Val's Cafe
Morning everyone!
the awning is up and running although I already seem to have 'broken' the controller :oops: :oops: waiting for a call-back then I'll take you a pic... m0150
Joan and Sue I hope you enjoy your meal out and it's not too hot
Aidan, Sleek has been over to see Mother early doors and took Lucy's old chillow (the one she sits on) so she could take her out while it was still cool. Just around Pendle. Seaside tomorrow if it's cool enough. They enjoy it there at Lytham don't they no problem about rain they will enjoy it? Tosca gave her sound advice regarding death (like she has to from time to time :roll: ) which helped. She's more settled.
She knows we have to wait for the foonerol. I agree it's too long these days. I think there are just too many of us now :roll:
Yesterday helped a lot because the dress fitting went well (fan on, still hot for Tia) still fits like a glove just length up a tidge. I needed the hankie:oops:
Same here on the way back from choir my neighbours and I got all excited for nothing. Mind you drops were the size of old 2d pieces!
It is cooler today though aircons are on already.
Got out of the dress shop and into the courtesy car it read 41 deg so I took a pic. It will go down I though but no.....
it went UP!!!
Poor Dudley is still ill :? the IPDM?? so I am in the cool micra in bright orange :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thank you for the candles and that moon with the rainbow and sparkles lovely just lovely ((()))
Thanks for the oats I love overnight oats
I think it's for the best for Aunt and Uncle to come another time it was far too hot. Choir was almost unbearable. WE had a little party for my neighbour (of the 50 years married couple) for his 75th which had been on Monday
Barbara got there and knew the songs too! No sign of the sisters I think Mother superior has them on lockdown now :?
Memory clinic today for Dad - I wonder how many actually do forget to go :shock: Fingers crossed.
That is the perfect spot for the angel pic it looks lovely there t4591 t115006
Carol D day has arrived I hope the little boy decided to be prompt in his arrival it's just so hot for her :?
Wise to avoid 2 extra buses and to sit inside the cool café knitting for 3 hours sounded perfect. Purl-fectIts this what you are knitting for the baby?
I have no idea what our official temps were here, but all I can say it HOT see link above. To be fair that was in the sun in the car aircon on full-blast.
I loved your pinkie pic too Mr T has a cheeky side! and thank you for your kind wishes ((()))
Barbara thank you for your kind wishes tooit's bad these delayed funeral isn't it? As Aidan says it delayed moving forwards.
Poor Niamh! To hot for her bless her m0150
Glad husband's results are in make sure you go with him so you know what's going on. You know men and health issues :roll:
Kath my computer did the same yesterday!! Sooooooo infuriating :x
Yes please several baby orangutans I will help feed them t4591 t4591 t4591 we WILL help them.
I hope you and Chris are cool enough. I see we were posting at the same time!!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - cooler, not cool chilly cool, but better, a lot better. I think the temp yesterday broke all records 101- something degrees F. :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue, don't worry Sue, Friday will always be Suesday now, even if you are busy
The weather has been "interesting" to say the least. Thursday was more like Miami, in the height of summer. Good that it is going to cool down to more normal levels, it was dangerously hot and people do silly things like jump into rivers and lakes :? :?
I hope you are both ok and enjoyed your trip out and had a lovely meal in the pub(((())))
Hi Kath, ooo, signs of life next door, did you, or Chris manage to glean any information, not being nosy at all, just that we like to know :?
We have had some rain this evening and there is yet another weather warning, for rain this time. I am not sure why there has to be a warning, for every possible weather situation, :roll: :roll: rain is rain.........we need rain badly.
I have seen some of the orphaned orangutans from Borneo, their forests being decimated............I was so upset I had to turn it off in the end. It was a while back.
The work that the good and brave people do, to save the orphans and fight for their habitat, is priceless. t4591 t4591
Oh what a virus mankind is to this beautiful planet. We have wiped out more species in the last century than we could ever count. So so sad.
I see you enjoyed a melange of treats, but saved the tatties and mushrooms, as a separate dishDidn't Carol and Mr T look great, at the T room. Pinkies perfectly poised.
Did I see dark chocolate truffles - a million thank you's, I am in there and don't know when to stop
Hi Toni, the awnings are up, yippe, I bet they are lovely and I see you have broken them already :? :? :roll: :roll: :roll:I am sure it is just a "glitch".
Sleek was saying to Mother that there were awnyngs up and Mummy had browked it
They enjoyed a trip round Pendle, much lightning over on the hill on Thursday night, we watched it for a while, very dramatic. No rain though and it was SO hot.
Mother is very pragmatic when it comes to life events. She was explaining to Sleek that when we pass, it is a new beginning, it is not the end. t115006 t115006
Indeed, the trip to Lytham is still on. Hermione has opened a gate, if they chose not to fly - but knowing Sleek, she will be in her wet weather gear and off into the distance.
It seems quite common now, for funerals to be weeks after someone has passed away. You are right, there are too many of us on this small island, what is the population - 66.5 million, as of 2018. :shock: :shock: Oh My Goodness.................
Glad that Tia's dress fitting went well, just slight alteration to the length - of course you needed your tissues t4591 t4591
It has been cooler, but the AC has been on since we came home, at nearly 4pm. There is a lot of residual heat after this latest hot blast.
Down to 22 indoors, which is fine.
45 degrees in the car. That is stupidly hot. We had that in France in 2003, it was scary.
Good that the AC in the little Micra is working well, even if it is dayglow orange :shock: :shock: Dudley has IPDM - errrm, not quite sure what that is :? :? Found it.
IPDM Intelligent Power Distribution Module There, at least we know all about that now :? :?
Hope he is better soon. We parked near to a Dudley Juke today, in grey, looked very nice too
I loved that moon and the sparkles, you are very welcome to candles, keeps the mind focused. t4591
I thought it might be a tad warm at choir !! Sounds like a pleasant little party for your neighbours too.
Barbara was there, I bet she was melting. The Sisters are grounded, until they can stop doing jazz hands and singing Vegas style
We had a long day, it was a bit heart in mouth, going round to Dads and saying are we ready, for your appointment "what appointment" :roll: :?
Anyway, we got there, B went in with Dad and it was quite apparent that there are problems. The lady who did the assessment was lovely, very clearly spoken and very personable, so Dad liked her. He has agreed to have a brain scan at some point in time. I sat in the vast reception area, only me for the most part............. :shock: hellooooooooooooooooTook about an hour or so.
She will do all her writing and talk to the Consultant and contact Bill first.
From there is was back to base and to the GC for a late lunch, it was packed, but most people were outside (with the wasps).
After that, it was shopping, then Dad wanted bird food. We eventually got home................
Thank you, the Angel picture is just perfect and we have seen two Orbs already, which are lovely. t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - I hope you have felt a bit cooler today. We will all be there for Mr B's appt on the 1st, as Toni said, men, you know what they are like (myself excluded of course)
Hi Carol - any news on GGs, we are on minus days now.........I bet mum has had more than enough already, dealing with the heat will not have helped.
Well, time I was moving. Boiler service this morning, so up at silly o clock, then meeting B's Brothers and SIL at the T rooms at lunchtime.
Must immaculise beforehand. It has been too hot to do much in the way of housey things.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Pineapple and Mango Breakfast MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
A wet morning! Lovely
Aidan never fear the controller was fixed in the end a man rang me up and talked me through it. I wrote (drew) my own instructions downI managed to show Paul and even got the little lights working! now it is safely away.
Sleek checked it out and it passed her tests :roll: . If it's dry later I will get a pic up for you all to see m0150
They have gone to Lytham I know it's wet here maybe it's dry there? The gate was open so all was well. They did offer to take Darcey, but she declined. Heaven knows what they'll have eaten
Dudley Jukes look very smart in grey don't they? he has red bits inside too console and the like and a sun roof - that's not red!!. Came in very handy recently but does rather ruin your hair. I think Beatrice's must look very glam in grey too!
Barbara was melting at choir, but it's the St James' patronal service tomorrow I hope the sisters area allowed out....but we're doing a gospel medley so might be too risky :?
Oh gosh that was hairy I'm glad Dad went to his apt poor you on your own on those hospital chairs and no-one to natter to :roll: Let's see now what happens. There are treatments that can be tried as you know.
Of course you weren't included in the Dr aversion tricks of most men!! Goodness no! I should have excepted present company sorry :oops:
A long day the GC hopefully recharged the batteries enough for shopping and bird food buying
Good luck with the boiler service I hope it is all fine and the housework :? I did a bit yesterday not a lot though...
Breakfast muffins and 2 of our 5 a day!! Thank you evry much
Rightyho a quick hello to Joan I hope lunch was lovely yesterday?
Any news on that little boy's arrival yet??
Then better get on!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan
. Kathleen so you have signs of life next door I hope they are friendly.((((((())))))
Toni I bet Tia looked lovely in her dress ((((((())))
. Aidan good luck for your Dad's test ((((((()))) how are you those chairs are hard to sit on for a long time(((((((())))
have a good weekend all of you
. take care love to Barbara Carol Mig ((((((()))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..
Sorry wont remember everything my brain is baked..but much cooler today42 in our back garden.. :shock: so glad I didnt have to work in it..
Aidan I am glad to hear dad had his memory clinic appointment..but sorry there are probs..hopefully it wont be to bad..and a scan will be good to check him out.. t4591
Thankyou for the icecream cake and forgot the others..oh remember now mango muffins..
Is it today you all get together but I see a couple have back out ..what a shame and its gone much cooler..
I love the chillows had one in a pillow case and hugged it in bedand one under my sheet..
So sorry you struggle so much with the heat because of your meds it must make it extra awful for you... t4591
Kath the poor orangutans..they are such lovely on earth anyone could hurt them..but thats humans for you think the new neighbours are here..hope they are nice ones
Joan and Sue hope you enjoyed your meal out..yes we have to make the most of every day..but my head was baking...((()))
Toni poor duke is it fixed now I am getting lost5 here..I see they wanted 800 to do the job :shock:
Tias dress fitted perfectly wonder you needed the tissues..not long now till the big day..I was melting at the choir..the wine didnt called in the shed on my way back it has AC you know..
I am sure the remote for the awning will be something and nothing..
Carol our GD said London was so hot it was the week form hell ..and struggles to keep there Patients cool..they even had bowls of cold water for there feet..
The coffee bar sound so nice..just to get cool and get away for everything..
Right better go we have Niamh here ..daddy is taking her skating..she had a brilliant day in the pool on weds with her friend
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Belated thanks for your encouragement to join the café clientele and for telling me so much about its main customers. It makes reading this forum ever more fascinating.
My husband and I celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary last year and, thankfully, I just have Nodal OA that has progressed slowly over the past thirty plus years. By now I'm a part-time wheelchair user with uncooperative hands but stay as active as possible. We've lived in the beautiful Peak District for just over twenty years and have no intention of moving.
We have a feisty cat (belongs to our son and his family who are now based in Dubai) and an amusing retired racing greyhound so I totally get the animal bits.
For now I am concentrating on a project that has a looming deadline but once that has been completed, I will attempt to visit the café properly.
Thanking you again and sending best wishes - Crinkly0 -
When I said there were signs of life next door, I meant THE WORKMEN ARE BACK. :shock: They are working on the roof now, and the garden, clearing out a huge and very invasive Bamboo, IN THE POURING RAIN! Sorry if I misled you. :oops:
Crinkly 1, WELCOME, so glad you've joined us. any grub in the cafe, please help youself. It's all calore free which is a good job, or we would all be ginormous.I think I'm the only one here who has no pets.
Barbara, yes it is so much cooler, and with all this rain I doubt any of the local children will be running wild until midnight, so we hopefully will be able to sleep better.
Excuse me, I have a moutful of Pineapple and Mango Breakfast Muffins , NOM NOM NOM Where's Nunu?Thank you Aidan.
Quorn Sausages with Colcannon Mash
1x 250g pack of Quorn Sausages - choose your favourite flavour
350g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
3 tbsp skimmed milk
pinch of ground nutmeg
1 tbsp vegetable oil
125g firm green cabbage, finely shredded
1 leek, trimmed and finely sliced including green part
salt and freshly milled black pepper
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 tbsp soft brown dark sugar
3 tbsp red wine
290ml vegetable stock
2 tsp cornflour
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Cook potatoes in large pan of boiling salted water until tender, this should take approximately 20-25 minutes
Meanwhile, to make the gravy, heat the vegetable oil in a small saucepan, soften the onion for 4-5 minutes. Stir in the sugar and leave to caramelise for 1-2 minutes. Pour in the wine and cook for 1 minute. Stir in most of the stock, reserving two tablespoons to mix with the cornflour. Add to the sauce and bring back to a gentle simmer, stirring until thickened
Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a small frying pan and gently cook the shredded cabbage and leek cook for about 3 minutes until tender, turning regularly
Mash the potato with the milk and nutmeg until smooth and creamy. Stir in the cabbage and leek and season to taste
Cook the Quorn Sausages following back of pack cooking instructions
Serve the sausages, and colcannon on a plate and pour over the rich onion gravy"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - Rain, proper rain and cooler, if I could dance, I would be
t111055 t111055
Hi Toni - yep, we like wet, after what has been a very draining week. I think everyone has been a bit wiped out by the mini heatwave.
Glad that the remote controller for the awning, is now fixed - ooo, lights in it, sounds lovely - pictures needed of course, being nosy, as we are
Mother and Sleek did go to Lytham, they went through the gate, along with Sleeks broomstick and sidecar. As far as I can gather, they went for a "normal" latte and fresh haddock for lunch :shock: :shock:
I was expecting a whiff of old prawns, or whelksbut no. As Mother said, Lytham, is a very re fyned place to be, so they had to be "proper".
Sleek took Mother to Blackpool, only a mile or two up the road - she was NOT impressed - kiss me quick and rock, in all sorts of shapes :shock: :shock: They did not loiter and returned to the promenade at Lytham. Watched some of the PGA golf while they were there, then the weather closed in so back they came. t111055 t111055
Yes, Dudley Jukes, look very nice in the grey, with contrasting trim
Never been a fan of sun roof's or open tops. If wasps flew in I would be hysterical :roll: :roll: Not to mention whipping your hair into a frenzy
Hildegard (German Abbess, writer composer, philosopher and Christian) is the new cars name
Mother Superior wrote, to say that the Sisters have left the Nunnery and are en route. They heard about the Patronal Service and Gospel medley - could be interesting Hope it goes well
Dad was ok at his clinic appointment, all things considered. It was at the large HC that he used to go for his vascular check ups. The waiting area is like an aircraft hangar :shock: eee noor mouse They have normal chairs and bar stool height chairs, which are ok, for so long, then you have to move about.
There are various treatments that can be tried, depending on their decisions / findings etc.
Don't worry, I am usually excluded from present company, when it comes to men being awkward folks
Plumber man was early, before 0900, all is fine with the boiler, had its service, he had his coffee and lots of nattering, in fact he can talk the hind legs off a donkey
Essential immaculising was done - it was still rather warm if you were pottering a bit too much.
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok. Have you had some rain, we needed it so badly, the river near us was almost dry, you could walk across it.
I did have to keep pottering around at the HC while Dad and B were in the appointment. I could not believe it was so quiet. (((())))
Hi Barbara - think we were all baked last week - I said to B, I feel like a partially inflated bouncy castle, all kind of ready to tip over at any moment :shock:Thankfully it is wet and cooler now.
Dad seemed to be pretty ok with the memory clinic appointment - he is aware that there are problems, but kind of down plays it.
You are welcome to the goodiesas always.
It was our get together, B's Brothers and one SIL came over. Nice to see them and we enjoyed the T room. It was very busy, but we had booked a bigger table
Glad you are getting on ok with the chillows, they are very good. The gel does get warm after a while, but they do make things a bit more comfortable.
My Cardio of many years, did explain the temperature regulation and the drugs action one time, but it was so complex, I glazed over. :shock: Suffice to say, hot weather is not my cup of T :roll: :roll:
Sounds like Niamh had a great time in the paddling pool last week and then skating with Daddy on Saturday
Hi there Crinkly - I hope you have an idea about the cafe dwellers. The forum is super interesting and here, we have imaginations that run riot
Congratulations on celebrating your Golden Wedding last year t4591 t4591
I see you have had OA for a long time now and it has progressed, as it does :roll: :roll: using a wheelchair part time. My Mum had the same, her hands were very bad. Keeping going is a big thing, for all of us I think. We are not ones to give up, give in etc and we have turned pottering into an art form
The Peak District is beautiful, I have visited there many times in the past. We are in the Ribble Valley and close to the Yorkshire Dales too. I don't blame you for not wanting to move, stay put, for sure.
A feisty cat and a greyhound. Glad that you get the animal bit
Pepe, one of our Ragdolls, who passed away last year, was lovely, until it came to visiting the Vet, then he was demon cat and would attack anything and anybody :shock: :shock:
Look forward to seeing you in the cafe, once you have done your project. We will be here, eating cake and talking of magic and Unicorns t115006 t115006
Aah, the workmen are back again Kath, we were all ready to know who was moving in and eager to be nosy.
Workmen on the roof and in the garden :shock: Bamboo is fine, if you have abundant room in one area of a huge garden, otherwise it goes wild, very quickly.
I am hoping it is less ott for ya mi duck and chuckin it down wi rain.
I think I gain weight just looking at the cakes and goodies in here - or is it the fact that I actually eat the cakes :? :? :oops: :oops:
The muffins seem to have gone down well - I will make sure Nunu is emptied, Toni made a huge mess, but I didn't say anything :shock: :roll:
I love love love colcannon, with veggie sausage too, ta muchly
Hope any ouchies are as minimal as possible t4591 t4591 ((()))
hi Carol - any news on GGs putting in an appearance t4591
I trust you are both ok and it is cooling down a bit, after a tiring week. t115006 t115006
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Time I was pottering some more.
At home today, there are a squillion shirts to press - no way was the iron coming out last week, that would have been insult to injury.
Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Braided Lemon Bread for BreakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Crinkly lovely to see you back and the brief intro was very helpful to us all too thanks. A greyhound and a pusskin who isn't really yours. Glad you 'get' our mad animal stories. Just a bit of harmless distraction
Congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary!fabulous achievement. Dubai though :? your son must be very hot ATM :roll:
Carol it must be getting very close to arrival of your new GGS! I have a feeling you're waiting to post to give us news... the others will have checked Fbook so as far as I know no news yet ((())
Barbara the wine always helps!!! It loosens our vocal chords! Are you up for singing at the patronal service at 6pm? No aircon but Churches are always very cool.
Glad Niamh had a lovely time she loves her ice skating doesn't she?
Kath - the workmen are back :roll: Hopefully the wet weather will have helped no end for removal of bamboo. They could make some plates/loo rolls out of it or you could take it for our pandas??
You should have had a perfect night for sleeping last night cool and quiet
Love the posh sausage and mash Kath thank you very much
Well Aidan I am glad the family meal went ok always wise to book table with a few of you. So did ours with Charley's date! She's lovely quiet, but not so she doesn't talk and quite funny and clearly makes Charley happy so all good
Lemon bread - ooh that's nice thank you... Nu-nu!! You look clean Nu-nu :? someone's spruced you up :? Just got to add some best butter to my bread first.
I can imagine Dad is playing down his memory problems....hopefully it won't progress too far for him. What age is he now I know he's on his 80's??? I always think finding out what is going on is far less scary than not knowing.
Sleek said they had a great time at Lytham and Blackpool was 'common' according to Tosca. therefore 'common' it is!! They did like the tower ballroom though they flew up and peeped into the windows and of course a spot of the PFA golf. Breath not too fishy all was very refined this time. It seems to have given her and Mother a new lease of life as has the cooler weather.
I am quite upset that I can't use my awning or lights in this grotty (if more comfortable) weather :roll: They are dimmable too! I just am desperate for you all to see the colour of it
It is still warm for immaculising I am forced to agree despite persisting down t111055
Glad the boiler was all sorted and the plumber was a nice chatty man.
Hildegard?! What a lovely name for the new car to be calledI like it and appropriate too given her origins.
Dudley is still in hospital now it's the engine fan :roll: and there isn't one available for order :shock: Paul was a tad cross and even more so when they tried gently to blame ME apparently. When did I notice the engine fan wasn't working? EH?! No warning lights at all I only knew the aircon wasn't working about 6 weeks or so ago? The sun roof has a mesh roller blind to stop any bugs getting in or even bird poo :shock: so you'd be fine!
I am glad the sisters are coming and well it is a gospel medley so maybe....??
A quick hello to Joan I hope the t111055 if you have it isn't making it to hard to take the doggies out?
Love to everyone MIG especially.
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Toni Aidan Kathleen Crinkly Barbara
. Toni it won't be long to the wedding now(((((())))
Aidan how is your Dad(((((()))) it's nice a bit cooler now I'm trying to give my Cold away nobody wants it have a good day(((((())))))
. Kathleen how are you feeling not too many ouchies I hope(((((())))
Crinkly nice to see you again good luck with what you are doing(((((()))))
. Barbara how are your eyes and your husband did he have something wrong(((((((((()))))
. take care all love to Carol Mig((((((()))))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Toni, the young man doing battle with the bamboo had, quite a struggle as someone had laid a chunk of carpet beneath it. Probably in an effort to prevent it from spreading. Well it didn't work - it simply diverted it towards our garden!! The stalks have been carted away, all that's left is a pile of soggy leaves ALL OVER OUR PATH.
I don't suppose the pandas would enjoy them, but if one of the zoo keepers would like to collect tham in case there is some use for them. We were hoping to get a better night last night, as not only was it cooler, but it was pelting it down. But a group idiots were out at 1am shouting the odds with unrepeatable language with the 'f' word being repeated. :shock:
Dad still doesn't know what's wrong with his arm, his GP says wait another 2 weeks! It isn't yhe hospital who's keeping him waiting, it's the lady in the next room to the doctor. So what's the hold up??????
Oh Joan, I'm sorry you have a cold. keep your chest well covered so you don't get an infection.
Aidan, I love Lytham. I've never been but once watched the ladies golf some years ago. It was lovely.Thank you for the Braided Lemon Bread for Breakfast - I'm having mine for T and possibly some for supper. Hildegard is a super name, Hildegarde Neil is the name of Brian Blessed's wife.
Sending hugs to Barbara and Carol (who might be busy with her new GGS?)
t4591 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all
Dull day, some rain, with more on the way, thunderstorms too :? :? t111055 t111055
Hi Toni - I hope the Patronal Service goes well and the Sisters help with the Gospel medley - just ignore them if they go into one of their routines :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: Or join in
All family meals went well then, very pleased to hear that the meet up with Charley's date was good. Quiet, but not silent, funny too, good qualities
The Lemon bread will be perfect with lots of best butter (they have stopped selling spreadable President butter at Sainsb-) How very dare they.
NuNu did need a big clean up, she is sparkling once more and left very tidy, after your bread breakfast
Dad is 85, so doing well when you take things into consideration. I do agree, knowing what you are up against is far better than wondering in the dark :? :? It can often not be what you want to hear, but, you can go forward, with a plan. t4591
Yep, BLackpool was "common" according to Mother. :shock: However, the Tower Ballroom met with approval, Mother said, in its Hay Dayz it was THE place to be
They were super refined, with best battered haddock, with a very kind lady who removed the batter for them - wherever it was they went to :?
Mother is quite refreshed and is catching up with some lost sleeps, :animal_busy: from the heatwave that we will try and forget.
I would be upset at not being able to use the awning, let alone dim the lights. I think there will be sunny spells throughout the week, amidst the rain and thunder :shock: Wincey Willis reporting for VA
Much catching up with laundry, bedding, the chamber person has been in, (better make them gender neutral ) :roll: :roll: and I did the mountain of shirts etc. I was lathered, with the dryer going and the steam generator on. I had to be thrown into the shower once finished.
Hildegard is a lovely name, she was a very famous person in German history and given the home of Mercedes, it seemed very fitting
Dudley has a dicky engine fan and there are none, anywhere ? ? ? not even in Japan ? :shock: :shock: Oooh, I would have been cross too, trying to apportion the blame on you, for not stopping every mile, to see if the engine fan has kicked in :x :x It is something we have warning lights for, if the fan doesn't work then the engine gets too hot and warns us, in good time, to prevent damage.
Sleek is going over to the garridge :shock: to give them some looks :? :?
A mesh screen is fine for the sun roof, no wasps or poops
Hi Joan and Sue - Dad is ok, with us keeping him goingSo no one wants to buy your cold from you t2507 I hope it goes very soon t4591 (((())))
Hi Kath- oh dear, the old bamboo has done its own thing and headed to your garden. An old carpet will not stop it, it needs a metal barrier burying in the ground, otherwise it will be off and away.
All now carted away, including the big soggy mess that had been left on your pathway. :shock: :roll: :roll:
Shame on the ignorant and foul mouthed people, that kept you awake with shameful language at silly o clock. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Not quite sure what the hold up is with Dad. Time for banging on desks, nicely, asking for answers
Lytham is a lovely place. We saw the ladies playing there last year (on tv) although we could have gone. They have buggies or trampers as they call them, for those who need them and it is not expensive to go watch.
Glad you enjoyed the Lemon Bread. Perfect for any time of day
I like Brian Blessed, a real luvvy, a national treasureSo his Wife is called Hildegard, interesting. Every day is a school day
Hope any ouchies are minimal (((()))) t4591
I wonder if Carol has a GGs ? We are on minus 2 - 3 days now.
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok. Has Niamh gone home, shouting see you Wednesdayt4591 t4591
Vegan Cornish Pasties, ta mi duck, they look lovely
Well, I am just about done in for the time being. I will have a little potter, then a cup of T before siesta time.
Sticky Toffee Pudding CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all
Mother says it is still very ooomid :? :? and I tend to agree. Lots of rain here t111055 very welcome it is too.
How was the Patronal Service Toni ? I hope the Sisters did not go too OTT with the Gospel Medley
:shock: :shock:
Sleek said there had been a lot of syng yngz when she came over to see Mother at siesta time. They caught up with Love Island t4591 - Mother thinks it is a bitt kon tryved :roll: :roll: and promptly fell asleep. Sleek ate some fresh sweets and threw fresh litter as far as possible, then popped back through the gate.
Silver apologised for his absence - he has been on a special journey, into the forest t115006 t115006
I hope it is less inclement today, for a nice piccy of the new awning m0150 m0150
Love to all (((())))
Are we on overdue day number 3 now Carol ? I am certain your GGS will be here very soon indeed. t4591 t4591 Hope it is a good bit cooler now, down in the Big City
Hi Barbara - it has been quite warm and very wet, probably the same for you, over the hills and not so farHope you are all ok (((())))
Kath - I hope you had a more restful night, without the foul mouthed n'er do wells, shouting the odds outside. :? :?
Hi to everyone else, Crinkly, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady, Mel, Kerrin and all t4591
Time I was pottering again.
Dads podiatry appt this morning at our local little hospital, see how his sore toe is doing. Then down the road a mile to the GCPossibly a Beth special.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Pastries and MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan
. Kathleen is it still quiet there good(((((((())))))) how is your husband ((((((()))))))
Aidan your Dad is doing well good his toe is doing well. enjoy your meal((((((((())))))
. take care love to Barbara Toni Carol Mig (((((((((((()))))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Just popped in to grab the last slice of lemon loaf to accompany my cup of coffee. Purrrrfect.
Dubai family (son, d-i-l and two girls) are not struggling with the Emirates' extreme heat as they are staying with us for their Summer leave - and are finding the UK humidity as hard as we are!
Pearl (dog) is already panting but Mackerel (cat) has found a cool spot on a chair seat tucked under the kitchen table. She's asked us not to reveal her secret hiding place to two little girls who want to play with her!
Sorry I can't stay longer but will 'come clean' and admit that I'm in the last throes of producing a dissertation for a part-time MA in Contextual Theology with end of August deadline. Pass or fail this will be the end of three interesting years of study.
Many thanks for yummy goodies and best wishes to all. C0 -
Morning everyone ..sunny with a lovely breeze
I promise I did read your post but forget half of it so here goes..
Toni the awning sounds amazing with lights and remote hopefully they will sort it very soon then you can sit and enjoy..
So glad that Charley's GF is nice and friendly and more important she make Charley laugh..nothing Juke is not good and still in hospital..noooo it wasn't your fault..glad you have the courtesy car with AC...I was gargling with the champagne it really does help the vocals..
Kath I see it was the workmen..hopefully you will soon have good are right when the weather is hot there are so many noisy people windows open loud music... :shock: love Cornish pasties but never had a vegan one..thankyou
Aidan lemon bread something I have never had before it was very nice..and all those muffins
I use to love the golden girls they were so witty..
you felt like a bouncy castle..ready to fall over..what are we all like.
glad to hear your family lunch went well ..did you say what you had to eat I forgot.. :? maybe I should go with your dad to the memory clinic , I can understand hin down playing it ..I am sure they will be able to help him..but Im a lost cause :?
think I said my OHs cousins live in Lythem..we love it there..
Hello crinkly..and many congratulations on your golden anniversary ...xx its our in August..look forward to seeing you in the cafe when you have time..
Joan sorry you have a cold ..summer ones really can linger..I hope it goes very OH gets his results on the to all of you.((()))
I hope Carols GGs is on his way and all will be well...x
Right that my brain done out to the GC I think
Love to all
t4591 t115006 t4591
Right thats me doneLove
Barbara0 -
Am I living on a different planet to everyone else? I have my cardi and socks on with my T shirt and skirt (me in a skirt
). The sun is shining and all is quiet next door. The house details are on the website, but there is only one photo at the moment, and it was taken before work began - as you can see from the state of the garden.
Our house is only just visible on the left hand side. Will keep my eye on it for when the latest pictures go up. Be patient my dears.
Crinkly 1,Pearl (dog) is already panting but Mackerel (cat) has found a cool spot on a chair seat tucked under the kitchen table. She's asked us not to reveal her secret hiding place to two little girls who want to play with her!
Me (dark hair) my friend Diana (blonde) with Smutty and Goldie the rabbit who is hiding in his straw bed.
Aidan, Silver looks magnificent, and the pastries and muffins are totally delicious, thank you mi duck.
Vietmanese Vegan Steamed Buns (Banh Bao Chay)
For the dough:
360 mL (1 1/2 cups) warm water or unsweetened soy milk
8 g (3 1/2 tsp) dry active yeast
120 g (1/2 cup + 2 tbsp) sugar
60 g (scant 1/2 cup) cornstarch
1 tsp salt
10 g (2 tsp) baking powder
500 g (4 cups) flour + extra flour for rolling out the dough
70 g oil (about 1/4 cup grapeseed oil)
For the filling:
2 tbsp grape seed oil
5 green onions, finely chopped, greens and whites separated
1 cup finely diced jicama (about 1/3 of a medium jicama)
1 cup finely diced carrot (about 3 small/medium carrots)
1/4 cup soy sauce (I used Golden Mountain Soy Seasoning), you'll be adding this tbsp by tbsp.
20 g (1 cup) dried black fungus/cloud ear fungus, hydrated and finely diced
1 package (12 oz/340 g) of vegan ground "meat" (you can also use hydrated TVP, but you may need to add some dark soy sauce and a bit of extra regular soy sauce for seasoning)
2 portions/bunches of mung bean vermicelli, hydrated and finely diced
1/2 tsp white pepper (or to taste)
To steam:
10-12 pieces of parchment paper squares (3x3 inches)
~1 tbsp (I just added a splash) of white vinegar
3 cups water (depending on the size of your steamer pot)
To make the dough:
In a separate bowl, combine water, yeast, and sugar and stir to combine and allow the yeast to bloom.
In a large mixing bowl, combine cornstarch, salt, baking powder, and 4 cups of flour.
Once the yeast has bloomed, combine the yeast mixture and half the oil to the dry mixture and stir to combine. It'll be a very sticky dough, but it should come together and be slightly tacky. Turn onto a clean and then lightly floured surface and knead until moderately smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes.
Place the dough back into the mixing bowl (it should be relatively clean if you pull any extra dough off of it as you were mixing it). Coat the dough in the remaining amount of oil and mix in as well as you can. It will be quite tacky but that's okay. You should be able to incorporate most of the oil but turn the dough in the bowl to coat in oil just before letting it rest. The dough should absorb the rest as it rises.
Cover with a damp towel and let rise in a warm place (like microwave or oven) for at least 1 hour. It should rise a little but don't be too worried if it doesn't rise too much.
For the the filling:
In a large wok/pot/or pan with high sides, cook the whites of the green onion with 2 tbsp of oil for a minute or two over medium high heat. Add the finely diced jicama and carrot and cook until carrot is tender. You may need to add 1 tbsp of the measured soy sauce and about 1/3 cup of water to cook and deglaze the bottom of the pot.
Once carrot is tender, add the chopped black fungus and stir to heat through, about 3 minutes.
Add the vegan ground round and stir into the mixture. Add 2 tbsp of the soy sauce and stir to combine and heat through (about 3 minutes again).
Add the chopped, hydrated mung bean noodles, the last of the soy sauce, the greens of the green onion and stir to mix through. As the noodles cook, they'll absorb moisture from the rest of the mixture and sort of bind it together to make it easier to stuff the bao.
Add white pepper to taste (you may need to add more soy sauce or salt if desired, but I liked it at 1/4 cup. Let it cool until it's just warm before you fill the bao.
To make the bao:
After about an hour or so of the dough resting, turn it over to a floured surface and divide between 10-12 pieces (If you're really intense about exact measurements, it's about 100g per piece of dough). Cover the cut pieces with a damp towel while you're stuffing them so they don't dry out.
Generously dunk the cut piece of dough into some flour then roll out to about 1/4 inch thickness (5-6 inches in diameter). Add about 3-4 tbsp of the filling into the middle of the dough then pinch the outside edges together and twist to seal the bun.
Fill a steamer pot with about 5 cups of water + 1 tbsp of vinegar. The vinegar will help brighten the buns as they steam, resulting in a lighter bun in the end).
Place the pinched bun on a perforated layer of a steamer pot on top of a parchment paper square. Repeat and fill the buns with the remaining filling. I tend to go quite heavy handed with the filling, and I ended up using all of the filling for these buns. If you find you have any extra leftover, put it on rice, in fresh spring rolls, or on lettuce cups for lunch.
Try not to put the buns too close together like I did in the photos, if they're touching, they'll tear once you pull them apart after cooking. If you find you need them to touch, place some parchment paper in between so they don't stick.
Steam on medium heat for 20 minutes, then take off the lid and let them steam for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let the buns cool on a wire rack.
For any leftovers, wrap them as soon as their cool in some plastic wrap (if you put them in a container they'll dry out). To reheat, either re-steam or microwave for 2 minutes."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Barbara thank you Poor Dudley still in the garage and cost a lot more than he should have done Paul is concerned that we will have paid for parts to be replaced which didn't need replacing.
Yep Charley is happy so I am happy
We sang ok at the patronal service yesterday then a quick drink in the pub all of us with out husbands wives and Lucy came too.
Hope you enjoyed your GC
Well Crinkly nice to see youI love Mackerel's name! hehe! Our cats like eating the stuff
Pearl bless she's a girl greyhound
Mackerel must stay hidden little girls can annoy pusskins! I am glad to hear they and their parents are in the 'cool' here rather than in Dubai
Theology eh? Well Aidan was a Vicar's son so you've come to the right place! Not an easy subject good luck I'm sure you will pass with flying colours
Joan sorry I was late in I had the hairdresser this morning. Hope all is well your way?
Well the sisters did go a bit OTT but we all joined in :oops: so did the congregation so it was all good Aidan! A lovely service the Rev Delphine was funny as usual in her sermon she always is
Sleek is so excited about the Love Island final (for Crinkle's benefit the cats watch it but have put a spell on the TV so all parties are fully clothed :shock: ) tonight! She's not sure whether to a) watch it here with myself and Lucy or b) come over to yours or c) watch it whilst skyping Tosca :? :animal_busy:
She was a bit cheeky throwing litter and eating sweets while Mother was asleep and to top it all leaving yo to clear up :oops:
She said Mother told her all about the Tower Ballroom in it's Hay Day. She is convinced Mother danced there in her youth????
She is taking Mother over to the garrige tomorrow so they can BOTH give mean looks....cats with mean looks pic needed here...
Those pastries and muffins went down very well I took some for my hairdresser I hope you don't mind only she's on weight watchers and needs to dodge calories...
As far as Dad's prognosis - forewarned is forearmed I think.
Wincey thank you for the weather forecast. I hope I can get the awning up. The electrician is due on Friday to wire it in properly, but in the meantime I could Use it via an extension except Paul put the plug in a plastic bag (sort of as we were told to 'protect' it from the rain), but not very well so it's WET :roll: It's drying in the sun so fingers crossed I might try to get it out later :?
The sticky toffee pud cake was lovely with a large tub of rhoddas on top thank you t4591
Carol is there any sign at ALL of the new baby? Boys are often late in real life so maybe that's it?t4591
Hi Kath Oh dear me drunken pillocks using bad language :shock: :shock: Not a good night's sleep should have been though I agree :roll:
What a stupid thing to do with the bamboo - carpet indeed! Johnny (Morris for Crinkly's benefit) had all good bits of bamboo picked up for Blush and family. Hope the leaves and debris get removed soon.
Poor Dad it's not ok having a hold up when he could know what is wrong grrr!
The vegan Cornish pasty was to die for Kari and I had ne each thank you very muchly!
Kath we were posting together luckily I was able to see the house 'before' work. Please do let us see more as an when. The front garden doesn't look 'easy to maintain' does it in the pic
Thanks for the Banh Bao Chay! lovely! and I loved the pic of you pusskin and your friend
Toni xxx0 -
The awning! Didn't blow up when I switched it on!!
Sleek and me!0 -
Hi to all
A sunny day here, quite warm, in fact very warm, so the AC is on and the windows open a bit, to get the most of both
Our internet is completely up the creek at the minute, I wish Openreach would just come and connect everything properly. I think we are hanging on bell wire at the moment. :? :? :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies tooHope you are both ok, enjoying some fair weather, without being totally over heated. Dads toe just needs to skin over, it is very close to healing up, he needs to get the air to it (as we keep reminding him many many times in a week).
Podiatry happy with progress. Albeit slow. (((())))
Hi Crinkly - lovely to see you, help yourself to the lemon bread, if there is something missing, just shout and it will re appearThe joys of our magical cafe t115006
So family from Dubai are staying with you to escape the worst of the extreme heat. I guess they have AC in the house / appartment over there, a must have really.
The humidity is the worst thing about summer, it floors us all. :roll: :roll:
Hi to Pearl, what a lovely name and hi to Mackerel, who is in hiding from small hands. Puskins can be a little testy when it comes to little people. Mother Tosca does not like children at ALL. Almost on a par with the Vet
Contextual Theology, how very interesting, I can see some pleasant natterings, broadening the understandingsI am sure you will pass with flying colours. t4591
Dad studied theology prior to him being ordained and he carried on with clinical theology for most of his working life.
Hi Barbara - We are as bad as each other, with our forgetting things. I try and keep track of who goes, where and when and on what day................then I get it all upside down :roll: :roll:
You enjoyed the lemon bread, I can always bake some more, if we need some. Glad you enjoyed the pastries too.
I think I saw every Golden Girls Episode, umpteen times, they were brilliant and yes, very witty. Sad that all of them have passed away.
I did feel like a deflating bouncy castle, still do. Last week has taken a huge amount of energy from us. I see we have storms for the next couple of days and slightly warmer again :? :? :roll: :roll: t111055 t111055
We normally have the same at the T rooms, cheese and mushroom toasties, with chips and more mayo than you can shake a stick at
They know now and just bring the whole bowl of the sachets over to us.
Some of the questions at the memory clinic, I think I would still be there, trying to count backwards in 7's, from a 100. :roll: :roll:
I thought you had mentioned Lytham before. It is gorgeous, love the sea front and the boating lake and the shops are wonderful with T rooms and coffee shops a plenty.
Hope you enjoyed the GC. We did, it was very quiet, perfect, just how we like it.
How many layers have you got on mi duck, are ya frozzen luv. Is it arctic in Nottingham Kath. :shock: :shock:
Oooo thank you for the photo, errrm, yes, the garden looked quite "interesting" and needed taming a littleIs your house in the little grassed area, with parking at the end? Just being nosy on the street view
Will try and be patient duck
Thanks you for the picture of Smutty and your friend and the hiding wabbitt4591 t4591 Lovely to see
Silver has been away on "special Unicorn business" not for hoomans to understand :shock: :? :? Puskins do, because all puskins are telepathic and he can talk to them directlyt115006 t115006
I won't try and write the name of the yummy recipe, but, it looks amazing, ta muchly XX
Hi Toni - Mother is most annoyed with the garage and thinks there might have been some unnecessary works too. Did they give you the old parts, most garages do? Just so you can get a second opinion.......................
Mother is very keen to be taken to visit them and give them a serious scowl - she is practising as we speak, even more so after having some lugs removed :shock: :shock:
Being duped, is something I cannot abide.....................grrrrrrrrrr
Glad the Patronal Service went well and the Sisters didn't go too OTT. Dear Rev Delphine making a sermon all the more meaningful with an injection of humourMy Dad would have loved her t115006
I think Sleek has decided to stop at home and watch Love Island, the final. Mother always falls asleep anyway and she will be casting spells of warts, ready for her trip tomorrow :shock: :shock:
Sleek didn't make too much mess, only a few bits of litter and some sweets spat across the room
Hair is looking very nice, younger than ever, each time
By all means, take as many goodies to your hairdresser, calorie free cakes are amazing
Yes, we are forewarned with Dads potential diagnosis
I can do weather reports at any time of day or nightIt is more pleasant, the AC is on just as background, to stop any melting moments.
The awning looks lovely, very very nice indeed, casts the perfect shadow over the door and window. Very glad it didn't blow up when you switched it on :shock: :shock: :shock:
I think T and cakes, on the patio, would be perfectpinkies out of course t4591
Hi to Carol - hope you are both ok, any news of your GGs, he is late, like Toni says, boys :roll: :roll: I hope all is well t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering a little more.
Just let me pour the chocolate on the cake - give it time to set - or not as the case may be
Will pop back later. Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I made another cake - the first one went into the booth, attached to my face :shock:
I put it on a cool wash, with it being so bloomin hot again. :? :roll: :roll:
Is it me, or has the humidity gone sky high :shock: :shock:
I hope everyone is as ok as can be. Sat sitting here, I am melting :? :?
Any news on GGs Carol, we must be on minus 4 days now :? :?
Sleek spoke to Mother, about Love Island, much excitement. Won't be too long until I'm a Celebrity :shock: :shock: Mother pretended to be very interested, whilst studying her spell book, for the trip to Dudley's garage. Nothing harmful of course.
Sleek will no doubt keep you informed Toni...............Mother is coming over, through the gate, (she wants to nosy at the awning too)
Hi to everyone else, Barbara Kath Crinkly Mig Christine Toady Mel DD SW Elizabeth Kerrin and all
At home today. A bit of a catch up, if it is not too hot. More rain and lots of thunder too.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Summertime Greek Yoghurt StackXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Greek yoghurt lovely
with several of our 5 a day I see too thanks Aidan
Not sure what time the girls are going to the garage they want to get hold of the 'old' parts if they can for a 2nd opinion they heard you and B talking and now think they are experts :roll: Good seriously cross pusskin face there!I have a bad feeling that when I collect my car most of the service staff with have warty faces :?
The awning is fab isn't it? it did help yesterday in the L room kept it fairly cool despite the humidity having risen (it had!) now for the rest of the week I think we here are due rain
I have the builder coming again this morning. He may have news on building regs :shock: won't be long before the floor rises up level with the rest of the house! Pics I must take before and after pics!
Sleek was over the moon with the Love Island result she and myself and Lucy all watched it together much shrieking all round. The 'right' couple won with next best in 2nd and 3rd t4591
Celebrity soon then they are doing a winter Love Island in S Africa Sleek was dancing on her back paws
Dad does need to put some sandals on! He won't though men eh?
Question is....will we find out what the unicorn business was? Or was he really taking the foals and Mrs Silver off to Unicorn-land for their hols?
A quick Woo-oo! to Joan then onwards and upward for me! Cleaning to do :roll:
Toni xx0 -
Hello Crinkly Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Crinkly it's nice to see you good luck with your results(((((()))))
. Barbara good luck for Mr B's results how is Niamh doing((((())))
. Kathleen Are you still friends with Diana lovely photo((((((())))
. Aidan hat's good Dads toe healing slowly((((((()))) How are you and B ((((((()))))))
. Toni that's nice Charley has a nice friend ((((((())))) how is Paul's hand((((())))
. take care all. love to Carol Mig ((((((())))).
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
just a quick post to let you know we are ok well it’s due day +5 today for baby,s 👶 🍼 arrival still no news yet. We are now all getting impatient especially his mummy , but it seems he is quite comfortable where he is. Mr t reckons he is waiting until his birthday in a weeks time so he can share his Great Grandads Birthday.will post more later as I must get ready to go out
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to you allStay positive always👍xx0
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