Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope everyone has a good weekend ((((((())))))
    we have heating at last
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..eldest gd and gf staying with dad..there grandad.was still having an heart attack when he got him to hospital so he was transferred to Wythenshaw for a stent but it didnt work so they are doing an heart bypass monday....and niamh is here hence the phone
    Aidan thankyou for the pecan caramel cheesecake.
    Sugar overload :D I see you have dads pills in Toni says make time for yourselves when possible t4591 t4591 so dad didnt fancy much to eat :lol: bless him glad he enjoyed it
    I think this is 3 year running trick or treaters..I am working my way through the sweets ..will need another crown if I'm not careful
    Thankyou again for your kind words xxx
    Toni I can imagine how much you know about chemo..embedded in you brain I should really did its job for Lucy..
    Thankyou for thinking of us.. t4591
    Kath thankyou.. t69044 good for dad doing his own catheter..bless and good for Anita getting things done it must put your mind at rest..
    You certainly went through a bad time with chemo..and so drawn out..xx
    Joan and Sue..I am so pleased your heating us fixed.about flipping time we were all on our way there..thankyou again for the hugs.. t4591
    Right better go See what Niamh us up to..chips tonight
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - t4591 t4591

    Joan and Sue, that is wonderful news, fully working heating, at long last. So pleased it is fixed. t4591 As Barbara says, we would have been down there, to sort them out...........(((())))

    Hi Barbara - goodness, you do have a lot going on.

    So sorry that the stent didn't work for Granddad. Now he is having a bypass. They have refined and tuned cardiac surgery to a far higher level, from when I was nursing.
    When MIL had her heart valve replacement, she was saat out of bed, having lunch, the day after.
    Sending so much love and hugs t4591 (((()))) t4591

    Ah, you are on the phone, laptop hidden as Niamh is stopping over :)
    A sugar overload without a doubt, rather nice though :D:D Dad must have just fancied sweet things at the GC. All pills in order.

    We have a bit of time out today when we meet up with my crazy friend and her hubby at the GC, we will no doubt end up howling with laughter, a good tonic.

    Go Barbara, putting your new crown to good use, on the trick or treat sweeties :lol::lol:

    Did you say chips tonight ? Real chips, by Mr B? Let me shout Toni, we will be over asap. :D:D

    It is a wet autumn evening, pouring down earlier at siesta time. Just right for keeping you awake :roll: :roll: Best to be indoors, with sparkles and candlelight t4591 t115006


    A hot chocolate would sit very well too


    Now I am dreaming :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok, Rosie is petted and fussed over, bless her. Sleek was over at Siesta, there was much shrieking as well as pouring rain.
    We did levitate at one point. Mother rolled her eyes :roll: :roll: it's ok she said, Sleek is browsing her new spell book :shock: :lol::lol: :shock:

    Hi Carol - hope you are ok and keeping busy, sending (((()))) your way :D

    Hi to Crinkly and Mig and all our cafe friends.

    High time I was pottering again. So, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Cinnamon Applesauce Bread - we might need butter Toni, Kath will need some too :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Chips! Did you say chips Aidan at Barbara's? on my way...…..!!!

    Glad you got to the GC to meet up with friends and have a good laugh always does you good :) Thanks for the hot choc with cream on top - perfect :)

    I love the candle it's gorgeous! It rained here from about 6pm too :roll: very windy this morning you should be glad B will be doing the meds rounds for Dad this weekend!! :wink:

    We levitated too yesterday Sleek is practising some of the new spells in her special spell-book. She's really trying to help Rosie-cat loose weight :shock: Now a weight loss spell....that sounds good!

    Now don't you think Mother was going soft? Pumpkins full of sweets for the kits? :animal_busy:

    Hermione put a block on flying this weekend so gates it is safety first. Sleek is convinced there was a wink form Pepe's Cookie-Rose adorned statue. Thanks to Silver t115006

    That applesauce bread was fab and yes president butter needed - I've left it out for Kath :D The pecan cake required a double wah in the booth and a clean set of clothes for me
    Glad Dad ate so much even though he 'wasn't hungry' :lol: Please brave asking about Beth I am starting to miss hearing her name :?

    Barbara I did say i'm not sure who ate (some) of the sweets I left out for the kids,(was at choir) but will check the bin by Paul's chair later :lol:

    I hope all goes well for your Gkids' GDad :? such a worry, but they should look after him well there love and ((())) to you all.

    Niamh is there well that will keep you all smiling t4591

    Joan has heating?!! WAHAY!!!!!! m0150 m0150 m0150
    Miracles do happen! Sue did well doing the shopping without you on Dial a ride go her!

    Kath I am very gald the 'lady' was a DN as we suspected :) poor Dad imagine sending the wrong sized bags! Eeejits!

    Anita sounds a bit of a star getting it all sorted bar carers (for now!) keep on going Anita we're all behind you :)

    Oh yes chemo lives with you for life doesn't it? I was scared when it stopped too for Lucy and even 6 monthly checks scared me but of course I know with her cancer she'd be dead in 8 weeks so we would spot it within the 3 monthly checks ourselves like we did before.

    (((Kath survivor))) you did so well t4591

    Kari and I very much enjoyed the kale and mushie and quinoa thank you :)

    A daily poem is lovely and that one so sweet. I have a first love to who stays in my memory t4591

    Hoping all is well with Carol and family. Sending love and ((()))

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone I hope everyone has a good weekend
    . Barbara all the best for your granddads by pass on Monday(((((())))
    . how is your brother I hope he's not in to much pain(((((()))) you have to have some treats when you fancy them((((((())))))
    . Aidan enjoy your time out with your friend((((((())))) it's nice to have a laugh((((((()))))). Love to your Dad((((((()))))))
    . Toni has Tia had any dogs brought in yet it can be upsetting how animals are treated(((((())))
    . take care. love to Carol Mig(((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Doe Of The Morning
    Kathleen T.

    Doe of the morning
    how faithful you are,
    keeping your secrets
    when near, or afar.
    Your eyes - sweet as almonds
    and white silken throat,
    you dance like a dove
    beneath far distant Oaks.
    Drink deep from the Lilies
    all covered in dew,
    then hide with your secrets
    the white winter through.

    t115006 t115006 t115006

    Joan and Sue have heating HOORAY hope it lasts. m0150

    Barbara, we weren't bothered by trick or treaters either.But at 10pm the fireworks came out to play. We'd just dropped off, when WHOOSH BANG!! If I could have jumped out of me bed I would have, instead I just lay there quaking. :shock:

    Aidan, you levitated?! What a way to travel. :lol: Won't Hilde be a bit jealous?

    Toni, oh how dreadful Lucy's cancer must have been. Yes, Eeejits indeed. Thank you for leaving the butter out for me. It's softened nicely now so easy to spread.
    Sending hugs to mig, Carol, Crinkly and of course our lovely admin.

    Mediterranean Vegetable Paella

    SERVES: 4

    150g (5.3oz) short grain rice (ideally paella rice but any will do)
    1 small red pepper, roughly chopped
    1 courgette, sliced
    1 aubergine, roughly chopped
    ½ onion, finely chopped
    100g (3.5oz) frozen peas
    600ml (21fl oz) vegetable, fish or chicken stock
    1tsp turmeric
    ½ tsp smoked paprika
    1 tablespoon olive oil


    Heat the oil in a large frying pan and add the slice onion and garlic. Cook on a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onion is softened. Add the turmeric, paprika, peppers, aubergine and courgette and cook for a further 5 minutes.

    Add the rice to the pan and stir everything until the rice is thoroughly coated with the spices, then add the stock. Bring the pan to a low simmer and allow the paella to cook for 20-25 minutes or until the rice is tender. Add the frozen peas, stir one more time and then let the paella rest for 5-10 minutes before serving.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all t4591 t4591 A bit wet, but very mild - I was in my own summertime at the GC - coffee, lunch, cake.............

    I did say CHIPS Toni, I think they had all gone by the time we arrived :roll: :roll: we need to be earlier, when Mr B is just starting the chip pan going :)

    We had a lovely time with friends at the GC, there are piccies on FB, for peeples to look at - everyone else looks ok, I look like a Hippo, but never mind eh :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    We were there for about three hours. Had a little wander round the interiors, spent a fortune in my mind :D:D

    Glad you enjoyed the hot chocolate, with the everlasting cream :) Perfect.

    B is just back from second round of meds, we did round one, on the way out this morning. Turned the heating down, it was on 26 degrees, he will dehydrate :shock: :shock:

    Sleek is definitely busy with her new book of special spells, for grand wizards, hence us all levitating :roll: :roll: Mother has just floated past down the hallway, rolling her eyes :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: Do you MIND she said on her mini crystal ball, I am trying to nap :animal_busy: :lol::lol: Sleek wasn't listening, she is too engrossed :lol:

    When she finds the weight loss spell, we need to be in the firing line of the wand - keep me posted :shock: :shock: t115006 t115006

    Mother has gone a bit softer in her mature years, sweeties for the young ones, bless her - only because she cane at loads of them too :lol::lol: method in her madness :D:D

    Definitely a no fly, Hermione is a bit nervous of the weather, but, wise, given the fact it is pouring down again and Pendle has vanished into mists.

    Silver was quite right, about Pepe and Cookie, winking and an extra glint, from the Rose diamond t115006 t115006 Those who are gone, are never far away. Seeing them, or hearing them, is always a bonus t4591 t4591

    I thought I didn't leave the washer on, clothes were in a mess then, with the pecan cake :D:lol::lol: Well worth it though

    Totally forgot to ask about Beth, as one of the young ladies who used to work there, only works on a Saturday and she was waiting for us to walk through the door, to give hugs and kisses, bless her. We will ask, next time we are in. Strange that we have not seen her, I will check her FB, still saying she is working at the GC..............will find out more asap.

    Hi Joan and Sue - all nice and warm I hope :) Thank you for the hugs, we had a lovely time, catching up with friends today. Always a laugh when we get together. We used to get in so much trouble when we worked together. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath - Love love love the poem, gorgeous t4591 t4591

    One that my Mother used to recite, from memory, was the Pied Piper - always fascinated me. It is long poem too - however she recalled it all, I will never know. She gave it such a lilt - ah, happy memories t4591 t4591

    We had fireworks in the distance and there will be plenty tonight. We will hear them from afar, as they go off at the Castle etc. Maybe some at the hall nearby, they rattle the windows when they go off :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Levitation would be wonderful, very restful on the joints - one day, maybe, when Captain Picard comes back in the Enterprise t115006 t115006

    Until such time as we are on board the Star Ship, Hildegard is more than happy to waft us along :)

    Hope Dad is ok and Anita has had some time out as well. Sending extra (((()))) to everyone t4591 t4591

    That Paella looks delicious, I am all ovver it mi duck, ta loads t4591

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, with lots of family about - keeping an eye on G Dad, I pray he is ok and not in pain or discomfort. They will look after him well t4591 t4591 I know it seems one thing on top of another, no idea why that happens - everyone is thinking and prayers are always heading to you all. t4591 t4591

    We had a lovely time at the GC, I wish you could have seen us, years ago - terrors we were. :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol - sending (((()))) to you both, hope all is as ok as possible and you have had a busy week. t4591 t4591

    Hi to Cinkly and Mig and all who venture into the cafe' - everyone's welcome.

    It is still raining t111055


    Looking at the news, there have been some really bad storms too :shock: :?

    Time I was pottering again. Keep the bones moving...............

    Will catch up later on - love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Caramel Pecan Pumpkin Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..rain and more today but very mild
    Aidan..thankyou..GD and her GF did arrive safely.they went to the hospital today and sent me a pic his arm is black right down to his thumb from trying to fit the stent.suppose that the Monday its a double hear bypass.. :shock: he has just turned 70..
    Right back to you thankyou for the Cinnamon Applesauce Bread and the lovely pumpkin cake and how did I miss the batty cake..wounder were that went :?
    I did see your phot on FB and am glad you got to meet up with your partner in crime :lol: now what made me think you two were trouble.. :lol: I adore the candle and it went well with hot chocolate :D
    I see Miss sleek is into the spell book :o who knows what will happen next..
    we have had fireworks non stop from around 6..we always had it on the 5th whatever day it fell on..
    love to dad Bill is doing such a good job bless.. t4591
    Toni so Paul had all the sweets.. :lol: my OH says he doesn't have a sweet tooth..but I find the wrappers down the chair.. :shock: we do have Niamh to keep us laughing and today we had a good chat and laugh with our GD and GF :D
    Joan my brother is just getting on with things like you and Sue do..hope you are all snug now...((()))
    Kath what a lovely poem that are very clever and should get them wrote down...
    I am sick of all the bangs now they sound like bombs :shock:
    Thankyou for the paella recipe ..something I have never made but love it..
    We had a lovely day today seeing our GD, and her sister came and Niamh was here till 4 ish so all 3 GDs..nothing nicer.. :D
    Oh and yes they were proper chips.. :D
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    See Toni, they were proper chips, Mr B did proper chips and we missed them :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara - You have had a house full of family, with three GD all at the same time, I bet you were so pleased to see them together. t4591 t4591

    Good to hear that your Gd and her Gf arrived safely and went to see Granddad. Oh dear, the arteries in his arm must have been misbehaving, it is quite common for there to be bad bruising where they insert the catheters into the arteries in your wrist. It will go. I know it looks pretty bad when you see it. I have had 4 angio's through my right wrist, one time I did bruise. The ones in my groin, I did bruise quite a bit.

    There is a sheath that goes into the artery and that often causes the bruising into the surrounding tissue.

    Sorry, I am waffling on. :roll: :roll: A double bypass on Monday, we will be on cloak duty for as long as it takes, t4591 t4591 with thoughts and prayers in abundance. The op usually takes about 3 - 5 hours.

    Noooo, you missed the batty cake, oh dear. Just for you, I have made some chocolate bats, to make up for missing the cake :D:D


    Glad you liked the pics on FB. Oh we were trouble, without a doubt. We did a great job though, looking after the patients. Racing up and down the wards in wheelchairs, the patients used to have a laugh too.
    It was lovely to catch up with them again.

    That candle was gorgeous, I need one, must look out for one. Teeny rice lights, sparkling away.

    I need one of these too, "dream lights"


    Just found one on Amazon, £53.00 !!!!!! :o :shock: :shock: :shock: Maybe not.

    Mother has been "coaching" Sleek, in the ways of the superior spells. There was a lot of shrieking at siesta time and the bed was up in the air for a while :shock: :?

    Fireworks here for most of the evening, in the distance around town.

    Thank you for the love, to Dad. B is doing an amazing job, juggling everything. We need an OT assessment asap.

    Good to hear that your Brother is getting on with things, with the support of his GF and of course, the family too. t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, hope you are all ok, enjoying sitting on your new stool / chairs :) with a little hutch up, to get you settled.

    We have thick mists with calm weather, so I am guessing Sleek will be heading off to collect some on one of her new brooms. Mother might well go along - sleep depending :animal_busy: :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol - glad you liked my picture on FB, I loathe having my photo taken, I want to put it through photoshop and beautify myself :lol::lol:
    Hope you are both ok and didn't have too much rain or high winds. It was quite bad in the south from what I have seen. t4591 t4591

    Hi to everyone else, in and about, hope all are safe and as well as can be. t115006 t115006

    Time I was pottering, the joints are setting rapidly.

    Hair cuts today, we are in need of a tidy :)

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
    Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Glazed Oatmeal-Maple Scones with Pecans & Currants

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    We missed the chips Aidan :cry: we missed them...….woe is us :cry::cry: I don't mind going early - I like to 'test' the first batcha nd I am sure you do too!

    Sleek said Tosca can whip you up a dream light in 10 seconds if you behave :shock: U don't need to wayst 53 kwid! Much spell casting has been happening here too. Tow radiators were on upside down at one point and the bath water ran sparkles (I rather liked that one!) and yes our bed levitated too with us in it :roll:

    She mentioned that Tosca had told her off, but she just cannot resist trying all her new spells out...deer lichen - she took some from the Chase for another spell. Maybe it's the weight loss one?

    She was back an hour ago after several trips up to Pendle for mists.....she said they were THICK mists really thick and she also took some Chase mists which the Nymphs were rather impressed with :shock:

    Lovely oatmeal scones We had ours with jam and cream - who would have guessed!

    OMG!! 26 degrees! What was Dad thinking?! He would have been steaming! Glad you managed to do the tablets around the GC. It's going to work out I think. I would have spent a fortune in your GC too I can in ours t4591 the stuff!

    Let's hope Beth was just on her holidays?

    The rainy puddle is so mesmerising!

    Caramel pecan pumpkin cake was super-yum a proper face plant cake and as an added bonus - clothes washed out in one go. Unless you remembered to put on the overall which I didn't :oops:

    Barbara you are quite right only ever had fireworks on the 5th November! I think we ought to stick to that at least Sainsbury's stopped selling them this year shame all supermarkets don't do the same :roll: We didn't do them this year in the village.

    Lovely to see GD and her fiancé even if it was because their GDad is ill. Poor man we will all be thinking of him and apparently under the cloak (Sleek wants to watch :shock: ) for his bypass on Monday :? t4591

    We missed the chips...... :cry:

    Did Niamh get some? I'm glad she was there to keep you all entertained bless her.

    Oh Kath the fireworks scared you I am sorry - Sleek is bringing over some of her earmuffs to block the sound out she said they'll be under your pillow.

    Loving the paella! YUM T v muchly :)

    That was a lovely little poem too very apt living here with deer on the Chase.

    Joan Tia has had lots of dogs brought in already bless her. So far she is behaving and keeping them all at work! It breaks your heart doesn't it?

    I hope you and Sue are still snug and warm?

    Sending love to Carol - I hope all is well with all you Turbos; kids and Gkids behaving and no falling out.

    Are you knitting for Christmas this year? If you did you could eb awfully busy with all those GGkids to knit for :shock:

    Love to Mig and Crinkly

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone I hope you all have a painfree day has possible((((((())))) I won't mention but we still have warm heat.
    Kathleen love to your Dad(((()))) and you and Chris((((((())))))
    Barbara you had a house full I hope there was a bit of laughter(((((()))) to your brother(((((()))))and granddad((((((()))))
    Aidan that was good you enjoyed yourself at the Garden Centre no chips never mind((((((())))). your Dad(((((((())))
    Toni we don't have fireworks. they are alright when they have them at proper shows(((((())))
    . take care love to Carol Mig ((((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    The Pool

    Once I had a shallow pool
    where silver Minnows darted
    through the sparkling waters cool;
    and where the rushes parted,
    iridescent Rainbow Trout
    shimmered in the Sun's pure light,
    which shone amid the Willow trees
    and glinted through its trembling leaves.

    Now my pool is dark and deep
    with myriads of treasures,
    where Manatee and Narwhal sleep,
    concealing secret pleasures
    in milky waters, still and proud;
    and when the sun’s rays pierce the cloud
    then light can penetrate this lair
    of fabled creatures, wild and rare.

    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Joan, I rang dad this morning, he's struggling but has a blood test tomorrow then the DN will visit. Anita is with him now and is staying overnight. She will take him for his blood test and wait for the DN visit. I hope your heating is still working and you are keeping warm.

    Toni, you missed the chips!!! I wonder if I can rustle some up for today? Yep, chunky chips dipped in tomato sauce. Plenty to go round. I think I'd have a chip butty with a fried egg on top. :D
    Sleek has bought the ear muffs for me. Bless. There will probably be more fireworks this year as the Bonfir and firewors they usually have on West Park has been canceled due to the park being like a quagmire after all the rain. :shock:

    Aidan, don't worry duck, I've got you some proper chunky chips. :D Thank you for the yummy scones. Hope you don't get disturbed by the fireworks again.

    Barbara, those dratted fireworks scare me to death. I've had a few of my poems published, but I don't enjoy writing them when I have to. Prefer to do it for pleasure. Hope you like todays.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    and that was Sunday - :shock: :shock: It was here, now it is all but gone :roll: :roll:
    I guess we have done quite well, both had hair cuts, B did the cauliflower / broccoli cheese pots, they are cooling, ready for the freezer - we have 10, so all are welcome :)
    Usual visits round to Dads with his meds etc. Washing, more washing, drying, fussing..............

    Hi Toni - We do need to go early on Fridays, to Mr Bs chippy :lol::lol: first bath will need tasting, it is essential, someone has to do it :)

    I will make sure Mother has all she desires, Gourmet Chicken, Tuna and biscuits so far. If she would magic a dream light, that would save lots of kwidds :lol::lol: I nearly feel of mi perch when I saw the price - not on your Nelly, or anyone else's Nelly :shock: :lol::lol:

    A sparkling tap, radiators upside down, oh, it's all going on. :o t115006 The saucepans were appearing out of the cupboards - Mother stepped in and sent them back in. Rolling her eyes, leave it to me she said, I will have WORDS :? :?

    Poor Sleek has been so excited, but I think Mothers looks didn't go unnoticed. The weight loss spell, there are ingredients in that, only wizards would know of :? :? , so hoomans cannot help, it has to be grand wizards. I have asked, nicely, Mother will give it some thought, as a few ingredients cannot be sourced on this planet - huh - don't tell me there are other planets with other wizards -

    Didn't you know? NO, I didn't know :shock: :shock: Don't even tell me how you get there.............. :? :?

    We were in thick fog last night and this mornings, could not see m ore than 100 yards, so Sleek had a fabulous time, with her new GPS location and collision avoidance technology on the broom. Mother stopped in, she thought it was too damp for her bones.

    The Nymphs have a store full of mists now, some from Halloween, which is very special. Mother said they press it into bales and then weave it as needed.

    Not has hot in Dads today, more ambient, than boiling. The times seem to be working ok, It would give us time to go to somewhere like Skipton etc, and still be back in time for afternoon meds.

    We will be back at the GC tomorrow, maybe Beth will be in if not, I will be asking.

    We have pinnies for the booth, but they remind me of work and the pinnies of shame :roll: :roll: easier just to go in with swimwear on :lol::lol::lol::lol: saves a lot of clothes going through the wash t111055 :shock: :shock: I just would not want to terrify anyone :shock: :lol::lol:

    I agree, stop selling fireworks in all supermarkets, well, all shops, just display ones and weddings / events etc.

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are ok, all tucked up nice and warm, with the heating doing what it should be doing :)

    Oh, we had chips at the GC and again last night, (oven ones, so they don't really count as "proper" chips).

    We used to have some fireworks, in the yard bit at the Rectory, with Catherine wheels flying off their nails, rockets in milk bottles, going sideways and jumping jacks that had me and Mother dancing a Scottish Reel :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hope you have had a nice week end, (((())))

    Hi Kath, that is a beautiful poem, thank you. Our lovely pools with the Manatee and the Narwhal, both of which are so so scarce now. Lovely poem t4591 t4591

    Dad is doing fair, with Anita stopping there until tomorrow. Then the DN might get things moving, with regard a care package, let's hope so.

    Thank you kindly for the chunky chips, perfect with tomato sauce - crispy and golden :)

    Haven't heard any fireworks, yet, just going dark now, so we will soon know.

    (((()))) to both t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - I bet you are still having a busy week end, rest up a bit when you can. Love to all t4591 t4591 t115006

    Hi Carol, hope you are both ok, after a busy week finishes, you might have some free time tomorrow :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. I am all out of time really. Almost time for T and siesta.

    Will pop back later. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Fresh Plums and Almond Crumble

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all on my phone..not down to Niamh but our eldest gd has my laptop
    Aidan I adore having them all here ..its so rare now..I really feel for you having to go through all that with the angios.and you would have known what was coming :shock: I am so glad to hear you and Bill can get some time for yourselves we dont want you poorly again.. t4591 t115006
    Thankyou for the oatmeal scone..and the lovely chocolate bats ..just for me :D
    I hope Beth is at the gc tomorrow..and you can have the special..
    I can just imagine the two of you flying around the wards in the wheelchairs :lol: bet the patients loved you
    Now chips just put your order in and mr b will make them...he made s batch last night for our grand children.
    And I need one of the dream lovely just to sit and watch it.
    Toni..I keep forgetting our gd is engaged..not good is it.
    I hear miss sleek is having spell lesson off mother.
    Is that why the bed levitated.. :shock:
    Joan we have had some good laughs with out gd..and it puts my mind at rest seeing them together..hope you are all ok (((())))
    Kath I am not surprised you have had your poems published..I do love the pool.. :) to he able to write them when you are in the mood must be so relaxing..
    Right better go thankyou everyone for the cloak duties.
    Our gd has to go back to London on Tuesday morning she wont see her granddad after his op..
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 Damp, mizzling evening, plenty of mists t111055

    Hi Barbara - a different reason, to be on your phone, if you eldest GD is on the laptop - I am sure you don't mind one bit :)

    I can imagine it does become a rare event to have all the GC there at one time - hence you treasure such time together. A shame that it is in worrying times, with Gdad having his operation today. So much love and special thoughts will be with Gdad and you all.


    We will be under the cloak, as Toni said, Sleek will be all ears and eyes, taking lots of notes and bringing all her medical eee kwippmint :shock: :lol::lol: G dad will be in very safe hands t4591 t115006 A shame that your GD has to go back to London on Tuesday.

    My last Cardiologist said I was his "veteran" of angioplasties :o :shock: Oh yes, I knew what they were going to do, all the way along. :? :? He used to just ask Sister to give me more IV diazepam :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: so that in the end I didn't know if I was Arthur or Martha :lol::lol::lol:

    We keep talking about Dad and how things seem to be going downhill quite quickly. We will see how he is this week. :? :?

    Yes, we want to see Beth, we have missed her, looking after us. Not that the other lovely staff don't do the same. Two Beth specials will be lovely, then a CAKE :D:D

    We used to have some fun on the wards, you had to let off steam at times and yes, the patients did enjoy a laugh as well.

    So Mr B was cooking chips on Saturday night as well - ssshhhh, don't let Toni know :? :? :shock:
    What time does he start frying :):D:D

    I am still waiting for Mother do magic me one of those dream lights :roll:
    Barbara is right. Mother and Sleek are practising their spelling, especially with the new grand wizard book, requiring pin point precision when casting spells.
    Possibly one reason why there is a lot of levitation going on :roll: :roll:

    Hermione thinks it is hill hairy us. :lol::lol:

    I hope your rads are the right way up now Toni - I think there is something that needs adding to the cauldron, to correct the random levitating :? :roll: Mother said it is a piece of rock, from the next Galaxy and they will go fetch it soon. :shock: :? I didn't ask, reverse quantum physics is not my speciality :shock: :shock:

    Hope all are ok, big hi to everyone. Is the decorator coming back soon, or was it the electrician ?

    Hi to Carol and to Crinkly, Mig and all - sending (((()))) to everyone.

    The last of the leaves seem to be falling fast


    It will soon be time for Winter scenes :?

    Right, high time I was pottering again, was distracted by the golf and it is nearly 1 in the morning.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Apple Cranberry and Cherry Cookies

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone :)

    Morning Aidan

    It's the electrician coming back 23ish can't remember exactly when..... :? Then the plumber will fit the new super duper boiler which will be lovely and have 12 years parts and labour warranty :shock: wo!

    The rads are the right way up now thanks and the kettle is back on the work surface in the kitchen :roll: Sleek has been ordering space-cat outfits off catazon :?

    Other wizards other solar systems no doubt :? I don't think we need to know - just get the slimming rock!!! :lol:

    Today though we are all off to check in on Barbara's GD's GDad having his bypass surgery. Sleek is all ready - mother has leant her her carpet bag which fits everything inside :roll: Tosca is coming too unusual for her to make so much effort although it is nice and warm under the cloak to be fair... Sleek can be a bit mad with her new GPS and all that on her broomstick and mother's nerves can be jangled a bit. Not so the kits they will go any day :wink:

    Yes Sleek showed me a picture of the mist bales they look so pretty. They were on her mobile in the background of yet another selfie :roll: :animal_busy:

    Tis true the leaves are suddenly falling but have hung on into November so did well.

    A dollop of cream on those cookies methinks and a caramel macchiato each :)

    We do not want pinnies of shame no way no yellow aprons :shock: I think you can use your swimwear though if you use the darkening lever on the side of the booth? Nothing can be seen from the outside!

    GC today was it? Showing of your haircuts - mine is this morning - see you in the cloak no laughing at my foils :lol:

    We used to scoot up and down the corridors on the drip stands on the Teenage Cancer Trust ward and why not a good laugh did everyone one good :D

    Thanks for the cauliflower and cheese pots I have only taken 1 :shock: I know I don't want B to think badly of me :lol:

    Fridays is it for our chips? FRYDAYS maybe we can remember that? ;) First batch do need to be tested and we can do that!

    Barbara it is lovely to see the girls, but not in the circumstances our fingers are crossed all will be well today ((())) t4591

    yes your GD is engaged sorry she has to be back at work so soon though :(

    Tosca is trying to help Sleek - she's passing on all her knowledge to her, but things are still going a tiny bit awry. As Tosca says 'Itz al abowt presizon my dear'!

    Tosca should make us all dream lamps!

    Kath I love the poem especially the manatees! They are adorable and your descriptions are beautiful I can picture it all so well :)

    Oh my goodness those chips! They were 'real' too weren't they? chunky and crispy - perfect I had mayonnaise with mine thank you!!

    Did the ear muffs work at all? Sleek has an eye mask too with unicorns of it incase the lights also disturb you?

    Organised displays are ok as close to 5th as possible though please!

    Joan you still have heat I am whispering don't want to tempt fate do we? So you agree too organised fireworks only much safer.

    Right better get in the shower ASAP!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    . Kathleen lovely poem thinking of your Dad and you(((((((()))))
    . Aidan I'm sorry your not well ((((()))) love to your Dad((((((()))))
    Barbara all the best to granddad with his op(((((())))) thinking of you(((((())))
    . Toni your house must look like a different house ((((())))
    . take care all. love to Carol Mig(((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poem Of The Day Another one of mine I'm afraid

    A Midnight Kiss

    Through the garden in the moonlight
    along the sweeping path we walked,
    down the stone slab steps we wandered
    where we sat for hours and talked
    on the seat beneath the Willow
    which dipped into the river low.
    As the warm air heavy scented,
    making all my senses glow
    you gave me a midnight kiss,
    a kiss that stole my heart away.
    A kiss that I shall always cherish,
    a kiss that made me want to stay.

    Beneath the stars I still sit gazing
    at the iridescent moon,
    as the glistening water shimmers:
    will you be returning soon?
    As the swans down settle quietly
    in the rushes where they sleep
    and the fish still keep me wakeful,
    listening for their joyful leap
    I'm waiting for a midnight kiss,
    a kiss to steal your heart away.
    A kiss I hope you still remember
    a kiss I hope will make you stay.

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Joan, thank you for all those lovely hugs for me and my dad. Sending you and Sue ((((hugs)))) too. :D

    Toni, I'm glad you enjoyed the poem and the chips. I think they went down rather well. Sleek's earmuffs worked really well ad they kept me tabs snuggly buggly too. Mothercare is closing down - NOOOOO I used to lurve that shop when my youngsters were babies, and I was an avid reader of the Mother and Baby magazine. Happy days.

    Aidan, the trees in your picture look exactly like the ones on our court. A mixture of Flowering Cherry and Rowan. Beautiful in spring. and autumn. I'll just help myself to a Apple Cranberry and Cherry Cookie or three. Ta duck.

    Barbara, I'm so sorry to hear of your GD's other granddad. You have a lot on with your brother too. I'm off to the hospital tomorrow. In a 2 man ambulance with a wheelchair. Achy hips and spine are driving me mad. :roll:

    Carol, have you started a new knitting project? h015.gif
    It's a long time since I saw my grandchildren. Now they're all grown up with their own interests. One lives in USA. :o

    Asparagus & lemon spaghetti with peas

    150g wholemeal spaghetti
    160g asparagus, ends trimmed and cut into lengths
    2 tbsp rapeseed oil
    2 leeks (220g), cut into lengths, then thin strips
    1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
    1 garlic clove, finely grated
    160g frozen peas
    1 lemon, zested and juiced, plus wedges to serve

    Boil the spaghetti for 12 mins until al dente, adding the asparagus for the last 3 mins. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan, add the leeks and chilli and cook for 5 mins. Stir in the garlic, peas and lemon zest and juice and cook for a few mins more.

    Drain and add the pasta to the pan with ¼ mug of the pasta water and toss everything together until well mixed. Spoon into shallow bowls and serve with lemon wedges for squeezing over, if you like.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 It's t111055 again and Pendle is looking very black and grumpy :shock: :? :?

    Barbara, we are all there, under the cloak, with Gdad, for his operation - sending out lots of love and thoughts and well wishes to him and to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Morning Toni, it is Toni ? Just checking, you are looking years younger, like the two of us :D:D t4591 t4591 No worries about the foils, they looked fine.

    Electrician then the plumber and the new boiler, 12 year warranty, way to go. We were super pleased with our 7 years, still 5 left, gives a lot of peace of mind and you don't have to fork out loads of money to B Gas, to service it, any Corgi Reg installer can service them :D:D

    Glad the rads are the right way up and the kettle it back - it was on my dressing table at 5 this morning :shock: :shock: :? Mother rolled her eyes and called Sleek, on the crystal ball :lol::lol:

    Space suits, goodness :shock: I think these are the ones that they will need


    Oh yes, other wizards light years away, but distance is only a hooman concept, not a wizards concept. Ok Mother, as long as you bring back some slimming rocks :D:D Apparently they travel so fast, they pass themselves coming back :o :shock: :?

    The new broom needs a little taming, by Miss Sleek. Mother cannot have her nerves jangling too much.

    There is a lot of ekwip ment in that carpet bag, when you look in, there is a whole ward :shock:

    Autumn is rapidly moving into winter mode, a lot of bare trees now.
    Ta for the macchiato - perfect with the cookies :)

    I will find the darkening lever, in the booth, to maintain ones modesty :o:lol::lol:

    Drip stands do make very good scooters, quite agree - I might have tried a few in my time :lol::lol: Laughter, is indeed, a good medicine.

    B won't mind you taking some Cauli pots, he likes making them. I stir the sauce, but no knives or chopping, we don't want any OOOPS !

    GC was fine. Beth has left now, she is ok, but handed her notice in while on holiday............strange. The Beth specials are now called the "stacks" and were delicious. Dad had a mini breakfast, but could not finish it :? He is not brilliant, waiting for a call back from his GP, just to update him.

    Friday is now CHIP day and Sue's day, it's official :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are nice and warm - it is going chilly again at night. Thank you for the welcome hugs :)
    Don't worry about me, I keep pottering along, as we all do. We are nothing, if not determined t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Love and (((()))) to both and to the doggies

    Hi Kath - don't you be afraid of posting you poems, we love them. A stolen kiss - that lasts a lifetime t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    I was reading that Mothercare was going into administration :shock: yet more stores, being wiped out by the big supermarkets and online shopping. If you go into any supermarket you can kit out children from newborn onward. All the online market places too.
    High streets will just be a string of coffee shops and nothing else. Shame, big shame.

    Rowan trees, my late Mum and Dads favourites. They used to bring back little saplings ever time they went up to Scotland, all fully grown now and I hope, still where they were planted

    It is bad luck to cut down a Rowan, unless the wood is used for ceremonial purposes.

    "Since ancient times people have been planting a Rowan beside their home as in Celtic mythology it's known as the Tree of Life and symbolises courage, wisdom and protection. ... The power of the sacred Rowan tree is further enhanced by the pentagram, an ancient protective symbol, embedded in the bottom of every Rowan berry".

    We have a bonsai one that Dad grew, again, from Scotland. It is only about 2 feet tall, SO cute.

    Glad you liked the cookies, elp yersenn mi duck. How is Dad? Did he get on ok with his bloods, Anita assisting as necessary. (((())))

    We will be on cloak duties for you tomorrow. We can sit quietly in the ambulance, well, we will try. Sleek will want to come along, as she is doing her medical training at the moment :shock:

    Extra hugs and anti ouch sparkles for those pains t115006 t4591

    The dish of the day looks amazing. I will be all over that one in a flash, promise not to eat it all :? :? :lol::lol: Ta muchly

    Hi Barbara - we are all there thinking and praying that all is well with Gdad and his operation. He is in good hands. t4591 t4591 t4591 for all of you.

    Our picture, is echoing the weather at the moment


    Hi Carol - hope all is ok with you and yours, sending extra (((()))) and sparkles t115006 t115006

    Well, time is flying by, we have had a lazy afternoon really. I was going to steam the shirts, but lost the will :? :roll: :roll:

    Big hi to everyone else, Crinkly and Mig, Mell, SW DD, Toady, Christine, Elizabeth, Kerrin and all.

    I will pop back later. In the meantime, take lots of care, much love and many sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Cranberry - Carrot Layer Cake :) Booth is warm and ready

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all thankyou for the cloak duties Grandad is in ITU ..but doing ok ..apparently he had to be sedated last night he was in such a panic....I am not surprise :(
    Aidan thankyou for all the goodies..see I have forgot again..and thankyou so much for the caring thoughts.. t4591
    Must say you did make me laugh,,you didnt know if you were Arthur or Martha :lol::lol: the rainy pic is lovely wish it looked that here when it rained :? sorry Beth has finished but glad they are still doing her special.. the stack..and more to the point dad enjoyed what he had bless him
    My OH would gladly put the chip pan on if you all came..any excuse :roll: and buttered bread.. :)
    so you are showing off your hair cuts..hope your ears were warm...
    Toni thankyou.. t4591 your radiators were upside down... :o gosh hope they weren't piped up..and a new boiler on the way..that will put your minds at rest for winter...I would like to have seen you scooting along the corridor on the drip stand :lol:
    Joan thankyou alwasy give out lots of hugs..hope you are all ok t4591
    Kath thankyou t4591 what a beautiful poem A midnight kiss is..So you are off to hospital tomorrow what is that for I hope things are ok..hips and back effect each other..and are very painful..sending some healing hugs...((()))
    Yes our GD and fiance go back to London is running them because he is at a meeting down there..but I will really miss them..we all had a meal out today and had a laugh..they are on there way back from seeing there GD I might have more news
    Right will leave you for now
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good evening everyone

    Yes it really is me after over a week since my last post. I am feeling a lot better now I am just taking my time and not rushing it, l must admit I have been very determined to have my chill out me time every day. Trouble is the hours run away with me. And before I know it it is evening.

    Well we have had lots of rain lately and For me that means extra pain but I just have to plod along. I am happy to say that I have still been doing my usual things.

    Has anyone finished their Christmas present shopping yet ? I haven’t started yet, but I now know what I am looking for for each of the great grandchildren. Mr T is responsible for all the adults..

    I really must start getting the presents in because we have a trip to take the family’s presents booked for around the 12th December so not long to get them sorted. But I know what all the little peeples are into at the moment so I aim to please them all. I have to find peppa pig , for Graycie or Rubie
    Baby shark, for Graycie or Rubie
    Anything Princess, (Disney), for Faye
    Cars/trucks, for Ashley
    Baby outfit for Kian
    Hair scrunches and items of make up for Lillie to use when she dose her baton twirling competitions.

    Whilst talking about Lillie here is a picture of her dressed for her baton
    Will find the one of her with her medals and trophy later. But hope you like this one.

    Have not caught up on all your posts but will do and hopefully will post again tomorrow it depends on what tomorrow brings.

    By taking time to pull myself out of my previous mood of being very low and fed up with everything, and no real interest in things. I find I am doing it without the aid of medication this time which I am proud of myself for doing so.
    So slowly dose it is working.

    We did have a bit of sad news last Sunday as eldest daughters elderly dog had to be put to sleep as his kidneys were closing down due basically to old age he was 17 doggie years old obviously everyone was very sad. He was a big sofftie he was a staff like our Snowie if you are on Fb you may have seen lots of photos of him his name was Chino put on by the family.

    Well I have written enough for now so I will know go for a little potter and make a cup of tea. Love and sparkles to you all

    t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 t4591 guess what, it's t111055 t111055 We have our own mini climate here in the Ribble Valley - all to do with the magic from Pendle Hill. Well, that's my theory. t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara - that is great news about Gdad, he has come through ok and is being cared for on Intensive Care, while everything settles. Lots of drips, central line, drains, the works. Amazing how soon they start to take them out.
    He will be pretty sleepy with his morphine pump.

    I would be just the same, panic would not even come close.........I would need a mallet. Bless him. Our thoughts and prayers continue for his recovery. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591


    Don't worry about remembering the goodies, just eat them all up :)

    Glad I made you chuckle :lol::lol: I think I am Arthur at the moment, but, that can change at any time :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    We had an inkling that Beth had finished, but wanted to ask, just in case.
    Not sure why she didn't work any notice? Just one of those things. Her parents go to the GC, so we might well see her at some point. The Beth special is now the "stack", at least the yummy tradition carries on :)

    Dad was a little brighter when B went this evening, with his pills. The Drs rang and he has an appointment for this morning - I guess the Dr will want another run of bloods doing, to check his full blood count again. He was just so exhausted from going round part of Sainsb and it is only a small supermarket.

    Oh Mr B, one day we will all turn up for chips, any excuse for chippies - soul food, with thick buttered bread, mayo and some tom sauce - bliss.

    Ears are fine, I can stand them ice cold, as long as my hair is kept short :)

    Glad you were able to have a meal out with your GD and GF, before they head back to London. I hope they can bring more news, after visiting Gdad. Safe journey back down, with Dad.

    Of course it is you Carol, lovely to see you and hopefully all the hugs and sparkles are helping :)

    Good to hear that you are feeling a lot better. t4591 No point trying to rush these things. Taking time out for a daily chill, is a great idea. As for time, well, it vanishes so quickly. I swear each year is getting shorter and shorter :shock: :roll: :roll:

    (((()))) for getting rid of the ouchies, with all the rain that you have had. Strange how different weather, affects us all in totally opposite ways :? :roll: :roll:

    Christmas shopping - nooooo. Thankfully we get everyone vouchers of their choice, which is fine by us. The thoughts of having to buy presents, fills me with dread :shock: :shock:

    Looks like you are pretty well organised with regard all the little ones :) Mr T is now in charge of presents for the bigger peeples. (with a wee bit of supervision) :)
    Look at Lillie all dressed up, ready for baton twirling, very sparkly and glam t115006 t115006

    Sorry to hear about your eldest Daughters lovely doggy passing away. Poor Chino, he will be keeping an eye, over Rainbow Bridge t115006 t115006 Bless him.

    Hi Toni - hair is looking very nice indeed. Foils did the trick :) Sleek said Mummy was at the hare dresses :shock: :?

    I think, he says - that the levitating has stopped for the time being. Assuming that Sleek has mastered one of the spells in her new book. There was quite a deal of shrieking at siesta time, with sweets being munched and lots of discussion about which galaxy to go to. I am staying out of it - it is way beyond hoomans comprehension.

    Hope all are ok, Tia enjoying her new job and resisting taking all the doggies home with her t4591

    I know the cloak will be ready for us to be with Kath, at the Queens Med, for her rheumy appt. Scones are packed :) We should get from Dads appointment here, to Nottingham, in good time.

    Talking of time, it is fleeting and I should be moving. I have lit the fire, it is going to be chilly. It is very breezy, positively Wuthering :shock:


    Lots of love and sparkles to all - t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Cheesy Mushroom Omelettes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone. Just got to feed Charley's cat this morning then Kari is coming over :)

    Hmmm Aidan I wonder whether Dad does need that transfusion. He would immediately feel so much better ((()))

    So Beth did leave at least the 'stack' has stayed behind I suppose. Do ask her parents if you see them, just makes you wonder whether the GC is not such a nice place to work as to visit.....

    Thanks for the omelette I saw there were several left for Kath, but left extra mushies for her just in case.

    Thank you kind sir :wink: the foils were a bit rustly under the cloak good job it's sound-proofed!

    Yes Sleek has mastered levitation of everything. She can pick up a piece of dust through to Dudley :shock: yes Dudley :shock: She hasn't told me what next so I am waiting to see what :? Oh dear you had my kettle? Is the next spell moving stuff from place to place rather than just upwards????

    She is taking Mother over to visit Mrs Darcey when Kari comes here and has persuaded Rosie (Charley's cat) to come along too just for a little while. Mother will be very gentle and have a supportive chat apparently she understands catraphobia and has some meditation to try with her.

    The space cat outfit is ADORABLE!! I don't think Rosie will be ready to try it for a while though :wink:

    The cloak is ready again for today's jaunts yes we can do both no problem at all.

    there's some cranberry and carrot cake left too so will pack it :)

    Carol! Lovely to see you :)

    I am so glad to hear you are doing everything as normal and making sure you look after YOU! This is essential ((()))

    So far I have purchased a few pressies for Christmas, but not all of them. I think the girls just want money :roll: I have my first GT Niece to buy for and am quite exited! I was thinking baby shark too if no-one has beaten me to it!

    12th December will be here super-soon (I saw the first house decorated for Christmas yesterday :shock: ) so better crack on :)
    I love the picture of Lillie what a fabulous outfit I cannot believe how grown up she looks :shock:

    Barbara they would have sedated me too if I had to go through what GDad did! Bless him I am so glad to hear he is doing well. t4591 Sleek now wants to be an owpen hart serjen.

    We laughed so much on the ward on our drip stands! The kids loved it :lol: I survived 10 months on little or no sleep there so was mildly over-exited!!

    We can wait until Friday for our chips - what time do you need us?

    Best butter and super-soft thick white bread :):D bliss

    Glad the girls are getting a lift to London that is nice to know and you will see them just as soon as they can make it I'm sure ((())) for you.

    Oh Kath that poem the very last line! Wow! That's when I 'got it'! Beautiful thank you :)

    I am so glad the earmuffs worked Sleek is bringing the unicorn eye mask too today under the cloak for your appointment. She loves Nottingham and is looking forward to seeing anuver hostable.

    Loved the spaghetti thanks I don't expect any today you'll be busy but we have lots of cake and grab a couple of Aidan's omelette's while you can they are to die for!

    Joan you're right the house has changed a lot, but you know we've been here 3 years now :shock:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone
    . Kathleen I hope they help you at the hospital((((((()))))
    . Carol lovely photo good memories photo's(((((())))
    Barbara I will be thinking of everyone ((((())))) how is your tooth(((()))
    Aidan sorry about your aches and pains(((((())) your poor Dad I hope it settles soon(((((()))))
    . Toni those 3years have gone quick (((((((()))))))
    . Lexi is having a op this morning she has a abscess from a tooth
    take care love to Mig (((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - t4591 Fine, but pretty chilly out there today - a lazy wind, blowing millions of pine needles everywhere :roll: :roll:

    I hope Rosie puskin was waiting and pleased to see you, she is a little nervy, bless her.

    Hi Auntie Kari - waving to you, from up ere in t'north :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the cloak duties, it was SO busy in the Drs, they had a 40 minute wait to see the GP :shock: He has taken bloods and is racing them through, to get the results back this afternoon. If his full blood count is around 7, then he will admit him for a transfusion, if it is over that, then carry on with the iron tablets. Whichever way, he will ring and let us know what the FBC is.

    I hope Kath got on ok, I am suspecting some ouchies, so sending loads of extra (((()))) t4591 t4591 The cloak was whisking us up and down the country - I had a quick nip up to level D, to see my old training school and the wards, at Queens Med.

    I think all was ok at the Gc, all the staff seem really nice and the boss, he is very personable. Just one of those things, they didn't know she was going to leave :?

    I snook some extra mushrooms into Kaths omelette too, it was piled high :)

    Yes, we had your kettle, Mother soon sent it packing :lol::lol: what's THAT on my dressing table she said :lol::lol: Sleek has perfected the art of levitation, down to a grain of dust, very impressive.
    Sadly Mother is in a mood at the moment, everywhere has run out of gourmet savoury cake with chicken.......... :shock: :shock: Much shrieking. Daddy picked up a few tins of other flavours while he was out with Dad, does she like them, does she eck as like :roll: :roll: :roll:
    I have ordered dozens, from Pets at Home, to be delivered on or before Thursday and we hope that Sainsb will have re stocked when we go tomorrow. Oh she IS in a mood. Looking at the wall and totally unable to speak to us. :? :?

    Mother will have told Sleek and Mrs D, in graphic detail, about the lack of gourmet food :roll: :roll: I keep checking my feet, in case she turns them into trotters :shock: :shock: :? :?

    She was gentle when talking to Rosie, not wanting to alarm her. She does understand catraphobia and cast a spell of mindfulness over her t115006 t115006

    No, Rosie is not up to popping to the nearest galaxies at the moment. Small steps. The suits are wonderful :) I thought you would like them.

    You saw a house decorated for Christmas :shock: :shock: already - good grief.............

    Sleek did tell Mother that she wanted to be a kardy ologyst and she will be amazed at how big the Queens Med is, like a small town in itself :shock:

    Three years, since you moved in to your house, oh my days, where did that time go :o:o:o

    Hi Barbara - I hope you are all ok and Gdad is recovering. He will be more ouchy today, hanging on to his pillow, when he needs to cough, with the physio's hounding you every five minutes, to practice deep breathing :roll: Sending him lots of love and (((()))) - gentle ones of course. t4591 t4591
    The same to all of you, as always. How is your Brother, did you say he was back at the hospital for another round of chemo this week?

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both keeping nice and warm, with the heating doing what is should do, finally. I hope Lexi is ok, with her tooth abscess and the operation went ok t4591 t4591 t4591

    Don't worry about my aching bones and joints. That's how it is and we all have to take our meds and hope for the best. I keep pottering along.
    Hope your ankle is not too painful ((((())))) Love to both t4591

    Kath - I hope you are as ok as possible. Shattered after your visit to the QMC. Some sparkles will be in your chair and in your slippers t115006 t115006 Did the rheumy advise anything different, treatment wise?
    Don't worry about feeding us, I will get a big cake for us all. Take lots of care ((((())))) t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok and your Daughter too (((()))) t4591 t4591

    Stay safe this Bonfire Night, all puskins and doggies safe inside, with the tv on loud.


    Remember, remember the fifth of November,
    Gunpowder treason and plot.
    We see no reason
    Why gunpowder treason
    Should ever be forgot!

    Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
    To blow up king and parliament.
    Three score barrels were laid below
    To prove old England's overthrow.

    By god's mercy he was catch'd
    With a darkened lantern and burning match.
    So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
    Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

    And what shall we do with him? :? :? :? (it wasn't a happy ending).

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all - will pop back later t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    I made a bonfire cake, hope there is enough chocolate :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).