Val's Cafe
Evening all.very cold here..
Aiden thankyou for the toffee muffins..a change for breakfast
Glad to hear that dads alarm didnt go off again ..they are a brilliant you all got to the GC and on your new road..its good that dad is eating as little more and grumbling at football then he is getting there bless him...I had a steak with mushrooms and onions and plenty of veg and home made chips..I really enjoyed it..the rest has roast dinners including glad we have found the place its only 15 mins away by car...
I will have a look at our council site..were they are building the new houses there are massive holes appearing in the rd..hope they fix the car tomorrow and enjoy costas..
Toni so it was Charleys birthday on Saturday..our middle GD is 18 we have given her money..its whats she wanted to save for an holiday..hope you get your potting shed soon ..nothing more relaxing than potting on plants..
Joan so your 6 weeks is up..hopefully they dont keep you waiting much longer..I hope they keep your shopmobility ..think I said they got rid of ours.. :roll: hi to Sue you pop in whenever you want..its always lovely to hear form you both xx
Kath I like my OH doesn't because they used to feed them to the no new neighbours yet..hope they are ok when they do arrive
I haven't moved today it was so cold and next we have storm..something or other :shock:
Love to everyone
t110007 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
It certainly has been a blustery day Barbara, don't blame you for not going out. t110007 t111055
Storm Gareth I think it is this time round and from the sounds of it, he is well and truly here :shock: t111055 t111055
Warm toffee muffins, yes, perfect for breakfastcomfort food
No more alarms on the phone :shock: We don't mind it going off, as long as when we ring he answers the phone, if not, B will hot foot it round. Just makes me jump, you cannot miss the noise, it is like a ship coming into dock :shock: :shock:
He certainly was a lot brighter and is eating quite well again. The community Pharmacist is coming to his house on Wed afternoon, to go through is meds with him - we will be there and Matron will be all ears
Steak, mushrooms, veg and homemade chips, lovely, sounds very good. Always nice to find somewhere that you can rely on for a well cooked meal and not too far away either. Niamh likes her Sunday roasts bless her t4591
I am sure Lancashire Council are totally fed up with me :roll: :roll:, after 10 years of pointing out road issues. There are so many categories, even abandoned cars, fly tipping etc etc.
I am sure Kwikfit will sort out Beatrice today and Nero's will be a welcome refuge from the rains and winds. t110007 t111055
Happy Birthday to your middle GD t69044 t115006 18, gosh, I can barely remember that far back. I had started my nurse training, just before I was 18. :shock:
I hope everyone else is keeping safe, warm and dry. Take care if you are going out and about.
Mother Glitter Sparkles and Sleek, were having a meet and greet at nap time, they tried the sleepy spell, but it didn't work very well. They love the bigger tv in the bedroom, much better for watching SYTTD. No fishy latte's, just lots of sweets eaten and sharing a magic spell of levitation...............Sleek said that she had been cleaning Pepe's wand............bless hert115006 t115006
Well, time for a potter about. I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Four Cheese Breakfast SouffleXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
Kathleen you go careful in the wind thank you for the recipes.(((((())))))
Aidan go careful I the wind all of you. We wet early having a mug of coffee now((((((()))))))
. Barbara you go steady in the wind. Happy birthday to your granddaughter(((((()))))))
. love to Toni Carol MigG(((((())))))
. take care
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all..wet and windy..not me the weather
Aiden cheese Souffle sounds lovely and how did i miss the chocolate cake yesterday.. :? just one piece left..
Gosh the alarm is like a ship coming in to dock :shock: :shock:I would be petrified of it going off..
good that B could get round there quickish
thankyou for the birthday wishes for our GD..must say I dont remember being 18...Just wished we had seen her on her Birthday but she is at college so coming this weekend..they live around 9 miles away...
good that Bea will be sorted today...
Joan thankyou for the Birthday are kind..I will go careful..just hope its not has windy has they say..take care both of you...
Just been to see the sisters that are in an home..they are really enjoying themselves..its singalong tonightthey look really well..
Tomorrow is my if the cloak free.. :shock:
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all on a Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day t110007 t110007 t111055
just a quick hello, as time is running away.
We went to Kwikfit, they said the tyre problem is something and nothing, they checked the pressures, one was down a bit, which might have upset her computermables. ABS is all working perfectly
The service reminder, she is going to have an interim service next Tuesday, most things have already been done, will be about £100. That's the only way they can legally reset the service schedule on the car. Which is fair enough. We would rather her be kept fully up to date, she will always be worth more, with a full service history.
Anyway, we were not there long, so into Skipton and Nero's beckoned. We seemed to be there for a long time, best place, out of the wind and rain.
Quick stock up on bathroom bits and bobs, a new pair of velcro fastening shoes for moi, then home by 3.
Got straight into the ironing, no way could I leave it. All done
Hi to Joan and to Barbara, it is a very windy day, you are not wrong. Everyone take lots of care, please, it is forecast for over 50 mph winds all night and into tomorrow. Hermione is having kittens :? :shock: and has deactivated the brooms.
Sleek has been over, as there was litter everywhere :roll:
Will catch up later. Love and Sparkles to all XXXXX Aidan
30 years since the WWW was brought into life. Wow, now I feel really old.............. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Caramel Custard Chiffon Cake - Booth is already on warm upXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone.
Late in I’ve been to the hairdressers and caught up on my ironing too – it was getting silly I could hardly see over the top. Ok exaggeration, but still!!
Joan you did well getting out early and back in the dry with a cuppa. All is well with me thanks no walk this morning for me though
Barbara count us in for your counselling. The cloak was swaying earlier (back from checking in on mig) all aired just for YOU!
I am so glad the sisters are happy in the home. Did you sing for them?!!
Aidan I just had time to grab some souffle for breakie before going to the hairdresser’s. Thank you much needed. It has been a blusterous day right enough batten down the hatches for tonight :shock: :shock:
What IS that?!! Caramel custard chiffon? It looks amazing excuse me off to the booth with it….I hope there are spares for everyone else…….SPLATTTT!!!! Extra rinse wash methinks…. Thanks v much.
Glad to hear the tyres are fine and computer can legally be reset soon. I always make sure Dudley has his service annually and his file is up to date as you say it’s good for future resale.
Always good to drop into Nero’s their coffee is the best. New shoes too - a productive trip. 30 years since the interweb was conceived seems like longer! Some good stuff came of it, (meeting you all), a lot not so good… :roll:
Sleek has been moaning on and off all day about the broomsticks I was glad to let her come to yousr for a bit – she brought sweets a large ‘bucket’ (how she says packet, but maybe she actually wants a bucket load!). She said Mother spent some time going through her old Hogwarts exercise books and she learnt quite a few new tips and spells so was much happier when she got back home. :animal_busy:
Hermione has been on and said she will review the weather situation tomorrow. :?
Hope Dad is ok.
Sending love to Carol, mig and Kath too hope all is well with them all ((()))
Toni xx0 -
t110007 t110007 It really is the wild wild woods outside. Quite scary really. Storm Gareth roaring through the trees like a freight train :shock: :?
I hope everyone is keeping safe t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - we were quite lucky really with the weather when we were in Skipton, it was blustery, but the pouring rain had stopped when we arrived.
Glad you were out and back early, to avoid the worst of the weather.
Hi Barbara - I have no idea how you missed the chocolate cake, you managed to get the last piece, phew.
We popped into Dads on our way out to Skipton. Just to let him know that we would be out and away from home, should he need us, (we had neighbours who we could call on).
Of course, the alarm went off, :shock: :shock: when we were in one of the shops, made me jump.
Rang, no answer, so I just let it ring and ring and eventually Dad picked up, he was in bed and must have turned over and pressed the alarm button. I said as long as you are ok, off you go back to bed and finish off your nap.
It will be nice to see your GD at the week end. I am sure you will spoil her
Bea will be sorted, as in interim service and full check up next week. She was well behaved on the way home, no warning lights, she was happy with her tyres obviously
I am so glad that the Sisters are so happy in the care home. Sing along night, I hope they enjoyed it. Sounds like they are having a great time. Bless them both t4591
I am guessing you are having the same super high winds and now the rain is starting again. The river is just at the top of its banks now and the river around Skipton was already flooding the fields.
The cloak is all ready and we will be there, without a doubt. t115006 t4591
Hi Toni, hair is looking very nice indeed, 20 years younger at the very leastWe are due a trim and edge, I feel like I am wearing a felt hat. :?
We both had the same idea about the ironing, it had to be done. I am behind with the bed changes, but that is not the end of the world.
All hatches are battened down, as much as they can be. I suspect there will be a scattering of plants and pots by the morning. It is certainly not a night to be out and about. :? :?
There were plenty of chiffon cakes, I guessed you would be off to the booth in an instant. They are just perfect for face planting.
New shoes, yep, I will wear them today, when we go to Sainsb. They are very comfy.
Nero's is always a pleasure and yes, they do do some of the best coffee.
I was reading about the man who invented the WWWeb. He was saying how many amazing things it has created over the years, how it has shrunk the world and imparted endless knowledge. He was sad that it has also brought a dark side though.
Mother has been shrieking, I think the weather is not good for puskins, they are sensitive to vibrations and inclement weather. Sleek was very generous with her bucket of sweets, there was a lot of munching at siesta time. It was hard to nap with the wind howling round :? :?
The Nymphs are all locked up, safely, in their underground home, the ravine will have a lot more water in now, so they are busy away with weaving, while the weather is "blustery" :shock: :shock:
Mother has taught Sleek a new spell, not quite sure what it is, her lesson books are invisible when I try and read them :? :? :roll: :roll:
Hermione has seen our weather and 45 mph winds for today, so she is keeping the brooms locked for now. I think things calm a little later in the day. There is still some snow on Pendle, must be super blowy up there :shock:t110007
Hi to all our other friends. Carol, Kath, Mig, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, SW Toady and all.
Special thoughts to all and especially for Mig t4591 t115006
Time I was moving about and pottering.
The community pharmacist is coming to see Dad this afternoon, of course we will be there too. So, out, shopping and back. Might not get on until late evening..............
B has just been outside, to put the lid back on the storage box, the wind has snapped the hinge on one side. t110007 Large heavy plant pot, now on top. :roll: :? :?
Lots of love and sparkles to all, take lots of care t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Yoghurt topped Cherry Almond Breakfast CakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh Aidan cherry topped breakfast cake
Thank you! Nu nu!!
I bet Dad was as shocked as you the alarm going off while he was napping nd you so far away :shock: I hope the community pharmacist is helpful and all meds are sorted and you know how why and when
Shopping as well today and we have Barbara's counselling session to go to. Never fear the cloak will pick you up whichever aisle you might be in
Nasty looking day out there Paul had tried to secure everything before bed last night like B so fingers crossed we are all ok :? The nymphs will be just fine.
I've been to the sanctuary to find all is well there with the animalsJohnny had battened down their hatches and turned up the heat for those who get cold. Left a wheelbarrow of fruit I expect Carol will drop more off when she gets 5 mins....
Sleek is practising her new spell quite happily, but is being rather secretive about it although I suspect it's a fun one really :?
The ironing had to be done although I did some more washing and created some more too :roll: :roll: I do quite enjoy it listening to an audio or with some rubbish telly on TVNothing like a pile of neatly ironed stuff and hangers full of pressed shirts
Joan I hope you and Sue are ok in this blustery weather take care t110007
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Aidan Barbara
Toni it's nice listening to music when you are doing thing's it gets done quicker(((((())))
. Aidan I bet that was worrying the alarm going off while you was shopping (((((((())))
. Barbara you tell the councillor everything never mind if it sounds silly we will be there((((((()))))))
. take care all don't let the wind take you
. love to Kathleen Carol Mig
. joan. xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Went to Co-op this morning, and got blown home. My goodness, do I hurt now. Jonathan and Dawn popped round last night with home made chocolate liquers. Rum, Amaretto, Baileys and one starting with a P.
Fire cracker Vegan lettuce wraps
For the Firecracker Sauce:
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/3 cup sesame oil
1/4 cup rice vinegar
2 tablespoons chili paste (like sambal oelek) ++ for more firecrackery-ness
2 tablespoons sugar
a small knob of fresh ginger, peeled
a clove of fresh garlic, peeled
For the Lettuce Wraps:
1 container extra firm tofu (see notes)
4 ounces brown rice noodles
lettuce leaves for wrapping
peanuts, cilantro, lime for serving
Noodle Prep: Soak your noodles in a bowl of lukewarm water for at least 30 minutes while prepping the rest of the recipe. You want the noodles to be soft and flexible.
Sauce: Blend all the sauce ingredients together in a small blender or food processor until smooth and creamy.
Tofu: Press the tofu with a few paper towels to get some of the moisture out. Cut the tofu into small pieces. Heat a little oil in a nonstick skillet. Add your tofu. Stir-fry until golden brown. I usually let it sauté for at least 15 minutes. Add about half of the sauce to the pan. Stir-fry for another 3-5 minutes. As the sauce browns, it will form small crispy pieces around the tofu. Yum! Transfer tofu to a bowl.
Noodles: Drain and rinse your noodles. Add another swish of oil to the pan and plop the noodles in. Add about half of the remaining sauce. Stir fry for just a minute or two until coated. Add a splash of water if it’s too sticky. Remove from heat immediately and toss with the tofu.
Lettuce Wrap It Up: Fill your butter lettuce leaves with the noodle/tofu mixture (it’s okay if it’s sticky – you’re just wrapping it up in lettuce). Top with peanuts, cashews, cilantro, scallions, lime, and/or Sriracha if you want. YUM YUM YUM!
t110007 t110007 t110007 t111055 t111055 t110007 t110007 t110007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all..thankyou for the cloak duties..she had a long talk to me then I had to get on the comp with earphones and listen and tick boxes..50 mins in all but a bit of a waste of time, has they are changing it all over in April..a new modual I think she said so this was just a I am back on the 3rd of April..must say it left me shattered..
Aiden glad you didnt have to much damage and the lid is back on the the alarm went off again... :shock: glad that dad was ok and just turning overbless..
Car is sorted and you have new shoes..nice when they are comfy from the word gothankyou for all the food you left especially the Caramel Custard caramel custard
Toni I like your Aiden says iot takes 10 years off you..please give me the name of them..ironing ..I try not to think about it..but will have to get stuck in ..saying that my OH is now a dab hand
Kath the exercises are brilliant thankyou...I miss going to the gym but do what I can...
Joan you are kind ..I go back in April when they have the new course up and running..8 weeks it is..
This wind has got up again ..I can hear it ear plugs again tonight
better move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591 t110007Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, late, as usual - a very t111055 night, still pretty windy as well.
Glad you liked the breakfast cake Toni, cherries are always a bonues and one of our five a day, just like currants, in scones
I think Dad has the alarm sussed now, he had two pendants on, so one was pressing the alarm one.
It is silent when he presses it, the racket comes from my phone and scares me silly :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
The pharmacist was very nice, she went through all his meds with Dad (and us) she is going to get them dispensed in blister packs, we all think it will be better for him and we can see that he is taking things when he should.
He has had a shower, so his dressings have now come off. They said to leave them off at the surgery, but Matron knows best and has replaced the one on his calf, with a sterile dry dressing, just for protection. It is all clean and healing well, all the sutures are internal.
The cloak did whisk me off to be with everyone at Barbara's appointment for pain counselling.
I hope all your garden things were ok, Paul have battened everything down. Loads of small branches down, on the road off the park. Fortunately no trees had fallen.
The Nymphs are ok, they have been on the crystal ball, talking to Mother, Sleek and Mrs Darcey. All the girls gathered here for sweets and latte's while we were out at Sainsb. Apparently the new magic spell t115006 t115006 has something to do with food and drinks. :? :?
Ironing is ok. My Mum used to iron everything, pants, socks :shock: :shock: even dish cloths. I like the end results, hanging up all neat and tidy
Johnny and the vets seem to have everything under control in the Sanctuary. The meerkats were very deep underground, in their heated burrows.
All the lovelies were safe and Carol will be along with more fruits and goodies, asap.
Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are ok and there was no damage done in the storm. Keep safe and dry.
It was a bit of a shock when the alarm went off and we were 20 miles away. It was a false alarm thank goodness and Dad was ok.
Blimey Kath, you were brave going to the CoOp mi duck, berrit blew ya to bits :shock:t110007
It is hard work walking when it is so windy. Some magic squares for the ouchies. t115006 t115006 t115006
You did have some wonderful treats from Jonathan and Dawn, homemade choccies with lots of tipples. Bet they were good and not for sharingt4591
I could not get the link to work, it came up with an error page :? :?
Firecracker Lettuce Wraps look and sound delicious, thank you kindly.
Hi Barbara, it was a pleasure to be with you at your pain counselling session. Always good to talk about things, then nearly an hour answering questions on the computer :shock: :shock: I tried not to nod off
Only to find out that the new module will be coming out in April :roll: :roll:
I would guess some of it was going over things that you may well have gone over many times in the past, with pain clinics etc. I guess they all try to help as much as they can.
I hope you had chance to put your feet up while Mr B got on with the ironing - he is well trained, blesst4591
We did come off lightly I think, with the storm blowing through. It was pretty scary, you can hear the trees clattering together t110007 :shock: :shock:
The river is super high and if the weather forecast is right, we are going to have three more days of rain, by which time it will flood the road in the village I am sure.
No false alarms with Dads SOS pendant today, mind you, we were there for most of the afternoon, I was fussing in the kitchenAs I do. Dad always says come and sit down, but the sofa and chairs are too low, so I am better in the kitchen, either pottering, or sat at the table. If I sit on the sofa it takes an age to launch me off :shock: :shock:
Beatrice is happy at the moment, no warning lights and she will be serviced on Tuesday, so they can reset the reminder that comes up each time she starts.
The caramel custard chiffon, was a big hit, or in Toni's case, a big SPLAT
New shoes are very comfy, cushion walk I think they are called. I didn't wear them in the rain though
Hi to Carol, hope you and yours are all ok, I bet you have been quite busy and getting back to a more normal routine t115006 t115006 t4591
Hi to Mig, sending abundant hugs and positive vibes t4591 t4591 t4591
Time I was pottering some more. At home today, hair cuts, If I can drop enough hints
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006
Take care all XXXX Aidan
Spanish TortillaXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Laptop doing updates so a quick visit to say hello will pop back later.... :roll:
At least all seems to be well with us all atm.
Joan I agree music is really helpful when you're working
Its chucking it down again so not much chance of a walk for me. Hope it's not too wet for dog walking or wearing new shoes...
Kath stay in the dry!! I love lettuce wraps! Thanks
Barbara I'm sure the new module won't be much different and the fact it tired you is a sign it's not the spot oddly.
Aidan just grabbing some tortilla thank you
Ideal day for a haircut!
I have posted something funny on migs thread do take a peep.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
. Kathleen that's good storm Gareth did not take your hat I thought he was going to take mine this morning((((((()))))))
. Barbara did you feel pleased after seeing the lady I hope's it helps not long till April((((((()))))))
. Aidan that's good your Dad's leg healing you know best. sue has joined Facebook are you on there((((((()))))
. Toni I hope all of you have a good day it's raining on and off here
we've just got back from our walk(((((())))))
. take care all
. joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Sorry the link didn't work, will try again.
:animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Joan, Gareth tried his best to whip my hat off. I felt the bobble tweak.
Toni, you write a great song, I loved it.
Aidan, so glad dad is healing nicely. You're like me, keep it clean and keep it covered. I'm tucking into some Spanish Tortilla, thank you.
Barbara, don't know what to say, waste of their time and more importantly, a waste of your time. t115006 t115006
Vegan Potato bacon and cheese soup Ingredients
1 head cauliflower, split in half 2 large (or 3 medium) russet potatoes, about 1 1/4 pounds total 3 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil 3 tablespoons coconut or palm oil or vegetable shortening 1 large leek, chopped 2 stalks celery, finely chopped 6 scallions, thinly sliced, white and green parts reserved separately 4 medium cloves garlic, thinly sliced Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 chipotle pepper packed in adobo sauce, finely chopped, plus 1 teaspoon adobo sauce 1 cup roasted cashews 1 quart almond or cashew milk 1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke (optional) Up to 2 cups Hearty Vegetable Stock or water 1 bunch minced fresh chives 1 recipe chopped Crispy Vegan Mushroom "Bacon", for serving 1 cup steamed broccoli florets, for serving Vegan sour cream, for serving (if desired) Extra-virgin olive oil, for serving
Directions 1. Adjust oven rack to center position and preheat oven to 400°F. Toss cauliflower and potatoes in vegetable or canola oil and transfer to a parchment or foil-lined rimmed baking sheet. Use a wooden skewer to poke 6 holes in each potato. Roast cauliflower and potatoes until potatoes show no resistance when a wooden skewer is pressed through them, about 1 hour.
2. Meanwhile, heat shortening, coconut, or palm oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat until melted. Add leek, celery, scallion whites, and garlic, season with salt and pepper, and cook, stirring frequently, until very soft but not browned, about 10 minutes, lowering heat as necessary to prevent browning. Add paprika and chipotle pepper along with adobo sauce and stir to combine. Stir in cashews and transfer to a large bowl. Set aside until cauliflower and potatoes are cooked.
3. When potatoes and cauliflower are cooked, transfer cashew mixture to the jar of a blender. Add cauliflower, discarding any green leaves and the central fibrous stem. Add almond milk and liquid smoke (if using). Peel half of one potato and add to blender. Blend, starting at lowest speed and increasing to high until completely smooth, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a large pot through a fine mesh strainer.
4. Split remaining potatoes in half and press through a ricer or food mill directly into the pot of soup. Whisk by hand or with a hand mixer until potato is thoroughly incorporated and soup is smooth. Thin to desired consistency with Hearty Vegetable Stock or water, then season to taste with salt and pepper. For smoother soup, blend with a hand blender, but do not over-blend or it will become gluey. Soup can also be made smoother by pressing through a fine mesh strainer with the bottom of a ladle.
5. Stir in chives and half of mushroom bacon, reheat until simmering, and serve immediately, topping with vegan bacon, broccoli florets, scallion greens, vegan sour cream, and drizzling with olive oil."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, it is m0150 m0150 after a night of pouring rain. Cool, but a lovely day, so far
Still breezy, I think Gareth was lurking around, for longer than anticipated...........if it tweaked Kath's Bobble :shock: :shock: that's a sure sing of a storm
My Pc was doing "updates" the other night, at 1am it decided to start :roll: :roll:
Hope they are all up and running smoothly Toni.
I think we are all plodding along, pottering, keeping going, doing bits and bats and fussing, as we do
I will wear my new shoes tomorrow, when we go to the GC, come rain or high water, (which there probably will be)
I think I did nod off while Barbara was doing the endless questions on the computer. Not my thing at all. I would have lost the will and left, sitting for nearly an hour, in one spot, not a chance.
Hope you liked the tortilla
I am now looking SO young, I don't recognise myselfBoth of us are not coiffured. I must be on the longest apprenticeship in living history, 19 years as a salon junior :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Loving the post on Migs threadDorbanex was the best thing, but they banned it many years ago, not sure if it back on the market again, with "offending" ingredient removed. :? :?
Most people got some "opening medicine", as par for the course, every other night, Sister would mix a cocktail of dorbanex, liquid parrafin and lactulose. :shock: :shock: :shock: you just hoped you were on late shift, the next day:shock:
Sleek came over, early doors. There was a regular latte on the dressing table :shock: so I am wondering if the new spell, is to create drinks, for hoomans as well as puskins. t115006 t115006 The sweet dish is nearly empty again :roll: :roll: I could hear them being pinged like a pea shooter
Hi Joan and Sue. Gareth nearly had your hat as well, goodness, no one is safe :? :? t110007
Dads leg is healing well, I know they said it can be left, but I would rather keep an eye on things and a dry dressing is doing no harm. Legs / shins etc are very easily knocked.
I am on facebook, Sue is welcome to find me and click on the add friend link. I will PM you.
Hope you were dry on your walk, even if it was a wee bit breezy :shock:
Hi Kath, thank you, the new link works fine now, that is my kind of work out
How rude of Gareth, to tweak your bobble and try to remove yer at. :shock:
Yep, keep it clean, keep it covered and protect it from knocks and bumps. Reminds me, I must add, dry dressings, to shopping list.
Glad you enjoyed the tortilla'sThank you for the vegan soup, it looks delicious, I will butter some crusty bread
It is choir tonight, so Barbara will be getting ready, via the shed, of courseMind you don't get locked in. Sisters Euphemia and Inviolata will be there as well
Hi to Carol and Mig t4591 t4591 and to all our friends on the forum.
I had better do some pottering. Catching up nicely with the laundry, beds all done, just one more load of washing, after hair cuts and showers, they need a good wash and tumble, to get the tiny hairs off, we don't want the itches :shock:
Love and Sparkles to everyone in and about. t4591 t115006 Will call back later - XXX Aidan
Fresh Fruit Custard TartXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..late again and not done much..
Aiden I have only ever had Spanish Tortilla once many years ago ..thankyou it brought back memory's..and fersh fruit custard tart with a cuppa..
Sorry you fell asleep under the cloak ..I could hear you all snorring awayincluding me..but must say the young lady is lovely to talk to..I have never been one for talking to family ..or putting on them
So glad to hear that dads legs is doing ok..and if you think he needs the dressing on then so be it...and he has got the hang of his buzzer...must say you do look nice with your hair cut ..even if it was down to the our sons , he will not let his grow..
we have had a very windy day again but at least the sun came out..
Toni is this the big update again,the one they put off for a while..must say I did feel more relaxed when I came out of the sessionchoir tonight I will be there..
save me a biscuit or two
Joan the young lady was lovely..thankyou..and I have added Sue to my facebook..hopefully she will see it..
Kath yes a bit of a waste of time but hopefully the new one will be ok..try anything once I saythink I might just try the soup recipi in my soup the bacon gives it a lot of flavour..thanks
Better go the lady that does roast to your door is doing Thursday now and she ..a choice of cottage pie with veg..lasagne with salad and chicken in sauce with roast potatoes..and she doesn't put much salt in at all...Im having cottage pie and oh chicken in sauce..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi everyone
I have been having a laptop free social media sort of low contact free few days getting my head back into the place I did have a couple of bushbabies about for a few days being very attentive and cuddly did you miss them. actually it has I had lost interest in almost everything except adult colouring by numbers on my ipad with all what has gone on the last 2 months I was doing my usual things but not really enjoying them. but I am now getting my interest back into things again. Kath Florence has been very good with her training she disappeared for a while today in her hooman disguise so she didn't scare those who don't like to see her. think she may have come over to see if Clarence was keeping his training up too. I see lots of things have happened in the café too many things to remember. So I will not try.
My GD put this picture on fb today of our Gorgeous Rubie who is now 7 months old cannot believe how quickly time has gone. and Rubie 2018.jpg?dl=0
Also tomorrow we should know whether our next great Grandchild will be a boy or a girl as their scan is due.
Tomorrow me and Mr t will be having our usual dinner out and after I will meet my friend that's if I don't get a call in the morning
to say she can't make it as I am sort of expecting her to do, as I think I annoyed her at knitting group yesterday when I reacted rather sharply when she interrupted a conversation I was having with another member about what she was knitting, and my so called friend decided to interrupt us to tell her the same thing as I had already been explaining. :roll: :roll: anyway we will see what happens tomorrow.
I managed to get back into target at Slimming world on Tuesday I needed to loose 2lb to get back to top of target range I managed to loose 2 and a half so my target member and diamond member record has not been destroyed I was a very happy bunny to say the least.
Hope you like the picture of Rubie it really made me smile when I saw it.
Kath Florence has been very good and keeping up with the training, she did disappear for a while today I have suspicions that she popped over to see Clarence in her hooman disguise so that she wouldn't scare peeples think she was checking up that he was doing his training too.
hope you are all as well as can be expected.
I think its time for a little potter and a cup of tea.
So love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - it's raining again - tra la la................ :roll: :roll: t111055
Hi Barbara, glad you enjoyed the tortilla's and they brought back happy memories t4591
Having a day doing not a lot, is a joy. One day, we might have some :? :?
apologies for falling asleep under the cloak, most embarrassing :oops: :oops: Kath was snoring, as we know, I never snore :? :? :?
I understand about talking to someone about health / pain / etc is very different when they are impartial and not related. I was just the same when I saw a pshychologist for over a year. I never really discussed what was said, even with my GP.
I hope the new module is of benefit, the lady sounds lovely, it is a skill to be able to listen to another person.
I will check Dads leg again today. Only three false alarms on Thursday with his SOS caller. We ring immediately, he answers and says, yes, I am fine, why :? :? :shock: I would rather the false alarms than he not wear the pendant.
So you recognised me :shock:, even though I look so much younger, with my hair "down to the wood".
I like your Son, on my wavelength, with hair cuts
My PIP alopecia patch, is starting to grow little hairs back, all pure white :shock: Thanks pip. It has taken from October, to now, to start to grow.
It has been windy here too, sunny for the most part though. Saturday is looking to be a very wet and windy day :roll: :roll: but, next week, no rain and a little warmer
Sleek said that the syng yng was very nice at the kwyre :shock: :? t115006
I hope you both enjoyed the dinners, sounds wonderful. The lady is obviously extending her catering days.
Hi Carol - You have had a rough couple of months and it is very draining and stressful, no wonder you have not felt like doing your usual things.
Good to hear that you are getting back into normal activities though. Some extra sparkles t115006 they will help, along with the bush babies.
No, don't try and remember everything that has gone on in the cafe, it never works - :?
A lovely picture of Rubie, 7 months already, goodness me, we really need to gather some time back, from the shed. So much of it goes missing.
Exciting, finding out if your next GGC will be a boy or girl
Enjoy your meal out with Mr T and hopefully your friend will turn up for coffee. Butting in on conversations can be most annoying, especially when you are feeling pretty fragile.
We knew you would have no trouble getting back into target at SWorld.
We like happy bunnies
hi to everyone else, I hope choir went well Toni, Sleek said the hoomans were in fyne voyce -
Mother Glitter Sparkles ate a few too many sweets at nap time, you can guess the restapart from that she is fine. A few more lugs removed, much to her displeasure. No doubt Sleek will hear about it. :roll: :roll:
Off to the GC this morning, then some shopping. Dad likes the GC, he always says it feels like home, bless him t4591 t4591
Time for a little potter. A few pots to throw about. :shock:
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 take care, keep dry, I think it is storm Hannah that is on the way :roll: :roll: t111055 XXXX Aidan
Monkey Bread MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Lovely a monkey bread muffin to get the day off to a good start - ] Aidan
Oh yes Mother told Sleek something had been put in her dinner which made her 'a tad unwell' She is a very dignified cat isn't she? Kwyre went well Barbara came and brought biscuits with her toovery welcome indeed!
The sisters were there and my neighbour too synging well no sign hardly at all that she even had a CVA!
Sleek is still not allowed out on her broomstick Hermione has been in touch and will review later today. Both cats are allowed to go to the nymphs café for a latte as some visitors are coming to see the rainbow droplet and want to meet the VIC who caught it! Sleek will bask in reflected glory as you can imagine and has got a cloak ready to hide Tosca's 'haircut'
Talking of haircuts you do look 10 years younger - maybe even 20. The PIP patch is recovering? That is good ((()))
I agree it's best that Dad has his pendant false alarms are better than not getting one when needed :shock:
Enjoy the GC this morning
Kari's laptop was updating too so it was all of us :roll:
Still no idea what the new spell is for, but Sleek is dead chuffed about it :? Drinks for us would be good :animal_busy:
Carol I am glad your interest in life is coming back. You have had a rough time lately so don't beat yourself up about it - just go with it. Colouring in books are therapeutic.
Clarence may have been here I did see a 'visitor' and then he was gone!
Bushbabies were over yes but back here in the warm now with the heating on
What a happy baby Rubie is t4591 totally irresistibleI bet you can't wait to see what the new baby will be either. So much to look forward to.
Back at target already!! You are so good at that you ought to be a leader!
I hope your friend behaves if she comes out - she needs to know when NOT to interrupt! Honestly your Mum taches you that when yo are very small :roll: :roll: Enjoy your meal with Mr T
Barbara I am the same I won't 'moan' to family they don't need it do they? Mine know anyway and I find listening to other's problems/lives distracting and helpful. Glad the session relaxed you
I shan't say who was snoring, but I promise I was awake!
Thanks for the biccies we are singing in Church on 31st I think Mothering Sunday.
Gareth did the same to me Kath!! My bobble was wobbling this way and that like Noddy I was!!
Glad you liked the p** song!!
Loving the latest vegan offering thank you
Joan/Sue Gareth tried to take my hat too he was a nuisance :x It's not raining here, but still windy poor dogspoor you
Better get on Tia will be over later to talk wedding hair...
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Everyone
Please Can Joan and I have pocket duty. Joan goes in for her op on Tuesday there was a cancellation. I will write to you all every day.
Thank you for all that you all do for us
Love to everyone
Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Aidan, odd the link worked AFTER I HAD DELETED IT. :shock: I think Silver had something to do with it. BTW, many thanks for all the goodies.
Sue, we will be happy to be with Joan for pocket duties (Our cloak will make sure we get there on time).
Carol, well done for getting back on target with SW, and regaining your interest in life. Yes, I did notice Florence pop under the front door in her hooman disguise. I'm very pleased with them both. They checked under all our cupboards to make sure we had no unwelcome visitors while they were here. Bless.
Toni, I don't think it was me snoring. Me hips and ribs are giving me right gyp. :? I think because I've shrunk somewhat, all me bones are grinding together, so what with OA and costo on top of that - YOWL! :roll: Makes eating difficult too.
Sending our Babs love and hugs.
Ingredients mixed frozen berries 200g icing sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice a squeeze plain flour 150g caster sugar 2 tbsp baking powder 2 tsp salt a pinch vanilla extract a dash unsweetened almond milk 150ml vegetable oil ½ tbsp
Method STEP 1
Tip the berries into a small pan with the icing sugar and lemon juice, and cook for 5-10 minutes or until saucy. Keep warm.
Tip the flour, caster sugar, baking powder and salt into a bowl, and mix to combine. Pour in the vanilla and almond milk, and whisk to fully combine.
Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat with 2 tsp of oil. Swirl the pan so the oil coats the entire surface, and carefully wipe clean with kitchen paper. Add a heaped tbsp of batter to the pan and cook the pancakes in batches for 3-4 minutes on each side. Keep warm in a low oven while you cook the rest.
Serve the pancakes with the compote."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - cool and very windy again t110007
I wanted to add my sincere condolences to the families of those who have been killed or injured, in the mass shootings in New Zealand. Absolutely horrific.
Hate can never win. t115006
So Mother was thinking that her dinner had been doctored to make her a littlenothing to do with shovelling sweets in :roll: :roll:
Glad the kwyre went well Toni and all the ladies sang well, Barbara bringing extra biscuits too........... t4591
Your neighbour is an inspiration, so glad that she is going to choir and doing everything she can, all credit to her t4591 t4591 I will send some magic squares
Sleek and Mother did go to the Nymphs cafe, there were visiting Nymphs from Sherwood Forest, who were in awe at the rainbow droplet. Sleek was indeed basking in the reflected glory and Mother was giving pawtographs, whilst wearing her faux fur cape, due to Daddy skal pyng her. :roll: :roll:
Thank you, I love a trim and edge, neat and tidy again. Yes, my pip patch is slowly growing pure white hairs, I will be like a Badger :shock:
We picked Dad up this morning, he was a bit pale and interesting, but was moving about ok ish. I made sure he had some pain killers, to good effect. Leg dressing is fine.
We had brunch at the GC, B and Dad had scrambled eggs I had eggs and hash browns on a muffin - with mayo, then a scone, with jam and creamLovely it was too.
Some shopping at Sainsb, then home shortly after 1pm, which is nice, to have the afternoon to catch up and make sure we are up to date with "fussings". B is busy away with his seed beading, ready for a new online shop front. Et** was just swamped with cheap imports from "far away places".
So everyone has now been updated on the PC's, how is Auntie Kari, well I trust. Mrs D is such a gentle puskin, one of few words, but totally adorable. Mother has a soft spot for her. How is Charley's puskin, with the kidney stone operation t4591 t4591
So you had a wobbling bobble, as well as Kath, Gareth really was naughty :shock:
Wedding hair do's oooh, interestingt115006 Sleek will be keeping Mother updated and of course it is SYTTD tonight with the wonderful D Emanuel
Sue, of course you will have us all there with you and Joan, when she goes in for her operation on Tuesday. We can all be in several places at once with the magic cloak and we would not miss keeping an eye, for the world. t4591 t4591 Toni will have the cloak prepared in good time.
I know it is short notice for you, but, I guess better to get things done and over with, then on with mending. (((())))
Hi Kath, I did see the link on FB, then saw your post on here.Silver did have something to do with it, magic happens t115006 t115006
You are welcome to all the goodies, likewise, for all the wonderful foods you prepare
We are all shrinking, which certainly doesn't help with the bones / joints etc. Sending a huge wave of magic sparkles to help with the bloomin ouchies that are hounding you. t4591 t115006 t115006
Eating can indeed be painful, some magic toothpaste is in the bathroom, you will be sparklingt115006 ((()))
The pancakes look delectable, I might have to try a few........... :? :?ta muchly mi duck.
Hi to Barbara - hope you and yours are ok, now, is Niamh coming over later, I think so, to keep you on your toes. There is some dusting to do here, if she is short of jobs
Is it chips tonight, have not heard you mention Mr B cooking his wonderful chippiesIf so, I will pick Toni up and we will be over, if that's ok.
Hi to Mig and to Carol, Christine, Kerrin Elizabeth, Toady, DD, SW and all.
Pills time, to I will away. Need to potter a while.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 Everyone take care, will pop back later XXXX Aidan
Italian Cream Puffs - one at a time pleaseXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all on my phone niamh is watching a film on my laptop
Sue of course we will all be under the cloak..and wishing our lively Joan speedy recovery..I'm glad its sooner rather than later..nothing worse than the waiting kath thanks for the recipe ..sounds lovely..not nice when you have pain when you eat xx
Toni your neighbour is so brave getting to choir.. good on is much easier talking to someone who is trained in listening ..ooh wedding hair how exciting..
Aiden I know how dad feels going to the GC ..bless him ..glad he enjoyed it..all of you come to that..he really is doing well with you in charge..and your hair is growing back..the dwp have a lot to answer for..I hope B does well with wherever he sells..he really deserves to
Carol Rubie is adorable..what a lovely smile..and you will soon find out what your next ggc will be..glad you are feeling more yourself..and hopefully your friend will see that she shouldn't interrupt..and meet up with you
Right better go
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
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