Val's Cafe
Just a quick pop in before I take Lucy off to work a 12 hour shift today training has been all week.
Hope Joan and Sue have a nice day out
Toni xx0 -
I'm looking forward to being shrunk down to mini size, but can't help wondering if my ouchies will also be shrunk to mini size, or if they will increase in comparison. :shock:
7am start again today, but not too noisy. We had a couple of late starts which then went on until 10pm. :?:x We're in bed by 8pm as we don't sleep very well, and as Chris has to do everything himself (I'm no use at all) he is exhausted by then.
Aidan, I think I should come to dad's memory clinic with you as I'm very forgetful Chris is convinced I have dementia, and I'm beginning to agree with him. :roll: So you leak after your second cup of coffee?I leak after my first and just a sip of orange juice and I'm off to the loo. Thank goodness for Tena Lady night time protection.Thank you for the Spicy Sweet Potato Rosti . YUM
Carol. I'm so glad your family members are starting to talk to each other again. So upsetting when family rifts appear. I know from my own experience. :? Kian-Colin, how lovely. I think Colin is a very underused name nowadays. t4591
I don't feel up to the booth tday Aidan, shame, but I can feel the rain getting closer, just n e e d t o ZZZZZZZZZ
Vegan Caribbean bean and rice soup
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 bay leaves
4 tsp paprika
3 cups (710ml) tomato juice
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 - 2 1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 small green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 small red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
3 cups (710ml) vegetable bouillon
1 (15-oz) can coconut milk
½ cup (100g) long-grain rice
1 (15-oz) can red kidney beans
sea salt and black pepper for the croutons
3 cups (150g) day-old bread cubes
2 tbsp olive oil
Heat the oil in a large saucepan, then add the onion and cook over medium-high heat for 5–7 minutes until the onion is soft. Add the garlic, celery, carrots, peppers, bay leaves, and 2 teaspoons of paprika, and cook for another 5 minutes.
Stir in the tomato juice, tomato paste and thyme leaves, then cook for 5 minutes. Add the bouillon, coconut milk, and rice. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.
Add the kidney beans and cook for another 15 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and season to taste with salt and pepper before serving garnished with croutons.
To make the croutons, toss the cubes of stale bread with the olive oil, 2 teaspoons of paprika, and thyme. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet, and bake at 375°F for 4–5 minutes until golden brown."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Back in after a busy morning!
Aidan I am so pleased to hear Kath can be shrinkd as Miss Slimkins informed me this morning excitedlyMr Potter said yes and that he remembered Pepe fondly
Had several sweet potato rostis ta very much on my way to Lucy's work. 12 hour shift today bless her.
That screen wash? I have some in pink I love it even if it works just the same
You did a lot yesterday today I am doing very little today apart form housework Lucy is at work and Charley is out on a date with the new love-interest t4591
I wouldn't have managed B&M either :roll: Even if there was a lady glitter sparkles troll!!! Bless your self control
Oh Aidan!! How lovely is the mummy and Baby Pusskin picI wuv it!! Sleek said it was MRs Darcey with one of her kittens (she was a rescue who was kitten farmed). She will be over later to test the new sweets with Mother and watch some TV (It's raining here) :roll:
I quite agree Dad and B can cope ok with the memory clinic. Hoping all goes well and decent advice is given.
Talking of parents Paul's Mum is still in hospital now I am getting worried even myself..... :?
Peace is restored with Mac being North of Perth phew!! He likes bars so might just stay there we do not want him trying to get a passage back :? :shock:
Yes we all need to go for afternoon tea café hen do that would be yumSo long as you don't have another hypo?? Is everything ok now I very much hope so. Sleek and Mother have been rather over-attentive sorry about that. Mother keeps testing your blood while you're asleep :shock: :shock: :shock:
The mango cream pie would have helped....did you have some? I had an extra large portion (for Kath obviously I must help my friend) and duly put the booth on a jet wash afterwards
Carol I am very very pleased to hear that eldest D took GD out and they chatted. My fingers are crossed ((()))
The girls will be able to see Nanny again and they need to if they are Nanny's girls bless them. When I split up with my kids' Dad I made sure they saw their Nan regularly you must put the kids first whatever.
I am very glad you and Mr T have remained calm and 'together' with all the aggro. Well done.
New baby will be here very soon now I can't wait!
Barbara yes the Eco shop is great will post about it on fbook soon, It's a bit like splosh do refills so no more plastic bottles
The afternoon tea was far more civilised for the 'adults' then!! Charley and Lucy will likely be working for the young uns hen do.
I am not impressed about those bloods I can see him having to have them done again :roll:
Did you enjoy that elderberry champagne at choir last night?? Didn't we sing well afterwards. Though the sisters showed themselves up a bit doing those gospel hands again :oops: :oops:
Kath I love all things 'Caribbean' the stew is lovely and perfect for today which is super-rainy :roll: I'm not complaining, but seriously expect it to be hot before bedtime even so :roll:
I had some extra mango pud in the both for you. Anything to help out a friend. t69044
I'm sure your memory is just fine really, but pain seems to make it extra hard sometimes to concentrate ((()))
I think your pain will be shrinkd too and as Aidan said be quiet and you might be the first hooman to see a nymph! Just don't try the lattes
Better get on!
Toni xx0 -
Hi to all t111055 t111055 and rather humid, but, better than the impending heat plume for next week :shock: :?
Hi Kath - I think the ouchies will shrink with you, we need to leave them teeny weeny, when you are resized
Grrr, 7 is a very early start for working next door. Thank goodness they were not too noisy.
10 pm is too late as well, if Chris is tired and in bed by 8. We are just waking up from siesta at 8pm, mind you, I am a terror for not wanting to go to bed at night. 2am is the earliest and that is only after night meds. :roll: :roll:
I am sure you don't need to come to the memory clinic and you are useful, don't you be thinking otherwise, are yer listenin mi duckt4591
Tena Lady, Tena men, pulls ups, all manner of aids to continence. For the amount I drink, I don't know where it goes, I just seem to store it like a camel :shock: :shock: everyone else is trotting to the loo.
Your welcome duck, to the Rosit breakfast, very tasty indeed.
Rain is deff here, it chucked it down this morning and has just started to rain again. So dark, I have the lights on. Otherwise I walk into everything, including the door frames :roll: :roll:
The Caribbean soup looks very hearty. I will pop the AC on and have a nice bow full of that, ta very much
Hugs for any ouches, how is your hip? or am I best not asking :? :? t115006 t115006
Hi Toni - I see you were in then out and then back in again, after dropping Lucy off for her 12 hour shift. I remember them well.
Mother was excited too, after speaking with Mr Potter, Sleek was shrieking, it was crackers, what a racket. Pepe is remembered VERY fondly, as is Cookie and Eric and all our puskins who have crossed the rainbow bridget115006 t115006
Yes, we all need Unicorn screen wash - it is by Prestone, usually they do the blue / green / orange etc.
Housework is more than enough, as we all know. Immaculising does not always come easily. But, we do it
Charley is on a date - ooo, watch this space t4591 t4591
No, B&M was a step too far. I could have knocked the boxes off the shelf with my crutches, but I was restrained
Poor Mrs Darcey, kitten farming, just as cruel as puppy farming . The two of them watching the stars, is a lovely picturet115006
Lots of sweets from the Ve--, we don't mention the word.........just in case Mother is listening :? :?
Pouring here. Pendle has vanished completely. She had a cloud hat on this morning, but is now cloaked. Garden is all watered though, which is very welcome. We do need some more rains. Storms will be popping up next week, as the temperatures climb to nearly 30 again. :shock: :shock:
Paul's Mum is still in hospital, oh, is there a problem with mobilising, self care needs ? Infection ? t4591
I think Mac is well away from us, his passport has been revoked for now.
I was ok after my hypo, I can feel them coming on, starts in my feet and works it way up, cold sweat...........Chocolate and biscuit help, takes about half an hour to start feeling more human again.
None today. We had Beth specials and then I had a scone, which are not super sweet, no jam, no cream, just butter.
No wonder my fingers are sore, from all the BM testing by the puskins. :shock: :shock:
Just re checked, fine today, normal
I did have some mango cream pie, a little portion that was left :shock:don't worry, I made another one for Barbara to try
I was reading about the lady who was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, had months of chemo, double mastectomy, then reconstruction - all to discover that there had been a major error, she never had cancer in the first place :? :? Oh my goodness. To say she is asking for answers is no surprise :shock: :shock:
Pain does indeed cloud our memory and judgement.
Champers after choir, very niceWe like Bubbles
Oh dear, the Sisters were giving it large again. :roll: :roll:
Hi Barbara - school's out, so I am guessing that Niamh will be coming over with Daddy, or a sleep over. Hope Mr B has his results today, otherwise Matron will be on the phone, chasing them up. t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol - did you have a pleasant lunch and then coffee in the afternoon
Love to everyone else in and about. Sparkles too t4591 t115006
Time I was fussing around a bit. I will pop back later. Take care XXXX Aidan
I will just pipe the cake fillingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all -
I am being good, I finished the cake and didn't eat it allI had to try it though :oops: :oops:
I bet Lucy is tired Toni, after her 12 hour shift, with an ouchy foot and still mending from last week. All credit to her.
How did the t4591 go with Charley.
Sleek was over at siesta time, they spent so much time crunching sweets it was pointless trying to sleep :roll: :roll:
Raining again here, noisy out, a wedding at the hall on our lane, very popular venue, whoever the band is, they cannot sing a note
:shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: Refund please.
Hi to Barbara, Carol, Mig, Kath, Joan, Sue, Christine, Kerrin, DD, SW, Toady, Mel, Elizabeth, Crinkly and all.
Catching up with the PGA Golf open from Ireland. We like our golf, almost as much as tennis.
Dad will be round for his croissant lunch today. He usually remembers and arrives at 11 on the dot
Time to potter a little while. Leaving lots of love t4591 and
XXXX Aidan
Peaches and Cream Cheese Breakfast CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Peaches and cream for breakfast!! Aidan thank YOU!!!
Yum that was lovely as was yesterday afternoon's choccy cake. Thanks for adding the second layer of piping before assembling
It's good you get such a warning before a hypo I wish Lucy did with her seizures it would help. Very wise keeping the carbs up and sugar down you are. Your fingers should have recovered by now I told Sleek in no uncertain terms to desist!
Ah sorry about the crunching of sweets :? I was woken at 6am this morning by my pusskin on the way back from morning excursion. They were thinking of maybe taking Kath tomorrow morning....she thinks they can sneak her in to see the rainbow droplet :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yesterday we had rain too...and more rain...we needed it though didn't we and dreadful news :shock:
My car went in yesterday for the aircon and it wasn't a leak no it was the compressor :shock: £800 :shock: Can't live with it gushing HOT air at me can I? booked in for Thursday when the part will arrive :roll: BUT the good news is that the awning arrives next week fitted Friday morningYIPPEE!!
So you are enjoying the golf then? That's lovely Paul is enjoying the footie restarting in real life
His Mum has been in since the day after the 85th birthday 'do'. She has said she won't be here for Tia's wedding and I think she is right so I am feeling very sad Paul devastated. She is probably going to refuse her dialysis now. It's hardly working and she feels so poorlyShe went on it at 79 and life expectancy at that age is 2.5 years so she's done well.
That might just make the wedding a little harder for us all
Enjoy your croissants this morning and look after yourselves and Dad.
Now Joan I hope all is well probably you two were busy yesterday I expect. ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xxx
Off to Shrewsbury (Shrowzbery) with Paul this morning while Lucy Zzzzzz before a 12 hour tonight ::)0 -
Hello Everyone it’s Sue
I am so sorry I forgot to text yesterday I had a opticians appointment and it was a bit of a rush.
I am so sorry. I didn’t have time to pick up my tablets. So I am picking them up today.
Have a lovely weekend.
Lots of love Sue.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all sorry i didnt get in yesterday had some bad news my youngest brother the only one left is poorly..will say more later..
Toni I am sorry to hear about Pauls mum still being in hospital.. bless her I hope she is comfortable and being looked after..and I hope that Lucy mouth is healing well and not has sore..(())
I like the idea of no plastic..little did we know when it was invented what it would cause.. :x
I did enjoy the wine..see I have forgotten what it was called..but the sisters were really over the top..not good when I am concentrating..Lucy was off to work in mums taxi..I bet the resident love her to pieces..
Carol I am pleased to hear they your daughter has had breakfast with your GD..fingers crossed they make up till next time..but thats family's for you..I see so the new GGs is her brother little one..not long at all now..
Sue dont you worry about not posting..your eyes are more important..was it your eyes.. :? sorry my brain is still asleep..
Joan hope you all get out on your scooters today bet the little doggies know what time they go..
Kath I had a memory test with my GP..and couldnt remember the name and address she gave me at the beginning.. :shock: but she said because it was only one point I passed.. :shock:glad the noise wasn't to bad..hopefully they will not turn up this weekend..and thankyou for the stew recipe
Aidan the sweet potato rostis were lovely think I might try them..and the cream cheese breakfast cake yum...
So you had a long day in Skipton and bought pink unicorn washbet it was hard not to be able to get around B&M..bless but it did save you money..we have 2 one is so big I stay clear but the other is smaller..
Love the pussikins looking at the moon..mum and babyand the gorgeous sparkly butterfly pic..
We had the heavy rain yesterday so no watering the garden and yes I have seen the weather for next week.. :shock: :shock:
Right better move Niamh has had her bacon butty and gone back to bed but can hear footsteps..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Barbara, on one of my hospital stays, a patient across from me was given the tests. I listened carefully at the test questions, but I hardly knew any of the answers. I probably would have forgotten the address even if it had been my own. :shock:
I spoke to my new neighbour today, they will be here all day today, and the painters are coming back on Monday with the tilers, then a relative will clear the garden out then hopefully all should be ready for new tenants YAY I will put a link to the estate agents as soon as I can. I know you (like me) can't wait to see the pictures. You might also get a peek of our house on the outside shots.They were thinking of maybe taking Kath tomorrow morning....she thinks they can sneak her in to see the rainbow droplet
Oh smashing Toni, something else for me to look forward to.Thank the girls for me.
By way Toni, thank you for helping me out by going to the booth for me.
Festive Celery and Salmon Canapés
SERVES: 38-40 Pieces
350g Celery sticks
100g Smoked salmon
100ml Sour cream
Fresh dill and freshly cracked black pepper. to garnish
Half a lemon, halved and sliced into moon crescents
Recipe Summary
During the festive season it can be tricky picking healthy recipes for starters and canapés, to entertain your guests. Our Dietitian Martin has put this recipe together with this in mind, to help you offer a delicious recipe that remains healthy and full of fresh ingredients, to make your dinner party shine!
As we will be presenting the celery as a base for our canapés, we must first wash the celery sticks and dry with a paper towel. Arrange the celery sticks curve side up, and spoon the sour cream on the the crevice of each stick.
Next, we will cut the smoked salmon in small strips and roll up each strip into a little circle, arranging on the sour cream-stuffed celery. You should have around four rolls of salmon per stick, making sure they are spaced out a little. Once you have arranged all the salmon on the celery, use a sharp knife and slice the celery so you have bite-sized pieces with a round of salmon in the middle of each piece.
Now you have your bite-sized canapés, tear a bit of dill and place a sprig on top of each salmon roll on each piece. Arrange on a plate, next to the slices of lemon, and crack some fresh black pepper, or sprinkle over some ready-ground pepper if easier, ready for your guests to tuck in!"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all
A lovely breezy day, blowing through front to back, perfect for getting the washing and drying sorted, without melting into a pool
Peaches and cream was rather decadent, for breakfast, but hey, why not. Glad you enjoyed it Toni
The second layer of piping was essential, we never want a dry cake :shock: the shame would be terrible. :oops: :oops:
I wish Lucy could get a fair warning of a seizure, some people do, in various ways t4591 t4591 t115006
My fingers have recovered, no more jabbing with needle pens. Nero's seem to have the worst effect, no matter how good I am with the main bit, ie cheese, beetroot ciabatta, etc. Then a cake and by 4, I am hypo. Costa, no problem, GC or T room, no problem. Wonder if it is something about their coffee :? :? very strange
Mother was shouting the odds, from silly o clock -I kept dozing off, but she insisted on waking me up every time.
Yes, all is planned to shrink Kath, early doors, Sleek will gather her up and pass her to Mother, who will wrap her in a faux fur muffler. She will tell the nymphs that it is one of their fury friends, when they go to the cafe and to see the rainbow droplet
Avoid any latte's in the Nymphs cafe, just a teeny bottle of the finest spring water.
The spell will last an hour. Shhhhh, no Nymphs must find out, they are too shy.
We had some more rain on and off this morning, Lake District drizzle.
OUCH, :shock: the compressor has gone kaput in the AirCon. Big ouch. :shock: ££££ As you say, unless you want hot air blowing at your all the time. They are very sensitive apparently. One grain of dust in one of the pipes and it can ruin a compressor.
Booked in for Thursday and new awnings on Friday, that is exciting, I bet it makes a big difference
I think we will both be having our chilling machines going, looking at the weather for the coming week :shock: :shock: more Saharan plumes :roll: :roll:
Yes, the golf is really good. It is from Lytham next week, would love to go. Paul likes his football. Not a great fan, more tennis and golf.
Very sorry to hear about MIL and her being so poorly. She will feel rotten with high urea, from dialysis not working effectively. Has she kind of given up? I know my Dad did. You feel so helpless. Sending a million hugs and lighting a candle for everyone. t4591 Of course you will all be so upset.
It is frustrating as well, you want to make things better and you just cannot.
She has done well on dialysis, for the past 6 years. Bless her, as long as she is comfy with lots of TLC. t4591
Dad was on the dot of 11am, he rarely forgets his croissants and coffee on a Sat morning. It is ingrained from when Mum was alive, they used to come round. He enjoyed his lunch and watching the golf.
Lucy is zzzzzz ing, while you are off to Shrewshrosbury Another 12 hour shift tonight. Way to go Lucy - this would always stand you in good stead to go into nursingJust a thought
Hi Sue and Joan, don't you worry, sorting out your eye care is very important and then picking up your pills. Equally important. We all rattle with pills and potions.
Have you managed to get out and about, without getting wet. It is pleasant today, lovely breeze. (((()))) to both and to the doggies.
Hi Barbara - oh dear, your younger Brother is poorly, sorry to hear and sending many hugs (((()))) to you all and some more prayers will go along with the candle that is lit. t4591
The memory tests at the GP are designed to take you off guard, they will often say something quite random when you first go in, then go back to it after 10 minutes - I would not have a clue. Address? what address? :? :? :roll: :roll:
Of course you passed, I would never have doubted it. There is always a margin of error allowed. Dads is such a long appointment, 90 minutes :shock: it will be quite in depth, but in a nice way, without making it all sound like an exam.
Still no results for Mr B?
Hope you enjoyed the sweet potato rosti, it is very tasty. Of course the peach and cheese breakfast cake, was a winner
It did save some money, not going round B&M, just waiting near the check outs. Apart from spying the Trolls
Glad your garden has been naturally watered and yes, the weather is "interesting" for next week :shock: :shock: m0150 m0150
I am sure Niamh enjoyed her bacon butty and extra half hour in bed t4591
Hi Kath - you would be fine on the memory test, allowances are madethey would need to be, I would be saying "what", "Who", :shock: :shock:
Nice to have spoken again to your new neighbours. Sounds like things are progressing well and the To Let sign will be going up soon ish.
Looking forward to seeing inside and of course, to seeing yours toome, nosy, not at all
The glitter puskins are more than happy to take you on a venture up to Pendle, to gather cobwebs from the moorland, sit at the summit and take in the view, then back to the Nymphs T room, only a bottle of spring water, no latte's. Mother will have you wrapped in a faux fur muffler, pretending you are one of their fury friends :animal_busy: :animal_busy: You will get to see the rainbow droplet too.
Only one hour, so watch the time.
Celery and salmon Canape's, lovely, ta mi duck.
(((()))) for any ouchies, they are terrors for lurking, as we know all too well. :roll: :roll:
Hi Carol - hope you are ok, cannot remember if it Church open day today. I know you keep letting me know and of course, I forget :roll: :roll:
Huge to your both (((()))) and some sparkles for everyone t115006 t115006
Just one lot of drying to do, then all finished. Housekeeping has been in and beds are done, things immaculised and generally fussed.
Time I was pottering a little more, pills needed, it is that time of day again.
Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
I am getting the hang of this cake piping now.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - pleasant temperatures, lulling us into a false sense of security :shock:
Hope everyone is as ok as possible.
Hi Toni - hope you and yours are ok. (((()))) for you all and for MIL too t4591
Sleek was over at siesta time, lots of sweets and lots of fresh litter flicking :roll: :roll: They were watching love island, but both fell asleep :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :shock: I think they are ready to pick mini Kath up, this morning. t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - (((())))) for you and yours and for your Brother t4591
Candles lit for those who have family members or friends who are very poorly t4591
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok and Daughter and GD are on speaking terms once more (((())))
Hi to everyone else in and about. t4591
A quiet afternoon here, enjoying the golf. Final round Sunday.
Hair cuts today, so I will be unrecognisable later :shock:
I won't dally, need to potter about a bit. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all XXXX Aidan
Carrot and Courgette Fritters, (vegan )XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Mmmm loving the carrot and courgette fritters ta Aidan saved Kari 1. yes 1 I ate the rest :oops:
I think we will be going to see Paul's Mum today. Thank you for the candles I'm sure they help. Yes she has given up you are right and deteriorated so much so fast they are planning a CT on her brain in case of a bleed. Once that's done if she refuses dialysis I am suggesting she is oved to the cottage hospital in her own home town. That way her big brother can visit her and it will be easier for all of them. Just praying she goes soon and peacefully. She says she won't see Tia married
Sleek came in at 5am then again at 6 this time I got up as I want Paul to sleep while he can :? They have taken Kath (mini Kath) to collect all things magic! Sleek said it was a good morning there were mists and magic cobwebs like gossamer which they then took to the nymphs! KATH has seen the nymphs and been to the café I'm sure she'll fill us all in laterWsa that the rainbow droplet? :shock: t4591 wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear me! Poor Sleek! She's hissing fit to burst and is the size of a fox! Tail and all :shock: yes an opportunist land-cat :shock: :shock: :shock: Tosca will be over later casting spells probably at siesta time.
I am intrigued by Nero's having that affect on you :? very odd indeed. Maybe try having a different drink (Heaven forbid) next time? Eliminate the coffee as a possible cause???
Yes poor Dudley he needs a new compressor bless him as you say a tiny spec of dust :? He'll be all better soon as will I once it's cooler in the car and the house with the awning.
OUr aircons will be going like the clappers m0150
I'm with you as far as footie goes I prefer tennis, (used to enjoy cricket) and athletics.
Dad is a good lad with his ingrained need to croissants at 11am
Well that piping!! Perfect Aidan! I expect there was a double layer inside too?
Kath we cannot wait to see the house and maybe yours in the back ground too
Do tell all about your excursion with the girls this morning :shock: was it amazing?
No problem helping you out in the booth never fear when it comes to cake I can be very helpful!!
Love the glitter cats! So does Sleek and no doubt Tosca too t4591
Barbara I am sending much love to your brother I hope very much that all is well and he is comfortable ((()))
Yes the sisters were a bit full-on weren't they? :roll: I think they are in trouble with Mother superior again now :?
Will be picking Lucy up soon after her night duty. I think she loves the oldies herself!
Niamh had her bacon butty and lie-in and is on the way down....
Sue I hope you got your meds this time. Is Joan ok too?
Love to Carol I hope things are going ok peace restored to the Turbo extended family now. Baby getting so close too
AND Mig I hope recovering still and doing well lots of ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Barbara sorry about your Brother I hope he's not too bad((((((()))))and to you ((((()))))
. Kathleen good you will soon have peace at last((((()))))
Aidan is Nero's coffee stronger than Costa's((((((()))
Toni Lucy is so good carrying on through it all(((((())))) Sorry about Paul's Mum I hope they can help her((((())))
have a good day everyone love to Carol Mig (((((()))))*
. take care
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Well, where do I begin? Mother and Sleek arrived at about 3am and the sensation of being shrinked was very pleasant. I became a ginger pusskin when Mother draped me in the wonderful fake fur cape. so we set of en motor bicyclette (my French improves when I'm in pusscat mode). Mother did rather a lot of screeching and waved her wand about rather a lot, then suddenly went quiet. "We're there" she whispered in my ear so I knew I had to be quiet myself.
(I'm hiding behind Mother in the sidecar)
The magical mists were thick and easy to catch in our mist nets which hung below us. I was amased at the twinkling lights and sparkles, they were so beautiful. Then we stopped beneath a tall dark tree and Mother mewed (Shhh) then suddenly the Nymphs appeared. All dressed in gossammer, which wafted as they danced.
Then I sneezed. :shock: And they all disappeared. Mother tutted and gave me one of her looks, then we were home with masses of mists. Toni, Aidan don't tell the girls, but one of the Nymphs winked at me, and dropped her Gosammer gown on my lap. It's in my special cupbard for treasured things.I'm normal size now. But it will be a permanent and treasured memory.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..
Aidan the carrot and courgette fritters were just the job saves us cooking..and thankyou for the hugs and candles like Toni says they do help..xx
I hope you are ok after your hypo maybe stay clear of Neros for a while...glad to hear you are ok with the rest...
Now the piping blimey you have been practicing..never seen it done so fast...
poor dad a 90 min appointment Im afraid they wouldn't know what to make of me after ten mins..hope it goes ok ..
My youngest brother has the same has our eldest brother..he has only just found esophagus cancer..we are in shock to be honest..he has a radiation injection on Friday and a pet scan he was there 4 its a waiting game to see if its spread..
Joan are kind and all the hugs really do help..hope you are all keeping ok..((()))
Toni I am sorry to hear about Pauls mum..and I hope they do get her near home ..not much to ask.. t4591 xx
I am pleased that Lucy enjoys her job..obvious very caring..bless her...and thankyou its just a waiting game now with my brother..he is 66..
Kath glad you can see light at the end of the tunnel..and would love to nosy at the pics when they are ready...not good is it having a bad memory ..never mind we get there..just..
Right will move for now
love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591
just spotted you there kath will post this then look at your pic..xxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello my darlings, since my expedition my ouchies haven't been as bad as usual, and thankfully next door are having a day off, so all is quiet. So all pusscats (even pretend ones) are having a nap.
:animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Barbara, oh my goodness, esophagus cancer! I had a bit of radioactive stuff injected in the side of my breast, then a little blue dye. The dye followed the lymph nodes and showed where my cancer had spread, luckily only into one lymph node which was removed when I had the mastectomy. But you probably know all this as your older brother has been through it. t4591 t4591 (((hugs)))) for you all.
My dad's doctor doesn't know anything about his op, he has to wait until his own doc comes back from holiday or contact the hospital. But he's convinced they either didn't get rid of all of it, or it's come back - whatever it is.
Joan, well I don't know about getting peace and quiet yet, depends on who moves in!
Toni, I'm sorry to hear about Paul's mum, I hope she doesn't linger and that they manage to control her pain.
Aidan, yes they picked me up early doors and you have probably read about it now.Thank you for the Carrot and Courgette Fritters, my word, you do look smart.
raspberry cheesecake
IngredientsMini Raspberry Cheesecakes
For the crust
100g pecan nuts
100g medjool dates, pitted (approximately 8)
75g desiccated coconut
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
Zest 1 lemon
Pinch salt
For the filling
125g cashew nuts, soaked overnight (or for at least 4 hours) and then drained through a sieve
60ml coconut oil, melted
200ml organic, tinned coconut milk (half a standard 400ml tin)
150g fresh raspberries
Juice 1lemon
80ml maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch salt
To decorate
Fresh raspberries or any berries of your choice
Begin by soaking the nuts. Place your cashews in a bowl and add enough water to cover them. Cover and soak for approximately four hours.
Cut thin strips of parchment paper and lay a strip in each cavity of the muffin tin. The paper will act as a little handle to lift out the cheesecake.
Make the crust by placing all the ingredients in a food processor. Whizz until smooth. Add a drop of boiling water if the mixture looks a little too sticky.
Tip the crust mixture into the prepared muffin tin and pat down to create a thin, even layer in each section.
Place the tin in the freezer for two to three hours to allow the base of the cheesecake to harden (which will make it easier to load with filling).
Meanwhile, make the filling. Rinse and drain the soaked nuts. Wipe out the food processor and blitz the cashews.
Add the remaining filling ingredients and blend until smooth.
Taste the mixture and add more lemon juice or maple syrup as required.
Remove the muffin tin from the freezer and pour some filling mixture on top of each base crust. Level out the fillings then place the tin back in the freezer for a minimum of three to four hours, or overnight.
Approximately 30 minutes before you are ready to serve the cheesecakes, remove the tin from the freezer and allow to thaw slightly.
When you are ready to serve the cheesecakes, remove them from the tin and place on a plate decorated with fresh berries."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - Cloudy, but getting very muggy. :? :?
I have put some more carrot and courgette fritters out, they seem to be vanishing very quickly :shock: :shock:Ah, Toni ate 12, saving one for Auntie Kari
I hope your visit to see Paul's Mum went ok Toni. It would be good if she could be moved to the cottage hospital and be nearer to more family. All depends on how frail she is, bless her. I will keep the candle burning, for Mum and for Barbara's Brother too. t4591 t4591
Our small hospital in Clitheroe, has two wards, which are run by the local GP services. People often move there from Blackburn hospital and also for respite care. The ward staff are very experienced and it is Nurse led for most of the time.
It is looking like Kath had THE most wonderful time, with our duo.
That is the rainbow droplet t115006 t115006 Mother is still full of pride, at having found one, after 90 plus years of looking. t4591
Don't worry, Mother shrieked until I woke up, at some silly time, to let me know about the land cat in Sleeks garden. (Mother was impressed by the size of Miss Sleek, all puffed out and bristling tail) :shock:
A spell has been cast over the garden, to deter any intruders. t115006 It is called "the hissing spell"
I will try something different at Nero's, if I can.................the thoughts, no coffee :shock: :shock: might be a step too far :roll: :roll:
All AC will be on full blast from tomorrow I think. A low of 24 on Tuesday night :shock: :shock: goodness knows what the high will be m0150 m0150 :?
There were several layers of piping in that cake Toni, far too many really, but I was so engrossed with the icing, I was carried away. :roll:
How was Lucy's night shift, good I hope
Hi Joan and Sue - I don't think Nero's is any stronger, but they all use different blends, so, it might be that, or, I might just need to have more non sweet carbs :? :?
Hope you are both ok and enjoyed the week end. Uncle and Aunt from Swindon are coming up later this week, to stay with Dad
Hi Kath - the girls did have you up and about early. t115006 t115006 So you became a ginger puskin, Minerva must have helped with the spell, as she can change into a cat too.
You all looked perfectly comfy in the side car, with Sleek at the helm, the motorcycle was actually a broom, in disguise. They thought it would be less scary for you. (love the picture )
It is just as magical as we have all heard about, but you have seen the nymphs, which is a very rare thing indeed. Their gossamer was very sheer :shock:but they are more than at ease with their own beauty.
You sneezed, oh my.No wonder you had a "look" from Mother and no doubt a rolling of the eyes :roll: :roll: You have a gossamer robe, from one of the Nymphs, no, nothing will be said, we don't know a thing. It must be hidden for the most part, but can be brought out, to ease any ouchies - it is full of hidden gems
Glad you enjoyed your special outing t4591
Thank you, we are both very smart now and so young looking too
The hawthorn hedges have been clipped too, so everything is neatly trimmed. The sparrows like it when the hedges are trimmed, they can pop up from inside the hedge, they do look funny.
Hope Dad gets some answers, waiting about is no fun at all.
Glad that you have some peace and quiet and that your ouches are not as bad today. Possibly a little stroll soon
Ta for the Raspberry Cheesecake - lovely mi duck
Hi Barbara, you are more than welcome to the hugs and candles, I am sure they do help, in their own way.
We will avoid Nero's for a little while.
Very sorry to hear about your Brothers diagnosis - I assume that he has had an endoscopy and a tissue biopsy. I hope the results from the scan are favourable. Patients can have radio or chemotherapy and or surgery if necessary, all depends on the location and what stage things are at. Extra prayers for him and for you all t4591
Another waiting game, it is horrible. 66 is no age.
Right mi dears. Time I was having another potter. It is getting more humid as we speak.
Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXXXXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all
No mention of the weather, apart from the rain is welcome, t111055 to water the garden. I will be sat with the AC, until the week end, if anyone needs me
Not a deal to report, we are all preened and tidy, humans and garden.
Caught up with the gold, which as been very good, Royal Portrush in Ireland looks a lovely place.
How was your visit to see Paul's Mum Toni? I hope she is comfortable and all cares are excellent t4591
Sleek was over at siesta time, there was a lot of shrieking about their trip out with mini Kath. A hooman, seeing some of the nymphs, in the flesh :shock: :shock: Mother was a little startledbut hid it well. The Nymphs tend to wear only gossamer when they are under their trees, dancing. Otherwise they have modest items on, in the ravine, where it is cooler. Plus they can wrap their wings around themselves. Always happy to share their magic t115006 t115006
Lucy will be tired after another long night shift :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
No more land cats I hope.
Hi Barbara - sending you and yours lots of love and prayers, I trust your Brother can have some treatment, once they have the results of the scan. t4591
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok. I did see you photo on FB, with your pinkie out, taking tea at the harbour T Rooms
Have you had a busy week end? Hopefully a more chilled out day today. :animal_busy:
B is taking Dad for his Podiatry check up, then shopping. I am at home as the plumber / boiler guy is coming to do the annual service, have to do it, or the extended guarantee is not valid.
Time I was pottering. Everyone take lots of care. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Thai Sweetcorn FrittersXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Paul's Mum - She had had a bleed in her brain and also a heart attack. She's now ok most of the time but memory not great. She's declining dialysis now with the Dr's blessing and the family's. Should be days and once she definitely declines the dialysis (due today) they will try to get her over to the cottage hospital. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and wishes candles etc.
Lovely Aidan sweetcorn fritters perfectOnly had a few.....
Hardly recognised you there with your smart young look20 years younger. Yes try different food at Nero's first because their coffee is really rather special :?
Sleek is feeling much more confidant outside blimey she was on guard until Mother did the spell for her checking inside the house by all points of potential entry :?
I hope Dad's podiatry goes ok and wonder whether you got the better deal....dishy engineer might call out
Paul caught up on the golf too to distract himself when we got back from the hospital, but I found him Zzzzing he is worn out :animal_busy:
The staff on the ward in Coventry are amazing (renal) yes, but they are going to do their best to get her 'home' to the nurse led hospital where she had all 3 of her children.
Aircon will at least exist in the house..... :roll:
Kath I hope all turns out to be well with your Dear Dad :?
What a trip that was!! I love the pic of the side car, but my nyphs pic came out blank - I will try again later incase it was me.
Imagine you having a net too of your own! There was a wise and brave nymph then who gave you the gossamer :shock: wow what a treasure and Aidan says it has magic powers when you are struggling too
Sleek told me all about it, but said I mustn't tell anyone! as if I would :shock:
Barbara I am very upset to hear about your brother There's a big difference between 66 and 85. This is not good at allLet's hope A) it hasn't spread much if at all and b) that it can and is treated successfully. My love and ((())) to you all.
I think they should get Paul's Mum near home if she's up to the journey then her big brother can see her. He has RA and can't do the journey now.
Joan I hope all is well with you haven't heard from you in a while :?
Love to Carol who must be getting so exited by now t4591
and everyone else
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Tonl
. Kathleen I hope your new neighbours are not has noisy good luck((((((())))
. Barbara I'm so sorry was I hope he's not in a lot of pain (((((())) to you (((((((())))))
. Aidan any news about your new car what colour will it be ((((((())))) Love to your Dad((((((())))
. Toni I'm so sorry about Paul's Mum I hope she's not in to much pain (((((((()))))) I did write yesterday to say I was sorry I'm thinking about all of you. ((((((()))))
. take care all love to Carol Mig((((((())))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I felt a bit squiffy this morning, I don't know if it was the result of the magic, the trip on the sidecar/broom, tiredness, or a combination of all of them Also this morning, we heard the tile cutter and now they are laying carpet. So perhap we'll see a TO LET sign appearing any day now. I had a look at the website, but it's not there yet.
For all our loved ones who are suffering in some way. mig, Paul's mum, dad and my dad, Lucy, Barbara's brother and many friends on VA.
Aidan, that's a gorgeous gem, and it spins around so that it's magical qualities can reach far and wide. And thank you for the Thai Sweetcorn Fritters, I didn't know when to stop. :shock:
Toni, in case you can't get to see the Nymph photo, I'm posting it again.
Koshari with masala spiced chickpeas and turmeric roasted cauliflower
Rice – can be white, brown, mixed or easy-cook – allow 75g uncooked per person
Brown lentils – allow 75g uncooked per person
For the cauliflower:
1 medium cauliflowerVegan Koshari curry
6 tbsp rapeseed oil
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp tumeric
salt, to taste
For the chickpeas:
1 can chickpeas, drained, rinsed and blotted
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
2 tsp garam masala
salt to taste
For the fried onion:
2 large onions
Rapeseed oil for frying.
For the tomato sauce:
10 cherry tomatoes
3 tbsp tomato puree
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
100ml water
1 large onion
rapeseed oil for frying
2-3 red chillis
3-4 cloves garlic
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6.
Cook the rice and lentils according to packet instructions. Mix together when cooked and transfer to an oven-proof dish with a lid – reheat in oven when required.
Trim the cauliflower into regular sized pieces. Mix the remaining ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Tip the cauliflower pieces into the bowl and mix well. Transfer to a roasting tray and roast for 20-30 minutes (depending on how soft you like your cauliflower and how big the pieces are).
Mix the chickpeas with the oil, spices and salt, transfer to a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes, turning regularly.
Slice the two onions as finely as you can and fry in the oil until browned.
Peel and roughly chop the onion. Place in a large frying pan with a little oil. Peel and roughly chop the garlic, add to the pan. Trim and finely chop the chillis and add to the pan. Cook gently for a few minutes until onion begins to soften.
Quarter the tomatoes, add to the pan and cook for a few more minutes, stirring frequently, until tomatoes begin to soften. Stir in the tomato paste, vinegar and water. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
To assemble the dish:
Place a portion of the rice and lentil mixture on each plate, top with tomato sauce and onions. Add a portion of the masala spiced chickpeas and the turmeric-roasted cauliflower.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - Candle lit, for everyone, especially for Paul's Mum, Barbara's Brother, Kath's Dad, Mig and all who are in need of some extra thoughts and prayers t4591
Hi Toni, No, it does not sound good at all, if Mum has had a small bleed and also a heart attack. I would guess her sodium, potassium levels are all a kilter, which can cause an MI. Bless her.
It would be good, if Mum is up to it, to transfer her to the cottage hospital that she knows well and then your BIL can visit. Oh these are difficult times, we can all share your worries and thoughts are with you all. t4591 t4591
Good to hear that the staff on renal, are all lovelythat is what we like.
I bet Paul is shattered, asleep in the chair. Good idea to watch the golf and do things that distract a little.
B went out, with Dad, I waited in, time went on............thought, he is never usually late. So checked my emails, had had an emergency, so re booked for Saturday morning at silly o clock :roll: :roll: To be fair, he had written at 7 this morning, my fault for not checking my emails.
Anyway, Dad has another dressing on his toe, pressure point skin damage. To go back in a week. They came back with the shopping and I was ready for the GCSo, it all worked out ok in the end.
Emergency plumbing takes priority over boiler service.
Oh my it is so blo
humid out there, silly daft weather.
We had brunch, I was leaking coffee, cauliflower pot, with some fries, then choc orange cake, yippee. They did Dad a sausage butty (it was after breakfast menu time). He was quite vacant and a bit thrown out, as Aunt and Uncle are coming up on Thursday, then we have memory clinic on Friday. They look after themselves, Aunt was a nurse, so she organises everyone
Mother has done all necessary checks on Sleek house and garden, reinforcing the spell of "anti Land Cats"
Thank you, we do look at least 20 years younger, it's uncanny
Home now and the AC is on. They have it at the GC, but people moan that it is cold, if they are sat near the wall thingies. :roll: :roll: :roll: ok then, we will all sit here and just melt :shock: :? :?
AC is at 24 at the moment, it is taking some cooling. The rest of the week is just silly hot :shock: :shock:
I imagine your chiller is on full blast as well - we have to be as cool as possible
Hi Joan and Sue - the new car, our first choice is Mountain Grey, then some fancy name for Silver, then Blue, in that order. I will ring about the motability at the end of the week, go back on the scheme for AugustHope you are both ok, try and keep as cool as you possible. (((())))
Oh dear Kath, we don't want you squiffy, pop out the gossamer veil and drape yourself in it, that will work some magic t4591 t115006
Tiling and carpet laying, things are getting close to being ready for occupants. Cannot wait to see and be nosy.
Are you still eating those fritters, step away, desist
Ta mi duck, for the Koshan masala chick peas dish, looks delicious.
Hi Barbara - lots of love and thoughts and prayers to you, your Brother and to all. I won't mention the weather............ :? :? :roll: :roll: Pop over if you want to sit in the lounge
Niamh will be over to see you more often now that schools are out, for the summerThe paddling pool will get some use this week. If you get in, send a text and we will come and get you out
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok, I bet you are even warmer down there in London :shock: :shock: Your chillow will be in good use, as will mine.
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Sleek is calling over at Siesta, new pack of sweets opened today, so there will be shrieking and pinging of biscuits, far and wide, even more so after Daddy has vacuumed already.
Time I was pottering. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 will call back later XXXX Aidan
Berry Ice Cream Cake - it is a must haveXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..its warm :shock: :shock:
Toni I am so very sorry to hear about Pauls mum..bless her I hope they can soon get her to the cottage hospital and they can make her comfortable... t4591 t4591 and many thanks xx
Kath glad the ouchies are not has bad..and thankyou for the good wishes for my brother..xx now roasted cauliflower did you know its an antiinflammatory..I have just found out...I hope your dad gets his results soon xx
Joan thankyou for all the hugs my brother feels fine for now..and is getting on with his life..hope you are all doing ok
Aidan thankyou for all the sparkles and candles..and the lovely Nymphs..and of course the fritters..and berry icecream cake...will pop round tomorrow to sit in your lounge..and bring more cake..
my brother had a endoscopy at Bolton hospital he started chocking..and we knew the signshe has to wait a week now for the scan results..but he feels fine..
Glad you are tidy hedges all trimmed..glad dad has his dressing all done and you got to the GC..sorry what was the emergency plumber for.. :?
Right will leave you all for now
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all -
You are not wrong Barbara - it is super warm. Just turned the AC off and brought the window screen in. Even with the screen, little midges start getting in and buzzing about :roll: :roll: :? We are down to 20, so that is not so bad.
You are more than welcome to thoughts and prayers and the goodies of course.
I will pop the kettle on, to go with the cake you are bringing over
I am glad that your Brother feels fine in himself and is getting on with life. Not a good sign when someone starts choking with an endoscopy, have to stop pretty quick.
I hope the results of the scan are favourable t4591 t4591
We are all neat and tidy, just some watering to do this morning, with the hot winds, everything will dry out so quickly. I will go out first thing, before it his 30 degrees. :shock: :shock:
The plumber (who installed the new boiler) does the yearly service, to ensure the 7 year warranty is adhered to. He was due Monday, but had an emergency call, so he is coming on Saturday instead.
We need more cauliflower, (very interesting) glad we had some at the GC on Monday, it wasn't roasted, it was cheesy :? :? maybe that doesn't count. They did have roasted veggies on the specials board, I was tempted. Next time
How is Mr B? Does he have his results yet? Love to all
Hi Toni - hope you are all ok and had chance to rest a little - I know, it is almost impossible when a loved one is so poorly, as you know all too well. t4591 t4591
Has Lucy got a couple of days off now, to recover from her night shifts.
Sleek was over earlier, they started watching love island, but both fell asleep, with the fan wafting gently.
I dozed for a while, those strange little sleeps where you think you have been asleep for hours and hours and it has been 10 minutes :shock: :roll: :roll:
Tosca is still sleeping, in between gourmet chicken dinners and lots of sweets :animal_busy:
Hi Carol, hope you are all ok - keeping as cool as possible. I bet you are glad of the tree, casting some shade, when it is so hot.
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Stopping at home and indoors for the most part. B will pop round to check that Dad is ok, while I water some of the pots.
Time I was pottering a little. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care, keep cool XXX Aidan
Strawberry Shortcake Dutch PancakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Tia came with us to see her Nan yesterday and today she should have her syringe driver in. She declined her dialysis yesterday so today they can transfer her over to the cottage hospital. All pray or hope for an empty bed for her fingers crossed.
Barbara thank you so much and the same wishes back at you. Good to hear your bro is 'as normal' good sign ((())) Paul's will be much happier when the syringe driver is in and the morphine does better for her.
Aidan those pancakes! Fab U LOUS!!
So Dad is having visitors on Thursday I hope that means a little rest for you and B? Good to hear she is an ex nurse too
Dudley Juke is gunmetal grey a very smart colour. It will be lovely to see you new car when you are back on the scheme.
His toe still not 100% is he screwing his toes up??? How odd.
Sleek admitted to Zzzzing and missing Love Island :animal_busy: she said it was soooo hot!! Today will be worse. I got our bedroom down to 20 too, but it almost felt cold compared to the rest of the bungalow!
She and Mother are going a ride to Lytham over the weekend for some fishy treat and sea air. They like that don't they? No recent land cat sightings so mother's spell is working well.
Yes Paul's Mum is struggling a bit with her memory after the bleed and gets cross with herself. I'm certain the morphine in the syringe driver will help a lot and she'll be calmer and in less pain. Thank you for the candle. I just want her brother and older relatives to be able to see her and her see them. She says her goodbyes now and keeps asking us to send her love to people.
Fresh sweets? Sleek heard the packet open!! like a flash she'll be there!!
Kath I loved the Koshari with masala spiced chickpeas and turmeric roasted cauliflower. I love masala and you often don't get it, it being more often chicke, masala, as a veggie.
I hope it won't be long before we see the house on the website. I saw the candle you posted for our poorly loved ones thank you ((()))
Take care I hope the squiffiness has eased :?
Hi Joan How are the doggies and you two coping with this heat? :roll: m0150
Love to Carol I hope all is well peace restored and baby countdown must be getting close!
Love and strength to mig
Toni xxx0
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