Val's Cafe
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan
. Toni it's a shame Lucy was poorly I'm wishing they would end so has she could learn to drive.(((((())))
. Kathleen that must of been so good having a quiet weekend(((((())))
Aidan yes we watched the tennis good match. I hope your Dad's foot is not too bad(((((())). My friend had artificial legs I met her when I went swimming she had legs for the water((((((())))). Dad((((())
. take care love to Barbara Carol Mig((((((()))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Joan, when you look back on your youth, it's amazing what you remember.
Toni, so a vestry isn't where you try your vests on then. (Vest try)I'm glad the possums are helping Lucy recover, and the watermelon will soothe her sore tongue.
Aidan, yes we did have a very quiet weekend. We expected them back on the job this morning, but no. Someone turned up at dinner time but we just heard doors open and close and then they went upstairs. So perhaps they have more or less finished and just have to clear up in readiness for new tenants. We are waiting with bated breath. We watched the Rogavitch show yesterday, in between watching Miss Marple on the Drama channel. Every time the adverts came on we switched over for a bit of tennis. I was very glad Novak won. Roger is a bit too smarmy for me.Thank you for the Blackberry Sourdough Scones With Lemon Glaze, very moreish. Dad has an appointment on Wednesday (Anita's taking him) but his own doctor is on holiday and I don't know if the hospital has sent a letter to him yet. But I'd have thought dad should have had one himself by now. :roll:
Hugs for mig, Carol and Barbara.
Oat and Raisin Cookies (vegan and gluten free)
1 cup (90g) gluten-free oats
1 cup (150g) golden raisins
1 cup (93g) shredded coconut
2 bananas, mashed
1/2 cup (125ml) coconut milk
Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray.
Combine all ingredients in a medium sized bowl.
Using your hands, form balls and place them on the prepared tray (the mixture will be running, so be careful).
Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes, or until cookies are brown and firm to the touch.
Leave to cool and enjoy!
You could replace the bananas with soft peanut butter Aidan, I know you don't like them."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - another warm and very humid day, better now we are home, with the AC on full blast. The weather man said "it might be humid by mid week" Heaven knows what it is now then :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, the girls were right, it is a hot afternoon m0150 far better temperature when they went out.
It was the unseen bits as in not shown on tv, for Love Island, even Mrs Darcey was a little apprehensive, in case it was bits of "bits":? :?
The latte was dried shrimp and finny haddockthe whiff was indescribable
Mother had a little chat, about the Vestry, explaining all things Ecclesiastical - vestments and cassocks, surplice, robes, mitres, stoles, collars and cuffs, the whole works. Sleek is now convinced that the Rekk tor is a WizzardMother did explain that all clerks in holy orders have special connections with the one who made the Universe
Sleek was in awe................ t115006 t115006 The Vestry is now on her list of VERY special places. t4591 t4591
We were up and out at silly o clock, B dropped us off at the local hospital, (always empty in outpatients, there are only two wards, more like a cottage hospital, but brand new) They have physio, x ray ultrasound, OT etc.
Anyway, I digress. We didn't wait above 30 seconds to go in, I know the lady, so I said I am FIL chaperonein other words I want to be nosy
It was a small ulcer, between two of his toes. He had his new shoes on from the VERY expensive shoe med shop in town, which are super comfy. The ulcer is healed, he can now shower away with abandon, but he must not wear anything that is too tight fitting - next job, to put certain shoes, in the binOne check up in a week, apart from that, they are very happy
All done, dusted, B arrived back from town, after gathering new blister packs and fuel, we were in the GC by 10am :shock: :shock: so we had breakfast / brunch. We beat Beth, she doesn't start till 11. She has just got engaged, t4591 t4591 lovely sapphire and diamond ring, very pleased for her.
Glad you all enjoyed an early night - the heart is lovely, I tried to find it in rainbow colours :roll: t115006
Nice to see the pinkies out, for the dainty breakfast, then licking the plate
Good that Lucy enjoyed her soft diet yesterday and topped up on fluids. Essential for sure.
Work tomorrow :shock: :? Play it by ear I guess. t115006 t115006
Sliding on the ice, yes, our penguins do have ice sheets - there would need to be a ramp, so that I ended up (in a heap) in my chairI would need a silicone sheet, to prevent ice burns on my bellies
Fair enough, that Nan wants to see that Lucy is ok, telephones are great, but sometimes seeing is believing
The tennis was an epic, without a doubt, imagine being there, sat sitting, in the heat :shock: :shock: :shock: Kate remained perfectly poised throughout. Takes some doing.
I think Roger might retire at the end of this year or even at the US Open in New York. Just a hunch. He wants to have all his time with his gorgeous sets of twins and give Mirka some time off from trekking around the world all the time.
Is it true, Barbara has been on the Brandy - oh my :roll: :roll: :roll: I think it's the heat :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - thank you, Dads little ulcer is healed up now, he just has to be careful what shoes her wears. We will throw some of his older ones in the bin and he can get another pair from shoe med, they are super comfy sweedish design I think. I dare not look at the prices
Hope you are both ok and enjoying the warm weather. (((())))
Your friend really got on with life, with her artificial legs, for swimming etc. Bless her t4591
Another quiet day for you both then Kath. A pleasant surpriseAt least you know who owns the property, which is very useful, come the arrival of new peeples :? :? Many prayers that they are lovely and also very quiet t4591 t4591
So you are not so fussed with Roger. I think sometimes, the match face goes on, even when they are off court, it is the same as a lot of great sport people, they have to keep an air of assertiveness about them, being at the top of their game. All the top players do a good deal of charity work and fund various tennis academies.
It certainly was an epic match, you did right, popping in and out, with Miss Marple (love Miss Marple)
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast, pinkies out. Toni was licking her plate, oh, the shame
Good that Dad is going to the Drs on Wed, with Anita. There could well be a letter that is just waiting for one of the Drs to see. They will look into it for sure, when he goes to his appointment. Most, well, all hospital appointments, they do send a copy to the patient, unless it is lost in the ether does happen :roll: :roll:
Thank you for the oat and raisin cookies, very nice mi duck. Hope any ouches are not too bad. I will alert the possums, to pop back, when they have soothed Lucy
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok. Many hugs and sparkles (((()))) as always. How is Mr B, was he waiting for a referral? I forget, if it was an x ray / scan ? Mind like a sieve :roll: :roll:
I imagine you are feeling rather warm - it is truly airless outside, so we are tucked up indoors, with the chiller on.
I did water the garden and B attacked some weeds, that grow, no matter what you do. Had a quick natter with neighbours on the other side, Mrs M was melting, cooking dinner :shock: :shock: COOK, in this weather, not a chance - sandwiches all the way during summer.
Hi Carol, hope you and Mr T are ok, I know it is a good deal warmer with you, hope you can keep cool and your chillow is doing its job.
Hi to Mig, DD, SW, Toady, Elizabeth, Kerrin, Christine, Crinkly and all our friends.
Time I was pottering a little.
Have found a nice villa and pool, we could go there this evening, for a dip
Will pop back later. In the meantime, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
We NEED these whippy ice creamsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello everyone I thought I posted yesterday after the tennis :?
Aidan what a game it was the longest ever..I so wanted Roger to win one last time..I did see his wife chewing her nails..bless..and the twins at the end look so sullen..
I forgot to order the chillows again today is so hot..hotter than London.. :shock:
So glad that you have fond out what was wrong with dads foot..and he now has comfy shoes and it is healing..(())
I love the little owlsthere big eyes and the heart is the shed it was locked so I never got in .. :roll: did sit out side for a while but no one turned OH is waiting for the results of bloods he doesn't even know what they are for and forgot to ring today :roll: thankyou for all the hugs and sparkles they are always welcome and all the goodies especially the whippy icecreams
wow..and a couple of weeks in the villa
Carol the pics are lovely, I have never been to Dorchester must say the high street looks nice.. and not long at all for your new GGs
Kath I am glad to hear you had a quiet day..phew..we watch houses under the hammer and wish we had done the same to old now
Joan I am sorry to hear about your friends..bless..sending you many hugs and love that is awful...(((()))) xx
Toni its good for Lucy to sleep it out..but you already know that my late mum would say you heal when you are asleep..I hope her tongue heals soon for her that is so painful...(())now were the key to the shed.. :shock:
right will make sure this goes on the forum
Love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
Just turned the AC off, cool for the moment, but I bet I will be wilting in an hour :roll: :roll: Is it Autumn yet :? :?
Hi BarbaraAfter the epic tennis match, I think we all forgot where we were up to. I wanted Roger to win too. They both played out of their socks and it was too close to call.
I knew you would be melting. It is still going to be very warm, so the chillows will always come in handy. We have rain on the way come Wed night onward, which will cool things a little. One forecast said the whole of Autumn will be an Indian summer :shock: :shock: I am hoping they are making it up as they go along.
Each newspaper has some sensational forecast about the weather.
We have been trying to encourage Dad to wear his new comfy shoes, but now that the podiatrist has said he must, he will do :roll: He wants another pair now, in a different colour. Go Dad
So it wasn't you in the shed :? :? who is the mystery Brandy drinker :shock: :? :? Toni will have to put a CCTV in the shed. Poor love, you were sat on the doorstep :?
So Mr B will have to ring today, asking if his results. I would guess there would be a run of routine ones, like renal, liver, bone, sugar, cholesterol, plus any other specific ones.
You are welcome to as many sparkles as you can manage - have a few more while I think on
I was trying to work out how to eat one of those mahusive whippy cones, without loosing most of it..........there must be a way
Hi Toni - hope you are all ok and Lucy is feeling better, for resting and sleeping t115006
Sleek came over to see Mother at siesta time, they ate sweets and watched re runs of SYTTD Mother nodded off, so Sleek made sure she was comfy and let her rest. Bless her old bones t4591
We need to find out the secret Brandy drinker, our Barbara was sat outside, the shed was locked :shock: :?
Hi Carol I bet your chillow is getting some good use, in this hot weather. A more restful day on Monday I trust, after a busy week end. Days are counting fast, I have forgotten where we are :? :roll: :roll:
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
At home today, a bit of a catch up.
Time I was pottering again. Summer makes all my bones shriek :roll: :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Mushroom Fritters for Breakfast - on your marks Kath................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Another hot day here I suspect. Better get the aircon on Aidan! The whole of Autumn this hot? :shock: :shock: :shock: Sounds as though we might need a plan for you to slide with the penguins..... maybe we'll have to think again :roll: Humid midweek :roll: honestly!
I am very pleased Dad is wearing his better shoes now (better for his feet)A 2nd pair is an excellent idea
So whoever was locked in the shed was drinking the brandy :shock: CCTV? Maybe...let me think how we can entrap the culprit. :? Sleek has dragged Tosca over there with "Pepe's fur-enzik" kit. Well would you know! apparently it has al the gear in it fingerprint powder and the like...
Now they are in the cool ready for it to hot up. Sleek says it will be yours later for Love Island as your aircon will be on. No more of those dried shrimp and finny haddock lattes I hope
When I was doing the cart money in the vestry last night Sleek had a careful peer around the door that was all. She is now quite keen to meet the Rev D. She knows all about all things ecclesiastical indeed :roll: she keep running in to tell me something else she's remembered.
I am only having 1 mushroom fritter as Kath loves mushrooms...(1 and a half?)
You did get a lot done yesterday didn't you by splitting up! How lovely for Beth I'm not surprised she is engaged...the way to a man's heart and all
A night in that airconditioned villa! wow! I am taking a unicorn horn ice cream with me
Barbara someone took the key to the shed? Sleek took Tosca over to look for evidence. Whoever it was had unlocked the door by the time I arrived and spotted the depleted brandy stocks.... :?
Lucy ate a bit better yesterday and will go into work tomorrow today might be a bit too soon. Your tongue has so many nerve endings and once it swells up it doesn't fit in your mouth properly hence the other side also getting bitten during the 2nd seizure :roll:
Aldi are flogging off pools quite reasonable price and those slippery things you slide along the lawn on.....a bit like penguins. Don't say a word to Aidan! shhh!
Kath you were total on Sleek's wavelength with the vestry then? :animal_busy:
It sounds as though next door might be nearly ready
Hopefully the fact that no-one has chased your Dad is a good sign? Anyway you know Anita will keep you in the loop she's a good girl.
I had 3 cookies with my cuppa thank you very much and left you plenty of Aidan's posh mushroom breakfast. I tried to only have one, but my belly made me have an extra half :oops:
Joan you did used to swim and go to the gym. Your friend must have been a very determined lady ((())) I also wish Lucy's seizures would stop FOREVERShe says she won't risk driving though.
Love to Carol (on baby watch!) and mig
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
Kathleen yes I try plenty of vests on in the winter I would think you would buy them at a vestry. yes I remember my childhood ((((((())))). yes I wanted Novak to win.
. Aidan sue has just had an ulcer on her little toe painful. I hope your Dad's does not take to long to heal Sue's was sprayed with Silver spray ((((((()))) Dad((((((()))))
. Barbara how are your eyes doing do they ache(((((((()))))
. Toni Lucy is very sensible Young lady she has been through such a lot. Good luck to her in all she does((((((()))))
. take care all love to Carol Mig(((((((())))))
. Joan xxxtake care
joan xx0 -
Aidan, those WHIPPY'S were ginormous, I had my eye on them while stuffing messen wi Mushroom Fritters for Breakfast. Thank you, and thanks toni for saving some for me. Still no movement next door, although it sounds as though someone is pottering now? But no work is being done. When the rubbish (including the old radiator) has gone from the front, perhaps there might be a TO LET sign go up. I've just had a nosy at Wallace Jones website, but it's not on there yet. Oh, the electric saw has just started up. :roll:
Toni, yes Sleek and I are definitely on the same wavelength. If I wasn't hooman, I'd love a trip in the sidecar to collect cobwebs at midnight. I can dream, can't I.and this is definitely a picture of me. :animal_busy:
A sore mouth is miserable, I frequently get sores and blisters round the edge of my tongue, and lips. Flipping Sjogren's :!:
Barbara, so you were locked out of the shed yesterday. :shock: You don't think one of the meercats have taken a liking to Brandy do you? CCTV cameras should catch them. Sleek and Mother are nodding wisely.
Glazed tempeh, bok choi and soba noodles
Serves 2
7/8 cup (200g) tempeh, seitan or firm tofu
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 1/2 cups (250g) bok choi leaves, halved lengthways
Handful of fresh coriander, finely chopped
2 spring onions, sliced
For the maple and orange glaze
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
2cm fresh ginger, finely grated
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1/2 red chilli, deseeded and finely diced
3 tbsp tamari
2 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
Zest and juice of 1/2 an orange
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
For the miso noodle broth
7/8 cup (135g) soba noodles
1 tbsp tamari
1 star anise
3 1/2 tbsp brown rice miso
Drain the tempeh, dry and press out the excess liquid with kitchen paper. Warm the sesame oil in a small pan and add the ginger and garlic. Fry for a minute, then add the rest of the glaze ingredients. Slowly bring to a boil, then gently simmer for 5 minutes. Add the tempeh and cover. Set aside to marinate for 30 minutes to an hour.
Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan, and when hot add the tempeh, keeping the marinade. Fry for around 2 minutes, adding the marinade gradually until the glaze becomes sticky – this should take around 10 minutes. Set aside, cover and keep warm.
Cook your noodles according to the instructions on the pack. Drain, reserving about 500ml of the water, then keep the noodles warm in a bowl, stirring in a little oil.
Pour the noodle water back into the pan, put back on the heat and add the tamari and star anise. Put the miso into a small bowl and mix in a couple of tbsp of the warm water. Add this paste to the pan and keep covered, simmering the broth on a low heat. The flavour should be strong – add more tamari and miso if needed.
Heat ½ tbsp oil in your frying pan and add the bok choi. Cook for 2 minutes on a high heat, then add 3 tbsp of the miso broth and continue cooking for 1 more minute. Bring the broth to a slow boil. Divide your noodles between warm bowls, top with bok choi and ladle over some of the broth. Then stack on a pile of tempeh, topped with some sliced spring onions and a scattering of fresh coriander."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - started off quite pleasant, with a breeze. That lasted for about 2 hours :? :?
AC has been on since noon Toni. Mighty warm out with a smidgen of humidity :shock:
If it does become more humid, we will all stick together, literally :? :?
I am hoping that the silly newspaper reports of blast furnace heat, for months on end, are just hogwash. A bit of an insult to Hogs, but you know what I mean.
We will remind Dad about another pair of the Swedish shoes, as we pass the shop tomorrow, from car, to T room. It's great, Drs, T rooms, 4, yes, 4 pharmacies, :shock: ladies clothes shop, all within a very short potter.
I am not surprised Pepe had a fur en zik kitt - Mother said there are some hooman pryntz on the bottelz, which they have dusted and taken to Sleeks laboratory - somewhere in her ickle house :shock: who knew :? :roll:
No, the finny haddock latte didn't agree with Mother
Lactose free catuchino's today, nothing fishy added. Praise be to that.
Sleek is still super excited about the Vestry and the Reverend who can contact the maker of the Universe. Mother did explain things further, that anyone can do that, at any time, t4591 but Reverends have a direct dial telly fone
I was very restrained with the mushroom fritters, well, I tried, then had to make some more :? :? :oops: :oops: If we had run out, Kath would never speak to me again.
Time was used wisely yesterday, and Beth was so over the moon bless her, we could hear and see her showing the ring to all the other young ladies that work there, but she came over and said what are we having guys, with her hand draped in front of us
Those whippy ice creams are just amazing, we need them served every day.
Did I see you mention those water slide things, that would be ideal for me, on the ramp to the front door, put a big mattress at the end where it drops off, I would be well awayOr, get a small pool and just sit in, like a big lump
I hope Lucy's tongue heals up very soon. Mouth's do heal reasonably quickly, but, biting one side, then the other, that is very ouch indeed t115006 t115006 t4591 For the seizures to end t4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - Thank you, Dads toe has healed now, just to keep an eye on it and check up with the podiatrist in a week. Sores on toes can be nasty and take a long time to heal. They always check mine when I go for podiatry and B checks them every day, as I don't have much feeling in my feet or hands :roll: :roll:
Colloidal Silver spray is a real go to, we always have some in the cupboard, you can buy it on Amazon, make sure it is at least 10ppm and super pure water or gel. Silver spray is antibacterial, anti fungal and anti viral. Totally safe, you can drink it if you want to.
Hope you are both enjoying the fine weather and the lovely doggies are keeping cool, in the shade.
Hi Kath - It was your dream breakfast, just for you Kath. Then a huge whippy ice cream, to keep your mouth nice and coolt4591 t4591
Some pottering next door, which then turned into a saw starting :roll: :roll: Thought you were going to get another quiet day. Not that I am nosy, but I am looking forward to finding out when it goes up for sale and who will be the new tenants.
Of course you can dream and if you could fit in Sleeks side car, she would take you to gather cobwebs at midnight. Everyone has to have a dreamt115006 t115006
Hugs for any ouches and horrid sjogrens being a dry and painful thing.(((())))
Thank you for the amazing recipe. Seeing as there is one ready done, I will be lazy and sneak some of that, ta mi duck.
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, trying to keep cool :? :? Did you order some chillows
Hi Carol - hi to you both, trust you are all ok and enjoying the fine weather, fine HOT weather. :shock: m0150 m0150
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering a bit more. Another Tramadol needed...........
Will pop back later. Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
Rocky Road Ice Cream SundaeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..just watching the moon was the year we got married and I was 19 :shock: we came down in the middle of the night to watched it happen..
Aidan thankyou for the mushroom fritters and the lovely Beth is engaged bless her..she must feel so proud I remember it well...
You did well with all the shops and T room..nice to have a route to dad will wear his shoes now the nurse has told him..reminds me of my late dad..
no blood results yet so they are following them up ring again tomorrow :roll:
I am certainly warm :shock: but have just notice a breeze so hopefully tonight will be cooler..
Toni I see what you mean about Lucy tongue..the poor thing.. I hope its heals well for her bless and she gets into work..knowing Lucy it wont be the shed is there cctv :shock: :shock:
Kath I hope your dads results will be good..its such a worry..and thankyou for the noodle recipe..I am sure I saw a drunken mere cat :shock:
Joan my eyes dont ache..just blurry one is worse than the one good one will do..
Right will get back to the moon landing
Love to all
t4591 m0150 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
evening all
oh my what a couple of days we have just had can sum it up in a few words Families who'd have themWe now have daughter and eldest GD have had an argument and GD has cut herself off from her parents and other 2 GC daughter has not seen the grandchildren for about 8 weeks now. very difficult for us as we are on speaking terms with them all. :roll: :roll: around this time last year there was a rift between me and eldest daughter which was solved when I went to see Rubie for the first time. Mr T says he thinks we should emigrate to the moon think I agree. thing its daughter is really upset at not being able to see her grandchildren. its a good job that we never take sides when talking to any of them and will speak to them all and try to help out even if they are being stubborn. After advise from mr t daughter has tried to contact GD and said they need to talk it out but GD doesn't want to know. wont listen to anyone apparently. At the moment I feel like telling GD to grow up she is a mum of 3 not a child but obviously I wont I don't want her cutting myself and Mr t out of her and the girls lives as well so have to handle talking to her with careful thought before ploughing in with advice. as I say families who'd have them :roll: :roll:. so much for a quite life as you get older huh some hope. Sorry for my little rant this is the only place where I can say anything and know you my friends here will understand.
on a brighter note our Graycie has done her sponsored toddle waddle at nursery and got a certificate. so money has been sent and received from great nanny and great grandad.
It is now just 1 week and 2 days before new GGS is due I Have booked myself a 2 night stay in hotel in Ramsgate at the end of August just after the bank holiday to meet our new baby. have my fingers crossed that someone can get through to GD how silly she is being before then. I wish she would speak to me about it because I could help I have been in that situation more then once in my life. with me being on both sides as a mother and as a daughter.
Otherwise Mr T and I are both ok and our weather here as ben really good. the jacket I am knitting for new bubba is going well I have stopped knitting it at knitting group as I kept going wrong it is now being down when I am having a coffee when out in my favourite coffee stop/bar when having my chill out time. hoping it will be finished by the time I go on my visit.
I really have not caught up on all your comments on here as the brain has decided it has too much to deal with at the moment. so sending hugs ((((((())))) love t4591 t4591 and sparkles in bucket loads for anyone who needs them
Kath Florence tells me the spid army and Rosie have been very busy and super efficient. she certainly hasn't been around much lately.
I now have Mr T memory stick so once the holiday piccies have been copied on my laptop I will post some more. even the ones with pinkies out especially for you Aidan
It is now time for a little potter so thank you in advance for putting up with my little rant this evening as you lovely people always do
and its t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to all.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all -
A bit cooler now, down to 20, which is quite bearable. Chiller now off, taking a well earned rest.
Hi Barbara - I hope you enjoyed watching the moon landing, so it was the year you were married, sweet 19 t4591 t4591
I do remember it, watching it too, on the black and white telly. I was a nipper, only 8
You are welcome to the fritters and the enormous whipped ice cream cones.
Beth was so happy, she has posted officially on FB now. I will ask her if I can pop a picture on for you to see, I am sure she won't mind at all.
Oh we do have our routes planned to a T. Drop prescription order in, pick up pills, (B does that) while Dad and I potter across the road to the T room. Maybe veering off into the shoe med shop.
If I put my old uniform on he would not hesitate to follow any advice - :roll: :roll:
I hope that Mr B gets his results today, what have they done with them, most things are automated now, from the lab, it goes straight to the surgery for the Dr to see. Possibly a Dr has not signed them off yet. :roll: :roll:
There was a breeze, now it is flat calm again. Just seen a shooting star, we see quite a few, with us being out of town, there is less light pollution. Always makes you wonder, who and what is out there t115006 t115006
(((()))) for your blurry eye, t4591 - do you have drops to put in at all?
The results of the finger prints have come back, definitely a hooman, that was handling the brandy bottle...................forther forensic clues have come forward, fibres from a hat and possibly a coat. No, it couldn't be - no, don't be silly Aidan..........could it :? :?
CCTV footage might well confirm my suspicions. Sleek is on the case.
Hi Carol - oh dear, families and the rifts that happen at various times.
You are in a difficult position and of course you do not take sides, you speak to all parties concerned.
I remember the upset you had with your eldest Daughter last year, which was sorted.
I am sure this will resolve, once your GD comes round to actually speaking and talking about things. t4591 t4591 I will send her some sparkles t115006 t115006
We have the same thing with our Niece not speaking to her Brother and vice versa.........we speak to both parties and have said, you have to sort it out between you, we don't take sides.
We will come with you to the moon, a nice little colony, we would all be weightless as well, imagine that, floating about :shock: :shock: Let us know when the rocket it ready Mr T.
A quiet life as you get older, errrrm, no, that never seems to happen :roll: :roll: running out of time in a day, now that is very common.
Bless, Graycie has done her toddle waddle and has a certificatet4591 Can we all have one, we are experts at toddle waddling
Mini break booked, only a few weeks away, so, another countdown, exciting.
! week 1 day to the due date for your GGSI thought I heard needles tapping. You will have the jacket finished in good time, I am certain of it.
Perfect to do some in your fav chill out coffee bar, with no interruptions
Don't worry about catching up, another day, when there are fewer things going on.
Oooo a pic of pinkies out, at the T shop, looking forward to that and to the others
You are not ranting, just explaining things as they are. t115006
Hi Toni - hope you are all ok and Lucy is improving, sore mouth a bit better, big (((()))) for sore tongues. Sleek is super sleuth at the moment, carefully watching the cctv camera's. Mother did have a little look, then fell asleep :animal_busy: :animal_busy: I have a feeling that Mother knows who it is and so do we. :? :?
Quiet evening here in the woods. Some butterflies were about, which was lovely to see, not many though, with all the flowers out for them, hopefully there will be more soon. t115006 t115006
Time for me to potter some more. Leaving lots of love t4591 t4591 and some more.............
Take care XXXX Aidan
Blueberry and coconut breakfast wrapsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
So Joan Sue also had an ulcer on a toe how did it happen? Did it start off as a blister?
Lucy in work later for training.
Aidan we'd love to see a pic of Beth if she'd let you
Oh no! The brandy!! Do you suspect....
no!! I must admit I did wonder the same.... :shock: Sleek is glued to the screen I have given her an idea who she is looking for. when I get back from dropping Lu at work I will check stocks in the shed.
I also saw loads of butterflies myself yesterday t4591 I love them!
Love the extra special moon sparkles thanks
and the super healthy breakfast wraps too thanks very much.
Blimey it was HOT! Even Charley was boiling and she stays super cool normally :roll: Aircon only managed to get down to 20 in the bedroom :shock: m0150 We will indeed all stick together :? The rocky rd ice cream helped a LOT!!
Sleek thinks The Rev D is a wizardess. Bless maybe she is. She does have gentle magic she seems to impart.
Oh Carol poor you and Mr T! you don't need this. Families! You did right by holding out the olive branch last year and someone - your daughter???? needs to do the same now. Ok I see she's tried. Now GD is being childish :x Sounds like you two will be tippy toeing on eggshells ((()))
Hopefully this new little boy will bring the family back together?
Well done getting a room in Ramsgate to meet the new little boy. I think they should appreciate how lucky they are that they have you and Mr T and think about not upsetting you two!!
Barbara no results? they had better not have lost them!!!
Lucy is in work today for some online training....
Yes there is CCTV and Sleek is going though it in slow motion. They found clues hooman fingerprint and hat and coat hairs :?
Kath those unicorn ice creams were so lovely weren't they? So coooool! Are you missing your choc ices?
Sleek is looking to see whether there is a spell to make you into a cat (or at least a tiny hooman) so you can come out in the side car
and catch cobwebs and mist with her. If she can't work it out she'll ask her mentor Tosca.
Sorry about your sore mouth ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
. Kathleen peace and quiet at last good(((((()))))
. Aidan that's good your Dad's foot is better (((((())))
no we won't be buying any silver spray sorry you have lost the feeling in both hands and feet(((((())))
. Barbara yes we remember the moon landings no I don't want to visit there (((((()))))
Carol The one's need to be put in a room and left to sort it out not come out till it's settled good luck ((((((()))
. Toni sue had a corn that would not go the ulcer was under it she has no pain now((((((()))))
. take care. love to Mig ((((((()))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes its really me..on my own for a couple of have time
Carol dont you apologise for the rant..we are here to listen's eh..think I will come to the moon with you.. :shock: I do hope the new baby will make a difference with your GD and her mum..fingers crossed I can imagine what position it put you in (()) glad you have sorted a room not easy at this time of the year..
Toni Lucy is amazing ..some people wont work full stop and off she goes ..hope its an easy6 day for her
oops there are fingerprints and they are hoomans..I think whoever lock me out of the shed was in there all the time
Joan I would like to go into space just to look back at this wonderful planet we live on..not to see the moon really...we could all go
Aidan thankyou for the blueberry wraps..very filling..I thought we were the only ones with a route..
makes life so much easier..thankyou for the lovely pic
I look looking at our earth.. took some pics last night of the partial eclipse of the moon not very good though..
I think dad would listen if you wore your uniformI used to get the district nurse to tell my dad what he had to take..
it did work
is it day you are chilling or do I have that wrong. thankyou for all the sparkles you are very kind..and I would love to see a pic of Beth she is famous..
They are hay making at the back..I remember the first year we moved in it was my Birthday may and in the August they started to hay make all the children were climbing on the they are wrapped in black plastic..not the same :roll:
Better move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Carol, yes, Rosie, Florence and Clarence have had a busy time of it. But don't worry, I make sure they have regular day trips to Spid World, and I quite often see them swinging from my overgrown plants and weeds in our garden. Even spids deserve a break and some fun now and then. They earn it. Well done to Graycie on finishing her Toddle Waddle. You must be very proud of her and the other GC and GGC. I hope you manage to sort things out with the rest of your family. t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591
Aidan, so you have furenzic evidents on the brandy thief. It isn't me is it? :shock: No, I'm T-Total, why would I nick Brandy? I've got an overreactive guilt complex. I blush every time someone tells a fib, even if I don't know them.I'd better have a couple of the Blueberry and coconut breakfast wraps, if I'm going to feel guilty I might as well have a good reason.
Toni, we have extra choc ices from Tesco so we don't miss them. But the Unicorn ices were superb.Bless Sleek, it would be lovely to be a cat for a short while and go out coberb hunting. As long as Tosca doesn't mind.
Barbara, so you are enjoying the moon landings again. I expect you have much fonder memories of your wedding day though. I was engaged to my first husband then, thankfully that was a 5 minute wonder. Even our two daughters don't want anything to do wwith him. Thief, drug addict, compulsive liar - need I say more? I'm glad you have one eye that works reasonably well, is the treatment painful? I was told you have to have injections in your eyeball. :?
Vegan apple roly poly
3 oz (85g) vegan margarine
6 oz (170g) wholemeal self raising flour
1 tbsp red jam
2 medium apples, thinly sliced or grated
Raw cane sugar to taste
Rub margarine into flour, mix with a little cold water to make a dough and roll into an oblong shape.
Spread with jam and apples, sprinkle with sugar and roll, sealing the ends.
Place in an oven dish and bake at 400F/200C/gas mark 6 until golden. Sprinkle with sugar.
112"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all
Warm, very warm and very humid - supposed to be raining soon
I fear that it isToni, forther fur en syk tests showed that the fibres came from an old Mac :shock: :shock: Just who we don't need, loitering about near the shed, there are too many people of a delicate disposition within the village
Sleek spotted him, phoned Mother immediately, shrieking very loudly. Mother did calm her down, knowing all about Mac, who used to linger, in the cafe, many moons ago. She thought he was gone, after the tunnel was closed, to the bar. But, now that he has appeared, she has her spell book out.............
They are going to look through some ancient spells, at siesta time. Somewhere in Mothers library, behind the cushions
It was a special Moon last night, with the partial eclipse and the anniversary of the moon landing
A few more butterflies today, which is lovely to see
I know, a healthy breakfast, what got into me I do not know
Hope Lucy is ok on her training day, she is one tough young Lady t4591 t115006
Hot, oh, I was SO hot in the T room today. I thought I was going to pass out. No AC, just ceiling fans. Coffee makes me leak like a sieve at the best of times, let alone when it is 100 degrees:shock: :shock:
Managed to enjoy some lunch with Dad and B, plus some amazing homemade carrot cake........ then it was "have we paid, right, get me out of here" :roll: :roll:
AC in on, there is a nice breeze, but the chiller is going as well, we are stuck at 22 at the moment, but feeling cooler thank goodness.
Ice cream does help, without a doubt
Of course, Rev Delphine is a Wizard with the ways of ministry and all things spiritual. Sleek is very much in awe.
Mother is thinking of a spell, to make Kath into a teeny tiny hooman, she would have to ask permission from Mr Potter himself. t115006 t115006
Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for the hugs. I do have some feeling, but there is a fair deal of neuropathy, from my spondylosis and crumbly lumbar spine. :roll: :roll: the Ortho surgeons said he would not want to operate, the risks are too high. :shock: :? So, we have to carry on
So you are not coming to the moon with us
Hi Barbara - glad you enjoyed the blueberry wrapssuper healthy too.
No, you are not on your own, needing to plan a route. We like to know where we are up to, why, when and how.We are off to Skipton tomorrow, just B and I.
I forgot all about looking at the moon last night :roll: :roll:
We have the appt for Dads visit to the memory clinic, we dropped it into conversation this morning, he grumbled a bit, but didn't say I am not going. If he does, I will put my badges on and Ward manager ID badge that I still have
We have been chilling a bit since we got home from town. Took me ages to cool down after my meltdown in the T rooms.
Will ask Beth on Friday, when we go to the GC. She is famous, without a doubt.
They have been hay making around here, next door, who used to be a farmer, said there is too much this year :shock: :roll: :roll:
Using tons of plastic to wrap them in is not really eco friendly, but they have to be stored somehow.
Did Mr B get his results today?
Hi Kath - Rest easy now Kath, no need to have any guilt over the missing brandy, it is Mac, he is back and lurking in Toni's village. A spell is being mixed, for his safe removal. I am T total too, as is B
You can eat the wraps, with no guilt at all t4591 t4591
Tosca is shouting loudly, whilst eating her biscuits. She would not mind you being in her side car, as a mini guest.
Glad you have lots of choc ices from Tesco's. Essential for keeping the mouth from drying out.
First husband - goodness :shock: , we will say no more, draw a line under that one. :? :?
Thank you for the vegan roly poly - I will make some custardTa mi duck.
Right, time I was pottering. It is nearly siesta time. I need a lay down, rest the bones.
Will pop back later, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all
Siesta time was quite a comfortable temperature, but now, late on, I am in my own personal summer time. :roll: :roll:
Anyway, apart from me melting, how is everyone? I didn't leave any more cake, the apple roly poly from Kath, was more than enough to keep us going.
Mother and Sleek have found the spell, to remove Mac from the village :shock: - no harm will come, but he will be a long way away by the morning - quite where, Mother did not say, she was very tight lipped and said to Sleek, not to tell.
You may have noticed a shower of sparkles in the village Toni, that was the spell, being cast and Mac, on route to a far away place.
Hermione was very impressed that Mother found the "far far away" spell. It takes two, to cast, Sleek was super pleased with herself
How was Lucy's training day? I bet she was tired t4591
Hi Carol - I hope everyone is as ok as can be and that family grumbles are on the mend. t115006 t115006
Hi Barbara - has Niamh been over, for a roasty dinnerIt looks like it is going to turn hotter next week, so the paddling pool might well be needed. m0150 m0150
Hi to everyone else, in and about. I keep pottering and time is racing away. I had better post sooner rather than later.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Strawberry Baked OatcakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thanks for the oatcakes Aidan!
Goodness me! Not an easy spell was it?!! Sleek was a-shrieking half the evening. She found Mac on the CCTV :shock: Luckily Mother reassured her that he could be dealt with (latest is he's in a bar in Oz probably quite happy!!) given some thinking time. The far-far away spell was amazing.
Lucy's training had finished in time to go for afternoon tea at in the next village (see what they have got?!) for Tia's 'old people's' hen do number 1. The young-uns can go and do their own thing without worrying about us!
There may be pics....
When we got home I thought :? fireworks??? how odd! Beautiful display it was, but now I understand it was the spell of far-far away sending naughty mac off. He is a naughty one :roll:
There was us thinking it was Barbara :oops: :oops: :oops: sorry Barbara t4591
Sleek has told me about the spell Tosca is looking into for Kath....Mr Potter :shock: :shock: :shock: Pepe used to love MR Potter t115006 t4591
It was hot yesterday! Luckily for us it rained a good bit overnight so feel far fresher nowGot the bedroom down to only 21 before bed :?
Lucy was nice and cool in the basement
At least you had your T room treats before escaping into the 'air'!
Kari and I also went to an Eco larder here called Roots. I got some shampoo and conditioner to try and some rinse aid for the dishwasher as well as some bleach which isn't. All vegan all paraben free etc etc all ethically sourced and you bring your own jars so no plastic
Kath the vegan roly poly was fabulous!!I loved it as did KariI had clotted cream Aidan had Jam Kari had it as it was
I think Tosca is seeing if she can shrink you into a little hooman for a ride out and no she does not mind you in her side car at all. I think she will be there too!!
S*****s do love to swing in our gardens don't they? They are here and happy in our garden and that is ok by me....just please stay outside or at least out of sight
Barbara yes it was mac!!! and he did lock you out of the shed! The naughty man! See Aidan's post to see what became of him last seen happily in a bar in Oz!
Choir practise tonight don't forget
Lucy is in again today for more training again. I know some won't work Lucy always did being a Saturday girl at a hairdressers when she was very young.
Some of our village hay is in plastic, but an awful lot is still in bales and stored the traditional way for winter
Gosh Joan a corn with an ulcer under it! Poor Sue glad it's fixed now and she's comfortable with it
Love to everyone Carol (hope things are a bit better with the kids and GKids) and Mig I hope still doing well
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I hope you have a good day no ouchies((((((())))))
. Barbara I think it be expensive to go to the moon no they can give my ticket to you((((((((((())))))
. Aidan how are all your problems doing and your Dad's((((((((()))))))
. Toni Lucy is doing so well is she feeling better now.((((((())))))) and you(((((()))))
. take care all love to Carol Mig ((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Thank you Joan, as thimgs seem to be settling down next door (although they are there now and hammering) :roll: things aren't too bad - apart from my hip. :? I hope you and Sue are off on a walk with Lexy and Pepper. m0150 m0150
Aidan, I thought we were supposed to get some rain this morning, but we've had none. I think that apart from the knocking next door, we are at the painting stage as Chris has seen several tins of white emulsion standing ready. Well I'm glad Mother found the Brandy culprit. Bad Mac! Fancy locking our Barbara out of the shed Tut Tut. Perhaps he will bump into The Doctor on his long journey. Maybe he will send him even further so the Daleks can sort him out.
Toni, tell Tosca I shall be eternally grateful if I get a ride in her sidecar.I had a look at The Moathouse, very posh. I'm glad you all enjoyed the Roly Poly. I got it from the website. If you've not seen it, it's worth a look as it's not just recipes. I hope Lucy gets a good rest after working so hard. t4591
Crispy split pea avocado toast
1/2 cup green split peas
1 tsp olive oil
1 piece whole wheat bread (gluten free if desired)
1 avocado
1/8 tsp red pepper flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
In a medium bowl, cover the split peas with water. Let soak for at least 2 hours before making the avocado toast.
After the split peas have soaked, heat a small skillet with the olive oil over medium high heat.
Drain the split peas and add them to the preheated pan. Saute until crispy, about 3-5 minutes.
While split peas are cooking, toast the bread and scoop out the avocado. Mash the avocado in a small bowl and stir in the red pepper flakes and salt/pepper to taste.
Stir half of the split pea mixture into the avocado mixture. Spread on the toast and top with remaining split peas.
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - some rain overnight, which was welcome, the sun has just come out now, but it is pleasant, with the windows open. I dare not look at next weeks temperatures m0150 m0150 :roll: :roll:
I will try and be quick, we have not been in all that long, after our private trip to Skipton - sssshhhhh. just a little down time.
Hi Toni, Mac is indeed, in Oz, deep in the outback, somewhere north of Perth, remote little cluster of houses and a bar, so he will be happy there and the locals will take NO nonsense
Mother was still shrieking about it when we arrived home, then she hoofed her lunch down and was promptly:roll: :roll: as puskins are :roll: :roll:
Yep, afternoon T at the Moat House will be perfect, in fact, we will come to the oldies "do" perfect for an afternoon delight t4591 t4591 It looks GORGEOUS t115006 t115006
I see, the Hen do, well, I can be a mother hen without a doubt
I hope there are picsPlease Maam
The firework spell, was more than adequate to get Mac to the other side of the globe.
Mother is going to speak to Mr Potter, this evening. Yes, Pepe loved Mr Potter, he was his roll model, bless his cotton pawst115006 t115006
Glad you were cooler last night and hopefully fresher today, with a nice breeze.
Love the sound of the eco larder, bleach that is not bleach, wonder if it is citric acid, which is natural, that seems to kill most things, without wiping out the flora and fauna.
Choir practice tonight, yes, I saw the Sisters lear jet, going over a while back :shock: :shock: Did they win the lottery :shock: :shock:
Just recovering from a major hypo, dripping wet, blood sugar in my boots. Resolved with chocolate and biscuits, but it takes a while to come back up to normal. Happens nearly every time we go to Nero's, (which was lovely, I had two salted caramel brownies after my ciabatta, no falafal wraps, all gone)
Hi Joan and Sue - All my medical bits and bobs seem to be holding their own at the moment, we all carry on with a lot of pain and various troubles, but we will not be beaten. t4591 t4591 Love to you both and to the doggies
Hi Kath - so no rain in your neck o woods duck, dry as owt. Don't worry, once it starts, it won't stop - tomorrow is looking very wet I think.
So there is paint, ready for next door, on the home straight............just need to arrange for fabulous neighbours t115006 t115006 will ask Silver to make sure there are sparkles mixed in with the paint.
Has the garden been tidied up yet?
Shame on Mac for keeping Barbara out of the shed. I am sure she will pop in later, before choir practice, just for a little sip of lemonade :? :? :?
Mother is working on the shrinking spell, with Mr Potter. I am sure he will allow it.
(((()))) and t115006 t115006 for your ouching hip - some glitter in your slippers
Ta for the dish of the day. I am all over it. Looks wonderful.
Hi Barbara and Carol, will write more later, as time is vanishing and I need to rest the bones. The hypo has drained me. :roll: :roll: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Mango Cream Pie - Booth is on standbyXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all nice and cool here now
Aidan thankyou for the oat cakes and the mango cream cakeglad you got to Skipton just the both of you..I am sure you can get dad to go to his memory clinic..
The sparkly cat is beautiful..and how good was the spell and do you all believe me..I am off the hook and can calibrate in the shed..
Coffee does the same to me and tea cools me one coffee in a morning and then that tummy doesn't get on with it these daysyes Niamh had her roast and slept last night so daddy took her to school but it had to be early its around 5 miles away and the traffic is horrendous
Toni how nice to have a separate hendo for the oldies..not that old though...I love afternoon good does the echo store sound I have seen something similar on the TV ..brilliant to be able to get paraben free shampoos and bleach that isn't..and take your own bottles
Glad that Lucy finish her course early and could go with you...
Kath how horrible was your first husband..glad you have now got a good one..I dont have happy memories of my wedding believe me..but hes a goodun so I let him off
Joan sorry I didnt know Sue had a poorly foot..hope its healing well..I would gladly have your ticket..but dont want to land on the moon just look back at earth
OH rang the doctors again today no results so she said I will chase them up..very strange mine have always been back in a week
Right I will make a move
Love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Hope you have all had a good day. It has been very cloudy here today and I fact there was a little drizzly rain this morning but not much. It has also still been very warm and humid.
Eldest daughter has rung Mr T this evening briefly It seems that she and eldest GD had breakfast out together this morning to talk so there is hope in sight that they can put this behind them at least it's a start.
Aidan Daughter and GD can be very stubborn I cannot say to much abut that as it comes from my side of the family :oops: :oops:but I am sure your right it may take some time. but hopefully the breakfast and talk they had together this morning may start to rebuild the bridges. if my dad was still with us he would be saying stop being stubborn the pair of you or I will bash your b****y heads together.
all welcome on the moon rocket. mind you the pain would be less if we were just floating weightlessly around. Yet certificates needed for all as you say we can all toddle waddle. yes it will be 1 week tomorrow for the arrival of GGs who is going to be known as Kian-Colin. then it will be 4 weeks 4 days till I get to meet him.
Toni hope Lucy's day went well yesterday and the foot is healing. your right Mr T and I certainly don't need all this aggro at our age and this has been one crappy year from the start. the good thing is that even with all the things that have happened we have not ended up arguing between ourselves. yes hopefully the new baby will help. I feel more sorry for the girls no seeing their nan they are real nanny's girls. the moat house pictures are beautiful what a nice place.
Joan Hope you and Sue are ok as I said to Aidan if my dad was still alive he would have threatened to bash their silly heads together.
Barbara Thanks it's nice to know there is somewhere I can rant and no need to apologise this is a great group. you welcome on the moon rocket or maybe we could have a moon cloak that will just pick us up when we need to get away from everything and whisk us up to the moon.The new baby to be is not hers its her brothers but if she doesn't wise up she will lose a nephew.
Kath oh yes of course our Spids deserve a break and some down time Florence says they are loving Spid World and she says your plant are like an adventure playground the cheeky madam. I have seen a picture of Graycie with her certificate she looked so proud. they can be little monkeys but they are beautiful kids and yes I am proud of them all. its the family not us that need to sort things out we are just there in the background with the od it of advice we have no argument with any of them. and as I say they are all grown ups they can sort it themselves.
was going to put some piccies on but laptop is playing games so will post this so I don't loose it and will post piccies soon
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all
Managed a little siesta and a rest of the bones. Made a change not to be melting.
Hi Barbara - It has been lovely, just right temperature. Don't look at next week - hot, Monday to Friday :? :?
You are welcome to the treats. It was nice to go to Skipton, very busy, to say it was not a market day. Managed to go to boyes, Tesco (whizzed round in a buggy), then B & M. Had had enough by then, I didn't walk round B&M, just to the end of the aisles.
Oo, you know the pretty coloured screen wash that are always stacked up inside Tesco's foyers, they do one now, Unicorn Pink :shock:I have to have some of that
We will get Dad to the memory clinic, he will be fine. A 90 minute appointment. I will be bored to tears, waiting. B will go in with him, no need for me to go in as well.
No idea where I found the sparkly cat, it was just there on one of the pages, so I had to use itt115006 I found this one too, which is lovely
You make sure you celebrate in the shed, CCTV is on, but take no notice of it, if you fall off the perching stool, we will come and rescue you
I start to leak after my second cup of coffee. It can make you feel a bit squiffy, not so bad if you are having something to eat as well.
Bless, I guessed correctly that Niamh would be having her roasty dinner. The journey to school sounds terrible, only 5 miles, but feels more like 50 :roll: :roll:
Does Niamh mind getting up early, or is she pretty easy going.
I was just going to enquire about Mr B's results, but I see they are still in limbo somewhere. It would not be the first time to hear "can you come in and have some more bloods taken" :? :roll: :roll:
Two days and ours are back, sooner if there is something not right. Depends on population and pressure on the path labs as well.
Hi Carol - that is good to hear, there has been a beginning of a truce with your Eldest and your GD. Strong willed Carol, hence everyone digs their heels in. Sometimes it is not a bad thing. I will keep the t4591 and t115006 going, for them to put all this behind them.
Being weightless would be so strange - no need to go to SW weigh in'strouble is when you come back to earth, we wouldn't be able to move at all :shock: :shock:
One week until your GGS is due to enter this world. What a lovely name Kian-Colin
Then just over a month until you go to visit and have loads of cuddles t4591 t4591
Look forward to seeing some piccies and the certificate from the toddle waddle - we are all highly proficient at that.
Hi Toni - how was afternoon T, all good I am sure. Are we all booked in for a genteel hen do
Hope Lucy is feeling better and her mouth is less sore t115006 t115006
I was banned from buying anything Unicorn, in B&MThere was a Troll set too, with Lady Glitter Sparkles, which I could not reach from the top shelf, :roll: or that would be here with me
B went round the whole shop and we spent the Princely sum of £1
I hope everyone else is ok, in and about.
Off to the GC this morning, then vets, for Mothers sweets, usual shopping, then home.
Mother has spoken to Mr Potter and he has given the ok for Kath to be shrunken down to mini size - as and when Kath, your side car awaits. Mother will make you most comfortable. t115006 t115006
Cobweb gathering it will be. If you are very still, you may well see the Nymphs t4591 t4591
Time I was pootling about. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Spicy Sweet Potato RostiXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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