know she loves mushrooms
Age UK did bring Dad home, about 3pm. that gave us time to go and have some brunch at the GC, sort out some shopping for us and for Dad, do all the ironing (that was a job and a half)
I think he nattered the lady all the way homeBut, he is home and pottering about. I was in there like a shot, to read the discharge summary, to find out everything that had been done - all duly digested and committed to memory
We have to make sure the D Nurses are on board and also to get his prescriptions changed over to blister packs. All his meds, bar one, are the same. He is on anticoagulant therapy, with a fairly new drug.
Relax, now, that will be the day :roll: :roll: already we are worrying if he will be ok. We have told all involved about our concerns with his memory, we cannot do much more at the moment. We rang again this evening and we will be round to check on him this morning.
I hope your friend can get the help he needs with his dental work. I am sure his GP will be supportive and write an referral needed.
Very glad to hear that your laptop is behaving - so far :? Niamh will be there later, so hide it, quickly.
I don't blame you for getting the ready done pancakes, the shops were full of them, only a £1 for a pack of 10 or so.We didn't have any, never really had a fancy for them to be honest.
I did read about the changes to PIP, not bothering those over a certain age, with more and more assessments. Quite right too.
I wish they would change it to cover those who have progressive and long term conditions too, that don't get better, during the two years that they so graciously give you - oh, don't get me started :!: :!: :roll: :roll: :? :? :?
I thought you might like the breakfast Kath, I know you have a penchant for Mushrooms
You will see that Dad is home, when we rang in the evening he was watching football, so he was happy away. We had bought all sorts of nibbles and chilled things that were ready to eat, quiche, chicken breasts, mini sausage rolls etc. A little buffet
Lovely to sit on the benches and listen to the birds. We have quite a gathering of birdies in the hawthorn hedges B planted some years back. Sparrows, Dunnocks, Wrens, Robins, Finches, long tailed tits, blue tits, they all have a right good natter
Good to see that Clarence and Florence are resuming their training and the little romance was purely platonic :?
I hope the trampoline doesn't come back to your garden :shock: :shock: t110007 t111055
Thank you for the veggie goats cheese pitta breads, very nice indeed t4591
Hi Toni - TTO's have been the bane of hospital life, since Florence was a student nurse. You have everything ready, the prescription has been at pharmacy for hours, patient is waiting to go and then you wait and wait and phone them and wait and wait. :roll: :roll:
Dad is safely home, we have done all we can do for one day, Age UK were very good, they asked some odd questions, but otherwise no problems.
We will be at the surgery today, sorting out blister packs for Dads pills and getting the DNurses on the case, I know he has dressings, but I have not seen them, yet
All the washing he came home with is now done. More shirts have appeared on the wardrobe door handles - AGAIN.
The ladies in the T room were pleased to be brought up to speed, they had been wondering where we had been. Bless them.
Mother is fluent in French apparently - :shock: she studied languages at Hogwarts, as an extra curriculum. Who knew that one :shock:
She will help Sleek who will soon be fluent. There is a spell of fluency, but that would be cheating a bit. Only used in times of need.
I think they went down to the ravine to see the Nymphs, had a fishy latteThere was a lot of mist on Pendle, but Hermione did not want them going up there at the moment, so she closed the gate on Pendle. The Nymphs have a good store of mists, that have been gathered through all the different seasons. t115006 t115006
Well, time has really caught up, it is nearly 1 in the morning, so I must away and potter, before T and bed.
Hi to Mig and to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth and all.
Leaving love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XXX Aidan
Belgian Waffle anyoneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
MMMMM….! Lovely Belgian waffles...thanks Aidan Nu-nu!!
I am so very pleased to hear that Dad is safely home (after the wait for TTOs!) and was brought home so you could get everything ready for himThey used to have to makes sure you were eating and that you had done a number 2!! :oops: :oops:
A million shirts to iron all done, food in place for his arrival and today you will need to contact all local health services to advise them.
My neighbour is on one of the new anticoagulants. They do not require bloods tests every 5 minutes so there's one advantage especially in older people whose veins can be tricky to locate. Also they don't hang about in your blood stream as long as warfarin does.
Sleek is already better at French than me! No cheating involved just Mother's tutoring!!! :shock: Impressive eh? Mother was allowed to go to Hogwarts very young (so Sleek tells me) youngers than Tommy Thumb because of her quiet and intelligent nature :? There you go so became bilingual (actually quadrilingual :shock: ) at a very young age.
This morning They did go to the café for a fishy latte, but Mother came back here to top up the land-cat spell :x Sleek still needs her support with this spell Mother is trying to teach her and has shown her in her spell book.
Well Aidan, I very much hope life will return to normal for you and B now as well as B Snr. Sending some t4591 t4591 t4591 to you all. REST a bit now!
Morning to Joan who I now will be next inI hope all is well with you Sue and the doggies
Love to everyone else
Toni xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Barbara yes the dogs have been out every day. That's good your laptop is working again(((()))
. Kathleen I want the warmer weather it won't be to far off now. Have a good day(((((()))
. Aidan good that is easer your Dad being home now take care all of you((((()))))
. Toni babies are so cute and cuddly when they are small.((((((())))
. take care. love to Carol Mig((((((())))))))
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..
Aiden thankyou for the waffles ..we buy so many of those for glad dad is home safe and sound.. t4591 t115006 there is always a lot to do when someone has been discharged from hospital ..hopefully then you can rest..not relax has I said.. :? its good of age uk I didnt know they did this we have used patient transport before.. that used volunteers..
So you manged to get to the GCand all washing is done the prescription to sort at least there is only one new med..I hope it helps him..
Hopefully my friend will get his dental treatment before he starts back work...
Toni I love how all the old names are coming back..and Daphne after your mum...a new generation like you say your family is growing
I will make sure my friend gets his dental brother died of mouth and throat cancer
Joan glad to hear you have been out and about put me to shame.. :roll:
Kath I did hear about the pip and the elderly..thats me :shock: still think Im not..glad to hear you got out for a walk and a sit on your bench..
Sorry this is short again but have to give these eyes a rest..
Just had a call from the doctors they want me to go next wed for counseling for pain and depression..suppose it goes hand in hand..I didnt think I was depressed till she mentioned it :shock: :roll:
Right better go
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hooray, dad's home where he belongs. What's a TTO? Take them ome?
Joan, I too am looking forward to the warmer weather, as long as it's not TOO hot.
Toni, you're not OLD are you? You are too pretty to be old.Belgian Waffle anyone
Barbara, at least you had some pancakes, we had none. All that flipping flipping, couldn't be bothered.
Sticky toffee pear pudding
8 small firm pears
(we used Conference)
200g golden caster sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
1 star anise
6 cloves
1 lemon
, zest pared
1 orange
, zest pared
vegan ice cream, to serve (optional)
For the sponge
250g pitted dates
2 tbsp linseeds
300ml unsweetened almond milk
200ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing
175g dark muscovado sugar
200g self-raising flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp ground mixed spice
Peel the pears and cut the bottom off each to give a flat base – cut them to a height that will fit snugly in your tin. Use a melon baller or small knife to cut out the pips from the base. Roughly chop the pear scraps, discarding the pips, and set aside. Tip the sugar, cinnamon, star anise, cloves, zests and 600ml water into a saucepan large enough to fit all the pears. Bring to the boil, then simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Add the pears, cover with a lid or a piece of baking parchment, and poach gently for 15 mins until a knife easily slides into a pear. Leave to cool in the liquid.
Now make the sponge. Put the dates and linseeds in a saucepan and add the almond milk. Bring to a gentle simmer, then cook for 2-3 mins until the dates are soft. Pour into a food processer and blitz until smooth. Add the oil and blend again, then scrape into a bowl and set aside to cool a little. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line a 20 x 30cm baking tin (a loose -bottomed one if possible) with a strip of baking parchment.
Put the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl with 1/ 2 tsp salt. Mix well, breaking up any lumps of sugar with your fingers, and shaking the bowl a few times to encourage any remaining lumps to come to the surface. Add the date and oil mixture, and stir well. Fold in the chopped pear scraps. Scrape the cake mixture into the tin, then nestle in the pears, standing straight up, so that the bottom halves are covered. Bake for 35-40 mins until the cake is cooked through. Insert a skewer to the centre to check – it should come out clean. If there is any wet cake mixture on the skewer, return the cake to the oven and bake for 10 mins more, then check again.
Meanwhile, bring the pear poaching liquid back to the boil and simmer until reduced to a glossy syrup. When the pudding is cooked, cool for 5-10 mins, then brush all over with the syrup, saving a little extra to serve alongside, with vegan ice cream, if you like."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - yes, it is me, here, in an afternoon. Forcing myself to sit still for a little while - Toni has said REST and Dad said, take the afternoon off :shock: :roll:
It is good to have Dad back and close to us again Toni. He was not too late, 3 pm is quite good for a discharge and TTO's (to take out) medicines.
He is on the same drug as your neighbour I would think, as his anticoagulant therapy. Finally something that has taken the place of all the bloomin INR blood levels. when on warfarin. Changing doses very few days, what a fuss it was.
Oh we used to have a bowel book, on every ward, just before you finished on a late shift, you had to go round and ask everyone "av ya been" :shock:They were abandoned, in the early 80's as I recall.
Dad was up, dressed, hat and coat at the ready, when we got round there this morning. :shock:He was slow to get moving, swollen ankles, due to lack of mobility. But he was soon chivied along
He said, I think I might like a battered fish sandwich...........we knew he would. So we had an impromptu lunch at the GC. He enjoyed his new found freedom
From there is was to the surgery, to find out what to do about his dressings. As they know us all SO well in there :roll: , one of the Sisters was free in the treatment room, so we went straight down. Dressing changed, can stay on a week, waterproof....... all sutures are internal, take dressing off after a week, job done. Matron will be doing that
No need for D Nurses
Just the meds to sort into blister packs. We are like lightning us two :shock:
Nurse has just rung, popping in to visit Dad, so B has gone round to make sure all is in orderRest, who said rest.....................
Mother is quadrilingual - French Spanish Italian and German as well as English and telepathy :shock: :shock: as all puskins are telepathic from birth.
They enjoyed their fishy latte's at the Nymphs T room. Mother was shrieking when we got in, something about casting spellz in Sleeks gardin :? :? I think Sleek has the gist of it now, there could be fizzing on the perimeter t115006 t115006
Normality will resume, I am ever hopeful. Washer, dryer, ironing, fussing, things to catch up on............After resting, of course :? :roll: :?
Thank you for the t4591 t4591 they are reciprocated
We will all take care Joan, thank you, you two too, thank you for the hugs and kind wordst4591 t4591 t115006
Hi Barbara, glad you liked the waffles, I know Toni left a big mess on the ceiling but it is all cleared up now
It is good that Dad is home and I think we are just about sorted with dressings and pills and the like.
He enjoyed a trip to the GC this morning. Trying to keep him moving, we don't want him with "gone off legs syndrome" which is always a risk.
I hope you friend can get the help he needs to sort out dental work. I will send him some sparkles t115006 t115006
I am afraid pain and depression do go hand in hand, I have been on anti depressants for a long time now. They help, as much as they can. We will be with you for your appointment don't worry about thatt4591 t4591
TTO's, yes Kath, a bit like a take away orderTo take out.
We are glad Dad is home now. We will be there every day to make sure all is ok and make sure he is up and about, do some shopping, lots of coffee's out.........back to normal as possible.
They are nice waffles, loads of cream, lots of messWe didn't have pancakes either.
Thank you for the sticky toffee pear pudding, I will take a large portion, to share of course :? :?
I hope everyone else is ok, hi to Carol and to Mig, thinking of you both. t4591
Time I was moving. Pill time, again. :roll: :roll: I will pop back later.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
A late night hi to one and all
Quiet evening, just relaxing, pottering, browsing.............resting a bit, yes, it's true Toni, resting - even Mother is in shock :shock: :shock:
Taking Dad shopping today, then home, no dining out today.
I won't dilly dally, but I will leave everyone lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Sweet Mixed Fruits and Granola Wraps - nu nu is on.............XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all! Nu nu will have to check the ceilings from now on :oops: granola wraps what a good idea...mmm...yes very tasty!
Dad already been to the GC that is a good signGo him! You can't keep a good man down can you?
One of the times I discharged myself early (Lucy's caesarean) I hadn't 'been' so the put a stethoscope on by belly to listen for 'bowel sounds' lovely :shock: Then I escaped
No we do not want Dad off his legs (or off his feet as they say down south) I don't think you'll let that happen.
You got everything sorted didn't you in one day just a quick shop so that you may feel you can - dare I say it? Rest a little now???
Sleek is happy now Mother came and saw off the land cat. A great big HISSSS!!!! Like I have never heard :shock: :shock: then she secured the perimeter and you're right it does fizz if anything bigger than a bird crosses it :? Sleek can fly of course she is not a land cat :roll:
They are off to the café again later to celebrate Tosca's Grandad's 'release'. Their words not mine!!
I like your definition of TTO's Kath!! So close to the real one! Silly isn't it? Sounds so impressive 'To take out'!!! :roll:
Thank you for being so kind but I'm afraid time catches up on us all!!
Yesterday I spent 2 hours with next door neighbours both in their late 80s but so sweet
Belgian waffle with pears! YUM!!! Ta v muchly!
Barbara waffles are yum Lucy used to love them
My friends husband died of head and neck cancer it started in his throat too - well the bit he could see. He was 44 I think your bro was young too(())
It's lovely that our family is growing now t4591 How lucky are we?
CHOIR tonight!!
Joan baby Daphne is so sweet and smiley it is almost a shame they have to grow up isn't it?!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all not a nice one weather wise..
Aiden fruit pittas very different..I will eat the fruit bit.. so glad that dad is home and recovering and more to the point fancying a fish sandwich bless you say his now found freedom
not much rest then for you and B..maybe when things settle ..or Toni and I will come and fasten you down...glad the nurse has sorted his dressing less thing to worry about...dont worry about any cleaning I will send Niamh round ..duster and all..
I remember well the nurse asking have you had a movement ..this would have been the 1960s..all was regimented but you felt so safe..
Thankyou for being there..I will try the counseling ..some is on the comp then you have a chat with the therapist after..I dont feel that depressed really ..but I am impressed with our surgery arranging it
Toni you discharged yourself after Lucy caesarean... :shock: you all over..I haven't had one but look after my neighbour while her ex worked ...not very nice thing to go through..
The throat cancer is a terrible brother was 60..
Like Kath I dont think you will ever look your age..
Kath sticky toffee pear pudding is just up my street..with thick custard not creamthankyou..
Right better make a move..going to look for curtains ..the ones that have ring and go stright on the pole..much easier than the hooks
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Barbara I will. Be thinking of you just enjoy every day(((((()))))
. Kathleen yes it can be so cold at times ((((((())))))
. Aidan that's good your Dad home where he belongs(((((())))
. Toni lovely having a big family(((((()))
. love to Mig Carol (((((()))))
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Everyone seems to be OK, including dear dad.
So sending love and sparkles to all. t115006 t4591 t115006
Toni, I used to fib and said yes (smiling sweetly but not looking anyone in the eye). :oops:
Sweet Mixed Fruits and Granola Wraps. they look very moreish Aidan, thank you.
Vegan Turkish Delight
1 l water
300 g sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
100 g cornflour
1 tbsp frozen raspberries
1 tbsp rose water
icing sugar (very little) and cornflour (lots) to dust.
In a pot put half of the water (500 ml) with the sugar and lemon juice and bring to the boil. Boil it down until you get a light syrup (here those with the sugar thermometer will go to about 240 degrees, I just waited for the mixture to thicken a little). In another pot mix the remaining water with the cornflour, then bring to the boil and simmer, stirring, until the mixture thickens. Add the hot sugar syrup and stir well.
Now let the pot simmer, without stirring, for at least 30 minutes. More would be good, if you are patient, 45 minutes to one hour is more like the shops do it, but in a home kitchen looking at a bubbling mixture is a little worrying. Still, the more you cook it the harder your Turkish Delights. At the end add a tbsp of rose water, and to colour it, since I try not to use artificial colouring, a few raspberries. The berries will 'melt' in the hot mixture and the little seeds are quite pretty, I think. If you don't like the seeds, just pass the berries through a sieve, and adde the juice only. Pour the hot mixture into a square or rectangular tupperware or similar plastic container (easy to detach the solid block after it sets) and let it cool down and set overnight.
The day after tip out your 'candy' block and cut into pieces. I now understand why when you buy lokum it is full of white powder: it takes lots of cornflour to keep it! To dust it I use a mixture of cornflour and very little icing sugar: if you use too much icing sugar the sweet may 'sweat' and become all sticky! Another problem is humidity: it is very humid here in the Auckland bush, if your sweets seems too 'wet' after cutting them, place them on a oven tray and bake them at 50 on fan for a little to dry. Store them in layers divided with paper, and dust regularly with a mixture of cornflour and icing sugar to keep them dry. Eat within a few days. Turkish Delights are Vegan and Gluten Free.
No recipe for the next one but it looks wonderful."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all
weather not nice here its windy and dull but not actually cold, :? :?
tonight is our fortnightly church meal and I'm glad because as the time gets closer to aunties funeral tomorrow I am really in need of keeping myself busy to stop me thinking to much. I am usually the strong one leading up to funerals but not this time. hopefully after tomorrow things will be different. Mr t is so quiet at the moment conversation is very limited I think maybe he doesn't know what to say without causing any upset I don't know. Think I need a holiday .and some m0150
Went to slimming world weigh in on Tuesday and I had put on 3lb since I last weighed 2 weeks ago so I am now 2lb out of my target. I will say that it is my own fault really ,because with all the things that have gone on since Christmas I have been really off track some of the time. to be honest I'm surprised it is only 2lb over target and not more. I am determined that I will get back in target and from Saturday I must really focus on staying on track. I know you all will all with me under the cloak tomorrow so hope the cloak is ready for action.
must potter now as there are a couple of things need doing before we go out to the church meal.
Love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - cool tonight, starry starry night.............yet another song coming on..........
Hi Toni, lovely granola wraps and nothing on the ceilings either
Yes, Dad is doing ok, more confused, night into day and the like, but we do everything we can to keep things on a level routine, now that he is back home.
After all, it was a major op for an 85 year old and it was very touch and go.............. :? :?
He has come through really well, all things considered
So you discharged yourself early, well, as long as there were bowel sounds, you were fine
Another one of the little tasks we did, listening for intestinal activities - our intestines can get very testy, if they are touched, ie during surgery, you can get an ileus and it all goes to sleep :shock: :shock: it does wake up, but in its own time.
We won't let Dad go off his legs. We were off to the shops in the morning, he did well, slowly got round, with much nattering to all the staff he met.
Dare we say rest, errrrm...................... :? :? a bit.
Mother can do very good hisses, to ward off undesirables ie land cats and Vets of course
I think they had tuna melts in the cafe today, less "whiffy" than the warm fish latte's
We had a catch up with our neighbour, we had not seen her really, since Dad went into hospital, just a quick phone call.
That was after B turfed out his bedroom top to bottom.............we now have a trip to the tip for today's adventure. :? :?
Is it a human thing, that we "must keep that box, just in case" :roll: :roll: :roll: then you end up with them breeding in every wardrobe.
Voile was down at bedroom windows, all in the wash, windows done, much vacuuming by B. Windows opened - oh on, I don't do open windows in my room - too late, spid-- sat on the wall this evening, not huge, but, not welcome :shock: :shock: We need Clarence and Florence, to do a once over.
Glad you enjoyed your natter with the lovely neighbours
I think choir went well, Sleek said the syngyng was verrie gudd :shock:
Hi Barbara - Dad did enjoy his fish sandwich at the GC on Wed. No, we don't rest much, when all said and done. I think you and Toni will have to fix me into a very comfy chair, that turns me, every half hour
Niamh would have had a field day, with all of B's spring cleaning event.
Wards were still quite regimented when I was nursing, certainly in the early days. All the beds had to line up, everyone was sat out at visiting, (if they were well enough). The wards were spotless and smelled of phenolic ( I loved that stuff, shame it was deemed dangerous, after years of us slapping it all over the place :shock: :shock: )
I hope the pain counselling is of benefit, I guess they can always give new ideas for us to try, even if they are not always successful. Pain is never an exact science
Did you get the curtains you wanted ?? It was choir, I think you were there, lots of singing by all accounts t4591
Hi to Joan and Sue, it will be Suesday by now. Dad is home where we can keep an eye on him. We have a new gadget that he can press if he needs us, wears it like a necklace, just hope he remembers to keep it with him. It sends a message straight to my mobile that he needs us. t4591
I think we are all as ok as can be Kath, I hope you are too. Some spare sparkles to keep any ouches at bay. t115006 t115006
So you used to fib, to the nurses, I bet they knew,we have a sixth sense you know
Thank you for the Turkish delight and the other looks just amazing, so we will have to have lots of that too t4591 t4591 t4591
Hi Carol - we will be with you today, at Aunties funeral. Toni has the cloak all prepared. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
I hope you enjoyed the Church meal, as much as you could. It is so difficult before a funeral. We can all share your sadness. Sometimes we cannot always be a tower of strength and have to take some help from others.
I know Mr T will not want to upset you any way.
A holiday would be very nice, with some warm sunshine m0150 says me, who cannot bear to be too warm :roll: :roll:
You will soon have 2lb knocked on the head, don't worry about that. As soon as you feel more settled in yourself.
Hi to Mig, sending lots of love and hugs your way too t4591 t115006 t4591
Waving to everyone else, in and about
Apart from going round to check on Dad, sort out his SOS pendant, then go to the tip, we will be at home :? :? :?
Time for me to have a little potter about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Silver in his Space Age look
French Toast DonutsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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