Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..fireworks going off everywhere ..must say I miss going to bonfires..
    I hope Kath is doing ok been thinking about her and sending some hugs..((()))
    Toni you must have really cheered they young patients up.. :lol: excitable because of lack of sleep...only you.. :lol:
    I see miss Sleek wants to be a owpen hart serjen... :D aim high I say...I just cant believe you have lived in your house for 3 years its seems like last thankyou for the cloak duties..yes I am sure our GD will be back soon... :) xx
    Carol I am so glad you are getting keep fighting.. :) (())little Lillie is so cute bless a little doll :D I have usually done well by this time of the year for presents, but stuck this year has what to get.. :? so you will see them all on the you cant wait...x
    Joan my tooth is brilliant feels so strong after years of it just being filled and then broken..I hope you are all keeping warm xx
    Aiden..thankyou for the omelette this morning ..I nicked some of Kaths mushrooms :) hope you dont mind...and the amazing bonfire cake... :D
    I am glad dad has been back to the doctors..and I hope the results show what wrong then they can help him t4591 t115006
    GD is full of wires and tubes in his neck..our Granddaughter was upset when she came back, but I said like you have, give him a couple of days and he will be different are right about coughing they broke his ribcage to get in... :shock: :shock: but if it save his life..these surgeons are so clever
    I am sure you will bump into Beths parents ..I hope she is ok and just needs a rest...oh sorry yes my brother has chemo either Thursday or Friday..but he has a poorly chest at min I am worried :(
    Right better go
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
    Thankyou again for your kind thoughts..xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 It is very chilly out tonight, just starting to go frosty


    Hi Barbara - We have had some fireworks in the distance, then a couple nearby, that shook the timbers and no doubt frightened the owls out of their trees :roll: :roll:

    Adding to the thoughts and hugs for Kath - I bet she will be recovering from the trip to Queens Med. :animal_busy: Rattling along in patient transport, not always the most comfortable of journeys. :? :? Not too bad if you are first off, but if you are last, you go round every street and house in the town :roll: :roll: :shock:

    I won't tell Kath, if you don't, about pinching some of her mushrooms - :lol::lol: I am sure she won't mind one bit.

    I think I went a bit crazy with the bonfire cake, still, you can never have enough chocolate :)

    No word from the Drs this evening. We are assuming that they didn't get the results back, before the surgery closed, or, that the results are ok enough for Dad to carry on as we are doing, with the iron tablets.
    They will likely ring this morning, at silly o clock :? :? :roll:

    It is no surprise that your GD was upset after seeing GD with all the wires, drips and drains. You tend to concentrate on all the machinery and technology and the person becomes a bit of a blur. He will be fine, as you said to her, each 24 hours will see tubes and drips being taken down.

    Oh yes, they do go through your rib cage and or sternum, the only way in. Physio's will have been there regularly, to get him to take deep breaths and do little coughs. Needs to avoid a chest infection.

    All credit to the surgeons that perform, what I consider to be miracles, in all fields. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    They might postpone your Brothers chemo, if he has a bad chest at the moment - maybe an x ray to rule out a lurking infection. His immune system will be lowered. Sending him lots of hugs and thoughts t4591 t4591

    Was Niamh with you last evening?

    Hi Toni - hope you had a nice time when Auntie Kari came over.

    Did you have a lot of fireworks going off? Sleek said that there were some big sparkells t115006 she could see them from the top of the Church Spire :shock:

    They cast a fairly good sleepy spell at siesta time - I think they wanted to discuss a complicated spell, possibly the one that requires rock from another galaxy. Andromeda is the favoured one, at 2 million light years away :shock: :? :? Nope, don't even ask...........They are going at the week end, it should take about an hour Mother said :? :? :shock:

    It is definitely frosty out now, so I will light the fire and we can all get cosy warm


    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok and keeping up with the improvements and your me time. Essential part of a day, even if it a few minutes.

    Kath, I hope you are not too ouchy mi duck. What did the Rheumy have to say?
    Queens Med has changed quite a bit, new additions and buildings. Is Dunkirk flyover still there, or has that long gone?
    Lots of (((()))) to you both.

    Hi to everyone else in and about.

    T room this morning, after picking up my shipping order of meds from the surgery.

    Time I was pottering again. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Carrot Fritters with Spiced Yoghurt

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone

    Yes Aidan Andromeda it is :roll: An hour is all they'll be missing so they'll time it so none of us notices. The Sleepy spell was important so you didn't hear anything although I don't know why she tells me everything anyway :roll:

    Did Mother laugh as much as Sleek last evening? She was hiss terr ickle :shock: They found out that someone; Mister Verjin at lan tik was going to sell holidays to the moon :lol::lol: Who on earth would pay for that? Mother was apparently laughing so much she had to go and stand in her litter incase she wet herself :lol::lol::lol:

    At least it distracted her from the missing gourmet chicken :roll: Fingers crossed some can be located today t4591

    Everyone was told about it Sleek managed to get her some from the wear howse so really she ought not to be moaning :roll: Drama Queen at times our Tosca. :wink:

    Rosie is a bit calmer (she needs it with upheaval ahead) thanks to Mother's spell of mindfullness.

    Shall I get a photo of the Christmas lights for you?

    Carrot fritters were lovely ta for me breakfast :wink: Just right. Need it today we are moving 'the big stuff' into Charley's new house. Not so Rosie she will move in once it's all done and dusted on Friday when her Mummy is not in work until the following Wednesday. To settle her in with minimal upheaval.


    I saw fireworks over the two nearby towns - not here this year we didn't do them :roll: Sleek was up on the Church spire watching she adores them t4591 Yes that poem (good idea to cover for Kath) it all came back from school as soon as I read it! Thank you.

    The bonfire cake was amazing too I loved it so much thank you t4591 t4591 t4591

    Maybe Dad's bloods were high enough maybe the results weren't back in time :? Whichever it is you'll know today I'm certain. The cloak has no problem doing two of us or even three - kept checking though (did anyone notice?) on Kath's times too.

    Barbara yes 3 years it was in the summer the year of the referendum.

    Well Sleek has completed her dentistry course and obviously looking for the next challenge :shock:

    Glad GDad is doing ok poor GDs such a lot to see and worry about they are still young ((())) They will see how fast he improves. My friend had open heart surgery at 30 and she was back cutting hair within a fortnight!!!

    Everything is crossed that your bro is well enough for chemo as per the planned regimen t4591 t115006 for you.

    Kath I hope all is well and you are not too shattered today. We enjoyed our trip to the QMC I hadn't been for about 30 years :shock:

    Joan how is poor Lexi? Isn't it awful when they need surgery you feel so much for them ((())) these are for you and Sue worried you must have been t69044

    Love to Carol. I got a baby shark toy for my new GT niece (1 on 29th Dec) and the entire Peppa pig family :) Oh and a Sloth (wheatie) for Kari.

    Hope all is well with mig and Crinkly

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    . Aidan have you got heart problem's has well I'm sorry(((((())))) you cope with it all well. How is your Dad((((((()))))
    Barbara that's good your tooth is going good((((((())))) your brother (((((())))) and granddad (((((()))))
    . Toni I hope everything is going well for everyone((((((()))))
    . Thank you for asking about lexi yes she is well she has her tablets with chicken
    . take care love to Kathleen Carol Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poem of the day

    Myfanwy by John Betjeman

    Kind o’er the kinderbank leans my Myfanwy,
    White o’er the playpen the sheen of her dress,
    Fresh from the bathroom and soft in the nursery
    Soap scented fingers I long to caress.

    Were you a prefect and head of your dormit'ry?
    Were you a hockey girl, tennis or gym?
    Who was your favourite? Who had a crush on you?
    Which were the baths where they taught you to swim?

    Smooth down the Avenue glitters the bicycle,
    Black-stockinged legs under navy blue serge,
    Home and Colonial, Star, International,
    Balancing bicycle leant on the verge.

    Trace me your wheel-tracks, you fortunate bicycle,
    Out of the shopping and into the dark,
    Back down the avenue, back to the pottingshed,
    Back to the house on the fringe of the park.

    Golden the light on the locks of Myfanwy,
    Golden the light on the book on her knee,
    Finger marked pages of Rackham's Hans Anderson,
    Time for the children to come down to tea.

    Oh! Fullers angel-cake, Robertson’s marmalade,
    Liberty lampshade, come shine on us all,
    My! what a spread for the friends of Myfanwy,
    Some in the alcove and some in the hall.

    Then what sardines in half-lighted passages!
    Locking of fingers in long hide-and-seek.
    You will protect me, my silken Myfanwy,
    Ring leader, tom-boy, and chum to the weak.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    So you all enjoyed your trip to the Queens Med? I didn't in fact I almost didn't get there! While you were wafted in the warm and comfortable cloak, oh how I envied you all. :cry: My stuffy, uncomfortable ambulance (with 3 other occupants) picked me up at five to 11. My appointment was 11:15. I got there at half past in pain and very stressed to be taken straight into the room of my grumpy rheumy who was about to go off home because she didn't think I was coming. :o She wasn't interested in my health or pain at all. I crumbled and almost burst into tears. I wasn't weighed, blood pressure wasn't checked, she had no time. I agreed to an X-Ray on my hip with the possibility of a replacement tossed into the air and a nurse was summoned to take me to x-ray. She was the one bright moment in the day. She took me to the loo first and was so helpful bless her. She also got me a cuppa. :D So X-Ray completed, I was ferried back to the department where transpot home was booked. I got home at 4pm. All staff, from the ambulance driver, receptionist and nurses, were so lively and kind. Sadly my rheumy (who I used to like) wasn't. Now I dislike her - intensely. :?

    Joan, Lexi, surgery? Oh I do hope she is alright. t4591

    Aidan, I know about the mushrooms. a045.gif
    I'll let you off if you let me sit in front of that gorgeous fire. As to what the rheumy said - nowt actually mi duck. k015.gif
    Yes the Dunkirk flyover is still there.

    Barbara, thank you for the hugs. Very welcome. m0150 As Aidan said, your brother night have to miss his chemo until his chest is clear. Unfortunately it's quite common. t4591

    Toni, you are a dear. Extra mushies for my omelette, what a treat.
    Did sleek escape from the cloak? One of the other patients were hiding her on their lap, but she gave me a wave with her paw as I was heading for X-Ray and I thought - surely not, then I found the unicorn eye mask on the wheelchair after they'd finished with me.

    Carol, what a sweet photo of Lillie dressed for baton twirling. She's a real star. I'm so happy that you are feeling more like your cheerful self.

    Mini vegetable quiches
    Tasty hot breakfast just got a whole lot easier.

    9 eggs
    1 cup milk
    1 cup shredded cheddar
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    8 ounces chopped spinach
    1 small red pepper, chopped
    1 small red onion, chopped

    Add a tablespoon of butter to a large saute pan and melt it over a medium low heat.

    Add in the onions, and cook for about 2 minutes, until just translucent. Add in the spinach, and cook until all of it is wilted. Add in the red peppers, more butter if needed, and saute for about a minute. Set aside.

    Grease a muffin pan that holds 12 muffins. Divide the sauteed veggies between the tins.

    Crack the 9 eggs in a large mixing bowl. Add in the salt and milk. Whisk together.

    Divide half of the cheddar cheese between the muffin tins and then divide the egg mixture.

    Bake at 375° F for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and divide the remaining cheddar, topping the quiches.

    Place back in the oven and bake until the eggs are set. Test with a toothpick.

    Remove from heat and let cool.

    t120006 scold cfly

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 I know I am repeating myself, but it's t111055 again :roll: :roll: with a weather warning for tomorrow, for a lot more rain :shock:

    Anyway - Yes, Toni, Andromeda it is and why they have to send me off to sleep, as Mother tells me things that are important for hoomans to know, just as Sleek tells your good self. :roll: :roll:

    I was going to ask, out of hooman curiosity, how, in an hour, they can travel 4.4 million light years - She just said, oh your hoomans think in one dimension, whereas puskins, have four to choose from. Ok, as long as it is safe.

    That was why Mother was in her tray, shrieking, trips to the moon and back. She said he is daft, that Rich herd Bran ston :lol::lol::lol:
    what about gravity, has he not created that yet? No Mother, he hasn't. :roll: :roll:

    She was still chuckling this morning - with quick trips to the loo. Currently on catazon ordering puskin tena :o:lol::lol: in case they hear of any other hair brained hooman ideas

    We have gourmet chicken, much to Mothers happiness. She did quite like the slow roast duck, that we had as an option, to tide her over. Sainsb had a re stock and the pets at home order will arrive tomorrow, so, all good :)

    The wear howse said it is on the way :lol::lol: thanks Sleekness t4591

    She was a tad dramatic yesterday :? :roll: :roll: Resting close to the rads on her ottoman at the moment. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Poor Rosie, good idea to have everything sorted, well more or less, before taking her in. At least Mummy will be there and it might be a good idea to spray things with a little felliway, they do a pump spray, which we used on the drive back from France. t4591 t4591

    Oh yes, we need a piccy of the Christmas lights :roll: :roll: Shops are full to bursting with chocolates of every description, biscuits galore etc etc.

    Go steady, moving the big stuff into Charley's new house. Supervisory capacity I hope and making essential drinks and snacks. We don't want sneaky ouches :? :? I hope the carrot fritters sustained you all :) t115006 t115006 Glad you enjoyed the bonfire cake, just enough chocolate I thought :lol::lol::lol:

    Sleek took some pictures on her icatphone, to show Mother the fireworks. I think Mother stayed awake, although I cannot be too sure :shock: :lol: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    It was a poem we learnt at school, about Guy Fawks.

    B asked at the reception in the surgery, (after gathering my shipping container of pills :roll: :roll: ) The blood results didn't come back until this morning and Dr D had not seen them yet. I am guessing they are ok, otherwise they would be red flagged. In the absence of a call from the GP we will carry on carrying on.

    The cloak was everywhere, all at once. As Mother says, see, you can be in different places, at the same time, on the same day and you are asking me how we get to another galaxy :roll: :roll: :roll: Reed bee tween the lynes Daddy :shock: :lol::lol:

    I was thinking how log it was since I was at Queens Med - 1982 was the last time :shock: :shock: to collect our SRN badges from the senior nurse tutors. Then someone stole mine from one of the changing rooms and we were the last group to get the old style badge. I was SO upset.

    Hi Joan and Sue - glad to hear that Lexi is doing ok and is taking her tablets with her food (((()))) Hope you are both ok too and that ankle is not causing too much trouble.

    Yes, I have had heart problems since I was 34 years old, when I had my first heart attack - now after a second heart attack and umpteen angio's, stents, balloons etc etc, I am still kicking :) The bones and joints cause me more trouble, but we carry on, we have to. t4591 t4591

    Dad was ok this morning, a bit slow going, but he enjoyed the visit to the T room. Good job we can park almost at the door, then we don't have to walk far.

    Hi Kath - thank you for the lovely poem by the once Poet Laureate. Very enjoyable, Myfanwy Piper was a close friend of Sir John t4591 t4591

    Now then, what's this I hear of said Rheumatologist, behaving like a brat. That will never do.

    Starting off by being late (not your problem), would be more than stressful enough, without a bad tempered, hatchet faced Consultant who was just about to leave. :roll: :roll: :x :x

    Well Mrs Rheumy Dr, you need to listen to your patients, just because others talk to you about their pains, it is the person who is in your room, that should take your attention, 100%. Their pain should be your concern. Oh, Matron needs to go have a chat to her :D:D

    Not weighed, no basic obs done, nah, not good at all.

    Then a lovely nurse, to help you to the loo and assist with the hip x ray and provided a very welcome cup of T.

    Good to hear that all the other professionals, were kindly and lively. It costs nothing, but means such a lot.

    Of course you can sit in front of the gorgeous fireplace. Be my guest t4591 t4591

    So, Dunkirk flyover is still there, it was only going to be temp when I lived in Nottm. :shock: :shock:

    Some extra (((()))) and sparkles t115006 t115006 for those ouchies.

    Ta mi duck for the mini quiches, perfect bite sized snacks, easy to eat, one after t'other :D:D

    Hi Barbara - hope you are ok and your Brother is feeling not too bad, how is his chest?
    Hoe is Gdad doing, less in the way of drips and drains I would imagine. A little potter as well, with the physio's. Extra hugs and love to all ((((())))) t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol, hope you are both ok - extra sparkles t115006 t115006

    Our Autumn picture, before I forget


    High time I was pottering again. I will pop back later. In the meantime, take lots of care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Hazelnut Chocolate Cake Pops

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591

    Hope everyone is as ok as can be, on a cool November evening. Shall I put the fire on :) I made Tea as well..............


    It is rather gorgeous, love the chairs.

    Hi Toni - hope you all managed to get the larger items into Charley's new home - just in case ones back, is shouty, some extra (((()))) and sparkles t115006 t115006
    Sleek was over at siesta time - finalising the inter galactic trip. :shock:

    I think Mother is hosting a little cattee morning, at the Nymphs indoor cafe. They all want Rosie to come, but understand her being a little unsettled at the moment. They will pop and see her and sprinkle some calming sparkles over the new house t4591 t115006


    Hi Barbara - hope your Brother is feeling not too bad, with his cough. Have they decided to go ahead with the chemo this week?

    How is Gdad doing. I am guessing he will be pottering about now, gently does it - some extra (((()))) gentle ones.

    Love and extra thoughts and prayers, as always t4591

    Hi Kath - I trust you managed to get some well earned rest, after the "visit" to the Rheumy :? :? :roll: :roll:
    Some sparkles in your slippers will not go amiss and the Bush Babies are there, if needed. ((((())))) to both. How are the neighbours, have you clocked em yet mi duck - these illusive peeples.

    Hi Carol - how are you both - can we start a countdown now, for the Christmas visit to family :) We like a countdown t4591 t4591 as we all know, the days fly by at a pace.

    Hi to Crinkly, Mig, Mell, DD, SW, Toady, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth and all.

    A quiet evening here. Just chilling and browsing and pottering and all the usual things :)

    At home today, apart from B going round to Dads three times, with pills and potions. He has been enjoying watching the football in the evenings, which is good.

    Well, time I was pottering again. Always something to fuss over :)

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    We just had to have these pancakes, they look SO good t4591

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :DAidan thank you these pancakes are lovely :)

    Feels rather chilly this morning. I will be at Charley's new house waiting for the gas man to service the boiler and do the gas safety test.

    That cup of tea and fire was most welcome last night I had been busy at Charley's new house and Doing Rosie-cat etc yesterday - even squeezed in a quick singing practise with my neighbours. Alright there they have a Rayburn!!

    Don't worry I didn't actually lift anything just told the men what to do :lol: I'm good at that :wink:

    I had a word with Rosie and she said she might come to Mother's this afternoon (she doesn't move house until tomorrow) and we have done our best to keep 'her' place as normal as possible. Hermione had put a gate in for her and Sleek will walk through it with her so she feels safe. Paws crossed anyway. Tommy and the kits are also coming that might be a bigger challenge :shock:

    Sleek was telling me how funny us hoomans are with our whisker-brined ideaz. No gravity?! None and holidays to the moon of all places. Tosca and she know several faaar nicer planets to visit. I also asked how they could get there and back in an hour. Several sheets of paper and 3 crayons later I was still none the wiser :roll:

    Thanks for the sparkles for Rosie's new house it is already sprayed for her and the plug ins will be taken over and plugged in probably today. She will be travelling in Sleek's large carrier which fits a basket, bowl and litter tray so ought to be happy-ish. She might do a Sleek when she gets there and remain in it for several days you see ((()))

    Oh Aidan imagine your SRN badge being stolen!! Grrrrrrr!

    Kath I loved the poem I have always loved the name Myfanwy too! I told Lucy I nearly called her that, but she wasn't impressed :? :shock:

    Thank goodness the nurses and other staff all looked after you after that horrible experience :x Sleek was a bit naughty and let the Rhuematologist's tyres down :shock: Luckily just enough to delay her further and gave her a sore hip - just for the night you understand do help her dee vell up em pothee. She is very protective of her Auntie Kath and won't have it! Even Tosca agreed they could do two not very nice spells for the greater good of the patients.

    Yes she did escape and sit on a lady's lap and is very pleased to hear you have the unicorn eye mask.

    Let us know how the X-ray results are. This is for you t4591 t69044 t115006

    I have done batch of the quiches and frozen them :)

    Aw Joan Lexi is a good girl taking her tablets in chicken :) I am glad she's ok and doing well ((()))

    Love to Barbara - don't forget choir practise tonight and Carol and mig and Crinkly1

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Not easy to park nearby to take this pic, but these lights have been up since 1st November! They were not just outside all year ready to bes witched on no.....they are really for this Christmas coming!!!

    Mind you to be fair Sleek has had all her decs and tree(s) out to dust of and go through. She's actually looking forward to this year she didn't enjoy last Christmas so much having recently lost Cookie and her beloved Pepe.....
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    . Toni thank you for the photo(((((())))) I hope puss settled in her home.
    Aidan sorry you have so many problems((((((())))) they are all different love to Dad (((((()))))
    . Kathleen lovely poem again how are you doing((((()))))
    . take care love to Barbara Carol Mig((((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poem of the day

    Anthem To Disability

    Pretend you don't see,
    that's right - look away
    as you pass by her wheelchair
    every day.
    You with your laptop
    and mobile phone
    so much in a hurry
    on your way home.
    Just stop and think
    as you rush for the train
    and remember this -
    she has a brain.

    At sixteen she read Tolstoy
    and Chekov too,
    understood every word.
    How about you?
    At twenty she starred
    in an Ibsen play.
    Brought the house down -
    "Who's Ibsen?" you say,
    as you vacantly stare
    through the evening rain.
    Remember this -
    she has a brain.

    She belongs to Mensa
    and CND
    camped out at Greenham
    in '83.
    She fought for freedom
    in her youth;
    said "Ain't I a woman?"
    like Sojourner Truth.
    Take a deep breath,
    look back again
    and remember this -
    she has a brain.

    She had seven children,
    strong girls and boys
    who lived in a house
    full of love and noise.
    She taught them to care
    for their fellow man
    and make a difference
    wherever they can.
    Look into her eyes
    so full of pain
    and remember this -
    she has a brain.


    Joan, I apologise if I sound a bit dramatic, but I feel as though someone has dug a spoon into my spine and they are scooping it out. How is dear Lexi?

    Aaw bless my friend Sleek, I bet my rheumy won't dare ask me for advice about painful hips- oh no,not her. She knows everything. Double Mackerel lattes on there way for Sleek and Tosca. t4591 I'll post my results on here first - If I can understand them, but I'm sure our matron would explain. :D

    Aidan, thanks for the fire, better put a lamp on as well as I don't like typing in the dark. m0150 m0150 That one will do.

    Our neighbours are still as elusive as ever, but they're no trouble really -as long as they leave the wretched drill in the cupboard! :?
    PANCAKES, ooo ta duck let me at em. e070.gif
    Hugs to all our friends on here and off. (((( t4591 t4591 ))))


    2 Large Eggplant (about 2 pounds)
    ¾ Cup Dry Chickpeas (or 2 Cups canned)
    ½ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    1 Large Onion, diced
    5 Cloves Garlic, minced
    Pinch of Kosher Salt
    Two Cups Tomato (Peeled fresh in summer, otherwise canned)
    1 Tablespoon Tomato Paste
    1 Teaspoon Smoked Spanish Paprika
    1 Teaspoon Ground Cayenne Pepper
    1 Tablespoon Dried Mint
    1 - 2 Cups Water

    Rinse your chickpeas under cold water and place in a pot with about 4 cups of water. Allow to soak overnight.
    The next day, drain and rinse the chikpeas..add fresh water to the pot of chickpeas so about an inch of water is above the surface of the chickpeas. Bring to a boil and simmer until chickpeas are tender, about 30 minutes. You can skip this step and use canned chickpeas if you prefer.
    Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C). Cut your eggplants into cubes about two inches square. Coat with half of the olive oil and roast in the oven until tender and browned (about 20-30 minutes).
    In another heavy bottomed large pot heat remaining olive oil. Add onions and a pinch of salt and saute until translucent, about 15 minutes. Add the garlic and cook until garlic is tender and fragrant.
    Add tomato, tomato paste, paprika, eggplant, drained chickepeas, and mint. Bring to a simmer and cook until flavors meld, about 20 minutes. Add additional water as necessary to maintain a moist, stew-like consistency.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all t4591 t4591

    I am saying nothing about the weather :? :roll: :roll:


    Glad you enjoyed the pancakes Toni :) We aim to please one and all.

    It was chilly this morning. Hope all was well with the Gas man servicing the boiler and doing gas checks over at Charley's new place :)
    You did cram a lot in on Wednesday. Tending to Rosie, then organising the arrivals of large items at Charley's and even a quick singing practice at your neighbours. The Rayburn will be a draw in late autumn :D:D

    Someone has to do the organising of peeples, saves any ouchies too :)

    Rosie did come to the cafe for a short while, Mother was very anxious that Rosie was tended to, so much so she was :mrgreen: :shock: :roll: :roll: As puskins are, at the drop of a hat. :roll:

    It was quite a bizzy time in the cafe, Rosie had a catomile tea, then asked Sleek to walk her back through the gate. At least she came and said hello to everyone. The Kits and Tommy were allowed tuna muffins, to go with their catty frappy chino's :lol::lol:

    Mother has been to several planets that are inhabited, but she cannot say where, or what it is that lives there. That would upset the order of the Universe. Sleek will find out at the week end, but, she will be sworn to intergalactic secrecy. :shock: :?

    They cannot believe that hoomans want to go back to a big cold rock, called the moon :lol::lol:

    Mother said, this should explain how they go through to another dimension.


    Apparently if you cannot understand and explain every nuance, then you won't get through. That's me and you staying put then :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    Rosie will be fine, in her new house, with Mummy there to fuss and take lots of care of her. Plenty of felliway to help :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
    If she stays in the big cage, that's fine, they feel safe in smaller areas.

    Oh my, that house, all decked out. Well done getting the picture for us :D:D
    Sleek did mention that she was dusting down her decks, ready to decorate - Mother rolled her eyes :roll: :roll:

    Mother has cast another little spell on the Consultants car, just popped a potato into the exhaust :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: should go with a big POP :lol::lol:

    Mother is happy now that her delivery of gourmet chicken arrived, two full trays and two free cans in THE most enormous box imaginable. :shock: Took B ages to tear it up to recycle it. :roll:

    Dads bloods are ok, which is good news :) The iron pills are working well.

    Sisters are en route to the shed, they are not quite as glam as last week, so no jazz hands all being well :shock: :lol::lol: I am sure Barbara will be there too.

    hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both as ok as possible and keeping warm and dry. Heating working well I trust :)

    Don't you worry, we all have umpteen things going on, health wise, like you, we get on with things as best we can t4591 t4591

    Thank you for the many hugs, (((()))) :D:D t115006

    Hi Kath, thank you for posting the anthem to disability - very true, all of it very true. t4591 t4591

    Those ouchies sound totally awful, so sending a thousand sparkles t115006 - Sleek will be over with her medical eekwipp ment later, to make sure you are as comfy as can be, Possums are en route, so yer gunnergerramassage mi duck. t4591 t115006

    By all means post your results, if I can help, I will do :)

    Better with a light on, for typing. Mind you, it was nice and relaxing by that fire.

    Elusive, but quiet neighbours, that's fine, no drilling please, Kath and Chris are not to be startled :D

    Glad you enjoyed the pancakes :)

    Thank you for the Moussaka, it looks wonderful, most obliged.

    Hi Barbara - how are you all. Hope your Brother is well enough to have his next chemo, was it due today?

    Hope Gdad continues to improve each day. Thoughts and prayers are always present t4591 t4591 for all.

    Choir tonight, if you can get there ok :) I bet you have had wall to wall rain as well today. t111055 t111055

    Hi Carol - trust you are both ok and keeping dry. t4591 t4591

    Hi to everyone else, in and about t4591 t4591

    Steady day here, some washing and drying, nothing spectacular of note.

    Time I was pottering again. Soon be T time and siesta's.

    I will pop back later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    New York Cheesecake - we might need cream please Toni :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all will have to make this short..we have had a loing day over to Wythenshw to see GD because his daughter our dil that was has to work..he is doing ok but thinks he is not ..this is understandably when he has been so fit.. :( then my brother rang form Chrsities could we pick him up..his transport hadn't arrived..thank goodness we were on our way back..they cant do chemo his white blood cells are low and his chest is still bad
    I promise I did read all your post ..but will not remember it all
    Kath I am fuming for you what ever gives then the right to treat you like that ..there are always the bad ones and good ones..I am so glad the nurse looked after you..thankyou for the poems..they are both lovey especially yours t4591
    Aiden you were so young when you had your heart attack..bless.. :( and now other problems on top of it.. t4591 ..we will have Niamh on Friday night I think then back to normal next week..
    Thankyou for the lovely pics especially the fireside one and the carrot fritters and more pancakes :D hope dads bloods are ok when they come back...((()))
    Toni I am sure Rosie will soon settle in..we had a rescue vat many years ago...she lived at the back of the sofa..then one day she came out we were over the moon.. :D t4591
    Joan you give so many hugs out are some back and thankyou..((((()))))
    Right I am off to bed..sleep well everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 Chilly out there and very breezy - raining pine needles :roll: :roll: Hilde will be covered in them...............

    At least it has stopped raining.

    Hi Barbara - you have had a long and busy day. I am glad to hear that GD is doing ok and being an active person will stand him in good stead, getting back on his feet and pottering - gently does it. No bending and lifting.........Things need time to heal, it is major surgery and a shock to the body. Often, it is several days before someone's mood can really dip and all sorts of emotions run amok. Just your body, mending itself.

    Then the transport didn't turn up for your Brother :roll: :roll: Just what he didn't need.
    I had an inkling that they would not continue with the chemo this week, with his white cell count down and a chesty cough to boot. He might well need some AB's, as his immune system is somewhat compromised.

    Toni and Kath will know all too well, how that affects things.

    Another candle lit, for Gdad, Brother and all t4591 t4591

    Ai, I was a young one when I had my first heart attack, then another one five years after that.
    It really alters your mind set. I knew, after the second heart attack, that I could not continue with nursing, for much longer. Hence the Cardio said, enough is enough. :shock:

    But, I am still pottering along, with all the add on's. We all have to keep going, we are driven, not to be defeated, painful and a struggle that it is for the greater part. t115006 t115006

    I have lit the fire again. We like to keep cosy....................I think Kath has left some poetry books, for us to peruse, while we warm our tootsies. t4591 t4591


    You are more than welcome to the goodies, we need soul food in winter time :D:D:D

    Dads bloods are fine, B rang up in the morning, the Dr had seen them and said all was ok. He is not bleeding at the moment, so the iron pills will be helping a great deal. Might need to lower the dose soon :?

    Niamh will be there later on, for her sleep over - now, Friday, that means chips, so I will shout Toni, about 5, if that's ok. Plenty of tatties needed Mr B :) Ta, loads.

    Hope you had a good nights rest. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    B has just said, oh, we have a friend, while looking at the wall :shock: :shock: a FRIEND, with 8 legs, no, that is no friend at all :shock: :shock: Duly put out the window - shudddddder :? :? I was hoping that we had come to the end of spi--- season............

    Mother has been very quiet, not eating a deal, but drinking ok. She is keeping nice and warm on her ottoman by one of the radiators. Purring loudly when having fusses. Just a tired, stately lady tonight. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Sleek came over, but Mother was tucked up on the bed, with her blankie around her, she was fast asleep, so Sleek gently fluffed up the fleece and nipped back through the gate. t4591 t4591 t4591 After doing a set of obs, of course. She was on her way back from Kath's, having administered lots of sparkles and healing paws. t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hope you are all ok in the Toni household :) Have you had super wet weather - so many flood alerts........ t111055 t111055

    Tonight it is going to freeze - Sleek chose the sparkling frosted diamond t115006


    I hope choir practice went well and the tea and biccies were plentiful :) Essential. Did the Sisters behave? :? :?

    Hi Carol - it is Friday, again :shock: :shock: I thought it was Saturday, on Thursday, so my week was even shorter :roll: :roll: :l
    ol: :lol: Hope you have a pleasant lunch with Mr T and then coffee with your friend, for a knit and a chat. t4591 t4591

    Some extra anti ouches for Kath - I trust you have had a good rest and the pains are a bit more under control (((()))) t4591 t115006

    Quiet evening here, catching up on the golf, on in the background, while I potter and B is busy doing something with computer programmes :shock: :? don't ask, it is over my head, I am more medical than programmable :lol::lol:

    Time to be moving again. Need to check round for any more sp----s

    Into town today, Dad has a podiatry appt, so I will wait in the T room, well, it is only a few yards away, so rude not to pop in :D:D

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Swiss Mushroom Potato Rosti's - Kath is on the way :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone it's going to be a chilly day today :?

    I'm READY Aidan for our chips!! 5pm will be perfect for a pre-siesta snack for you :wink: Coat and shoes are on :D

    Sleek said Tosca is very tired - she hasn't taken her out this morning saying it is far too cold for her mentor. :animal_busy: I can tell she's a tiny bit worried about her. She's brought her back a sardine wrap and a mackerel latte to keep her strength up though ((())) t4591

    She adores her sparklies right enough so a perfect 'Sleek' pic chosen there t115006

    Rosie cat coped well with going through the gate (luckily she didn't see Tosca's 'incident' - least said) and likes the big carrier I left at her house zip open yesterday. She was straight in. (sprayed with feliway). Seems the boiler may require a new circuit board :roll:

    Sleek was pleased Rosie came that far to be fair and is hoping the big day today will not be too much for her bless her. t4591

    Yeah right! That did NOT explain dimension travel at all d080.gif Going to the moon would be (according to Tosca ) like going to Wolver HAMpton for a beach trip! - you know the tone of voice I'm sure :shock:

    Will stick with France for now thanks :?

    Is Dad starting to feel less tired now though? Sounds as though the iron tabs are working, but as you say they block some people up :shock: not me though - quite the reverse :oops:

    Hope and am sure podiatry will go well for Dad and of course you absolutely must 'support' the tea room!

    Thank you for the fire I think we'll keep it in all day - Anyone who passes please pop a log on the fire!!

    Choir practise went well indeed(remembrance Sunday this week so all practised ready. The sisters did behave more or less, but have to wear 'appropriate dress' for Sunday's service :roll:

    I was looking for my breakfast.... Oh very nice thanks! I will not have to many they being our Kath's favourite ;)

    The New York cheesecake was perfection personified (or si it cheescakeified? Added a large dollop pf course :wink:

    Carol I hope you are doing well? Busy day today - it being a Friday. Did you get some more Christmas pressies this week for all those GGchildren?

    Barbara no WONDER you weren't at choir! What a day you had you will be tired today.

    Your bro's white bloods cell count might recover on it's own and they can go ahead another day, but if he needs ABs he can have 'better' ones than us I lot out here so that is good. Things like meropenum. ((())) Kath will remember too all too well.

    I suspect GDad is in fact doing absolutely fine! Gosh it is major surgery of the majorest! I wonder if he's feeling post anaesthetic emotional? I do that I expect there's a word for it - Aidan will know.

    Rosie likes the big carrier I took round yesterday she got straight in it bless her. What a wonderful day when your rescue cat came out t4591 t4591

    Kath that poem is amazing! I think VERSUS ARTRITIS should put it in the magazine!

    Sleek won't have it - naughty Rheumy she said stamping her paw! I think Tosca was cross too when Sleek went round and told her so there will be further repercussions :shock:

    Oh those lattes were purrfect apparently they were 'so creemy Mummy' :animal_busy:

    Ta for the Moussaka it was lovely :)

    Joan and Sue I hope you both get out today? How is Lexi doing? I bet she's bounced back already!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx

    Yes do let us know your results when you've got them.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    It’s raining again
    I have just been following Joan on FaceTime I’m in the kitchen and Joan was walking the dogs It was as I was there with them I love FaceTime i have put it on when Joan has been up the hospital
    I am sorry D A R have come I will speak next.week
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    P.O. t. D.

    By Kathleen

    So fair and graceful, the Willow Tree,
    its beauty and gentleness, all can see.
    Its slender boughs trail by the waterside
    serene and restful, brings joy to my eyes.
    And yet there's no Willow that grows by water
    as gentle and kind as my granddaughter.
    With dark, dark eyes and tendril curls
    she sweetly smiles, and fills my world
    with love forever, and grandmother's arms
    will always hold close her treasured charms.

    I'm doing the recipe first as it's Tesco day.

    Slow-cooked marrow with fennel & tomato
    1 young marrow (about 1kg)
    4 tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle to serve
    1 rosemary sprig, plus extra leaves chopped to serve
    pinch of fennel seeds
    2 red onions, finely sliced
    pinch of dried chilli
    ½ fennel bulb, sliced
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    50ml white wine
    500g tomatoes, chopped
    1 tbsp red wine vinegar
    2 tbsp capers
    400g can butter beans, drained
    2 large slices of sourdough, to serve
    soft fresh goat’s cheese, to serve
    1 tbsp oregano, to serve

    Halve, deseed and chop the marrow into chunks. Toss in some salt and leave the chunks to drain in a colander for 30 mins to remove excess water.

    Heat the olive oil in a large pan over a medium heat. Add the rosemary and fennel seeds and cook for a few mins until the rosemary is sizzling. Add the red onion, dried chilli, fennel and a large pinch of salt, and cook for 10 mins until the onions are starting to colour and sweeten.

    Add the garlic and cook, stirring, for another min. Turn up the heat slightly, add the marrow and a good grind of pepper, and cook for 10 mins, stirring so it doesn’t catch.

    Deglaze the pan with the white wine. Cook until it’s evaporated, then add the tomatoes and red wine vinegar. Stir to combine everything, then turn down the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, on the lowest heat for at least 35 mins, until the tomatoes have concentrated and the marrow has taken on all the flavours in the pan. Stir in the capers and butter beans to warm them through.

    Toast the sourdough and cut each slice in half. Divide the mixture between four plates, then spread the toast with the goat’s cheese, drizzle with some olive oil, scatter over the oregano and rosemary, and serve.

    Even though I had a better night last night, I am so tired (yes I am on iron tablets, on orders from Nurse Sleek). g025.gif

    Toni, I can't wait to see what the repercussions might be. Perhaps she will trip over her sari next time she comes to work in one. :shock:

    Aidan, what you said about me and Toni is exactly right. I (and I'm sure dear Lucy) have spent time on a cancer ward with Neutropenic Sepsis. :? (Also had sepsis because of my lungs). Oh I'm being a right misery this morning, in spite of the lovely sunshine. m0150

    Oh goody, poetry books. "Is there honey still for tea?" Rupert Brooke, "The Old Vicarage, Grantchester

    I'm glad to hear dad is improving after being given iron tablets. Thank you for the Swiss Mushroom Potato Rosti's mi duck, and thanks toni for leaving me a huge plateful.

    Oh Barbara no, your brothers transport didn't pick him up. Another common problem I'm afraid. :roll: Good job you weren't too far away to collect him. k025.gif

    Sending hugs (((()))) for Sue, Joan, Carol, mig and all our friends on VA. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - t4591 t4591 Chilly, not quite as breezy, with a trillion pine needles everywhere outside and in.............grrrrr. Hilde is covered in them, mats and all. :roll: :roll:

    That aside, it has been a bright day.

    Hi Toni - Chips, 5 pm, I will have mi slippers on ready :) Mr B will be warming up the chip pan soon t4591 t4591

    Mother stopped in bed, until Daddy 2 got up, then she ate her breakfast, which was a better sign, drinking ok and ate a little lunch when we got back from town.

    She was grateful for the treats, that Sleek brought to her t4591 t4591

    Glad to hear that Rosie was ok and was straight into the big carrier, bless her :animal_busy: t4591 t4591

    A new control panel - humph. That will have to be "ordered" of course :roll: :roll:

    I have given up asking about intergalactic travel, our puskins seem to know what they are doing. It is a perk, only afforded to grand wizards t115006 t115006
    I know just what you mean, the moon would seem totally a waste of time, as mother said, it is a dusty rock, end of. :shock:

    France is fine, Mother highly approves of France :)

    Dad is not great to be honest. He had his feet done, but the short walk from the surgery to T room, he was white as a sheet and blue round the lips :? :? :?
    He only ate a little, half a bacon butty. No way could he go into Sainsb, so he sat in the car. He was just ---kered to be blunt. If no improvement over the week end, I will push for admission.

    B has gone round with afternoon pills, see how he is
    pottering about, much the same - admission to hospital, on a Friday evening, not if we can help it. Lying on a trolley in a corridor all night, .... nah, not happening :x :x :x

    Yes, we can keep that fire going all day long, another log placed on, carefully :? :?

    It is indeed Remembrance Sunday, good that you are all practised and ready t4591
    I think the Sisters are going to wear appropriate robes and not uber mini skirts and sequin boob tubes :shock: :shock: :o:o what HAS gone into them........... :roll: :roll:

    Thought you might like the cheesecake, quite low calorie too :? :? :lol::lol:

    A lot of patients can get post operative depression, going off their food, low mood, tearful, increase in pain. Usually this improves in a short space of time, but can last a fair while.

    Hi Joan and Sue, that's lovely to follow Joan on face time, when she is out with the doggies, makes you feel a part of the walk (((())))
    Great to use at the hospital too, when Joan has been in. Makes the distance seem a lot less.

    Hope you got all you needed on your shopping trip. Did you go to meet your friend for lunch?

    Love to both as always (((()))) t4591 t4591

    Another beautiful poem Kath, you are indeed our Laureate for V A.

    Thank you for the marrow, with fennel and tomato, lovely, love sourdough bread :) XX

    Good that you had a better night and I see you are on iron pills on the orders of our resident medical puskin.

    I am sure your Consultant will realise that her bedside manner has been stolen, much to the horror of her patients. I am guessing that the nurse might well drop a few hints, we have our ways, with Consultants who think they are above reproach. :D:D

    No you are not being a misery at all, you are just explaining how things have been and how things are on a day to day basis, as we all do.
    Abundant hugs and sparkles (((()))) t4591 t4591 It has been sunny, chilly but pleasant. Frost forecast for the coming two nights. 99% of the leaves are all gone from the trees. It is looking more wintry.
    The road sweeper came up the lane today, so that is looking very smart again :) One used to come onto the park, but not for a long time.

    Absolutely there is honey for tea t4591 t4591 lovely ending to the poem.

    Hi Barbara - I bet you are busy with Niamh, chips for tea, Toni and I will be on our way asap.

    Hope you Brother and Gdad are feeling a bit better today. Loads of (((()))) as always to all.

    hi Carol hope your day has been a pleasant one and you are safely home.


    Time I was pottering some more. I will pop back later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Sticky Fig and Date Pudding with Caramel Sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..very late for me..guess who has my comp
    We had a nice half day out today in the sunshine cold but nice.
    Aidan thankyou for the mushroom and potatoe rostis..and I think I missed the cheese cake..but could see some on the floor by the fridge...but managed to get some fig pudding..thankyou and for thr lovely pic and the roaring fire one..I will make sure we keep it going..thankyou for all the live and hugs..they gave my brother ABs..not sure what they are called..and not eating..he has had 2 walks with the physios but both times the alarm went you say he will turn a corner soon
    So sorry dad isn't right bless him..sending love and hugs for you all..and hope he picks up.. t4591 t115006
    Sorry about the B decided to get them from the chippy..and they wernt nice. :roll:
    Toni i remember our cat coming out like it was yesterday...she was called by the cats protection ZeeZee might not remember them. :lol: .I remember feeling down a few days after having my hips you might be right ..especially with a much bigger op ..xx
    I an glad Rosie has her safe bed bless her..I will have to find out about the ABs my brother had
    Kath another lovely poem..thankyou..and for the recipes.. and you do not moan one always have us to talk to..xx
    Sue..I love to facetime our gd in London..its amazing how it can be done..and you leeping in touch with Joan when she is out..xx
    Right I had better get to sleep
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - t4591 t4591

    It is very frosty and clear tonight - the girls wanted to post some sparkles, for us all


    The plan is for them to go to Andromeda this morning, to gather a little bit of rock, from a far distant planet. I am leaving them to it :? :? they seem to know what they are doing - we will not even know they are gone, before they are back. The moon is right and the stars are aligned Mother said. :? Ok, whatever you say Mother dear.

    It takes a leap of faith and a little bit of magic t4591 t115006


    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok, has Charley moved into her new house? I forget which week it was :roll: :roll: If so, then Rosie cat will be keeping safe in her big cage of security, with Sleek and Mother keeping an open line on the crystal ball t4591 t4591

    How is Rev Delphine, I keep meaning to ask? I do hope she is steadily improving, Blessings to her t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - Look at you, a night owl - as bad as us two :lol::lol:

    Glad you enjoyed a half day out, it has been cold and the frost is thick on the roof next door. Not a surprise, they never have any heating on, in case it costs them a penny :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Oh dear, you missed the cheesecake :oops: :oops: Did I send it flying in my furore of getting a slice :? :? I will bake you another one.

    So the chips were alien ones from the chip shop, oh dear :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Glad your Brother has some AB's, I guessed they might give them, as a necessary precaution. As Toni said, they can give ones that are only hospital issue. They have to keep some in reserve, that have more clout that the ones the GP's prescribe.

    Oh dear, poor Gdad, not eating - quite a common thing to happen, so try not to worry too much. Two walks with the physio's, that's good to hear. Did his monitor alarm go off ? They might need to juggle some of his heart meds around, to stabilise things. He will pick up. Extra (((()))) to them both and of course to you all t4591 t4591

    Dad was not too bad, he is looking forward to coming round for coffee and croissant this morning. We will see how he is, Matron will be all eyes :? :?

    Your puskin was called ZZ Top, remember them well. The band has done a 6 day venue in Las Vegas, earlier this year :shock: :shock:

    Hi Carol - Trust you are all ok - counting down until your Christmas family visit :) Not that I know where we are at :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath - any ouchies need the boot, (((((()))))) I have lit another fire, now, are your tootsies on the left, or the right ? t4591 t4591


    A quiet evening here, golf on in the background, from Turkey. Looks nice and warm there.

    Time I was pottering a little. I will have to put breakfast on the next reply. Lots of love and sparkles t115006 t4591 Take care XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Strawberry Sheet-Pan Pancakes t4591 t4591

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The girls chose a sweet picture and then they spread sparklies all over the land today it's so icy!! :shock:

    Andromeda has happened at 1 minute past midnight before the frosts...Every planet was aligned for sure and they got 'the rock' for the spell :shock:

    Tosca did not leave the house though this morning Sleek went with.....TOMMY thumb! I know!!! brave eh? Mother had leant him her nanook of the north outfit and he looked adorable. His behaviour is definitely improving (since Hogwarts) according to Sleek he listened carefully and caught a fair bit of frozen mist as well as gently taking some of the frozen cobwebs for the nymphs. She still didn't let him have any catteine though :?

    Those pancakes were to die for Aidan I added some pouring cram to mine - plenty in the fridge if anyone wants some

    Rosie is safely in her new home bless her with her Mummy t4591 She sent me a snapchat last night and Rosie looked just fine. Tosca and Sleek were available overnight for reassurance. Hermione is sorting a gate urgently so they can pop over today to ease her out of her security cage. :animal_busy:

    Heating is still not working :roll: control panel was fitted but now anew cable is needed as it's tripping the electricity :roll: Several oil filled rads and a real fire are keeping them all warm enough at least.

    The Reverend Delphine is back in Church now doing her sermons thank you for asking :) She will be at the Remembrance service on Sunday (we are singing).

    What was wrong with those chips? Surely not Mr B's???? :shock: We both had our slippers on for nothing :roll:

    Barbara I am sure the kid's GDad will be more himself soon given a few days. the other thing will be fear huge fear about how close he came to not being here ((()))

    I suspect Niamh had your laptop!!! I hope she is well and happy bless her t4591

    'They' keep back some ABs for those who have cancer because of antibiotic resistance. Get over the infection ASAP Barbara's bro ((()))

    ZZTop yes I do remember them! Rosie is doing well and coping so far :animal_busy:

    Tell Mr B off! We wanted homemade chips :(

    Oh dear me. Dad does not sound right at all :? Sleek heard and has Pepe's Drs bag packed ready. An easy weekend needed and anything to temp him to eat. Eat with him of you can I used to with my Mum it helped a bit ((())) t69044 t115006

    Try him with a sticky fig and date pud - if there are any left?!

    Kath what a wonderful poem. You really are talented t4591 The pic of the Willow was lovely too :)

    I love marrow thank you :)

    Yes the iron tablets should help so Sleek says....there are some on my table too and on Kari's with extra B12 :roll:

    Lucy and you know plenty about sepsis. Lucy was admitted with neutropenic sepsis to start with and had several infections the worst being the one of unknown cause when things looked very bleak indeed. Then there was C-dif twice :shock: :shock:

    You aren't being a misery at all just remembering scary times and feeling ridiculously tired won't help ((())) t69044

    you two are very techie! Facetiming when Joan is out for a walk with the dogs!! It's really useful in hospital isn't it? Joan I take it Lexi is doing very well after her op then?!

    Right onwards and upwards for me...


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    . Aidan that's good your Dad's bleeding has stopped((((((()))))
    have a good day all of you ((((((())))
    . Toni yes Lexi is getting on well eating now. Have a good day all of you (((((()))))
    Barbara I hope everything is going has well as it should ((((((()))))
    . Kathleen how are you getting on with your problems (((((())))) and your Dad((((((()))))
    . take care love to Carol Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternnon all just grabbed my laptop while Niamh is with dad.. :lol:
    Aidan thgankyou for the Strawberry Sheet-Pan and I did get a look in this time..ZZ Top..did I really type ZEE :lol: oh well we ended up calling her Tibby.. :o
    I am glad Matron has an eye on dad..and sure nothing will get past you..and hope dad enjoyed his croissants..
    Yes it was the monitor that went off whn he was walking with the physio..hopefully today he will see some improvement
    it is trying to snow here..very fine sleet..its going to be a long winter :shock: thankyou so much for the are some for dad...(((()))_
    Now I bagsy the white warm boots in front of the fire.. :D and I love the magic pic..maybe a warmer spell would do for now :)
    Toni poor Lucy did go through it..I know you kept us informed ..but cant imagine how awful it must have been for both of you..
    thankyou for the info on the ABs..its nice to know they have such things.and thankyou for the hugs sorry you dont have your heating working .. :shock: wish we lived nearer..(())
    glad to here Rosie in setting her her carrier she will feel safe in there..((()))\
    Joan I am glad your heating is ok in this all keep cosy and thankyou ((()))
    Some Hugs for Kath hope you are not to sore..(((())))
    Love to everyone that is missing
    Keep warm
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 It's bloomin chilly :shock: :shock: thick frost this morning. I wonder if our lovely Mods, would kindly add some emoticons, to reflect the seasons changing :) Pretty please. t4591 We have cake :)

    Our puskins, went to the "cold planet" in Andromeda, hence the icy sparkles, all over the country. the planet is way below what we would class as absolute zero - :shock: no hanging about, they were there, pick up frozen rock and back into the time shift. t115006 t115006


    After that journey, which lasted 17 minutes - Mother was back in bed, while Tommy and Sleek went up to Pendle, to gather frozen mists, frozen heather and some spiders webs. Mother has the space rock, hidden safely in her ottoman, apparently it will remain forever frozen, for all eternity :shock: It can be used in magic spell potions, innumerable times, which is rather handy. :D

    Tommy was well behaved, his first term at Hogwarts has served him well. He picked some Heather, for Mother and placed it on her blankies. Bless t4591 t4591 :animal_busy:

    He had a cattychoccychino at the Nymphs cafe, no catteine at all.

    Thanks, I had some of the cream, with the pancake bake. :) Gorgeous.

    Very pleased to hear that Rosie is settled in with Charley, into her new home. Checking in with you on snapchat :) The gate is in place and Mother said they are going over to see her at siesta time when Daddy has been knocked out :shock: :?

    No heating, as in boiler heating, at Charley's. :roll: :roll: Hope it is sorted soon. With all the temp rads and fire going, they will keep warm for now m0150 m0150

    Bless Rev Delphine, back, looking after her flock, that's lovely to hear t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 :D:D

    There will be a parade round town tomorrow, for Remembrance Sunday. This is the statue of the Soldier, at the War Memorial in the Castle grounds, overlooking Pendle.


    I know, those chips were not Mr B's chips at all - :? :? :? Barbara wasn't happy either :shock: :?

    Poor Lucy having sepsis of unknown cause, that is majorly worrying and no denying. Angels were watching over t115006 t115006 and then C diff, twice. :shock: :shock:

    Love to all, Auntie Kari too :)

    Dad came round this morning, Bill went to walk him round. He was done in, by the time he got here, (about 50 yards). He had a little to eat, not a lot, but I made sure he had three drinks :D:D Once a nurse............. :lol:

    He said he had been bleeding a tiny bit, nothing like he had before. Just received his follow up appt to see the Urologist, re his biopsies, later this month. :?

    We decided to take Hildegard for a big bath, so we took dad back round home, made sure he was settled, football on, drinks etc etc.

    It was freezing at the car wash station, at Texaco. Gentle jet sprays and super frothy soft brush, to remove all the muck and pine needles.
    All nice and clean, I just held all the pipes and put money in the machine. £££

    Came home along the main road, to whizz the water off. What has it done, since we arrived back, RAINED :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll: Nope, I have not said any naughty words at ALL. Much. At least she is clean, under the rain.

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for your kind words and hugs, (((()))) Dad is very easily tired, he cannot walk far at all now.
    I can envisage another GP visit this week at some point.

    Glad Lexi is eating well and recovered from her operation at the Vets. :)

    Hope you are keeping nice and warm and have a good week end. t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - Back on your laptop, while you have the chance :lol::lol:
    Oh Matron is on the case, with Dad. Bill is round there three times a day, plus the times when we go out with him. We will be out tomorrow, as Niece and her GF are coming over, meeting up at the GC. Have not seen them in about a year :shock: :shock: :shock: usually just natter on Watts App or Messenger. It will be lovely to see them. t4591

    We all knew you meant ZZ Top :lol::lol: then you called the puskin, Tibby :lol::lol::lol:

    I hope Gdad is improved today, just a wire coming loose on the monitor, will set the alarms going, especially when moving about. Mine did the same, but I was a fidget bum and was forever keeping an eye on my monitors and drips. :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the hugs (((((())))), loads more for you all too t4591 t4591 Gdad and Brother. How is he feeling? Pretty fed up I can

    SNOW, oh my, just drizzling now, since Hilde had a bath - but it is cold enough for sleet, without a doubt and more frost tonight

    You can have the warm white booties, by the fire, I think Kath is wearing the other ones - she needs the warmth and rest too t4591

    I will ask Mother for a spell of warmth, but not too warm
    she said, just turn the heating up Daddy :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hope you are having a lovely time with Niamh and Daddy too :)

    Hi Kath - sending lots of hugs (((()))) and anti ouch sparkles your way. t115006 t115006 innit cowd mi duck - mecks yer shivver.

    Sleek is going to pop over with her eee kwipp ment, to assist in making you better :shock: :shock: :? :? No idea what she has planned :shock: :shock: :roll:

    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok and keeping warm and dry. Taking your time outs and enjoying your knitting :)

    Hi To Crinkly, Mig, Mell, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, SW, Toady and all t4591 t4591

    Time I was having another potter, shut the curtains then I cannot see Hildegard getting all WET again. :roll: :roll:

    I will pop back later. In the meantime, lots of love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Butterscotch Self Saucing Pudding - just need cream or custard, or both :D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).